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S2W: A Midlife Crisis

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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 3, June 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: The opening introduction falls to me this time. We are live on the internet for another edition of The Outreach Experiment. The broadcast team, Rob Miskovsky, Saul Stewart, and myself Marv Earnest, would like to welcome you as you watch from home, or sitting here in the Ohio Jewish Center. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: A solid show coming at you tonight in the aftermath of Hell on Earth. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: So let's get right to the action. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG]#13 K-Squared -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Irwin Gutmann.jpg[/IMG]#20 Irwin Gutmann [/b] Decent match with no overwhelming faults or high spots. Not much to say, unfortunately, which probably means this show is going to run short. [i]K-Squared in 8:51 by Pinfall (D-)[/i] [color=orange]A video plays, hyping the next matchup between Brooke Tyler and Jared Johnson. Both of them have their history explained, from Johnson's coming off the street to attack the S2W stars, to Tyler's impressive wrestling heritage.[/color] [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg[/IMG]#6 Cowboy Buck Winchester -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Amazing Fire Fly.jpg[/IMG]#10 Amazing Fire Fly [/b] A match between two relatively new S2W workers was all it could be and more. Contrasting styles led to a fun fight, as Fly used his speed and flying to confound Winchester for much of the match, though occasionally, CBW would get a grip that the fly couldn't fight out of for a while, and a ground game would happen for a while. The end came after one of those, as CBW was playing the ground game, Fly manged to finally fight out and run to the ropes, hoping to get some momentum...but only to get caught by the Neckbreaker. [i]Cowboy Buck Winchester in 13:43 by Neckbreaker Pinfall (C-)[/i] Marv Earnest: That's all she wrote! Neckbreaker for the win. Rob Miskovsky: Until next time, I'm Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] K-Squared over Irwin Gutmann (D-) Cowboy Buck Winchester over Amazing Fire Fly (C-) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Ah, this attendance is more like it. We had 77 paying customers, which I believe is a new record for the OJC. And a decent, fun main event to boot. Final Rating: D+ [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 38.7% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 16.3 (+0.8%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 9.2% (+0.2%) Popularity in New England to 8.9% (+0.2%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 8.3% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 3.2% (+0.2%) Prestige to 32.6% (+0.1%)
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[b]Newsbites[/b] The wrestling world falls into chaos today, as it has been announced that Steve Flash will be retiring from active competition. Ok, truthfully, nobody outside of the independent promotions and the hardcore fans noticed or cared, but to them it was a big deal. [B]Rankings July 2013[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Jean Cattley 0 2 Lenny Brown 0 3 Daniel Black Francis 0 4 Roderick Remus 0 5 Antonio 0 6 Cowboy Buck Winchester 0 7 Jared Johnson 0 8 Al Coleman 0 9 Brooke Tyler 0 10 Amazing Fire Fly 0 11 Aristocrat 0 12 Jonnie Perez 0 13 Huey Cannonball +1 14 K-Squared -1 15 Josh Jones 0 16 Spike 0 17 Geoff Borne 0 18 Jack Sanders 0 19 Kashmir Singh 0 20 Irwin Gutmann 0 [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Jean Cattley [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] Jonnie Perez [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS From the Ashes[/CENTER] In the aftermath of Hell on Earth, we take a relaxing month. Brooke Tyler and Jared Johnson's latest match has been relegated to The Outreach Experiment, but she will be in action at From the Ashes as well, taking on Spike, who lost his tables match and the best of seven series at Hell on Earth. Doubtless he'll be looking to recover from that, and this may provide a perfect opportunity. Also, the undefeated Hollywood Superstar, Lenny Brown, puts perfection on the line as he takes on Antonio. Can the Italian sensation pull off an upset? Plus, the fallout from the National Championship match. Don't miss it.
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  • 2 months later...
[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]From the Ashes[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Sunday, Week 2, July 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]Daniel Black Francis: Gentlemen in the announce booth, I hope you forgive me for co-opting your time here tonight. But I felt this was the proper way to start the show. Last month, at Hell on Earth, it was yours truly against Jean Cattley for the National Championship. Now, if you're just joining us for the first time, that was my second title reign, and I'd held the belt for over a year, from May 2012 until last month. But last month, Jean Cattley came out on top. And the fact is, he deserved to. Last month, the better man won. Yes, it's true, Jean Cattley was better than me. But that's no excuse--I should have fought harder, tougher, kept my shoulders up, and I should have come out with the victory. But I didn't. Now, there's only one thing I want. And you all know what that is. Jean Cattley, I want a rematch with you, for the S2W National Championship. And more, I think the fans all want it, too. [i](D-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]Jean Cattley: Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the FORMER National Champion. Former, of course, being the operative word. Because now is the Cattley Era. This is when Jean Cattley claims what he deserves and never gives it up. But the former champion wants a rematch does he? Well, Daniel, I just have one thing to say to that. [color=orange]By now, Cattley has made his own way to the ring. And as he lets the sentance hang in the air, the microphone whips around and takes DBF in the side of the head. Francis goes down, and Cattley follows him, mixing punches with microphone shots as the noise reverberates through the stadium. Then the crowd starts cheering... [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG] K-Squared charges down the aisle, sliding into the ring and pushing Cattley off DBF. Cattley looks like he's going to attack Squared as well, but slowly backs down, walking backwards back up the ramp.[/color] [i](E+)[/i] [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]#9 Brooke Tyler -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG]#16 Spike [/b] Spike comes out on fire, determined to get some momentum and fire back after last month. Tyler stays on the defensive for a while, picking her spots, before finding one and hitting a series of snap suplexes. Spike seems out of it after that, and is easy pickings for a submission. [i]Brooke Tyler in 10:16 by Brooke Breaker Submission (D)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg[/IMG]Cowboy Buck Winchester: Perhaps this ol' boy has been a bit hasty. I got plenty mad when Rod got me in that hold, and I took it out on him when I shouldn't've. But that's no excuse, and I'd like to bring him out here now. Rod Remus, if yer the varmint I think you are, you'll come out and accept my apologies. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange]Remus indeed starts to come out, but hasn't taken more than five steps before Cattley appears again, this time attacking Remus. He lays out Remus with the National Championship, laying the boots on him for a while before getting out of dodge before reinforcements show up.[/color] [i](D-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG] Marv Earnest: That's despicable! What low, vile actions from our new S2W Champion. Rob Miskovsky: I agree. We shouldn't be forced to watch this sort of low action. What are you going to do about this, Saul? Saul Stewart: ... RM: I've got one hell of an idea, if you'll let me. SS: Let me guess. You want to give Francis his title shot, or something lame like that. RM: No. I want Jean Cattley and Cowboy Buck Winchester to take on Daniel Black Francis and Roderick Remus. SS: Not going to happen...but I like the basic concept. ME: OH? SS: Yeah. Tonight, Cattley and Winchester together, in tag team action! And...I'll put them up against the former National Champion Daniel Black Francis and the man who stuck his nose in where it didn't belong, K-Squared. [i](E+)[/i] ME: A good matchup there, I think. And what about Roderick Remus? SS: Sure, whatever. But he's got to find his own partner--and if he doesn't, it's a handicap match. [i](E+)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#2 Lenny Brown -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Antonio.jpg[/IMG]#5 Antonio [/b] Two of our top-tier athletes who aren't currently in the National Championship scene, both men are hoping to use this match to put them in the hunt. Before the match started, Antonio pulled Brown aside, and talked to him for a bit, before both of them handed money over to the referee, who shrugged and acceted it. The match started, and Antonio seemed to hold back a bit...but when Brown got a near fall, seemed to come alive. The match continued...without much of a story, just a series of moves. Then, the Star Treatment. Brown grabbed the money back from the referee with a grin, and walked away. [i]Lenny Brown in 10:50 by Star Treatment Pinfall (D+)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg[/IMG]Jean Cattley & Cowboy Buck Winchester -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG]Daniel Black Francis & K-Squared [/b] Nowhere near as good a match as I had hoped. Cattley spent a good portion of the matchup avoiding Francis, tagging in Winchester whenever DBF came into the match--which wasn't often. K-Squared spent most of the match isolated, as Cattley and CBW kept him to their side of the ring, working him over with fast tags. Multiple times, Squared seemed to have fought them off, and went for the tag, only to be caught at the last moment and pulled back. When he finally did get the tag in, though, Cattley rolled right out, allowing CBW to take the brunt of the 'hot tag' action. Cattley was the legal man, however, and that meant he had to get in, without CBW to tag to. Francis gave him a smirk, and grabbed an ankle lock as Cattley tried to charge him, for the submission. [i]Daniel Black Francis in 16:45 by Submission over Jean Cattley (D+)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: Francis gets a victory over the champion! That's got to put him right back into the title hunt. Saul Steart: Hrmphh. Marv Earnest: The champ did his best to stay away, but it just wasn't enough. Rob Miskovsky: Neither is our time, because we're all out. For Marv, Saul, and myself, I'm Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Brooke Tyler over Spike (D) Lenny Brown over Antonio (D+) Daniel Black Francis & K-Squared over Jean Cattley & Cowboy Buck Winchester (D+) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] And thus, our best streak yet has ended. Though we had a nice high attendance this month (1,852), we didn't put on a good enough show. People didn't like that K-Squared was used so often, complaining that they didn't get to see enough of the upper card. Now I'm sad. Final Rating: D [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Oh, ew. No gain in Tri State or Great Lakes. This was practically a wasted show. Popularity in Tri State to 38.7% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 16.3 (+0.0%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 9.4% (+0.2%) Popularity in New England to 9.1% (+0.2%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 8.5% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 3.4% (+0.2%) Prestige to 32.7% (+0.1%)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 3, July 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: We are live from The Ohio Jewish Center with one hell of a show. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: No offense intended, of course. Two matches that you can't wait to see, including a title defense! [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Just playing off your ideas, guys. