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S2W: A Midlife Crisis

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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W & The Ministry PRESENT[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Demolition[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Saturday, Week 1, December 2010[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Rob Miskovsky, the voice of S2W. As Demolition goes up, we have some footage to show you shot just a few minutes ago. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Oh, I love this part. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Unknown.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Hugh de Aske.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange]Hugh is showing up to the Ministry, walking on a sidewalk outside. Surprisingly, he's not in his pirate getup, but instead is dressed quite stylishly. He stops to talk to some fans waiting outside in the show, when our Mystery Man(tm) quite literally jumps out of the bushes and attacks him. This time, it's not security who chases off the attacker, but the fans, swarming around Hugh to protect him from further harm.[/color] [i](E)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: Despite that attack, Hugh has insisted he's capable of fighting. Saul Stewart: And I insisted that he honor his contract. RM: So that match is coming to you, right now! [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Hugh de Aske.jpg[/IMG]#6 Hugh de Aske -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Geoff Borne.jpg[/IMG]#9 Geoff Borne [/b] Hugh walks in selling the injuries from the attack, while Borne comes in completely confident. The confidence is erased quickly, however, as even injured, the fresh new Hugh is able to take over the match completely by around the eight minute mark. Borne goes for the Borne Again out of desperation, but it is countered into a Cut-Throat Driver. [i]Hugh de Aske in 9:58 by Cut-Throat Driver Pinfall (D+)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]Al Coleman: It's been a while since I've come out and talked to the fans, or my opponents, or really anyone. So I figured it was time. After all, what is S2W without me? I am the first and last champion of S2W. And tonight, when I destroy the upstart K-Squared in the ring, I prove once and for all that I am the greatest to ever step into this ring. Tonight, I show just why I am the only one who deserves to hold this belt. I have held onto the strap for over a full year, and this will just make it official. The only champion in the year 2010. Soak it in, feel the power. Bask in my glory. That's all you'll ever manage to do. So let's get this thing started so I can go home and make my plans for the new year. [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_Champion.jpg[/IMG] for the S2W Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]#1 Al Coleman (Champion) -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG]#7 K-Squared [/b] An excellent match by most (of our) standards, these two put on a great show. Squared showed why he deserved a shot, while Coleman showed just why he was the champion. In the end, though, it was even a clean finish for the champ, who knocked off yet another challenger. [i]Al Coleman in 9:05 by Pinfall (D)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W Champion, Al Coleman (7)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: That's all we've got time for tonight, everyone. Be sure to watch our website for news on the Anniversary Tournament! Saul Stewart: The most wonderful time of the year. Rob Miskovsky: We'll see you all next month. I'm Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Hugh de Aske over Geoff Borne (D+) Al Coleman over K-Squared (D) to retain the S2W Championship [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] We got a few more this month, as our gate count went back above the 800 mark, for a final total of 819. Oh, and long title reigns? Yeah, I like them, sometimes. Coleman did break his own record for longest reign in this streak, though, and has now been champion for exactly half of our existance. Final Rating: D [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] I missed recording them this time...My guess is Popularity to 26.9 and Prestige to 16.5. But next month will get a 2-month jump.
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It's that time of year again, when we take a look at the best the wrestling business has to offer. We start off with the general superlatives this year, which is mostly dominated by one promotion. Total Championship Wrestling. Tommy Cornell's brainchild has done some amazing things this year, improving dramatically in all areas of its game. This is why they have earned the Most Improved Promotion spot this year. More than that, however, what they've done has showed just what can be done inside a wrestling ring. They were the act to follow this year, and we guess will be for years to come. For that, we name TCW the Promotion of the Year as well. And finally, one of TCW's own put on such good shows this year, the man we loved to watch. The Wrestler of the Year this year goes to TCW's Sean McFly! Other workers of note this year, we have to note the retired Haruki Kudo. His final months in the ring were some of his best work, and for that, we name him as the Veteran Wrestler of the Year. Fellow Japanese worker Sensational Ogiwara showed us once again just what it means to be a female wrestler, winning yet another Female Wrestler of the Year award. And finally, we know the father, now meet the son. Jay Chord showed us that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and is named the Young Wrestler of the Year. Matches, you want matches? Well, if you want good shows and good matches, there's one place to turn (that isn't TCW, that is). Where is that? North of the Border, of course, where the Stones put on awesome show after awesome show. Two in particular stood out this year, as at Grappling Glory, Jeremy Stone defeated Dan Stone Jr in what was definitely the Match of the Year. And only three months later, the same place saw the Art of Fighting, without a doubt the best card of the year. Now that we've gotten those out of the way, why don't we get into the individual promotion awards. ... Now it's time for Saul Stewart Wrestling, otherwise known as S2W. They brought in some new talent this year, and in our opinion that was one of the best things they could have done. For starters, Hugh de Aske, the pirate, showed up late last year. This year in S2W has been some great stuff from him, and we look forward to his continued work in the ring. For that, we name him as S2W's Wrestler of the Year. We do, however, have to give honorable mentions to a couple others, stalwarts of S2W, K-Squared and Al Coleman, both of whom had quite enjoyable programs throughout the course of the year. With only twelve shows to choose from, picking a card of the year for S2W might be a little tough, but this year we've picked (for the second time in four years) Fame and Fortune. Why? Well, it was a decent show, highlighted by a four-man matchup for the S2W Championship. But more, because it started S2W's recent hot streak, as suddenly they started selling out the Weston Gymnasium at every show. It didn't take long for them to realize they needed a bigger building, and it was all thanks to this show. Finally, the best match the fledgeling promotion put on? Frankly, we're surprised you have to ask. There was only one match that even merited a mention in the Match of the Year list. Wrestler of the Year Hugh de Aske taking on the debuting KC Glenn at Spook Show. While certainly not up to the standards of some of the bigger promotions, this was without a doubt the best match that the S2W ring has seen in a long time, if not ever. We can only hope for big things in the future from these two.
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[b]Newsbites[/b] The Canadian Womens Wrestling Federation has been recognized as the newest regional promotion. [b]S2W Preview[/b] [B]Rankings January 2011[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG] 1: Al Coleman (0) 2: Titan (0) 4: Harry Wilson (0) 5: KC Glenn (0) 6: Hugh De Aske (0) 7: K-Squared (0) 8: ????????????? (0) 9: Geoff Borne (0) 10: Kashmir Singh (0) 11: Tempest Appleby (0) 13: Crockett Tubbs (0) 14: Alan Parent (0) 15: Nigel Svensson (0) 16: Jack Sanders (0) 17: Edward Cornell (0) [B]S2W Champion[/B] Al Coleman [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_Champion.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Raising the Roof[/CENTER] Despite Saul Stewart's attempt to get our Mystery Man(tm) into the Anniversary Tournament, we couldn't track him down, so he remains out of the running for now. This year, we have a stacked deck when it comes to determining who gets the called shot. 1: Hugh de Aske: The Wrestler of the Year has proven time and again that he can go. He looks to get another shot at the belt by winning this tournament. 2: KC Glenn: Rookie sensation, KC Glenn is currently 2-0 in S2W, and the crowd loves him. He gets the second seed mostly out of that alone. 3: K-Squared: Defending champ K-Squared looks to earn another shot at the S2W Champion. 