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Hardest C-Verse Promotion...

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The title pretty much explains it. What company in all of the C-Verse do you guys think is the hardest to play, without seriously altering their product. For the longest time I thought it was USPW. I could never get those old out of shape bastards to put up good ratings. But after finally playing outside the US I think it may have to be ROF. They start the game off small and have a pretty small fan base to work with. Then as if that isn't enough they have British Samurai under a 2000/month written contract that just completly rapes them of money. Don't get me wrong, they are far from impossible and it's becoming a great company to play with, but without a doubt the hardest I've played yet.
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UK does have it hard but I find 21CW harder than ROF. WIth a pure product all ROF needs is good wrestlers 21CW is like a slightly traditional Sports Entertainment product and even their most over guys aren't over enough. I think it's as hard or harder than USPW.
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I actually found USPW ridiculously easy. I mean, you have Bruce the F'n Giant and Sam Strong, who despite being retired can EASILY put on a B or better match as long as you keep it short and sweet. Since the main event matches in USPW are only 15 minutes, it isn't too hard to do. Just don't job out Bruce and you're generally golden. I'd say the hardest promotion would probably be ROF, WEXXV, or BSC.
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yea i used to think USPW was hard but then i played as them and it's quite easy. All you have to do is sign up the young indie talent like pere and mainstream and the new workers when they debut like strong DWN and chord. They can already put on better matches then most your roster. You got sam strong with the best overness in the world. you got BTG as world champ you could job him to the up and comers or you could keep it on him and they still gain overness anyway. any brit promotion is hard anway
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The most difficult promotion in the game to run with its default product, is WEXXV. No one else comes close. ROF is second. USPW is a cakewalk in that you start off with a couple of VERY over workers and a lot more money to go out and get more talent. ROF has no one with top tier in-ring skill (think: McFly, Cornell, Flash, Stone) and that's what would be the equivalent of having Bruce the Giant in USPW. In fact, I'm willing to bet that if you started a game with ROF with the likes of Steve Flash, Kashmir Singh, Champagne Lover, maybe Cal Sanders, and later DWN and such, you'd do VERY well (and VERY quickly). The unemployed "scrubs" in North America would be bonafide superstars in the UK. Hmm, that sounds kinda cool actually. ROF with a Flash vs Samurai feud ala Flair-Steamboat, could work very well.
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ROF is rather easy imo. It was the first promotion I played. Didn't alter it or anything, played 'till 2010 or later and never got in the red zone. Now it's even easier with the newly added UK workers. No, the hardest to run would probably be SWF. You'll have to spend hours booking the segments :D , adding the fact that a single huge mistake might cost you your job.
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I never had much problem with SWF. I guess just because I'm used to shows like that where you have to have lots of nonwrestling segments etc. Maybe that's why I find ROF so difficult because of wanting to put angles in when I can't. Differant styles plays a huge factor in this it looks.
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Yeah... WEXXV is the hardest by far. I mean, Kajahara's contract alone will bankrupt you in six months... Samurai's deal is a burden, but not an insurmountable one. I'd imagine BSC would also be really tough to book in the long run -- it's okay at first, because you're making no money but you don't have to pay the, um, [I]talent[/I] much. But eventually, some of those girls would gain overness, and there aren't an UNLIMITED number of essentially talentless but attractive women wrestlers in the Cornellverse. Meanwhile, how are you ever going to get a good match rating? (Well, assuming you don't cheat and hire actual wrestlers...)
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[QUOTE=Oregano Jensen;266902]Meanwhile, how are you ever going to get a good match rating? (Well, assuming you don't cheat and hire actual wrestlers...)[/QUOTE] Umm, why is it cheating to hire actual wrestlers? Even NWWL had real wrestlers make a few appearances. Bringing in an Alicia Strong has the potential to boost EVERYONE'S skill level (Alicia vs Jen Neptune is MONEY. Put it in the bank!). And BSC's match ratings wouldn't be based on in-ring wrestling quality anyway. It would be purely looks + overness (since the change to looks based segments from 05 to 07). Alicia has the looks to work for BSC, it just so happens that she's a pretty darn good wrestler to boot.
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Wexxw... [QUOTE=Oregano Jensen;266902]Yeah... WEXXV is the hardest by far. I mean, Kajahara's contract alone will bankrupt you in six months... Samurai's deal is a burden, but not an insurmountable one.[/QUOTE] I think that you don't have to pay for your owner's written contract... I didn't have to pay 18.000$ more in my wages at the end of the month while playing as head booker of WEXXW... I have checked it many times. I think that it's quite easy to play with WEXXW if you allow yourself to do a roster turnover. You can sign many of the good debuting wrestlers (Cameron Vessey, Bulldozer Brandon Smith and others) and gain their loyalty, so you don't have to stress about other promotions signing them away from you. You also can sign many good and great American and Mexican workers to touring contracts and pay them less than your own stars (I have signed Champange Lover, Big Cat Brandon and Enforcer Roberts to name a few). In the beginning of the game you can you Kajahara as overness booster for other guys, similar to BTG in USPW. This way WEXXW raised to Cult promotion in no time in my game.
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European League of Professional Fighters (ELPF) That is one of the hardest i played. I started with no job, and tried to get hired by the differend promotions only ELPF hired me. So i started from scratch in europe were there is almost no modern fanbase i only lasted for 7 month then i give in and went to work for 4c who just fired there booker
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[QUOTE=trypio;267335]GCG and WEXXV are the hardest I think. Not because they don't have talent, but because they have money problems.[/QUOTE] True dat, man. I've developed some incredible talents with GCG, put on some A rated shows and a whole lot of A* rated matches, and definitely had tons of fun. But I'll be damned if I could keep them afloat financially... I guess I'm just more suited to a balls to the wall booking style! :p WEXXV are pretty much destined to fail, though. I don't think it's possible to keep them afloat while you're paying Kajahara's contract, and really there isn't much good indy talent in Japan that's available to them. By the time decent new workers start popping up, they're pretty much always out of business.
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