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***spoiler on wwe.com?!?!?!***


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Yeah, I think they had to spoil it. Most fans know Smackdown is taped on Friday, and whenever there is a title change fans need to know when it happens, not three days later. But I think that they maybe should not put it on the front page, and not give away the actual title change in a title of the article, just maybe say, BIG SMACKDOWN NEWS in the title, then link to the story.
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What, building up the ratings by announcing that this year's MITB was completely pointless and now The Undertaker has lost the gold to... Edge? Ugh. I don't understand the fascination with Edge as a main event heel. What I definitely don't understand is why Edge and Christian ever split up... it was then that I actually cared about their characters. Now they're both just... bleh.
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[QUOTE=Thomnipotent;232976]What, building up the ratings by announcing that this year's MITB was completely pointless and now The Undertaker has lost the gold to... Edge? Ugh. I don't understand the fascination with Edge as a main event heel. What I definitely don't understand is why Edge and Christian ever split up... it was then that I actually cared about their characters. Now they're both just... bleh.[/QUOTE] Actually, I think they are the same guy, lol... No? Well, they are both whiny wussy backstabbing, Kick a guy when he's down type of people... I can't stand either of them.... I could WRING THEIR NECKS!!! Wow... You know what that means? Means they are doing a good job, at least for me, lol.
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[QUOTE=Thomnipotent;232976]What, building up the ratings by announcing that this year's MITB was completely pointless and now The Undertaker has lost the gold to... Edge? Ugh. I don't understand the fascination with Edge as a main event heel. What I definitely don't understand is why Edge and Christian ever split up... it was then that I actually cared about their characters. Now they're both just... bleh.[/QUOTE] Wait..I'm not going to argue your opinion on Edge, that's a preference thing, but how exactly does this make MITB pointless? In storyline, they have hammered home the fact that Edge is an underhanded, conniving sleazy heel and he'd do anything to win a title; so he tricks Kennedy into losing the briefcase and then waits until Taker is not only exhausted from a cage match but attacked by Mark Henry [I]and then [/I]he pins him. It's essentially what he did last year..waiting for the perfect time to cash in his title match...and makes perfect sense from a storyline perspective.
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All hail Edge, on this day! As soon as I heard about the Edge/Kennedy match going to take place, I knew this would happen. And I love it! With Michaels taking time off and Edge on SD!, I now don't have any reason to sit through the other 90% of Raw which is almost invariably crap.
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[QUOTE=GDE71;233003]The only problem with the whole things is that we all knew about Mr. K and Takers injuries. If we didn't know that, this might have surprised us and had more Impact![/QUOTE] They can't keep the knowledge away from people that want it... The Majority of their watcher's have no insight whatsoever, outside of the "spoiler's" wwe might put up on their own. Even then, the majority of watcher's dont' go looking at WWE.com, and half don't even know how to use a computer, maybe more... So for the majority, it's going to be a total chaos, lol. For us, we detail everything out till no matter what happens, we don't like it, lol.
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I'm just saying if you didn't know Mr. K and Taker were injured then you would have been blindsided and this would have went over much more. Everyone here basically knew Mr. K was losing the briefcase(to whom was only question). Once that happend, everyone here basically knew that person would cash it in and win at SD. Therefore, we basically ruined two BIG events for ourselves.
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[QUOTE=GDE71;233016]I'm just saying if you didn't know Mr. K and Taker were injured then you would have been blindsided and this would have went over much more. Everyone here basically knew Mr. K was losing the briefcase(to whom was only question). Once that happend, everyone here basically knew that person would cash it in and win at SD. Therefore, we basically ruined two BIG events for ourselves.[/QUOTE] Exactly, lol. It's like finding out about a "surprise" birthday party for yourself, and now you know when and where, but how do you not spoil it for everyone else?