4: Titan: Degenerate and big man, Titan will be tough to knock out. 5: Amber Allen: Amber makes her return in a big way, entering in as the fifth seed. 6: Geoff Borne: Geoff Borne has had a bit of bad luck lately, but hopes to turn that around this year. 7: Alan Parent: Speaking of bad luck... 8: Tempest Appleby: And finally, former champion Tempest Appleby, the only "Former" champ still in S2W, gets a pass into the eighth seed. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Picks[/b] [code] Hugh de Aske------ v |--------- Tempest Appleby--- | |--------- Amber Allen------- | | v |--------- | Titan------------- | |--------- K-Squared--------- | v |--------- | Geoff Borne------- | | |--------- Alan Parent------- | v |--------- KC Glenn---------- [/code] [/QUOTE] Predictions, comments, questions are always welcome.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W & The Ministry PRESENT[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Raising the Roof[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Saturday, Week 1, January 2011[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: It is time for the Anniversary Tournament! I'm Rob Miskovsky, the voice of S2W, with Saul Stewart as always, and this is Raising the Roof! [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: You know what I just realized? RM: What's that? SS: Every year thus far, one of the Degenerates has won the Anniversary Tournament. I wonder if we'll have our first two-time champion this year? All three men who've won are entered into the tournament. RM: It's a good possibility, but for now, it's time for our first match! [b]Match 1 Round 1 Matchup [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG]#7 K-Squared -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Geoff Borne.jpg[/IMG]#9 Geoff Borne [/b] An awkward bout; pretty much everyone involved was happy that it was the curtain jerker. Squared put on a show, and nearly had the match won, when Borne used a low blow and a handful of tights to claim the victory. [i]Geoff Borne in 9:34 by Pinfall (E+)[/i] [b]Match 2 Round 1 Matchup [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Hugh de Aske.jpg[/IMG]#6 Hugh de Aske -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Tempest Appleby.jpg[/IMG]#11 Tempest Appleby [/b] Compared to the first match, this one was quite enjoyable. Tempest Appleby showed a little bit of the fire that made him champion the first time around, obviously wanting another shot. But in the end, the second former tournament winner would fall to the Skull and Cross Bones. [i]Hugh de Aske in 6:42 by Skull and Cross Bones Pinfall (D+)[/i] [b]Match 3 Round 1 Matchup [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Titan.jpg[/IMG]#2 Titan -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Amber Allen.jpg[/IMG]Amber Allen [/b] Amber Allen was looking to make good on her re-debut in S2W, but unfortunately, she drew the big straw in the tournament, and was matched up with Titan. Undeterred, however, she went all out, using hit and run tactics and generally showing why she was a good fighter. It was for naught, as the patient Titan finally managed to grab her...and it was all over. [i]Titan in 6:28 by Titanic Choke Slam Pinfall (D-)[/i] [b]Match 4 Round 1 Matchup [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/KC Glenn.jpg[/IMG]#5 KC Glenn -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Alan Parent.jpg[/IMG]#14 Alan Parent [/b] Alan Parent did his best at keeping up, hoping to actually get a winning streak going, but would come up short. Still, it was a good match, and Parent acquitted himself well, while Glenn continued his winning streak. [i]KC Glenn in 8:45 by Tune up the Sunshine Band Pinfall (D+)[/i] [b]Match 5 Semi-Final Matchup [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Hugh de Aske.jpg[/IMG]#6 Hugh de Aske -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Titan.jpg[/IMG]#2 Titan [/b] Hugh has the better seeding in this tournament, but Titan has the better ranking in the top 20. Something would have to give, but neither man wanted to be the one to give it. These two put on one hell of a matchup, as Hugh carried Titan to the big man's best match ever. But once again, Hugh proved that he had Titan's number, countering a Titanic Choke Slam into a Cut-Throat Driver. [i]Hugh de Aske in 6:42 by Cut-Throat Driver Pinfall (C-)[/i] [b]Match 6 Semi-Final Matchup [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/KC Glenn.jpg[/IMG]#5 KC Glenn -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Geoff Borne.jpg[/IMG]#9 Geoff Borne [/b] Glenn started out the match chiding Borne about how he won the first match, and it seemed as though for a minute he was turning to ask for a microphone. But then Borne grabbed him for a rollup. Glenn kicked out, but the match was on in earnest. Borne continued to try to use underhanded tactics, and whenever he did, Glenn would chastise him before going back on the offensive. In the end, Borne tried to remove a turnbuckle, but when he turned around, BAM! [i]KC Glenn in 11:41 by Tune up the Sunshine Band Pinfall (D)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/KC Glenn.jpg[/IMG]KC Glenn: Hello, Ministry! Hello wrestling fans! And most importantly, a big hello to Hugh de Aske. My opponent in the finals of this wonderful little tournament. Yes, I've beat him once, but really, that doesn't matter. Any given month, right? Well, I'm sure it'll be a hell of a matchup, and I'm sure the better man will come out on top. Of course, I'm also relatively sure I'm the better man, so Hugh, whenever you're ready. They don't give me any rest time, so I'm anxious to get this thing going. [i](E+)[/i] [b]Match 7 For the S2W Anniversary Tournament Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Hugh de Aske.jpg[/IMG]#6 Hugh de Aske -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/KC Glenn.jpg[/IMG]#5 KC Glenn [/b] Yes, yes yes! This was an amazing matchup, and these two men put on a show I'll be talking about for months. Neither one left anything in the ring, and both men had completely exhausted their arsenal by the ten minute mark. After a desperate Hugh de Aske landed a Cut-Throat Driver on a counter of a DDT, both men were down and out as the referee started the count. At seven, neither man had gotten to their feet. At nine, Hugh was up, but on the ropes...and at ten, KC managed to land a kick... [i]KC Glenn in 13:55 by Tune up the Sunshine Band Pinfall (C-)[/i] [i]KC Glenn WINS the S2W Anniversary Tournament Championship[/i] [color=orange]After being announced the winner, Glenn celebrates a bit, before noticing Hugh getting to his feet. He goes over to his opponent, and after a moment, with a brief nod, both men shake hands and embrace.[/color] [i](E+)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/KC Glenn.jpg[/IMG]KC Glenn: I won, can you believe it? Five and Oh, I'm undefeated, and I'm the S2W Anniversary Champion! Now, this gives me a called shot any time I want it...and I want it next month at Barnstorm. Al Coleman, you and me, my winning streak against your title. Shine it up for me, champ. [i](E+)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: What a show tonight, folks. But we're out of time. I'm Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Geoff Borne over K-Squared (E+) Hugh de Aske over Tempest Appleby (D+) Titan over Amber Allen (D-) KC Glenn over Alan Parent (D+) Hugh de Aske over Titan (C-) KC Glenn over Geoff Borne (D) KC Glenn over Hugh de Aske (C-) to win the S2W Anniversary Tournament [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Hugh got me two C- matches, one of them out of Titan? Somebody give that man a raise. And more, we had a record crowd (888 people), and I've learned that Raising the Roof is now considered Above Average! (In fact, every show run this year gets that note...I like that). What a show. The final rating didn't come out as well as I'd hoped, but I think the two angles thrown in at the end might have had something to do with it. Final Rating: D+ [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Two months included in these gains, remember. Popularity in Tri-State to 27.5%. (+1.0%) Prestige to 16.6% (+0.2%)
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[b]Newsbites[/b] A pair of wrestler retirements deals a blow for the technical wrestlers in America. Both Sam Keith and Eric Tyler announced their retirement from active competition in seperate news conferences over the last week. [b]S2W Preview[/b] [B]Rankings February 2011[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG] 1: Al Coleman (0) 2: KC Glenn (+3) 3: Titan (-1) 4: Hugh De Aske (+2) 5: Harry Wilson (-1) 6: ????????????? (+2) 7: Geoff Borne (+2) 8: K-Squared (-1) 9: Amber Allen (NR) 10: Kashmir Singh (0) 11: Tempest Appleby (0) 12: Crockett Tubbs (+1) 13: Alan Parent (+1) 14: Jack Sanders (+2) 15: Edward Cornell (+2) [B]S2W Champion[/B] Al Coleman [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_Champion.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Barnstorm[/CENTER] KC Glenn won the Anniversary Tournament last month, but he's not waiting to cash in his called shot. This month, he turns in that contract for his match with Al Coleman with the S2W Championship on the line. Rumor has it that Glenn has managed to add a hidden stipulation into the contract as well...what that might be, we will only find out next month, even if it's true! Also, Harry Wilson and Geoff Borne face off in singles action.
