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Championship Wrestling from Boston (C-Verse '07 Diary)

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[QUOTE=shipshirt;327931]Masked Cougar d. Bobby Thomas to win the 2009 Gene Plumelli Cup Tournament[/QUOTE] Wow! An unexpected, but much appreciated win for the Cougar. Now, I don't expect him to win the title off Umaga, but he can go away and pick up some more wins, and hopefully become a major player for you.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]BIRTH OF A NATION[/SIZE][/FONT] Thursday Week 2 July 2009 171 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA[/CENTER] [B]"Bullet" Bob Casey d. Whiskey Jack[/B] Good opener with Casey getting the surprise win over the belligerent cowboy. Casey has been putting on solid matches since day one here and the fans dig him to an extent so he gets the little push here. [B]E+[/B] [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/GenePlumelliCup2.jpg[/IMG] The Boston Bomber is in the ring with the Plumelli Cup: Bomber: [COLOR="Purple"]"I'm proud to present the 2009 Plumelli Cup to a man who, even though he has wrestled in CWB a few times before, truly made his debut with the company in stunning fashion. I give you the 2009 Plumelli Cup Champion...Masked Cougar!"[/COLOR] Cougar comes to the ring but is immediately interrupted by Thomas Morgan, Bobby Thomas and CWB Champion Rhino Umaga. Morgan: [COLOR="Red"]"Cougar, do you really think you deserve that trophy. You only beat me on a fluke. Look back through the record books and see how many times I've kicked your ass. Now you think you can waltz in here and get a title shot like the new bigshot on campus. Uh uh! We're here to give you a special little welcome to the party right now!"[/COLOR] They move in to attack when Frankie Dee charges the ring brandishing a steel chair. He swats at Morgan, who hightails it out. Rhino and Thomas stand ominously outside the ring. Dee: [COLOR="Blue"]"I'm sick of you guys jumping people and walking around like you own this place. I almost had you Umaga...the title was in my reach. I'm requesting a rematch with the winner tonight!"[/COLOR] Bomber: [COLOR="Purple"]"Well, Frankie, that might be a little tough. He has beaten you and we may no be able to [COLOR="Red"][/COLOR]get that signed for you right away."[/COLOR] Dee: [COLOR="Blue"]"Come on? Seriously? Fine, then lets get this match with Morgan started right NOW!"[/COLOR] [B][B]E+[/B] Frankie Dee d. "Trademark" Thomas Morgan[/B] Excellent match with Dee showing a more aggressive side to his offense as his confidence is improving every match. Morgan sold a ton for the young up and comer without making himself look weak. Dee wins by KO with the Dragon Sleeper. [B]D+[/B] The Gauge Bros. come to the ring: Greg:[COLOR="Red"]"It took months of complaining and a brilliantly executed plan of attack on mine and Matt's part but finally the Gauge Bros. are poised to take over Championship Wrestling from Bostom. You could have made it easy on yourselves Sudden Impact, and just handed the titles over to us. Seems you want to do things the hard way...fine by us."[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Gauge Bros. d. Sudden Impact to win the CWB Tag Team Titles[/B] The best match that Sudden Impact has had in Boston. The Gauge Bros really elevate the tag teams they work with and that's why they are the perfect choice to really help build the tag division (plus Matt wrestling on TCW TV doesn't hurt either!). Prince and Graham were good soliders in the early days of the company but they don't seem to have the skills needed to bring us to the next level. The Gauge Bros win with their Shotgun Blast finisher and do so, relatively cleanly. [B]D-[/B] [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBChampionship.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rhino Umaga and Masked Cougar fight to a no contest; Rhino retains the CWB Title[/B] Off the charts match for our little company. Rhino played the aggressive bad ass to the hilt and Cougar played "Ricky Morton", selling his ass off (how will he sit??!) and using his quickness to try to find an opening. Since his "I Am Cougar..." was taken out of play by Rhino's size, Cougar was able to score a High Rise Pounce for a close nearfall. Thomas Morgan and Bobby Thomas came to the ring, which brought out Frankie Dee. Morgan went after Cougar and Dee got involved which just sparked a huge brawl with The Bomber even getting involved to help seperate the men. Chad Brent had no choice but to throw the match out. [B]C[/B] As security helped settle things down, Dee grabs the mic: [COLOR="Blue"]"I'll tell you this Rhino...I'll make you an offer you can't refuse. One more title shot...next month...no DQ, there must be a winner. And if I lose I will leave Boston! The ball is in your court, big guy!"[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] Overall Show: [B]D+[/B] Notes: I tried a little different presentation to take advantage (and show off) GBASALMON's cool belt designs. Plus, I think it breaks up the page a little. Tonight starts what I'm hoping to be a major storyline. I'm excited about it and I hope you guys are too
