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So, What Are You Reading? (REDUX)

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This is a rehash of the topic posted by Oldschool just over six months ago. Given the (seemingly) massive influx of dynasties/diaries in the last couple of months, I thought I'd resurrect this thread. Also I've noticed a few people posting about lack of feedback or getting disheartened due to thinking no one is reading their stuff (I keep saying this, but don't forget the view count people), but anyway, I thought this might be interesting and give a little encouragement to people. So as the title basically says, dynasty/diary-wise... what are you reading or have you reading lately? I tend to give a majority or dynasties at least a couple of looks, but here are mine (in no particular order)... [B]The Death of WCW? (Tristram)[/B] - I was reading this six months ago and sadly it has only recently reached its conclusion with Bash at the Beach. Tristram did an amazing job taking the ailing WCW by the scruff of the neck and booking it to a point it was so dominant, he lost the hunger to continue (amongst other factors). I've enjoyed this saga a ton, including Kanyon getting the kind of push he could only dream of as well as the Undertaker's shocking defection. Major props all round to you Tristram and really, if you've never followed this dynasty, I highly reccommend giving it a look... you'll be hooked soon enough. [B]Mark Cuban Does DaVE! (Monkeypox)[/B] - Unbelievably humorous (the from straight out of left field kind) yet well written enough to be emotionally drawing and at times quite sombre. I guess the best examples of how well pox captures the reader in both states are the segments covering the latest patch and the wrathful diety that is Adam Ryland... to Steve Flash's life-changing injury. Simply amazing characterisation of literally the whole cast, including Cuban himself and his ideas for DaVE. [B]USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free (J Silver)[/B] - Very funny, very disturbing and very good. I think that sums this up best. J Silver has worked a minor miracle in getting the USPW to pump out B rated shows that even include A-rated matches. You want a pregnant Peter Valentine? No? Oh... [B]Pride. Glory. Honor. Wrestling. (gbasalmon)[/B] - This is pinned to the top of the forum for a reason. It really captures the essence of Japanese wrestling well... superb match write-ups. [B]The Faces of Force: JIM FORCE! (Actarus)[/B] - I think everyone knows what this is about... FEEL THE FOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRCCCCEEEE!!1!1!11!!1! (ahem). Everyone's favourite resident power and paint psycho takes control of his own promotion and amazing manages to keep a crowd coming back each week. Like J Silver's dynasty, funny, yet also disturbing... great merchandise though. [B]Antitrust - The End of a Monopoly (Jehovah)[/B] - Again, one of favorites though currently on hiatus. A great backstory provides the reasons behind the creation of SCAR, basically a second SWF brand that Richie Eisen is forced into opening and intends to see fail. Strong shows, good angles as originals like Jack Bruce and Remo help the promotion rise and rise. [B]From Coastal to Global? (JonnyV1 )[/B] - Only just started following this, CZCW with a revamped roster, seems promising. [B]WWF - War (tommytomlin)[/B] - Tommy gets feedback by the bucketload for this as it is and whilst booking the Invasion period better than the WWE did isn't hard, this has got off to a very hot start. [B]Southern Championship Class Wrestling: A New Sneer Corporation? (.SVA)[/B] - Reborn CVerse promotion featuring some rather underused CVerse characters as some of the story's main players. Again, early days in this yet, but looking good so far. [B]WKC - The Ayatollah Returns (Sensai of Mattitude)[/B] - Jerich-a-holics everywhere should embrace this dynasty to their bussom. Y2J and Lance Storm are a good combination in charge, and I like the promising roster (though lacking starpower) which includes the likes of Teddy Hart and Brent Albright... both who I rate highly when playing real world games. I've got a few more to add, but I thought I might as well get the ball rolling.
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[B]Pride. Glory. Honor. Wrestling. (gbasalmon)[/B] This one has really piqued my interest- I love the booking and the match writeups. Not only do I keep up with it, I might start up a game with PGHW when I finish with the '75 mod. (Or autoclick my mod up to the 90's and start with PGHW from the very beginning. :D )
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Three that have cropped up recently (outside of tons' that have been ongoing)... There is two Sci/Fi diary's, and of course Tommy Tomlin's. I also like Doc's so far, with WCW, although I hate WCW for some reason.. There is a ton of them in here though, that are well worth the reads. Right now, there is a sort of "JIM FORCE" month going on, giving a bit of homage to "The Faces of Force: JIM FORCE!" by Actarus. I am really digging going into diary's I haven't had a chance to read up on, and see how they get him in it. That DOTT one is kick butt!! Oh, Anything with DOTT is kick butt. I like the way people use character's I grew up on. Sometime's I feel as though I'm seeing it instead of reading it, great stuff!