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[color=green][i]Apparently somebody voted me a 1. That makes me a sad panda. Mainly because they didn't give any reason as for how they thought I could improve.[/i][/color] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W & The Ministry PRESENT[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Barnstorm[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Saturday, Week 1, February 2011[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: It's February, and you know what that means. Rob's got his "thing" going on, so I'm here alone. Barnstorm coming at you, with my favorite kind of matchup, undefeated run in S2W against the Championship belt. Everything is coming up roses. That being said, the tournament runner up is in the ring, and asking for his microphone to be turned on, so I guess I'd better shut up for now. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Hugh de Aske.jpg[/IMG]Hugh de Aske: It's true. I got beaten last month, and I commend KC on his thrilling victory. But that's not why I'm out here. You see, there's this rumor going around that KC added a little stipulation to his victory contract. Which isn't exactly true. Yeah, that stipulation was there, but it wasn't added because of him. So I just have one thing to say. KC, I want in. Give me that spot. I deserve it, and you know it. [i](D-)[/i] Saul Stewart: What the hell does that mean? Somebody get an intern to look at that contract for me. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG]#5 Harry Wilson -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Geoff Borne.jpg[/IMG]#7 Geoff Borne [/b] Borne was quickly back to his tricks from the tournament, looking for cheating opportunities. Unfortunately, Wilson was too smart for him, and managed to avoid most of them long enough to get the pin. [i]Harry Wilson in 8:21 by Pinfall (D-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Unknown.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange]You know the drill by now. Wilson celebrating his victory in the ring, when the Mystery Man(tm) arrives. This time, he was apparently hiding under the ring, and he pulls Wilson out feet first, then throws his skull into the turnbuckles on the outside of the ring. Just as security arrives, the MM gets out of dodge.[/color] [i](F+)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_Champion.jpg[/IMG] for the S2W Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]#1 Al Coleman (Champion) -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/KC Glenn.jpg[/IMG]#2 KC Glenn -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Hugh de Aske.jpg[/IMG]#4 Hugh de Aske [/b] Apparently, Saul informs us as this match begins, the hidden clause was the ability to add a third man to the matchup, and KC Glenn chose to accept Hugh's request. So this match is a Triple Threat for the S2W Championship! It's an awesome matchup, with numerous near falls usually stopped by the third man. The crowd is on their feet as Coleman gets distracted, and then taken out by a Tune up the Sunshine Band! Glenn and de Aske eye each other warily, and go after each other with abandon...and Hugh hits the Skull and Cross Bones! Cover...and Coleman comes in to make the save, no wait! He got tangled in the ropes! Coleman gets caught in the ropes and the match is over! [i]Hugh de Aske in 12:41 by Skull and Cross Bones Pinfall over KC Glenn (C-)[/i] [i]Winner and your NEW S2W Champion, Hugh de Aske (1x)[/i] Saul Stewart: Huh...well, that was unexpected. Good night everyone, I think I'm going to get an earful tonight. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Harry Wilson over Geoff Borne (D-) Hugh de Aske over Al Coleman and KC Glenn (C-) to win the S2W Championship [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Score another one for Hugh! In sadder note, remember the Champion's curse I was talking about? Well, I *had* a nice program set up for Glenn and Coleman, and then KC had to go and accept a developmental deal. I'm just glad I'd already decided to use up his called shot this month. But stay tuned for more on this story. Final Rating: D+ [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri-State to 28.1%. (+0.6%) Prestige to 16.7% (+0.1%)
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[b]S2W Preview[/b] [B]Rankings March 2011[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Hugh de Aske.jpg[/IMG] 1: Hugh De Aske (+3) 2: Al Coleman (-1) 3: Titan (0) 4: Harry Wilson (+1) 5: ????????????? (+1) 6: Geoff Borne (+1) 7: K-Squared (+1) 8: Amber Allen (+1) 9: Kashmir Singh (+1) 10: Tempest Appleby (+1) 11: Crockett Tubbs (+1) 12: Alan Parent (+1) 13: Jack Sanders (+1) 14: Edward Cornell (+1) [B]S2W Champion[/B] Hugh De Aske [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_Champion.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Hugh de Aske.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Fame and Fortune[/CENTER] Fame and Fortune coming at you from the Ministry. Bringing you three amazing matches, six men, and thirty minutes of action! Including! Throwback Match! Two men from the debut of S2W face off in singles action as Kashmir Singh takes on Tempest Appleby. Both men are looking for another win to add to their resume. Debut Match! Crockett Tubbs is in action once again, taking on British Superstar Daniel Black Francis! Can Tubbs hold off the newcomer for a victory? Rematch Clause! Al Coleman, as expected, has invoked his rematch clause after losing the S2W Championship at Barnstorm. This month, he gets Hugh de Aske one-on-one. Can the former pirate hold on to his gold, or will Coleman regain the belt he held for so long?
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W & The Ministry PRESENT[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Fame and Fortune[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Saturday, Week 1, March 2011[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: It's good to be back. I'm Rob Miskovsky, the voice of S2W, and along with my broadcast partner Saul Stewart, I welcome you to Fame and Fortune. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: ... RM: Look, I apologized already for missing last month. I told you in advance it was going to happen. SS: Yeah, I don't really care. I just love busting on you about it. We've got a match to call. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Kashmir Singh.jpg[/IMG]#9 Kashmir Singh -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Tempest Appleby.jpg[/IMG]#10 Tempest Appleby [/b] Totally didn't see this one coming. No one did. Two stalwarts of S2W, have been around since the beginning. And yet, they went out there and put on THIS show? Where was this four years ago? Back and forth action that just kept getting better as these two kept trying to one-up the other. We may never know how high they could have reached, however, because Mystery Man(tm) showed up, tripping up Singh when the referee's back was turned. Appleby capitalized, and the match was over. (Miskovsky: What does this mean? Has this guy joined the Degenerates?) [i]Tempest Appleby in 5:53 by Pinfall (C-!)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Crockett Tubbs.jpg[/IMG]#11 Crockett Tubbs -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]Daniel Black Francis [/b] Francis really showed how skilled he was, and Tubbs showed...well, nothing. [i]Daniel Black Francis in 3:45 by Pinfall (D)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_Champion.jpg[/IMG] for the S2W Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Hugh de Aske.jpg[/IMG]#1 Hugh de Aske (Champion) -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]#2 Al Coleman [/b] Coleman finds himself in the atypical position of challenger, and has to stop himself a number of times from using some dirty tactics that would have ended the matchup. Still, Hugh does a good job of keeping the former champ at bay, and it turns into a pretty good match. Hugh hits the Skull and Cross Bones...but Coleman kicks out. Shocked, the champ goes for it again, but Coleman counters into a rollup...and gets the three! [i]Al Coleman in 10:39 by Pinfall (D+)[/i] [i]Winner, and NEW S2W Champion, Al Coleman (3x)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]Daniel Black Francis: It's true, I'm new here. And had Hugh retained, I wouldn't be doin' this. But the fact is, Al, that now you've got the title back...well, is there anybody on S2W's roster you haven't beaten? Well, me for one. So how about it, champ? Glory and Honor, you and me, S2W Championship on the line. I'll expect a call. [i](D-)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: Turnabout! Only one month after losing his championship in a three-way matchup, Al Coleman regains the belt in dramatic fashion. But we're out of time, so we'll have to wait for the aftermath until the preview for next month comes out! Until then, I'm Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Tempest Appleby over Kashmir Singh (C-) Daniel Black Francis over Crockett Tubbs (D) Al Coleman over Hugh de Aske (D+) to win the S2W Championship [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Know how I said I like long title reigns? Know how I said I have a champion's curse. Yeah. Say good by to Hugh. I expect him to do well, I just wish it was going to be with me. Only 764 in attendance this month--I think word got out of Hugh's departure, and people just knew what the outcome was going to be. Still, another D+ show. I'm happy. One final note...our newcomer, Daniel Francis? Yeah, he suffered the worst injury I've seen in my guys so far, a Fractured Jaw. He says he'll be back in shape by next month, but we'll see. Final Rating: D+ [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri-State to 28.7%. (+0.6%) Prestige to 16.8% (+0.1%)
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[b]S2W Preview[/b] [B]Rankings April 2011[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG] 1: Al Coleman (+1) 2: Titan (+1) 3: Harry Wilson (+1) 4: Daniel Black Francis (NR) 5: ????????????? (0) 6: Geoff Borne (0) 7: K-Squared (0) 8: Amber Allen (0) 9: Tempest Appleby (+1) 10: Kashmir Singh (-1) 11: Crockett Tubbs (0) 12: Alan Parent (0) 13: Jack Sanders (0) 14: Edward Cornell (0) [B]S2W Champion[/B] Al Coleman [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_Champion.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Glory and Honor[/CENTER] Daniel Black Francis came over the ocean and dominated Crockett Tubbs last month, only to come out after Coleman regained the S2W Championship and ask for a shot. Well, it seems as though that was accepted because this month, Al Coleman defends his newly won S2W Championship against Daniel Black Francis. Also, Amber Allen takes on newcomer (and another double-A) Air Attack Weasel.
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  • 3 weeks later...
