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The Northern Invasion (C-Verse)

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[i](OOC: Hello one and all to my first TEW diary. Please don't hit. This diary may just be a one-show wonder, because the idea's been burning in my head for quite a while. It takes a lot to write a diary, as some of you know. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy it. If I feel like it, I'll do more shows. We'll see.)[/i] DISCLAIMER: The Cornellverse, with pictures and logos and all that stuff, is not the property of myself. This is a diary for entertainment purposes only. Please don't sue me. I'm broke. It was near the end of 2006. It was a decent year for wrestling... if you happen to live north of the border. Oh, sure, the United States had one of the most powerful wrestling promotions and an eager competitor just waiting for its time. However, if you ever wanted some of the best wrestling in the world, you have to come to Canada. Well, that is my own opinion of course. And boy, do I have opinions... just like any other idiot on the Internet. Name's Alex Gariepy, and I'm a fan of the Canadian wrestling scene. My father was always talking to me about watching some of the historical matches in the CWF, and soon I found myself watching shows whenever I can. When the Stones set up NOTBPW, I went to the shows in Montreal whenever they travel to Quebec, or the odd time they come to my home in Ontario. With the advent of the Internet, I found a way to look at matches from the historical DeColt family in British Columbia. Also, I found out more about 4C and the rise of such stars as Joey Poison and Barry Kingman, and many others who try JUST to get noticed. There might not be a lot of promotions here, but these three have provided me more entertainment than some silly storyline out of Richard Eisen's... um, posterior? So anyway, I joined up with a couple of other fans on a Canadian Wrestling message board. It's not a huge group, but it's like any other message board filled with wrestling fans. You have the occasional overanalysis of TV shows and PPVs, outbursts of what's the better promotion, and of course... who's the hottest guy or chick... it depends on who's posting I guess. The usual stuff. Me? I tend to dip into fantasy booking scenarios, trying to think up how one promotion is going to debut a wrestler, or start a new feud, or even what kind of silly gimmick they may have. I found those type of threads a bit more entertaining, if just to see other people try to be creative. I bet you're saying to yourself, "So why am I reading this?" Well, I was on the message board one day, and I got a PM from one of my friends. This person, who shall stay nameless, was one of the few people I met offline, and we discussed some wrestling when we get the chance. He told me via PM that he has some connections to the people running NOTBPW, and that if I give him a few fantasy booking scenarios as a 'demo', they might consider a booking job for me. I personally thought Victoria Stone was doing a good job, but hey, no harm in sending some junk their way... if this person was telling the truth, that is. So, I sent some ideas his way via an envelope (and my resume inside) and he shipped it to the Maritimes. That was a few months ago... in early December, just as I was watching an old Dan Stone match, I received a long-distance call. I looked at the call display more closely and almost double-taked. [B][i]"***-***-**** NOTBPW Headquarters"[/i][/B] I answered the phone. There was a receptionist at the other end, asking for a "Alex Goor-pie." I sighed at the mispronunciation, but politely corrected her. After a quick joke to ease any tension, the discussion went into how Dan Stone... yeah, THE Dan Stone, wanted to interview me for a possible booking position. It was hard to take all at once, but I managed to discuss how it were possible and what-not. I was shocked to hear they would provide accomodations and fly me over to their HQ. Wow, pulling all the stops... umm... okay... this seemed too sweet a deal. I agreed nonetheless to the meeting, just after Christmas and before the New Year. The plane tickets and hotel accomodations were all arranged, and after celebrating a nice holiday with the family, I was ready for my trip to Halifax. Just before I left, I watched the last NOTBPW PPV of the year, Winter War, to get a feel of the roster once more. It was headlined by a decent, if not too spectacular main event between champion Sean McFly and long-time heel R.K. Hayes. The main event wasn't bad, but something was perculiar about all the other matches. On a PPV like Winter War where the roster puts on some good matches before cooling off for a few months, it seemed as though they weren't putting much effort into it this time around. The women's title match was fine, and the Stones put on their usual performances, but everyone else seemed... off... somehow. I don't know how else to explain it. It was a question I might find answers to once I get to NOTBPW HQ. [B] [i]Thursday, Week 4, 2006[/i][/B] It was a cold day in Halifax. The meeting would take place at HQ at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The night before, I watched NOTBPW's last TV show of the year, held just in the region. (Dan Stone has to make it to HQ too for the meeting!) It was a strange show, to say the least. Hardcore NOTBPW fans would notice a bit of change in the way the show was presented. The matches didn't look as intense... the angles were slightly longer... and there was that same 'off'-ness I saw from Winter War taking effect on the show. Granted, the show was still good, but it was not the same sort of show I had expected from the Stones. Well, this meeting will be interesting, at least. I made it to HQ and sat in the lobby as the receptionist confirmed who I was and told me to wait. It was here I started to get nervous. Not because of the interview itself, but because I was going to meet one of the legends of the business. I'm a fan, after all... I just hope I don't need a change of pants by the end of the day. [i]"Ah, welcome to Halifax, Alex."[/i] The legend spoke calmly as the senior owner of the biggest wrestling promotion in Canada greeted me with a firm handshake. It's a good thing my grandfather told me how to deal with those type of handshakes. Still, for 62 years old, he sure had a firm grip. "Uh, thanks for taking so much time for this. I'm surprised you went out of your way-" I stopped a moment. [i]Was this a really good time to express concern to frickin' Dan Stone on the first conversation?[/i] The man chuckled, his grin emphasizing the wrinkles that would be the closest thing to distinguishing him from his son. [i]"Don't you worry. I have every intention of hiring you after reading all those ideas on paper. Otherwise, I wouldn't have bothered."[/i] "You really think so-" There I go again. [i]"Follow me."[/i] Dan walked down a long corridor heading to his office, and I followed, probably looking dumbfounded. I don't know, I didn't look at myself that day. [i]"There were several ideas I saw that were of particular importance. They fit into something that I've planning for the last two months with some help. We've been looking for an 'outsider' to help us with booking our shows, and we're making quite a few changes..."[/i] "I... kinda noticed those changes." I said quietly, still following the owner, "Last night's show was not what I was used to seeing from you guys." [i]"Yeah, we're shifting lots of things now..."[/i] He once again chuckled, [i]"You know, change is not exactly something that comes easily to some of us... but these plans are huge. If we do this right, we can become huge not only in Canada, but even the United States and beyond. Something that we couldn't do back then..."[/i] Dan Stone is talking about expansion? It's not like wrestling promoters were ever content to just being a localized phenomenon for too long. However, it does seem odd to hear that from him. Maybe I didn't judge him properly. "But why an 'outsider' to help? Not that I am going to complain about getting employment or anything..." [i]"We're dealing with a lot of new changes. Not just to the product. We're changing everything. I know I'm being a little vague at the moment. It'll become a bit more clear once inside my office. There's someone there who'll explain it far better than me."[/i] Great, just what I needed... more people to talk to on what could be my first day with the company. Dan Stone opened the door to his office and gestured for me to go in first. It was relatively bright in his office due to an outdoor window looking out at the snowy day. I squinted my eyes as they adjusted to see the figure sitting at one of the chairs. [i]"You might recognize him a bit. Hey, partner, say hello to one of our new bookers."[/i] [B]"Oh ****!"[/B] I exclaimed in utter shock, not exactly making the best greeting ever. The figure grinned, almost deviously, [i]"That's the kind of reaction we're hoping they'll have, eh Dan?"[/i] I think I need new pants.
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[quote] [b][color=red]NOTBPW Championship Wrestling[/b][/color] [b]PREVIEW[/b] [i][url]www.canadaonair.ca/notbpw[/url][/i] North Of The Border Pro Wrestling is kicking off 2007 with what it promises to be a groundbreaking show! Officials from the company say that the show at the Carabou Arena will in fact be historic. Normally NOTBPW lets actions speak louder than words, so if this hype is any indication, the first show of 2007 will definitely ring across the nation! Three titles will be defended at Wednesday's show. The Unlimited Action title will be on the line as Harrison Hash has made an open challenge to anyone to take the title from him. Hash has been more boastful of his title defence, especially after last month's Winter War. Will anyone step up to the challenge? Another title will be up for grabs, again against an unknown opponent... or opponents, as the Can-Am Blondes will take on a group yet to be announced. The team of Owen Love and The Natural have been in everyone's faces since beating the McWades two months ago. Speaking of the McWades, they will take on Mighty Cavanagh and Tim Westybrook in what many predict will be an outright brawl. In other tag team action, women's champion Melody Cuthill will team up with Tamara McFly as they face the tandem of Emma Bitch and Stephanie Hazel. Both matches might have impacts on their respective divisions, so there's no telling what might happen. In the main event, a re-match from last month's Winter War PPV. After an all-out brawl on last week's show, Sean McFly will once again defend his Canadian title against R.K. Hayes. Hayes has promised that win or lose, he will make an impact. Will he deliver on that promise? More importantly, will Hayes be able to reclaim the gold after nearly a decade? Tune in Wednesday night at 9, here on Canada On Air for a historical evening of NOTBPW action![/quote] --- I groaned a little at the preview. I guess the hyperbole was expected, but sheesh. Oh well. I've been talking with the booking staff, and everything seems to be set for tonight's show. Everything's been really secretive. How they managed to pull this off with some internet reporter leaking the info is surprising. Or even with all the talent keeping it quiet... it's almost like kayfabe was alive again. There was quite a lot of money thrown around to keep this under wraps and to satisfy everyone involved. And by the end of tonight, the company will breathe a sigh of relief... And all hell will break loose. Sheesh, now I'm getting into the hyperbole... [i]"Hey Alex, how would you like to be an on-screen interviewer?"[/i] Dan Stone said to me in the corridors of the arena as the staff was setting up. "... What???" [i]"We'll pre-record if you're THAT nervous. If it makes you feel better, the wrestlers feel nervous too sometimes."[/i] "Um, as long as the camera only sees me from the chest up." I remarked. Dan Stone laughed, [i]"Sure thing."[/i] --- Okay, it's time for... [b]MAKE... YOUR.... PREDICTIONS![/b] [b]NOTBPW Canadian Championship[/b] Sean McFly (c) vs. R.K. Hayes [b]NOTBPW Tag Team Championship[/b] The Can-Am Blondes (c) vs. [i]Mystery Team[/i] (Extra points if guess the right team) [b]NOTBPW Unlimited Action Championship[/b] Harrison Hash (c) vs. [i]Mystery Opponent[/i] (Extra points if... you know the deal) The Mountain Men vs. Tim Westybrook and Mighty Cavanagh Melody Cuthill and Tamara McFly vs. Emma Bitch and Stephanie Hazel [i]BONUS:[/i] Who was the figure I met in Dan Stone's office? (who will be revealed after the show) Winners get, um, nothing but bragging rights. Welp, time to write this show... whee!
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Gotta support another NOTBPW diary! Good setup; you've got me intruiged to the possibilities. OK, let's take a peek at this card... [B]NOTBPW Canadian Championship[/B] [B]Sean McFly (c)[/B] vs. R.K. Hayes McFly is money, end of story. Depending on the 'changes' you have coming (would have to be product based), Hayes can be a credible heel champ, but not in Week 1 of January '07... [B]NOTBPW Tag Team Championship[/B] [B]The Can-Am Blondes (c)[/B] vs. [I]Mystery Team [/I] (Extra points if guess the right team) I'll go with they Flying Stones (Duane and Edd) as my guess. May not be clean, but I don't see a title change here, but that depends on what you have in mind for Big City Brawl... [B]NOTBPW Unlimited Action Championship[/B] [B]Harrison Hash (c)[/B] vs. [I]Mystery Opponent[/I] (Extra points if... you know the deal) Oooh, this is a tough one. Assuming you haven't gotten a talent trade deal in place, there are few middleweight face choices that are appropriate contenders. Craig Green is the better choice of the Kelowna Playaz, but he's nothing special. It's the only choice that makes sense if I stick with my choice of Duane/Edd to go against Damian/Owen. [B]The Mountain Men[/B] vs. Tim Westybrook and Mighty Cavanagh Westy is a great worker for NOTBPW, but Cavanagh is worthless. In one of my practice games I paired these two and called them the Canuck Muscle Masters. An ugly experience. Melody Cuthill and Tamara McFly vs. [B]Emma Bitch and Stephanie Hazel[/B] Tammy McFly is the weak link here, and since the Women's strap is not on the line, Bitch and Hazel win here. [I]BONUS:[/I] Who was the figure I met in Dan Stone's office? (who will be revealed after the show) My initial thought was you edited the database to bring one of the DeColt boys into NOTBPW, or you've completely merged the two companies and all the mystery opponents above are CGC workers in an invasion angle (assuming your diary title is foreshadowing). :) So I'm guessing your 'Oh ****!' moment was for George DeColt.
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Okay, probably should've saw this coming, but the show's done, so I might as well post it up. Enjoy! [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/NOTBPW.jpg[/IMG] [quote] [b][color=red]NOTBPW Championship Wrestling[/b][/color] [b]Wednesday, Week 1, 2007[/b] [i]At the Carabou Arena in Halifax, Nova Scotia (4,102 people)[/i] (OOC: Unless I'm told otherwise, I'm saying it's over there. Because!)[/quote] [b]Pre-Match[/b] A segment runs with two people running a skit to hype the next upcoming PPV, Big City Brawl, which has been rescheduled for the end of the month. The date change was noted moreso than the people in the skit, who were in disguises anyway. It was a skit akin to some movie in the CornellVerse about urban fighting. I have NO idea what it's called... "Strong City Ransom" or something... [b]RATING: D+[/b] As the people got into their seats, they get to watch a skit backstage where Jana Marie Bowen is warming up for her dark match. Grace Harper comes in to wish her luck, because it's against Victoria Stone. [b]RATING: D[/b] [quote] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/JanaMarieBowen.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/VictoriaStone.jpg[/IMG] [b]Jana Marie Bowen vs. Victoria Stone[/b] A pretty decent women's match designed to warm up the crowd for the TV tapings. It was very much an open contest, with Victoria concentrating her shots on JMB's head. It also saw JMB tease the Bowen Technique, considered one of the better finishers in the women's division, and in NOTBPW. However, the Stone daughter found the means to counter it, and hit a well-executed DDT to pick up the win. [b]Victoria defeats JMB.[/b] [b]RATING: D+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: JMB and Victoria didn't click too well as opponents. Victoria came out looking pretty good, though.[/i][/quote] The show was just about ready, but we were treated to a quick pre-show interview by Harrison Hash. There's a reason it was a pre-show, as Hash has terrible mic skills. I should know, I tried to interview the guy. Not saying I was any better, although I had a feeling that my skills were just slightly better than his. Ah well. Basically, the promo was "blah blah I will win." [b]RATING: E-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Never interview Hash again.[/i] --- The show kicks off with some pretty PYRO! as we are LIVE! (at least if you're watching it in Canada) To the announcers! [CENTER][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TommyLondon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TomTownsend.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] London: "Welcome everyone to North Of The Border Pro Wrestling... Championship Wrestling! I'm Tommy London alongside my partner Tom Townsend!" Townsend: "Of course I'm here. I'm not gonna miss this show for the entire world! We're gonna FINALLY see R.K. Hayes beat Sean McFly and reclaim the Canadian championship! And it's about time, I was getting sick of McFly holding that belt." [b]RATING for hype: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: London's showing some charismatic improvements. The two are the best announce team in Canada, but improvement is always good.[/i] London: "That's your opinion, but yes, folks, it's a rematch from last month's Winter War, as R.K. Hayes promises to make an impact as he faces off against the Canadian champion once more. But as you can see right, Harrison Hash is in the ring... the Unlimited Action title IS on the line. Open challenge to anyone!" Townsend: "Harrison's held the title against many of the North's finest. I can't see anyone else winning it, but we'll see... who the hell's the challenger anyways?" London: "Well, we should find out any moment. The crowd is awaiting this just as much as we are -" [i]Slightly familiar patriotic music hits as the mystery opponent appears on the ramp.[/i] Townsend: "What in hell is this guy doing here? Did he get lost?" London: "I can't believe it. It's the two-time national amateur champion, Shooter Sean Deeley! He's come over to North Of The Border!" [i]Hash looks positively angry at this, as Deeley plays to the crowd, a change from his heelish persona at his former employer.[/i] [quote][b]NOTBPW Unlimited Action Championship[/b] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/HarrisonHash.jpg[/IMG] [b]Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Harrison Hash (c)[/b] The crowd wasn't too sure if they should cheer someone who was hated over in CGC, but his arrival in NOTBPW, plus Harrison Hash's heelish tactics, soon won him over as they rallied behind the amateur. He didn't fare too badly, either, showing a couple of amateur and shoot wrestling moves to the delight of some of the fans looking for just that. Hash had a few spurts of offense, and tried going for the Montreal Deep Sleeper near the end. However, Sean Deeley was far more prepared for his opponent, and capitalized with his own finisher. [b]Shooter Sean Deeley wins the NOTBPW Unlimited Action title.[/b] [b]RATING: D+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Sean Deeley is improving in flying and performance skils. I have plans for this guy, and the title in question.[/i][/quote] London: "And Deeley celebrates his debut on what promises to be a historic show tonight!" [b]RATING: D[/b] [i]Alex's notes: I want a B rating at some point... ah well, baby steps.[/i] Townsend: "It's already historic. People don't always win gold on the first night! Deeley better not get too ****y wearing that strap." London: "Well, we here at North Of The Border welcome the new champion -" [i]Camera cuts to backstage, where Sean McFly has just come in.[/i] London: "And speaking of champions, the Canadian champion has just arrived! After a brutal match a few weeks ago, McFly will put the title on the line! We'll be right back!" [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Overness angles work wonders. Go champ![/i] [i]Commercials air for upcoming NOTBPW events and Big City Brawl. This show brought to you by Pizzles. Taste the Shizzle... someone needs to fire their advertising agency.[/i] [i]We return to see the Can-Am Blondes in the ring. Tommy London isn't too thrilled. We soon find out why as the Blondes get in some cheap heat, saying they can't really party in this city because nothing really is going on here. Or something to that nature. It's not that I don't CARE about their promo, as the Natural is... pun intended... a natural on the mic, but I guess I hear these type of promos more frequently than others. It works for the audience, though.[/i] [b]RATING: D[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Disappointed, to say the least. I expected a better promo reaction. Oh well.[/i] [i]And then familiar music hits...[/i] Townsend: "What the hell? First Sean Deeley and now these guys? Why can't they give me better notes?" London: "This is certainly another coup for North Of The Border. Lee Rivera and Shane Nelson are here tonight in Halifax! Are you ready for Youth Energy, Townsend?" Townsend: "I'm two seconds away from a phone call to Dan Stone. If there's one thing I absolutely despise, it's being left in the dark!" [quote][b]NOTBPW Tag Team Championship[/b] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/LeeRivera.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/ShaneNelson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TheNatural.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/OwenLove.jpg[/IMG] [b]Youth Energy vs. The Can-Am Blondes (c)[/b] The crowd, surprised by yet another coup by North of the Border, have no problems cheering for the former CGC team. The most popular babyface tag team in the West almost overwhelm their opponents with some quick high-flying offense. Owen Love was singled out from the Blondes and was worked on by Shane before The Natural taunts Lee Rivera. As the ref moves to stop Lee, the Natural quick goes in to clothesline Shane and turn the match. Shane becomes the babyface-in-peril for a few minutes before making the hot tag, and Rivera cleans house. Seeing the match turning toward their opponents again, and fearing the same fate as Harrison Hash, Owen Love and The Natural quickly move outside the ring and grab their belts to blatantly use as weapons. The ref has no other choice but to call for a DQ. [b]Youth Energy wins by DQ over the Can-Am Blondes.[/b] [b]RATING: C-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: The announcers kept the match somewhat interesting, but it's still lacking. Lee Rivera, Shane Nelson, and The Natural learned a few things from this encounter, though. Hopefully they can improve and get better reactions over time.[/i][/quote] Townsend: "The champions may have resorted to cheap tricks, but it was smart of them, anyways. Your job is to hold the belt as long as you can, by whatever means neccessary." London: "What a load of -" [i]The camera cuts to R.K. Hayes, who's warming up with some bench presses.[/i] Townsend: "And here's a man who will use any means neccessary to win the Canadian championship tonight!" London: "That's coming up later tonight. Sean McFly vs. R.K. Hayes! Coming after this break, another tag team match-up between some of the North's biggest stars! It's up... NEXT!" [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Hayes doesn't have GREAT looks, but being the monster he is in the promotion, he gets any sort of reaction. Ugh, I have to interview him, though.[/i] [i]More commercials air, as we're treated to some fine local commercials. Mmmm, that steak restaurant in Halifax sure has some yummy food. I might try that tomorrow. Oh, and there's a promo on NOTBPW merchandise... lots of sales on for some reason.[/i] Back to the announcers, Townsend said he was glad that THIS match would not have the same surprises that the last two matches had. No one from "that other show" to mess up this match! London agreed, as we get to see two NOTBPW teams fight. [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DallasMcWade.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DeanMcWade.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/MightyCavanagh.jpg[/IMG] [b]The Mountain Men vs. Tim Westybrook and Mighty Cavanagh[/b] The announcers talked about the recent history with the Mountain Men, who have recently been more scrupulous in their matches since losing the tag titles to the Blondes. They tried at Winter War in a three-way tag team match with the tandem of Westybrook and Cavanagh, but failed when the Blondes again resorted to cheap tactics. The tandem has yet to show some chemistry, and this works to the Mountain Men's advantage in this match. The problem with their strategy was that they couldn't keep one guy down for too long. Both men were just as big as they were. So for the most part, it was a brawl that saw a lot of tags. Thankfully, referee Matthew White has been in the business long enough to keep an eye on everything going on. The finish saw Cavanagh taking Dean McWade outside while Westybrook hit the TNT Whirlwind finisher on Dallas for the pin. [b]Tim Westybrook and Mighty Cavanagh defeat the Mountain Men.[/b] [b]RATING: D[/b] [i]Alex's notes: On the plus side, Cavanagh learned a few things. This match sucked, though. Not a good sign for this show. What's with these plodding big guys, anyways?[/i][/quote] [i]The match ended with the two teams regrouping in the ring, and it looked like the Mountain Men were ready to jump the winners... instead, they were offering handshakes to the victors... However, just as THAT was about to happen, four men jumped the barricade surrounding the ring and attacked the two teams. The announcers looked shocked, as did the crowd, who could not believe what they were seeing in front of them. The beatdown was quick, as the two teams were exhausted. However, their faces were recognizable.[/i] [CENTER][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TheInsaneHeat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/Fate.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/BobbyThomas.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/NateJohnson.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [i]Portions of the crowd started up a "C-G-C" chant as the two tag teams flee the scene as quickly as they entered it.[/i] London: "That was..." Townsend: "The Specialists, along with Destiny and Fate? Okay, this is becoming more than just a coincidence now. Damn it, what the hell is going on?" London: "This is insane. We have people coming in from... you know, I kinda don't wanna say it, and yet, here they are, right in front of us, and they just took out four of the biggest guys in our promotion!" Townsend: "Who's in charge of security here? We can't have people from that other show just barging in here like that!" [b]RATING: D[/b] [i]Alex's notes: The teams aren't THAT over, but hey, it helps to turn the McWades. I just hope they get better soon... who am I kidding?