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Want to be in my diary?

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Don't want to give too much away, but I am looking for people to be in a diary. I don't need any real info, just a good quality, decent sized picture from the waist upwards (oreferably in a wrestling-like pose/outfit) and your real name, plus creative license to use your character how i see fit. I only need a few so i will probably choose based on picture quality and wether or not i like you!
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It will likely be based around a small indy fed in the real world. I wanted to play in the real world and still have the freedom to create my own gimmicks etc. So this fed will be made up entirely of fictional wrestlers (and there stats will reflect this with poor skills etc)
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Why not let's give it a go: Real Name: Simon Peter Munoz (although everyone calls me by my middle name not my first) [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/NewYear.jpg[/IMG] Do with me what you will, although the picutre doesn't really give you proportions so I'm 5' 11" 192lbs. I have no wrestling skills but I've been training in martial arts since I was 8 (so 22 years now) various to start but Hung Ga Kung Fu for the last 12 years.
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cheers fella, thats awesome. I have an idea brewing as I type! You will have to read the diary to find out what I go with though (see thats how I hook you in!) BTW, never really noticed it before, but in that picture, in the face, you look a little bit like that dude from the 40 year old virgin and knocked up.
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[QUOTE=panix04;329808]BTW, never really noticed it before, but in that picture, in the face, you look a little bit like that dude from the 40 year old virgin and knocked up.[/QUOTE] He looks like The Dude from The Big Lebowski... not sure what dude you're talking about from 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up but I'm assuming Seth Rogen?
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;329818][URL=http://img518.imageshack.us/my.php?image=n5109380342429646344rp5.jpg][IMG]http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/4707/n5109380342429646344rp5.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I'm the guy in the middle. Tom Lynch, a Brit, 6'4" and a former radio DJ.[/QUOTE] you really do have a wrestler look, but do you have a clearer piccy? The glare will make it look a bit naff when I cut it.
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Happy to help, here's me in a suit... [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/aosist/cutgraduation.JPG[/IMG] and here's me in a... well, it's not a wrestling costume, but I was doing a short film and I like the pic. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/aosist/forest.JPG[/IMG] That second one is like... 4 years old now... Wow. My name is Ian Williams and I can't fight, like, at all. 5'9. 160lbs... Do what you want to me :)
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I enlarged it and cut it onto the bg i'm using and it looked OK. So I will use you. However, with the polo neck and baseball cap, the picture just screams referee! Would you mind playing the role of head referee. Its actually a position I havn't filled yet! If you'd much prefer to be a wrestling character its cool though, I'm sure I can come up with a gimmick for ya! :)
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[QUOTE=panix04;329858]I enlarged it and cut it onto the bg i'm using and it looked OK. So I will use you. However, with the polo neck and baseball cap, the picture just screams referee! Would you mind playing the role of head referee. Its actually a position I havn't filled yet! If you'd much prefer to be a wrestling character its cool though, I'm sure I can come up with a gimmick for ya! :)[/QUOTE] I'd rather kick some a**! 6-2 225. But as long as it does not invlove your appreciation ;) for man love; I'll wrestle or ref. And I'll look for a better picture.
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[QUOTE=ColtCabana;329805]Lol, you look just like "The Missile"[/QUOTE] It should the render was made by some one (I think J Silver) from that particular picture. And since "The Missile" is basically just me as a wrestling character I used the render closer to my picture. I'm sure you have tons of Ideas Panix but if you are blanking on something for me you can check out some of my character's promos on the TCW E-Fed, there should be a link in the dog pound. Also if you want other gimmicks for me I think I have a pimp outfit picture, a cyberpunk Jesus picture and maybe my Devil picture from this past halloween. [QUOTE=Ezuma;329812]He looks like The Dude from The Big Lebowski... not sure what dude you're talking about from 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up but I'm assuming Seth Rogen?[/QUOTE] I get "The Dude" from big Lebowski a lot and when it's not colored I get Jesus a lot as well.
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[QUOTE=panix04;329895]I actually had in mind a pias religious character, maybe a cult leader called Simon Peter (St Peters real name i believe!)[/QUOTE] Yup there were two disciples of Jesus named Simon and I guess good old JC didn't want two Simons so one of them happened to have Peter as a middle name and he told him "You will be be Simon known as Peter". And since Simon then known as Peter started the church he is known as the rock of the church and thus both the name Simon and Peter mean The Rock. So my name basically mean The Rock, The Rock Munoz. Anyway cult leaders are cool I like that idea.
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Dont know if you are still taking people but if you are I'm interested in being in it [B][U]PIC[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b29/EkimNosneb/MichaelBenson-1.jpg[/IMG] Name:Michael Benson Height:6'1" Weigth:250 lbs Dont know if what you needed so I just gave basic info but if you need more let me know.
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