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in my Cornellverse game, Cameron Vessey failed two drugs test in two months. it doesnt seemed to have had any affect on his skills, his popularity or anything. but because of those failed tests im considering firing him (hes currently an upper-midcarder). so my question is, are failed drug tests a bad thing, do they have any detrimental affects on a worker and should i fire Cameron Vessey?
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Since we're on the subject of drug users and "can't sign or resign known drug users" what I hate is that they won't let you resign even if you didn't know the person was a drug user. You should only not be allowed to sign or resign "Known" drug users aka peopel who have failed drug tests. I lost Remmy Skye (even though from previous games I know he's a drug user) and Jeremiah Moose (Who I had no clue was a drug user).
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I do think the "substance abuse" system needs a small over haul......maybe something like drug tests in the company.....and if a person does od on your roster it affects the entire company popularity........and if they are big enough affects the wresting industry in general........I know this is bad timing for a sugestion but i have always thought this......not just recently.........
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Seems to me it just means that you've got fair warning in the event Cameron Vessey ODs on you. And ODs do blow. I remember after an opening for a semi-talented brawler popped up on my roster, so I decided to sign up the star of the indi-circuit, Primal Rage, to fill it. Bastarded wrestled two matches, they sucked, then he ODed.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;272412]Since we're on the subject of drug users and "can't sign or resign known drug users" what I hate is that they won't let you resign even if you didn't know the person was a drug user. You should only not be allowed to sign or resign "Known" drug users aka peopel who have failed drug tests. I lost Remmy Skye (even though from previous games I know he's a drug user) and Jeremiah Moose (Who I had no clue was a drug user).[/QUOTE] Maybe because the "I didn't know" excuse doesn't fly anywhere for anything? Besides, you know a worker's a junkie when you're blocked from signing or re-signing them. If you want advance notice (even though it doesn't exist in RL), you can check the editor. Not everyone who is a drug user is unable to function normally in real life, after all. Also, workers can develop drug problems (just like law problems) during gameplay so not everyone who starts the game clean remains that way. I had Olivia Diamond pick up a drug habit after being unemployed for over a year or something (internet story was generated).
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well ive decided to keep Cameron Vessey on my roster for now, but i fined him as punishment and if he overdoses he outta here. hes on a PPA contract (cult promotion) so i should have no problems firing him the day he ods i think consistency is a really good skill for a drug user to lose over time. obviously you can only trust someone who gets high occasionally, and it would be a good touch of realism if druggies were more hit-n-miss also can people die in the game due to an overdose?
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[QUOTE=NOAH fan 4 life;272623]well ive decided to keep Cameron Vessey on my roster for now, but i fined him as punishment and if he overdoses he outta here. hes on a PPA contract (cult promotion) so i should have no problems firing him the day he ods i think consistency is a really good skill for a drug user to lose over time. obviously you can only trust someone who gets high occasionally, and it would be a good touch of realism if druggies were more hit-n-miss also can people die in the game due to an overdose?[/QUOTE] Yeah, that's pretty much the most common cause of death in real world games. It doesn't appear on the news ticker as an OD though, just a death.
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I'm not saying whether or not a Drug Problem should diminish skills. But the owner goal is you can't hire or rehire a [B]Known[/B] Drug User. The thing is if the worker hasn't failed a drug test how does the owner know he's a [B]Known[/B] Drug User. I don't mind the block and I understand the block I'm just saying that if the worker hasn't failed a test then I can't possibly be aware that I can't sign or resign him and neither should the owner. I shouldn't [I]have[/I] to check the editor to do anything. I should be able to play the game with the information available to me on the main screens.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;272628]The thing is if the worker hasn't failed a drug test how does the owner know he's a [B]Known[/B] Drug User.[/QUOTE] Maybe all Cornellverse owners are a little more thorough with medical histories than real life owners? It's just one of those things - the owner has more information than you. Your signings all go throught the owner, who'll veto them if he's a druggie. You don't actually have to go into the editor to find out anything, as the owner will let you know.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;272628]I'm not saying whether or not a Drug Problem should diminish skills. But the owner goal is you can't hire or rehire a [B]Known[/B] Drug User. The thing is if the worker hasn't failed a drug test how does the owner know he's a [B]Known[/B] Drug User. I don't mind the block and I understand the block I'm just saying that if the worker hasn't failed a test then I can't possibly be aware that I can't sign or resign him and neither should the owner. I shouldn't [I]have[/I] to check the editor to do anything. I should be able to play the game with the information available to me on the main screens.[/QUOTE] Apu, check this out: [QUOTE=Imerak;272712]Well, in my C-verse game it's widely suspected that Jenny Playmate has started taking steroids.[/QUOTE] See? Sometimes workers develop these habits but an internet story isn't always generated. So you might not get a heads up that your top star has developed a heroin habit or likes to treat his nose to some candy now. The owner (being an extension of the AI) does know this so as eayragt said, that's when you'll find out sometimes. Yes, it can suck if your top star all of a sudden becomes untouchable because they picked up a bad habit (whether it be drugs, steroids, or law problems). But that's one of the random things that happens in the game. TEW can't exactly mirror real life but it can throw you curveballs like real life does. In Imerak's example, in reality, does it make ANY sense for an eye candy valet who is good on the mic to start juicing? Boob job? Sure! Steroids? Hell no! But now she's off limits to any promotion with an owner opposed to steroid use. I'm gonna take a guess and say that George DeColt is one of those owners.
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I know they can develope them but how does the owner know is he doing a secret drug test that only he gets the results and then why not tell me about it if he knew. Jeremiah Moose has never failed a drug test and there was nothing in the any section of the game saying he was a suspected drug user, yet when renegotiation time comes around I can't resign him because he's a known Drug user. Know to who? he never failed a drug test, he never OD'd and there was no piece of information in the game proper (not the editor) that told me he was even a suspected drug user. So if I don't know he's a drug user because there has been no information about it then the owner shouldn't know either. And there absolutely must be some kind of warning because you can't jsut find out he's a drug user on the day he's going to resign. So unless it's in his profile that he is a known druggie or there is a key peice of information either in the news ticker or an internet rumor then the game shouldn't know he's a druggie either. Maybe a tic box for know and unknown in the drug habit section and if he fails a drug test he switches from unknown to known.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;272770]I know they can develope them but how does the owner know is he doing a secret drug test that only he gets the results and then why not tell me about it if he knew. Jeremiah Moose has never failed a drug test and there was nothing in the any section of the game saying he was a suspected drug user, yet when renegotiation time comes around I can't resign him because he's a known Drug user. Know to who? he never failed a drug test, he never OD'd and there was no piece of information in the game proper (not the editor) that told me he was even a suspected drug user. So if I don't know he's a drug user because there has been no information about it then the owner shouldn't know either. And there absolutely must be some kind of warning because you can't jsut find out he's a drug user on the day he's going to resign. So unless it's in his profile that he is a known druggie or there is a key peice of information either in the news ticker or an internet rumor then the game shouldn't know he's a druggie either. Maybe a tic box for know and unknown in the drug habit section and if he fails a drug test he switches from unknown to known.[/QUOTE] Maybe he showed up to negotiations with a needle in his ass?
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