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Has anyone had much success with USPW?! I really want to use another SE company in the states so I can't somehow try to combat the SWF, however, the one time I tried with them I pretty much declared the company "a lost cause". Sure you've got Sam Strong & Bruce the Giant to carry the company, but past that... There is an extreme lack of talent. On top of that, There really aren't a lot of indy workers who can "fit into their style", and the ones that can are hardly over... So I just wanted to know if anyone has had success with them! Thanks!
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In my first year with USPW I've got them from 50 over across the US to 60 over across the US. While you will almost inevitably lose your TV deal at the start of Feb, you can get a new one on a smaller network when the next season starts so no real loss as the time spent off TV is excellent to help find some good chemistry combinations and revamp the roster. USPW are [i]extremely[/i] difficult at first and a D+ show is pretty decent, specially as Devine and Datsun are stolen early on normally. But there are lots of talented people you can bring in. Guys like William Hayes, Steve Flash and The Natural spring to mind as people who fit in. In my game, Jack Griffith signed with me and stuck with me too as has Jungle Jack and they have turned into my most reliable workers as they have great chemistry together. And a major upside that many people forget about... Bruce the Giant. He may not be hugely talented, but his overness is amazing. DON'T JOB HIM OUT! Your not very over guys will improve in overness just by wrestling him even if they lose. I'm not certain if it filters down the way by card position or overness, but losing to Bruce in my game now (He's still B+ over after a year) can get people up to D+ overness. With the right talents, that can do incredible things for your roster. And of course, the inevitable roster cuts from SWF and TCW can help too. Sign Valiant if you get the chance, he rules. :) Derek B
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Hey Derek, Did you have problems with Storylines in the begining?! USPW is at 70% so you have to have Storylines... However, I'm looking at the roster and trying to see who could actually put on a good storyline and I'm lost for words.. haha. Thanks for the info though, It's really making me want to book for USPW. So are you at a Cult level right now?! Since you were able to build 10% difference in your overness? Tony
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You don't need a lot of stories two or three stories will do. So do one big story with Bruce and Someone you want to grow, do one with the tag champs and one other team and one for the National title. Anyone who isn't involved in any stories is used to job to those in stories or beat eachother in filler matches.
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Go look at J Silver's diary (can't miss it, it's pinned to the top of the forum) for ideas. I like the way he went outside the box with it instead of using the same old formula. The last time I tried USPW, I pretty much remade the entire promotion and derek's advice is wise. Bruce can "make" your next generation, much like Terry Funk did in (real) ECW.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;229640]Go look at J Silver's diary (can't miss it, it's pinned to the top of the forum)[/QUOTE] Only until Adam decides what gets DOTM for March. Anyways, I'm sure alot of people are expecting me to reply, so let me not dissapoint. You can see [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21524"]my dynasty[/URL] to see most of these principles at work. Now that that cheap plug is out of the way, onto the advice. First off, DO NOT job out Bruce the Giant. Bruce is more over than most of the wrestlers in the US so remember that. Get as many working agreements as you possibly can. Bruce can be used to trade for pretty much anyone working for TCW, DAVE or NOTBPW so you can use some wrestlers that can, you know, actually wrestle. Second, the only 2 wrestlers on your default roster that can have a good match are Devine and Datsun. Do whatever you can not to lose them. There are enough indy guys that fit your style, you're probably just wanting too much from them. Remember, workers get better over time. Derek had some good choices for signings and if I could reccomend a few more add Grandmaster Phunk (Old, but can still go and good on the mic to boot), Davis Wayne Newton (When he debuts), JD Morgan (Should be able to get some good matches from him) and like Monkeypox said, raid DAVE. Even if a worker sucks, they can probably be brought in long enough to put over your guys. Third, change your womens wrestling setting to integrated. The women you can get are better than 90 % of your roster anyways. Fish, J-Ro, and Alicia Strong are pretty much musts, especially Alicia for obvious reasons. Fourth, shortlist all of the DAVE, TCW, SWF and NOTBPW guys. When you make it to cult you'll be damn glad you did. Human Arsenal would agree with me. And as a bit of 'No sh*t Sherlock' advice, don't expect good heat from any storylines right off the bat. That requires workers who can have entertaining segments and good matches. The starting roster cannot. Use Bruce in plenty of angles where he's rated on overness. Ya know, as opposed to entertainment since Bruces Australian marble-mouth gibberish ain't gonna cut it. A hype angle with an entertaining worker can do you well when you remember that an angle 5 minutes or more counts towards your final grade, a workers overness and their momentum. I was able to get angles between Datsun and Bruce into the B range easily from the start. So to summarize, it takes time, but it is possible. You just have to gradually integrate the new blood into USPW and soon you'll be putting on slightly less half-assed cards than the last booking team did.:D
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Thanks soo much to everyone who commented (Especially the genious that is J-Silver. hah) I'm thinking I may take the chance and see what I can do with USPW. I'm guessing it's going to take a long long time inwhich to get something "decent" out of them, but at the same time it could end up being a great feeling actually developing a company. With bringing female workers into the company, Can I just create a Women's Division? Or should I have them wrestle against everyone on the roster? Thanks!!
