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[CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/BBBBANNER.jpg[/IMG] [B]Live from St Lukes Hall, Torquay[/B][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/angle.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/irisheyesalexa.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/SCD.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A video is played of Alexa and the Destroyer chatting backstage. It joins them mid-way through the conversation[/I] [B]Alexa:[/B] What do you mean you won’t be there? [B]Destroyer:[/B] Hang on just one second! Lets not forget that you are not the only person on this card tonight! [B]Alexa:[/B] But if Becky D wins, she becomes the first ever BWA Women’s champ and I want that title, I want it! [B]Destroyer:[/B] What if it’s a draw? [B]Alexa:[/B] Then no-one wins the title do they? But I don’t want to try and draw against Becky, what if she sneaks a win like she did last week? [B]Destroyer: [/B]Listen sweetheart, I don’t mean to sound rude, but I don’t have time for this at the moment. I have a long-shot of getting a hold of the Tag titles and although I prefer to work alone, gold is gold! [B]Alexa:[/B] Fine, I will go by myself! [I]With that Alexa storms off towards the ring.[/I] [B]Rating: F-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/match.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]Womens Title match[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/womenstitle.jpg[/IMG] [B]Becky D Vs. "Irish eyes" Alexa[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/beckyd.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/irisheyesalexa.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] So we get underway on tonight’s extended show with a womens title match! Becky D versus Alexa part three and this decider has the womens title riding on it! Does it get any better then that? [B]Emma:[/B] I don’t think it’s fair. Where is my title shot? [B]Young Englishman:[/B] You can’t compete remember, because of your “fallen arches”! [B]Emma:[/B] Oh yeah, I forgot. I really have to learn that if Tom Lynch hands me a glass of clear liquid no matter how hard he argues, it is probably not water! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] That explains a lot! Anyway we are started here and it’s a rather subdued start, clearly these girls realise the stakes here! [B]Emma:[/B] It’s a prestigious award for the winner to be sure! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Not only the women’s title, but bragging rites for taking this 3-match series! And Becky D is looking good tonight, she is gathering momentum and taking the match to Alexa. Who doesn’t quite look happy out there. [B]Emma: [/B]You saw why earlier, The Destroyer telling her he couldn’t come to the ring with her because he needed to be fit for his match. Charming! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] And it looks like she could use her man right now as Becky D continues to turn the screw with a headlock take down and a dropkick to the back of the head. She tries for the pinfall, but only gets a two on this exchange. Wait a second though, I thought he was worried about injury? Here is The Steel City Destroyer. He whistles and Dawn Storm, Dawn Oxley and Olly Vixen have all stormed the ring! The referee rings for the bell and has called it a no-contest. But what is this in aid of? Do you think it could be jealousy of these girls getting the first crack at the BWA womens title. [B]Emma:[/B] Could be, gold has a funny affect on us ladies! With that Emma, jumps from the announce table and slides into the ring and starts brawling with the rest of the ladies. Several members of the roster have to come to the ring to help restore the “peace” [B]Winner: Double DQ Rating: F[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/angle.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/simonpeter.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Simon Peter is shown praying in the locker room he turns around and speaks to the camera[/I] [B]Simon Peter:[/B] One two Simons coming for you! Self you better hope that somebody locks you in the changing rooms tonight, because there is going to a heavenly massacre tonight! I will rain vengeance on you and the profits will rejoice for I would have bought about an ancient prophecy! You see sinners must be punished Self, you defied gods will and now you must face your judgement! I will walk through you tonight because I have righteousness on my side. I am a man on a mission Self. Yes last week you interfered in my match and it may appear to some that you have become a bit of a fly in the ointment of my life. But you don’t hold any of my fear. I am strong, only the lord controls my destiny! [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/self.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Self Bursts in to the room and interrupts Simon Peter[/I] [B]Self:[/B] What in the hell are you talking about? I don’t think I have heard a single thing you have said that actually made sense to me! Why are you still talking? You do realise that when tonight is over you ain’t going to be able to walk, let alone pray to your god. You talk about missions Simon Peter, well I got a mission of my own. My mission is to stomp your head into the floorboards of St Lukes Hall! And when I’m done you will be singing for St Peter! [B]Simon Peter:[/B] So much anger child, I thought you could be redeemed but instead you bring anger and ill will. Well we have a way of dealing with…. [B]Self:[/B] Let me stop you there Simon, ‘cos I’m sure the good people of Torquay don’t want to hear another mind-numbing diatribe about redemption and salvation. The bottom line is. I was trying for that UK title shot too. I not only got screwed by management by not being in the eight man tournament, but I got screwed by being given the tag title shot instead of the singles shot. So shut the hell up about me preventing your destiny, everybody gets a bad hand occasionally [B]Simon Peter:[/B] But….. [B]Self:[/B] Shut the hell up, I ain’t finished talking to you yet! When you get a rough time of it, you have to move on and deal, we could have been tag champs by now. But you had other plans didn’t you? You selfish son of a bitch. You don’t serve a higher purpose, you serve your Self! And after tonight you will be serving the SELF! [I]Self barges past and knocks over the camera as he goes.