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]#7 Jared Johnson -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]#9 Brooke Tyler [/b] An amazing match that continues the series between these two good workers, that unfortunately quickly spirals out of control. Early on, Johnson goes for a spear that Tyler dodges, but the referee doesn't, causing him to roll out of the ring. From that point on, there were no rules, and Johnson took full advantage of it first, bringing the ring steps into the ring after dropping Tyler with a DDT. That wasn't the only weapon used, but it certainly seemed to inflict the most damage, to both fighters. By the time the referee came to, neither Tyler nor Johnson were moving much, both of them seeming to be out on their feet...and both with weapons in hand. The referee quickly stopped the match. [i]Draw in 9:59 by Stoppage (C-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange]A nice long music video plays, with clips of Jean Cattley throughout his career, including MAW and S2W. It ends with a nice shot of him standing on a turnbuckle, National Championship in hand.[/color] [b]Match 2 for the S2W National Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG]#1 Jean Cattley -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG]#4 Roderick Remus [/b] An awesome match, between two top-caliber performers. This match alone made up for the poor performance at From the Ashes, as Remus did his best to make the champion's reign a short one. It was not destined to be, however, because no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't lock on the Remus Clutch...and his final attempt was countered into a Mood Swing. [i]Jean Cattley in 12:15 by Mood Swing Pinfall (C)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W National Champion, Jean Cattley (1)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: We're all out of time for today. Until next time, this is Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Jared Johnson and Brooke Tyler fought to a draw (C-) Jean Cattley over Roderick Remus (C) to retain the S2W National Championship. [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Slightly less attending than last month (73), but this was an awesome show. Short, but the crowd left knowing they got their money's worth. Final Rating: C [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 38.7% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 17.7 (+1.4%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 9.6% (+0.2%) Popularity in New England to 9.3% (+0.2%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 8.7% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 3.6% (+0.2%) Prestige to 32.8% (+0.1%)
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[i]Thanks to everyone who's still with me. Never had many readers, and a 3-4 month break could lose a lot, probably. But if you're here, thanks for reading, and feel free to give any comments/predictions as desired.[/i] [b]Newsbites[/b] Pistol Pete Hall has announced (once again) that he is retiring. He is expected to remain behind the scenes in the future. In other news, Japan was saddened by the announcement that Sensational Ogiwara, a multiple-time champion and female wrestler of the year, is retiring. She is expected to have one final match before ending her in-ring career. Fans are already planning a celebration of her storied career. [B]Rankings August 2013[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Jean Cattley 0 2 Lenny Brown 0 3 Daniel Black Francis 0 4 Roderick Remus 0 5 Cowboy Buck Winchester +1 6 Antonio -1 7 Jared Johnson 0 8 Al Coleman 0 9 Brooke Tyler 0 10 Amazing Fire Fly 0 11 Aristocrat 0 12 Jonnie Perez 0 13 K-Squared +1 14 Huey Cannonball -1 15 Josh Jones 0 16 Spike 0 17 Geoff Borne 0 18 Jack Sanders 0 19 Kashmir Singh 0 20 Irwin Gutmann 0 [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Jean Cattley [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] Jonnie Perez [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Tough Love[/CENTER] This month, there will be a fatal four-way matchup with the Tri-State Championship on the line. Jonnie Perez defends his belt against three men; former champion K-Squared, Kashmir Singh, and Geoff Borne. The champion doesn't even need to be involved in the decision, so this is Perez' toughest challenge yet. The National Championship is also on the line as Jean Cattley defends against Amazing Fire Fly. Cattley successfully defeated Roderick Remus last month in the Great Lakes, and he looks to make it 2 for 2 this month, but Fly is hoping for an upset that can catapult his name into the stratosphere. Also, Al Coleman against rookie Austin Smooth, and Huey Cannonball takes on Jack Sanders. Plus, don't miss The Outreach Experiement this month.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Tough Love[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Sunday, Week 2, August 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Cutting out some dead weight this month. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: Whatever you say, boss. I'm Marv Earnest, that's Saul Stewart, and this is Tough Love. But you're not tuning in to hear me talk, so let's just get right to the action. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]#14 Huey Cannonball -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jack Avatar.jpg[/IMG]#18 Jack Sanders [/b] Sanders got off to a quick start, and had Cannonball on his back by the one-minute mark, trying to get the match over with quickly. Huey would fight out, and roll outside to catch his breath before getting back in the ring. The momentum was obviously on the side of Sanders, however, who took it to his opponent quickly again. Once again, Huey went outside to slow down the pace before re-entering the ring, and for a third time, Sanders would take control. This time, however, Huey fought out of a pinfall by using a pair of brass knuckles, but the referee caught him. Cannonball didn't seem to mind, and sneered at the bell. [i]Jack Sanders in 4:46 by Disqualification (E+)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]Daniel Black Francis: Let's see--one month ago, Jean Cattley attacked me when I asked him for a rematch. Ok, fair enough. Don't really like it, but it happens. But later that same day, I teamed up against him in a tag match...and who came out with the victory that night? Oh, that's right--me! Jean, how's that loss treating you? You feel up for the rematch now? No? Well, I'm not going anywhere. [i](D+)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]#8 Al Coleman -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Austin Smooth.jpg[/IMG]Austin Smooth [/b] Smooth enters S2W with a match against former 4-time champion Al Coleman. If he was intimidated, however, he certainly didn't show it. Smooth would take Coleman to his limit a number of times, getting near falls at least four times before Coleman managed to lock in a solid submission move. Smooth would attempt to break the hold, but fail, eventually giving up the match. [i]Al Coleman in 9:53 by Submission (D+)[/i] [b]Match 2 for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG]#12 Jonnie Perez -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG]#13 K-Squared -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Geoff Borne.jpg[/IMG]#17 Geoff Borne -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Kashmir Singh.jpg[/IMG]#19 Kashmir Singh [/b] A better match than was expected on most fronts, as all four men gave their all in this fight. The champion was triple-teamed at the beginning of the match, and thrown out of the ring after being basically knocked out, dropping the match back to a triple-threat. Squared would be the strong performance, as he managed to show why he's a former champion himself, nearly claiming a victory fairly early in the matchup after catching a high-flying Borne with a powerful drop-kick. Unfortunately, that was when Jean Cattley made his presence felt, pulling Cattley out of the pinfall attempt and attacking him at ringside. Borne and Singh took advantage of the suddenly one-on-one matchup to try to finish each other off, with Singh getting the upper hand, thanks to Squared's earlier drop kick. Singh would lock in a submission...only to have Perez return to the matchup with a superkick, and claim the pinfall. [i]Jonnie Perez in 8:31 by Pinfall over Kashmir Singh (C-)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W Tri-State Champion, Jonnie Perez (4)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange]Cattley doesn't seem to be done, however, as the brawl between him and K-Squared has basically ended, Squared on the ground. Cattley hunts under the ring, and pulls out a sledgehammer...and as Squared stands, Cattley uses the hammer to drop him again. After a second attack drops Squared for good, Cattley places the hammer on the steps and enters the ring, ready for his own match.[/color] [i](E+)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]Daniel Black Francis: Cattley, that was uncalled for. And I still want my rematch. So once again, I'm putting it out there...you and me, for the S2W National Championship. I'm just waiting for you to name the time and place. [i](D)[/i] [b]Match 3 for the S2W National Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG]#1 Jean Cattley -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Amazing Fire Fly.jpg[/IMG]#10 Amazing Fire Fly [/b] Fly came out cautiously, taking a close look at the still drying blood on the sledgehammer before entering the ring. Cattley saw the fear, and gave a smirk, knowing that he had yet another advantage over his opponent. He took that advantage, and used it to send Fly from post to post, holding the momentum for a good portion of the match. Fire Fly would get a decent face comeback towards the end of the match, but it wasn't to be, as a Mood Swing ended that real quick. [i]Jean Cattley in 16:41 by Mood Swing Pinfall (C)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W National Champion, Jean Cattley (2)[/i] Marv Earnest: We are all out of time today, ladies and gentlemen. Please join us later this month for the Outreach Experiment, and come back next month for Pure Adrenaline. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Jack Sanders over Huey Cannonball (E+) Al Coleman over Austin Smooth (D+) Jonnie Perez over Geoff Borne, Kashmir Singh, and K-Squared (C-) to retain the S2W Tri-State Championship Jean Cattley over Amazing Fire Fly (C) to retain the S2W National Championship [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Yeah, the bad show last month dropped our attendance, as we only had 1,615 paying customers this month. Still, that's like every student at my alma mater paying to show up, so that's good. Final Rating: C- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 39.1% (+0.4%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 17.9 (+0.2%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 9.8% (+0.2%) Popularity in New England to 9.5% (+0.2%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 8.9% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 3.8% (+0.2%) Prestige to 32.9% (+0.1%)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 3, August 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: The Outreach Experiment is live! I'm Marv Earnest, along with Saul Stewart, welcoming you to another exciting S2W production. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: National champion Jean Cattley is in action tonight in a non-title matchup against the undefeated Lenny Brown. ME: But first, Amazing Fire Fly put up a good attempt at Tough Love, and gets a chance to redeem himself slightly here tonight. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Amazing Fire Fly.jpg[/IMG]#10 Amazing Fire Fly -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Aristocrat.jpg[/IMG]#11 Aristocrat [/b] A good match between two midcarders, this match outshone what I had expected. Fire Fly hadn't really gotten a win lately, and was out to show that he could do so, and Aristocrat wanted Fly's ranking. Both of them had something to fight for, and it made the match just that much better. The Sky High Fire Fly gets the victory. [i]Amazing Fire Fly in 10:35 by Sky High Fire Fly Pinfall (C)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange]A music video plays, highlighting the career (thus far) of Lenny Brown, who remains undefeated in S2W action. Shots of most of his matches (hey, we only have two shows a month even now) showcase his dominance, but the video reminds us that as of yet, Brown hasn't claimed a single championship within S2W.