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Championship Wrestling from Boston (C-Verse '07 Diary)

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[QUOTE=Frank_Vest;298530]It's great to see how much you are getting from the "lesser" inhabitants of the C-Verse. As someone who lived in Beantown for eight years, the locale appeals to me also.[/QUOTE] Thanks. I've always found it more fun to have to be creative and really get the most out of your roster. In my side games with companies like TCW my roster gets bloated and I have guys who are A* in overness getting lost in the shuffle. I am Boston born and bred (moved to LA about 5 years ago) so when I saw that Championship Wrestling from Boston was part of the C-Verse history it gave me that idea to run it as a guy who grew up with that promotion and wanted to bring it back to it's former glory. I thought it was an interesting starting point.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBwebsite.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]NEWS FROM AROUND THE WRESTLING WORLD[/SIZE][/FONT] [U]SAM KEITH, WORLD CHAMPION ONCE MORE[/U] Former 4 time SWF World Champion Sam Keith has added one more accolade to his already legendary resume...the GCG World Heavyweight Championship. Keith took the honors by defeating Hiroyasu Gakusha during May's Unholy Tour. Keith is also a co-holder of the GCG Tag Team Titles with Yasuhide Tayama. With the tour having completed, Keith's commitments with the company are over so it will be interesting to see if they can get him to resign and defend his titles. [U]ONE DIES AND ANOTHER RISES TO TAKE IT'S PLACE[/U] It's a sad day for Joshi fans the world wide as the highly acclaimed 5 Star Supreme Wrestling had to close it's doors this month due to bankruptcy. A lot of the women have sought refuge in the AAA and CWWF promotions but Japanese standout Sensational Ogiwara remains without work, not wanting to relocate to North America. South of the Border Pro Wrestling, however, has seen a surge in business and they are experiencing what many would call a "cult" following. Many are citing Campeon del Mundo Pablo Rodriquez and his war with El Demonio as the reason for business swelling. [U]USPW LOSES STAR[/U] USPW was dealt a big blow this week when the top star in the company Bruce the Giant decided he was done with the promotion. With the American wrestling scene in a bit of disarray he felt he could fetch a higher price from one of the bigger companies, looking to establish a strong foothold as the top company in the US.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_newsletter.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U]GENE PLUMELLI CUP IS COMING![/U][/B] With the success of last year's Gene Plumelli Cup Tournament, CWB owner Andy Hartigan has promised a bigger event this year. "I'm opening the field to eight wrestlers. I tried to get some guest appearances on the show but wasn't really able to. Although, there is one wrestler new to the roster that will be in the tournament. It should be a great show. Also on that show, Hartigan has signed the first ever meeting between Boston Champion Jesse Christian and challenger Primal Rage. "Christian has been a dominant champion and I think Rage will give him one of his most unique challenges yet. A lot of fans have been wanting to see this. You know the old saying about "watch out what you wish for..." [B][U]MORGAN VOWS REVENGE ON DEE[/U][/B] After the events of TOP OF THE HUB that saw Thomas Morgan berate his protogee Frankie Dee only to recieve a swift roundhouse to the face, Morgan has vowed revenge on the "White Angel". "I made him who he is today! I was the reason he had that title shot in the first place he couldn't get the job done. I was just about to lay him out and then he sucker punches me! Frankie Dee, that's the last time you ever put your hands or feet on Trademark. I'm bringing someone into Championship Wrestling from Boston to take care of you. In fact, I know that you and he will be facing off in the first round of the tournament. Good luck, you're going to need it!" [B]OOC:[/B] I've decided to seperate the more "behind the scenes" stories and the more storyline oriented kayfabe stories. So the website will be for more business oriented stuff while the newsletter will help forward storylines and such. Let me know what you think.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_GPC-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Plumelli Cup Tournament: Des Davids vs. DDD Rhino Umaga vs. Frankie Dee Romeo Romero vs. Tempest Appleby Thomas Morgan vs. Bob Casey Boston Championship: Jesse Christian (c) vs. Primal Rage
