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~1RC Version 1 Release~

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Great work on the pic Vladmire! Appreciate it. Thanks for all the feedback guys we'll be updatin everything over the week. Alof of TV contracts aren't correct either I have a feeling, if anyone has info on any that'd be great.
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Normally when a mod comes out I jump on my high horse and tell the maker how horrible they did the popularity, but like the last release, all the top guys are where they should be. As we've established, there is a problem with the WWE. Now, averaging C+ isn't bad, especially because it's difficult for the AI to handle a promotion full of crap (as Ransik has illustrated). But I think it's easy-ish to improve. First thing first, I know John Cena isn't the most popular guy on the net, and he is really just a poor imitation of 1990 Sting, but he is not 68 in Basics. His matches with Umaga, with Edge, with HBK all show he knows the fundamentals. I'd bump that to 78, drop his Hardcore by 5 and boost his brawling closer to 75-80. Everything else is hot. Another quick way to improve WWE's cards - bump CM Punk to the upper mid-card. All he needs is a popularity boost to 76, and he's there. Now for the rest I noticed... - Charlie Haas only has Psych of 58. He's no Chris Benoit, but he's in the low 70's at least. Same with Shelton. Somebody hates the WGTT in 1RC land. - MVP needs a little basic/psych boost, and I'd also give him some basic skills in Puro, Hardcore and Aerial, just because at the moment he's completely useless in everything but brawling. A bit more charisma wouldn't hurt. - He'll never get used on TV, but sif Arn freaking Anderson is 30 in overness. I demand 55 for The Enforcer. - This seems counter-productive, but I'd drop Lashley's overness to 79/80. Dude is not 88, no matter what WWE tries to tell us. - The Majors. I know it's unrealistic, but I'd put them in development. Let people use them if they want, but the AI is going to use them and it's going to be horrible. We're talking D+ country. - I'd boost Carlito's overness to 77ish, and also boost his brawling into the 60's and his mat work into the 50's. - Chuck Palumbo is only 50 over, I'd bump that to the high 50's just to help the AI. - The Great Khali... He's crap, but give him high 40's/low 50's in Basics. He can do a decent big man/small man match and a tolerable big man/big man match. - Batista - brawling + 10ish. - The Highlanders are almost Major-ish. I'd either bump their skills or drop them to development for the player to promote. - The Elijah Express needs boosts across the board. He's caught on in ECW - give him 65 overness and closer to 70 in basics/psych, and definitely boost his mat work, brawling, hardcore, aerial, flashiness and chain wrestling. And athleticism. And stamina. And charisma and mic skills. That is all. - I'd boost Jamie Noble into the 60's, and Jeff Hardy into 85 popularity. That dude is crazy over for some reason. Also Jimmy Wang Yang could be 67 or something, he's pretty popular for a jobber. - Johnny Nitro has the best look of almost anyone in the WWE. +10. I'd also boost Ken Doane and Lance Cade's look/superstar. - Maybe hit Kevin Thorne to high 50's. - Taker's brawling should be high 80's. - Drop Mark Henry's popularity, and boost his basics/psych. The guy has been around long enough that he can work a decent match. - I'd boost Boogeyman's overness to 75, and maybe his basics. He's ****, but he pops the crowd and works fun matches. - I'd boost Matt Hardy's mic/charisma/acting, his work on SD has been good. I'd also bump his popularity to 84ish. - Matt Striker should be low 60's, and his mic skills are all over the place. 80 on the mic, 70ish on charisma and acting. - Boost The Miz a little, and change his role to 'Usually' active wrestler, because atm the AI pushes him as a personality. - Monty Brown should be low 60's. My idea is that no active WWE worker aside from The Majors or completely new guys should be below about 58. - Nick Dinsmore needs more psychology skills. - Orton needs Edge-like stats, minus a few points. He's worked some great matches in the last few years. Edge, by the way, is absolutely perfect stats-wise. - Sandman is a 68 in popularity. Val Venis needs a boost in psychology, he's one of the best workers in the WWE. - Shannon Moore needs less basics and more psychology. - Shortstack needs some boosts in popularity to simulate his... entertain...ness..ment. - Spanky needs basic/psych boosts, and he and London should be like... 72-73 popularity. - Stevie Richards should be 65-ish pop, and at least 80 in psych. He's another Val Venis-kinda guy. - Super Crazy could be 70, as could Tommy Dreamer. I'd also bump William Regal to 74ish. And that's Part 1 done.