[/i] [i]Two people who also noticed were talking backstage. We can't hear anything from them, but the camera showing their faces was enough to warrant a pop from the crowd, distracting them from their chant.[/i] London: "The Flying Stones, Edd and Duane, look just as perplexed as we do!" Townsend: "Of course they should be! Much as I hate to say it, these guys ARE the company. The Stones built North Of The Border, and now they're seeing this? When are they going to do something about it?" [b]RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Note to self - have more Stone segments.[/i] London: "Well, while we try to regroup here, here's a recap of what's been going on leading to the title match between Sean McFly and R.K. Hayes." [i]The production value of the video piece isn't too bad. The best in Canada, at least, but not as flashy as the vignettes down south. Basically the video shows the build-up to Winter War, and the following weeks in which Hayes demanded one more re-match. He also promised that, win or lose, he will make an impact.[/i] [b]RATING: B+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Video pieces involving your top wrestlers are most of the time very good, so am glad to see a good response.[/i] [i]The camera cuts backstage to see Emma Bitch and Stephanie Hazel prepare for their tag match. They cut a decent promo on their opponents, acting... well, bitchy. Both plan on pinning Melody Cuthill and becoming a contender to the women's championship.[/i] [b]RATING: D[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Ick.[/i] [i]Commercials! Be sure to go to the website after the show for an important announcement from Dan Stone![/i] Back to the show as the women get ready for their match... Townsend: "Ah, finally. Not only do I get to watch some of my favorite ladies fighting each other, but I know for SURE this match won't be interrupted by that other show. I mean, let's be honest here, we're the only promotion that has its own women's division, and they got NOTHING on this!" London: "Of course. North of the Border has some of the best women's wrestling in the world. And Melody Cuthill has really been great as champion." Townsend: "Much as I believe Hazel to be the better wrestler, my friend, I have to agree with you on - um..." London: "What is it, Townsend?" Townsend: "When was the last time we had a female referee?" [CENTER][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/FarrahHesketh.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] London: "I believe we didn't have one." Townsend: "Yeah... I know her, she's Farrah Hesketh. And she happens to be from..." London: "That other show?" Townsend: "Damn it!" [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/EmmaBitch.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/Principessa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/MelodyCuthill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TamaraMcFly.jpg[/IMG] [b]Emma Bitch and Stephanie Cuthill vs. Melody Cuthill and Tamara McFly[/b] The crowd doesn't notice Farrah in much the same way the announcers discovered, except to maybe some hardcore fans. However, the added bonus of a female referee in a women's match gives plenty of eye candy to some of the young male demographic. The match is hardly meant for eye candy, though. This isn't BSC, after all. The match ressembles more of the matches that people get to see in AAA and other 'joshi-style' matches. It was a basic tag match that the announcers didn't call as much as they were busy talking about the strange happenings so far. The finish would be newsworthy if nothing else had happened tonight. Tamara was the babyface-in-peril and tried reaching for the hot tag to Melody. However, at the last moment, Melody decided to not tag in, and leave the ring, heading back up the ramp. The fans booed the cowardly act, as the heels have no problem beating Tamara afterwards, in spite of her valiant effort. [b]Emma Bitch and Stephanie Hazel defeated Tamara McFly and Melody Cuthill.[/b] [b]RATING: D[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Boy, I need HELP here. Well, this is the first show and I expect things to get better later. The turn worked okay for Melody, and the women learned a few things in terms of performance. The women's division isn't VERY over, with the exception of Victoria.[/i][/quote] We cut backstage, and it was my professional TV debut. Although I was already seen by the crowd with my Harrison Hash interview, this time I was interviewing someone far more popular... and feared. Alex: "Hello everyone. Alex Gariepy here as we get ready for the Canadian championship match. And I am standing right here with the challenger, R.K. Hayes. Hayes, you've been preparing for this match-up for a while and the question I have to ask is, how do you plan on winning over Sean McFly?" Hayes: "I plan on making an impact. How else do I have to explain it? I can't get any more descriptive than that. You know, I've been hearing from people about how I haven't had the belt in about 10 years. So what? I've been busy dealing with everyone on the roster, decimating each and every one of them. And I'll give credit where it's due... McFly, you were the better man at Winter War. But tonight, you're gonna find out, one way or another, who the dominant wrestler is. The path to dominance... begins tonight!" And with a snarl, Hayes leaves me to wonder why I did this interview. [b]RATING: C+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: I can use a microphone! And apparently I'm learning more charisma. Funny, I wanted Hayes to improve. Ah well. It was good for a short interview.[/i] Up next... the championship match! [i]But first, some commercials about the latest sitcom on Canada On Air: [b]My Favorite Mountie[/b]. Whatever.[/i] [quote][b]NOTBPW Canadian Championship[/b] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/RKHayes.jpg[/IMG] [b]Sean McFly (c) vs. R.K. Hayes[/b] The announcers were excited about the match, but at the same time, they had so many questions of what was going on. There was the amount of 'new talent' from 'that other show' coming in and being involved in each match. There was the matter of what Hayes was promising. There was Melody Cuthill turning on her partner for some unknown reason. It just seems like so much to go over in just two hours. As for the match itself, McFly tried to out-wrestle Hayes while Hayes used his strength to power out of the many submissions. At first it looked like Hayes had the upper-hand, as he over-powered McFly and hit him with some well-executed power moves. However, as the match was reaching the 13-minute mark, it was evident that Hayes did not have the same stamina as the well-conditioned McFly. Hayes did a couple of last-minute spurts of offense to try and put away the champion, but McFly was able to kick out at the last moment during the near-falls. Exhausted, Hayes could not stop McFly from performing the Delorean Driver, the same finisher he beat Hayes with at Winter War. This was enough to keep Hayes down once more for the 3-count. [b]Sean McFly defeats R.K. Hayes and retains.[/b] [b]RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: There was a reason Winter War was an awkward PPV. The two didn't seem to click very well as opponents. Still a good match, nonetheless. Hayes also learned more performance skills. The match lasted 17 minutes. The 'new' product involved shorter matches, as 30 minutes is insane for anyone not named McFly or Stone.[/i][/quote] London: "And the champion retains the title!" Townsend: "This has not been a good night." [i]Just as the announcers cheer one their respective sides, two people run down the ramp to jump the champion. This time, the two announcers breathe SOME sigh of relief as it's not anyone 'new'. That said, London still wasn't happy with what was going on.[/i] [CENTER][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DarkAngel.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/JohnnyBloodstone.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] London: "Johnny Bloodstone and Dark Angel are beating down on the champion... and R.K. Hayes is helping them! What a sore loser Hayes is!" Townsend: "So this is the impact that Hayes was talking about. Win or lose, McFly gets beaten up by his new buddies! Ha! I knew he had something planned!" London: "This is just sickening, it's a 3-on-1 and no one's out there to help the champ." Townsend: "You think someone's gonna try?" [b]RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Wrestling shows love them beatdowns... *cough*[/i] [i]Sure enough, as the new alliance raises their hands to the ire of the crowd, three people jump the barricade... but it's not the 'help' that London had called for. In fact, it looks like the 'help' is intent on beating on McFly as WELL as the new alliance. Before the crowd could even think of cheering for the 'help', a hated figure is seen cheering them on. The crowd is irate, but among them are chants of "C-G-C."[/i] London: "Oh no..." [CENTER][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DanDaLay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/EddieChandler.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/JohnMaverick.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/AdrianGarcia.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Townsend: "Damn it, no! It's that arrogant jerk Adrian Garcia... and with him, those bruisers from British Columbia!" London: "John Maverick, Eddie Chandler... and that maniac... Dan DaLay. Elite is here! What the hell is going on here?" Townsend: "This was supposed to be a night for R.K. Hayes, and instead that jackass shows his face here and brings his posse with them! And they're off again... it's just like what happened in that tag match earlier!" London: "This isn't coincidence, folks. You're watching North Of The Border Pro Wrestling, but it's obvious to us now, we have more than one wrestling company here tonight." [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Believe it or not, this marks a face turn for Hayes and company. There's a good reason why it worked with the crowd. His name is Adrian Garcia. The NOTBPW road agents noted the excellent chemistry he had with his 'Elite' stable mates. There's a reason the group was so good.[/i] [i]As the crowd buzzes and wonders about the events going on, the camera shows two of the Stones walking through the corridor.[/i] London: "I just got word that the Stones WILL be coming to the ring to address this issue. You see Dan Stone Jr. and Jeremy Stone heading to the ring now. Stay tuned, we'll find out what the hell's going on!" [b]RATING: B+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Sure, the opening matches were bad, but hey, the crowd LOVES it when they get to see people WALKING![/i] [i]Commercials roll in an attempt to cool down the crowd a little more... it's the calm before the storm, though. It's been building to this moment.[/i] [CENTER][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DanStoneJr.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/JeremyStone.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DuaneStone.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/EddStone.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [i]The four members of the Stone family all walk down to the ring. The crowd, still buzzing, chants for some of the Stones, while others chant the initials of the 'other show.' All of them look like they're not in a very happy mood. Even Edd Stone seems to be solemn as Jeremy grabs the mic first.[/i] Jeremy: "By now, you're wondering what's been going on the last two hours." (He pauses briefly as the "C-G-C" chants become more audible.) "Here at North Of The Border, we don't have any quarrels with taking on all newcomers. It's what we've been doing for many years. But tonight, here in Halifax... we have seen some of these people attacking everyone from behind. This has to stop..." Edd: "You know, I can't say I'm a big fan of R.K. Hayes or his new band of misfits, but even I had to be sick to see that loudmouth from the West fly over here with his posse and try to do business in THIS ring. THIS ring isn't yours, you little piece of crap. It might've worked over there, but in THIS ring, you answer to the best..." Duane: "I think I speak on behalf of the boys in the back when I say you're not wanted here... You call yourself 'Elite' over there? Excuse me? If you wanted to see what an elite group of individuals is, you're looking at them... right... now..." Dan Jr.: "But enough about that. Enough about words and jumping people from behind... we have a referee here with us tonight. We're not dumb... we know what's REALLY going on here. We know who's responsible for all this. To the four people who are still hiding back there... we challenge you to get into this ring and face us. We're not waiting for you guys to try the same thing to McFly and the others. You want to make an impact, you're gonna have to come to the ring and face us." [i]Dan Jr. puts the mic away as the crowd anticipates the Stones taking on Elite.[/i] [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: The Stones are good talkers, but I kinda expected a better rating. Ah well, my standards were too high, I guess.[/i] Townsend: "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I hope the Stones beat the living crap out of them tonight." London: "This is gonna be huge." [i]Tense moments went by, as the crowd quieted down in anticipation for an entrance... just then, new music plays... it's somewhat unfamiliar at first, but after the sound of horses and gunshots are heard, the crowd goes ballistic. The Stones don't flinch, although Edd Stone jumps a bit as he looks surprised briefly.[/i] London: "No way..." [i]London's trembling voice confirms the arrival of four men. Not members of Elite, but of another group altogether.[/i] [CENTER][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/AlexDeColt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/JackDeColt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/RickyDeColt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/SteveDecolt.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [i]The crowd has a huge mixed reaction. It was none other than the group that headed the 'other show' in the West. The other historical wrestling family in Canada. And they were on North Of The Border... the crowd even chants "Holy ****!", though with everything that has gone on, THIS might've been expected. It still is shocking to those people watching in the audience and at home.[/i] London: "The DeColts! They're here! And they're pissed off!" Townsend: "I think we're getting that match... that match is... did anyone expect THIS match to end this show?" London: "I don't think we expected to start off 2007 like this!" [b]RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Who rates this stuff?[/i] [quote]What followed afterwards was a pseudo-match that last for just under 20 minutes. The crowd ate it up as they would expect from what was supposed to be purely a dream match. For each minute that passed by, fans at home watched in shock as the two Canadian families fought each other in the most chaotic display of Canadian wrestling ever recorded. The referee could not even try to control the match, and as the show was winding down, he called for a double DQ as the 'match' couldn't contain the mayhem. Townsend was surprised the referee managed to hold on so long. Still, it provided many fans with visuals of double-teams, finishers, counters, and everything else the two families can dish out. [b]RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Yes, this WAS an actual match. Jack DeColt and Edd Stone were getting a little tired, being the more 'youthful' of their groups. Dan Stone Jr. and Jeremy Stone looked really good in the match, while Jack and Steve DeColt found some improvement in their wrestling skills. This could only get better, but still, [B]B MINUS???[/B][/i][/quote] The end of the show saw the DeColts move back after the Double DQ, grinning like madmen on a mission as they talked smack to the Stones, who were recovering in the ring. Neither side had come out looking the worse of the bunch, and it was evident that this was just the beginning of the biggest invasion in recent memory. London and Townsend asked the rhetorical question, if this is just a taste of what we'll see in the coming months. And the show faded to black as the crowd, one last time, chanted [b]"C-G-C!"[/b] [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: I sure hope it gets better from here.[/i] --- [b]FINAL RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: It'll probably hurt our popularity in Halifax a bit considering the high overness, but a good show nonetheless that will increase our fanbase... in more ways than one, for obvious reasons. The road agents complained Owen Love was used too much... can't really do much about that, really. I wanted a better rating for the show, but it's better than anything the SWF and TCW did this week. So THERE![/i] [b]TV RATING (Canada):[/b] 9.84 (0.09 in US) --- And the guy Alex saw in the office WAS... [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/GeorgeDeColt.jpg[/IMG] George DeColt! More on THAT, and backstory/aftermath of the show in the next post! When I get to it! ... Oh, and... [QUOTE=Wallbanger;247242] [I]BONUS:[/I] Who was the figure I met in Dan Stone's office? (who will be revealed after the show) My initial thought was you edited the database to bring one of the DeColt boys into NOTBPW, or you've completely merged the two companies and all the mystery opponents above are CGC workers in an invasion angle (assuming your diary title is foreshadowing). :) So I'm guessing your 'Oh ****!' moment was for George DeColt. [/QUOTE] Man, I'm that obvious? :D
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I might as well respond a little bit while I'm still up. [QUOTE=Wallbanger;247242]McFly is money, end of story. Depending on the 'changes' you have coming (would have to be product based), Hayes can be a credible heel champ, but not in Week 1 of January '07...[/quote] Yeah, McFly is my favorite worker in the C-verse because his stats are pretty much insane, save for entertainment. And he's not named 'Stone' so he can kinda play an outsider heel in a NOTBPW game. Or not considering he's married to Victoria. [quote]I'll go with they Flying Stones (Duane and Edd) as my guess. May not be clean, but I don't see a title change here, but that depends on what you have in mind for Big City Brawl...[/quote] Considering the massive amount of changes I've made to the roster (including releases), I have some ideas how to do the tag team picture at Big City Brawl. It's gonna be tricky, though. Most of the tag teams are either low or high on the card. [quote]Oooh, this is a tough one. Assuming you haven't gotten a talent trade deal in place, there are few middleweight face choices that are appropriate contenders.[/quote] It's one thing I don't like about doing a NOTBPW game, or any mod version of it, is having to deal with the Unlimited Action title where there's fewer contenders to qualify for a division. The women's division has more contenders. Expect changes there. [quote]Westy is a great worker for NOTBPW, but Cavanagh is worthless. In one of my practice games I paired these two and called them the Canuck Muscle Masters. An ugly experience.[/quote] Looks like I'm gonna learn whether or not I can duplicate that failure or success. It's odd because Cavanagh learned quite a bit from the match, but we'll see. Again, the tag division is tricky, because most of the workers are not that special. I agree about Westy, though. [quote]Tammy McFly is the weak link here, and since the Women's strap is not on the line, Bitch and Hazel win here.[/quote] A winner is you! :p
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[quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/NOTBPW.jpg[/IMG] [b]From the Office Of Dan Stone[/b] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DanStone.jpg[/IMG] There are many of you who may have watched the events that have taken place on tonight's NOTBPW Championship Wrestling. It is time that this company come clean with what has happened in the last few months. The Canadian wrestling industry is growing, even moreso than I had anticipated. When I set up NOTBPW, it was to continue the traditions of previous wrestling promotions. For a time, it went well. The CWF remained a force here in Canada, but as was the case for the last few decades, it could not increase its popularity in the United States. When Ed Henson passed away, and the CWF went with it, it was a dark day for Canadian wrestling fans. Things have changed since the 1980s, though. As I and my family showed success in the East, an old colleague of mine by the name of George DeColt set up his empire in the West, the CGC. Both NOTBPW and CGC provided some of the best wrestling in Canada in recent years, and continue to grow in popularity. There is the matter of the different visions that both myself and DeColt have over the state of pro wrestling. George fancies the flashiness of sports entertainment, while I prefer the traditional values that have made NOTBPW what it is today. A few months ago, however, both myself and George realized a great opportunity to make Canadian wrestling into a major powerhouse, to which could not have been achieved in the 1980s. The Internet, television and pay-per-view opportunities have increased, and it was decided that a combined effort of both NOTBPW and CGC can bring wrestling fans a new product that many will enjoy. And of course, two of the most dedicated wrestling families on the planet working side-by-side. It took a matter of months to get everything set. CGC has dealt with their networks, and several talents have unfortunately been released from their contracts in the shake-up leading to this show. The wrestling product has been altered to combine both sports entetainment and traditional values. As such, this is a new 'Wrestling Entertainment' promotion, featuring your favorite stars from East and West, and we hope that you enjoy the ride we're about to embark on. It is a new rebirth for Canadian Wrestling Fans... The Canadian Wrestling Federation has returned. [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/CWF2.jpg[/IMG] CLICK HERE TO GO TO [url]WWW.CWF.CA[/url] - THE NEW CWF WEBSITE![/quote] --- [quote][b]InternetWrestlingNews.com[/b] CWF Revivial [i]by Johnny Gonutty[/i] Yesterday's events surrounding NOTBPW, CGC, and the new CWF have been the talk of wrestling fans in Canada almost overnight. What we know about the deal is that it can be described as a NOTBPW takeover of CGC properties, but also a merger of sorts. Dan Stone is considered the owner of the new CWF, however, most of the financial and booking decisions are made by a newly appointed "Committee", which also acts as the CWF's storyline figurehead. We as of yet do not know how this will translate in terms of authority figures. The Stone/DeColt feud is obviously expected to be centrepiece of the new promotion, with Elite and Hayes' new stable being involved as well. Believe it or not, the DeColts ARE heels in this storyline. We'll see if this so-called 'invasion' pans out... In addition to the combination of how the product will be presented, as evidenced by NOTBPW's last few shows, there will be some PPVs that will be familiar to NOTBPW fans and CGC fans. So far, details are sketchy on which PPVs will survive. Much of the lowercard of both promotions were the losers, with much of the roster released. This would explain why some talents were not at last night's show. CGC fans will be saddened that both Ed Monton and Whippy The Clown will NOT be part of the CWF roster. I was hoping for a Whippy/Edd Stone fued. More on the new CWF as details develop.[/quote] --- [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/CWF2.jpg[/IMG] [b]NEWS HEADLINES[/b] As CWF prepares itself for a new makeover and new show, there are a few headlines we must report as the next show is being done... - New Unlimited Action champion Shooter Sean Deeley has requested that the title be changed to the "Rising Star" championship and have no weight limit. Deeley reasoned that Hash was able to hold onto the title by restricting the amount of challengers to his title because of their weight. Deeley also says that as a former national champion, he wants to take on everyone big and small. He's expected to defend the title next week. Harrison Hash has challenged the ruling, and has gone to the Committee to state his case. - R.K. Hayes spoke with us earlier today, saying his new team with Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone would be called 'Dominance', to suggest the impact he said he was going to make. For a time, it looked like he did just that, until Adrian Garcia and the 'Elite' decided to show up. Hayes has expressed anger over the former CGC stable meddling in his affairs, and states that Garcia himself will be a marked man. "We are not doing this for the North Of The Border fans, or the CGC fans, or anyone else. We are doing this simply because they really pissed us off. Now they're going to pay." - George DeColt says he himself will be heading to the next TV show - the first under the new "CWF" banner, which will be all the way out in CGC territory in British Columbia. "I'm gonna be there to make sure everything moves smoothly. It's not gonna be easy though." - Jack DeColt has been the more vocal of his family since the last show, particularly looking towards Sean McFly's gold, "You know... if R.K. Hayes is busy taking care of business with Elite, I'm sure he won't mind me moving in to take Sean's championship. Sean may have best everyone in that promotion, but he's facing the DeColts now." Remember to watch Canada On Air at 9 to see the new CWF Championship Wrestling! CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION ON HOUSE SHOWS! [i](And free pie.)[/i][/quote] --- I sighed, as I sat on a plane along with members of the "Committee", set up to deal with the many egos that inhabit the bulging CWF. In addition, a few of the backstage staff and some of the road agents were talking about next week's events. As far as first shows go, it wasn't that bad, but it felt like a start with just another company rather than the second coming of a pro wrestling phenom. Then again... what am I saying? I hardly had any experience to begin with, and I'm trying to make comparisions? I really should relax. [i]"So, enjoying the flight?"[/i] The other father of Canadian wrestling, a Mr. George DeColt, asked of me as I watched outside. "I think I might be a little airsick, to be honest," I murmured. [i]"Not used to flying so much, are you? You know, back when I was working with the SWF, we flew all over the place each and every week. You just have to avoid looking outside so much the first few times..."[/i] He sneered, [i]"Then again, I never got airsick."[/i] "Thanks anyway," I said, quietly overlooking our next stop in British Columbia. We DID have some house shows last week. Didn't even bring out the CWF banners for those things yet, as we just came off of last week's show. Still, it gave fans a little taste of what feuds we have ready... The first show held off on some of the biggest talents on the card until the end of the show, but this next show, we have no excuses to hide anything any longer. Going to CGC territory will definitely make for an interesting crowd, but we play it right, and fans in both the East AND West will pay money for whatever matches we throw at them, regardless of who's the good guy or bad guy. And then, of course, we'll have to deal with getting people on the shows for air time. That's gonna be the most fun of all. Must not look outside, he says... airsick or not, the view at least is nice...