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Plumelli Cup Tournament: [B]Des Davids [/B]vs. DDD [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Frankie Dee [B]Romeo Romero[/B] vs. Tempest Appleby [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] vs. Bob Casey I agree with D-Mack-Rhino wins it all Boston Championship: [B]Jesse Christian (c)[/B] vs. Primal Rage
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Plumelli Cup Tournament: [B]Des Davids[/B] vs. DDD [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Frankie Dee Romeo Romero vs. [B]Tempest Appleby[/B] [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] vs. Bob Casey [I]As seemingly everybody else, I too think that Rhino will win whole thing, though I am pulling for Frankie Dee to upset him in the first round. I just don't think that'll happen.[/I] Boston Championship: [B]Jesse Christian[/B] (c) vs. Primal Rage
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]THE GENE PLUMELLI CUP[/SIZE][/FONT] Sunday Week 3, June 2008 53 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA[/CENTER] [B]Tempest Appleby d. Romeo Romero in 7:26 to advance[/B] Pretty basic. Nothing really exciting or out of the ordinary. Tempest got to show a little more offense than usual and takes the win with a top rope hurracanrana. [B]E Thomas Morgan d. "Bullet" Bob Casey in 12:58 to advance[/B] Very good match as these two have great chemistry together. Casey is a good wrestler and I think his lack of charisma is kind of working as a selling point for him. Morgan worked hard here and is a true star in this promotion. [B]D[/B] Des Davids comes to the ring: [COLOR="Blue"]"Diamond, tonight I've got you one more time. I know this is about the Plumelli Cup and I want nothing more than to be back in the title picture but all I see when I think of you is blood. I want to hurt you Diamond, like you hurt me. Everything else is secondary!"[/COLOR] [B]E Dazzlin' Dave Diamond d. Des Davids by disqualification (that's a lot of D's!) in 13:38 to advance[/B] Just an unhinged brawl as we're seeing an even darker side of Davids than in his feud with Primal Rage. Diamond seems to bring out the worst in him and Davids' frustrations with not being where he wants to be in the company are starting to show. He tried to bash DDD's ankle in with a steel chair and when Chad Brent stopped him, he pie faced the referee to the mat, earning a DQ. [B]E+[/B] Thomas Morgan leads Rhino Umaga to the ring: [COLOR="Red"]"I warned you Frankie Dee...I told you that I would be bringing someone in to help me take care of you. The Samoan Monster Rhino Umaga!! The most feared wrestler in this company's short history. When you jumped me from behind Dee you signed your own death warrant. You won't have to worry about getting your filthy hands on me again...you just need to worry about survival"[/COLOR] [B]E+ Rhino Umaga and Frankie Dee went to a 15 minute time limit draw. Both wrestlers are eliminated from the tournament[/B] Match of the night without a doubt and it gives me great hopes for a Morgan/Rhino vs. Dee feud. This was just a skootch under the awesome Rhino-Christian title match a few months ago, but still a fantastic fight. They exchanged some real stiff kicks and chops and everything felt real. The fans cheered on Dee as he held his own, despite taking a beating, and wouldn't lay down. The bell rang signaling the time limit and the crowd jumped to it's feet in applause. [B]C-[/B] As a result of this match, Dave Diamond gets a BYE into the finals. [B]Tempest Appleby d. Thomas Morgan in 13:40 to advance to the finals[/B] A big upset here as the cult hit, Appleby continues to impress. Morgan actually wanted to give Tempest the win here to help him get over a bit and give an unpredictable atmosphere to the tournament. Morgan wasn't hurt at all by the loss but Tempest benefitted. He wins the match with a victory roll. [B]D-[/B] Dazzlin' Dave Diamond comes to the ring immediately: [COLOR="Red"]"Appleby do you think you stand a chance against me? I'm Dave Diamond son!! I'm all rested up and look at you...you've just been through a war. I'm gonna kick your ass son!"