[i][color=green]Not that anyone really cares, but I'm back from a vacation, and ready to start posting again.[/color][/i] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W & The Ministry PRESENT[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Glory and Honor[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Saturday, Week 1, April 2011[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: Glory and Honor is the name of the show tonight, and it's quite fitting. Two matches, one for glory and one for honor. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Which is which? RM: I thought that would be obvious. SS: Well? RM: Our honor-match is up first, and the competitors are in the ring. Let's get to the action. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Amber Allen.jpg[/IMG]#8 Amber Allen -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Air Attack Weasel.jpg[/IMG]Air Attack Weasel [/b] For honor, Rob says, but these two were going for victory. Neither side went all out and used dirty tactics, but both used some questionable ones. In the end, the newcomer claims victory. [i]Air Attack Weasel in 9:21 by Pinfall (D+)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_Champion.jpg[/IMG] for the S2W Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]#1 Al Coleman (Champion) -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]#4 Daniel Black Francis [/b] Excellent matchup. I think Al wanted to show up the two who recently left our ranks and show that he could get a match that good without them, and put everything on the line. Both men took to the air, leaving the crowd breathless. And in the end... [i]Daniel Black Francis in 13:13 by Pinfall (C-)[/i] [i]Winner and NEW S2W Champion, Daniel Black Francis (1x)[/i] [color=orange]Al stares at the new champ in disbelief, then suddenly charges at him. DBF doesn't even see it coming, and is quickly down, covering up while Al wails on him. The referee tries to get him to stop, but to no avail, as Al grabs a chair and enters the ring again, using it again and again on Francis. When the referee finally manages to get the chair away from Coleman, he reaches under the ring and comes up with a garbage can, and continues the assault. Finally, when Francis is down and bleeding from the mouth, Coleman starts to walk away...only to grab the title belt and use it as a whip on the unmoving champion for a while. Finally, he smirks and walks away.[/color] [i](E)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: I don't really know what to say. Saul Stewart: Coleman is obviously upset with that decision. RM: Yeah, but to take it out on his opponent that way? That's uncalled for. SS: Do what you've gotta do. RM: Well, for the third time in as many months, we have a new champion. Hopefully he recovers from this beatdown, but we'll have to wait to find out. Until then...I think I need to go help them. SS: We're out. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Air Attack Weasel over Amber Allen (D+) Daniel Black Francis over Al Coleman (C-) to win the S2W Championship [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Nope, Al didn't suffer the champion's curse. I just really didn't know what to do with him as champion any more. Oh, and note the rating! Not that this was a huge show. I'm actually wishing I could write longer matchups, but doing so just shows how much I suck at such things. But still...look at the rating! 772 in attendance...which is less than I'd like, but look at the rating! Final Rating: C- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri-State to 29.3%. (+0.6%) Prestige to 16.9% (+0.1%)
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[b]S2W Preview[/b] [B]Rankings May 2011[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] 1: Daniel Black Francis (+3) 2: Al Coleman (-1) 3: Harry Wilson (0) 4: ????????????? (+1) 5: Air Attack Weasel (NR) 6: Geoff Borne (0) 7: K-Squared (0) 8: Amber Allen (0) 9: Tempest Appleby (0) 10: Kashmir Singh (0) 11: Crockett Tubbs (0) 12: Alan Parent (0) 13: Jack Sanders (0) [B]S2W Champion[/B] Daniel Black Francis [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_Champion.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Fanning the Flames[/CENTER] We have a new champion, but he's currently recuperating after the massive attack laid on him by the former champion. So this month is the month of debuts! Two new workers in S2W get their chance to shine. First, Tempest Appleby squares off in the ring against the man called Phenomenal E! Then, Al Coleman sees an old nemesis join him in the ring as S2W welcomes Antonio! Plus, Saul Stewart promises that he has a HUGE announcement to make!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W & The Ministry PRESENT[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Fanning the Flames[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Saturday, Week 1, May 2011[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: We are live with a record crowd for Fanning the Flames! I'm Rob Miskovsky, the voice of S2W, and I'd like to welcome you to the Ministry. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: You know what...no. I don't care to watch these matches tonight. RM: But you made them. SS: I guess you're right...but there's another one I want to make. Ladies and Gentlemen, you've seen him around. If you're anything like me, you love the way he does things. And I'm here to tell you that right here in the Ministry, next month at Hell on Earth, the Mystery Man (tm) will be revealed! I have managed to track him down, and he has signed a contract, and next month, he will be facing off against his latest...casualty, Kashmir Singh! [i](F+)[/i] [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Tempest Appleby.jpg[/IMG]#9 Tempest Appleby -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Phenomenal E.jpg[/IMG]Phenomenal E [/b] Can you tell that we had another contract period come up for renewal? Well, so can the fans. Still, E did an awesome job in his debut match. Ok, maybe not, but he did pick up the victory. [i]Phenomenal E in 7:41 by Tumbleweed Legdrop Pinfall (D-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]Al Coleman: All you fans just love seeing me out here without my championship belt, don't you? Well, I'll get my rematch. Francis may be...recuperating...for now, but if he ever shows up in S2W again, I'll get that belt back. And if he doesn't...well, then I'll have to take matters into my own hands. But I have other things to worry about. Antonio is in the S2W. He and I used to be in MAW together, and I didn't like him then. But MAW was his house...S2W is mine. I'm the big dog here. I'm the head honcho. And Antonio, you're going to regret coming to my house. [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]#2 Al Coleman -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Antonio.jpg[/IMG]Antonio [/b] Antonio put up a good fight, but it was obvious that Coleman's speech had done it's job. He was an 'outsider', and the crowd, referee, and timekeeper knew it. Even Saul got in on the act a little bit. Coleman got control fairly quickly, and after that it was academic. Or it should have been. Because Coleman had Antonio down and out when the Champ appeared, DBF rushing to the ring. (Stewart: He's not recuperating! What's going on!) Coleman was quickly distracted, and focused on the champion, trying to goad him into coming into the ring while Antonio recovered...and got the pinfall. [i]Antonio in 10:48 by Pinfall (D)[/i] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Phenomenal E over Tempest Appleby (D-) Antonio over Al Coleman (D) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Newcomers for the WIN! Seriously, though, not as good a show as I'd hoped following last month. Not bad, but not good either. Interestingly, DBF falls prey to a modification of the champions curse here. Let's just say that it'll be a while before you see him again. Oh, the new record attendance? 896...we're getting close to a sellout of the Ministry. I can't wait. Final Rating: D [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri-State to 29.7%. (+0.4%) Prestige to 17.0% (+0.1%)
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[b]S2W Preview[/b] [B]Rankings June 2011[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] 1: Daniel Black Francis (0) 2: Harry Wilson (+1) 3: Antonio (NR) 4: Al Coleman (-2) 5: ????????????? (-1) 6: Air Attack Weasel (-1) 7: Geoff Borne (-1) 8: K-Squared (-1) 9: Amber Allen (-1) 10: Phenomenal E (NR) 11: Tempest Appleby (-2) 12: Kashmir Singh (-2) 13: Crockett Tubbs (-2) 14: Alan Parent (-2) 15: Jack Sanders (-2) [B]S2W Champion[/B] Daniel Black Francis [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_Champion.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Hell on Earth[/CENTER] More debuts this month, as K-Squared is in action against another newcomer, Jonnie Perez. Also, as announced last month, Kashmir Singh is set to take on our Mystery Man(tm) attacker...we're told that we'll learn his name upon his official debut.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W & The Ministry PRESENT[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Hell on Earth[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Saturday, Week 1, June 2011[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: This is Hell. Hell on Earth. I'm Rob Miskovsky. And with me is an absolutely jubilant Saul Stewart. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: I'm just in a good mood. What can I say? The man that's been attacking people here in S2W for so long, making a name for himself without even having a name...he's finally here! RM: There's another matchup coming first, though...and I'm told that our production department has been working overtime this week. [color=orange]A video appears, showing lots of quick clips. After a moment, it's obvious that the focus of the video is K-Squared. Included prominently is his Anniversary Tournament victory from eighteen months ago, and his two big title shots.[/color] [i](E-)[/i] [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG]#8 K-Squared -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG]Jonnie Perez [/b] Squared locks up tentatively with the rookie, but the match soon evolves into some high-flying action. Some good technical work interspersed with the flying...and another debut victory. [i]Jonnie Perez in 9:03 by Pinfall (D-)[/i] [color=orange]The camera cuts backstage, showing a ring monitor displaying Perez' celebration. As the camera turns, it reveals...