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Part 2 - The Dead Weight WWE always gets rid of about 20 people in every real life mod. My theory is, why not do it for them? T-Zone is also guilty of this, stacking the WWE's roster with guys that the AI has no use for, and no player would ever use, for the sake of realism. I understand keeping some guys around, even if the AI fires them, because players might want them. Guys like... Dean Malenko, Brookyln Brawler, Ron Simmons, Lilian Garcia. Ones that are pushed to 'Personality' because there's no use for them, but who could be used on-screen. But.... - Blackjack Lanza - Tim White - Tom Pritchard - Pushed to 'Ocassional Wrestler'? - Steve Romero - If people want a fourth-string announcer, they could just hire him. - Mike Bucci - Hasn't been on TV in months, works an office job these days I'm pretty sure. - Chad Patton, Robert Brisko, Chris Kay and Scott Armstrong - TEW only needs so many referees, no real reason to keep them. Also, Funaki and Dave Taylor are decent workers, yet pushed to 'Ocassional Wrestler', meaning they'll rarely get used. Could boost match ratings if they're used more often, so maybe push to Active Wrestler? And... well... that's all for now.
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Mike "Nova/Simon Dean" Bucci is involved in Steve Kerns' (sp?) promotion/school that's going to replace DSW. Perhaps add it (with Steve Owner and Simon Dean Booker) and move those guys Tommy mentioned in his last post to it along with the former DSW wrestlers who are currently in OVW. That way they're still "with" the WWE, even if they're not directly working for the WWE promotion directly. It should also help lower the the mass firing spree from the WWE. Funaki I would keep as an 'Ocassional Wrestler', how often do you see him on TV? I rest my case. ;)
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[QUOTE=Vladamire Dracos;272939]Mike "Nova/Simon Dean" Bucci is involved in Steve Kerns' (sp?) promotion/school that's going to replace DSW. Perhaps add it (with Steve Owner and Simon Dean Booker) and move those guys Tommy mentioned in his last post to it along with the former DSW wrestlers who are currently in OVW. That way they're still "with" the WWE, even if they're not directly working for the WWE promotion directly. It should also help lower the the mass firing spree from the WWE. [B]Funaki I would keep as an 'Ocassional Wrestler', how often do you see him on TV? I rest my case.[/B] ;)[/QUOTE] I understand that, but I'm betting he's used alot more in dark match's then what we know of... Although might not. Anyways, the accuracy in point is not why Tommy wanted it changed. It's the way the AI works, and what would benefit the realism of WWE the most, putting him as regular. If he's used more, he will gain more popularity, or at least not drop tremendously. IT's to help keep the AI under controll a bit, making the WWE play more realistic, overall.... although Funaki is not an "Active" everyshow wrestler.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;272942]I understand that, but I'm betting he's used alot more in dark match's then what we know of... Although might not. Anyways, the accuracy in point is not why Tommy wanted it changed. It's the way the AI works, and what would benefit the realism of WWE the most, putting him as regular. If he's used more, he will gain more popularity, or at least not drop tremendously. IT's to help keep the AI under controll a bit, making the WWE play more realistic, overall.... although Funaki is not an "Active" everyshow wrestler.[/QUOTE] But that's the catch-22 of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. WWE in reality succeeds counter to every conceivable lesson people are taught. If you did crappy work at your job, you'd likely be fired (unless you have some form of tenure) and replaced by someone who does a better job. Likewise, if a company produces crappy products, they don't generally last too long (Microsoft notwithstanding). But WWE due to the wrestling industry climate, can main event a PPV with Doink vs Cena and not notice much of a dropoff in popularity ("It's only ONE PPV", the apologists would exclaim). If you make Funaki an active wrestler, he WOULD be used a lot more than in reality. So you have to find ways to futz it and come up with a cludgy fix. I think Carlito & Co. did things correctly in keeping all of those people on the roster. Let's face it, this mod is mainly for people who want to play WWE or TNA. Thus, firing folks is left totally up to the player. Of course, if you're not playing WWE, it looks kinda odd but I don't think world upheaval is necessary or desired when many people WANT to have the kind of power and influence that dealing with that bloated roster warrants. Let's face it, in reality, the 'E has A LOT of people who never get camera time. In the games I've simmed, one name that often winds up fired is Dean Malenko. Show of hands, how many people think that would happen in reality? Love him or hate him, but one thing Vince McMahon is is staunchly loyal to "his people". Some folks pretty much have a lifetime contract with WWE, for all intents and purposes. I'd think Malenko would be one of those types (because of his skill and the respect he's earned). No way to simulate that in TEW though. :(
