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Destined to Fail?

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/poster.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Like everybody, in every walk of life I have my vice’s some people collect salt and pepper shaker’s, others are addicted to soap opera’s. You could say I fall into the latter category, well sort of anyway. Oh heck, I guess I best just get it off my chest. I’m a wrestling fan! There I said it. I have been since before I can remember. I recall vividly growing up watching guys like Hulk Hogan and The ultimate warrior. I would sit at home absorbing videos of these guys fight and find myself totally rapped up in the contests. Nothing pleased me more then seeing a good guy fend off a bad guy and save the day. Just writing this now take’s me back to those days, it was a simpler time back then. You could tell the bad guys from the good guys, the bad guys were mean and yelled obscenities at you, the good guys ate vitamins and said there prayers. But then something came along that complicated it. I found out that it wasn’t real. Now there will be those amongst you who find this funny, but me discovering wrestling wasn’t real was crushing to me! It was like a kid being told Santa Claus didn’t exist. For a long time I quit watching, I just couldn’t stomach sitting through the false emotion and over the top spectacle any longer. I maintained that stance for several years and slowly lost my passion for the one ring circus. The dreams of Sgt Slaughter and Roddy Piper slowly became nothing more then bygones. Approaching the end of my teens and the end of the twentieth century I happened to be staying the night at my dad’s house. I was sitting in front of the PC glued to a game of championship manager. My dad was channel hopping looking for a good night’s entertainment and happened to stop on ‘Sky sports one’ and what should be on, you guessed it, wrestling! At first I took little notice. Occasionally I’d cast a glance across if Jim Ross’s commentary made something sound exciting, but these moments were rare. But as the week’s progressed I found the glances becoming more frequent and before I knew it I was hooked. Not hooked on wrestling per say, but hooked on one particular wrestler, Mick Foley. Every time he stepped into the ring I knew I was going to see a good match. I began to research the guy and found out all I could about this unlikely superstar. The stories of his struggle to make it into the business were an inspiration to me. He made me fall in love with wrestling again. I knew that it wasn’t real, I knew that the outcomes were often pre-determined, but watching Foley wrestle, I realised that whilst the actual fighting was fake, the emotion was real. Once again the pantomime that is pro-wrestling had me under its thrall. Let’s take a big leap to the modern day. It’s nearing the end of 2007 and wrestling is in a shambles. WCW was put out of business by the WWF and since that the WWF’s standards have dropped dramatically. The competition that had kept the WWF fresh had fallen by the wayside and because of it the WWF has become stale and dull. Me and my best friends still love wrestling but we have become disillusioned as the “sport” We all once loved becomes embroiled more in controversy as wrestling stars we grew up idolising have, and continue to, pass away due to drug and alcohol abuse. I have recently got a feeling in the pit of my stomach, the same feeling I got way back in my childhood. The feeling that I am ready to give up on wrestling. I needed something to renew my faith in wrestling and on a drunken night last week that something arrived. Have you ever noticed how you come up with the best idea’s when your drunk? Let me take you back to last week…. [B]Mick:[/B] If your going out in the kitchen Matt, get us another beer will you? [B]Matt:[/B] What did your last slave die of? [B]Mick:[/B] Laziness, make sure you don’t follow him! [B]Lee-James:[/B] I’d be careful, if I were you mick, you don’t wanna end up on the business end of a Matt Rook hissy fit! [B]Mick:[/B] He don’t scare me, I was trained in wrestling by Hulk Hogan [B]Matt:[/B] Well I was trained in Sumo by Akebono. [B]Lee-James:[/B] Is that all you got? I was trained by Chuck Norris! [B]Mick:[/B] Pretty sure we can’t top that! Matt left to go to the kitchen and Mick and I came up with a genius plan! As soon as Matt got in the room we were