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[QUOTE=eayragt;330072]Wow! An unexpected, but much appreciated win for the Cougar. Now, I don't expect him to win the title off Umaga, but he can go away and pick up some more wins, and hopefully become a major player for you.[/QUOTE] Thanks! Yeah I'm really trying to shake things up and not always push the expected main eventers all the time. Maybe I'll catch lightning in a bottle one of these times and someone will really take off. It just keeps it fun and interesting.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBwebsite.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]NEWS FROM AROUND THE WRESTLING WORLD[/SIZE][/FONT] [U][B] Dark Angel Retires[/B][/U] It's sad news for wrestling fans all over the world as Cliff "Dark Angel" Wilson has decided that, due to the compilation of numerous injuries, he would be retiring this month. Wilson is a multiple time champion in NOTBPW and is also credited with giving up and comer Steven "The Future" Parker his start in the business. Wilson seems to be upbeat about the decision but still, that choice is never an easy one to make. It's assumed he'll stay on with NOTBPW in a backstage capacity. [B][U]CWB MAKING SOME MOVES[/U][/B] In an effort to make up for the recent loss of Jesse Christian, Championship Wrestling from Boston has been making some talent acquisitions. Wrestlers such as Bobby Thomas, Masked Cougar, Edward Cornell, Nigel Svensson among others are making their way to the Back Bay to work for this exciting young company. Owner Andy Hartigan even revealed that he got around his no compete contracts with RIPW and SWF and got the services of Valiant for a few shows by going through DaVE. Exciting times indeed![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]OVERKILL[/SIZE][/FONT] Thursday Week 4, August 2009 171 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA[/CENTER] The Boston Bomber is in the ring with Frankie Dee: Bomber: [COLOR="Purple"]"Frankie, I know tonight is one of the biggest matches in your short career. You will either win the CWB Title or you will go home. It's a gutsy move by a gutsy competitor."[/COLOR] Dee: [COLOR="Blue"]"Thank you for that. I just believe in myself and I'm willing to put it all on the line to prove that."[/COLOR] Bomber: [COLOR="Purple"]"I have good news for you then. You, and all of the fans here, will be glad to know that Thomas Morgan is banned from the building tonight!"[/COLOR] [B]E+ Bob Casey & Cal Sanders d. The Wigan Bulldogs[/B] A surprise upset but overall a very good match. Cornell and Svensson are maulers who pick a body part and go to work on it. Sanders took a lot of the heat in the match and made the hot tag to Casey to a surprising pop. Casey ended up rolling up Cornell in a leverage pin. [B]D-[/B] Not happy with how their debut played out, The Bulldogs stretched the crap out of the babyface underdogs after the match. [B]F+[/B] Andy Hartigan grabs the house mic: [COLOR="Green"]"Coming up next is a very special treat as a hometown boy, Leftie Wilkes, makes his debut here in Championship Wrestling from Boston. Wilkes is a high flyer and we expect great things out of him!"[/COLOR] [B]F Whiskey Jack d. Leftie Wilkes[/B] Not a good night for debuts. Wilkes played plucky underdog with some nice hope spots and even got a little color from Jack's roughhouse tactics. Just for kicks, Jack hit Wilkes with the bullrope he carries around and scores the pin. [B]E- Casey Valentine d. Flying Jimmy Fox[/B] Fox is on loan from CZCW and did a great job in putting Valentine over and giving a top notch match. Casey is the least over of the "next gen four" (The Gauges and Vessey) and this win really helped him get over some with the Boston faithful. Good match won with the Heartbreaker. [B]D-[/B] Here come the Gauge Bros. as the place erupts into jeers and boos: Greg: [COLOR="Red"]"Say hello to the champions. Some people come out here and talk a lot about what they are gonna do. Some people