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[QUOTE=Remianen;272952] If you make Funaki an active wrestler, he WOULD be used a lot more than in reality. [/QUOTE] Nope. As he can only appear on one show and PPVs (and would be pushed as an opener), he'd feature as much as he does in real life, if not less. I ran a test with him as active, and after 3 weeks of Smackdown, there were 0 Funaki appearances. Another thing that might improve WWE is to set The Great Khali as an Ocassional Wrestler. This will stop him from stinking up the main event, but you'd have to be careful to make sure he wasn't released straight away by reducing the amount of other Semi-Active Wrestlers (you'd really only want Khali and Duggan).
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on a side note. Mike Bucci is the head booker for OVW and Steve Kiern and Tom Prichard is bookers/trainers for Florida Championship Wrestling. Deep South Wrestling has opened as a single promotion now if you didnt know that.
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[QUOTE=tommytomlin;272960][B][U]Nope. As he can only appear on one show and PPVs (and would be pushed as an opener), he'd feature as much as he does in real life, if not less. I ran a test with him as active, and after 3 weeks of Smackdown, there were 0 Funaki appearances. [/U][/B] Another thing that might improve WWE is to set The Great Khali as an Ocassional Wrestler. This will stop him from stinking up the main event, but you'd have to be careful to make sure he wasn't released straight away by reducing the amount of other Semi-Active Wrestlers (you'd really only want Khali and Duggan).[/QUOTE] That's where my mindset was going on that. MOst the guys listed as opener's get on a show every "X" amount of shows. Depending on how many opener's, and other worker's you have of course. I think most the fix's you suggested do in alot of ways, simulate realism moreso then most would think. ALOT of the guys are showing up in Development or "Heat" (which I consider development as well) events, without being on or in the show. Alot of times only as pre-show (which I think alot of Heat is) stuff. Cryme Tyme for example, hasn't been on TV really that much, but they have been working "HEAT", so they are there. Anyways, no matter what is said, people are going to scream that WWE has no right to do as good in a mod, as they do in real life. I'm backing you though.... Although probably not a gift horse.. as I get ambushed alot lately, lol. One thing I don't get... I'm hearing TNA Will succeed, and WWE will fail alot in here, with the reason being that it's only logical because TNA has a better product (bassically) then WWE. I dissagree completely their, because TNA is no where near as entertaining as WWE is. That's just my opinion though. However, the MOD can simulate facts alot better with simple tweaks and reworks on even Product settings.... They shouldn't be getting higher ratings then WWE simply because they don't... Gradewise or otherwise. I like them both, don't get me wrong, and want them both to succeed. I'm just saying that it's a pretty weak argument that WWE is doomed to fail in a mod when I think some simple fix's as Tommy suggested (I would use 100% of his idea's, and will if they don't get used.. for my own enjoyment) would really make a much larger change in the way the AI is doing things right now.
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Why thank you dj. I think the contention is with the definition of reality. You can have a superficial reality and have the WWE with it's bloated roster, with workers set how they are in real life, with guys like The Majors and Highlanders featuring in cards and collapsing in a few months. Or you can have the broader reality - WWE putting on decent shows that maintain its popularity rather than falling to Cult by September. I know TEW accelerates the rise and fall of promotions, and I know it naturally corrects things like this, but it's more of a challenge for the player if the WWE maintains its dominance for a while longer.