[/color] [i](D+)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]#1 Jean Cattley -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#2 Lenny Brown [/b] The title wasn't on the line, but these guys fought like it was. Both men went hard from the opening bell, trying to score a quick pin, or failing to do so, wear down their opponent. Brown would get numerous near falls, the closest coming a mere hand's width away from a three-count before Cattley got his shoulder up. For the champion's part, he was doing his own work, and actually managed to score with a Mood Swing, only to have Brown get his hand on the ropes. The final sequence saw a huge spear drop Cattley through the ropes to the outside, where he grabbed his belt and started to walk away. Brown went after him, only to receive a shot to the face from the championship belt in retaliation. That was enough for the referee, who disqualified the champ. [i]Lenny Brown in 10:39 by Disqualification (C+)[/i] Marv Earnest: Once again, Cattley shows his colors. Saul Stewart: Those of a winner? ME: He lost here tonight. Regardless, we're out of time. Tune in next month! [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Amazing Fire Fly over Aristocrat (C) Lenny Brown over Jean Cattley (C+) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Whatever that imaginary line indicating how well we draw is, we bypassed it for this month, as our attendance more than doubled this month to 177. That, and a good strong showing from our top two spurred us to new heights. Final Rating: C+ [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 39.1% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 19.3 (+1.4%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 10.0% (+0.2%) Popularity in New England to 9.7% (+0.2%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 9.1% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 4.0% (+0.2%) Prestige to 33.0% (+0.1%)
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[B]Rankings September 2013[/B] His showing at Outreach last month earns us a new #1 worker, while the rest of the ranking stay relatively unchanged. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Lenny Brown +1 2 Jean Cattley -1 3 Daniel Black Francis 0 4 Roderick Remus 0 5 Cowboy Buck Winchester 0 6 Antonio 0 7 Jared Johnson 0 8 Al Coleman 0 9 Brooke Tyler 0 10 Amazing Fire Fly 0 11 Austin Smooth (NR) 12 Huey Cannonball +2 13 Aristocrat -2 14 Jonnie Perez -2 15 K-Squared -2 16 Josh Jones -1 17 Spike -1 18 Geoff Borne -1 19 Jack Sanders -1 20 Kashmir Singh -1 [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Jean Cattley [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] Jonnie Perez [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Pure Adrenaline[/CENTER] Last month saw newcomer Austin Smooth put up a good performance against former National champion Al Coleman; Saul Stewart has apparently decided the performance was good enough to earn Smooth a title shot against Jonnie Perez, so this month, the Tri-State Championship is on the line. A few months ago saw a series of arguments at Pennsylvania Park. The end result of that was a couple tag team matches being made, and this month we see another one. National Champion Jean Cattley teams up with Cowboy Buck Winchester to take on Roderick Remus and a partner of his choosing--and should Remus not have a partner by the time of the opening bell, this match will be a 2 on 1 handicap match! Also on the card, Josh Jones against Irwin Gutmann, and Daniel Black Francis takes on Brooke Tyler! Plus, don't miss the Outreach Experiment this month.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Pure Adrenaline[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Sunday, Week 2, September 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: Welcome back to Pennsylvania Park. I'm Marv Earnest, broadcasting over the internet with my partner Saul Stewart. This is Pure Adrenaline, where we've got a good lineup for you. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Including what I'm hoping will be a handicap match. ME: We'll have to see if Roderick can find somebody to team up with, I guess. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Josh Jones.jpg[/IMG]#16 Josh Jones -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Irwin Gutmann.jpg[/IMG]Irwin Gutmann [/b] A good technical matchup, as Gutmann can hang with pretty much anyone, and Jones seems to have a knack. As an opening match of the evening, this was possibly even too good. Jones hangs on for the victory. [i]Josh Jones in 6:03 by Canadian Backdrop Pinfall (C-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG]Roderick Remus: I know people out there are wondering--can Roderick find himself a partner for tonight? Well, honestly, I put off asking anyone for a while, for a variety of reasons. But after seeing the events of last month, there was one man I just had to ask. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Amazing Fire Fly.jpg[/IMG]Amazing Fire Fly: Hello. RR: That's right, Amazing Fire Fly. You did amazing against Jean Cattley last month. AFF: Why, thank you. Wish I could have beat him. RR: We all do. But you did take out Aristocrat in an awesome match at Outreach. AFF: I did, didn't I? RR: And tonight, you and I team up together to take on Cattley and Winchester. How do you think that'll turn out? AFF: Our victory, of course. RR: Of course. [i](E+)[/i] [b]Match 2 for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Austin Smooth.jpg[/IMG]#11 Austin Smooth -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG]#14 Jonnie Perez [/b] Perez seemed bound and determined to prove that the rookie was getting the title shot too early, and that his high ranking was merely a fluke. He dominated the early matchup, but after one move around the five minute mark, he was on the defensive the entire match. Smooth proved that his showing last month, even in a loss, was no fluke, and claims the title. [i]Austin Smooth in 9:34 by Fireman's Carry Cutter Pinfall (D-)[/i] [i]Winner and NEW S2W Tri-State Champion, Austin Smooth (1x)[/i] [color=orange]Perez stands, looking at Smooth celebrating with the Tri-State championship. He moves over to Smooth, turning him roughly to face him. After a moment of staring, Perez holds out his hand...only to have Smooth smirk and walk away, still celebrating.[/color] [i](E-)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]#3 Daniel Black Francis -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]#9 Brooke Tyler [/b] Nobody seemed to know why this match was being held, and Marv even questioned it verbally at one point, wondering if Saul was trying to get DBF focused on somebody other than the champion. Stewart, of course, denied that charge, but their banter only slightly helped the matchup. Two decent workers, but they just never seemed to kick it into the next gear. [i]Daniel Black Francis in 13:37 by Pinfall (D+)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] Cowboy Buck Winchester: Cattley! You ready, ol' boy? Jean Cattley: Eh. CBW: C'mon, man! This'll be fun. We get to go out there and walk all over two of our favorite punching bags, no? JC: It's a joke. You know it, and I know it. CBW: Yeah, but a fun one. Come on, let's go get us a victory on our records. [i](D-)[/i] [b]Match 4 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]Jean Cattley & Cowboy Buck Winchester -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Amazing Fire Fly.jpg[/IMG]Roderick Remus & Amazing Fire Fly [/b] A decent enough tag match, and a main event that people enjoyed. A bit of tension between CBW and Cattley was teased, but nothing came of it, at least in this match, as they worked well together, isolating the faces one at a time as they worked towards a victory. Fly would get the hot tag and clean house, but get dropped in his tracks by a sudden Mood Swing after nailing CBW with a Sky High Fire Fly. Nobody would move for a few moments, but Cattley would get to his feet just as Fly tagged in Remus...and nail him with a Mood Swing as well, for the suddenly easy victory. [i]Jean Cattley in 11:48 by Mood Swing Pinfall over Roderick Remus (C-)[/i] Marv Earnest: And with that, we're out of time for this evening. We welcome you all to check out The Outreach Experiment, only on S2W.com and the Ohio Jewish Center. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Josh Jones over Irwin Gutmann (C-) Austin Smooth over Jonnie Perez (D-) to win the S2W Tri-State Championship Daniel Black Francis over Brooke Tyler (D+) Jean Cattley & Cowboy Buck Winchester over Roderick Remus & Amazing Fire Fly (C-) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Attendance back up, with 1,731 paying customers this month. Sadly, the match on this show will prove to be DBF's last match with us for some time, as he has maxed out his contracts once again and will be leaving us before I can get him his rematch against Cattley. At least he wasn't holding the belt when he got the call. Final Rating: C- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 39.5% (+0.4%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 19.5 (+0.2%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 10.2% (+0.2%) Popularity in New England to 9.9% (+0.2%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 9.3% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 4.2% (+0.2%) Prestige to 33.1% (+0.1%)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 3, September 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: We are live, and we've got a great show for you tonight. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Starting out, apparently, with my favorite psycho, Jared Johnson in the ring. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]Jared Johnson: I'm tired of this hanging over me. There's a dark cloud over my head, and I want it gone. Brooke Tyler, if you've got the stones, I want you in the ring again. You and me, one on one. What do you say? [i](E+)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]Brooke Tyler: Well, that took you long enough. You don't have to ask me twice, because I want this too. You've got the match. [i](E+)[/i] [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#1 Lenny Brown -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Austin Smooth.jpg[/IMG]#11 Austin Smooth [/b] We get the explanation that this match was signed before Smooth won the Tri-State Championship, so this is a non-title matchup. A nice smooth match back and forth, with Brown slowly gaining dominance before eventually hitting the Star Treatment. Smooth kicks out of the pinfall, but unfortunately, he's just a moment too late. [i]Lenny Brown in 9:40 by Star Treatment Pinfall (C-)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg[/IMG]#5 Cowboy Buck Winchester -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Amazing Fire Fly.jpg[/IMG]#10 Amazing Fire Fly [/b] The two men who weren't involved in the decision at Pure Adrenaline both look to score a victory over the other. Fly had managed to take down CBW at their last match before Cattley interjected himself with the Mood Swing, but the National Champion was nowhere to be seen tonight as these two went at it hard and without rest. Eventually, the Sky High would fly once again, dropping the cowboy to the mat. [i]Amazing Fire Fly in 11:51 by Sky High Fire Fly Pinfall (C-)[/i] Marv Earnest: That's all we've got time for tonight. Hope you enjoyed it, and hopefully we'll see you next month. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Lenny Brown over Austin Smooth (C-) Amazing Fire Fly over Cowboy Buck Winchester (C-) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Ok, maybe not. Attendance down again this month, way down to 86, literally less than half of what it was last month. Hopefully we can get back up there soon. Final Rating: C- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 39.5% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 20.6 (+1.1%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 10.4% (+0.2%) Popularity in New England to 10.1% (+0.2%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 9.5% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 4.4% (+0.2%) Prestige to 33.2% (+0.1%)
