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Cena out 6-8 months, surrenders title


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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;296797]Or it may further convince them internet fans don't have a clue in the world. It's incredbily disappointing to see message board fans actually celebrate a guy getting a severe injury. John Cena may not be your favorite character, but he busts his ass, he's been the only solid draw in the US for the past couple of years, he is by all accounts a real class act, and he spent the last year carrying guys like Umaga and Khali to respectable outings while having MOTY candidates with HBK...he is just about everything you could ask for from a main eventer. But God forbid anyone give any credit to a guy with a limited moveset who plays a traditional good guy! BECEAUSE THAT NEVER WORKS IN PRO WRESTLING!!! I'm sure the E can just sigg up the indy spotmonkey of the moment and they would be JUST as successful. Internet wrestling fans are idiots.[/QUOTE] QFT Take the trees down and the stockings off the mantlepiece folks, it aint Christmas even if it feels like it in your petty worlds. I can see H Cubed getting the belt so they can go with "Vince and his minions (Orton, Umaga, Carlito, Kennedy, Regal) trying to get the belt off of anti-authority face" version 23543.5
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So who exactly is going to fight at no mercy for the title? This is what they have posted: [QUOTE]WWE Championship Match Punjabi Prison Match for the World Heavyweight Championship Triple H vs. Umaga ECW Champion CM Punk vs. Big Daddy V Finlay vs. Rey Mysterio Candice vs. Beth Phoenix (Women's Championship Match)[/QUOTE] As in, HHH and Umaga still on? The championship match doesn't have any names on it yet. You think it might end up Kennedy vs. Orton?
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;297007]The championship match doesn't have any names on it yet. You think it might end up Kennedy vs. Orton?[/QUOTE] The double headliner of Kennedy vs Orton and Khali vs Batista? I pity anyone who thinks this is a good thing for WWE. John Cena has been the one and only consistent factor with all their injuries / retirements / deaths over the last few years. He may not be that exciting in the ring, he had to carry RAW when Edge went over to Smackdown and HBK and Triple H got injured. Anyway, I'd go for Kennedy vs Orton vs Triple H vs McMahon for the title. Triple H dominates (even though it's his second match of the night) but gets screwed over at the end. Hey, maybe they even take the risk and have McMahon help Kennedy win it - the suspension was all a fake so people didn't think they could work together! Who knows.
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[QUOTE=eayragt;297019]The double headliner of Kennedy vs Orton and Khali vs Batista? I pity anyone who thinks this is a good thing for WWE. John Cena has been the one and only consistent factor with all their injuries / retirements / deaths over the last few years. He may not be that exciting in the ring, he had to carry RAW when Edge went over to Smackdown and HBK and Triple H got injured. Anyway, I'd go for Kennedy vs Orton vs Triple H vs McMahon for the title. Triple H dominates (even though it's his second match of the night) but gets screwed over at the end. Hey, maybe they even take the risk and have McMahon help Kennedy win it - the suspension was all a fake so people didn't think they could work together! Who knows.[/QUOTE] I'm just saying, they have Umaga vs. HHH still on the current card. I was just trying to make a guess at who might be in that championship match..... NOW. I figure what they will do is some sort of battle royale for it. I don't see them trying to build any heat for a 1 vs. 1 match at this point. Maybe have it at the end or something, this way all the previous guys that were in match's could potentially be in the match. It wouldn't be nothing to include allot of other's as well, like Macaroni dude, some of the tag division, etc. I would go nuts if Jeff Hardy ended up with it, lol.
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Yeah, I would mark out if Jeff won it. Sucks that Cena got hurt. The next champion would be much better off if he could actually beat him for the belt. If I was booking it, I would do some kind of 6-way match (good point earlier about the elimination chamber... not that, maybe HIAC or Ladder). Kennedy vs Orton vs Triple H vs Carlito vs Umaga vs Jeff... Unless they bring in Edge or Jericho in the fray. A standard singles match is nothing to get me excited. A six-way will get me interested. Including Jeff or a 'mystery entrant' will make me buy the PPV.