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[QUOTE=Zobeto227;229689]I'm guessing it's going to take a long long time inwhich to get something "decent" out of them,[/QUOTE] In real estate the term is "Handyman's Dream." [QUOTE]but at the same time it could end up being a great feeling actually developing a company.[/QUOTE] Painting the Mona Lisa with an 8 pack of crayons would do that. [QUOTE]With bringing female workers into the company, Can I just create a Women's Division? Or should I have them wrestle against everyone on the roster?[/QUOTE] You could. They'd still be better than about 90% of the men on your roster, but you could.
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[QUOTE=Zobeto227;229689]With bringing female workers into the company, Can I just create a Women's Division? Or should I have them wrestle against everyone on the roster? Thanks!![/QUOTE] No division. As J Silver astutely pointed out, many (if not most) of the women you'd sign are better than most of your roster in the ring. You want to be able to use them to advance your promotion as a whole. Imagine would would happen if you segregate them to a division....and they produce better matches than anything on the card besides possibly the main event. Would make the other matches look even worse, I'd say. Seriously, look at J Silver's diary. Several of his top rated matches included women against men (and a few of those were dark matches). Imagine how his storylines would've gone with no Muffin or Wanda Fish. If you're running USPW, you want talent. Doesn't matter what they have or don't have in their pants. It's what they can do between the ropes that matters. And yes, I do realize that I'm biased. :p
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[QUOTE=Remianen;229717] And yes, I do realize that I'm biased. :p[/QUOTE] I was gonna say... Take his posts on women's wrestling with a grain of salt ;) But here he's right. They are much better than the workers than who is on your roster currently.
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[QUOTE=J Silver;229664]Second, the only 2 wrestlers on your default roster that can have a good match are Devine and Datsun. Do whatever you can not to lose them. There are enough indy guys that fit your style, you're probably just wanting too much from them. Remember, workers get better over time. Derek had some good choices for signings and if I could reccomend a few more add Grandmaster Phunk (Old, but can still go and good on the mic to boot), Davis Wayne Newton (When he debuts), JD Morgan (Should be able to get some good matches from him) and like Monkeypox said, raid DAVE. Even if a worker sucks, they can probably be brought in long enough to put over your guys.[/QUOTE] I guess I forgot to mention that I'm in an alternate universe USPW where apparantly USPW isn't allowed to hire anyone with less than C- resilience or over 35 years of age. I mean.... seriously! :p And of course, my fellow human player has managed to successfully make TCW huge and has an incredible roster. But even missing out on a lot of big names and almost all the young talent, USPW can thrive on what is left. My top 7 workers after a year were: Bruce the Giant (A) Steve Flash (B+) Jack Griffith (B) Jungle Jack (B) Kaos aka Larry Wood (B-) Joe Sexy (B-) Haruki Kudo (C+) - he's actually retired and quit BHOTWG. But he's got a minimum of C+ overness in the US thanks to his A* overness in Japan. So I'm using him to... help my new stars. I've got a few more guys in the C/C+ range including American Buffalo, William Hayes and Joss Thompson. Enygma is also getting a push back up there after SWF and TCW savaged his popularity. And Koshiro Ino is moving on up the card. Oh... and Rick Law too. All in all, USPW is packing a mighty fine roster, far better than I would've thought and has B- shows on a regular basis. I've taken advantage of my chemistry between a few workers... very liberally. Jungle Jack vs Jack Griffith carried me from March to September really while I built up my other guys. But thanks to Kudo and a few booking tricks that I've spotted in the game, everyone has gotten over nicely.... only Sam Strong seems to have lost and he's still A over. Initially, I did make a few changes to the USPW product, only using the official editor mind you. I changed the match ratio to 80% but I still book about 25% angles anyway. I'm just not good at remembering to use storylines. And I upped a few things from "none" to "low" in the product settings while moving the intensity and danger up to about... 20 and 10. Super intense USPW! :D Last bit of advice... Crippler Ray Kingman. Sign him. Now. Derek B
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Guest .SVA
Inspired me as well. But I wondered, is there any way to even make succes with the start roster?