going to bundle him and make him do something disgusting! Ok it wasn’t exactly a genius plan! But we were very drunk! Our plan worked a treat! No sooner had Matt re-entered the room then Mick had taken him to the ground with a thunderous spear! It was my job to do something gross to him now (no, not like that!) But for whatever reason I didn’t I made a three count. We all stopped and fell about laughing and then proceeded to spend the next couple of hours filming promos shots with my camcorder. We were by no means any good, but we enjoyed it so much. However, on any normal night it would have been chalked up to being just a bit of drunken tomfoolery, but not tonight, nope tonight Matt Rook had something to say, something that would change all of our lives! [B]Matt:[/B] So you guys wanna turn this into a show and try and do a tour round the country? [B]Mick:[/B] Don’t be daft that’s a crazy idea. No, no way, never. You can’t be bloody serious. [B]Lee-James:[/B] You never know we could make a bit of money… [B]Mick:[/B] yeah ok then lets do it! It should have remained a stupid fantasy a pipe dream uttered under the influence of alcohol that never gets fulfilled. Like when my friend Jon suggested we go shark fishing. It should never go any further then a musing. But that’s the problem with being friends with me. I don’t do things by half’s. So with great trepidation me and my two best friends set the wheels in motion for leaving our nine till five jobs and becoming giants of the wrestling world! There were just a few problems, not least of which, none of us could wrestle!!!!!!! OOC: in the spirit of doing something a bit different I have set up a facebook group for this diary. You can find this [URL="http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6777947868"]here[/URL] please feel free to join!
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So the wheels were set in motion! We were going to be wrestlers. The plan was to try and talk some of our other mates in to joining. Some of them jumped at the opportunity, others were less keen. The reason for this was we imposed a £2000 entry fee. Not everybody in there mid-twenties can get a hold of that kind of green! Although they were all assured that as long as the company stayed afloat they would be getting a wage from it. So we all pooled together and came up with a small amount of money. But it wasn’t enough, the roster looked small, we needed more funds and we needed more wrestlers, so I turned to the internet! I was a member of a wrestling-based forum, home to 1000’s of wrestling fans, all in the same boat is me. I made a post explaining my plan and low and behold people responded. We actually managed to put together a roster of 23! Far more then what was needed. The first 6 months were going to be tough but with the £50k we had in the bank now I hoped we would be able to see it through and then hopefully hire somebody who could teach us all how to wrestle! Until then it was decided that we should take an approach based more on entertainment then in-ring product. It was a big gamble! Do people in bingo halls and local theatre’s want to see people trash talking each other and fake punching? we were hoping the answer would be yes!
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[QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][COLOR="Red"]Starting Roster[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] So us rag-tag group of lads came together and decided on a role for everybody. Here is our starting roster![/CENTER]
[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]Anouncers/Comentators[/B][/SIZE] [B]"The Young Englishman" David Hallett[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/davidhallett.jpg[/IMG] BWA live anouncer. David is middle class and proud calling the live action with dignity and refinement a stark contrast to his co-comentator! [B]Emma Whatever[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/emma.jpg[/IMG] The new "mouth of the south", like Vicky Pollard but with a brain! Emma is currently in a commentary role due to her problem with fallen arches.[/CENTER]
[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]Referess[/B][/SIZE] [B]Jacob Serfling[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/jacobserfling.jpg[/IMG] Jacob couldn't afford the admission fee to the BWA but begged and pleaded to be involved. We gave him a try as a referee and he was a natural!