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Gotta say, you've set this up nicely. I had considered doing something along these lines when I first was thinking about doing a diary, so that's how I came so quickly to the conclusion I did when you set up the backstory. (But the diary title was a pretty clear tipoff, unless you were going to be really silly and have 4C invade. :) ) It's the Canadian version of Hollywierd, and it has just as much potential. Definitely interested to see how you run with this.
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;247251](But the diary title was a pretty clear tipoff, unless you were going to be really silly and have 4C invade. :) )[/quote] It'd be like the ECW invasion! For 10 minutes, anyway. But Joey Poison is the man! :D Seriously, I knew the title was probably a giveaway. I kinda didn't want to put "CWF" in the thing... hey, I could've merged NOTBPW with, say, DAVE or TCW or something... nah. [quote]It's the Canadian version of Hollywierd, and it has just as much potential. Definitely interested to see how you run with this.[/QUOTE] In honesty, I'm probably not the most skilled TEW player, and I am a little odd, so expect some bizarre stories here and there. Hope it'll be decent, nonetheless! Anywho, I got my show all set for the next week, so might as well hit the preview! --- "I am Alex Gariepy and you will feel the FOOOOOORCE tonight! Tonight in this Force-filled arena, you will see the FOOOOORCE flowing through people's veins in an attempt to bring out the most Force out of the Force to which only the Force-ful will survive this test of FOOOOOORCE!" I practiced my 'insane wrestler' voice in front of a mirror at an office at the arena tonight. "Please... for the love of everything that is sane, don't EVER do that on national television." I stopped and turned around to see current road agent and former Hollyweird star Craig Prince give me the warning. "Oh, didn't see you there. I was just... joking, there. I mean, I heard the news about you-know-who signing with Eisen and-" "Yeah yeah yeah, I get it. We all love the parody stuff too. But let's not bring that in front of cameras, for all our sakes." "Awww... I could've come up with a great gimmick to get myself over with the fans..." I teased. "Alex, you're hardly even a blip on the radar. Quit kidding yourself." The former two-time NOTBPW champion smirked. "So... how [b]did[/b] I get this job again?" "I have no damn clue." I guess it's good to be an unknown sometimes. I just hope my next interview won't suck. --- [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/CWF2.jpg[/IMG] [b][color=red]CWF Championship Wrestling[/b][/color] [b]CWF.CA PREVIEW[/b] The first edition of the new CWF will take place tonight in Victoria, British Columbia! The show will provide plenty of intrigue inside and outside the ring. The BC crowd will prove interesting, as it is the home of the former CGC empire. In fact, former CGC owner George DeColt himself will be on hand to oversee the show. However, with tensions between the DeColts and Stones escalating since last week's show, one has to expect George DeColt to show a bit of bias. Nonetheless, the show promises to be entertaining tonight, with the ensuing chaos providing perculiar match-ups. In women's action, Tamara McFly has been fuming at the betrayal of women's champion Melody Cuthill in last week's tag match. Melody has offered no explanation why she turned on her partner. Tonight will feature a 6-woman tag match, as McFly teams up with Jana Marie Bowie and Grace Harper to take on Cuthill, Emma Bitch, and Stephanie Hazel. Tensions are expected to rise in this match-up, as both Tamara and Cuthill may find themselves looking over their shoulder. The tag team division is starting to shape up, although no one is exactly sure who will go for the gold at Big City Brawl. Therefore, a few teams are expected to try to make some impact tonight. One such team are the fearsome Mountain Men, who found themselves at the mercy of a brutal invasion from two CGC teams. Tonight, they take on the Specialist, one of the most successful teams in CGC. Meanwhile, Youth Energy, looking good after taking the tag champions to the brink last week, look to make it a clean win this time around. They take on a tandem of former CGC talent Trent Shaffer and former Unlimited Action champion Harrison Hash. Speaking of Hash, he isn't too happy about losing his title last week to Shooter Sean Deeley. Deeley is even requesting the new CWF committee to change the title into a "Rising Star" championship. While this has yet to be approved, Deeley will try to make his case tonight, by defending the new championship against another "rising star", Ryan Powell. The conflict between the DeColts and Stones has just begun, and two events occured behind-the-scenes over the last few days, showing the growing egos of both families. Alex DeColt has been boasting, claiming to be the most intelligent mind in Canadian wrestling today. His words seem directed in mocking both Jeremy Stone, the elder of the group, and Dan Stone Jr., who is considered to be the leadership behind the Stone family. Will those words lead to something down the road? Also, Edd Stone has been quite vocal about the DeColts, and isn't likely going to make any friends in B-C tonight. The 24 Hour Party Animal has especially struck a nerve with young Ricky DeColt. The two youngsters have made a challenge to face each other tonight. This will be the first CWF-sanctioned DeColt/Stone match. Who will win the first bout? This isn't the only 'family feud' going on in CWF. R.K. Hayes and his newly formed "Dominance" group had high hopes on conquering NOTBPW. However, they did not anticipate the arrival of "Elite", the most sadistic and cunning stable in recent wrestling memory. Despite being CGC stalwarts, Adrian Garcia and his group will not likely get a warm reception from the B-C crowd. This may work in Dominance's favor, as Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone look to get a win against John Maverick and Eddie Chandler. The main event sees former enemies having to reluctantly team up. The Committee has thought it would add more fuel to the fire in the championship race. Jack DeColt, who expressed his desire to take Sean McFly's gold, will team up with former rival Dan DaLay. Sean McFly doesn't fare any better, as one week removed from his title defence, he will team up with none other than his former challenger R.K. Hayes. Can either team work cohesively? Tune in tonight on Canada On Air at 9 for CWF Championship Wrestling! And for those living in America, tune to National Pride TV, Saturday at 10![/quote] --- [i]Prediction timmmme, prediction time...[/i] [b]Sean McFly and R.K. Hayes vs. Jack DeColt and Dan DaLay[/b] [b]Eddie Chandler and John Maverick vs. Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone[/b] [b]Edd Stone vs. Ricky DeColt[/b] [b]The Mountain Men (Dean/Dallas McWade) vs. The Specialists (Nate Johnson/Bobby Thomas)[/b] [b]CWF "Rising Star" Championship[/b][i] (Name pending)[/i] [b]Shooter Sean Deeley (c) vs. Ryan Powell[/b] [b]Youth Energy (Lee Rivera/Shane Nelson) vs. Trent Shaffer and Harrison Hash[/b] [b]Melody Cuthill/Emma Bitch/Stephanie Hazel vs. Tamara McFly/Jana Marie Bowen/Grace Harper[/b] AND... BONUS! I will be conducting an interview with a tag team/tandem. Guess who they are... and win nothing! Yay! Okay, I'm done.
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No pre-show here. And, after this, I think I'm taking a break. It takes quite a bit to write these shows, and this one really took a lot of writing. So yeah... enjoy! [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/CWF2.jpg[/IMG] [b][color=red]CWF Championship Wrestling[/b][/color] [b]Held at the King Edward Multiplex in Victoria, British Columbia. (or whatever, I don't care) Attendance: Sold-out - 5,000 people came to watch this![/b][/quote] [i]New logo, new banners, new ring set-up, new intro music (some Canadian band, I dunno), and new PYRO! as we are LIVE![/i] Now to the announcers for your obligatory hype. [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TommyLondon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TomTownsend.jpg[/IMG][/center] London: "Welcome to the NEW Canadian Wrestling Federation... Championship Wrestling! I'm Tommy London alongside Tom Townsend, and tonight, rivals team up in our main event!" Townsend: "You're not kidding! It's a CGC versus North Of The Border match-up, as Jack DeColt and Dan DaLay will take on Sean McFly and R.K. Hayes." London: "Expect tensions to fly. Remember, it was just one week ago that McFly and Hayes just faced each other for the Canadian Championship." Townsend: "Jack DeColt and Dan DaLay don't see eye to eye either. I mean, I'm not a CGC expert, but didn't those two go against each other several times over the years?" London: "I'm pretty sure that's the case. Either way, it will make for an interesting match tonight." [b]RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Tommy London's learning more charisma, according to the road agents.[/i] [i]The camera cuts to the giant screen overlooking the arena. The crowd pops as they see none other than one of their beloved heroes, and a legend in the business, Mr. George DeColt.[/i] [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/GeorgeDeColt.jpg[/IMG][/center] "Greetings, Canadian Wrestling Fans. It's good to hear the crowd just outside my office tonight. I'm sure many of you here in British Columbia are just as excited as I am about today's matches. I know some of you are wondering... did George DeColt sell out his dream? Did he allow some stiffs in the East to eat up his company? The answer is... no. This was an agreement between myself and Dan Stone, a... compromise, if you will. And while our sons are busy trying to prove to everyone that they are the better family, I have no quarrels. It's business, after all." The man smirks, "I will be watching the show from behind-the-scenes tonight... and I'll be in constant contact with the CWF committee. I will guarantee one thing, though, that sometime tonight, I will make a match for Big City Brawl, set for the end of the month... but enough about that boring business crap, let's get things started!" [b]RATING: B+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Everybody loves George.[/i] London: "George DeColt promises he'll have a match ready for Big City Brawl!" Townsend: "I still don't trust him. Business my foot. Families look after themselves. It's the same with the Stones, it's the same with the DeColts." "Mind if I cut in, peons?" London: "What the? What are you doing here?" [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/AdrianGarcia.jpg[/IMG][/center] Garcia: "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm joining your little announce team, courtesy of the CWF committee's approval. Besides, someone's got to stand up for CGC, what with you North Of The Border hacks around." Townsend: "You don't stand up for CGC, Garcia, you only stand up for yourself." Garcia: "Says you, monkey boy. You don't like the Stones. I don't like the DeColts. Doesn't mean I'm not a company man." London: "(sounding irritated) Well, this should be fun. I'm gonna need some Aspirin after this. To the action, looks like someone's already in the ring. Wait, that's not our ring announcer..." [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/JennyPlaymate.jpg[/IMG][/center] [i]Jenny Playmate is in the ring, obviously getting a pop just for being there.[/i] Jenny: "The following tag team contest is scheduled for one-fall! Introducing, the team that defeated The Can-Am Blondes last week, a team that made its name known HERE in British Columbia! (cheap pop) and a team that will become the next CWF Tag Team Champions! I give you, the team that has nowhere to go but up... Lee Rivera! Shane Nelson! [b]Youth Energy![/b]" The team comes out to soak in the crowds cheers. London says it looks like Jenny Playmate has chosen her team to dominate CWF. Garcia wonders why Jenny would align with a bunch of losers. Townsend, meanwhile, wonders if he could get Jenny's phone number at some point. [b]RATING: D+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Youth Energy are learning more about how to improve their showing-off... er, I mean, performance skills... yes... performance...[/i] The ring announcer gets his microphone back to announce the tandem of Trent Shaffer and Harrison Hash. [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/LeeRivera.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/ShaneNelson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TrentShaffer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/HarrisonHash.jpg[/IMG] [b]Youth Energy vs. Trent Shaffer and Harrison Hash[/b] Trent and Harrison haven't really teamed up in... ever, so Youth Energy make use of their experience to divide and conquer. Also Shaffer is an excellent talent (and great on the mic), he finds himself at the mercy in the early going of the match. The announcers had two things to hype when the match got quiet, particularly once Lee Rivera got hit from behind with a bulldog by Harrison Hash to turn the tide and he became the babyface-in-peril. The announcers went over the tag team division and what Youth Energy's chances were heading into Big City Brawl that THEY would challenge for the titles. The other bit was on Harrison Hash losing his Unlimited Action title and the subsequent goings on with Shooter Sean Deeley. This was made especially so when Hash dominated the later half of the beatdown on Rivera, perhaps as a message to Sean Deeley. The finish of the match saw Rivera slip out of a Montreal Deep Sleeper and making the hot tag to Shane Nelson who does the whole 'house on fire' deal. Just as Nelson was ready to bring down the former Unlimited Action champion, The Natural comes down to ringside to talk with Jenny Playmate. Shane Nelson takes exception to that and turns to yell at him from the ring. The Natural backs off, but the distraction was enough for Hash to roll up Nelson for the win. The Natural grinned, seeing his plan work too easily as he heads backstage. [b]Trent Shaffer and Harrison Hash defeat Youth Energy.[/b] [b]RATING: C-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Another C- rating for Youth Energy. Shaffer learned quite a bit in terms of flying and performance skills. I just hope these matches get better over time.[/i] [/quote] [i]We cut to commercials! Come see our house shows, Canada! Sorry, America, but we're not over enough there... yet.[/i] [i]Back from commercials, we see a backdrop of the CWF logo backstage, and a huge pop as Alex DeColt walks in to look at it.[/i] [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/AlexDeColt.jpg[/IMG][/center] Alex: "Ah yes... the C-W-F. I used to remember some company called that... heh..." He turns to look into the camera. Alex: "Hope you're enjoying this bit of nostalgia as much as I am... because... I'm done with the nostalgia now. What DOES matter to me, though, is that now I get to test my strength and wits against the Stone family. Heh... oh yes, don't think I didn't watch them in action before. I'm not an idiot. I am, after all, one of the most brilliant minds in Canadian wrestling. I know about you, Dan Stone Jr., holding that group of stiffs together... and I know about you, Jeremy Stone, trying to act like some sort of anchor... some badass... what a joke. All that acting in front of your so-called fans in the East. Meanwhile, I'm the one that puts people in their seats, I'm the one that entertains them each and every week, I'm the one that overcomes the odds... and all because (tapping his head) of what's in here. So, you better bring your A game, Stone family, because with THIS mind, the DeColts are going to run all over you..." [i]Alex laughs as he leaves the scene. The pro-DeColt crowd chants "Al-ex!" as we get back to the announcers.[/i] [b]RATING: B+[/b] [i]Alex (Gariepy)'s notes: The fans in the crowd loved it, the fans at home loved it... heck, I kinda liked it.[/i] London: "What a ****y jerk this Alex DeColt is! Does he know better than to taunt the Stones like that?" Garcia: "He may be a ****y jerk, London. But knowing from experience, he's quite dangerous." Townsend: "I kinda like him. I want to see what sort of games he's going to play with the Stones now." London: "We're going to our next match, but first, Alex Gariepy is in the ring ready for a quick pre-match interview." [i]A little pause as the crowd waits for something to happen... and then Shooter Sean Deeley's music hits the PA. Despite being vilified in CGC, the partisan crowd cheers for the new champion, the first blow in CGC's invasion of NOTBPW last week.[/i] Gariepy: "I'm here with Shooter Sean Deeley, who is holding... it still looks like the Unlimited Action championship. (crowd boos) Does that mean the committee decided against changing the title as you requested?" Shooter: "Woah there, bucko. Yes, it's still the same look, but that's because the new title hasn't been created yet. Besides, the committee still has to listen to Harrison Hash moan and whine about the whole thing. In the end, though, the committee will agree with me. But in the mean time, I'm gonna make my case for the committee, and take on a "Rising Star" tonight. So, Ryan Powell, get your butt down here right now and we'll see who's deserving of that title." [b]RATING: D[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Deeley isn't exactly exciting. Neither am I. Hence, not an exciting interview.[/i] [i]And so he does. Powell might've been part of CGC, but the crowd makes no effort in cheering this arrogant heel.[/i] [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/RyanPowell.jpg[/IMG] [b]CWF "Rising Star" Championship[/b] [b]Shooter Sean Deeley (c) vs. Ryan Powell[/b] Powell was touted in CGC as being the future of the company. So far, his experience in the new CWF has thrown him to the background. That could change over the next few weeks, but first he's gonna have to prove that he wasn't overhyped by first engaging in some matches. The match is a decent warm-up, but nothing that would overly excite anyone. I mean, it is hard to beat the Alex DeColt promo earlier. The match has no major surprises, as Sean Deeley makes his first defence with the Front Choke Lock... I wonder if that's legal? Well, if so, the referee didn't notice. [b]Shooter Sean Deeley retains the CWF "Rising Star" Championship.[/b][b]RATING: C[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Far better than the Hash/Deeley match. Garcia and Townsend also added some flavor to the match, and as a result, it looked decent on TV. Not B rating or anything, but good for the lowercard.[/i][/quote] [i]Just as Deeley was about the celebrate once more, he gets jumped from behind by Harrison Hash, who decides to make HIS case to the CWF committee... or not. He's just very angry and he destroys Shooter Sean Deeley in the process. Only London seems to come to Sean's defence on the announce table, as the others agree that Hash is merely defending a title that was just created a few years ago. To change it now would be ridiculous, they argue![/i] [b]RATING: D+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: ... Well, back down we go.[/i] [i]Commercials! Big City Brawl is just a few weeks away! Get your tickets now and... stuff.[/i] [i]We come back to see a crowd having a bit of a mixed reaction as two of the Stones are in the ring. Even if they're the good guys, Dan Jr. and Jeremy Stone aren't exactly on their home turf. The two try their best to hold composure in the "bizarro-world" atmosphere.[/i] Jeremy: "We understand we're not exactly the big heroes in this arena right now. However, this thing is between us and them, so it doesn't matter how any of you feel about it. That said, we can't help but find it funny that Alex DeColt decides to run his mouth like that." Dan Jr.: "In this business, you give it everything you got, both in the ring and outside it. But if there's one thing you gotta know, is that big egos don't make many friends. Alex DeColt, you like to say you're the best mind in the business... but even you have to admit it's kind of dumb to be taunting not one, but two wrestlers. So, we'll be lenient tonight... if you wanna put your 'mind' to the test, how about a little one on one against one of us, right here, right now!" London: "He's challenging Alex to face one of them right now! Now is Alex's chance to put his money where his mouth is!" Garcia: "Alex is not an idiot. There's one of him and two of them. He has to bring back-up!" Townsend: "This is going to get messy, isn't it?" [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: It was alright. The Stones are good talkers, as I've already mentioned. The DeColts have the better ratings on the mic so far, though.[/i] [i]Alex DeColt's 'solo' theme chimes over the PA as the crowd watches in anticipation. Alex comes with a microphone and by himself.[/i] Alex: "Ooooo, a challenge you say? Moi? Versus either you, or you? Right now, in British Columbia? (crowd cheers) Forget it! (crowd kinda boos) Now wait a minute, I'm not done, listen to what I have to say. I said no not because I fear you or anything. See, yes, it does seem kinda dumb for someone to just taunt not one, but two wrestlers at once. But I'm no ordinary wrestler. I am so confident, that I can beat not just one of you... but both of you!" London: "... what?" Alex: "Instead, I'm gonna do one better. I challenge you, Dan Stone Jr., AND you, Jeremy Stone, to a 1-on-2 handicap match, at Big City Brawl! How's that sound? Good, I'll see you in a few weeks! Later!" [i]He drops the mic and heads away pretty quickly, leaving the crowd and the two Stones very confused.[/i] [b]RATING: B+[/b] [i]Alex (Gariepy)'s notes: Shoot, this angle can't be advanced booked on that night. Silly TEW... wait, what's TEW? Um, I mean... I wonder if people will find this match interesting?[/i] London: "Has Alex DeColt lost his so-called brilliant mind? A 1-on-2... 2-on-1 handicap match?" Garcia: "Yes, the idiot finally lost his mind." Townsend: "I don't know... Alex might have something planned... can you imagine if he DOES win, though? Would be quite a psychological blow." Garcia: "Hmm... yeah, that does seem like something is up. The Stones better watch their backs... if they aren't already." London: "And that is our first match made for Big City Brawl. And George DeColt hasn't even chimed in yet!" [i]We cut backstage to Nate Johnson and Bobby Thomas, who the crowd recognize and boo.[/i] Nate: "Alex must've lost his pretty little mind, eh Bobby?" Bobby: "I'll say... but we're not here to talk about him, are we, Nate?" Nate: "No, of course not. You see... we, the Specialists... have been the most dominant tag team in CGC. When we heard we were going to be on this new... CWF... well, more teams for us to beat, eh Bobby?" Bobby: (fixing his glasses) "Yeah, Nate. And since Youth Energy lost their match-up earlier... it leaves the tag team picture a little more open." Nate: "Yes... and what better way to take that spot for ourselves than tonight against North Of The Border's Mountain Men. The same men we beat down last week. Isn't that right, Bobby?" Bobby: (laughs) "That's right, Nate. And after tonight, the CWF committee will have no choice but to award US the title shot at Big City Brawl." Nate: "Let's get down to business, Bobby. See you in the ring, folks." [b]RATING: D+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: My lowercarders seem to dwell in the Ds and Cs. I'll just have to bite my tongue and keep going.[/i] London: "That match is up NEXT!" [i]But first, commercials! Because, damnit, we need to sell you the new pizza from Pizza House.[/i] [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/NateJohnson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/BobbyThomas.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DallasMcWade.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DeanMcWade.jpg[/IMG] [b]The Specialists vs. The Mountain Men[/b] The announcers spend a lot of time trying to figure out the tag team picture and who would got a shot for the gold at Big City Brawl. In honesty, the three of them have a hard time staying with one team. This match is one example of how tough it is to decide. Both times are very experienced, had great success in the tag division, and can wear down opponents with excellent precision. The crowd cheer the Mountain Men, in spite of them being from North Of The Border, as the duo have been seen in CGC as well as currently on DAVE. In other words, the crowd respects these a little more, despite the Specialists having some talent as well. The match was very open and could've gone either way, but the Mountain Men were the ones that snuck in the win, as Dallas hits Murder On The Mountain for the duke. [b]The Mountain Men defeated The Specialists[/b] [b]RATING: D+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Bobby's learned some performance skills, but overall, this was a little clunker of a match.