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;234644]when you guys import Jim Force is it with the same popularity?[/QUOTE] I'm not sure... But I would think it is... as if he's in an angle or a match he always sucks.. It's really funny though, the DOTT one has him at like 6 year's old, saying all that force stuff, and talking to that VIXXEN that is strong with the FORCEEEE!! Anyways, I believe they are, from what they get as far as a grade when he is really used. DOTT is far to early in history for him, but it's going to be fun if he actually grows up there.
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I am currently enjoying the one BerrySi is doing... WWE: The Excess from the Extreme (Think thats the title): Its very graphically appealing and he adds in little touches that make you want to read it more and more! Also this Florida Wrestling Syndicate thing going on is pretty funny so far... wink wink
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;234643] I am really digging going into diary's I haven't had a chance to read up on, and see how they get him in it. That DOTT one is kick butt!! Oh, Anything with DOTT is kick butt. I like the way people use character's I grew up on. Sometime's I feel as though I'm seeing it instead of reading it, great stuff![/QUOTE] [QUOTE=djthefunkchris;234646] It's really funny though, the DOTT one has him at like 6 year's old, saying all that force stuff, and talking to that VIXXEN that is strong with the FORCEEEE!! DOTT is far to early in history for him, but it's going to be fun if he actually grows up there.[/QUOTE] Just for the record, that's [COLOR="Blue"]Battlelines have been drawn...... [/COLOR] [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20515[/url] I hate to put in a cheap plug, but since you mentioned it in two seperate posts on here, I thought it would be okay. Little Kevin Petterson(aka Jim Force) is 9. Haven't thought much about him growing up in the diary. But I guess I would be open to anything? I mainly placed him there when Monkeypox declared it Jim Force month. It also served as a distraction for myself after the month long contest for Real World DOTM between myself and keefmoon. Sort of a chance to recharge the batteries, before I plunge head long back into Battlelines. I have some big storylines planned, so those of you that have been reading, I ask for patience. Real life has tried to get in the way the last couple of weeks.
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But to answer the question that the post asks: [B]The Death of the WCW? by tristram [/B] Maybe my favorite of all time (sorry keef.) Great vision by a great story teller. [B]World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal to Attitude by keefmoon [/B] It truly saddens me that my two favorite real world diaries may have came to an end in the same week. But like right on cue two more promising ones popped up. [B]WWF-WAR by tommytomlin[/B] is off to a great start. Showing Vince how the invasion should have been handled. [B]WCW:1993 and Beyond by DocStevens[/B] shows lots of promise. As far as C-Verse : [B]USPW:Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free by J Silver[/B] is absolutely hilarious. Great read. [B]Mark Cuban Does Dave! by Monkeypox [/B] Great idea and very well written. [B]Antitrust-The End of A Monopoly by Jehovah[/B] Started about the same time as mine. Love the idea. And one that doesn't get alot of play for some reason by is a interesting idea and I enjoy: [B]Generations by Wallbanger [/B] And anything by shipshirt and scapino1974........ Man no wonder I don't have time to post on my own.........
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I always check to see if there's any updates with Tigerkenney's BHOTWG, Shipshirt's MAW, Eayragt's FWE, and I'll be keeping a close eye on .SVA's SCCW (heck, I created the logo :)). Basically anything C-Verse I'll take a look at...
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I pretty much only read the Cornellverse stuff, no offence to the real world ones...I'm sure they are well written....it's more limiting what I have to follow, so I have a life outside of TEW2007 and these boards :D [B]My main reads are:[/B] [I]Mark Cuban Does Dave- Monkeypox[/I] USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get In Free- J Silver [I]Hollyweird Grappling Company: Revenge of the Nerd- Sebsplex[/I] [I]Journeyman- Derek B[/I] [I]The Faces of Jim Force- Actarus[/I] Pride.Glory.Honor.Wrestling- [I]gbasalmon[/I] I normally find I end following what gets pinned, because it's usually pinned for a reason. Wouldn't be at all surprised if Sebsplex is the next to get pinned, the effort put into that both in terms of both write-up quality and presentation is top notch.