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[QUOTE=.SVA;230509]Inspired me as well. But I wondered, is there any way to even make succes with the start roster?[/QUOTE] from several games that I have run out to about 4-5 yrs I usually see Mick Muscles, Danny Rushmore and T-Rex usually hit high overness levels. You can use them as thebasis of your future growth, but no one, outside of Devine and Datsun, have good ring skills , so you will need to get some workers with great performance skills to get good matches out of anyone else. I haven't seen if nicky champion or the "new " patrick cool can be built into future stars yet.
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Guest .SVA
Well, for now it is going fairly well. Although I am only two weeks into the game I have already plotted a working agreement between me and TCW; just in time as TCW just made an offer to Freddie Datsun. Sadly, Darryl Devine has been taken by the SWF but no love lost there as Datsun seems to be able to handle alot of things. After the advice given here, I'm having T-Rex and Bruce The Giant feuding and it seems to be working pretty well. I'm pretty sure that I can get okay ratings out of Rushmore and Muscles, just need to paired with the right opponents. My most recent show aired to a C- rating, after the main even of Liberty and T-Rex; taking advantage of the talent trade here.
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Yea, playing as USPW is kinda of like the "dark horse". You really have to do a lot to upgrade their performance as a company. For me, I tinkered with the product while in the game (and was blocked from doing certain things by Sam Strong).. Moved the intensity and danger ratings up to where SWF is, and so far have really tried to focus primarily on Sam Strong & Bruce the Giant... Creating an angle where it shows their closeness... Only for Bruce to turn on him and become a massive heel w/ Sam Strong trying to find the "next big thing" to come and take the title away from Bruce. I'm hoping it will generate some high ratings. On top of that, like others.. I've signed a working agreement with TCW and Dave. I'm excited for this, cause I want to trade with DAVE to get Samm Bach for a couple shows, and Art Reed. Ultimately, I'm loving this thread cause it's totally what I was looking for! It's helped me to see the fun in booking for USPW (as I tend to always book for DAVE, and have gotten kind of bored of it lately).
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I had a fun USPW diary going for a minute... a couple months ago. I have been considering bringing it back and don't forget one of the greatest things about USPW... Jim Force, and Giant Redwood!!! I am serious too... I know most people hate them cuz of their lack of talent but I seriously always try to push them.