[SIZE="3"][B]Managers[/B][/SIZE] [B]Dawn Storm[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/dawn.jpg[/IMG] Panix's wife and loyal valet. She has supported her man through his years of trying to make it in the world of pro wrestling. Don't let her beauty fool you though, this girl can fight when called upon! [B]Big Dave[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/bigdave.jpg[/IMG] The manager of the "lads night out" Big Dave is a giant of a man towering above the general population. He is also fond of beer! [B]Justin Short[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/justinchortie.jpg[/IMG] A very clever, clever man. Mr Short acts as manager to Jay Morrison and helps his client frequently come out on top![/CENTER]
[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]Wrestlers[/B][/SIZE] [B]Panix Storm[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/panix.jpg[/IMG] A life-long wrestling fan Panix is the brainchild behind BWA. He is a kind hearted passionate guy, with a notorius short fuse. Panix is married to his valet Dawn. [B]Dave "the Snake"[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/davehogg.jpg[/IMG] A troubled childhood meant that Dave learnt to fight from an early age. A downward spiral left him to crime just so he could survive, he picked off the street's be the management team from the BWA. [B]Gringo[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/gringo.jpg[/IMG] This behemoth of a man can crush you with his body all with a snyde comment! He once threatened to make it so Jaffa would be eating jaffa cakes through a straw. Now that’s hardcore! [B]jaffa[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/jaffa.jpg[/IMG] The orange obsessed maniac from epping in Essex. Don't let his slight frame fool you, Jaffa spent literally weeks training in tae kwon do! [B]Mickey "flash" Reynolds[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/mickeyflash.jpg[/IMG] The turban wearing mickey "flash" has been in backyard wrestling for years, it is there that he honed his hatred for anybody and everything else. Such an angry young man! [B]Peter "the Gentleman" Davis[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/petedavis.jpg[/IMG] If James Bond were real, he would be this guy! Smoother than silk, but more vicous than an aligator. Do not under-estimate the master of sophistication [B]pants boy[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/marklucas.jpg[/IMG] By day he is just plain old Mark Lucas, but by night he becomes "pants boy" who's super powers give him the ability to wear lots of pants! [B]Simon Peter[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/simonpeter.jpg[/IMG] Simon Peter is a very quiet man, with a mysterious background he is quiet and unassuming, but prone to empaasioned outbursts and rants. [B]Self[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/self.jpg[/IMG] This sprightly young star has bags of potential as his gymanastic background makes for some entertaining matches. [B]Jay Morrison[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/jaymorrison.jpg[/IMG] Spoilt as a child Jay had to have everything right there and then, he maintains that trait in his adulthood. A ruthless character who isnt afraid to cut people down to get his own way. [B]The Outlaw[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/outlaw.jpg[/IMG] A veteran of the sport. Outlaw has been in bar fights galore and won them all. He is the most respected man on the roster and one of the most feared as well! [B]wallbanger[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/wallbanger.jpg[/IMG] A member of the hells angels. Wallbanger grew up as a gentle giant who just wanted to ride his hog, unfortunatly there were always people who wanted to stop him! [B]Trell[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/trell.jpg[/IMG] Trell was once in a rival motorcycle gang to Wallbanger. The two of them got into a bar brawl that lasted an incredible 24 minutes! A mutual respect was born and the two often team up. [B]Prime[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/cameronbrogden.jpg[/IMG] A young upstart worker, Prime was told he would never break into wrestling due to his frame. He proved his critics wrong though and is now a proud member of the BWA roster! [B]Tom Lynch[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/tomlynch.jpg[/IMG] Always up for a laugh, Ton errs a little on the side of crazy! He once ate a live toad (apparantly he was out of cornflakes!) [B]Earl Breese[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/earlbreese.jpg[/IMG] tag partner to Tom Lynch, Earl is equally, if not more crazy! Put a beer in his hand and he is capable of beating anyone on the roster (in a pub quiz!) [B]"The music man" JW[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/jw.jpg[/IMG] Locally re-nowned for his large instrument. Which can prove invaluable in matches if he uses it against his opponent. JW was late in signing up for the roster, but is a welcome addition! [B]"The Hitman" Stevan Green[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/stevangreen.jpg[/IMG] A cool, calcualted customer, who despite his rugged look is as clinical as they come when it boils down to finishing off his oppenents. "greeny" as he is some times known used to be a contract killer and his services can usually be bought if somebody needs protection or somebody "sorted out"[/CENTER]
[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]Tag Teams and Stables[/B][/SIZE] [B]Wallbanger & Trell[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/wallbanger.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="7"]&[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/trell.jpg[/IMG] [B]Lads Night Out[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/tomlynch.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="7"]&[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/earlbreese.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="7"]&[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/bigdave.jpg[/IMG] [B]R and B's[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/jaffa.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="7"]&[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/panix.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/QUOTE][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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A name was chosen and we came up with a "professional" looking logo. The next step was to start hyping a show! We rolled around and tried out some moves in various roster members backgardens and then filmed some "promo's" just to see what everybody could do. Once that was finished we started planning for our first show. We knew we weren't going to make a lot of money on the show, but decided we wanted everybody on the card anyway. For the time being we decided to run a monthly show. So we planned a few storylines based on that and got to work on hyping the event. Posters were made (as seen below) and flyers were handed out. Would anybody turn up? That remains to be seen!