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A couple more I missed first time around. [B]WWE eXcess - The Evolution From The Extreme (berrysi)[/B] - I too am enjoying this dynasty. It's a nice twist on what's happened to the ECW brand since it's inception and Vince remolding it into what he perceives the brand should be. Also as mentioned before, it's graphically easy on the eye. [B]KOKW:Game On (Marshall)[/B] - HHH does the dirty on Steph and ends up out on his ass... well not completely, he gets on the phone and gets a few of his old running buddies involved. This one seems to have been on the backburner a bit, but it's very enjoyable, well booked with an interesting concept. [B]Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer (Tigerkinney)[/B] - I've only just caught the tail end of this, but that was enough to make me want to catch up with the rest. [B]Global Wrestling Federation. Vince McMahon will pay! (Matt)[/B] - This doesn't seem to quite get the recognition it deserves, then again I guess you could say that about quite a few works here, but I've enjoyed following it on and off. There's probably more... :rolleyes:
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Many thanks, outlaw, for the mention! (It reminded me that I needed to get a post up, if nothing else :) ) Lots of my favorites have been mentioned already, but just to cover the bases: Mark Cuban does DAVE -- Monkeypox MWA - This Means War! -- scapino1974 Battle lines have been drawn... -- theoutlaw321 Hollywierd Grappling Company: Revenge of the Nerd -- sebsplex USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older get in for Free -- JSilver The Faces of Force: JIM FORCE! -- Actarus SOTBPW...Wrestling with a Twist -- mad5226 Actarus's MOSC diary (which has fallen out of the top 8 pages due to the FOOORCE consuming him, but is damn good) As you can see, I tend to be a C-Verse mark. I seem to have a hard time getting into real-world diaries, at least current era ones; I do a little better with DOTT-based diaries. Outlaw's premise for his backstory is fascinating, and his writing on the backstage politics is primarily what keeps me engaged.
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;234898]As you can see, I tend to be a C-Verse mark. [/QUOTE] Nothing wrong with that. I'll read just about anything that C-Verse and updated semi-regularly, and they're all written extremely well - it's always interesting to see the widely different direction that people take feds. And as a C-Verse diary with regular updates, I'm suprised that Welcome... to the Coastal Zone doesn't get more of a mention. I always like to what disasters infinitywpi is overcoming, and I'll jump right to it if it's been updated. Along with anything by JSliver, Scapino, shipshirt, mystic, Clarity, Mr Monkeypox, trypio (he's back!), sebsplex... there are others - James Casey and JonnyV1 are getting me over my dislike of wrestling user characters, Remi and Apupunchau reminding us how great women's wrestling can be, and even gbasalmon and Togerkenny getting me into the Japanese scene and the SOTBPW diary getting me into the Mexican scene! Jeez, I know that I've missed Antitrust from this list, so there are probably others too. Even if I haven't mentioned it - keep updated it, and I'll keep reading it. Congrats and thanks to everyone making the effort.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;234740] I normally find I end following what gets pinned, because it's usually pinned for a reason. Wouldn't be at all surprised if Sebsplex is the next to get pinned, the effort put into that both in terms of both write-up quality and presentation is top notch.[/QUOTE] It would be nice to see a Real World diary get pinned every month in addition to the C-Verse diary. Does anyone else agree? Maybe if we all PM Adam about it he will pin one for us! While C-Verse is awesome, I really prefer the Real World diaries and would love to see one highlighted every month.
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I believe Adam has said in the past that due to copyright reasons (or something like that), he can't pin the real world diaries since those are done with fan-created databases and aren't "officially" part of TEW2007. If he were to pin one of them, it would appear as if the real world data were officially part of the game and then the WWE, TNA, et al could sue him for infringing on their copyrights. It stinks, but it's the nature of the beast.