need special stipulations and gimmicks. The Gauge Bros. just go out, kick ass and win titles. Just like we said we'd do. Sudden Impact, you're time is over. The only Impact you'll make now is hitting the mat after being on the receiving end of a Shotgun Blast. The Gauge era has begun!" [/COLOR] [B]D [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBTagTeam.jpg[/IMG]The Gauge Bros. d. Sudden Impact to retain the CWB Tag Team Titles[/B] Again, the Gauge Bros. carry Prince and Graham to one of their better matches. Not too different from last month, just a solid tag match. Nothing fancy. The Gauges win it clean with Shotgun Blast. [B]D- Cameron Vessey d. Dazzlin' Dave Diamond[/B] An ok match but nothing great. DDD's work doesn't really justify his pay and we may have to reconsider keeping him when his contract comes due. DDD stalled and cheated to gain advantage but in the end lost to the Vessey Driver. [B]E+[/B] Andy Hartigan gets on the mic: [COLOR="Green"]"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the Main Event! One fall to a finish, for the CWB Title. Frankie Dee has put his CWB life on the line for one more shot at the title!"[/COLOR] [B]E+ [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBChampionship.jpg[/IMG]Rhino Umaga d. Frankie Dee after outside interference to retain the CWB Title; Frankie Dee must leave Boston![/B] Very strong match with the crowd solidly behind Dee. Great back and forth, stiff action from these two and they really brought the house down with an emotional match. Thomas Morgan was disguised as a police officer and the referee didn't see him KO Dee on the outside with brass knucks. Dee was rolled back into the ring where he was Rhino Charged and pinned. The crowd went nuts as Rhino hightailed it out of the ring. [B]D+[/B] Overall Show: [B]D[/B] Notes: We had to move to Thursdays to work around Matt Gauge's TCW commitments and I was worried it was going to hurt us at the box office. It didn't though and we had a strong crowd for the main event.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_ANR-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Rhino Umaga (c) vs. Masked Cougar for the CWB Title The Gauge Bros (c) vs. The Millenials for the CWB Tag Team Titles Valiant vs. Xavier Reckless The Tennessee Outlaws vs. The L Street Express (Leftie Wilkes/Duberry Excess) Plus one special mystery match to be added....
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[B]Rhino Umaga[/B] (c) vs. Masked Cougar for the CWB Title [I]Savage Samoan agression continues when a masked Albino haired man interferes[/I] [B]The Gauge Bros[/B] (c) vs. The Millenials for the CWB Tag Team Titles [I]The Gauges are more polished at the moment due to greater genetics.[/I] [B]Valiant[/B] vs. Xavier Reckless [I]Valiant wins a warm-up before his title shot[/I] The Tennessee Outlaws vs. [B]The L Street Express[/B] (Leftie Wilkes/Duberry Excess) [I]The Outlaws begin their roles as jobbers to every other tag team.[/I]
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Rhino Umaga (c) vs. [B]Masked Cougar[/B] for the CWB Title [I]- Shocking switch. But if evolution has ever taught me anything, it's that Cougars can kill Rhinos whenever they want. [/I] [B]The Gauge Bros (c)[/B] vs. The Millenials for the CWB Tag Team Titles [I]- I should likely know who the Millenials are, but since I don't I'm going with the not-seven-year-olds.[/I] [B]Valiant[/B] vs. Xavier Reckless [I]- I still hate all the XDW kids. And Valiant has a look you can exploit.[/I] The Tennessee Outlaws vs. [B]The L Street Express (Leftie Wilkes/Duberry Excess)[/B] [I]- New team. I like Duberry due to his ridcokulous name and if you ever want to turn them hell El Street Express - the non-Latino-Latinates is gonna be gold![/I]
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[QUOTE=Beeker;335050] [B]The Gauge Bros (c)[/B] vs. The Millenials for the CWB Tag Team Titles [I]- I should likely know who the Millenials are, but since I don't I'm going with the not-seven-year-olds.[/I][/QUOTE] It's Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey (they're pics are on the poster!). I chose the name because I wanted something second generational sounding but "GeNext" type names had been used a lot. That's the term for the generation after Gen X, so I went with that :)
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[B]Rhino Umaga (c)[/B] vs. Masked Cougar for the CWB Title [B]The Gauge Bros (c) [/B]vs. The Millenials for the CWB Tag Team Titles [B]Valiant[/B] vs. Xavier Reckless [B]The Tennessee Outlaws[/B] vs. The L Street Express (Leftie Wilkes/Duberry Excess)