[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]Predictions:[/SIZE][/B] [B]Hardcore Tag title match[/B] R and B's Vs. The One percenters Vs. Lads Night out [B]Round1 Tournament match's[/B] Gringo Vs. Dave "The Snake" "The Music Man" JW Vs. "The Gentleman" Peter Davis "The Hitman" Stevan Green Vs. The Outlaw Mickey "Flash" Reynolds Vs. Jay Morrison [B]Number one contender match[/B] Self Vs. Pants Boy Vs. Prime Vs. Simon Peter[/CENTER]
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Hardcore Tag title match R and B's Vs. The One percenters Vs. Lads Night out [I]Tough one. R and Bs I suspect are less likely to win as it's a hardcore tag and their gimmick isn't too hardcore, though they're likely to be a force in any case, which puts it between the bikers and the crazy drunks. Between those two, it depends whether you want a team besieged by insane drunks who are willing to try anything and keep bouncing back, but lose out, or whether LNO are going to be shoehorned into a Mikey Whipwreck role, called upon to get the crap kicked out of them and somehow squeak a win against their own wishes. In any case, I'm not predicting, as 'I' am involved, sorta.[/I] Round1 Tournament match's [B]Gringo[/B] Vs. Dave "The Snake" "The Music Man" JW Vs. [B]"The Gentleman" Peter Davis[/B] "The Hitman" Stevan Green Vs. [B]The Outlaw[/B] [B] Mickey "Flash" Reynolds[/B] Vs. Jay Morrison [I] Gut reactions all, given we know next to nothing about 'em.[/I] Number one contender match Self Vs. Pants Boy Vs. Prime Vs. [B]Simon Peter[/B] [I] You can't be enigmatic out of the spotlight. Ergo...[/I]
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Hardcore Tag title match R and B's Vs. [B]The One percenters [/B]Vs. Lads Night out Round1 Tournament match's [B]Gringo[/B] Vs. Dave "The Snake" "The Music Man" JW Vs. [B]"The Gentleman" Peter Davis[/B] "The Hitman" Stevan Green Vs. [B]The Outlaw[/B] Mickey "Flash" Reynolds Vs. [B]Jay Morrison[/B] Number one contender match Self Vs. Pants Boy Vs. Prime Vs.[B] Simon Peter[/B]
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Wow. A dynasty I actually feel the need to do predictions for. R and B's Vs. [B]The One percenters [/B]Vs. Lads Night out [I]Look at the size of them!!![/I] Gringo Vs. [B]Dave "The Snake"[/B] [I]Check out the arms![/I] "The Music Man" JW Vs. [B]"The Gentleman" Peter Davis[/B] [I]Gentlemen don't care how large people's tools are.[/I] [B]"The Hitman" Stevan Green [/B]Vs. The Outlaw [I]Suits rock![/I] Mickey "Flash" Reynolds Vs. [B]Jay Morrison[/B] [I]Better hair...[/I] Self Vs. [B]Pants Boy [/B]Vs. Prime Vs. Simon Peter [I]Simon looks promising, but Pants Boy has Pants! On his head! How could he lose???[/I]
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Hardcore Tag title match R and B's Vs. [B]The One percenters[/B] Vs. Lads Night out [I]Seriously, look at those guys...[/I] Round1 Tournament match's [B]Gringo[/B] Vs. Dave "The Snake" [I]His description is much crazier.[/I] "The Music Man" JW Vs.[B] "The Gentleman" Peter Davis[/B] [I]If only because 'alligator' is mispelled in his description :P[/I] "The Hitman" Stevan Green Vs. [B]The Outlaw[/B] [I]Because he's the freakin' outlaw. Do I need another reason?[/I] [B]Mickey "Flash" Reynolds[/B] Vs. Jay Morrison [I]He's got a turban... Apparently.[/I] Number one contender match Self Vs. Pants Boy Vs. [B]Prime[/B] Vs. Simon Peter [I]SURPRISE!!![/I]