[/i][/quote] London: "Looks like we're back at square one. Who's gonna get the title shot now?" Garcia: "Maybe we should flip a coin, oh wise one." Townsend: "Coins don't have that many sides." Garcia: "A coin toss tournament, then." [i]The camera cuts backstage for yet another promo. Well, it's an interview. Hey, it's me! Hi me![/i] [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/no_picture.jpg[/IMG][/center] [i]Man, I'm handsome! Okay, here's the duo I happen to be interviewing this week. And the answer to my bonus question.[/i] [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/MightyCavanagh.jpg[/IMG][/center] Gariepy: "I'm here with Tim Westybrook and Mighty Cavanagh this week. And... yeah... they're very big people." (The two look at me oddly.) Westy: "Yes... we're very big people, Alex. Quite a brilliant observation you have made. How did you get this job?" Gariepy: "Um, they found me on the Internet." Cavanagh: "... Right. Sure. But anyways, a better question to ask, Alex, is 'What are you guys going to do about what happened last week?' I mean, we're glad to see the Mountain Men get a measure of revenge against the Specialists, but we want some revenge too." Westy: "Indeed, Cavanagh. But we must be patient, because the other team that attacked us last week, will get their comeuppance sooner or later. Patience is a virtue, after all." Cavanagh: "Yes, I guess you're right, Tim. We shall bide our time, and it does come, we'll take care of... of..." Westy: "I believe they were called Destiny and Fate, Cavanagh." Cavanagh: "Ah yes, the Soldiers of Fortune. My mistake." Westy: "That is alright. Now, let's get going. I hear there's a nice sports bar to go to just down the block from this arena. We can go and watch the big hockey game later tonight. And of course, there will be drinks." Cavanagh: "Brilliant!" [i]The two leave, making me wish I never wanted to interview wrestlers again. The hell was with those people?[/i] [b]RATING: D[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Okay, so my interviews are crap. Sue me.[/i] [i]We cut backstage to see the Flying Stones backstage as Edd is just warming up.[/i] Duane: "Are you sure you want to do this, Edd? We're not exactly in the nicest crowd to be fighting them." Edd: "Duane, you're too uptight. I'm the 24 Hour Party Animal... I party and wrestle regardless of when and where I'm at. Even if it was in DeColt's front porch, I'm gonna take the fight to them. I'm sick of hearing those guys talking smack to my brothers like that! So I'm taking matters into my own hands tonight. That Ricky DeColt's gonna regret answering my challenge." Duane: "Alright, Edd. You be careful. Win one for the family." Edd: "Sure, Duane." [b]RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Duane's not as charistmatic as the other Stones, so the angle is kinda weaker than the other Stone/DeColt angles.[/i] [i]In another part of the arena, backstage, Steve and Ricky DeColt are at the CWF backdrop.[/i] Steve: "Win one for the family? The only family winning tonight is the hometown favorite, guys. And this man is going to do it." Ricky: "The Flying Stones... what kinda corny name is that? Sounds like some old, withering music band. Edd Stone tonight is gonna find out first-hand just who's the better flyer tonight. And in front of all the fans here in British Columbia, the Party Animal is gonna feel a hangover from the DeColt 45! (laughs at his own joke)" Steve: "That's right, Ricky. And Duane, don't worry, I'm gonna stay backstage for the entire match. We're gonna be good people here in the back... provided you guys stay back yourselves. Because if you do show up... well, Duane, I'm not gonna hold myself responsible for my actions. Now go out there and take Edd down, Ricky." Ricky: "Will do, brother!" [b]RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Well, I guess this one is just as weak... of course, if THIS is weak, I shouldn't be complaining much, eh?[/i] London: "It's Edd Stone vs. Ricky DeColt! That match is coming up NEXT!" [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/EddStone.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/RickyDeColt.jpg[/IMG] [b]Edd Stone vs. Ricky DeColt[/b] The partisan crowd were not as mixed as they were in previous bits earlier, as the crowd was definitely behind the young Ricky DeColt. This fazed Edd Stone somewhat, as he was used to being cheered as the babyface. Hell, he IS the babyface, technically. The match was a little longer and more intense than the previous bouts, as the two make no quarrels about beating the crap out of each other. Both men had very similar styles, as both employ a light, fast-paced, cruiserweight style to the ring. The result is a match that is a bit of a change of pace from some of the brawls and technical matches seen previously. London was keen on calling the match as it went along, while Townsend and Garcia traded insults over which family would 'crack' first. The finish was similar to the chaos that occured in last week's historic Stone/DeColt confrontation, as the ref could not control the two in the match. They went outside the ring and fought in one corner near the barricade, as the ref counted both of them out. [b]Edd Stone and Ricky DeColt resulted in a draw.[/b] [b]RATING: C-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Edd pulled the "I'm not jobbing GRRR!" card, being the designated jerk in his family. So I kept it at a draw. Probably was a better decision too, following on the 'no one family's stronger' bit from last week. As for the unfortunate rating... Ricky and Edd, despite their styles, don't really click as opponents. So much for that.[/i] [/quote] [i]The match may be over, but it looks like the fighting is still going. Both men use some high-flying moves off the barricade and the apron to hit a couple of nice spots, before it degrades further into a brawl. Soon, Ricky's joined by Steve DeColt, but Edd gets calvary in the form of Duane, and the four brawl into the crowd for a while before heading into an exit leading backstage. The crowd at least enjoyed it.[/i] [b]RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: So a crowd brawl is far more entertaining to the fans than a match itself. Good to know.[/i] London: "I guess not one team has shown dominance in this family feud yet." Townsend: "Speaking of which, isn't Dominance the name of R.K. Hayes group?" London: "Yes, I believe so. And they were planning on dominating North Of The Border... and then... I think someone decided to show up..." Garcia: "You know, I *am* right here. And yes, we decided to show up. I make no quarrels about it. R.K. Hayes is a fool. He's merely copying an idea that I have pulled successfully for several years. While that caveman wandered around for ten years accomplishing little, MY group took DeColt's family to the brink. In fact, let me show everyone here, and at home just how it got done." [i]A video package airs with the faces of Dan DaLay, Eddie Chandler and John Maverick doing major damage in the CGC days, with Adrian Garcia's voice yelling some things to encourage them on. It's kinda disturbing... if just because Garcia's voice sounds posessed at times. Must be the production crew's idea of fun. Still, the point is made. Elite = crazy. Fear them.[/i] [b]RATING: D+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: This video wasn't that amazing. The production team is getting an earful.[/i] [i]The crowd boos as we return back to the announce table.[/i] London: "Looks like the fans here don't like you, Garcia." Garcia: "My guys are in professional wrestling to win, not to dance for these peons' amusement." [i]Backstage, the team of Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone are WALKING! I guess that match is coming up![/i] [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Remember, kids, the thing that will save wrestling will be segments where wrestlers are WALKING![/i] [i]Commercials interrupt, of course. After the show, it's time for the 11 o'clock news! Change the channel, quick![/i] [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DarkAngel.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/JohnnyBloodstone.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/EddieChandler.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/JohnMaverick.jpg[/IMG] [b]Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone vs. Eddie Chandler and John Maverick[/b] If not for the crowd's distaste for Elite, this match would've suffered a little, as not many fans were huge on R.K. Hayes and gang. Still, it's not like the two new Dominance members were untalented or anything. Dark Angel has been going around Japan, while Bloodstone is a capable worker, having experience down in the United States, including a run as USPW National champ... not that we should publicly acknowledging that reign. I mean... it's USPW. Eek. The match saw another good open contest, that again ended not the way fans would've liked. Adrian Garcia, annoyed with the commentary talk, went down ringside to 'assist' his stablemates. He gets a steel chair and throws it into the ring. As the ref gets the chair and gives Garcia some verbal abuse, Chandler hits a low blow, then applies the Fabulous Stretch for the submission win. [b]Eddie Chandler and John Maverick defeated Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone.[/b] [b]RATING: C+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Considering the two tandems aren't as over as the families, this isn't a bad rating. Eddie Chandler, John Maverick, and Johnny Bloodstone also learned a lot in the match, namely in technical skills. I like![/i][/quote] [i]Garcia runs off backstage to hide for the time being while the two members of Dominance recover from their loss. We see him running past down the corridor, as the camera stops at the Can-Am Blondes, who seem to be pretty calm for a championship team that has several teams looking at their gold. Natural: "Hey, did you get a look at that woman hanging around Youth Energy? I think she would've made a better choice by managing us. I mean, we're the ones with the championship." Owen: "Obviously... but... are you sure it's wise for us to still be around here? I mean, we are targets, after all." Natural: "We're fine. Besides, I'm just looking around to see if there's some other ladies that might wanna join us instead... oh... here's one..." [i]Natural is referring to the woman wearing the zebra stripes, Farrah Hesketh, who's getting ready for the women's match. She pauses as the tag champs approach her.[/i] Natural: "Hey Farrah, good luck keeping that 6-woman match in order. And... you know, if you ever wanted to do something other than refereeing here, me and Owen... well, we can show you a lot of great -" Farrah: "No." (and just like that, Farrah leaves, with the two not mouthing much protest) Owen: "That went well." Natural: (shrugging) "The ref duties must've made her a real bore, much like most the people we have to deal with here." (cheap heat) Owen: "Let's just go." Natural: "Yeah, the sooner the better." [b]RATING: D-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Worst segment rating yet. Least Farrah's learning more charisma. Not that she'll be using it a whole bunch.[/i] [i]Meanwhile, backstage, Victoria Stone is watching a furious Tamara McFly do some last-second warming up.[/i] Victoria: "If it helps any... good luck with your match tonight." (no response) Victoria: "... Okay, then... are you going to say anything?" (nothing) Victoria: "Fine. You keep working out and getting ready for the match. Just try not to be consumed with all that anger you're feeling." [i]And with that, Victoria leaves as Tamara pauses to contemplate.[/i] [b]RATING: C-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: I'm as surprised as you are.[/i] [i]We're backstage to the CWF backdrop. This time around, women's champion Melody Cuthill.[/i] Melody: "... All last week, I've been getting bugged with the same question. Why did I turn on my partner last week? It occured to me, as I was watching what was going on, why I did... her name is Tamara [i]McFly[/i]. Related to our current Canadian 'champion', Sean. And after all that's happening now... I just got fed up with it. Family, after family, after family. The Stones, the DeColts, the McFlys... I'm sick of it! Heck, my family... they don't even like pro wrestling that much! But here I am in some sort of bizarre world where brothers fight brothers... This kind of twisted nepotism has gone too far, and the line has to be drawn somewhere. And as long as I remain women's champion, no 'family' member is gonna touch this thing!" Townsend: "Melody is my new favorite wrestler." London: "She's full of it! No matter, her match is up next!" [b]RATING: C-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Also good for what is was.[/i] [i]Commercials are fun... if you watching the same car commercial over and over. Car drives here, car drives there, BUY THE DAMN CAR![/i] [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/MelodyCuthill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/EmmaBitch.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/Principessa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TamaraMcFly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/JanaMarieBowen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/GraceHarper.jpg[/IMG] [b]Melody Cuthill, Emma Bitch, and Stephanie Hazel vs. Tamara McFly, Jana Marie Bowen, and Grace Harper[/b] A little cool-down match just before the main event, this match still had some decent action from our women's division. Our booking team has said that none of the women have any 'star' qualities to be the top of the division. At least, not yet. The announcers take the time to make their "We love the women's division" speil, while talking about some of the things that have gone on. Emma and Stephanie don't look too keen on working with the women's champion, and Tamara's partners haven't really spoke to her much, so for the early part, Tamara and Melody fight each other, with neither getting an advantage. Soon, the match turn to the heels, as a blind tag allows Grace Harper to play the face-in-peril. Melody does a couple of taunts to irritate the crowd and infuriate Tamara further. Eventually a pier-six brawl ensues, but the legal women, Melody and Tamara stay in the ring, and Tamara dodges a clothesline and rolls up Melody for the upset pin. [b]Tamara McFly and gang win the 6-woman tag match.[/b] [b]RATING: D[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Yuck. Well, it's not like any of them are very over. Stephanie Hazel improved some skills, and Melody's performance was very interesting since her switch to a heel. This was basically the announcers' time to shine.[/i] [/quote] [i]The women soon disperse as the announcers go over the last few things... and mock Adrian Garcia for leaving them. Just as they were ready to cut to commercial... the 'solo' theme for Jack DeColt hits, and he makes his way down to the ring. His presence invokes cheers from the pro-CGC crowd, and he gets in the ring, carrying a mic.[/i] Jack: "Hello B-C! (cheap pop) Whatever. Tonight, I get my chance to make a difference in this new ... C... W... F... show! A few weeks ago, I was doing my thing... I had eveything going for me! I had the money, the power... heh, even have the women. Hey honey, wave to the crowd for me!" [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/HotstuffMaria.jpg[/IMG][/center] [i]Hotstuff Marie, who was sitting at ringside with the timekeeper, waves to the crowd.[/i] Jack: "That's right. Thanks, Marie. So anyway, I had everything. And then suddenly, without much of a reason, my dad decided to make a deal with some guy in the East. And now... well, I still got everything... but... not the gold. So, tonight, I'm gonna make sure everyone notices that WHEN I beat Sean McFly, I'll just be a few steps closer to being the Canadian champion! But... apparently the CWF don't know Jack... too well, because they thought it was a BRILLIANT idea to team me up with that muscled frea-" [i]As he was about to add more insults, Dan DaLay's music hits the PA, and the monster gets to the ring quickly and gets in Jack's face.[/i] Jack: "Woah woah woah, stop right there, Dan. I was only kidding, really! Look... look... you and I will be in the match tonight against two people we both don't like. I know... we never have been friends... and not likely going to be... but just for tonight... you know... just concentrate on them, and not me, alright?" [i]Some tense moments occur as the crowd watch Jack looking a little pale, but eventually, Dan DaLay moves, smirking at the visual he's getting, and casually walks over to the heel corner as he readies for the match.[/i] [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: I'll take the B ratings as they come.[/i] London: "I guess that means a yes." Townsend: "Looks like Dan just wanted to psyche out his partner before the match. Not exactly a smart thing to do." [i]We go backstage as we FINALLY see the champion, Sean McFly, walking backstage with his championship. He finally stops midway as the camera pans out to see R.K. Hayes, staring right back at McFly. The staredown lasts for quite a bit, before London chimes in about their TAG match being NEXT![/i] [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: STARING and WALKING! Wrestling's greatest hope.[/i] [i]One last commercial! We swear! This one's about the new computer game: [b]Really Bodacious Grappling.[/b] ... Uh huh...[/i] [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/RKHayes.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/JackDeColt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DanDaLay.jpg[/IMG] [b]Sean McFly and R.K. Hayes vs. Jack DeColt and Dan DaLay[/b] This match had quite the buzz heading into tonight, and it looks like the four guys did their best to try and deliver the best match possible. Obviously, since neither tandem has teamed up before, their tag team experience looks a little off. The announcers play into it, however, saying that it is part of the 'tension' between the rivals. At the same time, however, when one had an advantage over another, such as Dan DaLay taking down Sean McFly with some power moves, he would take the time to try to add some verbal abuse to the guy waiting for his opponent's tag. It was a clash between brawlers and technicians, although Jack and Sean were able to do a couple of power moves on each other when they got the chance, to show they weren't slacks in the department. The crowd was having difficulty deciding who to cheer, even though Jack was 'their hometown hero', Sean McFly was highly respected, and Dan DaLay is part of Adrian Garcia's group. Ultimately, they just watched the match as they would watch a game, trying not to favor one team or another, just enjoying what they were watching. The end showed the two teams attacking each other at once, and R.K. Hayes and Dan DaLay go over the top rope onto ringside. From there, they brawl towards the back, leaving the champion and Jack to fight each other. For a while, it looked like Sean was wearing down Jack, readying a Delorean Driver, but near the end, Jack played possum, and surprised Sean with a roll-up (and pulling the tights!) for the 3-count. [b]Jack DeColt and Dan DaLay defeated Sean McFly and R.K. Hayes.[/b] [b]RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: A little disappointed the match wasn't much higher, but thankfully no bad chemistry notes. Plus, Dan DaLay and R.K. Hayes learning from some of the best?[/i] [/quote] [i]Sean McFly just realized what had happened, and was protesting a moment, before realizing he can't really 'get the win back', as Jack celebrates. Just as that happens, George DeColt appears at the entranceway.[/i] George: "Congratulations, Jack. You've defeated the Canadian champion in a tag match. Just for doing that, I convinced the CWF committee that YOU, Jack DeColt, will face Sean McFly for the CWF Canadian Championship at Big City Brawl!" [i]Jack celebrates like he won the Stanley Cup, as Sean looks rather annoyed, staring at Jack with cold eyes. The crowd has a mixed reaction, although the announcement of the match did perk their interest.[/i] London: "What? Jack cheated to win that match, and George DeColt is acting like some sort of unbiased commissioner. What non-sense!" Townsend: "It looks to be the case, but it doesn't matter now. Jack DID win the match, and WILL face McFly at Big City Brawl." London: "This is just ridiculous. Well, unfortunately, that's all the time we have tonight, folks. Good night, everybody! See you next week!" [b]RATING: B+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Should I be kinda sad that of the best segments I got, they were from a 62-year-old retired wrestler?[/i] --- [b]FINAL RATING: C+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: It was considered a 'success' in the eyes of our promoters. But to me, it was not good enough. Anything below B- for a final rating is bad. Bad bad bad bad bad. *sigh* I was expecting better matches, but instead got a downer in the form of Edd/Ricky and pretty much no other B- aside from the main event. Oh well, back to the drawing board. On the plus side, neither the SWF or TCW had any better shows.[/i] [b]TV Rating (Canada):[/b] 9.62 (0.06 in America)