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;233008]Even then, the majority of watcher's dont' go looking at WWE.com, and half don't even know how to use a computer, maybe more...[/QUOTE] Okay, even though I'm by no means a fan of WWE, I think this is kinda offensive. Now, I realize that WWE's primary audience is the same as Britney Spears' fanbase (that is, "pop" and "mainstream" and such) but the above makes them seem stupid/ignorant/technologically inept and I don't think that's necessarily true. Mind you, I laughed like hell when I read it ("Computer? What is this thing and what's it do? YAY CENA!" :p) but still. It's like saying the majority of NASCAR's fans are inbred, sister humping rednecks. PCs and the Internet are mainstream now. My 67 year old mother can navigate the web effortlessly and my 74 year old father is addicted to IMing and text messaging while his 34 year old son always says, "Keep your text messages, just call me. You got the damn phone in yer hand already!" So saying half the WWE's fanbase is incapable of using a mainstream communication device makes 'em sound [B][I]really[/I][/B] bad. I'd imagine that's not your intent, chris. :p
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[QUOTE=Remianen;233031]Okay, even though I'm by no means a fan of WWE, I think this is kinda offensive. Now, I realize that WWE's primary audience is the same as Britney Spears' fanbase (that is, "pop" and "mainstream" and such) but the above makes them seem stupid/ignorant/technologically inept and I don't think that's necessarily true. Mind you, I laughed like hell when I read it ("Computer? What is this thing and what's it do? YAY CENA!" :p) but still. It's like saying the majority of NASCAR's fans are inbred, sister humping rednecks. PCs and the Internet are mainstream now. My 67 year old mother can navigate the web effortlessly and my 74 year old father is addicted to IMing and text messaging while his 34 year old son always says, "Keep your text messages, just call me. You got the damn phone in yer hand already!" So saying half the WWE's fanbase is incapable of using a mainstream communication device makes 'em sound [B][I]really[/I][/B] bad. I'd imagine that's not your intent, chris. :p[/QUOTE] Yes, that's exactly my intent.... To a point. Ok, let's look at it another way. I am in Florida.. They call themselves "Southern Georgia" down here. Now, don't get me wrong... I'm not saying that everyone that watch's wrestling is "Dumb".... In FACT... I don't even claim that someone that don't have a computer, or doesn't use one is dumb, actually, that's probably pretty smart at this point, as I find the computer to be just another form of entertainment on even a larger scale (for the most part). People that do know how to use computer's don't always get to use them at home either... Meaning, just because they don't have one doesn't necessarily mean they don't know how to use them... At my job alone, I know of at least 6 people that don't have home computer's, but their job has something to do with a computer, lol. Anyways, I am doing this more on "where most the fan's live" and where they are as far as "Current" goes. First off, most the people "down here" are just now figuring out that a computer can be benificial, and either the price being so much lower (My 10 year old computer costs more then most the top of the line one's do now.... believe it or not. I think I payed close to 3k for my first computer, I just bought one that 20 times better for under 500-for my son). The people at my work only use it for Email, and maybe two actually play games on it. I would say out of 100 people (with computers), only about 20 of them actually know the difference between browsing the internet and browsing their folder's, and I'm not joking. This area is probably the hottest for wrestling fans (The South)... I'm guessing, but It sure seems like everyone knows their wrestling around me... And alot of them believe it's real still, lol. I understand, and appreciate what your saying, but truly... You have what would be called the "silver spoon" thing going, as compared with the "Good 'ole Boys" down here. There is nothing wrong with that, and I am not insinuating that you didn't earn it, or come above a less fortunate livelihood to get there... Just saying, what your looking at and what I am is two different things here. THese guys still talk about making their own "Moonshine", they make their own Beer, etc.. You have to understand I live in "The Duke's of Hazzard" and believe it or not... It's real (unfortunately). People really act, talk, and do things like that in real life. I'm from Cleveland Ohio... Believe me, I understand where your coming from. However, I've been in the mountains of Kentucky, visited Georgia, I know of people still trying to "Live off the land". From Texas to California, from New Orleans to Jacksonville... You have to realise there are place's called Bluntstown that have only one cable company (or none), one red light, and if you blink you miss a town of a population alot higher then you would think. These people know their wrestling, but if you ask them to send you a fax, they think it's some sort of new way to say you want some information. Nascar and wrastlin', that's what they can talk to you about... Anyways, I'm not saying that WWE fans are dumb, or wrestling fans are... But you have to realise that the few thousand or so you might come accross on the internet is but very low percentage of what's out there... Most these place's are filled with actual wrestler's, or they intend on being involved in the industry in some form. Bah... Just saying that not even half the planet period, is involved in computers. My parents, your parents, my grandfather had one too... but it's not like the TV yet... Everyone doesn't have, nor do they feel they need one.
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