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[B]Rankings October 2013[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Lenny Brown 0 2 Jean Cattley 0 3 Daniel Black Francis 0 4 Roderick Remus 0 5 Cowboy Buck Winchester 0 6 Antonio 0 7 Jared Johnson 0 8 Al Coleman 0 9 Brooke Tyler 0 10 Amazing Fire Fly 0 11 Austin Smooth 0 12 Huey Cannonball 0 13 Aristocrat 0 14 Jonnie Perez 0 15 K-Squared 0 16 Josh Jones 0 17 Spike 0 18 Geoff Borne 0 19 Jack Sanders 0 20 Kashmir Singh 0 [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Jean Cattley [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] Austin Smooth [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Austin Smooth.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Spook Show[/CENTER] Under the cover of darkness, S2W brings you Spook Show. This month, we attempt to bring more light to the confusing National Title scene with another non-title matchup, this one a triple-threat match featuring Jean Cattley, Roderick Remus, and Lenny Brown. Brown remains undefeated, though that's probably more annoying to him than anything else as he has multiple victories over multiple champions during his streak. Remus put on a good showing at The Outreach Experiment in July, but came up just a little short. Both men are facing off against the champion, who is bound and determined to prove that he's now the only man that matters in S2W. Last month, a shock victory by newcomer Austin Smooth saw a new Tri-State champion. This month, he makes his first title defense against Aristocrat. Can Smooth show that his victory wasn't a fluke, or will Aristocrat take over the championship? Also, Cowboy Buck Winchester takes on Brooke Tyler and S2W Originals K-Squared and Kashmir Singh face off in singles action.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Spook Show[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Sunday, Week 2, October 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: Good evening, and welcome to the scariest show of the year. I'm Marv Earnest, along with Saul Stewart, welcoming you to S2W. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Tonight, we hope to clarify a few title positions in this company. ME: A few? We only have two titles. SS: Yeah, but the main event should be able to knock a couple people out of the National picture. ME: I see. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG]#15 K-Squared -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Kashmir Singh.jpg[/IMG]#20 Kashmir Singh [/b] This was just two stalwarts of S2W putting on one hell of a match. They played up the crowd, really got them into the match, and strove to one-up each other for the whole match. Just a great opening to the show. [i]K-Squared in 4:45 by Pinfall (C-)[/i] [b]Match 2 for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Austin Smooth.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG]#11 Austin Smooth -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Aristocrat.jpg[/IMG]#13 Aristocrat [/b] Smooth showed a bit of swagger as he approached the ring, but once the bell rang he was all business. Aristocrat did his best to claim the belt from the rookie, but Smooth showed good ring presence for his youth, and was able to stay out of bad situations. Eventually, the champion would manage to lock on an armbar combo that was dubbed the Smooth Hold. [i]Austin Smooth in 8:54 by Smooth Hold Submission (D)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W Tri-State Champion, Austin Smooth (1)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg[/IMG]#5 Cowboy Buck Winchester -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]#9 Brooke Tyler [/b] Basically filler match, with some decent technical action. No real story being told, so the end didn't really get the crowd going. [i]Cowboy Buck Winchester in 10:42 by Neckbreaker Pinfall (D+)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG]Roderick Remus: Hey, Winchester! I saw Fly beat you last month, and I want my win back over you too. So what do you say? Next week, you and me at Outreach? [i](E+)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg[/IMG]Cowboy Buck Winchester: It's true that the Fly beat me. But I won't be fooled the same way twice, so if'n ye wanna take me on next week, I'll be glad ta kick yer teeth in. [i](E-)[/i] [b]Match 4 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#1 Lenny Brown -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]#2 Jean Cattley -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG]#4 Roderick Remus [/b] With the title not on the line, Cattley seemed content to spend a good portion of the match outside of the ring, cajoling his opponents into more violent action. For their parts, Brown and Remus both wanted to prove that they deserved another shot at the championship, and so let Cattley do what he wanted. At least until he tried to sneak in a quick victory...Brown hit Remus with a Star Treatment, and paused to pose for the crowd, and Cattley rolled in for the cover. Brown broke it up, and got Remus to help with a double team. Shortly after that, Cattley was out of the match again, while the other two locked up once more. A hard fought match saw Rod lock on the Remus Clutch, but before Brown could tap out, Cattley made his presence felt again, breaking up the submission. Cattley stalked the two, with Brown the first to his feet. Cattley went for the Mood Swing, but Brown reversed it into a Star Treatment for the win. [i]Lenny Brown in 20:48 by Star Treatment Pinfall (C+)[/i] Marv Earnest: After that amazing match and huge victory over the champion, we're just completely out of time. We'll see you all next show. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] K-Squared over Kashmir Singh (C-) Austin Smooth over Aristocrat (D) to retain the S2W Tri-State Championship Cowboy Buck Winchester over Brooke Tyler (D) Lenny Brown over Jean Cattley and Roderick Remus (C+) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] I look at matches like the first one here tonight, and I wonder where the hell the C- matches were back when I started this company. We had an attendance of 1,697 tonight, and a relatively decent show. Things continue forward as expected. Final Rating: C- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 39.9% (+0.4%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 20.8 (+0.2%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 10.6% (+0.2%) Popularity in New England to 10.3% (+0.2%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 9.7% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 4.6% (+0.2%) Prestige to 33.3% (+0.1%)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 3, October 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: Welcome to the Ohio Jewish Center. This is The Outreach Experiment! I am Marv Earnest, alongside Saul Stewart. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: And I think I'm going to start this show off with some fun news. ME: What would that be? SS: A #1 Contenders match, here tonight. Tonight, there will be a triple threat match, with the winner earning the right to face off against Austin Smooth for the Tri State Championship. ME: The ... Tri-State? SS: That's right. So, the contenders...let's see...Al Coleman and Antonio--it's always fun to put those two in the same ring. And...let's say Spike. I think I saw him backstage. Oh...and that match, is now! [i](E-)[/i] [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Antonio.jpg[/IMG]#6 Antonio -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]#8 Al Coleman -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG]#17 Spike [/b] A solid match, but nothing to really write home about. The three-person dynamic was used extensively early in the match, as numerous near falls were broken up by the third contender, but nothing unexpected. Coleman would give Spike a hard whip into the ropes, where he would get tangled up long enough for Antonio to nail an Italian DDT for the three. [i]Antonio in 7:52 by Italian DDT Pinfall over Al Coleman (D)[/i] [color=orange]Roderick Remus is making his way to the ring for his match when Winchester comes running up behind him, steel chair in hand. He lays into Remus for a few minutes before dragging him to the ring, calling for the bell.[/color] [i](E+)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG]#4 Roderick Remus -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg[/IMG]#5 Cowboy Buck Winchester [/b] CBW seemed a bit confident after his attack, and it seemed to throw him off a little bit, as he took too long to get some moves in, and missed a few opportunities to end the match early. Or maybe he just wanted to drag it out a bit, to abuse his opponent a little bit more. Remus would eventually rally and go for the Clutch, but CBW was waiting for it, and fought out, hitting a Neckbreaker for the win. [i]Cowboy Buck Winchester in 12:34 by Neckbreaker Pinfall (D+)[/i] Marv Earnest: Good night, and be sure to tune in next month for Blood Sport! [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Antonio over Al Coleman and Spike (D) Cowboy Buck Winchester over Roderick Remus (D+) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] I don't know what's going on with our attendance. Back solidly in the triple digits this time, with 147 people showing up. But I'm really glad this was an Outreach. On paper, I thought it would do better than it did. Final Rating: D+ [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Gotta point something out here. See what happened down below? Both the Mid Atlantic and New England regions lost popularity. Note that it was February when I last (and only) visited them, which is the only reason I can see for the drop. So don't visit a place even once if you don't think you can make it on a semi-regular basis, I guess. Popularity in Tri State to 39.9% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 21.4 (+0.6%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 10.0% (-0.6%) Popularity in New England to 10.1% (-0.2%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 9.9% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 4.8% (+0.2%) Prestige to 33.4% (+0.1%)
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[B]Rankings November 2013[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Lenny Brown 0 2 Jean Cattley 0 3 Cowboy Buck Winchester +2 4 Roderick Remus 0 5 Antonio +1 6 Jared Johnson +1 7 Al Coleman +1 8 Brooke Tyler +1 9 Amazing Fire Fly +1 10 Austin Smooth +1 11 Huey Cannonball +1 12 Aristocrat +1 13 Jonnie Perez +1 14 K-Squared +1 15 Josh Jones +1 16 Spike +1 17 Geoff Borne +1 18 Jack Sanders +1 19 Kashmir Singh +1 20 Irwin Gutmann (NR) [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Jean Cattley [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] Austin Smooth [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Austin Smooth.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Blood Sport[/CENTER] Blood Sport brings to you two title matches, and the best and most brutal competitors from elsewhere bringing their work here to S2W. Last month, Antonio earned the right to face off against Austin Smooth with the Tri-State Championship on the line. The title shot happens this month, as Antonio looks to prove that his veteran skills can overwhelm the relative greenness of Smooth and claim the championship. Smooth is riding high after a successful defense last month, and hopes to make it two in a row. By virtue of his victory over Roderick Remus at Outreach, it has been determined that Cowboy Buck Winchester should get a shot at the National Championship. While this decision is not without its controversy, it should prove to be a great match. Which man will claim victory and walk out with the National title? Also on the card, the undefeated Lenny Brown faces off against Spike. Plus, Death Row is here! Shady K and Knuckles have joined S2W, and both men will be in action this week, as Knuckles faces off against Roderick Remus, and Shady K takes on yet another S2W new hire, Teddy Powell. These men have long histories outside of the company, and bring with them the promise of exciting days ahead.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Blood Sport[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Sunday, Week 2, November 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: In what promises to be an exciting night of wrestling, this is BLOOD SPORT! I am Marv Earnest, and along with me as usual is Saul Stewart. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Bloodthirsty men looking to spill a little of it here tonight. It should be a good night. ME: And we start right out with a Tri-State Championship bout. The crowd is hopping, so let's get right to the action. [b]Match 1 for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Antonio.jpg[/IMG]#5 Antonio -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Austin Smooth.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG]#10 Austin Smooth [/b] Smooth goes up against his second one-named challenger, and this time, he is considered the underdog. As a newcomer, however, he's not really any stranger to that position, and accepts it unflinchingly. A good back and forth match, with lots of technical action, as well as some decent flying. Antonio nails the Italian DDT, and goes for the pinfall, but somehow, Smooth kicks out, and grabs the ropes to avoid a second attempt. After getting a clean break, the match goes forward again, and this time, it's Smooth who goes for the pin...and gets it. [i]Austin Smooth in 9:11 by Fireman's Carry Cutter Pinfall (C-)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W Tri-State Champion, Austin Smooth (2)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#1 Lenny Brown -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG]#16 Spike [/b] According to Earnest, Brown has to be fuming that he hasn't earned another shot at the National Championship, and is being placed as the second match of the evening. That leads him to pretty much dominate Spike, and by the two and a half minute mark, the outcome was a foregone conclusion. Still, he played with his victim for another few minutes, trying to send a message to whoever would listen. [i]Lenny Brown in 5:56 by Star Treatment Pinfall (C)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Shady K.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Knuckles.jpg[/IMG] Shady K: Yes, you heard that music right. Death Row has come to S2W! Knuckles: And we're here for one reason only. Carnage. Devastation. Pain. SK: We get to start that out here tonight, but it doesn't end here. No, sir. Tonight is just a taste. When we get going...none shall stand in our path. [i](C-)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG]#4 Roderick Remus -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Knuckles.jpg[/IMG]Knuckles [/b] An awesome match for the debuting Knuckles, as both men held little back. Knuckles lived up to his promo, trying to cause pain to Remus, and for his part, Rod matched him move for move. Painful looking submission holds were locked on by both men, and they were quickly tiring out. Knuckles took a moment to toss Remus to ringside to try to recover his breath, and that was when Cowboy Buck Winchester decided to attack. (Earnest: What the hell is he doing!? He's already earned HIS shot at the title.) Once the referee noticed it, he called the match. [i]Roderick Remus in 8:43 by Disqualification (C)[/i] [b]Match 4 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Shady K.jpg[/IMG]Shady K -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Teddy Powell.jpg[/IMG]Teddy Powell [/b] Not sure we've ever had a match like this one in S2W. Neither man entered this match ranked, due to this being their first match, and neither man looked back. It was obvious early on that the match was going to spiral out of control, and when weapons came into play, on both sides, the referee shrugged and let the match continue. Both men were bloodied by the end of the match, which eventually came when the referee determined there was just too much of it to continue, and medically disqualified both men, to the crowd's boos. [i]Draw in 11:56 by Double Disqualification (B-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]Jean Cattley: Cowboy, I don't know what you were up to earlier, but if you thought that it would somehow give you an advantage tonight...well, I don't know what you were thinking. I've been focused on you, while you come out here and attack someone else. I've been keeping my nose clean, staying out of trouble with others. You...well, you came out and provoked someone. So let me tell you how this is going to end. I'm going to stay in this ring, and just hold you off. Eventually, my guess is that someone comes out and bothers you. They might attack you, they might distract you, they might pull the ref out of the ring when you're trying to pin me. But really...you've already lost this match, thanks to that little escapade. So thanks for giving me another successful defense. [i](D)[/i] [b]Match 5 for the S2W National Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG]#2 Jean Cattley -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg[/IMG]#3 Cowboy Buck Winchester [/b] Cattley definitely lived up to his word. He played defense, sticking near the ropes, getting breaks whenever it looked like CBW would get some momentum. He played with the challenger, who got increasingly frustrated as the match went on, while Cattley just kept smirking. Eventually, Jean proved prophetic, as Roderick Remus slowly made his way towards the ring. CBW, mindful of Cattley's words, tried to stay focused on the match, but that proved hard to do. After a whip, Winchester got tripped up, and literally fell into a Mood Swing. Cattley paused to nod at Remus before getting the pinfall. [i]Jean Cattley in 7:41 by Mood Swing Pinfall (C)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W National Champion, Jean Cattley (3)[/i] Marv Earnest: What was that? Cattley predicted Remus would show up, and then gave him a nod of thanks! Are they working together in this? Whatever it is, we're out of time, so we'll have to find out later. Until then, thanks for tuning in. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Austin Smooth over Antonio (C-) to retain the S2W Tri-State Championship Lenny Brown over Spike (C) Roderick Remus over Knuckles (C) Shady K and Teddy Powell fight to a Draw (B-) Jean Cattley over Cowboy Buck Winchester (C) to retain the S2W National Championship [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Now that felt like a show. We had a B- rated match, along with an angle that hit the Cs. Our worst match of the evening was the first one, and that one was a C-. I'm incredibly pleased with the way this show turned out. I do wish the attendance (1,684) was a touch higher, but we're still doing well. Final Rating: C [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 40.5% (+0.6%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 21.6 (+0.2%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 7.9% (-2.1%) Popularity in New England to 8.6% (-1.5%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 10.1% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 5.0% (+0.2%) Prestige to 33.5% (+0.1%)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 4, November 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: It's a different week, but The Outreach Experiment is here. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: With a special treat this time around. ME: That's right, another debut, this time only here at the Ohio Jewish Center can you see this man's first match live. SS: But that's not what we have coming up first. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG]#13 Jonnie Perez -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Geoff Borne.jpg[/IMG]#17 Geoff Borne [/b] Call this the battle of those who really want something to do. That's because that's basically what it is. And fairly lackluster at that. Borne gets the victory. [i]Geoff Borne in 5:46 by Borne Again Pinfall (E+)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Remmy Skye.jpg[/IMG]Remmy Skye -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Teddy Powell.jpg[/IMG]Teddy Powell [/b] It appears that Remmy Skye is our newest debut, while Powell looks to end up with a less bloody fight than his first one. The two men shake hands at the beginning of the match, and lock it up. Powell's nickname is "Constant Motion", and Skye likes to fly, so this match quickly takes to the air, and is fast paced. The crowd (such as it is) starts some competing chants for "Remmy" and "Powell", and the two competitors feed off that. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Shady K.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Knuckles.jpg[/IMG] That's when Death Row enters the ring. Skye and Powell see them coming, however, and go on the offensive themselves, brawling with them to the outside while the referee counts. As the ten-count is reached, both Skye and Powell are down and out on the floor outside of the ring. [i]Draw in 14:49 by Double Countout (B-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Shady K.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Knuckles.jpg[/IMG] Shady K: We told you that were here to bring pain. At Blood Sport, we brought the pain, the blood, and the anguish. Knuckles: Tonight, we just brought a little more. Nobody in S2W is safe from us. SK: So get used to it, because Death Row is here to stay. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Geoff Borne over Jonnie Perez (E+) Remmy Skye and Teddy Powell fight to a Draw (B-) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Two Powell matches, two B-'s. To say I'm pleased with his early performance would be an understatement. As would a statement that I was disappointed with the opening match. Fortunately, they offset each other fairly nicely. And we kept the half-full house with 141 people showing up tonight. Final Rating: C- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 40.5% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 22.7 (+1.1%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 7.1% (-0.8%) Popularity in New England to 7.8% (-0.8%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 10.3% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 5.2% (+0.2%) Prestige to 33.6% (+0.1%)
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[B]Rankings December 2013[/B] Newcomers take a bunch of the high rankings, causing a bit of shakeups down the chart. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Lenny Brown 0 2 Jean Cattley 0 3 Roderick Remus +1 4 Knuckles (NR) 5 Cowboy Buck Winchester -2 6 Teddy Powell (NR) 7 Shady K (NR) 8 Remmy Skye (NR) 9 Jared Johnson -3 10 Antonio -5 11 Austin Smooth -1 12 Brooke Tyler -4 13 Amazing Fire Fly -4 14 Huey Cannonball -3 15 K-Squared -1 16 Jonnie Perez -3 17 Josh Jones -2 18 Geoff Borne -1 19 Spike -3 20 Jack Sanders -2 [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Jean Cattley [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] Austin Smooth [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Austin Smooth.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Demolition[/CENTER] Teddy Powell has impressed the championship committee, and his strong performances in his first two matches have already earned him a shot as the National Championship. Can Jean Cattley hold off "Constant Motion", or will be the belt be changing hands? Regardless of who wins that match, the #1 Contenders spot is up for grabs. Once again, Roderick Remus and Cowboy Buck Winchester face off in the ring, this time knowing that the winner will get a shot at the belt at Raising the Roof. Both men have victories over the other, whether mental or physical, and with a title shot on the line, this is sure to be a hard fought battle. A battle that Lenny Brown will probably be watching closely. Brown remains undefeated, and has remained so for over a year now. He is in action against Brooke Tyler, but what will he think about being shut out of the National Title picture yet again? Brown has a shot in the Anniversary Tournament, but will that be enough for him? Speaking of the Anniversary Tournament, seven seeds have been named. The eighth and final seed will be determined at The Outreach Experiment this month in a special ten-man battle royal. So this month, you can't miss that show. Also, Kashmir Singh takes on Amazing Fire Fly.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Demolition[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Sunday, Week 2, December 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: We are in the home stretch leading to the Anniversary Tournament, and what a show we've got for you tonight. I'm Marv Earnest, and this is Saul Stewart. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Title matches, #1 Contender shots, disgruntled wannabes! We've got it all for you here. ME: But that's enough from us. Our first two competitors have made their way to the ring, so let's bring you there. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Amazing Fire Fly.jpg[/IMG]#13 Amazing Fire Fly -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Kashmir Singh.jpg[/IMG]Kashmir Singh [/b] Singh fell off the bottom of the rankings, and looks to try to re-make a name for himself with a solid victory over the Fly tonight. He puts forth a valiant effort in an excellent match, and manages to get a few near falls before Fly takes to the skies and claims victory. [i]Amazing Fire Fly in 8:16 by Sky High Fire Fly Pinfall (C+)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#1 Lenny Brown -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]#12 Brooke Tyler [/b] Brown looks for another squash match, but Tyler puts up a heck of a fight, not letting him get the momentum he would need to make this match short. Unfortunately, that mainly amounts to a lot of holds, which doesn't make for a terribly exciting bout, though the skills on display are good enough in their own right. In the end, however, Brown makes her pay for a single mistake. [i]Lenny Brown in 13:46 by Star Treatment Pinfall (C-)[/i] [color=orange]As the crowd cheers another victory by Brown, he starts to leave the ring, then stops. He grabs Tyler, who is just starting to move again, and, with a belt-motion, he nails a huge powerbomb on her. Picking her up again, he lands another Star Treatment, then kicks at her a few times. The referee finally convinces him to leave the ring, this time to the boos of the crowd.[/color] [i](D-)[/i] [b]Match 3 #1 Contenders Match for the National Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG]#3 Roderick Remus -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg[/IMG]#5 Cowboy Buck Winchester [/b] A hard fought match that saw neither man back down an inch. Both knew the title shot was on the line, and both men wanted to claim it. Though a number of hard hits happened that dropped both men, they never stayed down for a full three-count, always getting their shoulders up at the last moment. Eventually, CBW went after a chair in frustration, but when he entered the ring, the referee was there to stop him from using it. He was ordered to put it down, but refused, and the referee began a disqualification count. He never finished, however, as Remus got tired of waiting and grabbed at the chair, nailing the referee with it as it came out of Winchester's hands...horrified, Remus went to check on the ref, only to get nailed in the back with this chair himself for his troubles. But the referee saw it, and called for the bell. After a moment's confusion, and some consultation, it was announced that... [i]Draw in 8:41 by Double Disqualification (C-)[/i] [b]Match 4 for the S2W National Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG]#2 Jean Cattley -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Teddy Powell.jpg[/IMG]#6 Teddy Powell [/b] While Marv was still questioning Saul as what the double DQ would mean for the title match at Raising the Roof, this match started out with a bang. Powell took to the air, and soon, Cattley was forced to follow just to get his hands on his challenger. By around the ten minute mark, it was obviously taking a toll on the champion, who seemed to be struggling just to climb the turnbuckles now. By thirteen minutes, Cattley was standing with his hands on his knees in the middle of the ring. Powell saw his advantage and went to take it...only to be hit with a surprise Mood Swing. A now not-tired-at-all Cattley got the cover and the victory. [i]Jean Cattley in 13:51 by Mood Swing Pinfall (B-)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W National Champion, Jean Cattley (4)[/i] [color=orange]Getting to his feet, Powell shook his head in dismay before laughing and nodding at Cattley. He went to the champion, holding out his hand...and Cattley shook it! Raising each other's hands in celebration, they both acknowledge the awesome match they just had.[/color] [i](D+)[/i] Marv Earnest: What a match, what a show! We still don't know the fate of the National Championship match at Raising the Roof, but you can be sure you'll find out at S2W.com. Plus, don't forget to learn the final entrant into the Anniversary Tournament at The Outreach Experiment! [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Amazing Fire Fly over Kashmir Singh (C+) Lenny Brown over Brooke Tyler (C-) Roderick Remus and Cowboy Buck Winchester fight to a Draw (C-) Jean Cattley over Teddy Powell (B-) to retain the S2W National Championshipo [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Powell goes three for three, two successful turns, and some nice storyline advancement. And even better, we approached capacity at Pennsylvania Park, as 1,957 fans attended this show. Word is getting out, and I'm liking it. Final Rating: C [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] The free-fall in New England and the Mid Atlantic ends thanks to reaching a magic number somewhere. I didn't think I was there yet (my notes says it's 47%), but apparently we are. Interesting, though, that they didn't reach the same number as our Canadian territories did. Popularity in Tri State to 41.1% (+0.6%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 22.9 (+0.2%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 17.0% (+9.9%) Popularity in New England to 17.0% (+9.2%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 17.1% (+6.8%) Everywhere else to 5.4% (+0.2%) Prestige to 33.7% (+0.1%)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 3, December 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: A special Outreach for you this month, as you get to learn who has already made the Anniversary Tournament, and tonight, we make that final seed. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Indeed. Seven men have already been entered into that tournament, and ten more hope to earn that final spot. ME: Already in the tournament, in alphabetical order, are Amazing Fire Fly, Huey Cannonball, Jared Johnson, Jonnie Perez, Knuckles, Lenny Brown, and Remmy Skye. SS: And...oh my. Let's go backstage now. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Shady K.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Knuckles.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange]Backstage, Death Row has cornered Jonnie Perez, and is attacking him mercilessly. We are informed, while watching the attack, that Perez and Knuckles are scheduled to be first round opponents in the tournament, and that's likely what this attack is about. Eventually, the announcement of the first competitors in the battle royal gets their attention, and they leave Perez down and out on the floor.[/color] [i](D-)[/i] [b]Match 1 Last Chance Battle Royal [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Teddy Powell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Shady K.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Antonio.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Josh Jones.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Geoff Borne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jack Avatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Kashmir Singh.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Grimm Quibble.jpg[/IMG] Featuring #6 Teddy Powell, #7 Shady K, #10 Antonio, #15 K-Squared, #17 Josh Jones, #18 Geoff Borne, #19 Spike, #20 Jack Sanders, Kashmir Singh, Grimm Quibble [/b] With ten men in the ring, the action was fast and furious. Early on, Knuckles approached the ring, and Singh quickly pointed it out to the others. It didn't take long for Shady K to be eliminated (#1) after that, as the other nine men teamed up against him. He didn't go down withought a fight, however, and even after being sent out of the ring, he grabbed Antonio and pulled him out (#2). Newcomer Grimm Quibble was sent over the top rope by Jack Sanders, but managed to skin the cat and get back into the ring, dropping down and pulling the ropes as Spike charged, eliminating him (#3). K-Squared was the next to go (#4), falling prey to a Motion Censor and being sent over the top. Sanders and Jones managed to eliminate each other (#5, #6), as Sanders has his legs around Jones neck while Jones sent Sanders over the top. The final four, Kashmir Singh, Geoff Borne, Grimm Quibble, and Teddy Powell, quickly realized that they were in a more manageable situation, and slowed the action down. Borne started the second half of the action, locking up with Powell and trying to convince the other two to join him...he didn't get their help, though, and was sent out of the ring (#7), while Quibble and Singh locked up in their own fight. Powell would interject himself in that fight, and a decent three-way would last for about a minute before Singh tried a bit of air action, and got pushed off the top turnbuckled for his efforts (#8). Powell looked Quibble over for a bit, trying to judge the rookie before they locked up. The fight naturally gravitated towards the ropes, and Powell managed to get Quibble on the outside, reeling. After running to the other side, he nailed a huge clothesline...and Quibble stayed on the apron. Incredulous, Powell locked in a headlock to finish him off, and Quibble...locked his leg around a rope and pulled off a perfect suplex. Powell hit the floor (#9) while Quibble stayed locked in the ropes, giving him the victory! [i]Grimm Quibble in 20:47 (C-)[/i] Marv Earnest: Quibble takes the final spot in the anniversary tournament with style! Hope everyone tunes in to our year end review and Raising the Roof next year. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Grimm Quibble wins a battle royal (C-) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Quibble's got some stamina. He was involved in an 11 minute dark match before the battle royal, and still went on to win it. If I recall correctly, I actually allowed the road agent to decide this match, because I couldn't figure out who I wanted to go on to the tournament. A big boost for Quibble, to be sure. We had 136 in attendance for this show. Final Rating: C- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 41.1% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 23.7 (+0.8%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic, New England to 17.0% (+0.0%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 17.3% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 5.6% (+0.2%) Prestige to 33.8% (+0.1%)
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It's time once again to honor the best of the best, both in S2W and the world at large. We here at S2W are pleased with our progress this year, and most importantly, what our wrestlers have done. It is with great pleasure that we name S2W's wrestler of the year as Jean Cattley, our National Champion. There is no question that this is indeed the Cattley era of S2W, as he has led us to a period of greater prosperity. That being said, we would like to offer an honorable mention to Teddy Powell, who has had an extremely solid two months thus far, and shows incredible promise for the future. Our favorite card of the year, while not the best show by performance, was the show that gave us the indication of things to come. That was Fame and Fortune, held in March, and headlined by Daniel Black Francis defeating Jean Cattley in our first ever match to reach above the C+ mark. That feat has been matched three times since then, all of them featuring Teddy Powell. Our favorite match of the year has to be the match between Powell and Shady K gave new meaning to the name "Blood Sport". Globally, we thank everyone that named *us* as the Most Improved Promotion of the Year. We hope to continue that trend through the years to come, and hopefully you'll see our name up there eventually as Promotion of the Year. This year, however, that honor falls once again to North of the Border Pro Wrestling, the second time they've earned the honor. They were led by the Wrestler of the Year (Sean McFly taking his second such honor) and the Veteran Wrestler of the Year (Jeremy Stone claiming his second successive honor). Other honorees were Sensational Ogiwara claiming her fifth Female Wrestler of the Year award, after her retirement, and El Heroe Mexicano claiming the Young Wrestler of the Year Award. TCW put on the card and the match of the year, as Remo Richardson defeated Tommy Cornell at Excessive Force for the match of the year (continuing their trend of doing so every other year), and an episode of Grappling in October the card of the year. Congratulations to all the honorees and good luck next year.