[/color] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] Rob Miskovsky: That's Jean Cattley! What's he doing here? And why was he showing so much interest in that match? [i](E)[/i] [color=orange]Unfamiliar music hits...[/color] Saul Stewart: Oh boy! This is it. It's time for our Mystery Man (tm) to show just how good he really is! [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]?????????????: My name...is Jared Johnson. My purpose...to kick ass, take names, and destroy all of my competition. I started out with the champion, and I worked my way down. Why? Because it was more fun that way. What am I going to do today? Work my way back up. Today, I will destroy my victim, and tomorrow? Tomorrow...I have some fun. [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]#5 Jared Johnson -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Kashmir Singh.jpg[/IMG]#12 Kashmir Singh [/b] Johnson spent the entire match toying with Singh, doing his best to humiliate his opponent. Singh didn't rise to the bait, instead providing a fairly decent and even match. Johnson eventually did what he had to do to get out of the ring--grab the tights. [i]Jared Johnson in 10:38 by Pinfall (D)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: We're all out of time tonight, everyone. See you next month. This is Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Jonnie Perez over K-Squared (D-) Jared Johnson over Kashmir Singh (D) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] 745 in attendance. Lackluster reveal. Enough said. Final Rating: D- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri-State to 30.1%. (+0.4%) Prestige to 17.1% (+0.1%)
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[b]Newsbites[/b] Once again, SWF is climbing the charts, this time being recognized as a National promotion. [b]S2W Preview[/b] [B]Rankings July 2011[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] 1: Daniel Black Francis (0) 2: Harry Wilson (0) 3: Antonio (0) 4: Al Coleman (0) 5: Jared Johnson (0) 6: Air Attack Weasel (0) 7: Geoff Borne (0) 8: Jonnie Perez (NR) 9: K-Squared (-1) 10: Amber Allen (-1) 11: Phenomenal E (-1) 12: Tempest Appleby (-1) 13: Kashmir Singh (-1) 14: Crockett Tubbs (-1) 15: Alan Parent (-1) 16: Jack Sanders (-1) [B]S2W Champion[/B] Daniel Black Francis [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_Champion.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS From the Ashes[/CENTER] S2W continues our introductions, as three more debuts occur this month. This time there are three newcomers, as veteran Harry Wilson takes on Spike, fellow S2W original takes on Huey Cannonball and Geoff Borne faces off against Flying Jimmy Foxx.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W & The Ministry PRESENT[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]From the Ashes[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Saturday, Week 1, July 2011[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: S2W has SOLD OUT our new home of the Ministry! I'm Rob Miskovsky, and beside me as always is Saul Stewart. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Hello, Rob. RM: That's it today? Just a hello? SS: I just don't feel like talking. RM: Well, whatever has got my broadcast partner's tongue, this is still From the Ashes, and we've got a great show for you, with three debuting workers. Our first match seems to be ready to go, so lets get right to the action. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Crockett Tubbs.jpg[/IMG]#14 Crockett Tubbs -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]Huey Cannonball [/b] A tolerable (just) match. Tubbs was debuting a new gimmick, but since Huey comes in as a face, there wasn't much for him to complain about or tell the ref. But everything that Huey did wrong (mainly came down to a choke hold and an accidental grabbing of hair), Tubbs was in the ref's face complaining. It was enough of a distraction to...well, pretty much everyone, that Tubbs was able to get the win. [i]Crockett Tubbs in 4:29 by Pinfall (E)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Flying Jimmy Foxx.jpg[/IMG]Jimmy Foxx: So this is the Ministry, is it? Not too spiffy. I'm the Flying man, Jimmy Foxx, and I've come to S2W for one reason. To have fun and kick some ass. Ok, that's two reasons. But who's counting? Certainly not me. And, I've rambled on for too long, so I'm going to have to ask my opponent to come out so that I can go through my two goals. [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Geoff Borne.jpg[/IMG]#7 Geoff "Air" Borne -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Flying Jimmy Foxx.jpg[/IMG]"Flying" Jimmy Foxx [/b] Up a slight notch over the previous match, and with these two in the ring, you knew you were going to get some air time. They certainly delivered on that, but otherwise, there wasn't much to say. Foxx fell prey to the Borne Again to become the second debut to lose tonight. [i]Geoff Borne in 7:33 by Borne Again Pinfall (D-)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG]#2 Harry Wilson -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG]Spike [/b] Wilson's ranking got a nice boost from Coleman's recent fall from the championship, but this match wasn't going to help. Though he tried his best, this newcomer had apparently scouted the veteran, and was able to counter most of Wilson's moves. Still, after a nice face comeback towards the end of the match, it was actually a surprise when Spike nailed a spinebuster (Miskovsky: Where'd he get that from?) and covered for the three. [i]Spike in 9:32 by Pinfall (D-)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: And after that action-packed show, we're out of time. Hopefully we'll see another sold out house next month when Tough Love comes to town! This is Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Crockett Tubbs over Huey Cannonball (E) Geoff Borne over Jimmy Foxx (D-) Spike over Harry Wilson (D-) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] We sold out the Ministry! 1000 people in attendance, our first four digit show. Excellent. *rubs hands* Of course, I didn't like the rating. Final Rating: D- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] And here's an uh-oh moment for how I've been doing. D- doesn't give me any popularity any more. I'm guessing this next line will be repeated (maybe with some slight changes in the percentage) somewhat often until I get my act back together. Popularity in Tri-State to 30.1%. (+0%) Prestige to 17.2% (+0.1%)
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[b]S2W Preview[/b] [B]Rankings August 2011[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] 1: Daniel Black Francis (0) 2: Antonio (+1) 3: Spike (NR) 4: Harry Wilson (-2) 5: Al Coleman (-1) 6: Jared Johnson (-1) 7: Air Attack Weasel (-1) 8: Geoff Borne (-1) 9: Jonnie Perez (-1) 10: K-Squared (-1) 11: Flying Jimmy Foxx (NR) 12: Amber Allen (-2) 13: Phenomenal E (-2) 14: Tempest Appleby (-2) 15: Crockett Tubbs (-1) 16: Kashmir Singh (-3) 17: Alan Parent (-2) 18: Jack Sanders (-2) 19: Huey Cannonball (NR) [B]S2W Champion[/B] Daniel Black Francis [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_Champion.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Tough Love[/CENTER] The debuts continue to roll in as S2W moves back to an hour-long format for Tough Love! First, Kashmir Singh is in action against one of our newcomers, the internet columnist Mark Smart. The last time we saw Singh in action, he was going against Jared Johnson, ending Johnson's reign of terror (or at least, he hasn't attacked anyone since then) even while losing. Can he win against this new worker? Then, in a match to determine the #1 Contender for the S2W Championship, a triple threat match! Three-time champion Al Coleman matches up against relative newcomer Air Attack Weasel and the debuting indy sensation Too Hot! Which of these three men will earn the right to get a title shot? Plus, Saul Stewart promises an announcement with HUGE reprecussions for the S2W locker room.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W & The Ministry PRESENT[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Tough Love[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Saturday, Week 1, August 2011[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: The Ministry is SOLD OUT, and S2W is Live. I am Rob Miskovsky, alongside Saul Stewart, and this is Tough Love. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Back to a full hour, this promises to be one hell of a show. RM: Including a major announcement from you. Any hints as to what that will be? SS: Nope. You'll just have to wait like everyone else. RM: Well, that's just...evil. But it looks like Kashmir Singh, who has come out for our first match, has something to say. Let's listen in. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Kashmir Singh.jpg[/IMG]Kashmir Singh: I'm sure everyone here saw what happened two months ago at Hell on Earth. How well I took on the "Mystery Man(tm)" Jared Johnson, and proved to him and everyone else how little he deserves to be in a wrestling ring. How he had to cheat to defeat me. Well, I want a rematch! I want to prove it again. And more, I want to get rid of that loss. More, I'm not going to give up until I've gotten it. [i](F+)[/i] [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Kashmir Singh.jpg[/IMG]#16 Kashmir Singh -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Mark Smart.jpg[/IMG]Mark Smart [/b] Poor match, far lower than the quality Singh has been showing of late. It was obvious that he and Smart didn't get along in the ring. Painfully so. It was also obvious that Singh wasn't going to be shown up two matches in a row. [i]Kashmir Singh in 5:54 by Pinfall (E+)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: And now it's time for my announcement. First, though, some business. Sweater-boy up here thinks he demands a rematch. Well, I happen to like Johnson and his attitude, and I like watching him beat up on people. So what the hell. It's a match. [i](E-)[/i] Now the big announcement. Between now and the new year, there will be a round robin tournament. Why, you might ask? Well, I'd say, sit down, shut up, and listen to me. S2W is proud to present a brand new championship within our ranks, and this tournament is to determine the first ever holder of that championship belt. Now, the belt hasn't been made yet, so I don't have anything to show you. But then, it's not going to be given out until much later than now, anyway. Who's going to be involved in this fun little event? Well, the honorees, the people who are going to get to fight it out so they