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Answering replies! Whee! [QUOTE=tristram;247686]Alex! Glad to see you giving this a go mate, have always appreciated the support of my one from you so I will be returning the favour and keeping a watchful eye on this one. Good luck with it ;)[/QUOTE] Thanks, man. I enjoyed your WCW diary and hope to do something that's at least a quarter good... and I also realize that doing this does take time, so I'm just gonna take it easy here. By the way, I probably should mention this in your diary but... please don't turn Lance Storm emo. ;) [QUOTE=theoutlaw321;247692]I second that. Good luck with this.[/QUOTE] Also thanks to you. I was tempted to do a DOTT diary with the AWA, honestly, but I thought maybe I should stick with the fictional universe instead. [QUOTE=MrOnu;247792]Great work! I'm really enjoying this so far. An original backstory and the shows are slowly pacing towards greater events.[/QUOTE] I'm please so far with the build-up, even if the ratings aren't to my liking. After Big City Brawl, though, I'm gonna have to think up how to build to the next PPV. The month AFTER, though... oh yeah, that'll be fun. But I'm talking to myself here. Glad to see you like the backstory.. even if "Alex gets a job via the Internet" seems corny. :D [QUOTE=shipshirt;247799]This is a great idea and I like the execution of it. Good luck with it! I'm glad you're holding off on the bigger Stone-DeColt matchups until ppvs. I want to anticipate the meetings!!! :)[/QUOTE] You have no idea how tempted I am to just fire away with the big matches off the bat. These guys are good, both in the ring and on the mic, and alone these guys could probably could make great shows. Of course, there's only 8 of them (9 if you count Sean McFly) and our promotion is filled with... well, everyone else. With time the others will do good, I hope. In the meantime, enjoy the anticipation to the bigger match-ups... and the D ratings! [QUOTE=steev42;247821]I like what you've got so far. I'm not terribly familiar with the Canadian promotions, though, so other than the big three last names, I'm kind of lost with the workers still.[/quote] I'm sure that's the case with a lot of people still unfamiliar with much of the C-verse. That and I don't think there's a whole lot of NOTBPW, CGC, and 4C diaries out there compared to the SWFs, TCW/HGCs, DAVEs and some of the smaller, profitable promotions. But there's good talent in the mix, and some of the best workers on the planet, so it's not that bad. I still have to learn about each person's character, though. Especially with the write-ups I'm doing. ... And now that I've rambled too much, here's a sneak peek! [quote][center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/CWF2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] [b]New CWF signee speaks out! CWF.CA[/b][/center] In an effort to build the ranks of the new CWF, the company has come to terms with one of Canada's most-travelled and historic veterans. "Remarkable" Steve Flash has signed contract with the company and will make his debut on next week's CWF Championship Wrestling show. Steve Flash is slowly winding down his career, and being a former NOTBPW and CGC star, would hope to finish it off in the Canadian Wrestling Federation. "Make no mistake, I'm not exactly the most youthful man going into the CWF," Steve Flash told CWF.CA, "But that doesn't mean I'm gonna make it easy for everyone else. I've been through quite a lot in my career, and I think it's only made me stronger. So, don't expect me to just go quietly into the night." Flash, just recently hitting the big 4-0, is also a veteran of the East Coast Wars, and has worked with both the Stone and DeColt families in the past. "It's kinda eerie seeing those two families going after each other now," Flash admitted, "I mean, both were long-time heroes here in Canada, and now they're busy trying to beat each other half to death. On the one hand, it's great for those fans watching who ever wondered who was the better group. On the other hand... well, I don't know, having been on good terms with both families, it's kinda sad to me seeing it have to come to this." As for what kind of impact Flash is planning on making, the veteran seemed a little vague. "I'll do what I can, see how much I can push myself to the limit. It's been a while since I've been in such a large wrestling company, so we'll have to wait and see. I just hope the fans will enjoy what I can bring to the ring each week." [i]IN OTHER NEWS, THE FLYING STONES VS. RICKY AND STEVE DECOLT ANNOUNCED FOR BIG CITY BRAWL! CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS![/i] [/quote] --- (OOC: I signed Flash because I needed one more man to fill my midcard, and Flash is a good, respected worker. I don't expect any main event pushes for him, but he can help out the undercard.) "How long until we get the new ones in?" I asked of the generic staff member whose name I can't remember. "Well, as you know, we had to quick get those North Of The Border details out two weeks ago, so we got those belts with no logo on them. We COULD keep it that way-" "No no no, if we want to show new promotion, we have to have new everything. New set, new banners, new [i]belts[/i]. Get my drift? Simple enough, right?" "You know, we could also try reaching into the old CWF archives and pull out the older belts..." "Ohhhh no, we're not bringing the old CWF belts out of retirement," I winced, "Just because we've taken their name, doesn't mean we're all going back 20 years." "Sorry, Alex," the staff member shrugged, "It's just that, you know, all those expenditures cost quite a bit of money. I mean, there was a lot of money keeping everything hush-hush about the changes, and of course, the banners and everything..." "I know... but from what I know, the money that has gone into it has been from CGC's assets. But how should I know, I'm no financial genius either. I just want new belts..." "We'll have them ready for the PPV." That will be good enough. Hope I'm not fired by then. (OOC: No, I'm not having belt graphics for the titles. I'm not a good artist. So there! Alright, onto the preview.) --- [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/CWF2.jpg[/IMG] [b][color=red]CWF Championship Wrestling[/b][/color] [b]CWF.CA PREVIEW[/b] With less than two weeks away from Big City Brawl on PPV, the CWF is making its way to Ontario for what could be a tense night. Just last week, Jack DeColt stole a victory in a tag team match, pinning the Canadian Champion, Sean McFly. In the main event, George DeColt will oversee the official contract signing for the championship match he announced. McFly is already infuriated by what may look to be a conspiracy against his reign. Jack might also try to pull some mind games on Sean McFly as well. Speaking of mind games, Alex DeColt might be out of his mind, as he's challenged both Dan Stone Jr. and Jeremy Stone to a handicap match at Big City Brawl. However, one can only guess what the self-proclaimed "greatest mind in Canadian wrestling" is up to. In the mean time, the Stone Siblings will be warming up their tag team experience. Their task isn't so easy, though, as they'll take on Elite members John Maverick and Eddie Chandler. Just after last week's show, the CWF committee agreed that at Big City Brawl, Edd and Duane Stone, known as "The Flying Stones" will take on Steve and Ricky DeColt. In preparation, and continuing the ongoing war between the two families, the cool-headed Duane Stone will take on the ticking time-bomb Steve DeColt. The last two matches between the Stones and DeColts have ended in a draw... will this match have the same outcome, or will one family get the all-important first win? The Elite vs. Dominance battle continues, as a huge match has been made for tonight's show. Two of the stable's monsters will go head-to-head as Dan DaLay will go one-on-one with R.K. Hayes. Hayes has been frustrated in recent weeks with key losses and the emergence of Adrian Garcia's group, while Dan DaLay is well-known for showing sheer brutality at a moment's notice. One can only assume that this match can become the most brutal in recent memory. George DeColt is expected to make an announcement regarding the status of the CWF Tag Team title picture, which has fallen into sheer chaos, with no one team being the clear choice to face the Can-Am Blondes for the titles at Big City Brawl. At the present time, George DeColt can only say his announcement will be beneficial to all teams. How can it be possible when so many teams are involved? As for the tag team champions, with the belts on hold until Big City Brawl, the Can-Am Blondes will have a non-title affair. However, it will not be an easy match. The two square off against Dominance members Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone, who, much like R.K. Hayes, have been frustrated in recent weeks. The two may not be getting the tag titles should they win, but it might build up their confidence into their fight against Elite. In other tag team action, Tim Westybrook and Mighty Cavanagh had some odd words for the Soldiers of Fortune. The tandem may have claimed to be patient, but it looks like they'll get their chance for revenge tonight, as they will face Destiny and Fate. The Unlimited Action/Rising Star title debate continues between Shooter Sean Deeley and Harrison Hash. As the CWF Committee gets closer to reaching a decision on the matter, the two will engage in a tag team match. Harrison Hash will team up with Ryan Powell, while Shooter Sean Deeley will team up with new CWF star "Remarkable" Steve Flash. And in women's action, Tamara McFly finally gets her chance against Melody Cuthill. The women's champion betrayed Tamara, claiming to be working against what she sees as "twisted nepotism" in the CWF. The young sister of Canadian Champion Sean McFly will have the change to beat Melody Cuthill for the Women's Championship. Tune in to CWF Championship Wrestling on Canada On Air, tonight at 9! For American viewers, tune in Saturday at 10 on National Pride TV for some great wrestling action. [i]CLICK HERE FOR BRAND NEW CWF MERCHANDISE![/i] [/quote] [i]Predictions ahoy! Pick the winners (or even a draw, 'cause the way I've been doing it... heh)![/i] [b]Dan Stone Jr. and Jeremy Stone vs. John Maverick and Eddie Chandler[/b] [b]Duane Stone vs. Steve DeColt[/b] [b]R.K. Hayes vs. Dan DaLay[/b] [i]Non-title match[/i] [b]The Can-Am Blondes (Owen Love/The Natural) vs. Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone[/b] [i]Designated "How crappy can this match get?" match (guess the rating!)[/i] [b]Westybrook and Cavanagh vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune[/b] [b]Harrison Hash and Ryan Powell vs. Shooter Sean Deeley and Steve Flash[/b] [i]CWF Women's Championship[/i] [b]Melody Cuthill (c) vs. Tamara McFly[/b] [i]BONUS: How do you think George DeColt will handle the tag title picture? There are currently 5 other teams looking at the titles.[/i]
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I have to say, I'm loving this so far. I'm a sucker for dredging up old promotions and I also had a fairly shortlived dynasty where I merged another company with CGC, so it's always interesting to see someone else attempt it. The potential match combinations should be amazing with the whole Stone and DeColt clans on the books. Plus it should help you improve the likes of DaLay, who really do benefit from being in the ring with superior opponents. I've also got my fingers crossed for some super-version of The Elite. I've always found Derek Frost to be a great addition for such a purpose. Loads of potential here, keep up the good work.
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Well, I'm sure things will change over the months. After all, the DeColts aren't exactly the best heel performers, nor Dominance being faces, but we'll see... To the show! [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/CWF2.jpg[/IMG] [b][color=red]CWF Championship Wrestling[/color][/b] [b]Held at Waterloo University Arena in Ontario. Attendance: Sold-out at 5,000 people.[/b][/quote] [b]Pre-show matches![/b] [quote][b]Grace Harper and Jana Marie Bowen defeated Emma Bitch and Stephanie Hazel.[/b] [b]RATING: D[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Both Emma and Grace learn a few things from the match. Their overness won't improve much, but hopefully their skills will get better so the division will be more than a cool-off session.[/i][/quote] [quote][b]Shane Nelson defeated Trent Schaffer.[/b] [b]RATING: C-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Judging from the crowd reaction, it looks like having Jenny Playmate managing Shane Nelson was the smart move, as the two have great chemistry. The match wasn't bad either, but these two are decent workers.[/i][/quote] [i]Alright, screw the pre-show jitters. But wait... we're starting the show... with myself? Oh dear, this can't be good... BUT this time I'm not going to interview some schmuck. I happen to be running off to chase someone who just came in...[/i] [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG][/center] Gariepy: "Sean! Champ! Can I have a few words with you. I mean, tonight, there's going to be a contract signing. You and-" McFly: "Yes, I know who it is. Tonight, I'm gonna be a gentlemen, and go out there, with Jack, along with his daddy, and sign the contract. But come Big City Brawl, Jack DeColt is going to need more than a cheap roll of the tights to beat the Canadian Champion. And if he knows what's good for him, Jack better stay out of my way tonight. Because I won't hesitate to break some of his limbs." [i]Sean leaves with the belt in his possession, with the crowd cheering the possibility of broken limbs. They're nice people![/i] [b]RATING: C+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Sean McFly learned a little bit of performance. I'm keeping this interview in my video scrapbook.[/i][/quote] [i]Alright, NOW we hit the music, intro, and PYRO! as we are LIVE! Cue the announce team![/i] [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TommyLondon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TomTownsend.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/AdrianGarcia.jpg[/IMG][/center] London: "Welcome to the Canadian Wrestling Federation... Championship Wrestling! I'm Tommy London. Alongside me at the announce table, Tom Townsend and Adrian Garcia. As you already saw, there'll be a contract signing for the Canadian Championship. Tonight, though, will feature a tag team match between the Stone Siblings, Dan Jr. and Jeremy, taking on Elite members Eddie Chandler and John Maverick." Townsend: "I hear that Garcia won't be able to intervene from his spot here tonight, though. The CWF committee says if he so much tries it again, he'll be suspended." Garcia: "I'm right here, you know, monkey boy. And yeah, I'll be sitting here for much of tonight. I don't get what the CWF committee is twisting itself over, I didn't do anything wrong last week!" London: "I think there's several people in British Columbia who beg to differ." Garcia: "Who cares what they think?" London: "The CWF committee does, Garcia." Garcia: "Keep telling yourself that, London..." [b]RATING: C+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: I like this commentary trio, and London is really starting to be more charismatic.[/i] [i]A little video package shows the recent happenings between Sean McFly and Jack DeColt, which is to say, not a whole lot. It does show some of Sean McFly's moves in his recent championship defences, and some old CGC clips of Jack. Of course, his clips are now twisted in some menacing way, because, you know, he's a bad guy now.[/i] [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: The production team are much better this time around. Good video package.[/i] [i]Oh look, a match![/i] [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/HarrisonHash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/RyanPowell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] [b]Harrison Hash and Ryan Powell vs. Shooter Sean Deeley and Steve Flash[/b] The announcers have quite a bit to talk about during our opening match. For one thing, it's the CWF debut of one Steve Flash, and the announcers do in fact acknowledge his history in the East Coast Wars and in NYCW. London talks about the amount of respect he has for the man, while Garcia predicts how many days Flash has before he falls over. Also something they talk about is the ongoing title dispute. Townsend points out that the Unlimited Action title had a weight limit of middleweight, which, as he says, is pretty much the same size as everyone in this match. Garcia laughs, saying Deeley might want to try his next title defence against someone like Dan DaLay before moaning about the title. The match itself wasn't that bad, as the four are decent talents. Steve Flash showed some expertise in the early going before becoming the face-in-peril, with Powell and Hash keeping the beatdown from getting too slow. Sean finally comes gets the tag and cleans house, leaving himself and Hash as the legal men. Hash scrambles to his corner to reach for his entrance robe. The ref gets distracted by Powell and Flash fighting in another corner, and tries pushing them back to their corners. While he does that, Hash turns and clocks a stalking Deeley with a pair of brass knuckles, which he quickly disposes of before getting the ref to count to 3. [b]Harrison Hash and Ryan Powell defeated Shooter Sean Deeley and Steve Flash.[/b] [b]RATING: C-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Decent opener, although I was hoping better considering the talent involved.[/i][/quote] [i]Harrison Hash was making it up the ring while posing a bit to soak in the cheers... I mean jeers, as Sean Deeley recovers from what just happened. Deeley looks a little pissed off, and calls for a mic.[/i] Garcia: "Just what everyone comes to see, a grown man complain." Deeley: "Harrison Hash! You really think you're that smart, huh? I'm sick of you moaning about the title, and cheating your way to get it back. You and I know that we've been doing this for a while now, so let's get to it. Enough about waiting for a committee to decide. Big City Brawl. You. Me. For the title. If you win, you get to keep all the restrictions and get to call this belt the Unlimited Action belt. If *I* win, though, this belt becomes the Rising Star Championship. Do we have a deal?" [i]Hash stops a moment to think, then grins and nods his head, as the crowd is glad to see another match added to the PPV card.[/i] [b]RATING: D+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: I have nothing witty to say.[/i] [i]We go to commercials! Tonight's show was brought to you by yummy, delicious pancakes.[/i] [i]The Ontario crowd pops a little, but for the most part give a mixed reception to the arrival of George DeColt on the ramp.[/i] [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/GeorgeDeColt.jpg[/IMG][/center] George: "Canadian Wrestling Fans here tonight in Waterloo University and the many watching at home... I will be present at tonight's contract signing later this evening. But first, there is the matter of the CWF Tag Team championship. Over the last few weeks, we have seen many teams fighting each other, but not one showing a clear distinction of being above the others... it's quite a cluster... *ahem* sorry, just realized we might have children watching. So, I got to thinking... a Pay-Per-View called Big City Brawl... deserves a big brawl. London: "What is he getting at?" George: "So here's the idea. I'm having two matches signed for Big City Brawl. Three teams from CGC, three teams from North Of The Border. They include the current champions, by the way. The three teams will face each other in a 'semi-final' match. The winners of the two matches will then face each other on the same night, and the titles will be on the line. By the end of the evening, we will have our undisputed tag team champions." London: "So it's two matches. Three teams each. Winners face each other. Tag title on the line!" Garcia: "Thank you, Major Repetition." George: "The North Of The Border match will have... The Mountain Men... Tim Westybrook and Mighty Cavanagh... and the tag champions, the Can-Am Blondes facing each other!" George: "And on the CGC side, it will be the Soldiers of Fortune... the Specialists... and Youth Energy!" Townsend: "So no matter what happens, the finals will have CGC vs. North Of The Border!" London: "Big City Brawl just got bigger." [b]RATINGS: D for NOTBPW match, D- for CGC match.[/b] [i]Alex's notes: George may be great on the mic, but he's still promoting the undercard. Shows which teams are more popular, too.[/i] Garcia: "While you two are busy dreaming about the future, how about watching the present? The Soldiers of Fortune are making their entrance now. This team's one of the most dominant tag teams in CGC, and they're up against those 'gentlemen' Westybrook and Cavanagh." London: "Could this be a preview for what'll happen in less than two weeks?" [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TheInsaneHeat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/Fate.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/MightyCavanagh.jpg[/IMG] [b]The Soldiers Of Fortune vs. Westybrook and Cavanagh[/b] Oh boy, when I saw this match on paper, I knew this wasn't going to be pretty. Of the four, Westybrook had the most potential. The problem is, the others aren't really that amazingly talented. The announcers did their best to make it interesting, but the fans saw this, rightfully so, as the bathroom break match. Oh well... perhaps I should start looking into some Canadian tag teams out there to sign up who are more talented... any ideas, folks? I should look through the Internet or something. Oh... and the match mercifully ended with Cavanagh hitting his TNT Whirlwind finisher, which did perk the crowd up a bit. [b]Westybrook and Cavanagh defeated The Soldiers Of Fortune.[/b] [b]RATING: D[/b] [i]Alex's notes: I said what I can of this match, although Destiny and Fate learned a bit more in the ring. Not a lot...[/i][/quote] London: "Looks like Westybrook and Cavanagh win once more. Maybe they have the better chance come Big City Brawl?" Townsend: "It's one thing to beat one team, but to win two matches in one night... they need a lot more to win the titles." [i]The camera cuts backstage to see Johnny Bloodstone and Dark Angel WALKING![/i] London: "Speaking of tag teams, the tag team champions are gonna face the members of Dominance in a non-title match! And it's up NEXT!" [b]RATING: C+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: If there was 0% match ratios, I'd have a show where it's nothing but people walking... I kid.[/i] [i]Commercials... remember to check CWF.CA for when the next CWF house show comes to your town![/i] [i]Straight to the match we go![/i] [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TheNatural.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/OwenLove.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DarkAngel.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/JohnnyBloodstone.jpg[/IMG] [i]Non-title match[/i] [b]The Can-Am Blondes vs. Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone[/b] Adrian Garcia is understandably uneasy, being just at the announce table while the two members of Dominance are in the ring. The two give a good stare at Garcia, pointing at him a few times as they exchange some 'nice' words with him. Garcia doesn't say anything as Townsend eggs him on to try and 'do something'. The distraction was enough for the Blondes to try and cheap shot the group from behind, and for a while, it was successful. Garcia makes no qualms about picking sides, getting a bit more c0cky (... I'll just say 'cookie' from now on, for no reason than to be silly) as the Blondes have their two minutes of offense. From then on, though, the Blondes struggled to keep their momentum, as the two show their supremacy in the match. It wasn't a burial, per se, but the crowd did enjoy seeing the tag champs getting what was coming to them. The finish eventually sees Dark Angel hitting the Descent to Hell on Owen for the win, as the champs fall to Dominance. [b]Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone defeated the Can-Am Blondes.[/b] [b]RATING: D+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: The Can-Am Blondes aren't that over, so naturally the match rating takes a dive. Dark Angel looked good in particular during the match, though.[/i][/quote] London: "The tag champs just lost! Things certainly don't look good for them heading to Big City Brawl!" Townsend: "I think Natural's gonna have to stop looking for arm candy and start looking for a win." Garcia: "If they wanted a manager, they should've gone to me, anyways. I'll teach them far more than anything Jenny Playmate can!" Townsend: "... I must resist the temptation to respond..." London: "You know, the CWF has shown quite a lot of tag matches, but up next, we're getting a singles match, and what a match it will be! Let's send it backstage where we're joined by... Edd Stone?" [i]Sure enough, Edd Stone is backstage with a mic, trying his best over-the-top interviewer voice.[/i] Edd: "Hi everybody! I'm Edd Stone, and the 24 Hour Party Animal has just caught up with Duane Stone! Duane! If I may have your attention for a minute or so... do you notice how incredibly handsome I look in front of the camera?" Duane: "Edd, that's nice and all, but could you quit being silly a moment? You know as well as I do that I have a match tonight against Steve DeColt. I heard also that you and me have a date with him and Ricky at Big City Brawl. But I wanna concentrate on tonight's match. Steve, if you're listening, I want you to know that I have no intention of have yet another draw. One way or another, one of us is going to win tonight. But don't think that you're going to have it easy against me. I know what I need to do in each and every match, and I will pick you apart and give Edd and I the momentum we need for our tag match. So... I'll see you in the ring. Be ready." [i]Duane leaves, cringing his neck a little as he warms up on the go.[/i] Edd: "Well folks, that was Duane Stone with some wise words. If I were Steve DeColt, I'd think about a new career. Back to you, guys!" [b]RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: I thought Duane needed a better interviewer than me... and it gave Edd something to do this week, so everyone's happy![/i] Garcia: "Someone fire him from the interviewer position. Bring back... um, whats-his-name, Goopy or something." [i]We see backstage as Ricky DeColt psyches up Steve, who looks about ready to explode.[/i] London: "We may have the first win in the Stone-DeColt war. Duane vs. Steve, and it's coming up NEXT!" [b]RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Steve looking ready to explode = ratings.[/i] [i]Commercials reminding you to buy our PPV. Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease...[/i] [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DuaneStone.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/SteveDecolt.jpg[/IMG] [b]Duane Stone vs. Steve DeColt[/b] Thankfully this match is FAR better than the disappointing Edd/Ricky bout from last week. The announcers get into recapping the war and reminding us of everything that's happened as far as the CWF rebirth is concerned. London even brings up Steve Flash's comments about being a little saddened seeing two great families fighting each other. Garcia says it's survival of the fittest, and you can't have both families on top for too long. Townsend agrees in that respect, although both of them argue on who will fall first. The match itself has two contrasting styles, although both manage to meld together alright. Duane Stone shows some of his high-flying moves, reminding a few people that Duane's training a long time ago in Japan's Burning Hammer promotion have influenced him greatly. Duane tries to wear down Steve in the early going with a couple of moves using the ropes as a springboard. Eventually, though, Steve manages to stop him in his tracks with a well-timed dropkick, and gets to work, using his mat work to ground and pound his opponent. Steve tries getting into his heel persona, unloading a couple of hard-hitting moves in the corners, trying to make the fans wince at each hit. Duane sells the moves as if he were shot, but not enough to put him away. Steve continues trying to out-wrestle Duane on the mat, but eventually Duane shows Steve that he's not as one-dimensional, countering some of Steve's moves as he makes the comeback. Eventually, Duane goes back to high-flying, and readies for his hard-hitting finisher, the Alabaster Agony. However, Duane had a lot of energy spent during the match doing those moves, and when he missed his finisher, he couldn't get away from the sudden DeColt Stampede out of nowhere, and the Steve DeColt picks up the all-important first win in the family feud. [b]Steve DeColt beats Duane Stone.