[/I] [B]Rating: F-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/match.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]The Firm (The enforcer and The Hitman) Vs One Percenters[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/theenforcer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/stevangreen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/trell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/wallbanger.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Don’t expect this to be pretty! The One Percenters have been told they will never get another crack at the LNO as champs and that is largely due to the efforts of the organisation that these two represent. The Firm! [B]Emma:[/B] I don’t like the way this “firm” gets things done. [B]Young Englishman:[/B] I don’t like it either but they have been signed full control of the BWA, so I guess we will just have to “lump it”, well hopefully we will see a bit of “retributional justice” tonight as the one percenters get us underway. And that is one mean look on the face of Trell right there! [B]Emma:[/B] I certainly wouldn’t want to be in the ring with him right now! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] But we saw last week that these “firm” guys aren’t just powerful in numbers they are all legit tough guys in there own right. Yeah, Trell is fired up and he is attacking Steve Green ferociously but Hitman isn’t out of the contest here! A double tag is made and Wallbanger and the enforcer lock up, similarly Wallbanger looks in no mood to pull his punches today. Looking to get the job done early. But he can’t seem to get the better of the enforcer physically. [B]Emma:[/B] He’s a big guy! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] He certainly is and he is using that to his advantage here against Wallbanger, he tags in The Hitman who continues were the enforcer left off and these guys seem to be working very well together against the seasoned tag team. [B]Emma:[/B] yeah, a little too well! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Oh my word, I can’t believe what I am seeing here. Trell has laid down in the middle of the ring and allowed himself to be pinned! That happened as if out of no-where. “The firm” celebrate, but that has to be a somewhat hollow win for them doesn’t it? [B]Emma:[/B] I guess we will find out… [B]Winner: The Firm Rating: F-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/angle.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/theenforcer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/stevangreen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The firm take hold of microphones following there victory over the one percenters[/I] [B]The Hitman:[/B] Oh dear, oh dear. It ain’t a good day to be a one percenter now is it? [B]The Enforcer:[/B] I think Trell laid down ‘cos he was tired of the beating we were giving him. [I]The one percenters look un-phased by the taunting as they exit the ring.[/I] [B]The Hitman:[/B] Get back here [B]The Enforcer:[/B] Don’t walk away from us! We have business with you! [B]The Hitman:[/B] You don’t want to cross the firm! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] I’m still reeling from what just happened here. A truly bizarre moment perhaps we will receive some feedback later on, on the whole debacle! [B]Rating: F+[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/match.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]Number One contenders Twin elimination royal – part 1 Astil Vs. Dave "the snake" Vs. Gringo Vs. Peter Davis Vs. Prime Vs. "the music man" JW[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/astil.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/davehogg.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/gringo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/with.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/justinchortie.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/petedavis.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/cameronbrogden.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/jw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] And here we have the first of two 6 man, over-the-top battle royals tonight to find the next contenders for the BWA tag titles. Gosh, I swear there are so many exciting matches on tonight’s card, I’m feeling burnt out already! [B]Emma:[/B] Quit your whining! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Fair enough! All 6 men are now in the ring and we begin! And perhaps no surprise here as the music man “JW” is chasing after Gringo in the early going and Don Phoenix has said in the interest of fairness if Justin Short enters the ring Gringo will automatically be disqualified! [B]Emma:[/B] Well he hasn’t entered the ring, but he has just played a big part in the elimination of the music man! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] I don’t believe the cheek of this guy! He pulled down on the top rope leading to JW flying over it and JW ain’t a happy bunny. He is going after short with that instrument and Gringo joins the pursuit trying to protect his manager! So just 4 men left in the ring then, prime and Astil seem to be co-existing here, but not for long, a club to the back of prime by Davis, keeps him distracted and Dave “the snake” forces the ‘daredevil’ Astil over the top rope to the deck below! It’s a 3 way battle now! Pete Davis charges aggressively towards Prime, but Prime shows some intelligence there and leap frogs spectacularly over the move, Dave “the snake pulls down on the top rope and “the gentleman” has near enough eliminated himself here! [B]Emma:[/B] That’s not clever at all Pete! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] He will certainly be kicking himself there! But this boiled down to just two men now, tussling for there shot at glory! Of course Dave “the snake” has a more regular partner in the other bracket in the form of Mickey “flash” but prime has always been kept back because of his frame and physique, it would be a dream come true for him to tip Dave over that rope and go on to become BWA tag champion. And that’s just what he has done! An over-the-top rope primacanrana on Dave “the snake” and look at the emotion on the face of Prime as he celebrates in the ring, it means so much to him! [B]Emma:[/B] Erm, why hasn’t the bell rang? [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Prime is still celebrating with the crowd, he hasn’t noticed that Gringo has slid back into the ring, remember, that Gringo never went over the top rope, so he is still legal. Gringo sneaks up behind Prime and tosses him over the rope! And Gringo has stolen Primes dream! And the winning streak of Justin Short’s client continues here! [B]Winner: Gringo Rating: F-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/angle.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/dawnoxley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/panix.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Dawn Oxley and Panix are shown chatting backstage.[/I] [B]Panix:[/B] Hey Dawn, how are you finding life here in the BWA? [B]Dawn:[/B] It’s intense, but I think I’m going to fit in just fine. [B]Panix:[/B] What was that big scrap about earlier? [B]Dawn:[/B] SCD came and spoke to us in the locker room and pointed out how unjust it was that Alexa and Becky D get a title shot out of the blue, for no reason. So he suggested we get involved and nullify the match to make the women’s belt fair game. [B]Panix:[/B] Oh I see, nifty idea. So who you got tonight? [B]Dawn:[/B] Tonight I’m taking on Olly Vixen, that girl has such a bee in her bonnet. Why she just can’t get over herself I don’t know. Never mind I’m going to knock her down a peg or two tonight! [B]Panix:[/B] Yeah I will probably come down and watch, good luck tonight! [B]Dawn:[/B] Thank you! [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/dawn.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]As Dawn walks off Panix checks her out and walks off looking pleased with himself. The camera pans around to show a slightly miffed looking Dawn Storm who had clearly seen the debacle.[/I] [B]Rating: E[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/match.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]Dawn Oxley Vs. Olly Vixon[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/dawnoxley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/olly.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Well then, there you have it! It would appear that the women got involved in the womens title match because they all wanted a piece of the pie! Let’s see how “the Don” handles half a dozen wound up broads! [B]Emma:[/B] Let’s keep in mind I am one of them broads! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] And I rest my case! We also have two more if them in the ring right now. Tension has been mounting between these two in the past month, they are both members of the same gym and apparently had to be separated after a scuffle broke out! [B]Emma:[/B] Disgusting, They should have let them fight! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] I disagree, if two attractive women want to go at it, you should defiantly get in-between them [B]Emma:[/B] You disgust me! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Well we have been underway for a few moments and already Dawn Oxley is enamouring herself to the fans. Careful though you don’t want to turn your back on….OW! A nasty backbreaker by the Vixon. [B]Emma:[/B] She’s more powerful then she looks. [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Indeed she is! But Dawn isn’t going to lie down in this match. She is battling back. Olly is reeling by the ropes. Oxley backs against the opposite rope ready to launch a charging attack, but she has been clobbered by Dawn Storm! A bit of jealousy rearing its ugly head perhaps? Either way it distracted Oxley long enough for Olly to take the upper hand with a roll up pin and a three count this one is over! [B]Winner: Olly Vixen Rating: F-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/angle.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/gringo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/justinchortie.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Justin Short and Gringo make there way to the ring looking like the cats that got the cream[/I] [B]Justin:[/B] All we have heard for the past 2 months is the same old, tired question. “why did you attack Jay Morrison?” Well tonight we are going to tell you why, but first a moment to reflect, a moment to reflect on the greatness that is my client….GRINGO! [B]Gringo:[/B] Thank you, thank you, your applause is like little pieces of candy in my mouth. IT ROTS MY GOD DAMN TEETH! [B]Justin:[/B] Articulate as always! But he has a right to be happy! You see next month Gringo is going to be challenging for the BWA tag titles, then after that who knows? The UK title? If he carries on with his winning ways under my tutelage the sky’s the limit! [B]Gringo:[/B] That’s right JS, it don’t matter who wins that second battle royal tonight ‘cos whoever my partner is, they will have there game raised just by being in the ring with the great one! You see the gringo says this. Earl Breese, Tom Lynch, Big Dave, Pants boy, Chris funk, Terry Funk, Terry Wogan! It doesn’t matter who they put in the ring with the Gringo, The Gringo will make them see stars and then create a black whole just to crush the stars that he created. You see that’s what I do! I crush, kill, destroy! [B]Justin Short:[/B] Which brings me nicely to the matter of Jay Morrison! Jay, Jay, Jay so much promise, so much style and panache. But he got too big for his britches. There was no way he could survive a match against 3 contenders. So I did what any good manager would do. I cut out the dead weight! I couldn’t be seen managing a loser. Justin Short has become a name synonymous with winners, truly great men! And I couldn’t let that punk kid tarnish my reputation. So Gringo and I taught him a valuable lesson. That being that, despite what you might hear, there is only one man making future legends in the BWA, that man is me Justin Short aka the most intelligent man on earth aka the gold magnet! [B]Rating: E-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/match.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]No Holds Barred match Self Vs Simon Peter[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/self.