can claim to be the first ever Tri-State Champion? They are, in no particular order...Crockett Tubbs! Geoff Borne! Huey Cannonball! Spike! And Harry Wilson! All matches will be fought under a 15 minute time limit, and each wrestler will get two points for a win and 1 for a draw. At the end, the wrestler with the most points will win the championship belt! Oh, and the first match in this tournament? It's next. [i](F+)[/i] [b]Match 2 Round Robin Tournament Match for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Geoff Borne.jpg[/IMG]#8 Geoff "Air" Borne -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]#19 Huey Cannonball [/b] It was somewhat apparent that neither of these men had realized that this match was going to lead to a possible title, as both seemed somewhat excited. The crowd (and Rob Miskovsky) seemed a bit put out that Cannonball (and Spike) were being given shots at the title due to their relative experience within the company, but Stewart laughed that off. This match took a while, with Huey pushing himself to his limit to get Borne down...and failing. [i]Geoff Borne in 10:49 by Borne Again Pinfall (E)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Too Hot.jpg[/IMG]Too Hot: Da Sizzle is here! I know, I know, you folks don't know who I is, but you will. I get ta show you all just what I cin do tonight, when I get a shot at the S2W Championship. None o' this Tri-State bullcrap. I will get ta be the best in the company, and tonight, Too Hot brings the heat. [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 3 Round Robin Tournament Match for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG]#4 Harry Wilson -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Crockett Tubbs.jpg[/IMG]#15 Crockett Tubbs [/b] The second match of the tournament quickly degrades into Wilson just trying to get Tubbs to stay down. It took him almost five minutes to accomplish that feat. [i]Harry Wilson in 4:56 by Pinfall (E)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]Al Coleman: What a main event we have tonight! It's your three-time champion, Al Coleman, defending his right to go after his belt against a...a...whatever the hell that guy was earlier tonight, someone who's never even stepped foot in an S2W ring before tonight, and some former tennis wannabe who's named himself after a rodent! What am I reduced to? But the problem is...the problem isn't this match I'm in tonight, which I'll win quite handily, don't you worry. The problem is the erstwhile champion, one Daniel Black Francis. Where is he? Where is the champ? I'll tell you where. He's in hiding, hoping against home that somehow, there'll be a fluke victory tonight, and he doesn't have to face me in the ring. Well, Danny Boy, that's not going to happen. And when I win tonight, guaranteeing that I get to face you in the ring, what are you going to do then? [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 4 to determine the #1 Contender for the S2W Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]#5 Al Coleman -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Air Attack Weasel.jpg[/IMG]#7 Air Attack Weasel -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Too Hot.jpg[/IMG]Too Hot [/b] Al Coleman apparently riled up his opponents, because as soon as he stepped in the ring, both Hot and Weasel attacked him before the bell rang, and managed to get him out of the ring. From then on, it was mostly a singles match, as the debuting Too Hot and the high flying Weasel did their best to take the other out. Neither man could get a decent swing of momentum going, however, and the numerous attempted pins went nowhere. At least, until Too Hot managed to land a devastating combo of a jawbreaker and a swing neckbreaker to drop Weasel, and go for the pin. That's when Coleman reappeared from out of nowhere, hit a jumping DDT on Hot, and took the cover on Weasel for the three. [i]Al Coleman in 14:36 by Pinfall over Air Attack Weasel (D)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: Coleman wins the right to another championship match! When will we hear from the champion again, and what kind of a response will he have to Coleman's rant tonight? Only time will tell, and we're out of it. This is Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Kashmir Singh over Mark Smart (E+) Geoff Borne over Huey Cannonball (E) Harry Wilson over Crockett Tubbs (E) Al Coleman over Air Attack Weasel and Too Hot (D) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] I had really thought this would be a better show than it was. But...that's life. Still, I'm excited about the round robin, I think some of the later matches should be really good. Final Rating: D- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Yep...I knew it. Popularity in Tri-State to 30.1%. (+0%) Prestige to 17.3% (+0.1%)
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[b]Newsbites[/b] There's a promotion in the world that's fallen to Cult size. Three guesses who it is, and two of them don't count...that's right, SWF has bounced back down, and is now cult. In other news, a long-overdue retirement as Warlord Agony has decided to spend his time doing other things in the business besides misbehaving in the ring. [b]S2W Preview[/b] We've hit a top twenty again. It's been a while. [B]Rankings September 2011[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] 1: Daniel Black Francis (0) 2: Antonio (0) 3: Al Coleman (+2) 4: Spike (-1) 5: Harry Wilson (-1) 6: Too Hot (NR) 7: Jared Johnson (-1) 8: Air Attack Weasel (-1) 9: Geoff Borne (-1) 10: Jonnie Perez (-1) 11: K-Squared (-1) 12: Flying Jimmy Foxx (-1) 13: Amber Allen (-1) 14: Phenomenal E (-1) 15: Tempest Appleby (-1) 16: Crockett Tubbs (-1) 17: Kashmir Singh (-1) 18: Alan Parent (-1) 19: Jack Sanders (-1) 20: Huey Cannonball (-1) [B]S2W Champion[/B] Daniel Black Francis [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_Champion.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [b]S2W Tri-State Championship Standings[/b] 1. Geoff Borne (2 Points; 3 Matches Remain) 1. Harry Wilson (2 Points; 3 Matches Remain) 3. Spike (0 Points; 4 Matches Remain) 4. Crockett Tubbs (0 Points; 3 Matches Remain) 4. Huey Cannonball (0 Points; 3 Matches Remain) [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Pure Adrenaline[/CENTER] Two more matches in the Tri-State tournament come your way this month. First up, Spike enters the fray in his first match, as he takes on Crockett Tubbs hoping to get his first win. Then, last month's two winners both look to take a commanding lead in the tournament as Harry Wilson and Geoff Borne go head to head. Also on the card, Too Hot is in action again, this month against Antonio. Doubtless this match could have an effect on the chase for the S2W Championship.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W & The Ministry PRESENT[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Pure Adrenaline[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Saturday, Week 1, September 2011[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: I am Rob Miskovsky, the voice of S2W, coming at you once again from a SOLD OUT Ministry, where we are bringing you Pure Adrenaline! [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Where our champion is still MIA. I really should strip him of the title. RM: Yeah, but we all know you're just a softie at heart. SS: Oh yeah? RM: Tubbs has a microphone...let's change the subject to him, shall we? [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Crockett Tubbs.jpg[/IMG]Crockett Tubbs: It's been a long road here. And finally, I'm getting a chance to be truly recognized. And then last month, I go and mess it up. Well, that's not going to happen tonight. Spike, when you come out to this ring, you will be face to face with me...and I'm not going to let that opportunity go to waste. [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 1 Round Robin Tournament Match for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG]#4 Spike -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Crockett Tubbs.jpg[/IMG]#16 Crockett Tubbs [/b] What do you think happened? Spike came out, Tubbs charged. Clothesline, powerslam, frog splash. [i]Spike in 3:50 by Pinfall (E)[/i] [b]Match 2 Round Robin Tournament Match for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG]#5 Harry Wilson -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Geoff Borne.jpg[/IMG]#9 Geoff Borne [/b] A good matchup, compared to some of the dreck that S2W has been showcasing lately. The match started in the ring, but it didn't stay there. Fortunately for everyone, Dewey Libertine let them roam, just trying to keep with them and get them back in the ring. When they finally did, however, they both had weapons, and neither man backed down. Both men swung...and Libertine got in the way. When he came to, he called for the bell. [i]Draw in 10:36 by Double Disqualification (D-)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Antonio.jpg[/IMG]#2 Antonio -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Too Hot.jpg[/IMG]#6 Too Hot [/b] Too Hot came in on fire, no pun intended, taking the fight to Antonio. For the latter's part, he held off the initial offense, and then started on his own, slow methodical approach. Eventually, though, Hot would break loose, and set off a flurry of offense that resulted in his getting the victory. [i]Too Hot in 7:02 by Pinfall (D-)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: Well, that's all we've got tonight. Shame, because we've got the building for another twenty minutes. Guess that's what happens when you're used to half-hour shows. Saul Stewart: You weren't supposed to point that out. RM: Oops. This is Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Spike over Crockett Tubbs (E) Harry Wilson and Geoff Borne fight to a Double DQ (D-) Too Hot over Antonio (D-) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Did it again. Another sell out, another D-. Bah. Spike was late to this show. Not really a big deal, except he was basically opening it. And yes, I forgot to set all my events back to an hour before I booked this show. Oops. Final Rating: D- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri-State to 30.1%. (+0%) Prestige to 17.4% (+0.1%)