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[QUOTE=shipshirt;335077]It's Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey (they're pics are on the poster!). I chose the name because I wanted something second generational sounding but "GeNext" type names had been used a lot. That's the term for the generation after Gen X, so I went with that :)[/QUOTE] That's actually who I thought it was, but when I realized I could pretend they were born in 2000 and therefore have the combined age less than Ric Flair's newest rhinestoned robe... well... I couldn't pass that joke up. Also, I think the Gauges will retain a bit. Hopefully these two teams have chemistry and can solidify your tag team titles.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]A NEW REVOLUTION[/SIZE][/FONT] Thursday Week 3 September 2009 204 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA[/CENTER] The show opens with Leftie Wilkes in the ring: Wilkes:[COLOR="Blue"]"After my debut last month, I realized that I'm not going to be able to make it on my own, with no allies. So I went to the best ally a man could have...his own brother. Some of you hardcores may know him as a 4C Tag Team Champion and he's here in Boston...Duberry Excess!!"[/COLOR] "The Du" comes to the ring to a smattering of applause. Du: [COLOR="Blue"]"That's right, Leftie and I grew up in Southie, right here in Boston. We drink Sam Adams and live and die with the Sox come October. Outlaws, why don't you bring your southern by the grace of God asses out here and face the L Street Express like men!"[/COLOR] [B]E- The Tennessee Outlaws d. The L Street Express[/B] An ok match. It's not time for the L Street (all of the streets in Southie are lettered) Express to beat the former champs just yet. They just needed to put up a good fight and be the plucky underdogs. [B]E-[/B] Now, coming to the ring is the latest addition to the CWB roster. He hails from Ensenadas, Mexico...he is the masked luchador extradordinaire...[B]ANGEL BLANCO!! Angel Blanco d. Daredevil Aero[/B] Blanco fights in a very non lucha style...odd, very reminiscent of someone...hmmm...Virtual squash match here with Blanco winning with the very lucha move of a Dragon Sleeper. [B]E+[/B] Thomas Morgan leads Rhino to the ring: [COLOR="Red"]"Whoa, whoa,WHOA!!! What the hell is this?!? This is clearly Frankie Dee...he lost a loser leaves town match and he needs to be gone. Hartigan, Bomber, I know you showed favorites but this is ridiculous!! He's NOT EVEN MEXICAN!!! Look at him! He's using the same friggin' nickname in Spanish. What am I? An *******?"[/COLOR] Rhino: [COLOR="Red"]"I say we just kick the crap out of him right now and rip that stupid mask off his head!"[/COLOR] [B]E[/B] As the heels approach the ring and Angel Blanco preps for a fight, Boston Bomber stands up: [COLOR="Purple"]"You just hold it there! I said HOLD IT! You lay one finger on that man and I swear to you I will strip you of that title and fine you both until you think a soup kitchen is a five star restaurant! You want to get that mask off him, you do it on the up and up. Next month, Morgan you get a match with Senior Blanco here. You win, he unmasks and if it's Frankie Dee he will be banned from CWB for life...but, if he wins, the next month we get Blanco vs. Rhino for the CWB Title! To make sure there are no shenanigans before that, Blanco, you're done tonight so we'll need you escorted from the building. Rhino and Morgan, get the hell out of here and get ready for your match!"[/COLOR] [B]E Valiant d. Xavier Reckless[/B] Not a bad showing from young Mr. Reckless, who is obviously the most talented of the XDW crew. Valiant looked good and was really over after having played the Bike so many times as RIPW Champion. Great match and nice strong win. [B]D-[/B] Casey Valentine: [COLOR="Blue"]"It seems like ever since day one in Championship Wrestling from Boston, Cam and I have been tied to the Gauge Bros. Except, where we win and work hard they complain and bitch and moan about how they're treated. Now the hunters become the hunted, though, and you two have the gold. We're coming for it and we'll settle this second generation battle once and for all"[/COLOR] [B]D- [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] The Millenials and The Gauge Bros. fight to a 20 minute time limit draw; The Gauge Bros. retain the CWB Tag Team Titles[/B] Now this is tag team wrestling. Nothing out of the ordinary on the chemistry of these four but they do all work together really well. This has the makings of a Boston classic feud. Good action and