[/COLOR] [B]E+[/B] Tempest signals for the bell...he wants the match right now... [B]Dazzlin' Dave Diamond d. Tempest Appleby in 11:58 to win the Gene Plumelli Cup[/B] DDD's plan to goad Appleby paid off as the proud wrestler wanted the finals to take place right at that moment. Appleby fought the good fight but the wear and tear of two tournament matches caught up with him and he fell victim to the Diamond Driver. Not a great finals match but it told a very good story, getting Tempest over as plucky underdog and DDD as a total ass. [B]E+[/B] Jesse Christian comes to the ring: [COLOR="Blue"]"Dave Diamond, congratulations on your win. Make sure you bring all you got if you plan on challenging me for this title. Primal Rage, you get your shot tonight and I've seen the bloody path of destruction you've caused here in Boston. It ends tonight. Right now"[/COLOR] [B]D Jesse Christian d. Primal Rage in 17:45 to retain the Boston Title[/B] A very good brawl to end the night with. This one was in close contention with Dee-Rhino as match of the night. Both guys gave all they had and beat the crap out of each other. It's a shame that Rage still isn't really getting over in Boston as I enjoy working with him. He might need some time off and come back in a bit. [B]D[/B] Overall Show: [B]D[/B] Notes: A great show for what I have to work with. Rhino-Dee should be the feud of the year and fans seem to be excited about another series of Christian-Rhino matches (I heard a lot were hoping Rhino would win the tournament). Morgan and Christian continue to be anchors of the promotion and show the ability to carry almost anyone to a very good match. I was nervous about the finances of our biggest show yet but we actually made $111 on the show...bolstered by an insane $1,000 in merchandise sales! Some new signings coming up, including a new tag team that I'm very excited about.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBwebsite.jpg[/IMG] [U]CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING FROM BOSTON SIGNS WORKING AGREEMENTS[/U] In an effort to continue bringing fresh talent into Boston as well as helping to grow the awareness of his contracted wrestlers, CWB Owner Andy Haritgan has signed working agreements with the following companies: Canadian Charisma Championship Combat Total Championship Wrestling Danger and Violence Extreme United States Pro Wrestling Mid Atlantic Wrestling X-Wrestling America "It's a wide variety of different styles and promotions and everyone has been really helpful. I guess I'm not the only one who wanted to see a promotion in Boston succeed." When asked about his "distinguished competition" in the form of Rhode Island Pro Wrestling and the Supreme Wrestling Federation who also promote in New England, Hartigan said "Nero and I have an understanding and we stay away from each other's wrestlers. It would be silly if we just had duplicate rosters anways. As for the SWF...they've agreed to let us be...who knows if they'll keep that agreement as we grow but for now we're way too small for them to even care about. They've got their own problems."[/CENTER]
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Quite a surprising winner of the Cup, but as a big fan of Tempest I'm happy about him going so far. Pretty cool to have every fan in attendance spend almost $20 on average on merchandise. But then again with such a low ticket price, I guess everybody has some extra cash to spend on Bullet Bob t-shirts.
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Being likely the sole Dazzling Dave Diamond fan not even I would have given him the nod of the Pumelli Cup. That was a rare show for a number of things; the main event was hardly the main event. But that's ok to give the fans some star power and send 'em home happy. DDD's improbable win but also setting up at least two or three storylines from the cup itself. Which is no mean feat. I like the old school mentality of spelling guys out of the roster to let the fans almost forget about them and then bring them back to a fresh pop and newfound heat. Tempest with a possible push is always good. Dave now easily has a year's worth of Pumelli Cup Promos. Davids is allowed to smash ankles... but pie-facing a ref means you're DQed... that really needs to be followed up on. I'd have Dave do it... haranguing the ref. Umaga seems fresh and monsterish once more. I have this vision of slipshirt buying up discontinued SWF and TCW shirts on the cheap and then trying to modify them to suit his needs. Such as... TCW Malice in Wonderland becomes... ((T))CWB Malice in Beanland or something. :D
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[QUOTE=Beeker;300042]Davids is allowed to smash ankles... but pie-facing a ref means you're DQed... that really needs to be followed up on. I'd have Dave do it... haranguing the ref.[/QUOTE] He [I]attempted[/I] to. The ref stopped him and then Davids put his hands on the ref, pie facing him to the mat. That was when enough was enough :) Thanks for all the feedback guys (The (T)CW shirts are pretty damn funny)! I was worried there'd be a lot of disappointed readers after reading the predictions :)