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Hardcore Tag title match R and B's Vs. [B]The One percenters[/B] Vs. Lads Night out Round1 Tournament match's Gringo Vs. [B]Dave "The Snake" [/B] [B]"The Music Man" JW[/B] Vs. "The Gentleman" Peter Davis "The Hitman" Stevan Green Vs. [B]The Outlaw[/B] Mickey "Flash" Reynolds Vs. [B]Jay Morrison[/B] Number one contender match [B]Self[/B] Vs. Pants Boy Vs. Prime Vs. Simon Peter
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Hardcore Tag title match R and B's Vs. [B]The One percenters[/B] Vs. Lads Night out Round1 Tournament match's Gringo Vs. [B]Dave "The Snake"[/B] "The Music Man" JW Vs. [B]"The Gentleman" Peter Davis[/B] "The Hitman" Stevan Green Vs. [B]The Outlaw[/B] [B]Mickey "Flash" Reynolds[/B] Vs. Jay Morrison Number one contender match [B]Self[/B] Vs. Pants Boy Vs. Prime Vs. Simon Peter
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[LEFT][B][SIZE=3]Predictions:[/SIZE][/B] [B]Hardcore Tag title match[/B] [B]R and B's[/B] Vs. The One percenters Vs. Lads Night out [B]Round1 Tournament match's[/B] Gringo Vs. [B]Dave "The Snake"[/B] "The Music Man" JW Vs. [B]"The Gentleman" Peter Davis[/B] "The Hitman" Stevan Green Vs. [B]The Outlaw[/B] Mickey "Flash" Reynolds Vs. [B]Jay Morrison[/B] Distraction from me [B]Number one contender match[/B] [B]Self[/B] Vs. Pants Boy Vs. Prime Vs. Simon Peter[/LEFT]
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Hardcore Tag title match R and B's Vs. [B]The One percenters[/B] Vs. Lads Night out Round1 Tournament match's Gringo Vs. [B]Dave "The Snake"[/B] [B]"The Music Man" JW[/B] Vs. "The Gentleman" Peter Davis "The Hitman" Stevan Green Vs. [B]The Outlaw[/B] Mickey "Flash" Reynolds Vs. [B]Jay Morrison[/B] Number one contender match Self Vs. Pants Boy Vs. Prime Vs. [B]Simon Peter[/B]
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Hardcore Tag title match R and B's Vs. [B]The One percenters[/B] Vs. Lads Night out Round1 Tournament match's Gringo Vs. [B]Dave "The Snake"[/B] [B]"The Music Man" JW[/B] Vs. "The Gentleman" Peter Davis [B]"The Hitman" Stevan Green[/B] Vs. The Outlaw Mickey "Flash" Reynolds Vs. [B]Jay Morrison[/B] Number one contender match Self Vs. Pants Boy Vs. Prime Vs. [B]Simon Peter[/B]
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Hardcore Tag title match R and B's Vs. [B]The One percenters[/B] Vs. Lads Night out Round1 Tournament match's Gringo Vs. [B]Dave "The Snake"[/B] "The Music Man" JW Vs. [B]"The Gentleman" Peter Davis[/B] [B]"The Hitman" Stevan Green[/B] Vs. The Outlaw Mickey "Flash" Reynolds Vs. [B]Jay Morrison[/B] Number one contender match Self Vs. Pants Boy Vs. [B]Prime[/B] Vs. Simon Peter
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Predictions (Oh, good, still in time!) Hardcore Tag title match R and B's Vs. The One percenters Vs. [B]Lads Night out[/B] Round1 Tournament match's [B]Gringo[/B] Vs. Dave "The Snake" "The Music Man" JW Vs. [B]"The Gentleman" Peter Davis[/B] "The Hitman" Stevan Green Vs. [B]The Outlaw[/B] *picked only because if Outlaw loses, I sense a modkill coming.... [B]Mickey "Flash" Reynolds[/B] Vs. Jay Morrison Number one contender match [B]Self[/B] Vs. Pants Boy Vs. Prime Vs. Simon Peter EDIT: Also, panix, so far no joy with an alternate picture. I'm planning on getting another one this weekend; hopefully that'll work better.