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I believe that Adam and GDS avoid pinning RL diaries because of copyright issues - WWE in particular could hassle them about 'using' 'their' characters, even if it was [I]us[/I] doing it. It's similar to why TEW can never ship with a RL database, and why the default database for Promotion Wars (a free game!) has TNA, ROH and CZW as the playable promotions... * Thanks to eayragt for his rec for my diary - hope you all will come and check it out :-) * My rec's are for shipshirt's awesome [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19454"]MAW: Back to Basics[/URL] and sebsplex's [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=22787"]HGC: Revenge of the Nerd[/URL]. JSilver's [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21524"]USPW[/URL] diary deserves all the plaudits that come its way as well, as does Jehovah's SWF split diary, [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19657"]Antitrust[/URL].
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Thanks to everyone who mentioned my MAW diary, I'm the same way with C-Verse diaries...you write it well and update and I check it out. James Casey's, Scapino, J Silver, Trypio, Sebplex, Jehovah, monkeypox, actarus, eayragt and mad5226's are all regular reads. I've just started delving into the C-Verse lucha and puro diaries as well. I don't really read the real world ones (apologies) probably for the same reason I can't really get into playing the real world mods. I like the freedom of the Cornellverse and seeing how different people use those characters and promotions. Having said that, I LOVE DOTT and have checked in on a lot of those diaries from time to time. I miss Ismaralitte's Black Saturday one.
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Seeing how I came up with the original thread on this topic and have been away for sometime and now back and finally following through with my own diary... My favorite reads are: [B]Wildfire's NWA return to glory:[/B] Simply the most addicting and compelling diary on these boards in my opinion and I'm glad to see he's back after a hiatus.... Will Always read a [B]Stallion TNA diary[/B] and it looks as if he's got some steam going with his latest version... I've read like several of [B]Chuck's[/B] diaries only to see him have issues of one sort or another and keeps starting over (Stick with something please, I enjoy your style ;-) [B]G-Primes WWE Rebirth[/B] has reached hall of fame status in my book! and [B]SHaynes23[/B] has a new WWE diary I've been following along with as of late as well...Though sometimes its hard to follow all 3 branches.. and as far as a nice independant feeling diary [B]Ghostdogg[/B] who had a great ECW back in the day has MLH that started nice...Hope he keeps it up
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[QUOTE=Oldschool;235188] [B]G-Primes WWE Rebirth[/B] has reached hall of fame status in my book! [/QUOTE] FINALLY I get a mention... Lol. I've been watching this thread, just waiting for someone, so I can post without having to do a cheap plug (Even though I'm soooooo good at them :P) Thanks for that Oldschool. Well, there's Wildfire's [B]NWA: Return To Glory[/B], glad to see him back. (Definately getting nominated this month ;)) Keefy's [B]WWF: Montreal to Aftermath[/B]... Assuming this still counts... :( I'm still about halfway through tristram's [B]Death of WCW[/B]... I'll finish it one day. Matt's [B]GWF: Vince McMahon Will Pay[/B], sebsy was right, it doesn't get the recognition it deserves, it's a great diary. And anything new on the boards, I give a look... Well, mostly just real world stuff... Not big on the C-Verse. And of course... *Drumroll* "The One And Only" G-Prime's masterpiece, winner of the GDS Diary Awards' Most Compelling Character 2006 for that horrible, horrible bastard, Edge... [B][COLOR="Red"]WWE: Rebirth[/COLOR][/B] Edit: Couldn't help it ;) Edit 2: At least I didn't link it this time.
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While I'm not able to post on many topics at the moment, the diaries I'm reading at the moment are... ECW Worldwide by Nevermore Battlelines by theoutlaw Rebirth by G-Prime Chaos Unleashed by panix Destiny Awaits by SHaynes WCW: 1993 & Beyond by DocStevens Samy style, new direction by sebsy USPW: Where Ages 65... by J Silver This Means War by Scapino Back To Basics by shipshirt My favourite always was DOWCW?, but worth checking out are From Montreal To Attitude and Clash Of The Titan Sports. There is one guy who writes in them both who is super talented and a really nice guy :p
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i agree Keefy, that Titans diary is the bomb! Glad your reading the sci-fi one, its just a side project, but im having fun with it! I myself am not reading that much atm, been keeping up with wrestlemaniacs TEWF diary (as should you all!) And i will read Keefmoon's KOTR card as his is a fave diary of mine, i also look at Nevermores ECW diary when i get the chance, bu havb't read it much sincce the fire-match was anounced.
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