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[QUOTE=shipshirt;300100]He [I]attempted[/I] to. The ref stopped him and then Davids put his hands on the ref, pie facing him to the mat. That was when enough was enough :) Thanks for all the feedback guys (The (T)CW shirts are pretty damn funny)! I was worried there'd be a lot of disappointed readers after reading the predictions :)[/QUOTE] Ah, I misread that. It's funnier if the ref blindly ignored the ankle bashing because it was Diamond and then got offended at the pie-face and hence the DQ. And I'm flattered that the professional comedian found my (T)CW...B shirt funny. (Which was me typing on the fly after you said you made a surprise grand on merchandise that that's what clicked. So yes peoples, I know it's called Beantown and not Beanland... but that was intentional!) Ok, back to making more characters for Sebsplex's Verse.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBwebsite.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]NEWS FROM AROUND THE WRESTLING WORLD[/SIZE][/FONT] [U]TIJUANA VAMPIRE SERIOUSLY INJURED[/U] SOTBPW star lucadore Tijuana Vampire severely injured his spine during a defense of the Campeones de Trios titles at a July edition of SOTBPW Lucha Libre. Vampire was one of the top heels in the promotion but will have to miss at least a year of action if not longer due to the severity of the injury. Hopefully, it will not impact him longterm as far as his overall health is concerned. A return to the ring has not been seriously discussed yet. [U]RICH MONEY NEW SWF WORLD CHAMPION[/U] Rich Money defeated Steve Frehley to win his first World Title on an edition of SWF Wrestling Idols. Money is a guy many industry insiders have pegged as the future of professional wrestling in the US. He's built, can talk and can work in the ring. A lengthy reign with Money as the centerpiece of the promotion might be just what SWF needs to reclaim their position as the top promotion in the world.[/CENTER]
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Didn't have time to make a poster.... [SIZE="6"] [CENTER] [B]CWB BIRTH OF A NATION[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] Jesse Christian (c) vs. Dazzlin' Dave Diamond Rhino Umaga vs. Tempest Appleby Boston Tag Title Tourney: The Tenessee Outlaws vs. "Bullet" Bob Casey/Cal Sanders (No Charisma Needed!) Xavier Reckless vs. "Trademark" Thomas Morgan Des Davids vs. "The Maine-iac" Crash Lewis
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[B]Jesse Christian [/B](c) vs. Dazzlin' Dave Diamond [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Tempest Appleby Boston Tag Title Tourney: [B]The Tenessee Outlaws[/B] vs. "Bullet" Bob Casey/Cal Sanders (No Charisma Needed!) Xavier Reckless vs. "[B]Trademark" Thomas Morgan[/B] [B]Des Davids[/B] vs. "The Maine-iac" Crash Lewis
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[B]Jesse Christian (c) [/B]vs. Dazzlin' Dave Diamond [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Tempest Appleby Boston Tag Title Tourney: [B]The Tenessee Outlaws[/B] vs. "Bullet" Bob Casey/Cal Sanders (No Charisma Needed!) Xavier Reckless vs. [B]"Trademark" Thomas Morgan[/B] [B]Des Davids[/B] vs. "The Maine-iac" Crash Lewis
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[B]Jesse Christian[/B] (c) vs. Dazzlin' Dave Diamond-[I]When I hear the name of DDD I shutter and say eww...[/I] [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Tempest Appleby-[I]I think Tempest has another standout match like at the Cup but again comes short.[/I] Boston Tag Title Tourney: [B]The Tenessee Outlaws [/B]vs. "Bullet" Bob Casey/Cal Sanders (No Charisma Needed!)-[I]Quote Me, I call the Outlaws to win it.[/I] Xavier Reckless vs. "Trademark" [B]Thomas Morgan[/B]-[I]Only way he isn't winning is interfearence by Dee, but he is face so I thing it looks good for Morgan.[/I] [B]Des Davids[/B] vs. "The Maine-iac" Crash Lewis-[I]Why would you bury Des?[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]BIRTH OF A NATION[/SIZE][/FONT] Sunday Week 2 July 2008 57 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA[/CENTER] [B]Thomas Morgan d. Xavier Reckless in 7:45[/B] Morgan, once again, carries a green opponent to a very good match and gains some momentum. Reckless has potential as a good looking, babyface brawler but needs a lot of work in the ring. He's a long term project. [B]D- Des Davids d. Crash Lewis in 6:00[/B] Davids has been showing much more killer instinct since coming back from his ankle injury. Lewis never stood a chance and caught an ass whoopin'. [B]E[/B] Des calls for the mic: [COLOR="Blue"]"Diamond, you think you're something special winning the Plumelli Cup. You're a fluke and I don't care if Christian beats you or not. I'm getting a piece of you. I'm tired of not being where I'm supposed to be and people like you holding me down. I'm tired of it!"