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[QUOTE=ColtCabana;297058]Alot of guys have gone down holding a World Title in the past few months, it seems to be a curse. I will say that whoever wins the title won't look as strong as they would have by finally beating Cena.[/QUOTE] I am not for sure bout that, they can easily write that Ortons attack was so brutal that Cena is now out. Make Orton really look like a legend Killer... I hate that Cena was injured and out. However I am glad we will have a new champion who ever it may be. Actually when they was first pushing Umanga so strongly that woulda been a good time to had Cena lost belt even just for a month. I guess that is what turned me on Cena is that both Umanga & Kalis push they run down every star, Orton, Edge, Trips, Michels, and Cena too till it is Title time. I have seen many people saying Orton vs Kennedy, I'd hate to see this match unless one was a face which they are not. So here are some of the match ups I'd like to see. 1. Legend Killer Orton -VS- Legend Flair Flair win it buy Dusty or any other old Legend costing Orton the match 2. Orton - HHH - Kamala ( My bet is they do this one ) 3. My Dream Match 4 way dance, Winners of following Matches qualify Orton - Kennedy, Trips - Umanga, Finly - Myserio, CM Punk - Daddy V Final Match up Orton, Umanga, Mystero, CM Punk ... Winner Mysterio OK so I am really reaching
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It kinda blows, and just look at the last two years for WWE: WWE Hwt: Cena injured ECW World: RVD busted, Big Show injured, Benoit, Morrison busted World: Eddie, Batista injured, Angle injured/busted, Taker injured, Edge injured Seems like a top belt in WWE right now is a curse - get a sniff of one, and you're going to be benched before long. Too bad for Cena, as I've enjoyed his act more and more of late. Honestly, I thought the Cabana he did with Carlito and Kennedy was brilliant. The obvious choice for new champion is HHH, as he's back, still over, and the biggest face on the roster. Orton would make sense too - but how big a (storyline) strop would he pitch if he missed out on the title just when it seems ready to be handed to him? If you-know-who does return, I can't see him being given the title just yet. Ideally, it'd be him vs. Kennedy at WM for the belt, just for the promos - not that Kennedy is ready for the title yet. Of course, it could be Mark Henry, for the exact same reasons they put the belt on Khali, but surely after being made to look like Taker's b**ch last week on SD!, it's got to be out of the question. As WWE has a bit of a free throw right now, I'd love to see them do something completely left field and give it to someone unexpected. Kendrick, Venis - and I pushed for that in a semi-joking way on EWB last night, strangely - or even Shelton Benjamin. Make a new star by having them rise to the occasion, and if they fold under the pressure, well, put it on HHH.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;297073]For Cena this is good news i would say. It seemed like he was going to loose the title anyway, this is the nicway of doing that.[/QUOTE] Honestly didn't see that happenning... Could have said that when HHH feuded, when HBK feuded, etc. I didn't see him losing, untill he broke a bigger record.
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If I were a betting man (thankfully I'm not) I'd be putting my money on one of three people just now. 1. Randy Orton 2. Vince McMahon 3. Ric Flair I suspect there will be some kind of battle royale/ladder match for the belt despite the obvious risks a ladder match has for anyone involved in it at this short notice. Orton picking up the belt, especially with the recent storyline, makes a lot of sense but for a legend killer to pick it up like this, I think it'd be a mild disappointment. Flair... while he's had contract issues and is part of the Smackdown brand, would make an excellent final champ and a legend for Randy to go over in the near future to make his claim for the belt too. And Vince... I hate so say it but for some reason I'm putting him top of my list for a transitional reign. While I suspect HHH/Umaga would have to be evolved so that HHH could get back in the title scene (and win it) for this to happen, I could deal with it. It's a less than ideal situation as Cena really is irreplacable for the company but I know I'm pulling for a surprise Ric Flair title win, a few wins over guys like Carlito and Shelton before dropping the belt to Orton in the near future. Derek B
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[QUOTE=A_Wrestling_GOD;297123]i would just like to say that the wrestling gods have sent us a shining light and i am finally up for watching a wwe ppv, no offece to cena i like him i just dont believe one guy can win over and over again like he does[/QUOTE] Absolutely....because this NEVER works in pro wrestling...:rolleyes:
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Any chance Jerico wins the title on his return? Or has the rumor been squashed that he is returning? This is really too bad for everyone as Cena was in line for a huge Wrestlemania match after holding the title for such a long time. I really dont like any of the people being discussed. I wouldnt mind Undertaker getting this championship but RAW doesnt have anyone that deserves it at this point. Trips is Main Eventing WM this year so I doubt he will get the title until that event.
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[QUOTE=ShadowedFlames;297225][B][I][U][COLOR="Green"]WARNING: SMART-*** COMMENT APPROACHING...[/COLOR][/U][/I][/B] Stupid idea, which means it's right up the E's alley... Put the belt on Ron Simmons! ...............................DAMN! [/smart-*** comment][/QUOTE] Silly as that sounds, I think there is a match awaiting Mr. Simmons. That storyline between him and Macoroni looks like it's going to build up to something, and.... Silly as that sounds I think I like it.