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/simonpeter.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Kiddies close your eyes! Those with heart problems turn the other cheek. One of the highlights of tonight’s show is about to unfold and it’s a match of biblical proportions! [B]Emma:[/B] You heard and saw earlier how pumped these two are! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Indeed, this one has career-ending written all over it! No holds barred, but by the looks of things there are bars holded, Steel ones! SCD’s friends in Sheffield are probably beaming with pride as the young Self has come armed! He dives into the ring and starts swinging wildly at Simon Peter who manages to evade the attack and take Self to the ground, with a low take-down. He’s not wasting any time either, now he has Self on the canvas he is stomping him pretty bad! [B]Emma:[/B] Poor Self, his poor, beautiful features! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Simon Peter now taking the time to exit the ring and he comes back with a chair, but he also slipped on those knuckle dusters. We have seen him use them before with devastating effect! He lays the chair on the canvas and pulls Self to his feet a quick punch to the head of Self sends him to cukoo land! He takes Self’s head in between his legs and signals for the pile driver! [B]Emma:[/B] Surely not, not on a steel chair! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Perhaps not! Self reverses with a back body drop and Peter landed on that Steel bar awkwardly there. Can Self capitalise? He gets in a thunderous shot to the skull of Simon Peter which busts him wide open! And I think Self is in control at the moment as Simon Peter bails out of the ring. Self is in pursuit, carrying that steel chair as if it were lancelot! [B]Emma:[/B] well I don’t think he’s going like that lance a lot! See what I did there? [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Did you see what Self did there? He placed the head of Simon Peter on the barricade, balanced a chair on top of him and performed a springboard legdrop onto the head of Simon Peter. And as god as my witness, I think that killed him! Self now trying to drag the motionless body of Simon Peter into the ring to make the count, but struggling. The match has taken such a toll on him. He rolls him under the bottom rope and follows him in. But Simon Peter has managed to get hold of that steel bar and clocked Self with it. A second wind from Simon Peter here and he is unloading on Self with a flurry of punches intensified due to that brass knuckle duster! Self is out for the count here! All Simon Peter needs to do is pin him and its all over and mercifully I think that’s what he’s d……….wait he’s broken off the count. He isn’t done with Self yet! He takes the steel chair and wraps his tunic around it and ties it in a knot and now he’s dousing it in some kind of fluid. UH OH, I think I know were this is going… [B]Emma:[/B] FIRE CHAIR! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Fire chair indeed! Self stumbles to his feet and has no idea were he is. Meanwhile he is being stalked by this evil maniacal Simon Peter. Peter raises the chair high above his head and brings it crashing down on the skull of Self. Self just crumpled like an accordion! [B]Emma:[/B] Will somebody stop the damn match! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Simon Peter, has thrown the chair to the floor. I think he has realised what he has done. Just pin him and let the paramedics out here damn you! No, apparently he has other plans. And just like earlier he has Self’s head precariously positioned between his legs, flaming chair beneath him and he lands the piledriver on to the flaming chair! Dear god, this is insane! The referee has called for the bell. It will go down as a knock out win. Simon Peter celebrates with a demonic smile, but how can you cheer that? I feel physically sick. I knew this was going to be an intense match, but I don’t know of either man will be able to walk tomorrow! [B]Winner: Simon Peter Rating: F-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/angle.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/davidhallett.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/trell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/wallbanger.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]During an interval a clip is shown of the Young Englishman approaching the one percenters.[/I] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Hey guy’s why did you seemingly give up in your match earlier [B]Wallbanger:[/B] We needed a rest! [B]Trell:[/B] Yeah, we needed to conserve our energy for more important things! [B]Rating: F[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/match.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]BWA TAG Title match[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/BWATAG.jpg[/IMG] [B]Lads Night Out Vs The Heroes[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/earlbreesetagtitle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/tomlynchtagtitle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/with.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/bigdave.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/chrisfunk.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/marklucas.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Lads night out make there way to the ring in atypically drunken fashion to be greeted by two super heroes! [B]Emma: [/B]Good for them! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Well LNO have managed to retain those tag belts since the company began. Can you see them doing so here? Emma: I reckon! They may be drunk, but in those costumes Funk and Pants boy, look drunker! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] We have already seen what an impressive athlete Chris Funk is and he is taking the fight to Earl Breese early on in this contest. Now he makes the tag to Pants boy [B]Emma:[/B] And here comes the weakest link! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Pants boy may not be the most successful man on the books here. But he immensely popular. Just listen to the chants! [B]Emma:[/B] If everybody is calling you pants, it means your rubbish! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] That may be so, but he’d doing alright here! [B]Emma: [/B]If by doing all right, you really mean he is taking a pasting from the LNO. [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Ok I have to admit it doesn’t look good for the Heroes. But Tom Lynch seems somewhat distracted. What’s going on? [B]Emma:[/B] Its Trell [B]Young Englishman:[/B] It is Trell! He has one of the BWA tag title belts and Lynch has sent Breese after him. The match continues, but essentially as a handicap match. Doesn’t really seem to matter though. Pants boy is so worn down I can’t imagine him making a comeback! [B]Emma:[/B] I wouldn’t be so sure, look! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] I can’t believe it! Wallabnger is here and he has pilfered the other Belt! And Tom Lynch is real distracted! He sends Big Dave after Wallbanger, but he has failed to realise that Pants boy managed to muster a tag. Chris Funk attacks Lynch from behind and hits him with the Super Hero Suplex. I think he’s going to get the three count here. 1-2-3 he has! The Heroes have created a huge upset here! Thanks largely to the one percenters! [B]Emma:[/B] Tom Lynch is realising what just happened [B]Young Englishman:[/B] He doesn’t look too happy does he? He takes off in pursuit trying to find the one percenters. But what’s this? They are back in the ring with the belts. They present them to the heroes. What a great gesture of sportsmanship! [B]Emma:[/B] Erm…nope! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Ouchies! A banger Smash on Chris Funk and the Forearm from Trell on pants boy! I think the one percenters sent a very clear message here! [B]Winner: The Heroes Rating F-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/angle.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/self.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/davehogg.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/astil.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/cameronbrogden.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]A video is shown of Self being carried by a couple of St Johns ambulance members. He is heavily burnt and covered in blood. He walks past a group of wrestlers including Dave “the snake”, Astil and Prime they all applaud him loudly as he is helped into the back of an ambulance. And then start a chant of Self’s name.[/I] [B]Rating: E-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/match.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]The Crystal Pimp Vs. The Firm (The Don and The Outlaw) [/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/tcp.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/donphoenix.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/outlaw.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] This match a direct order from the Don, apparently he overheard somebody accusing him of not being able to take out TCP by himself. Well this is a strange way of disproving it! I feel bad for the Crystal Pimp. He’s facing two guys tonight, it’s a big ask [B]Emma: [/B]He’s got a big what? [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Never mind! He starts off against the Don, who really seems to have issues with the Pimp daddy, but anyway, they are underway here and TCP again seemingly having the better of the new owner of the BWA. [B]Emma:[/B] He doesn’t like that! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] I think your very right, the Don seems to be getting angrier and angrier with every move he is forced to take. He eventually tags in The Outlaw and The Outlaw is incensed that TCP even dared to strike back against his boss. He is unloading on TCP now. Phoenix wants in on it. Jacob Serfling is trying to drag him out, but he is having none of it! The referee calls for the bell but The Firm is once again dissecting TCP and something has to be done about this. The record book will show a DQ win for TCP. But in reality he is having the snot beat out of him. As the firm walk down the aisle, they look pretty satisfied with there days work here. [B]Emma:[/B] they certainly look a dominant force! [B]Winner: TCP Rating: F-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/angle.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/trell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/wallbanger.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The One Percenters stand in the ring and address the audience.[/I] [B]Wallbanger:[/B] You are probably wondering what exactly happened earlier? [B]Trell:[/B] Well, here’s the deal, we woke up. [B]Wallbanger:[/B] We woke up and realised that we were never going to get what we wanted. Our fair and square title shot. So what did we decide Trell? [B]Trell:[/B] Well, we decided that we going to raise hell around here until we got our own way! [B]Wallbanger:[/B] That’s right. Everyone on the roster should start watching there back ‘cos until the damn firm give us a bit of respect were going to take it ourselves! [B]Trell:[/B] Hell yeah! [B]Wallbanger:[/B] And don’t go blaming it on contractual nonsense either. ‘cos we looked into that. The contract we signed previous to the gauntlet stated that we would never get another shot at the LNO’s title belts. Well it looks to me like the LNO don’t have the belts anymore. So where is our damn title shot? I’m warning you Don Phoenix. Don’t try and test us. ‘cos we will bite you! [B]Rating: F+[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/match.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]Number One contenders Twin elimination royal – part 2 Eve McQueen Vs. Jay Morrison Vs. Mickey "flash" Reynolds Vs. Mike Tastic Vs. Panix Storm Vs. The Steel City Destroyer[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/evemcqueen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/jaymorrison.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/mickeyflash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/miketastic.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/panix.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/SCD.