[/COLOR] [B]E[/B] Davids leaves the ring and once the coast is clear, Diamond brings out his team of The Tennessee Outlaws: [COLOR="Red"]"It's a good thing Davids isn;t out here right now or I'd have to break his other ankle. Referee Chad Brent, you made the right decision by DQ-ing him in that match. That man is a menace and shouldn't be allowed to prosper. Next time make that call a little quicker though, idiot!" "Jesse Christian, you better shine that belt up nice and purty 'cause I'm taking it with me. That and the Outlaws are on their way to winning the Boston Tag Team Titles...we're gonna have all the gold, baby!"[/COLOR] [B]E Boston Tag Title Tournament: The Tennessee Outlaws d. Bob Casey/Cal Sanders in 10:45 to advance to the finals[/B] Not a bad little tag match. Casey and Sanders make a good technical team but were just overpowered by the Outlaws brute tactics. DDD spent the entire match looking over his shoulder in case Davids ran in. The Outlaws win with a Hangman's Noose (Robbins holds up opponent and Jack hits a neckbreaker). [B]E+[/B] Rhino Umaga comes to the ring accompanied by Thomas Morgan: [COLOR="Red"]"White Angel, I warned you about messing with me. I told you that I was bringing someone in to handle you and Rhino is it. You held your own in that tournament last month but that was because he was only toying with you. Cat and mouse. You made your showing, now pack your things and go home before you really get hurt. " "Appleby, tonight you're going to see what happens when someone thinks they got the better of me like you did when you cheated to beat me in that tournament!!!"[/COLOR] [B]E Rhino Umaga d. Tempest Appleby in 10:23[/B] Very good match with Appleby playing rag doll to Umaga. Tempest did get in some good offense and rallied but Umaga cut him off and wins it with the Rhino Charge. [B]D Jesse Christian d. Dazzlin' Dave Diamond in 14:03 to retain the Boston Championship[/B] Christian really carried DDD to a good main event match here. He started off on offense but then Diamond cheated to gain advantage and got some nice heat on the champ. Diamond's ****iness got in his own way though as Christian took advantage with a powerslam for the win. [B]D-[/B] No sooner does the bell ring then Des Davids charges from the back and hits the ring. He tears into Diamond which brings out the Outlaws. Jesse Christian pulls Davids out of the ring to save him from a beating. Davids didn't look too happy about that and just walked off. [B]F+[/B] Overall Show: [B]D-[/B] Notes: Good show but we lost about $100. That's completely acceptable though in an effort to get more matches in and develop guys more. We just made an exciting new signing that I'll speak about more within the next few months.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_newsletter.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B] Christian makes open challenge[/B] In an effort to create exposure and prestige for the CWB Boston Championship, champion Jesse Christian has initiated an "open challenge series". "I think that Championship Wrestling from Boston has some of the best talent in the world and this title means something. So much so that I'm willing to face anyone and defend the title against them. You call up the CWB offices and make your case to Hartigan and I'll be there to defend the title." From all reports, the CWB offices were flooded with calls from independent wrestlers around the country looking to make a name for themselves. Once the dust settled, it was determined that one man would get the title shot at August's OVERKILL: Insane Machine. Christian is familiar with Insane Machine from working in Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling and the two have even teamed on occasion. They have yet to face off one on one in the ring and at OVERKILL, they will do just that. One match. One shot at the CWB Boston Championship. Jesse Christian defends against Insane Machine with it all on the line. Get your tickets now!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_Overkill.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Jesse Christian (c) vs. Insane Machine Des Davids vs. Dazzlin' Dave Diamond Boston Tag Title Tournament: Sudden Impact (formerly Maryland Alliance) vs. Mark Smart/Romeo Romero Casey Valentine vs. Crash Lewis
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