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as far as overness goes here is what i am using for my 1989 fed i had a look at a few feds in the cornellverse and here are the results id base similair fed overness on these stats ================== AAA(small) ---------- MAIN EVENT ---------- Catherine Quine 51 Katayama 45 Wanda Fish 44 Rodriguez 42 Raven Nightfall 40 UPPER MID ---------- Black Widow 40 Grace Harper 38 Cherry Bomb 36 Vixxen 33 Brazzle 32 MIDCARD ------- Devil's Daughter 32 Golden Delicious 29 Jessica Bunny 28 Goodlooks 28 Kristabel Plum 28 Michelle Brendon 28 Sara Marie York 28 Gorgon 25 LOW MIDCARD ----------- Helen Bach 22 Tracy Brendon 22 Steph Blake 20 Wendy Anderson 20 Miss Mexico 17 OPENER ------ Masterson 17 Tsuki Kawamata 13 =================== =================== BSC(small) ---------- MAIN EVENT ---------- charlize angelle 33 dharma gregg 36 sister beth mercy 14 UPPER MID --------- kathy neptune 32 jen neptune 32 alison capone 32 vampella 25 MIDCARD ------- sprite 24 amy galaxy 25 officer goodhead 26 alexis lee lit 26 britney hollywood 24 LOWER MID --------- roxy kitten 21 power girl 24 annie hitch**** 20 nurse knight 22 OPENER ------ nurse daye 20 ==================== ==================== DAVE(cult) ---------- MAIN EVENT ---------- jack giedroyc 68 chris caufield 70 eric tyler 76 eddie peak 74 big cat brandon 73 --------- UPPER MID --------- scout 62 shawn gonzalez 68 guide 62 acid 68 vin tanner 62 ------- MIDCARD ------- johnny martin 52 joey minnesota 64 tank bradley 57 alex braun 59 travis century 60 jd morgan 57 sammy bach 58 hell's bouncer 51 ------------- LOWER MID --------- dallas mcwade 52 teddy powell 50 dean mcwade 52 art reed 56 --------- opener ------- rudy velasquez 36 nathan coleman 44 jesus chavez 36 ----------- enhancement ----------- hector galindo 36 ============== MAW(local) ---------- MAIN EVENT ---------- mean machine 30 eddie howard 17 steven parker 21 des davids 20 mainstream hern 20 --------------- UPPER MID --------- oscar golden 16 ricky douglas 15 antonio 16 erik strong 14 d.c.rayne 16 flash savage 16 ------------ MIDCARD ------- stan manna 11 huey cannonball 10 max mayhem 11 ----------- LOWER MID --------- ryan turner 0 curtis jenkins 6 ================ TCW(national) ------------- MAIN EVENT ---------- troy tornado 72 tommy cornell 89 blz bubb 88 liberty 85 ricky dale johnson 84 genghis rahn 89 ------------ UPPER MIDCARD ------------- rick law 66 joel bryant 64 rocky golden 64 american buffalo 62 texas pete 68 wolf hawkins 68 ------------ MIDCARD ------- randall hopkirk 58 robert oxford 57 ronnie v.pain 54 raul darkness 52 wrestling machine I 60 wrestling machine II 60 charlie thatcher 55 giant tana 58 billy jack shearer 56 ----------------------- lower midcard ----------------------- chance fortune 48 jack avatar 50 jay darkness 52 stink 50 grunt 50 ----------------------- OPENER ----------------------- steve gumble 48 harry allen 52 freddy huggins 44 ----------------------- ENHANCEMENT TALENT ----------------------- ice man c.a. 42 aaron andrews 42 ======================= so i came up with the following overness for each worker for my 1989 wwf roster ================= WWF(international) ------------ MAIN EVENT ---------- JAKE ROBERTS 83 RANDY SAVAGE 87 HULK HOGAN 93 ULTIMATE WARRIOR 84 RICK RUDE 82 ANDRE THE GIANT 90 TED DIBIASE 86 ------------- UPPER MID --------- JIM NEIDHART 70 ARN ANDERSON 74 JIM DUGGAN 78 HONKYTONK MAN 72 BIG BOSSMAN 73 BRET HART 71 MR.PERFECT 80 ---------- MIDCARD ------- JAUQUES ROUGEAU 49 AX 70 SMASH 70 TITO SANTANA 52 KEN PATERA 61 TULLY BLANCHARD 67 HILLBILLY JIM 68 BIG JOHN STUDD 57 AKEEM 60 GREG VALENTINE 54 MARTY JANNETTY 54 RONNIE GARVIN 72 NIKOLAI VOLKOV 49 SHAWN MICHAELS 49 HAKU 48 RAYMOND ROUGEAU 48 RICK MARTEL 48 BRUTUS BEEFCAKE 47 RON BASS 47 BUSHWACKER BUTCH 46 BUSHWACKER LUKE 46 HERCULES HERNAN 46 ---------------- LOWER MID --------- BORIS ZUKHOV 45 jim brunzell 45 dino bravo 44 paul roma 44 bad-news brown 41 koko b.ware 41 owen hart 41 virgil 41 rockin robin 36 the barbarian 36 the warlord 36 -------------- OPENER ------ SAM HOUSTON 35 BARRY HOROWITZ 34 TERRY TAYLOR 33 SCOTT CASEY 32 -------- ENHANCEMENT ----------- TIM HORNER 25 STEVE LOMBARDI 31 ============