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[b]S2W Preview[/b] We're not sure what happened this month. Best guess, our rankings department was all drunk when they were supposed to do this and didn't watch Pure Adrenaline. But the rankings stay the same. [B]Rankings October 2011[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] 1: Daniel Black Francis (0) 2: Antonio (0) 3: Al Coleman (0) 4: Spike (0) 5: Harry Wilson (0) 6: Too Hot (0) 7: Jared Johnson (0) 8: Air Attack Weasel (0) 9: Geoff Borne (0) 10: Jonnie Perez (0) 11: K-Squared (0) 12: Flying Jimmy Foxx (0) 13: Amber Allen (0) 14: Phenomenal E (0) 15: Tempest Appleby (0) 16: Crockett Tubbs (0) 17: Kashmir Singh (0) 18: Alan Parent (0) 19: Jack Sanders (0) 20: Huey Cannonball (0) [B]S2W Champion[/B] Daniel Black Francis [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_Champion.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [b]S2W Tri-State Championship Standings[/b] 1. Geoff Borne (3 Points; 2 Matches Remain) 1. Harry Wilson (3 Points; 2 Matches Remain) 3. Spike (2 Points; 3 Matches Remain) 4. Huey Cannonball (0 Points; 3 Matches Remain) 5. Crockett Tubbs (0 Points; 2 Matches Remain) [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Spook Show[/CENTER] You saw the initial match, this is the rematch. Jared Johnson returns to the ring against Kashmir Singh this month. Can Singh prove that the win was tainted, or will Johnson come out on top again? Also, the Tri-State tournament continues, with the bottom two seeking some points as Crockett Tubbs takes on Huey Cannonball! The champ is here! S2W Champion Daniel Black Francis will be in the building, and we expect something to happen as the #1 Contender Al Coleman has had some harsh words for the champion in recent months.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W & The Ministry PRESENT[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Spook Show[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Saturday, Week 1, October 2011[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: Fright is in the air as S2W brings you Spook Show. I'm Rob Miskovsky, along with Saul Stewart, broadcasting from a SOLD OUT Ministry. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Our champion is here. I look forward to his appearance. RM: I'm sure you do. SS: What are these two losers doing? RM: They're the opening match. Honestly, do you even read the sheets you put together? [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jack Avatar.jpg[/IMG]#19 Jack Sanders -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Irwin Gutmann.jpg[/IMG]Irwin Gutmann [/b] I think Sanders has a different gimmick every time he fights (which isn't often), and this time, he comes out waving an American flag. Gutmann just looks to be all business. The two of them actually put on a good, solid match, that was unfortunately a bit too short. Sanders also used a move apparently that he's been working on as a finisher. [i]Jack Sanders in 3:40 by Amateur Lock Submission (D)[/i] [color=orange]We cut backstage...[/color] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG] Jean Cattley: Hey, kid. I've seen some good stuff out there. K-Squared: Thanks. I've seen your work in MAW, you're pretty good. JC: Good. I've got some advice for you. Come with me... [i](D-). Cut because there's no way I could reasonably write anything resembling actual wrestling advice.[/i] Rob Miskovsky: Jean Cattley again. Is he on contract? Saul Stewart: I dunno. I don't pay attention to that sort of thing. I'll tell you who is on contract though, and that's K-Squared. And he's got a match next month against S2W's newest rising star, Joey Beauchamp. RM: Well, I guess he'll get to put Cattley's advice to good use. [i](E-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]Al Coleman: Is it true what I hear? Has the champion, excuse me, the person keeping my belt warm for me, finally showed up to the arena? Danny boy, are you actually here in the Ministry? I'm shocked! I didn't think you'd actually want your face to be seen! Of course, you're still hiding out somewhere in the back...and I'm out here in the ring. Bet you don't have enough guts to come out here right now, do you? [color=orange]Apparently, DBF does have the guts, because his music plays, and the champ comes rushing to the ring. He only makes it about half way down, though, when he gets tripped... [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Stevie Stoat.jpg[/IMG]<-- this guy stands up, grabbing his folding chair, and starts slaming it on the back of the champion, while Coleman laughs in the ring.[/color] AC: Oh, did I forget to mention him, Danny? I'm sorry. That's my new friend, Stevie Stoat. He's here in the S2W at my invitation, and to help me take out all the punks who think that they're better than I am. Nobody's better than me, and this is MY house! Don't you forget that. [i](E-)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]#7 Jared Johnson -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Kashmir Singh.jpg[/IMG]#17 Kashmir Singh [/b] Singh wanted this match, and that was obvious. He tore into Johnson at the opening bell, rocking him back to the ropes, and going for a quick pinfall. Johnson would kick out, though, and slowly but surely get momentum on his side. On a few occasions, he even had a chance to use a cheap method of winning, but apparently decided he wanted to make this one clean, just so that Singh couldn't complain. And in the end...he did. [i]Jared Johnson in 9:32 by Carolina Crossface submission (D)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: Breaking information, ladies and gentlemen. I have just been informed that a new match has been made for tonight. Saul Stewart: Informed? I'm sitting right here you pompous... RM: Tag Team action tonight as the Number One Contender Al Coleman and his partner Stevie Stoat take on the S2W Champion Daniel Black Francis and a partner of his choosing...or if he can't find anyone, a handicap match. SS: My bets on the handicap match. [i](E-)[/i] [color=orange]We cut backstage...[/color] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Antonio.jpg[/IMG] Daniel Black Francis: Well, crap. Hell, they know why I wasn't around, and now I need to find a partner within the next fifteen minutes? This sucks! Antonio: Don't worry about it. You've got Coleman all knotted up, and I'm down with that. You've got a partner. (Miskovsky: Pay up, Saul) [i](E-)[/i] [b]Match 3 Round Robin Tournament Match for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Crockett Tubbs.jpg[/IMG]#16 Crockett Tubbs -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]#20 Huey Cannonball [/b] Should have known better than to put this match here. Tubbs put on a decent performance selling, but not much else felt right about this match. Cannonball gets his first S2W victory. [i]Huey Cannonball in 5:41 by Cannonball Run Pinfall (E)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange]As Cannonball celebrates his win, Spike runs from the back and nails him in the back of the head with a...broom handle? He continues the assault for about a minute before he's seemingly satisfied and walks away.[/color] [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 4 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Antonio.jpg[/IMG]Daniel Black Francis & Antonio -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Stevie Stoat.jpg[/IMG]Al Coleman & Stevie Stoat [/b] Coleman and Stoat apparently weren't paying much attention when DBF and Antonio teamed up, so they both looked somewhat shocked that the champion came out with a partner. They recovered quickly, though, and soon the fight was on. No quarter was asked, and none was given as this brawl rocked the house. After some heel beatdowns, Antonio got the hot tag and cleared house, only to finally be stopped by a double team. Coleman gets the pin while Stoat cuts off the champion. [i]Al Coleman in 15:58 by Pinfall over Antonio (D)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: Coleman recovers his victory from Antonio, and gets one over the current champion! That throws some heat on the fire for the eventual championship match. But that'll have to wait, because we're all out of time. This is Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Jack Sanders over Irwin Gutmann (D) Jared Johnson over Kashmir Singh (D) Huey Cannonball over Crockett Tubbs (E) Al Coleman and Stevie Stoat over Daniel Black Francis and Antonio (D) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] A better show matchwise, at least. I really should have known better, especially in retrospect, than to put Tubbs/Cannonball as the lead in to the main event. Ah well. And all the poor rated segments drew the final show rating down. Final Rating: D- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Despite the repeat of the D-, we actually gain some popularity. Must have been a high D-. Popularity in Tri-State to 30.3%. (+0.2%) Prestige to 17.5% (+0.1%)
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[b]S2W Preview[/b] [B]Rankings November 2011[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] 1: Daniel Black Francis (0) 2: Al Coleman (+1) 3: Antonio (-1) 4: Spike (0) 5: Stevie Stoat (NR) 6: Harry Wilson (-1) 7: Jared Johnson (0) 8: Too Hot (-2) 9: Air Attack Weasel (-1) 10: Geoff Borne (-1) 11: Jonnie Perez (-1) 12: K-Squared (-1) 13: Flying Jimmy Foxx (-1) 14: Amber Allen (-1) 15: Phenomenal E (-1) 16: Tempest Appleby (-1) 17: Huey Cannonball (+3) 18: Crockett Tubbs (-2) 19: Kashmir Singh (-2) 20: Alan Parent (-2) [B]S2W Champion[/B] Daniel Black Francis [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_Champion.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [b]S2W Tri-State Championship Standings[/b] 1. Geoff Borne (3 Points; 2 Matches Remain) 1. Harry Wilson (3 Points; 2 Matches Remain) 3. Spike (2 Points; 3 Matches Remain) 4. Huey Cannonball (2 Points; 2 Matches Remain) 5. Crockett Tubbs (0 Points; 1 Match Remains; ELIMINATED) [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Blood Sport[/CENTER] K-Squared gets to put the advice he got from Jean Cattley to the test this month as he takes on newcomer Joey Beauchamp in singles action. Will it be enough to give the young man victory? Speaking of Jean Cattley, he has signed with S2W, and will be in his first official match this month as he takes on "Flying" Jimmy Foxx. Foxx lost his debut, and is looking for some momentum this month, but faces a tough test in the former MAW champion. Crockett Tubbs has lost three matches in the Tri-State tournament already, and has been mathematically eliminated. Now he gets to try to play spoiler as he faces off against one of the leaders, Geoff Borne. Also this month for the tournament, Spike takes on Huey Cannonball as both men try to get a boost towards the top. Also, Daniel Black Francis is in the house, and claims he will be in action. What will the #1 Contender Al Coleman have to say about that?