[/b] [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Tommy London tried but he just couldn't keep up with the match at times. Very, very good match. Not A-ish, but hey, best match in the new CWF so far. It also lifted the crowd.[/i][/quote] Townsend: "And the DeColts get the first win! Kids, get your stats sheet out. DeColts 1, Stones 0. Write it down!" London: "It's just the first match, Tom. And I have a feeling it won't be long before the lead is lost." Townsend: "Hold on... I'm just getting a note here... that Edd, Duane, Steve, and Ricky are to leave the arena immediately. I guess they won't be having that same brawl as last week's..." Garcia: "Whatever. The only score that counts is how my Elite stable is doing against that so-called 'Dominance' group! They haven't won a single match against us!" London: "And we'll see if that is true very soon, because our next match is R.K. Hayes vs. Dan DaLay..." [i]Backstage, Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone congratulate themselves on being able to pick up a win tonight, as R.K. Hayes walks over to them.[/i] Hayes: "Hey guys, good work taking care of the tag champs easily. That's EXACTLY why I picked you guys to be a part of this." Bloodstone: "That's good, Hayes. Me and Angel here, we gotta thank you for giving us this chance. And of course, we had the entire company ready to fall before us. But this group... this Elite non-sense..." Hayes: "Yeah, I know what you mean. Dark Angel knows what you mean. Even the fans out there know what you mean. It was out time to shine... but it's just a setback. I got Dan DaLay up next, and he was lucky just to be on the winning side last week. But tonight, he won't be using that as an excuse." Bloodstone: "But Hayes, you heard what people are saying. They're saying DaLay's a monster!" Angel: "... Monsters or not, they're ultimately human in the ring. Tonight, it'll be a wake-up call to the Elite... a descent into hell..." Hayes: "I've heard it all before. Monsters. People called ME a monster. So what? Tonight, I'm gonna wipe that smirk off Dan DaLay's face, and all in front of Adrian Garcia. And there's nothing he can do about it." [i]Hayes grins menacingly as his two stablemates pat him on the back... for luck, I guess.[/i] [b]RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: The three are not particularly amazing talkers, but the previously hot match and the hype for the match was enough to keep people interested.[/i] Garcia: "For a so-called monster, he's got a big mouth." [i]Dan DaLay is seen WALKING![/i] Garcia: "See? There's a man with a purpose! No talk, he just goes to the ring and destroys everything in his path. THAT is what a REAL monster does!" London: "That match is coming up... NEXT!" [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Dan is the man.[/i] [i]Cue commercials! On Canada On Air, Saturday morning, it's some cartoons! Watch the poorly-done animation! Why are commercials for this airing this late? I don't know![/i] [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/RKHayes.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DanDaLay.jpg[/IMG] [b]R.K. Hayes vs. Dan DaLay[/b] What happens when you put two big guys in the ring together? You get very little selling, and that's exactly what happens here. This probably hurt the match more than anything, although by 'midcard' standards it ain't bad. However, considering both of these guys are supposed to be main eventers and uppercarders, this is unacceptable. Still, the match has its charm. Two big guys trying to out-power the other, out-stiff each other's punches... it's not that terrible, actually. It's just not amazing to watch. Surely they'll develop over the coming months. The match did tell a story, though... both men had an even affair for the beginning of the match, but Hayes were able to put some well-timed suplexes to turn the momentum in his favor. After a flurry that sends DaLay outside, Garcia yells "Get out!" to his client from the announce table... London tells Garcia not to get involved in the match, and Garcia relents, as DaLay seems to get the message from his manager. Garcia says he's not interfering since he didn't even touch anyone or distract the ref. DaLay circles around the ring, as Hayes waits patiently. As the crowd rallies behind Hayes, DaLay shakes his head, and slowly retreats back up the ramp. The crowd sees what's happening, and boos the outcome, as the ref counts to 10, and awards the match via count-out to Hayes. Hayes looks unfazed by what happened though. The menacing grin from before returns as he stares a hole into DaLay, who doesn't seem to be as smiling. [b]R.K. Hayes defeated Dan DaLay by count-out.[/b] [b]RATING: C[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Pretty disappointed in this one, but that what happens when both guys don't sell so much.[/i][/quote] London: "Looks like Elite lost its first match against Dominance." Garcia: "You're not looking at the big picture, London. All the peons have to realize is that Hayes didn't pin DaLay. DaLay didn't submit either. Nothing's been solved!" London: "A likely excuse." Garcia: "I have no need to argue with you. Just deal with the reality." London: "Sure..." [i]We head to a quick commercial break, with your local station giving messages about the nearest sports bar... mmm, hot wings...[/i] [i]We return back as we get a quick recap of what just happened between R.K. Hayes and Dan DaLay. London and Townsend have a field day trying to put Adrian Garcia over the edge, taunting him about his group's first loss. Garcia still stands by his defence that a count-out doesn't mean anything in the long run.[/i] [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Another good rating from a recap/video/WALKING/whatever.[/i] [i]A recurring theme in the CWF as of late, as Tamara McFly is seen working out in her pre-match routine.[/i] Garcia: "Ah, there's one thing I am looking forward to tonight. The Women's Championship is on the line! I can't wait to see how this goes. CGC never had a women's division!" London: "It's more than just a title chase, too. Lots of emotions going into this match." Townsend: "And here comes my new favourite wrestler! Melody Cuthill, a real women's champion! She doesn't need her last name to succeed in this company!" London: "Oh, will you stop? Cuthill is just an opportunist looking for her own glory. Her talk about stopping nepotism is just a blanket to cover her blatant betrayal of Tamara two weeks ago!" Garcia: "Yeah yeah yeah, family or not, let's watch these women in action already!" Townsend: "Someone's excited." [b]RATING: D-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Garcia is the only one, apparently.[/i] [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/MelodyCuthill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TamaraMcFly.jpg[/IMG] [i]CWF Women's Championship[/i] [b]Melody Cuthill (c) vs. Tamara McFly[/b] Well, for a championship match, this one's pretty much a short match. It's just a well. In spite of this, the two women do try their best to put on a better match than previously. The announcers don't even trail off like in the previous weeks, calling the action as it happens. The match is more of a technical spectacle, with both trying their best to find one weak spot to exploit. The open match continues on for a while, with neither one gaining a true advantage, until near the end. The match finishes when, in a surprise to the announcers, Hotstuff Marie comes down to ringside and jumps on the apron. Tamara and the ref are distracted by her sudden appearance, but Melody isn't, as she quickly rolls up Tamara and uses the ropes as leverage to retain the title. [b]Melody Cuthill retains the CWF Women's Championship.[/b] [b]RATING: C-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: On par with the decent opening/pre-show matches.[/i] [/quote] [i]Tamara is infuriated with her lost chance, but Melody doesn't stop there, and gets a devastating DDT to keep her down. She signals Hotstuff Marie and gets out of the ring. Marie then signals to the back.[/i] London: "What is going on? Wait a minute... oh no..." [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/JackDeColt.jpg[/IMG][/center] London: "No... nonono... don't do this!" Townsend: "What is Jack DeColt doing here? ... He's going into the ring... oh please don't... why?" Garcia: "Isn't it obvious? Tamara's being set-up as a message... Tamara is Sean's sister." London: "This is sick! Someone stop this before he does something! He's waiting for her to get up... please... don't do this!" [i]Jack gets quite a bit of heat as he grabs Tamara by the hair, looking like he's ready to hit with something. But just before the CWF gets into potential trouble with networks and complaints...[/i] [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG][/center] London: "Here he comes! Sean McFly is in the ring... and there goes Jack, getting out of the ring before he did anything. That no-good coward!" Townsend: "I'm glad to see Sean get out there in the nick of time. Jack has no business pulling off that sort of thing! Not even for mind games! That's just wrong!" Garcia: "The odd thing is... later tonight the two are supposed to be signing a contract for their match. I can't see that going smoothly now." London: "I wouldn't be surprised, Garcia. Sean's helping Tamara up now, and the crowd shows their appreciation. I can't believe what I just saw..." [b]RATING: C[/b] [i]Alex's notes: I'm sure people are surprised the main eventers got involved here, but thought it would be a bit of a twist. Kinda wanted a C+ rating, though.[/i] [i]We head backstage and see a gloating Melody Cuthill heading down the corridor with her title in hand. Just as she looks to be leaving sight, she's jumped by someone who eventually holds her up against the wall...[/i] [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/VictoriaStone.jpg[/IMG][/center] Victoria Stone: "You listen real good, you damn hypocrite. You run your mouth about hating all the wrestling families, and then you turn around and make a deal with one of them just so you can keep that shiny belt around your waist. Oh yeah, you're a real hero. Well, since you've allied yourself with one of the DeColts, and you hurt one of my best friends, I guess I'm gonna be the one to teach you a lesson. Hold onto that title, because come Big City Brawl, I'm going to take that from you... and believe me, Melody, it will NOT be pretty." [i]She shoves Melody away from her as she leaves quickly, leaving the women's champion to look terrified that she's pissed off the lone Stone daughter.[/i] [b]RATING: C[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Melody's really getting better in performance there, as she did look really scared in this scene.[/i] London: "And another match set for Big City Brawl!" Townsend: "That'll definitely be a brawl. I've never seen Victoria that angry before!" Garcia: "That's great. But what's even better is coming up next!" [i]Backstage, in front of the CWF backdrop, are Elite members John Maverick and Eddie Chandler.[/i] Eddie: "That was just dumb. Going after women. See, we here at Elite, we don't do that non-sense." John: "Yeah, to be the Elite... we have to beat the best!" Eddie: "Exactly. Oh sure, we could pick on teams lower on the totem pole than us, but that's not our style. We demand the best so we can prove outselves the best. And what better way to prove that than tonight when we take on two members of the Stone family. Dan Jr., splitting image of his legendary father! Jeremy Stone... the Canadian Wrestling Machine! Both great names... and both worthy to be opponents of the Elite. And tonight, while the fans in these arenas root for bad hockey teams, they'll get to see the best wrestlers in this business do what they do best... win." John: "See you in the ring, Stones." [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: John Maverick can't talk squat, but Eddie Chandler can, and that's why he got more of the mic. Pretty good segment.[/i] [i]We cut back to see the aforementioned Stones, who... you know... WALKING![/i] London: "We'll see if Elite can prove itself to its namesake -" Garcia: "Of course they will!" London: "Regardless, it's coming up right after this break. Stay tuned!" [b]RATING: B+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: These guys are very over... but will it mean a good match?[/i] [i]Commercials show that there's plenty of side effects whenever you order any sort of medication. Yipes. Truth in advertising hurts.[/i] [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DanStoneJr.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/JeremyStone.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/EddieChandler.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/JohnMaverick.jpg[/IMG] [b]The Stone Siblings (Dan Jr./Jeremy) vs. Eddie Chandler and John Maverick[/b] Ah, if there was a match where everything went right, this was it. The Elite members got the most heat possible for this main event match, while the Stones get a pop for nearly each move that brings down the heels. Garcia acted like any agitated manager stuck at the announce table would do. This all-out match had some brilliant technical moves from all men involved, as all four of them were very good in that department. Unfortunately for Elite, they find themselves having to deal with Jeremy Stone, whose technical prowess was enough to keep the heels on their toes for several minutes. Eventually, though, they use a cheap blind tag technique to beat him down, and the crowd tries to rally behind the elder Stone. Jeremy does manage to comeback and make the tag to Dan Jr., but the heels find a means to get back momentum, as a ref distraction allows a low blow to bring Dan down. This gets only a near-fall, though, upsetting both the Elite tandem and Garcia, who goes ballistic at the announce table. Townsend is laughing at this point. Eventually, there's chaos as the two teams brawl in the ring, and Jeremy and John fall out to ringside. Eddie tries to go for yet another low blow, but Dan Jr. sees it coming, and gets him down into a Boston Crab for the submission victory. Looks like it's not Elite's night. [b]The Stone Siblings defeat Eddie Chandler and John Maverick.[/b] [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Let the Stones call the match in ring and and it makes a world of difference. London tried to keep up with the match but couldn't do too well. Eddie Chandler also learned from this technical piece. Great match.[/i] [/quote] [i]The Stones regroup in the ring, looking a bit exhausted and bruised after the tough win, and raise their arms in victory for the crowd. However, after the win, someone jumps into the ring, and hits both Stones from behind with a steel chair.[/i] London: "Damn it! Now he shows up!" [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/AlexDeColt.jpg[/IMG][/center] [i]Alex DeColt laughs, much to the crowd's jeering, and continues his assault, being precise in his beatdown of the two exhausted Stone siblings. While it's not incredibly violent (we're not that type of product), it gets the point across that Alex is beating the two down to an inch of their lives.[/i] London: "Where are the other Stones? Someone should stop this!" Garcia: "Didn't you listen earlier? Edd and Duane aren't even in this arena now!" Townsend: "Alex is using this opportunity to strike! He's trying to bring them down before his match at Big City Brawl!" London: "Someone get security! Alex is picking them apart while they're down!" [i]Finally the officials come down, but Alex is already done, making sure that he's broken down Dan and Jeremy's arms in particular, as evidenced by how the two are selling it. Alex taps his brain as the announcers continue to bicker about Alex's tactics.[/i] [b]RATING: B+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Crowd got more active after that match.[/i] [i]We go to commercials while the officials help the two out to the back. Commercials include... ah, who cares?[/i] [center][b]Contract Signing[/b] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/GeorgeDeColt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/JackDeColt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG][/center] [i]George DeColt is already in the ring as there's a table in the ring, with pen and paper and everything.[/i] George: "It's come down to this, tonight, Canadian Wrestling Fans. The CWF Championship Match, set for Big City Brawl. And the contract signing... in light of what's recently happened, I like to urge both parties to not even touch each other during the contract signing. Especially you, sir, Sean McFly. We'll have none of that in this company!" London: "Excuse me?" George: "But hopefully, we'll get through it. Let me introduce first, the challenger... a member of the DeColt family, and perhaps the next CWF Canadian Champion..." London: "Gimme a break..." George: "I give you... Jack DeColt!" [i]Jack's 'solo' entrance music theme hits, and he comes in to soak in the jeers with a slow, elaborate entrance. He then shakes his father's hand, in a thankful display that sickens Tommy London further, as he takes his place, standing at one side of the table.[/i] George: "And introducing the champion. An amazing all-rounder and a stalwart from North Of The Border... the current CWF Canadian Champion... Sean McFly!" [i]McFly's entrance is not as slow as Jack's, as Sean just walks down the ring to cheers, and he enters in quickly and goes immediately to his side of the table, his eyes not looking at anyone else but Jack.[/i] George: "Alright... with both people here, I guess it's time to note that this match will be a one-fall match, standard rules, winner can claim the belt by pinfall or submission. It's all in the contract. All you have to do... is sign the contract, and we're done. Jack... you're the challenger, you go first. Remember, no funny business from either of you!" [i]Jack takes the pen that was on the desk, and takes his time looking at the contract with a 'cookie' grin on his face. After a while, he finally decides to sign his signature on the line, being extra careful to make sure it's nice and pretty.[/i] George: "And that should do it. Now it's your turn... champ." [i]Sean glances at George with cold eyes for just a second before looking at Jack once more. His expression almost nerving to anyone else. Jack just moves back a bit, giving Sean some 'space' as he flicks the pen at Sean. Sean is quick to grab it without flinching (they must've practiced), before reaching for the contract, and signing it as quickly as he could, his eyes never leaving the challenger.[/i] George: "Not gonna look too much into the contract? Well, I guess you've seen one contract, you've seen 'em all. Alright... everything is in order. (holding up the contract) The match is now all set for Big City Brawl! Sean McFly versus Jack DeColt for the CWF Canadian Championship!" [i]The crowd boos George DeColt... although they may be booing Jack who's still somewhat taunting Sean with his facial expressions.[/i] George: "Thank you both for keeping your calm. This contract signing is now officially done!" [b]RATING: B+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Sean really used this segment to his advantage, and as a result, he's learning to become a better performer and be more charismatic. That's REALLY good news for all the McFly fans out there.[/i] [i]Sean then breaks into a sinister grin, as if George said the magic word. Jack only has a moment to ponder what that means before Sean launches himself right after Jack. George freaks out and bails from the ring. Sean unleashes vicious blows as Jack tries to block them in the corner, but McFly is overwhelming him. Sean then hits Jack with a suplex onto the table, and Jack recoils in pain. Sean throws the table out of the ring, and reaches for Jack. Jack gets an eye gouge in, and now he's on the offensive, much to the crowd's chargin. It only lasts a little while, though, before Sean makes his comeback, barraging him with punches before clotheslining Jack over the top rope. Jack retreats, following his dad, as we end the show with Sean McFly's cold-hearted stare.[/i] [b]RATING: B+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: What else can I say? I pray this gets a good match rating. The hype better deliver.[/i] [quote] [b]FINAL RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: That's better there. Two good matches and some decent angles to boot. That and Sean McFly is learning some charisma. I will make him into an all-around GOD when I'm done with him... or not. I will try. Despite Shane Nelson being just in the pre-show, a road agent told me he was slightly overused. Riiiight.[/i] [b]TV Rating (Canada): 9.84 - yay! (0.06 in the US)[/b][/quote]
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Dan Stone doesn't cease to amaze me. A few days ago, someone brought me by request a DVD of 4C's latest event. "Cage Rage" featured four matches, most of which were in a cage... hence the title. Although the main event featured an average tag match between Barry Kingman/The Wizard Of Ottawa vs. Brett Fraser/Phenomenal E, the real match people were happy for was the triple-threat between Joey Poison, Jacob Jett, and our own The Natural for the 4C Championship. Poison ended the match in true underground fashion... through some crazy stunt off of the cage. This, of course, is radically different from the product that the CWF is offering. Some of 4C's wrestlers also tried dissing our 'fat, non-feeling machine that cost people a lot of jobs.' It's great to be loved, sometimes. I didn't know how the two families feel about 4C, but I was kind of worried about the promotion. It was in its tenth year in action, but anyone who's watched the events over the years know that the company was trying to trim down its costs. Despite this, it kept on signing some new talent, after people like Darryl Devine left, resulting in a promotion that looked like it might collapse by the end of the year. Heck, if I was thinking more deviously, I'd snatch some of their talent too. But even then, I was a little concerned. We have only two promotions in Canada so far... and while being the only game in town would gives us a market all to ourselves... I dunno, doesn't feel too good, somehow. "I didn't know you were watching their shows too." I jumped a bit, and paused the DVD, "Oh... you know, always talent scouting..." "That's fine, but it's kinda funny you're watching that, because I so happen to be here to talk about it." I looked confused... "The event?" "Well, if you want, later, but no, something else..." And then he told me. I'm just glad I didn't need new pants this time around. --- [quote][center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/4C.jpg[/IMG] [b]New relationship changes Canadian wrestling picture... again.[/b] [i]The CWF strikes once more.[/i] [b]InternetWrestlingNews.com[/b][/center] At a recent press conference on Sunday which was initially intended as more hype for the upcoming CWF pay-per-view, turned into another move by Dan Stone as he continues to consolidate his hold on professional wrestling in Canada. Joined by 4C owner Troy Winner, the two announced a new partnership between the underground promotion and the CWF. The CWF will adopt 4C as a new developmental territory designed to improve some of its future stars. In addition, those signed to a developmental contract would be covered financially by the CWF. This may be the reason why 4C would agree to such a deal in the first place, as it is losing money. Hardcore fans may be concerned that the CWF's new relationship could lead to little competition, as the company - merged from CGC and NOTBPW - is increasing its stranglehold in Canada. Or worse, it could spell the end for 4C, as it was considered an alternative to the more popular promotions. Dan Stone says the CWF's new relationship will not change the way 4C is presented to its fans, and insists that the company will remain true to its roots. Meanwhile, he says both companies will feel the benefits of the new relationship as they move into the future. In the end, the Canadian Wrestling Fans will be the winners. Sources who were at the press conference told us that it is expected that there may be changes to both rosters as time moves on. We will continue to follow both the CWF and 4C, and bring you more details as they become available. [i]CLICK HERE FOR GREAT PICS! AND POP-UPS![/i] [/quote]
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You pretty much own Canada's wrestling now, but I can see a spin-off scenario there : a new promotion is created in Canada to challenge the new CWF ways. Just need to elaborate a bit more the story (who's funding, what's wrong with CWF, a defection or two), but that could also be a interesting and challenging story.