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This diary is brillaint Hardcore Tag title match R and B's Vs. The One percenters Vs. [B]Lads Night out[/B] Round1 Tournament match's Gringo Vs. [B]Dave "The Snake"[/B] [B]"The Music Man" JW[/B] Vs. "The Gentleman" Peter Davis "The Hitman" Stevan Green Vs. [B]The Outlaw[/B] [B]Mickey "Flash" Reynolds[/B] Vs. Jay Morrison Number one contender match Self Vs. [B]Pants Boy[/B] Vs. Prime Vs. Simon Peter
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Hardcore Tag title match [B]R and B's [/B]Vs. The One percenters Vs. Lads Night out Round1 Tournament match's Gringo Vs. [B]Dave "The Snake"[/B] [B]"The Music Man" JW[/B] Vs. "The Gentleman" Peter Davis "The Hitman" Stevan Green Vs. [B]The Outlaw[/B] Mickey "Flash" Reynolds Vs. [B]Jay Morrison[/B] Number one contender match Self Vs. Pants Boy Vs. [B]Prime[/B] Vs. Simon Peter
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Hardcore Tag title match R and B's Vs. The One percenters Vs. [B]Lads Night out[/B] Round1 Tournament match's Gringo Vs. [B]Dave "The Snake"[/B] "The Music Man" JW Vs. [B]"The Gentleman" Peter Davis[/B] "The Hitman" Stevan Green Vs. [B]The Outlaw[/B] [B]Mickey "Flash" Reynolds[/B] Vs. Jay Morrison Number one contender match Self Vs. Pants Boy Vs. [B]Prime[/B] Vs. Simon Peter
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Predictions: Hardcore Tag title match R and B's Vs. The One percenters Vs. [B]Lads Night out[/B] Round1 Tournament match's Gringo Vs. [B]Dave "The Snake"[/B] "The Music Man" JW Vs. "[B]The Gentleman" Peter Davis[/B] [B] "The Hitman" Stevan Green[/B] Vs. The Outlaw Shall I tell them your secret outlaw? hmmm? Mickey "Flash" Reynolds Vs. [B]Jay Morrison[/B] Number one contender match Self Vs. Pants Boy Vs. [B]Prime[/B] Vs. Simon Peter
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Predictions: Hardcore Tag title match R and B's Vs. The One percenters Vs. [B]Lads Night out[/B] Round1 Tournament match's [B]Gringo[/B] Vs. Dave "The Snake" "The Music Man" JW Vs. [B]"The Gentleman" Peter Davis[/B] [B]"The Hitman" Stevan Green[/B] Vs. The Outlaw Mickey "Flash" Reynolds Vs. [B]Jay Morrison[/B] Number one contender match Self Vs. [B]Pants Boy[/B] Vs. Prime Vs. Simon Peter
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