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[QUOTE=Zobeto227;230777]Yea, playing as USPW is kinda of like the "dark horse". You really have to do a lot to upgrade their performance as a company. For me, I tinkered with the product while in the game (and was blocked from doing certain things by Sam Strong).. Moved the intensity and danger ratings up to where SWF is, and so far have really tried to focus primarily on Sam Strong & Bruce the Giant... Creating an angle where it shows their closeness... Only for Bruce to turn on him and become a massive heel w/ Sam Strong trying to find the "next big thing" to come and take the title away from Bruce. I'm hoping it will generate some high ratings. On top of that, like others.. I've signed a working agreement with TCW and Dave. I'm excited for this, cause I want to trade with DAVE to get Samm Bach for a couple shows, and Art Reed. Ultimately, I'm loving this thread cause it's totally what I was looking for! It's helped me to see the fun in booking for USPW (as I tend to always book for DAVE, and have gotten kind of bored of it lately).[/QUOTE] Ah man, that was the story I was going to use too (regarding Sam Strong and Bruce the Giant). Into February now. Fox (I use real world TV networks) cancelled our show and we now have a new show coming up on Turner South. January was very interesting. I made working agreements with CGC, NOTBPW, TCW, and DAVE in addition to the starting one with MAW. Brought in a slew of talent thanks to trading off Bruce, but Sam Strong actually saved the day for me. It was the night of the January PPV and I stupidly forgot to change it to Wednesday from Tuesday. Bruce, all the TCW talent, and a few others I'd traded to TCW were all absent from my show since they were being used by TCW that same night. I almost cancelled the show but then I had an idea. I had a storyline going where Eric Tyler had been hired to USPW (actually traded) and was mocking Sam Strong, claiming he was an over-rated chump. He attacked Strong only for Bruce to save the day. Come the night of the PPV, it was originally supposed to be Bruce vs Eric Tyler and Ricky Dale Johnson in a handicap match. Since Bruce and RDJ were gone though, Sam Strong saved the day. I had Eric challenge Strong, putting his USPW career on the line to get Strong in the ring. Strong accepted and won in a B+ match. Eric Tyler was then kayfabe fired (actually his last appearance). My point? Sam Strong is your friend. Use him. Bruce will eventually leave USPW. Strong will not. Have Strong constantly do angles, and don't be afraid to pull him out of retirement to fight on special occasions. He can still go and he can do wonders for your Overness.
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Incidentally, the first thing I did was fire every loser on a PPA contract from USPW, except Jim Force, the Lords of War, and the Demons of Rage. The Demons I'm keeping because they are super over and the Lords of War because I have a dearth of face teams at the moment. Force I kept only long enough to have him drop the belt to Jack Griffith in his debut match.
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So like many this thread made me start a little USPW game to try somethings out. First I fired Cheetah Boy, Lex Appeal and the guy who was formerly Patrick Cook. I'm also going to lose Devine anyday know. I hired Steve Flash, Des Davids, Dazzling Dave Diamond, The Insane Heat and Sayeed Ali. (I think I'm missing one but I'm not home to check) For my first show I only hada to stories going Lords of War versus Demons of Rage, both got wins on the first show to start of momentum and will lead to a dream match between the two. Also I'm doing the battle of the gaints, Bruce versus Redwood. Which had an opening bout between the two after REdwood challenged Bruce at the start of the show. New fueds include the making of a New Sneer Corp consisting Shane, T-Rex, The Insane Heat and The Towers of Power. And in the group they are split up into fueds. T-Rex w/ Shane Sneer will be taking on Freddie Datsun w/Simon Says (use character) in a battle of rich and privalged versus Everyman and his Fan manager. The battle of the Face Painted freaks The Insane Heat goes after Jim Force's National TItle. Lastly The Towers of Power will be challenged for their titles by the newly formed team of Des Davids and Steve Flash. With his A Psychology Flash can trian up all the younger folk more efficiently in tag team action.
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omg, so this thread totally made me want to go after Jungle Jack and bring him into USPW. So I did, since everyone seemed to be pretty high on him. When I brought him in I changed his pic to one without the headband and changed his gimmick to "Action Jackson". In one match, one match with Puerto Rican Power (Jack's popularity at a D, and PRP's at like a D-)... The overall rating was a C -. I was pretty happy with how it came out, and then went and checked out Jackson's popularity to see if it had shifted at all and it jumped from a D to a C -.... In one match! Holy crap! He's getting a HUGE push in my company, and within the next couple months will probably feud with the newly turned Bruce The Giant for the USPW World Title! Good call with Jungle Jack!
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