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W & The Ministry PRESENT[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Spook Show[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Saturday, Week 1, November 2011[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: Capacity crowd on hand here in the Ministry as S2W brings you Blood Sport, the best of brutal entertainment! I'm Rob Miskovsky, the voice of S2W, and we have an amazing show for you tonight. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: And our joke of a champion is here, "in action" he says. Whatever that means. RM: Well, it looks like we're about to find out. Daniel Black Francis is in the ring, and he's asking for a microphone. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]Daniel Black Francis: I didn't get to say anything really last month. But I get to tonight. Al, what you did last month was completely uncalled for. You are the #1 Contender. More, you technically still haven't got your rematch from when you lost the belt. I'm not ducking your challenge...I had other committments. Committments that the booking committee knew about when they let me have the shot at the belt. But still...you attacked me last month, you and your trained monkey. But that's in the past. Tonight, I only have one thing to say. Al Coleman, I want you in the ring, and I want it TONIGHT! Let's get this rutting match out of the way so I can get on with my title reign. [i](E+)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]Al Coleman: Danny Boy. Glad to see you didn't take too many bumps and bruises from last month, and that they've healed well. Hopefully your ego does too, when I beat your ass in the ring tonight to reclaim my belt. Thanks for keeping it warm for me. [i](E+)[/i] [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG]#12 K-Squared -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Joey Beauchamp.jpg[/IMG]Joey Beauchamp [/b] Squared comes out a little distractedly, even going so far as to do a few mock moves as he makes his way to the ring. Beauchamp gets little reaction from the crowd, but seems pleased that Squared is so wrapped up in his other little world. That changes when the bell rings, and Squared is all business. He obviously took Cattley's lessons to heart, and is able to play technical with the newcomer. Beauchamp is soon looking for the ropes, but can't find them in time. [i]K-Squared in 5:52 by Submission (D+)[/i] [color=orange]Exuberant with his victory, K-Squared climbs to the top turnbuckle, and shouts his joy to the crowd.[/color] [i](F+)[/i] [color=red]A video plays... One man down. Four to go. Every match counts. Who will win the Tri-State Tournament? Can Crockett Tubbs play spoiler? Who will reign supreme?[/color] [i](E-)[/i] [b]Match 2 Round Robin Tournament Match for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG]#4 Spike -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]#17 Huey Cannonball [/b] Cannonball is obviously unhappy with the attack from last month, and goes on the offensive immediately, taking down Spike hard. For a moment, it looks like the referee was going to call the match, but Cannonball got in the way and kicked Spike out of the ring. As he followed, it became apparent that there was a bit of possum-playing going on, as Spike is able to get a grip and send Huey into the steps. After that, it was just a matter of time. [i]Spike in 7:48 by Pinfall (D-)[/i] [b]Match 3 Round Robin Tournament Match for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Geoff Borne.jpg[/IMG]#10 Geoff Borne -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Crockett Tubbs.jpg[/IMG]#18 Crockett Tubbs [/b] Tubbs obviously wanted to spoil someone else's tournament, and did his absolute best to get Borne disqualified. Or maybe he thought that was the only way he'd be able to win the match, because Borne abused him from bell to bell. [i]Geoff Borne in 4:46 by Borne Again Pinfall (E)[/i] [b]Match 4 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Flying Jimmy Foxx.jpg[/IMG]#13 Flying Jimmy Foxx -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]Jean Cattley [/b] A solid matchup for Cattley's debut that saw the veteran pull out a lot of his favorite moves. Those in the arena who were also MAW fans loved this matchup, as Cattley hasn't been in the main event there for a while, and somehow has been getting less and less time there. Mood Swing for the victory. [i]Jean Cattley in 8:37 by Mood Swing Pinfall (D+)[/i] [color=orange]Daniel Black Francis is making his way to the ring for the title match when Coleman runs up behind him, driving the champion into the steps. He grabs a steel chair, and slams it on DBF's arms, and finishes that off with a belt shot to the skull before rolling him into the ring.[/color] [i](E-)[/i] [b]Match 5 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_Champion.jpg[/IMG] for the S2W Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]#1 Daniel Black Francis (Champion) -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]#2 Al Coleman [/b] The attack had obviously taken a lot out of the champion, who was on the defensive immediately, as Coleman started going through submission hold after submission hold. Around the six minute mark, however, the champion seemed to realize what was at stake, and managed to get some momentum going...only to be cut off hard with a violent vertical suplex. Coleman went for the cover...but the champ got his leg on the ropes. Frustrated and angry, Coleman went to remove the turnbuckle cover, but fell prey to a rollup. That didn't get the three, however, though it did potentially save DBF some injury as he was whipped into that very turnbuckle moments later. As he fell back, Coleman went for a backbreaker, but DBF countered with a DDT, and both men were down and out. DBF to his feet first, but Coleman would grab him in a devastating arm bar modification that DBF just couldn't get out of. [i]Al Coleman in 9:53 by Submission (D+)[/i] [i]Winner and NEW S2W Champion, Al Coleman (4x)[/i] Rob Miskovksky: Coleman does it again! Al Coleman is a four-time champion here in S2W, and Daniel Black Francis is just a one-and-done champion! We're all out of time for tonight, see you next month! This is Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] K-Squared over Joey Beauchamp (D+) Spike over Huey Cannonball (D-) Geoff Borne over Crockett Tubbs (E) Jean Cattley over Flying Jimmy Foxx (D+) Al Coleman over Daniel Black Francis (D+) to win the S2W Championship [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Ah, that feels better. Three D+ matches, though I'll admit I didn't expect the Squared/Beauchamp match. Surprisingly enough, guess which of these five matches actually showed good chemistry? You got it, Borne/Tubbs have GREAT chemistry together. Ugh. And yes, it's true that DBF didn't have a successful defense. I got tired of him spending all his time in Japan. Final Rating: D+ [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] D- gets me .2%, D+ gets me .4%. Hmmm... Popularity in Tri-State to 30.7%. (+0.4%) Prestige to 17.6% (+0.1%)
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[b]S2W Preview[/b] Despite losing the S2W Championship, the rankings board still things Daniel Black Francis deserves the top spot. [B]Rankings December 2011[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1: Daniel Black Francis (0) 2: Al Coleman (0) 3: Antonio (0) 4: Spike (0) 5: Stevie Stoat (0) 6: Harry Wilson (0) 7: Jean Cattley (NR) 8: Jared Johnson (-1) 9: Too Hot (-1) 10: Air Attack Weasel (-1) 11: Geoff Borne (-1) 12: Jonnie Perez (-1) 13: K-Squared (-1) 14: Flying Jimmy Foxx (-1) 15: Amber Allen (-1) 16: Phenomenal E (-1) 17: Tempest Appleby (-1) 18: Joey Beauchamp (NR) 19: Huey Cannonball (-2) 20: Kashmir Singh (-2) [/code] [B]S2W Champion[/B] Al Coleman [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_Champion.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG] [b]S2W Tri-State Championship Standings[/b] 1. Geoff Borne (5 Points; 1 Match Remains) 2. Spike (4 Points; 2 Matches Remain) 3. Harry Wilson (3 Points; 2 Matches Remain) 4. Huey Cannonball (2 Points; 1 Match Remains; ELIMINATED) 5. Crockett Tubbs (0 Points; ELIMINATED) [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Demolition[/CENTER] Last month, Al Coleman won his return match, becoming a four-time S2W Champion. What will the fallout be from that result this month? For starters, a #1 contenders match has already been signed, with Too Hot taking on Antonio; the last time these two met, Too Hot came out on top. Can he repeat, or will Antonio win the right to face his long-time nemesis for the championship belt? Also, the Tri-State tournament rolls on as Harry Wilson takes on Spike. A win puts them strongly in the running, a loss all but eliminates them with each having one further match remaining after this. Who will take control? Also, Phenomenal E takes on Mark Smart, and Joey Beauchamp takes on Flying Jimmy Foxx.
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