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] So here we go with the second leg of this competition to find the next contenders, who will be facing the Heroes next month [B]Emma:[/B] Bit of a shocker! [B]Young Englishman: [/B]It sure was. From the off here people seem to have paired off. The Steel City Destroyer has gone after Eve McQueen. Mike Tastic, Jay Morrison and Panix and Mickey are also duking it out! [B]Emma:[/B] Lets see how those tactics work out. Not so well for Jay Morrison! He has been tossed over the top rope by Mike Tastic. A feather in his cap taking out the former UK champion! [B]Emma:[/B] He wants to be careful though! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] You’re not wrong, he has been hi-jacked by Eve McQueen. She tries to force him over, but Mickey runs to them and eliminates the pair of them! [B]Emma:[/B] Wow this one could be over fast! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Damn skippy! Only 3 contenders left! And the destroyer apparently not feeling too destructive today. It would appear he is happy to let Mickey “flash” and Panix eliminate each other. And in fairness they are giving it a go. These two hate each other! Panix has Mickey pinned up against the ropes and is trying to force him over. And the destroyer doesn’t waste anytime. He eliminates both Mickey “flash” Reynolds and Panix Storm. But I don’t think the pair of them have even realised. They are still scrapping together. I think this issue could need to be resolved by sticking these two in the ring! [B]Winner: Steel City Destroyer Rating: F-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/angle.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/irisheyesalexa.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/gringo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/justinchortie.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/SCD.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Steel City Destroyer and Gringo make there way to the ring with Justin short and Alex in accompaniment the foursome all look rather pleased with there days work.[/I] [B]Gringo:[/B] Finally Gringo has his shot at a BWA title! [B]Justin Short:[/B] These two boys are going to be gold and they are going to win gold [B]SCD:[/B] Hell yeah, the new era here at the BWA inspired by the leadership of Don Phoenix is going to rule! Pants boy, Chris Funk you guys lucked out tonight. But next month prepare to be destroyed! [B]Rating: F[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/match.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]number one contenders qualifier Danny Rox Vs Darren Burridge[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/dannysinger.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/darrenburridge-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Danny Rox on the crest of a wave at the moment having beaten former UK champion Jay Morrison last week. He will be hoping for a similar result this week to be given a number one contendership match. It’s a long road for the title. But both men desperate to win here [B]Emma:[/B] Burridge especially, he’s not really lived up to the hype [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Astute observation Emma! You have really grown into this commentary role! [B]Emma:[/B] Whatever! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] They kick off here with a bit of trash talking and believe you me, both men can do that! First blood goes to Burridge as he knocks Rox on his posterior! [B]Emma:[/B] His post-what? [B]Young Englishman:[/B] His ass! [B]Emma:[/B] Ah, that makes more sense! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] A fairly commanding performance by the big man. Rox isn’t being taken for a ride here, but he is having a tough time at the moment. There seems to be a bit of a gulf in class. [B]Emma:[/B] I agree! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Burridge now really roughing up Danny Rox and the youngster looks in big trouble here. Darren Burridge locks in the Chav lock and it doesn’t look good for Danny. He’s clawing for the rope, he’s close but just a few inches short. Wait a minute. That’s Jay Morrison! He has just pulled the arm of Rox to the ring rope. And Darren Burridge is incensed! [B]Emma:[/B] Can’t really blame him. Morrisons hair is far sexier! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Jacob Serfling gets involved now and Burridge is giving Jay Morrison a good portion of the evil eye! [B]Emma:[/B] One lump or two? [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Danny Rox is aware of what’s going on and performs a vicious low blow on Burridge, ouch you never turn your back on an opponent and that is why! Danny Rox with the roll up pin and its good night Vienna! Danny Rox has won this with a little help from Jay Morrison! [B]Winner: Danny Rox Rating: E-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/angle.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/darrenburridge-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Darren Burridge is charging around backstage in a very angry fashion.[/I] [B]Darren Burridge:[/B] I am done with this now init? I am sick of you getting in my way Jay Morrison. If you got a problem with me hows about we get it sorted, in the ring! [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/jaymorrison.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Jay Morrison enters the picture and squares up to Burridge[/I] [B]Jay Morrison:[/B] Listen holmes, you wanna cost me my UK title and my manager you gotta face the consequences. I had everything going for me and you took it away [B]Darren:[/B] You took it from yourself! [B]Jay Morrison:[/B] That’s bull**** and you know it! Listen, I want done with you. I don’t ever want to see you in this ring again. So you want to face me? You put your career on the line. The BWA ain’t big enough for two of us! So what do you say to a loser leaves the company match? [B]Darrn Burridge:[/B] I say goodbye, I suggest you start doing the same! [B]Rating E-[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/match.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]BWA UK Title match[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/uktitle-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jaffa Vs Samoa Joe[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/JAFCHAMP.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/versus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/samoajoe.