the crowd is really behind Vessey and Valentine (and REALLY hate the Gauges...especially Matt). It looked like the babyfaces had it won with a stuff piledriver but the time limit sounded and the Gauges escape with the gold. [B]D+ [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBChampionship.jpg[/IMG] Rhino Umaga d. Masked Cougar after referee Chad Brent stopped the match; Rhino Umaga retains the CWB Title[/B] A notch lower than their last encounter but the crowd was really hyped up by the Angel Blanco angle and the tag match that preceded it. Cougar looked good as always and the finish saw him go for a springboard somersault bodyblock but get caught by Umaga. Rhino drives Cougar down to the mat hard in almost a "Kryptonite Krunch" style move and knocks him out cold. Rhino, still angered at being shown up earlier, pounds on Cougar and refuses to end the match. Finally Chad Brent rings the bell and gives the win to the champ. [B]D+[/B] Valiant charges out to make sure Cougar isn't beat on any longer. Rhino grabs the mic: [COLOR="Red"]"Look here Mr. Rhode Island Pro. This ain't your fight and this sure as hell ain't your promotion. You want to get involved, I'll gladly put my belt up next month against you just to finally kick your ass!"[/COLOR] Overall Show: [B]D+[/B] Notes: Our first show breaking 200 fans. Fans must have been intrigued by Frankie losing and also Valiant on the show definitely helped attendance. I was really happy with how the whole Angel Blanco angle worked out and it gave Rhino some added juice in his title match, pissing him off and making his character even more vicious. The tag titles are in good hands and a nice feud between those two teams should go a long way to raising their prestige.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_wp-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Rhino Umaga (c) vs. Valiant for the CWB Championship The Gauge Bros. (c) vs. Bob Casey & Cal Sanders Thomas Morgan vs. Angel Blanco - Title Shot vs. Mask Sudden Impact vs. The Wigan Bulldogs Romeo Romero vs. Daredevil Aero
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[B]Rhino Umaga[/B] (c) vs. Valiant for the CWB Championship [I]Can't have your top dog losing to someone from the competition.[/I] The Gauge Bros. (c) vs. [B]Bob Casey & Cal Sanders[/B] [I]... What? I believe in those guys![/I] Thomas Morgan vs. [B]Angel Blanco [/B]- Title Shot vs. Mask [I]Blanco has to get the title shot. Unless of course this angle is going in a completely original, though slightly illogical, direction.[/I] Sudden Impact vs. [B]The Wigan Bulldogs[/B] [I]I'm not sure SI have what it takes to be at the top anymore...[/I] [B]Romeo Romero[/B] vs. Daredevil Aero [I]I'm a big fan of Romeo and not so big a fan of the yardtards... so this is an easy pick to make.[/I] Now I'm not insinuating anything here or trying to make connections where there are none, but here's a picture of a masked Frankie Dee if you could in any way find it useful. I used it for his masked alter ego Sonrisa in a lucha promotion and it lasted all of two shows before he got stolen by, you guessed it, NOTBPW. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/Showtime4Lajf/FrankieDee_alt.jpg[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=Showtime4Lajf;336271] Thomas Morgan vs. [B]Angel Blanco [/B]- Title Shot vs. Mask [I]Blanco has to get the title shot. Unless of course this angle is going in a completely original, though slightly illogical, direction.[/I][/QUOTE] Well, you know how hotshotting and illogical my booking can be :D [QUOTE]Now I'm not insinuating anything here or trying to make connections where there are none, but here's a picture of a masked Frankie Dee if you could in any way find it useful. I used it for his masked alter ego Sonrisa in a lucha promotion and it lasted all of two shows before he got stolen by, you guessed it, NOTBPW. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/Showtime4Lajf/FrankieDee_alt.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] Oooo, puuuuurty. I like that. That looks a lot like Angel Blanco. Odd, that. [B]EDIT: I've updated the poster now that Angel Blanco's press people sent in his actual headshot. Thanks Show!!![/B] On a side note, I encourage you all, if you dig my writing at all, to check out the webcomic I've been doing. I post it on my website and you can sign up for the mailing list for updates (It's updated every Wed. pretty much). Click on the strip to go to the archives. [URL="http://www.johnkeating.biz"]http://www.johnkeating.biz[/URL]
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