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I concur with that statement. I'm still trying to figure out if all of the cheering for his usual one word is live or spliced-in cheering...although I lean towards the former. (I mean...come on, there's a T-shirt for it, for the love of crumbcake!) Maybe Super Mario...erm, Luigi maybe?...will finally get stomped like the Goomba he is. Either that, or Maria shocks everyone by showing she's not a dumb as she makes herself to be and double-crosses Ron.
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Here's some interesting stuff they have up now. /snip[QUOTE]The Legend Killer was scheduled to battle Cena for the title in a Last Man Standing Match and has been making his case for months. While WWE officials may not simply hand over the gold to Orton, the third-generation Superstar could be the odds-on favorite going into the WWE Championship Match this Sunday.[/QUOTE] /snip[QUOTE]Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy cannot be ruled out. He’s been flying high lately and proving his mettle by dropping a flurry of Swanton Bombs all over the Raw roster.[/QUOTE] /snip [QUOTE]And despite the fact that Umaga and Triple H will be battling one another in a separate match at No Mercy, these two powerhouses would undoubtedly be a threat to secure the title.[/QUOTE] /snip [QUOTE]Mr. McMahon may see fit to open the title match to other WWE brands. Could the Chairman give the current World Heavyweight Champion Batista and his No Mercy opponent, The Great Khali, dual title opportunities? The same holds true for current ECW Champion CM Punk and his colossal challenger at No Mercy, Big Daddy V.[/QUOTE] Most interestingly, kind of leaves both high rumor's up for grabs. /snip [QUOTE]The opportunity to lay claim to the WWE Championship could even draw out Superstars not currently active on the WWE roster. Could we see the return of Superstars who have been sidelined with injury or familiar faces who haven’t been seen in WWE for quite some time?[/QUOTE] Continued with [QUOTE]And no speculation over the future WWE Champion would be complete without whisperings of a dark horse, a long shot so unexpected that their mere presence would send the crowd and any opponent back on their heels. [/QUOTE] And what other's have speculated here. [QUOTE]Perhaps vanity and opportunity may lure Mr. McMahon himself into competition. [/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=GDE71;297238]If Vince gets the title, I will not watch ANY WWE product for the rest of 2007.[/QUOTE] The thing is, if they keep it on raw, he is one of the one's people had said would probably work. Myself, I really wouldn't like it much. They have a pic of Austin by the article... I think that's what the Darkhorse thing is refering to, but who knows. IF they have him in it, he will not win, of course (or I wouldn't think so). If he did, unless he's willing to work again, I don't see it staying on him very long, will just be a cheap ploy to get viewers I think. The biggest one is the surprise that might show up... Either someone from Injury (HBK) or has not been seen in some time (Jericho). I don't think HBK is coming back to be honest, but I am hoping for both.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;297239]he is one of the one's people had said would probably work.[/QUOTE] Erm... not really. By process of elimination he's one of a handful who is left; [LIST] [*]Have to be at the top of the card [*]Good crowd reaction (this is Raw after all. A non-over Smackdown champion would be fine) [*]Not recently suspended for drug usage [*]Not tried to quit the company recently [*]Preferably on Raw as the other brands are already thin [/LIST] This is why a McMahon - Triple H feud works for the E. Both are over, they are entertaining, and neither are ever going to try and leave or get caught for drug usage.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;297268]Erm... not really. By process of elimination he's one of a handful who is left; [LIST] [*]Have to be at the top of the card [*]Good crowd reaction (this is Raw after all. A non-over Smackdown champion would be fine) [*]Not recently suspended for drug usage [*]Not tried to quit the company recently [*]Preferably on Raw as the other brands are already thin [/LIST] This is why a McMahon - Triple H feud works for the E. Both are over, they are entertaining, and neither are ever going to try and leave or get caught for drug usage.[/QUOTE] Exactly where do you dissagree? All I said was, other's said that he could work... You bassically just said that. I did NOT say that other's WANTED it to happen. Pluss, my full statement started with [QUOTE]The thing is, [B][U]if they keep it on raw[/U][/B], he is one of the one's people had said would probably work.[/QUOTE] So your statement about anyone off of the Smackdown roster would be fine is irrelevant, is it not? Did you just put me in my place? Ermm... Not really. What's Up? I even commented how that was NOT one of my thoughts, and I made it clear that I don't like that idea.
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