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Young Englishman:[/B] So it looks like next month we are set to have a huge event as Darren Burridge and Jay Morrison put there BWA careers on the line. I can’t wait! But we are not exactly short of excitement right now as Jaffa tries to back up his claims of being a fighting champion by taking on Samoa Joe! This ain’t no independent wrestler we’re talking about here, this guy works for an international company. He has had trials with the WWE. Many see Joe as the future of pro-wrestling [B]Emma:[/B] Jaffa may have problems speaking when this match is over. [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Why do you think Joe is going to break his jaw? Emma: no, I just think Jaffa has bitten off more then he can chew! Ha ha ha, I slay me! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Speaking of slaying, this could turn into a massacre as Joe manhandles Jaffa, you don’t want to try and go toe-to-toe with an angry Samoan! Nice snap Suplex there by Joe and Jaffa felt that! [B]Emma:[/B] I think his parents felt that and Richard and Angie live in Essex! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Joe picks up Jaffa now and throws him to the corner like a rag doll. This guy is a beast of a man. [B]Emma:[/B] Jaffa isn’t the biggest guy in the world, but Joe could probably still do that to Wallbanger or Steve Smith. He’s a machine [B]Young Englishman:[/B] A submission machine! He has that Coquina Clutch locked in now and Jaffa may be saying good bye to his title here. He looks like he is fading. Wait a second he is fighting back, tremendous courage being shown by Jaffa! OWWW, its not going to do him any good though as the big samoan just Suplexes Jaffa and regains control of the bout. At this point the match is a foregone conclusion isn’t it? Joe is just toying with Jaffa. [B]Emma:[/B] Like you always say anything can happen in the BWA! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] That’s true but I don’t like the orange ones chances here, perhaps with the benefit of hindsight it was too early for the challenge of Joe! [B]Emma:[/B] Possibly! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Joe has Jaffa in the air now, preparing for the muscle buster, if he hits this it is all over but the crying. Just a second, Jaffa with the sneaky rake of the eyes and he takes Joe to the canvas for the first time with a head scissor takedown, great athleticism and without skipping a beat he locks in the Jaffarack! [B]Emma:[/B] I don’t believe what I’m seeing! [B]Young Englishman:[/B] Me neither, Jaffa was all at sea, but Joe is fading fast here and looks in real pain, he’s going to…. I don’t believe it, he has, Joe has tapped out. Jaffa wins, Jaffa wins! This is probably the greatest moment in Jaffa’s career, against all odds, Jaffa has survived a Samoan onslaught and retained his UK Title. It just goes to show how lethal that Jaffarack can be! And you have to ask, if Samoa Joe can’t beat Jaffa, then who can? [B]Emma:[/B] I guess somebody will try and answer that next month Dave but until then its goodbye! [B]Winner: Jaffa Rating E+[/B] [IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/eventanalysis.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating E- Attendance 7[/B] Another show that increases the popularity! Joe cam in and really helped this show. We are almost at the point were we have enough popular workers to carry a show without outside help. (till we step up a level of course!)
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[QUOTE=Self;362201]Did... Did I die? Cool show once again dude.[/QUOTE] thanks man, I can assure you, you did survive! Brutal match though. [QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;362202]Well, that was unexpected, though also completely logical; I just hadn't seen it coming. Why do I suspect that the LNO/1% feud has barely begun?[/QUOTE] Oh its far from over! Just taking a back seat for the time being. [QUOTE=G-Prime;362204]I lost again? Damn you Gringo! I'll get my revenge. Also, Joe tapped out? Wow![/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Bolton;362209]Can't believe Joe did the job to Jaffa... :eek[/QUOTE] Yeah I know a lot of people expected Joe to go over, but Jaffa to retain, but i don't intend on keeping either him or Burridge on as soon as i have enough stars to carry the show without them. Joe actually didn't complain about jobbing to Jaffa, which gives you some indication of his popularity right now. Danny Rox I think could also pull some good ratings now following his win against Burridge. There is one small problem i'm having at the moment, i accidentally deleted the file I had with all my un-edited BWA pics. I will be able to nab some of them from the original thread, But if anybody wants to send me pics, please, please, ah stuff it - please, do! Big and clear is the way to go and if they are good quality they may get used as a replacement "face shot" or even as the monthly poster. Im really desperate to get hold of more piccies, so if your bored and have a digital camera why not take a few and send them to me? my email address is [email]panix_uk04@yahoo.co.uk[/email] Or you can just PM me a link, or if you want to put in the extra effort, you can post them in the sign-up thread i created. Thank you for you continued readership. I only wish I could do the shows quicker, I have so much fun coming up with this stuff!
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[QUOTE=panix04;362213] Oh its far from over! Just taking a back seat for the time being. [/QUOTE] I dunno. Not being for the belt is hardly necessarily a back seat. I'm guessing there'll be something to do with it next month - probably with the Firm mixed in - while the new team created this time challenge the Heroes. Will see what I can find for additional LNO-flavour pics. Actually, I may have the perfect thing...
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[QUOTE=Self;362201]Did... Did I die? Cool show once again dude.[/QUOTE] It's ok if you did. As the chosen one I will ressurect you to prove my true power. But boy did the fans hate our match. Plus Panix did you use the word "Profits" instead of "Prophets" on purpose in my promo?