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[B]Rankings January 2014[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Lenny Brown 0 2 Jean Cattley 0 3 Roderick Remus 0 4 Cowboy Buck Winchester +1 5 Knuckles -1 6 Shady K +1 7 Teddy Powell -1 8 Grimm Quibble (NR) 9 Remmy Skye -1 10 Jared Johnson -1 11 Antonio -1 12 Austin Smooth -1 13 Brooke Tyler -1 14 Amazing Fire Fly -1 15 Huey Cannonball -1 16 K-Squared -1 17 Jonnie Perez -1 18 Josh Jones -1 19 Geoff Borne -1 20 Spike -1 [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Jean Cattley [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] Austin Smooth [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Austin Smooth.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Raising the Roof[/CENTER] Eight men enter the tournament with a shot at a National Championship match. Only one man will leave victorious. There can be little doubt who the favorite is to win this year, as Lenny Brown has now lasted well over a year without a single loss to blemish his record. Can he win three more matches and pick up another title shot, or will the tournament prove his downfall when somebody finally gets rid of the goose egg in his loss column? Trying to dethrone the early favorite are seven other men. Knuckles (of Death Row) earns the second spot in the tournament thanks to his powerful entrance into S2W. Remmy Skye picks up the third, and Jared Johnson the fourth seed. If anyone can upset Lenny Brown, it will likely be one of those three; however, they aren't immune to upsets themselves. Knuckles faces off against the seventh seed Jonnie Perez in the first round, and Perez will be wanting revenge for the attack at The Outreach Experiment last month. Skye faces off against the sixth seed Huey Cannonball, who hasn't been seen for a while and will doubtless be wanting to get some fresh momentum. Amazing Fire Fly is the fifth seed, and faces off against Jared Johnson in the first round, hoping to continue his recent hot streak. And we can't forget the eighth seed, the man who held off nine others, including Shady K, Teddy Powell, and Antonio, to earn his spot in the tournament, Grimm Quibble. But only one man can come out on top. Who will it be this year? Last month saw a double disqualification in the National Championship #1 Contenders match, and it has been decided that rather than keep a title match out of the card this year, there will be a triple threat match. Jean Cattley defends the National Championship this month against both Roderick Remus and Cowboy Buck Winchester. He's held them both off separately, can he do so with them both in the ring at the same time? And finally, Brooke Tyler gets her first title shot as she faces off against Austin Smooth in a Tri-State Championship match. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Picks[/b] [code] Lenny Brown------- v |--------- Grimm Quibble----- | |--------- Amazing Fire Fly-- | | v |--------- | Jared Johnson----- | |--------- Remmy Skye-------- | v |--------- | Huey Cannonball--- | | |--------- Jonnie Perez------ | v |--------- Knuckles---------- [/code] Austin Smooth (c) vs Brooke Tyler for the S2W Tri-State Championship Jean Cattley (c) vs Roderick Remus vs Cowboy Buck Winchester in a Triple Threat match for the S2W National Championship [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Raising the Roof[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 3, January 2014[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: It is time for the biggest S2W show of the year, and this one is no exception. Thirteen people will be vying today for a mere three championships, so most of them will be leaving here today disappointed. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: I love that feeling. ME: You love being disappointed? SS: No, I love it when others get disappointed. ME: Ah...Shall we start the tournament? SS: Absolutely. Who will be the first to go home? [b]Match 1 Round 1 Matchup [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Knuckles.jpg[/IMG]#5 Knuckles -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG]#17 Jonnie Perez [/b] Perez took a fairly big beating not too long ago by Knuckles and Shady K (who is miraculously missing here tonight), and looks both intimidated and bruised. He seems to be unable to get any flying action going, and is quickly dragged down by the hardcore fighter for the victory. [i]Knuckles in 5:28 by Stay of Execution Pinfall (D+)[/i] [b]Match 2 Round 1 Matchup [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]#10 Jared Johnson -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Amazing Fire Fly.jpg[/IMG]#14 Amazing Fire Fly [/b] Two fairly contrasting styles in action for this match, and it worked fairly well. Fly did his best to keep Johnson off balance, knowing that he was a slight underdog in this match. It worked, for the most part, and he was able to get the maniac to the ground and covered a few times, but was never able to get the victory. Johnson would catch Fly in mid air at one point, and nail a big spinebuster. That would turn the momentum in his favor, and a minute or so later, the MDK would end it. [i]Jared Johnson in 6:59 by MDK Powerbomb Pinfall (C+)[/i] [b]Match 3 Round 1 Matchup [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Remmy Skye.jpg[/IMG]#9 Remmy Skye -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]#15 Huey Cannonball [/b] Everyone and their mother knows what kind of a match Huey Cannonball can put out, and this sure wasn't it. This was absolutely amazing, and had everyone on their feet. He and Skye went back and forth, countering one another's moves in such a smooth way it almost looked more like a dance than a match. But Huey just doesn't have any stamina, and Skye took advantage of that, eventually outrunning his opponent long enough to climb the turnbuckle and hit the Skye Diver. [i]Remmy Skye in 5:20 by Skye Diver Pinfall (B-)[/i] [color=orange][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG] Jared Johnson is seen walking backstage, about to enter his dressing room. He stops and turns, and the camera turns with him, revealing Brooke Tyler. The two stare at each other for a while, obviously tense. Jared smirks and starts to enter his dressing room, causing Tyler to start moving again. As she moves behind him, however, Johnson launches himself backwards, driving his elbows into her head, then picking her back up and whipping her into the cement wall. He laughs, and really does enter the locker room.[/color] [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 4 Round 1 Matchup [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#1 Lenny Brown -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Grimm Quibble.jpg[/IMG]#8 Grimm Quibble [/b] Grimm had the eighth seed only through basically random chance, and Brown didn't seem bothered by him in the least, acting very much like Fezzik while he was fighting the Dread Pirate Roberts--letting Quibble get some offense in while not really selling it in the least. At least, until Quibble managed to drag him to the ground and get a very long two-count before Brown kicked out. After that, Brown took over, though Quibble still managed to get his shots in, even getting another near fall before being hit with the Star Treatment. [i]Lenny Brown in 5:40 by Star Treatment Pinfall (C+)[/i] [b]Match 5 for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Austin Smooth.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG]#12 Austin Smooth -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]#13 Brooke Tyler [/b] Tyler showed some heart, coming out to the ring while still being attended by physicians. She waved them off as the bell rang, to their dismay, and focused on the match. It was obvious fairly quickly, however, that she was injured in some manner, because she kept missing opportunities that normally she would have taken. However, she wasn't one to just quit, and kept fighting out of pinning maneuvers, at least until Austin hit the Fireman's Carry Cutter. [i]Austin Smooth in 6:39 by Fireman's Carry Cutter Pinfall (D+)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W Tri-State Champion, Austin Smooth (3)[/i] [b]Match 6 Semi-Final Match [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Knuckles.jpg[/IMG]#5 Knuckles -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Remmy Skye.jpg[/IMG]#9 Remmy Skye [/b] Knuckles was far more rested than Skye was when this match began, and took control of the match immediately, throwing Skye all over the ring, hitting powerful moves that shook the canvas. He went for a quick cover, but Skye kicked out. He picked Skye up, setting him up for a Stay of Execution, but Skye fought out of the move, and was able to counter it into a rollup. Knuckles kicked out, but was on the defensive, as Skye was able to use his speed to his advantage, eventually dropping Knuckles with a leg whip after dizzying him. Skye climbed the turnbuckle...and hit the Skye Diver for the win. [i]Remmy Skye in 6:31 by Skye Diver Pinfall (B)[/i] [b]Match 7 Semi-Final Match [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#1 Lenny Brown -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]#10 Jared Johnson [/b] Brown didn't wait on this one, and immediately went on the offensive. Of course, so did Johnson, and the match spent some time being more a boxing match than a wrestling match. Even after some wrestling moves started being used, they were the high-impact moves like spinebusters and sidewalk slams. Eventually, the beating took more of a toll on Johnson, who went for the MDK, only to have it reversed into a Star Treatment. [i]Lenny Brown in 9:43 by Star Treatment Pinfall (C+)[/i] [b]Match 8 for the S2W National Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG]#2 Jean Cattley -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG]#3 Roderick Remus -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg[/IMG]#4 Cowboy Buck Winchester [/b] This match seemed to alternate between being a high-flying affair and a good grounded technical match, depending on which pair of wrestlers were more active at the moment. Of course, the outsider to any pair was always watching, waiting to break up a submission hold or pin attempt, so the match kept going, even after a Remus Clutch was applied to Winchester, or a Mood Swing to Remus. It was a good, solid three-way match, with the final result up in the air until the final minute. Cattley hit a second Mood Swing on Remus, and went for the cover. Winchester came in to make the save, but Cattley was waiting for him, and popped up pretty much instantly to catch him in his own Mood Swing. The cover went to CBW, but Remus stayed down for the whole three count as well. [i]Jean Cattley in 9:52 by Mood Swing Pinfall over Cowboy Buck Winchester (C-)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W National Champion, Jean Cattley (5)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]Lenny Brown: I think it's obvious by now. Nobody in this company has beat me. That's because nobody can. So when I face Remmy Skye in a few minutes for the Anniversary Championship, for my called shot at the National Championship? An exercise in futility for him, I think, because I might as well already be crowned. I am undefeated, and I will remain so. And then, when I cash in my shot, I will FINALLY be the S2W National Champion. [i](C)[/i] [b]Match 9 for the S2W Anniversary Tournament Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#1 Lenny Brown -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Remmy Skye.jpg[/IMG]#9 Remmy Skye [/b] What a match to cap off an evening. Though somehow this pair couldn't figure out what story they were telling, it didn't really detract from the glory of the match. Momentum shifted back and forth more times than we could count. Marv Earnest was left behind, unable to keep up with the fast pace. Brown dominated the early part of the match, though not without some offense by Skye. After dodging a spear attempt that left Brown's shoulder in the turnbuckle, Skye took over a good portion of the middle part of the match. Brown would eventually catch Skye in mid air, nailing him with the Star Treatment. He made a casual pin, and was staggered by Skye's kicking out of the move. Furious, he picked up Skye, and hit him with a second Star Treatment, then going for a more serious pin. Skye kicked out again. Brown yelled at the referee, then went to hit Skye with a third Treatment, but this time, Skye was too quick for him, and managed a rollup. Brown kicked out, but the momentum had already shifted back in Skye's favor, and after a couple of huge, well placed dropkicks, Skye hit his third Skye Diver of the evening...and Brown was unable to kick out, giving him his first loss EVER in S2W competition. [i]Remmy Skye in 9:54 by Skye Diver Pinfall (B)[/i] [i]Winner of the S2W Anniversary Tournament, Remmy Skye (1x)[/i] Marv Earnest: Well, there you have it folks. An upset tournament winner, and Lenny Brown's first loss in S2W. I can't wait until Barnstorm next month when we finally get to see the aftermath of this event. Good night, everyone! [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Knuckles over Jonnie Perez (D+) Jared Johnson over Amazing Fire Fly (C+) Remmy Skye over Huey Cannonball (B-) Lenny Brown over Grimm Quibble (C+) Austin Smooth over Brooke Tyler (D+) to retain the S2W Tri-State Championship Remmy Skye over Knuckles (B) Lenny Brown over Jared Johnson (C+) Jean Cattley over Cowboy Buck Winchester and Roderick Remus (C-) to retain the S2W National Championship Remmy Skye over Lenny Brown (B) to win the S2W Anniversary Tournament [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] So close to a sell out this month, as we had only fifteen empty seats. That's right, 1,985 people came to this show, and what a show it was. Without a doubt, our best show ever. Highlighted by Remmy Skye. I mean, he carried HUEY CANNONBALL to a B- match, and had two more in the B levels as well. Probably helped by the fact that he had Great Chemistry will all three people he fought in the tournament (none of which he'd ever faced before, so it was really just good luck). I'm just in awe right now, and looking forward to a great year. Final Rating: B- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Haven't gotten a .8% gain in Tri State in forever, but this show did it. Popularity in Tri State to 41.9% (+0.8%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 23.9 (+0.2%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic, New England to 17.1% (+0.1%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 17.5% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 5.8% (+0.2%) Prestige to 33.9% (+0.1%)
