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[quote=Remianen;290179]What's funny to me is the reaction I got for drafting Andre Johnson so high. Doesn't look like so much of a reach now, does it? :) Every time Matt Schaub drops back to pass, he's looking for Dre, though that's going to change by midseason. ;)[/quote] Remi, when was the last time the Chiefs were known for being a defensive team? Like, never. You also have Travis Henry heading into the black hole in Oakland. You'll get good production out of Brady, but honestly, that's about it. You ain't getting 100 points next week, no way.
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;290203]You ain't getting 100 points next week, no way.[/QUOTE]I thought that about him this week. Ouch. That's all I can really say. Ouch. But, for my first foray into the fantasy world, I was quite pleased. Had Brees been able to do anything, I might have stood a better chance. That, and I either really underestimated GB's defense or completely overestimated Reggie Brown's place on the Eagle. Those two starters gave me a grand total of two points.
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;290200][url]http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/259950/matchup?week=1&mid1=3&mid2=11[/url] Looks like you pulled out a squeaker, 84-82. My one complaint about Yahoo is that they really seem to drag when it comes to updating scores on their main site -- I have the StatTracker addon because I have it in my work league, so I know they CAN do better, but honestly should you HAVE to pay for it?[/QUOTE] Man, I can't believe that one. So my first fantasy game and I won a match...good deal....I did't do anything but let M take care of it for me. Good job M!! I will handle my own from here on out.
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[QUOTE=jbergey_2005;290344]The Living Dead, Vikings, Outlaws, E-ville Elite and Tagon's Tough's seem like early favorites. Remy I cant believe you just dropped your #2 RB.[/QUOTE] You can't really say anything after week one. Defenses still have the upper hand, and players don't reach their potential highs and lows. The only thing you can really go by at this point is your opinion of the teams' players, which you could have done last week. You have to wait it out a bit! I believe I was slated to win over jberg by a few points, but my team bailed and jberg's team was stellar!
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I know. I didnt want to talk smack before my first win so this is my chance:) I actually liked the teams I mentioned before the season and still do. I dont put much stock in yahoos point system as they had Tavarius Jackson outscoring Carson Palmer last week:rolleyes: and they predicted Brandon Jacobs to get over 1400 yards and 16tds before the season. It usually works out that the team yahoo predicts to win is usally the loser surprisingly enough.
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[QUOTE=jbergey_2005;290377]I know. I didnt want to talk smack before my first win so this is my chance:) I actually liked the teams I mentioned before the season and still do. I dont put much stock in yahoos point system as they had Tavarius Jackson outscoring Carson Palmer last week:rolleyes: and they predicted Brandon Jacobs to get over 1400 yards and 16tds before the season. It usually works out that the team yahoo predicts to win is usally the loser surprisingly enough.[/QUOTE] True, perhaps. I'm just mad that my team in this league is crappy compared to my other, and I lost there too! STEVEN JACKSON GOT 1 POINT! Brandon Jacobs got 2! /Logic...
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[B][U]Waiver Priority[/U][/B] I meant to do this earlier, but it wasn't until I noticed the order was weird that I did anything: I'm manually setting the waiver order by league rank as of now. When you set up a custom league on Yahoo!, it doesn't let you choose "opposite order of league rank" as a waiver order, but as a commissioner, I can do it manually. It makes obvious sense that the crappy teams get 1st choice in free agents, so there you go! If anyone has a serious problem with this move, tell me. I probably wont change back, as logic wins, but go ahead and try! :D
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Well, I haven't heard the c-word (concussion) yet, but from reports it sounds like that's exactly what happened to Jon Kitna after getting repeatedly drilled by the Vikings front four. As a fan, I'm stoked to see my Vikes actually put some pressure on the quarterback!! Unfortunately, Kitna's my starting QB and I REALLY would have liked a few more points out of him... EDIT: AAAUGH! Now that I don't care if Detroit scores, they start throwing TDs!! EDIT 2: And it's going to OT, with Kitna back in! (This is not helping my stress management program...)
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Yeah, I have Kitna in my other league. Luckily he did well enough before he went down to hopefully help me win today. And I really hate not having real-time scoring on Yahoo. Suppose I could drop $10 for it, but I'm not that interested. Besides, with PH having both Deuce and Reggie going for him today, I'm not incredibly concerned. :D
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Updated (#)represents the number of people on the team with monday games. The Living Dead 114 (0) dUrty uPstate 104 (1) Quahog Clams 54 (2) Effingham Dukes 82 (1) Vikings 125 (0) THEOUTLAWS 105 (1) [b]E-Ville Elite 77 (1)[/b] Bad Newz KennelZ 74 (0) Tagon's Toughs 97 (0) [b]hwick Hooters 111 (1)[/b] [b]Irish Drinking Team 116 (1)[/b] The Fighting Amish 114 (0)
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As a diehard Colts fan, I'd just like to say the following: The New England Patriots scare the holy f*cking sh*t out of me this year. After what I've seen of them the last two weeks, it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see them run the table this season. I don't think it'll ever happen in this day and age, but if any team was going to do it, this year's Patriots would be that team.
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[QUOTE=nZane;291918]As a diehard Colts fan, I'd just like to say the following: The New England Patriots scare the holy f*cking sh*t out of me this year. After what I've seen of them the last two weeks, it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see them run the table this season. I don't think it'll ever happen in this day and age, but if any team was going to do it, this year's Patriots would be that team.[/QUOTE] The Colts are probably the only team that they face that can beat them this year... I hope they don't go undefeated, because the "Should there be an asterisk because Coach Bill is a paranoid jackass?" argument will be relentless... :D
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Well, it looks like the Eagles finally woke up. I just wish McNabb would THROW THE F*CKING BALL TO REGGIE BROWN!! But I have Kitna, Westbrook, and Roy Williams in my other league and I'm racking up the points. I also have Reggie Brown in both leagues, so if he can get something going, I'll be in great shape. Now, if only LT would get it together and realize he's the reigning MVP...
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[QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;293972]My teams are dissolving before my eyes... I have 2 teams, and both are 0-2... Westbrook, McNabb, Smith = The trio of leg pain... I have those 3 in 2 leagues! Also, COME ON STEVEN JACKSON, SCORE![/QUOTE] I think West is taking care of you this week. I mean just look at his numbers bro..
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[b]Quahog Clams 129 (0)[/b] The Living Dead 106 (0) Effingham Dukes 66 (0) [b]Vikings 68 (2)[/b] dUrty uPstate 87 (0) E-Ville Elite 75 (1) Bad Newz KennelZ 66 (2) Tagon's Toughs 98 (0) Bushwick Hooters 71 (0) [b]Irish Drinking Team 114 (0)[/b] THEOUTLAWS 83 (1) The Fighting Amish 111 (0)
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