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[QUOTE=MrOnu;248389]You pretty much own Canada's wrestling now, but I can see a spin-off scenario there : a new promotion is created in Canada to challenge the new CWF ways. Just need to elaborate a bit more the story (who's funding, what's wrong with CWF, a defection or two), but that could also be a interesting and challenging story.[/QUOTE] It could work. For this diary, though, I'm playing the bulging behemoth in an attempt to conquer the world, so to speak. It's good playing the bad guy... sometimes. But yeah, considering I have all three groupings under my wing of sorts, it's a pretty unfair advantage. But I didn't say I was gonna be fair. ;) That said, as the game goes on, I'll probably do something about the lack of competition in the country. But for the next few months, I'm gonna be selfish. Of course, if anyone wants to try a Canadian upstart vs. the CWF diary, that's all good. Have fun! :P Alright, enough talking about ruling the wrestling world. Here's the two previews for both the TV and PPV shows to end the month. --- [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/CWF2.jpg[/IMG] [b][color=red]CWF Championship Wrestling[/color][/b] [b]CWF.CA PREVIEW[/b] With just one more show before the CWF stars head to Big City Brawl, tonight's episode will have plenty of warming up for the big event. The tag team title picture has finally been unveiled thanks to the CWF committee and George DeColt. Three teams from North Of The Border and three teams from CGC will be fighting in semi-finals on the way to determine the undisputed tag team champions. In preparation for the event, all six teams will be in action tonight. In one match, the tandem of Tim Westybrook and Mighty Cavanagh, who have been on a roll lately, will take on the Specialists of Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson. Meanwhile, the Mountain Men, always considered the favorites to win in the tag division, will face the Soldiers of Fortune. The other two tag teams, including the tag team champions, will compete in a six-man tag match. Youth Energy will team up with current CWF Unlimited Action/Rising Star Champion Shooter Sean Deeley, as his challenger Harrison Hash will have the Can-Am Blondes to support him. With Big City Brawl a few days away, who will have the momentum going in? The women's title match appears to be set, as Victoria Stone made her challenge forcefully to CWF Women's Champion Melody Cuthill. However, despite this, three other wrestlers have taken exception to that, including the former challenger Tamara McFly. Victoria has agreed to defend her title opportunity against Tamara, Emma Bitch, and Stephanie Hazel. The winner of the match will face Melody at Big City Brawl. The war between Elite and Dominance has reached a critical point. Determined to show Adrian Garcia that his team is beatable, R.K. Hayes will team up with Johnny Bloodstone to take on Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler. Both Dark Angel and John Maverick have been banned from ringside, and Garcia is being told to remain at the announce table. The CWF committee has recently approved a 6-man tag match to take place at Big City Brawl, so the two stables will be looking to create as much damage as possible before the event. Last week, Alex DeColt brutally attacked Dan Stone Jr. and Jeremy Stone with a steel chair after a tag match. The two are still recovering and will not make tonight's show. However, they are expected to be medically cleared to participate at Big City Brawl. Why Alex did attacked Stone Siblings so brutally, if he challenged them to a handicap match? Alex will like be on-hand to answer those questions tonight. And finally, for the first time this month, Canadian Champion Sean McFly will team up with one of the Stone family members against the DeColts. Last week, challenger Jack DeColt, with the help of Hotstuff Marie, cost Tamara McFly the CWF Women's Championship, and was about to send a message to Sean by destroying his sister. Sean was thankfully fast enough to stop him before he could deliver. Now with Sean McFly's eyes square on him, Jack DeColt turns to his family, no doubt hoping he can stay out of harm's way until his title opportunity. Tonight, Jack will team up with Ricky as they take on the tandem of Sean McFly and Duane Stone. Duane Stone will no doubt look to rebound quickly after his loss to Steve DeColt last week. Who will come out victorious in this main event? It's tag team mayhem tonight, so be sure to watch Canada On Air at 9 for CWF action! American viewers can prepare for Big City Brawl by watching CWF Championship Wrestling the night before on Saturday, at 10 o'clock! [i]CLICK HERE TO PUNCH THE MONKEY![/i] [/quote] --- [i]Predictions are welcome, if you wish.[/i] [b]Shooter Sean Deeley and Youth Energy vs. Harrison Hash and The Can-Am Blondes[/b] [b]Westybrook and Cavanagh vs. The Specialists[/b] [b]The Mountain Men vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune[/b] [b]R.K. Hayes and Johnny Bloodstone vs. Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler[/b] [i]Winner gets the shot at Melody Cuthill[/i] [b]Victoria Stone vs. Tamara McFly vs. Emma Bitch vs. Stephanie Hazel[/b] [b]Sean McFly and Duane Stone vs. Jack DeColt and Ricky DeColt[/b] [i]BONUS: Hey, I didn't say where this show will be! Where will I go? (area, not specific arena)[/i] --- [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/CWF2.jpg[/IMG] [b][size=24][color=red]CWF: BIG CITY BRAWL[/color][/b][/size] [b]Card (subject to change)[/b] Feel free to make your predictions now! [i]CWF Canadian Championship[/i] [b]Sean McFly (c) vs. Jack DeColt[/b] [i]Handicap match[/i] [b]Alex DeColt vs. Dan Stone Jr. and Jeremy Stone[/b] [b]The Flying Stones (Edd/Duane) vs. Ricky DeColt and Steve DeColt[/b] [b]Elite (Dan DaLay/John Maverick/Eddie Chandler) vs. Dominance (R.K. Hayes/Johnny Bloodstone/Dark Angel)[/b] [i]CWF Women's Championship[/i] [b]Melody Cuthill (c) vs. Victoria Stone (?)[/b] [i]CWF Undisputed Tag Team Semi-Finals[/i] [i]NOTBPW Semi-Finals[/i] [b]The Can-Am Blondes (c) vs. The Mountain Men vs. Westybrook and Cavanagh[/b] [i]CGC Semi-Finals[/i] [b]Youth Energy vs. The Specialists vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune[/b] [i]Undisputed Finals[/i] [b]??? vs. ???[/b] [i]CWF Unlimited Action/Rising Star Championship[/i] [b]Shooter Sean Deeley (c) vs. Harrison Hash[/b] [i]BONUS: Guess the best match and the worst match.[/i]
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[b][U]Shooter Sean Deeley and Youth Energy[/U] vs. Harrison Hash and The Can-Am Blondes[/b] I think you have big things in store for Shooter Sean in particular, so I think it'd make sense to put him over. [b]Westybrook and Cavanagh vs. [U]The Specialists[/U][/b] It was a big move on the first show with Westybrook and Cavanagh's performance, but I'm gonna go the Specialists. [b][U]The Mountain Men[/U] vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune[/b] I think I'm going to be wrong here, but I'd hate to see these guys jobbed out of the main picture. [b][U]R.K. Hayes and Johnny Bloodstone[/U] vs. Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler[/b] Something tells me RK Hayes is piassedddd off. [i]Winner gets the shot at Melody Cuthill[/i] [b]Victoria Stone vs. [U]Tamara McFly [/U]vs. Emma Bitch vs. Stephanie Hazel[/b] Should be a great match [b]Sean McFly and Duane Stone vs. [U]Jack DeColt and Ricky DeColt[/U][/b] Wow, just wow, I think the DeColt's need the win. [i]BONUS: Hey, I didn't say where this show will be! Where will I go? (area, not specific arena)[/i] British Columbia? Something tells me you want to take this to the US, but I'm going to say you're going to build up your reserves first before risking that. --- [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/CWF2.jpg[/IMG] [b][size=24][color=red]CWF: BIG CITY BRAWL[/color][/b][/size] [b]Card (subject to change)[/b] Feel free to make your predictions now! [i]CWF Canadian Championship[/i] [b][U]Sean McFly[/U] (c) vs. Jack DeColt[/b] [i]Handicap match[/i] [b]Alex DeColt vs. [U]Dan Stone Jr. and Jeremy Stone[/U][/b] [b]The Flying Stones (Edd/Duane) vs. [U]Ricky DeColt and Steve DeColt[/U][/b] [b]Elite (Dan DaLay/John Maverick/Eddie Chandler) vs. [U]Dominance (R.K. Hayes/Johnny Bloodstone/Dark Angel)[/U][/b] [i]CWF Women's Championship[/i] [b]Melody Cuthill (c) vs. [U]Victoria Stone (?)[/U][/b] [i]CWF Undisputed Tag Team Semi-Finals[/i] [i]NOTBPW Semi-Finals[/i] [b][U]The Can-Am Blondes[/U] (c) vs. The Mountain Men vs. Westybrook and Cavanagh[/b] [i]CGC Semi-Finals[/i] [b]Youth Energy vs. [U]The Specialists[/U] vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune[/b] [i]Undisputed Finals[/i] [b]??? vs. ???[/b] The Specialists [i]CWF Unlimited Action/Rising Star Championship[/i] [b][U]Shooter Sean Deeley (c)[/U] vs. Harrison Hash[/b] [i]BONUS: Guess the best match and the worst match.[/i] Tough... McFly and Jack De Colt should be stellar. I'm thinking the first semi final (the one featuring Youth Energy) will come off worst.. Mate this is.... awesome to say the least I truly hope you build it up and takeover the US, because frankly, the US scene needs a damn good cr@ck kicking.
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CWF Canadian Championship [b]Sean McFly (c)[/b] vs. Jack DeColt [i]Sean will retain, but I'm not so sure if it'll be cleanly or because Jack will get DQed.[/i] Handicap match [b]Alex DeColt[/b] vs. Dan Stone Jr. and Jeremy Stone [i]I have a feeling this won't be an handicap match. Alex will have a surprise partner that will shake the foundation of CWF![/i] [b]The Flying Stones (Edd/Duane)[/b]vs. Ricky DeColt and Steve DeColt [i]The Stones need a victory on the card too.[/i] [b]Elite (Dan DaLay/John Maverick/Eddie Chandler)[/b]vs. Dominance (R.K. Hayes/Johnny Bloodstone/Dark Angel) [i]No reason, I don't see any momentum so far on either side.[/i] CWF Women's Championship [b]Melody Cuthill (c)[/b]vs. Victoria Stone (?) [i]I'd like to see Victoria chasing the belt a little bit more.[/i] CWF Undisputed Tag Team Semi-Finals NOTBPW Semi-Finals [b]The Can-Am Blondes (c)[/b] vs. The Mountain Men vs. Westybrook and Cavanagh [i]Hey, there's only one team that can wrestle there! God I hate the Mountain Men, they're just sub-par wrestlers, even by DAVE hardcore standards.[/i] CGC Semi-Finals [b]Youth Energy[/b]vs. The Specialists vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune [i]I like the duo, but it can also be the Specialists and I wouldn't be shocked.[/i] Undisputed Finals [b]The Can-Am Blondes[/b] vs. Youth Energy [i]Yeah I know, all this tournament only to get the champion more over.[/i] CWF Unlimited Action/Rising Star Championship [b]Shooter Sean Deeley (c)[/b]vs. Harrison Hash [i]Would be a shame to take the belt off Shooter this soon.[/i] BONUS: Best match : McFly vs DeColt / Worst Match : Can-Am vs Mountain Men vs Westbrook/Cavanagh
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;248732]I have got to put some time aside to read back thru this before you get too far ahead.[/QUOTE] I'm just now starting to slow down a bit. I got real excited during the first few shows, and now I'm realizing not to push myself too fast. Give people reading some more time to follow. But hey, it's alright. Read what you can, long as you enjoy it, right? :D [QUOTE=tristram;248561]Something tells me RK Hayes is piassedddd off.[/quote] I like R.K. Hayes. I mean, he's not particularly amazing, but in every NOTBPW game I've played, my main job was to try and improve the guy even more, in much the same way CGC players might try and improve Dan DaLay. He's got decent skills and such, just have to keep pushing him to the limit... and also not put him in 30 minute matches. Dah... [quote]Something tells me you want to take this to the US, but I'm going to say you're going to build up your reserves first before risking that. I truly hope you build it up and takeover the US, because frankly, the US scene needs a damn good cr@ck kicking.[/QUOTE] That's the plan. I mean, this is more than just an 'invasion' in the CGC/NOTBPW sense. I want to expand in the US, whereas the CWF in the past could not. I do have plans to push down south and drive Cornell and the Eisens nuts. But truth be told, the CWF's popularity is pretty low in the US now, and I have to build my support base and remain stable at home first before pushing south. Not that I'm solely going to stay in Canada for a long time, though... but... :p [QUOTE=MrOnu;248740][i]Hey, there's only one team that can wrestle there! God I hate the Mountain Men, they're just sub-par wrestlers, even by DAVE hardcore standards.[/i][/QUOTE] I don't blame you. Right now the tag division is relatively bland, and I doubt they'll be making waves at Big City Brawl. I'm probably gonna shake things up a little bit in the next month, but for now, gotta see this through. Speaking of which, last TV show of the month! [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/CWF2.jpg[/IMG] [b][color=red]CWF Championship Wrestling[/b][/color] [b]Held at the Molson Palais des Sports in Quebec. Attendance: 5,000 - sold out![/b] [/quote] [b]Pre-show![/b] [b]Jana Marie Bowen defeated Grace Harper with the Bowen Technique.[/b] [b]RATING: D-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: It was not a pretty match, and it didn't really bring the crowd's mood up any.[/i] [b]Ryan Powell defeated Steve Flash by rolling up the tights.[/b] [b]RATING: C-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Perhaps I should try more singles matches in future shows.[/i] On to the actual show, and we cue the announce team. [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TommyLondon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TomTownsend.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/AdrianGarcia.jpg[/IMG][/center] London: "Welcome to CWF Championship Wrestling! I'm Tommy London, with Tom Townsend and Adrian Garcia. Tonight is the last show before we head to Big City Brawl, and there are lots of tag team matches tonight." Townsend: "And of course, a huge main event set, as Jack and Ricky DeColt will team up to take on Canadian Champion Sean McFly and Duane Stone. After last week's happenings, I doubt any of those four will hold anything back." Garcia: "I may not care much for these men, or their childish drama, but even I will admit this will be an entertaining match-up for all the peons to watch." London: "It will be an interesting match. All four men have something to prove. Sean will try to get his hands on Jack after Jack tried attacking Tamara, Jack will try to send a message to the champion, Duane will try to overcome his loss against Steve DeColt, and Ricky will try to prove he's just as good as his brothers. All before Big City Brawl!" [b]RATING: C+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: I expected a better reaction, but hey, it happens. London once again is learning to be more charismatic. He's also improving in announcing skills, on a side note, for this show.[/i] [i]Just as the announcers were going to keep hyping the main event, the music of Alex DeColt hits, as the crowd greets him with boos and thumbs down and all that stuff that a heel would get.[/i] [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/AlexDeColt.jpg[/IMG][/center] Alex: "Well, this Quebec crowd sure is on its feet tonight! After what I did last week, the fans here and many watching at home are standing up for someone fighting against the odds! (crowd heat) After those two idiots challenged me to a handicap match..." London: "Excuse me? You challenged them!" Townsend: "Details, details..." Alex: "... heh, well, I gave them a little taste of what they should expect at Big City Brawl. You see, Jeremy Stone... Junior Stone... I had to use my brilliant mind to think of some way to even the odds. And so I did, when I beat you both and near crippled your arms with a steel chair. Now, I could've waited until this week to do it, but you see, I wanted you both to heal up, JUST enough, to get to Big City Brawl. If I did it this week, well, we wouldn't even HAVE a match. Now, though, you two are probably all mad at home - yeah, they're not here tonight (crowd boos this) - and just wanting to get back in the ring. But the thing is, they're not gonna be fully healed getting to Big City Brawl... and all I have to do is just beat one of them with the DeColt Driver, and that's it... So, you two watching at home, you better hope you healed up pretty fast, because I'll do the DeColt family a great deed... cripple two of you. That's a guarantee straight from the greatest mind in Canadian wrestling." [b]RATING: B+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: The crowd liked the promo... or maybe they just liked seeing Alex DeColt in the ring for any reason.[/i] [i]The crowd is annoyed, but it turns to cheers when Edd Stone's music hits, and the 24 Hour Party Animal is on the ramp with the mic in hand.[/i] [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/EddStone.jpg[/IMG][/center] Edd: "You know, I'm REALLY tired of listening to you, Alex. Blah blah blah, greatest mind, blah blah blah, I can hit people from behind with steel chairs. Me are de greatest! Dan Stone Junior and Jeremy Stone are not some weak guys you can simply push around. Sunday at Big City Brawl, they'll make you eat all those words you spewed out this past month. But in the meantime, if you claim to be as great as you are, how about you try your luck against me, in the ring, TONIGHT?" London: "Edd Stone just challenged Alex DeColt!" Townsend: "He's standing up for his family here." [b]RATING: C[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Well, you can see the crowd wasn't as hyped up about Edd as they were about DeColt.[/i] Alex: "Hahaha... you against me huh? Just before the big event, here in front of these morons? (cheap heat) ... You know what? You're on, Edd. (crowd pops) I'll not only use you as an example to your brothers, but beating you will help Steve and Ricky's chances when they take on you and Duane. So yeah, Edd, I'll see you in the ring later tonight. But don't expect to win, because you're not facing just anyone..." [i]Alex stops before he does his 'I'm the greatest mind' spiel he already did. He just grins sadistically as the announcers hype the upcoming match-up.[/i] [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: I sure hope the match turns out better than the Edd/Ricky disaster.[/i] [i]We go backstage after the buzz, and Harrison Hash looks like he's getting ready for his match. He stops a moment as Trent Shaffer stops by for a chat.[/i] Trent: "You know, Harrison, I've been thinking a while, watching you and Sean Deeley fighting over that title, and you know, it doesn't seem to matter either way. Woah woah, no need to get up, I just thought I'd tell you, that, whichever title it happens to be, whether it's the Unlimited Action title, the Rising Star title, or the Great Garbonza title, I'm going to be waiting... just thought I'd give you a heads up... oh, and good luck with your match tonight, by the way." [i]Trent just leaves after those kind words, as Hash doesn't look too happy. He never really was happy... not since dropping that Panda Mask gimmick, anyway.[/i] [b]RATING: D[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Wasn't expecting much from this angle, but least it was short.[/i] [i]It's time for Alex Gariepy's crappy interview time! This time our guests are the tag team champion Can-Am Blondes.[/i] Gariepy: "We're only a few days away from Big City Brawl and you will be heading into a big tourney to see who will be the undisputed tag champions. Your thoughts going in?" Owen: "That's it? Our thoughts? What do you expect? We're pissed off. George DeColt and that committee decides to put us against two other teams, and then one more in the final. You don't see Sean Deeley, Melody Cuthill or Sean McFly defend their titles this way, even after all those people show up from CGC... now, suddenly, EVERYONE seems entitled to these tag belts." Natural: "Relax, Owen. You know, we may have lost some of our focus, but I'll tell you who the undisputed tag champs are right now. You're looking at them. We have the titles, and everyone else is just some whiny poser seeking glory. We're not letting go of these titles, not at Big City Brawl, not here in Quebec (cheap heat), and not anywhere else. THAT'S our thoughts, Grr-a-pie. Let's get going, Owen." [i]And that interview is over. And they said my name wrong. How nice.[/i] [b]RATING: E+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Maybe it's me, but methinks I should not give them the mic... ever. Oh well... my road agent tells me I'm starting to show better acting and charisma. Look out, world![/i] And finally, a match! [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/ShaneNelson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/LeeRivera.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/HarrisonHash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/OwenLove.