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[i]As always, comments, questions, and predictions are welcomed.[/i] [b]Newsbites[/b] In the frozen north, All Canada Pro Wrestling has opened. We welcome them to the Northern American scene, and wish them all the luck in the world. [B]Rankings February 2014[/B] Skye's excellent performance in the anniversary tournament, combined with Lenny Brown's first loss, create most of the shakeup in the standings. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Jean Cattley +1 2 Lenny Brown -1 3 Remmy Skye +6 4 Roderick Remus -1 5 Cowboy Buck Winchester -1 6 Knuckles -1 7 Shady K -1 8 Teddy Powell -1 9 Jared Johnson +1 10 Grimm Quibble -2 11 Antonio 0 12 Austin Smooth 0 13 Brooke Tyler 0 14 Amazing Fire Fly 0 15 Huey Cannonball 0 16 K-Squared 0 17 Jonnie Perez 0 18 Josh Jones 0 19 Geoff Borne 0 20 Spike 0 [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Jean Cattley [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] Austin Smooth [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Austin Smooth.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Barnstorm[/CENTER] Lenny Brown met his match at Raising the Roof, and suffered his first loss against the surging Remmy Skye. We hear from the former undefeated sensation this month, where he will undoubtedly have something to say. Jean Cattley successfully defended the National Championship last month against both Roderick Remus and Cowboy Buck Winchester. Those three men face off once again with the title on the line this month, in a National Championship rematch. Brooke Tyler and Jared Johnson have had a fairly heated rivalry, which erupts in a match yet again as they face off in the middle of the ring. Also, Josh Jones in action against Kashmir Singh, and the Tri-State champion in the ring.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Barnstorm[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 2, February 2014[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: Barnstorm may be full of rematches, but that hasn't stopped the crowd from showing up. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Pennsylvania Park is sold out, and we are ready to give you the best action money can buy. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Josh Jones.jpg[/IMG]#18 Josh Jones -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Kashmir Singh.jpg[/IMG]Kashmir Singh [/b] A solid opening match featuring two of our lesser-known workers. Technical matchup that saw Jones get the victory with the Canadian Backdrop. [i]Josh Jones in 6:19 by Canadian Backdrop Pinfall (C-)[/i] [color=orange]A hype video plays, trying to get the crowd behind the new worker about to debut. Not much to go on, though, and the crowd pretty much doesn't care.[/color] [i](F-)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Austin Smooth.jpg[/IMG]#12 Austin Smooth -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Achilles the Mighty.jpg[/IMG]Achilles the Mighty [/b] Fresh off the poor reception to his video, Achilles seemed a little put out by the reaction he got. He was facing off against the Tri-State champion in a non-title match, and was hoping to make a big splash. Unfortunately for him, the only splash he made was against the mat as he fell to a Fireman's Carry Cutter. [i]Austin Smooth in 7:18 by Fireman's Carry Cutter Pinfall (D-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]Lenny Brown: What you saw last month was a travesty. I'll be the first to admit that I was beat, and pretty cleanly too. But the fact is that I wasn't at a hundred percent. Last month, I was fighting a nasty case of flu, and STILL managed to take out my first two opponents and almost my third. This time around, I'm healthy as a horse...and I want my win back. Remmy Skye, I'm challenging you to a rematch, and this time, I'm not going to let you beat me. [i](C)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]#9 Jared Johnson -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]#13 Brooke Tyler [/b] Much like their earlier fights, this one quickly degenerated as the two just wanted to tear into each other. Tyler would keep the match grounded for most of it, working on Johnson's arms to try to take the MDK out of his arsenal. That's not to say that Johnson didn't get his in, because he did manage to throw Tyler from side to side quite often, using a power game to throw off her technical skill. Tyler would get Johnson in a Brooke Breaker, but before he submitted, Jared would slide a pair of brass knuckles on (on the referee's blind side), and nail Tyler in the side with them. Quickly hiding the object after escaping, Johnson got the cover soon thereafter. [i]Jared Johnson in 7:11 by Pinfall (C-)[/i] [b]Match 4 for the S2W National Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG]#1 Jean Cattley -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG]#4 Roderick Remus -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg[/IMG]#5 Cowboy Buck Winchester [/b] This match proved, in many ways, a repeat of the match at Raising the Roof. Many of the same spots, though this time, it was obvious that some of them were expected by the combatants, and avoided. Cattley showed some more high-flying skill, a double hammer off the top rope. The end came quicker than expected, as a Remus attempt at a cross body outside on Cattley was avoided, taking him out of the match. Cattley quickly entered the ring, and caught Winchester as he was standing up from an earlier DDT, and laid him out with a Mood Swing. [i]Jean Cattley in 9:52 by Mood Swing Pinfall (C)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W National Champion, Jean Cattley (6)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange]Backstage, we come across Johnson and Tyler arguing. They go back and forth over the usage of the brass knuckles, with Johnson insisting that he never did such a thing. Eventually, Tyler gets fed up, teases a punch, then walks away.[/color] [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 5 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#2 Lenny Brown -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Remmy Skye.jpg[/IMG]#3 Remmy Skye [/b] Skye apparently accepted the challenge from Brown, as the two of them make it to the ring here. This was an awesome match by pretty much any standards, and surpassed their show from January. Skye would take to the air, trying to end it quickly with a Skye Diver, but Brown had it scouted, and avoided the move, causing Skye to go on the defensive. Brown would be in control for much of the rest of the match, but Skye was quick enough that it seemed Brown could never manage to set up the Star Treatment. Skye would eventually take the momentum back to his side after a quick sequence that saw him avoid a trio of hard-hitting moves, before dropping Brown with a neckbreaker. Skye was to his feet first, and after a rana, went for the cross body. This only got a two, but Brown was reeling. Skye went up top for another attempt at a Skye Diver--and Brown avoided it again. Both men down, as the referee begins his ten count. Skye to his feet at 8, Brown at 9...and when Skye tries to punch, Brown blocks it, and finally hits the Star Treatment. He drops heavily on Skye, grabbing at his legs, and holds on for the three. [i]Lenny Brown in 13:25 by Star Treatment Pinfall (B+)[/i] Marv Earnest: What a show! We are done here tonight, as the sold out crowd starts to file out, let me remind you that the Outreach Experiment returns this month. Be sure to check it out online at S2W.com. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Josh Jones over Kashmir Singh (C-) Austin Smooth over Achilles the Mighty (D-) Jared Johnson over Brooke Tyler (C-) Jean Cattley over Cowboy Buck Winchester and Roderick Remus (C) to retain the S2W National Championship Lenny Brown over Remmy Skye (B+) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Sell out! 2,000 people paid to get in tonight, and saw what was our best match to date. Here we see some problems with writing diaries so long after I simmed the show--I have no clue why the triple threat was booked for a second month in a row. But it worked, I guess, and was a good lead in to the main event. Final Rating: B- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 42.7% (+0.6%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 24.1 (+0.2%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic, New England to 17.1% (+0.0%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 17.7% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 6.0% (+0.2%) Prestige to 34.0% (+0.1%)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 3, February 2014[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: Welcome to the first Outreach Experiment of 2014. We've got a good show lined up this month, the aftermath, if you will, of Raising the Roof. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Featuring two of my new favorites, Death Row. ME: But they're not here yet. We've got two others in the ring looking to showcase their talents in a rankings match. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]#15 Huey Cannonball -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG]#16 K-Squared [/b] Cannonball started quick out of the gate, and soon had Squared reeling. The S2W original, however, seemed invulnerable to any pinning attempts, and was able to fight out of quite a few of them before starting a comeback of his own. By that time, Cannonball was obviously getting tired out, and it didn't take much longer for Squared to claim victory. [i]K-Squared in 8:11 by Submission (D)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Shady K.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Knuckles.jpg[/IMG] Shady K: You've seen what we can do already. We don't have to go over that again. But just in case you're all new, here's what Death Row brings to the table. Knuckles: PAIN! SK: That's right. And tonight, we've both been placed in singles matches. So tonight, two others get to feel the pain. [i](C-)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Shady K.jpg[/IMG]#7 Shady K -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Grimm Quibble.jpg[/IMG]#10 Grimm Quibble [/b] Grimm didn't last long in the Anniversary Tournament, but he did put on a good showing against Lenny Brown in the first round. Shady K seemed to want to use this match to make a point that he would have done even better. The two of them worked back and forth, with Quibble still managing to pull stuff out that should have been beyond him. However, that wasn't enough to survive this match, and he fell prey to a K Killer. [i]Shady K in 6:54 by K Killer Pinfall (C+)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Knuckles.jpg[/IMG]#6 Knuckles -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Teddy Powell.jpg[/IMG]#8 Teddy Powell [/b] "Constant Motion" has been in constant conflict with Death Row since the three of them debuted at the same time, and this match was no different. Shady K didn't get involved, but Knuckles certainly seemed to want this badly. He took the fight to Powell, but the smaller and faster man was able to avoid most attempts by Knuckles to bring him down. Eventually, Knuckles would take exception to a forced break from the referee when he finally did catch Powell, and take it out on him. [i]Teddy Powell in 5:31 by Disqualification (C)[/i] Marv Earnest: Sadly, that's all we have time to get done today. See you all next month as Fame and Fortune goes live from S2W.com. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] K-Squared over Huey Cannonball (D) Shady K over Grimm Quibble (C+) Teddy Powell over Knuckles (C) by Disqualification [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Not my best show, but good enough. There were 185 purchased tickets, which means we're slowly getting bigger. Final Rating: C- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 42.7% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 24.9 (+0.8%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic, New England to 17.1% (+0.0%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 17.9% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 6.2% (+0.2%) Prestige to 34.1% (+0.1%)
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