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[B]Predictions league table[/B] Mr T Jobs to me - 25 Outlaw - 20 Phantom Stranger - 19 Apupunchau@optonline - 19 Danny Demon - 18 Self - 16 G-prime - 16 rdSinclair - 15 Trell - 14 Jonny CKY - 14 Irish Eyes - 14 Wallbanger - 13 undertaker666 - 13 Bolton - 12 shadowedflames - 10 TCP - 7 Sprinklefurball - 7 halfman half amazing - 6 rated s for scotland - 5 Astil - 4 DSE81 - 3 Djthefunkchris - 3 Chris Caulfield - 3 Tristram - 2 RBOHBK - 0
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a win for the destroyer, and it wont be long before i get my first taste of gold, but as soon as that chance comes for singles glory i dont care if im tag team champion or not im going to destroy all in my way to get it, evan my so called tag team partner!!! lol great show panix, Jaffa showed Joe what Orange Power can do!!!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/BWA/pointofnoreturn.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]Predictions[/B][/CENTER] Simon Peter Vs Dave "the snake" The One Percenters, TCP and Prime Vs The firm Eve McQueen Vs. Mike Tastic Vs. Mickey Flash Reynolds number one contender match Panix Storm Vs. Danny Rox tag titles The Heroes Vs Gringo and Steel City Destroyer Dawn Storm Vs Dawn Oxley loser leaves the BWA match Darren Burridge Vs Jay Morrison UK title Big Dave (with LNO) Vs. Jaffa[/CENTER]
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[B]Predictions:[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Simon Peter [/COLOR][/B]Vs Dave "the snake" The One Percenters, TCP and Prime Vs [COLOR="#ff0000"][B]The firm[/B][/COLOR] [I]No-one can stop The Firm!!![/I] Eve McQueen Vs. [COLOR="#ff0000"][B]Mike Tastic[/B][/COLOR] Vs. Mickey Flash Reynolds [B]number one contender match[/B] [COLOR="#ff0000"][B]Panix Storm [/B][/COLOR]Vs. Danny Rox [I]Because you've got to win something![/I] [B]tag titles[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]The Heroes [/B][/COLOR]Vs Gringo and Steel City Destroyer [I]They're just that lucky....[/I] Dawn Storm Vs [COLOR="#ff0000"][B]Dawn Oxley[/B][/COLOR] [I]Cheating to get the win so the feud can continue[/I] [B]loser leaves the BWA match[/B] [COLOR="#ff0000"][B]Darren Burridge[/B][/COLOR] Vs Jay Morrison [B]UK title[/B] Big Dave (with LNO) Vs. [COLOR="#ff0000"][B]Jaffa[/B][/COLOR] [I]It's Jaffa innit[/I]
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[B]Simon Peter[/B] Vs Dave "the snake" [I]Snake's going nowhere right now.[/I] The One Percenters, TCP and Prime Vs [B]The firm[/B] [I]Faction dominance to begin with. I halfway suspect the LNO will end up getting a title rematch before the 1%ers get their shot, because we're heels who've bribed the Firm before and knew about it before it began.[/I] Eve McQueen Vs. Mike Tastic Vs. [B]Mickey Flash Reynolds[/B] [I]Battle Of The Jobbed![/I] number one contender match Panix Storm Vs. [B]Danny Rox[/B] [I]Danny keeps his momentum and the tag split holds off a while.[/I] tag titles [B]The Heroes[/B] Vs Gringo and Steel City Destroyer [I]Too soon for a switch. Shenanigans, possibly involving Jay.[/I] [B]Dawn Storm[/B] Vs Dawn Oxley [I]Pure guesswork.[/I] loser leaves the BWA match Darren Burridge Vs [B]Jay Morrison[/B] [I]Duh.[/I] UK title Big Dave (with LNO) Vs. [B]Jaffa[/B] [I]Big Dave won't take the belt. This will be a lot of fun, and Jaffa will have work cut out for him, but he'll likely win by either DQ or perseverance.[/I]
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[B]Simon Peter[/B] Vs Dave "the snake" [B]The One Percenters[/B], TCP and Prime Vs The firm- I don't want to see the Firm win 2 weeks in a row Eve McQueen Vs. [B]Mike Tastic[/B] Vs. Mickey Flash Reynolds number one contender match [B]Panix Storm[/B] Vs. Danny Rox tag titles [B]The Heroes[/B] Vs Gringo and Steel City Destroyer- I don't see them being Transitional Champions [B]Dawn Storm[/B] Vs Dawn Oxley loser leaves the BWA match Darren Burridge Vs [B]Jay Morrison[/B]- I don't see Morrison leaving since he has been the BWA UK champ. UK title Big Dave (with LNO) Vs. [B]Jaffa[/B] - I see me and Wallbanger interfering in this match :)
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