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TheNatural.jpg[/IMG] [b]Shooter Sean Deeley and Youth Energy vs. Harrison Hash and The Can-Am Blondes[/b] And our first match of the evening has two champions (or three, pending how you view the tag champs) in one match. I must say, even though the two teams are not exactly the most over of the tag teams right now, they always seem to learn from one another. The announcers ponder if this will be the final match-up at Big City Brawl, as both teams were in separate promotions. Meanwhile, Harrison Hash has done what he can in trying to get his old title back, lost in the first show of 2007. It's not something that he would like to bring up anytime soon. The match provided plenty of technical and high-flying spots, as well as some eye candy in the form of Jenny Playmate, who was ringside to cheer Youth Energy on. The Natural loses focus early in the match, trying to coax the manager to change her mind about her choice of tag team. Lee Rivera would have none of that, and would pound on Natural for a bit. The middle of the match has Shane Nelson eventually becoming the face-in-peril, as the heels do quick tags to concentrate on winning the match. Before we get too involved in the match, though, Lee manages to tag in Sean Deeley, who cleans house, and the pier-six brawl is underway. After the chaos subsides, Sean gets the Front Choke Lock on Owen Love, and Owen is unable to get to the neaby ropes. Sean gets the submission win for his team. [b]Shooter Sean Deeley and Youth Energy defeat Harrison Hash and The Can-Am Blondes.[/b] [b]RATING: D+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: I was hoping for better, but D+ is on par for the course. It also means a lot of improvement for Lee Rivera and Shane Nelson. I think those two tag teams really help each other. As for Deeley and Hash... their match Sunday might be quick.[/i][/quote] [i]We break for commercials after the first match, and return with... a video! The video recaps the events in the aftermath of the Stone/DeColt confrontation, and then into hype for the upcoming Alex vs. Dan Jr./Jeremy match.[/i] [b]RATING: A (!)[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Now if only the matches could get there... someday...[/i] [i]We return to backstage, as we can see the Mountain Men working out briefly, while the announcers hype the next match. All the tag teams are in action, and the Mountain Men are no different.[/i] [b]RATING: C[/b] [i]Alex's notes: The Mountain Men, though not incredibly amazing, are somewhat over, and this angle did perk the crowd up a little... a little, I said.[/i] [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DallasMcWade.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DeanMcWade.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TheInsaneHeat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/Fate.jpg[/IMG] [b]The Mountain Men vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune[/b] The announcers go over the accomplishments of the Mountain Men, being tag champs in both NOTBPW and CGC. The Soldiers Of Fortune on the other hand, have an odd history, considering Fate had to find a new partner after Chance retired. Both teams have tag experience in the field, but initially it looks like the Mountain Men have the advantage, trying to beat on both of their opponents, softening them up for if they happen to face each other on Sunday. However, the Soldiers use what heels do best to win - cheat - as a distraction by the illegal member of the team keeps the eyes refs away from a low blow. An attempt was made to stop the pin, but it was too slow in coming, and the Soldiers quickly leave with the win in hand. [b]The Soldiers of Fortune defeat The Mountain Men.[/b] [b]RATING: D[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Almost as bad as the pre-show women's match. Thankfully the announcers kept the crowd at home from sleeping.[/i] [/quote] [i]Tonight's show is brought to you by Extra Chilled Frappuccino, available at your nearest Jim Mortin's coffee shop.[/i] [i]It looks like we are seeing a lot of hype videos heading into Sunday. This time around, it's a quick bit about the happenings between Sean McFly, and his challenger Jack DeColt. It basically follows on the contract signing from last week, as we end with Sean McFly's cold stare at Jack.[/i] [b]RATING: B+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Video production is good this week.[/i] [i]Looks like I'm busy this week. My next tag team to interview are Westybrook and Cavanagh. I will not bore you with the many details this time around, but suffice to say, the two said their time will come, and that tonight they can take of another team that assaulted them earlier this month. They said eventually they were going to get revenge for that beatdown, just as they did against the Soldiers of Fortune.[/i] [b]RATING: D[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Another bad rating from another one of my interviews. Again, though, I'm being more charismatic. But I wanted THEM to learn![/i] [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/MightyCavanagh.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/NateJohnson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/BobbyThomas.jpg[/IMG] [b]Westybrook and Cavanagh vs. The Specialists[/b] Well, I had expected a pretty dull match, but least it was on par much of the other matches. I think I know one reason, but I'm not gonna get into that until I know for sure. In the meantime, Cavanagh was kept to small spurts as this was basically turned into a Westybrook/Specialists match. The tag team was going into how to take the big man down, and they basically work on Westybrook's leg, trying to trip him down and twist it in their many holds. Eventually Cavanagh was tagged in and he was the one to try and clean house. However, the Specialists were the smarter team in this match, and wore down the inexperienced big man until they hit the Special Delivery for the win. [b]The Specialists defeated Westybrook and Cavanagh.[/b] [b]RATING: D+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Better than the previous match, and similar to the opening 6-man match. The match also allowed the Specialists and Cavanagh to learn some pointers about performance. Baby steps, Alex.[/i] [/quote] [i]We had a very quick commercial this time around, before we are backstage to the CWF backdrop to see the Women's Champion, Melody Cuthill, cutting a promo.[/i] [center][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/MelodyCuthill.jpg[/IMG][/center] Melody: "One thing is for certain tonight. I will be defending this title, the CWF Women's championship, at Big City Brawl. The question is... who? I could go over each and every one of them, but I think I need to address one tonight. Victoria Stone... another person from a 'family' of wrestlers. If it's not Tamara McFly, it's her. She tried so hard to push herself into a title shot, after wrestling... how many matches the last few weeks? Thankfully, the others told her than if she wants a title shot, she'll have to WIN a match. But if it is you, Victoria, I will just tell you, what I told Tamara before... as long as I remain champion, NO family member is going to touch this. You can bet on that!" [b]RATING: D+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Ehhh... expected better.[/i] [i]And she leaves, while we cut to Victoria Stone WALKING! London tells us of the stipulation. A fatal four-way match, a pin or submission would be enough to make it to Sunday.[/i] [b]RATING: C-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: That rating should give you an idea of how over some of our undercard is.[/i] [quote] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/VictoriaStone.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/TamaraMcFly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/EmmaBitch.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/Principessa.jpg[/IMG] [i]CWF Women's #1 contender match[/i] [b]Victoria Stone vs. Tamara McFly vs. Emma Bitch vs. Stephanie Hazel[/b] I don't know what it is, but this match didn't really get much of a reception. Heck, some of the tag team affairs got better reactions. Still, it was a decent match designed to kill some time and get the crowd ready for the bigger matches yet to come. For most of the match, it was Victoria and Tamara teasing dissention as they bickered amongst themselves. Tamara definitely wants that shot at Melody at one point or another after the set-up last week. Of course, the heels were able to keep it to just a tease as they would throw one face out of the ring while they single out the other for the win. As predicted, once they feel they beaten the face long enough, neighter Emma nor Stephanie wanted the other to take the pin, and fought amongst themselves. The finish saw Tamara attack with a devastating facebuster on Emma, only to be clotheslined by Stephanie to the outside before she can capitalize. Victoria then tossed Stephanie over, and got in a crossface to Emma, forcing her to tap. [b]Victoria Stone wins the match, and gets the shot at Melody Cuthill this Sunday.[/b] [b]RATING: D[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Woo, another stinker. Just lining it up tonight. Victoria got to learn some technical work, though, as she watched some of the heels during the beatdown on Tamara.[/i] [/quote] [i]Another commercial break. Be sure to watch local hockey action! Because... well, hockey... isn't that reason enough?[/i] [i]Videos are the main course for this show tonight, and this one recaps the goings on between Elite and Dominance. R.K. Hayes has been really annoyed of late, having to deal with a stable that has somehow frustrated him and his new allies. Now he plans to get some revenge heading into Sunday's 6-man tag match.[/i] [b]RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Much better now. Hopefully the ratings get around the Bs for the rest of the show.[/i] [i]Oddly enough, when we come back, Adrian Garcia is in the ring with a microphone. The crowd gives their appreciation with jeers.[/i] Garcia: "I understand the deal. I can't interfere in tonight's match, or Sunday's match at Big City Brawl. However, that doesn't stop me from talking on this microphone for just a minute. R.K. Hayes! You need to listen good! Whatever illusions you had of conquering this promotion... are gone! Your so-called Dominance has done nothing in the face of the real Elite in this business! Now, I suggest you think about it after we beat you tonight, and again on Sunday... to stay out of our way. The men I have in Elite are just that, elite... and they will run you over... and then once that's done, we will destroy both the DeColt and Stone families. You stand in our way, R.K. Hayes. Now I'm warning you, you can either step aside and let us do what we came here to do... or we will continue to beat you down until you beg for mercy. It's your choice, Hayes... but for now, get ready for another lesson." [b]RATING: C+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Good promo from a hated heel.[/i] [i]The crowd boos, as Garcia returns back to his seat, and the music for Elite fires, Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler greeting their boss as they pose in the ring.[/i] [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DanDaLay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/EddieChandler.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/RKHayes.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/JohnnyBloodstone.jpg[/IMG] [b]Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler vs. R.K. Hayes and Johnny Bloodstone[/b] Garcia runs his mouth a little moreso than usual as he hypes Elite to the moon, while Townsend tries his best to piss Garcia off. The combination is good enough to keep things interesting, although the match had good drama as well. The Elite members almost purposely stay back from Hayes, as they start the match jumping on Bloodstone, and immediately becoming the face-in-peril. Hayes looks relatively pissed off, but can only stay in his corner while the beatdown come early for Bloodstone. Bloodstone has a few hope spots, particularly against Eddie Chandler when he could reverse some of his moves. However, Bloodstone is used to being the one beating down on opponents instead of trying to mount a comeback, so it takes a while for him to finally break out and make the hot tag. Hayes tries going after DaLay immediately, but both scramble off the apron, further annoying Hayes in the ring. Eventually, though, DaLay gets in, and the two brawl evenly for a while, before Chandler gets in a cheap shot and for a while gets some offense. Seeing this happening, Bloodstone quickly tags himself in while Hayes is not looking. And Hayes tries to get back in the ring. However the ref gets distracted and forces Hayes back into the corner. This allows Elite to double-team Bloodstone, and DaLay capitalizes with the DaLay Down, getting the win and pissing Hayes off even further. The heels quickly bail out of the ring while Garcia gets excited about the win... he doesn't get TOO excited, though, as he doesn't want any attention from Hayes. [b]Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler defeated R.K. Hayes and Johnny Bloodstone.[/b] [b]RATING: C+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Not a B-, but it'll do for this storyline so far.[/i][/quote] [i]Yet another break... and yet another video! THIS time, we're looking again at the DeColt/Stone feud, with the Flying Stones making the challenge to Steve and Ricky DeColt. Who will win this battle between families?[/i] [b]RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Keep the Bs coming. Hell, I want an A, too![/i] [i]This is my third interview. I'm tired. Well, this time around, I'm dealing with Edd Stone... joy.[/i] Gariepy: "Edd Stone, you're in a match up against Alex DeColt which was just announced earlier tonight. What are you planning to do going up in this match?" Edd: "Hey Alex... you share the same name as that DeColt guy. When a backstage staff member said Alex was going to interview me, I was going to get a steel chair! I'm kidding though. Tonight, I'm gonna do my brothers a favor. I know, I know, they can take Alex down on their own this Sunday, but really, I'm not one to be patient. And Alex is really, really getting on my nerves. So tonight I'm going to do what he probably plans on doing to me. I'm sending a message, to all the DeColts. You mess with my brothers, and you're messing with me. And I'm not going to go down so easily. So, Alex, wipe that smirk off your face, because tonight... this not going to be a party." [i]Edd leaves, and I decide to just take a nap after the camera cuts away. Night![/i] [b]RATING: C+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: I am more charismatic now. WRONG GUY TO LEARN THINGS![/i] [i]Alex DeColt and his father George DeColt are talking backstage. Alex is pleading with his father to allow some sort of interference. London assumes Alex is showing his true colors here. George shakes his head in decline. Alex shrugs, though, looks like he'll have to do it alone. London says he just got word that both the Stones and DeColts have been banned from ringside to prevent any interference for the night's remaining matches.[/i] [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: And George gets his face time for the night after a busy last week.[/i] [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/EddStone.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/AlexDeColt.jpg[/IMG] [b]Edd Stone vs. Alex DeColt[/b] This was the first solo match that Alex was in. I can't really say it is because of a coincidence, because I'm not sure. However, Alex is an excellent performer and mic worker, so some of his average skills are offset by that. Unlike Ricky and Edd's match, this match did not any any chemistry problems, as the two put on an excellent match. Alex played the jerk heel messing around with Edd, who was trying to be serious for this rare occasion. Alex irritated Edd with a couple of shoves during any back-and-forth action, and taunted the crowd when he had Edd down. Edd became more and more angry, and near the end of the match, unleashed with several high-flying moves to get the crowd right into it. However, a crossbody goes wrong in the middle of the comeback, and Alex lifts him up and drives him down hard with the DeColt Driver, quieting down the crowd as Alex isn't likely to get his comeuppance tonight. Townsend ends by saying it's now DeColts 2, Stones 0. [b]Alex Decolt defeated Edd Stone.[/b] [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Very good match, and Edd didn't complain about jobbing! Truly a sign from the heavens![/i][/quote] [i]One last commercial break. Did we mention how Sunday is the big PPV? Order now! Pleeeeeeease?[/i] Jack DeColt: (who's in front of the CWF backdrop) "Well, Sean, I hope you're happy. I thought for a moment you didn't even know your sister even existed here. Guess I was wrong. I guess I was also wrong about you not even touching me after that contract signing last week. But on Sunday... I'm not gonna make after mistakes, or miscalculations, or anything of the sort. Because on that day, Sean, I will take my place, and be this company's NEW Canadian Champion. And if you think Jack doesn't have what it take, then you don't know Jack." [b]RATING: B+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Corny reference aside, the promo scored with the crowd.[/i] [i]We go somewhere else backstage, as Sean McFly is seen in the corridor, with a microphone pointed at him.[/i] Sean McFly: "Jack DeColt, first you tried to cheat your way into a title shot. Then, you got your father to convince the committee. And then, last week, you tried to harm my sister in front of many people watching at home, knowing full well that that kind of crap doesn't fly here, in the CWF or any other wrestling ring. And now you think you can beat me for this title? Jack, I don't know how things were done back over there in CGC, but anyone who's ever beaten me will tell you that the only way to beat me is to WRESTLE me. So, you better be ready Sunday to wrestle me, because if you're just gonna throw more mind games at me, all you do is make your defeat much more painful." [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Very good promo from Sean, who isn't known for his mic work.[/i] [i]And now, the main event![/i] [quote][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/DuaneStone.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/JackDeColt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w245/AlexGariepy/RickyDeColt.jpg[/IMG] [b]Sean McFly and Duane Stone vs. Jack DeColt and Ricky DeColt[/b] Another excellent match as the four put on a technical clinic, with some high-flying moves here and there to keep things flowing, and to give some spots for the cameras to take pictures of. The announcers keep up with the match, and save for a beatdown on Duane Stone which takes a while, they hardly go into the hype for Sunday's event. Jack tries as much as he can to be the cheating heel, using cheap shots at certain points to draw the ire of the crowd. Ricky doesn't play the heel as much, instead just working a match as one would expect from a talented wrestler. The open-ended match, which had no real advantage, ended as Sean McFly hit the Delorean Driver on Ricky DeColt, sealing the win for his team, as Jack quickly abondons the ring. [b]Sean McFly and Duane Stone defeat Jack and Ricky DeColt.[/b] [b]RATING: B[/b] [i]Alex's notes: Two B matches in a row. Excellent! The crowd ate this one up, and Ricky DeColt learned some technical skills from watching some of the best in the world duke it out.[/i][/quote] London: "McFly wins one as we head into Sunday! Oh, and since Duane was in... I think that makes it a win for the Stones too." Townsend: "He didn't get the pin! It's still 2-0, I say!" London: "No matter how you see it, the Stones manage to pick up some momentum heading into Big City Brawl. Who will win in this big event? Good night everybody, see ya next week!" [i]We end the show with the post-match celebration of Sean and Duane posing for the crowd.[/i] [b]RATING: B+[/b] [i]Alex's notes: A hot segment to end the night.[/i] --- [b]FINAL RATING: B-[/b] [i]Alex's notes: I guess it'll be a while before I hit any higher than B-, but I'll take this over a C+ any day. Also, despite being in one match, Shane Nelson was considered to be slightly over-used... again. I don't get my road agents.[/i] [b]TV Ratings (Canada):[/b] 9.81 - down a little (0.06 in America - it doesn't change... sadness!) --- It's almost Sunday now, and the staff working at CWF are more busy than they've been all month. Not that it wasn't hectic for them adapting to the new changes, but we're really busy in this case. The deal with 4C means that we can sign people to developmental contracts, and in addition to lightening Troy Winner's financial burden by offering contracts to their midcarders and uppercarders, I also had the opportunity to look through some of the talent in Canada and around the world, looking for potential stars to assign to 4C. I threw a couple of suggestions before I went to the arena set for the big PPV. George DeColt was there, and he told me that we managed to get some people ready for tonight. I didn't think it would be of big importance in the short-run, but at least, the news and rumors from our little brouhaha with 4C would keep the people buzzing, and hype Big City Brawl even further. I was then told that tomorrow we'll be having a big end-of-the-month meeting with the rest of the committee. I just hope the meeting's not early in the morning. Ah well, better get started!
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