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In Funaki's case (and the same could work for Val Venus, since they work the same type of position on the roster) making him an 'Ocassional Wrestler' works in both a reality standpoint and game standpoint. From what I understand, each promotion looks at it's roster thinking that it has X number of Y positions to fill and fills those positions in a top down method based on a workers abilities compared to the Promotion's Product (meaning that if all the Main Eventer spots are filled a Main Eventer level talent is bumped down to fill an Upper Midcarder position, then the Upper Midcarder level talent is evaluated and so on down the roster), when all the positions are filled they release the lesser talent left over. By making Funaki an 'Ocassional Wrestler' it frees up an 'Opener' position that can otherwise be filled by an actual Opener or higher level talent. Given the WWE's current roster, there isn't many workers who would otherwise fill a 'Ocassional Wrestler' position (Jim Duggan perhaps), letting them keep more workers.
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Guest Ransik
If anyone wants to see some data... I ran a game up to April 2015. I can upload the saved game into a zip file if anyone wants to see what goes on when it's simmed for that long.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;273056]If anyone wants to see some data... I ran a game up to April 2015. I can upload the saved game into a zip file if anyone wants to see what goes on when it's simmed for that long.[/QUOTE] I'd be interested in that, save me simming it that long ;)
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Guest Ransik
Oh before I forget, Nikki Roxx's Overness in New England should be at least around an F+... before she signed on to TNA she's spent the last couple years in the area and she is the most known woman wrestler in my area. I even got to talk to her for a couple hours about 2 years ago. :D
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Guest Ransik
Nah, there's a program called Auto Mouse Clicker... I set it up when I'm not home or asleep and just let it run through the days.
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I don't know if it's been mentioned, but I noticed a couple things here... Ted DiBiase and Ted DiBiase Jr. don't have any worker relations. Also, I can't find Mike DiBiase, Ted Jr.'s brother and tag team partner. They're currently in WWE Developmental, in Florida Championship Wrestling. (Interesting note for Tommy, Mike and Ted are former Fusion Pro Wrestling tag champions. FPW is an indie promotion in Colorado.)
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Guest Ransik
I know the WWE has tons of problems staying afloat... but it appears as if you up the Modern to Key Feature (which really is what they do) than it keeps them popular. Dunno if you'd wanna do that or not.
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btw. TJ Dalton, Stephen Gamlin, Rick Converse doesnt have a profile. actually i am making this list as i go and i realised that you can search for the guys without a profile can't ya? nm, might be an idea to go through and do profiles for the peeps who are lacking them.
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