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Contract negotiation starts tedious but gets easier as almost everyone gets on a 500,000 Rolling or Set Premiere Contract(If Playing the Big Two). There's not a lot of replay value. Once you get to the max size, there's nothing to do. None of the randomly(?) generated workers are anything special or encourage you to keep playing to see whether they will top Adam's designed workers. Once you've seen one worker with cruddy stats you've seen them all. There's nothing that makes them unique like being a freakshow(really tall, midgit, super long, short arms). And none have them have the personalities that you can imagine for the designed characters. So basically you have one game until the workers run out. Then you have maybe one or two games to experiment with different booking strategies rulesets. Then after that there's the database update which will breathe live into the game once again. I play the game while watching TV, pause, book, unpause. You can't really skip multiple days at a time unless you jot down when the yet to debut workers appear and then skip until they debut. Even with this you may miss valuable information like BCF or WEFF becoming worthwhile to sign or Alpha-1 or Gamma releases. The match commentary seems pretty random and doesn't help you to book at all. It's hard to determine how styles make fights and how to set fighters up to win. Playing as say the UFC probably won't be that much fun as although you could have dream matchups like Matt Hughes versus Jake Shields you'd just go well the MOD makers set the stats inaccurectly or WMMA doesn't produce accurate fight results. So it's basically cornellverse or no verse. So for me I'm expecting the play value to be possibly twenty years of game time when all of Adam's workers are gone that I'm attached too plus coming back to the game based on patches and database updates. But be warned, Adam has traditionally withheld on worthwhile patches like not releasing a patch nerfing Sex Sells angles for TEW 2005. You might think that a feature would be easily fixed in a patch but Adam might withhold it for a new payed version.
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[QUOTE=BuddyGarner;356239]Contract negotiation starts tedious but gets easier as almost everyone gets on a 500,000 Rolling or Set Premiere Contract(If Playing the Big Two). There's not a lot of replay value. Once you get to the max size, there's nothing to do. None of the randomly(?) generated workers are anything special or encourage you to keep playing to see whether they will top Adam's designed workers. Once you've seen one worker with cruddy stats you've seen them all. There's nothing that makes them unique like being a freakshow(really tall, midgit, super long, short arms). And none have them have the personalities that you can imagine for the designed characters. So basically you have one game until the workers run out. Then you have maybe one or two games to experiment with different booking strategies rulesets. Then after that there's the database update which will breathe live into the game once again. I play the game while watching TV, pause, book, unpause. You can't really skip multiple days at a time unless you jot down when the yet to debut workers appear and then skip until they debut. Even with this you may miss valuable information like BCF or WEFF becoming worthwhile to sign or Alpha-1 or Gamma releases. The match commentary seems pretty random and doesn't help you to book at all. It's hard to determine how styles make fights and how to set fighters up to win. Playing as say the UFC probably won't be that much fun as although you could have dream matchups like Matt Hughes versus Jake Shields you'd just go well the MOD makers set the stats inaccurectly or WMMA doesn't produce accurate fight results. So it's basically cornellverse or no verse. So for me I'm expecting the play value to be possibly twenty years of game time when all of Adam's workers are gone that I'm attached too plus coming back to the game based on patches and database updates. But be warned, Adam has traditionally withheld on worthwhile patches like not releasing a patch nerfing Sex Sells angles for TEW 2005. You might think that a feature would be easily fixed in a patch but Adam might withhold it for a new payed version.[/QUOTE] Wow, thanks that gives me a lot to think about.
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[QUOTE=BuddyGarner;356239]Contract negotiation starts tedious but gets easier as almost everyone gets on a 500,000 Rolling or Set Premiere Contract(If Playing the Big Two). There's not a lot of replay value. Once you get to the max size, there's nothing to do. None of the randomly(?) generated workers are anything special or encourage you to keep playing to see whether they will top Adam's designed workers. Once you've seen one worker with cruddy stats you've seen them all. There's nothing that makes them unique like being a freakshow(really tall, midgit, super long, short arms). And none have them have the personalities that you can imagine for the designed characters. So basically you have one game until the workers run out. Then you have maybe one or two games to experiment with different booking strategies rulesets. Then after that there's the database update which will breathe live into the game once again. I play the game while watching TV, pause, book, unpause. You can't really skip multiple days at a time unless you jot down when the yet to debut workers appear and then skip until they debut. Even with this you may miss valuable information like BCF or WEFF becoming worthwhile to sign or Alpha-1 or Gamma releases. The match commentary seems pretty random and doesn't help you to book at all. It's hard to determine how styles make fights and how to set fighters up to win. Playing as say the UFC probably won't be that much fun as although you could have dream matchups like Matt Hughes versus Jake Shields you'd just go well the MOD makers set the stats inaccurectly or WMMA doesn't produce accurate fight results. So it's basically cornellverse or no verse. So for me I'm expecting the play value to be possibly twenty years of game time when all of Adam's workers are gone that I'm attached too plus coming back to the game based on patches and database updates. But be warned, Adam has traditionally withheld on worthwhile patches like not releasing a patch nerfing Sex Sells angles for TEW 2005. You might think that a feature would be easily fixed in a patch but Adam might withhold it for a new payed version.[/QUOTE] Not really sure what to say in regards to most of that.... 1. If you don't want to miss info, don't skip multiple days. 2. You don't expect workers to develop at all, but if you give them the chance they can. "cruddy" workers get better. 3. You seem to think there is only one way to win, and that appears to be to defeat the game mechanics. Well done if you've achieved that. 4. WMMA decides fights based on the information given. If real world data doesn't reflect the results you expect, that's not WMMA's problem, that's your expectations at fault. 5. Adam traditionally with-holds patches? I can honestly tell you thats the biggest pile of bull**** I've read in a looong time. Believe it or not, the universe doesn't revolve around blocking people who want to take advantage of loopholes while they claim to play "realistically". If you were one of those people who complained about sex sells angles and then used them anyway.... well, I don't have enough 4 letter words to throw in your direction. :mad: [QUOTE]So I just played the demo and I think the game is really cool and worth a buy. However is there anything I should know before I buy?[/QUOTE] If you enjoy the demo, it's probably worth getting the full game. If you don't, then it's probably not. Don't think you can get a much fairer assessment than that. :)
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I bought the demo and wasn't exactly blown away - but purchsed anyways due to being a fan of Adam's games. I literally have lost countless hours of sleep and had to call off work for the first time ever, due to losing track of time booking fights. The game is not perfect, but is legit, and my personal 'Ryland favorite' so far. You can add fighters to Cornellverse if you want, also add new orginzations etc. I think the replay value is definetly there. If anyting, build up your reputation and start your own promotion. I vote for the purchase.
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I tried the WMMA demo on a whim (thinking I wasn't going to like it), and although I'm a huge sports sim fan, I had little interest in wrestling or MMA, but by god I loved it enough that it got my purchase on day one. Simply one of the most addicting games, let alone sports sims, that I've ever played. :D
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[QUOTE=grits207;356591]It's a good game and all but there aren't nearly enough characters so it kinda gets old quick. Honestly if I could do it over again I would wait to buy it until there is a significant database update.[/QUOTE] Thats the one thing I noticed too. There were not a lot of promotions nor a wide selection of fighters to choose from (thought GAMMA has a rather large roster to begin with). However from what Ive seen there are no shortage of user created mods out there. I could always download a real world mod is I so wanted. The one question I have for people who have played it in depth. if I wanted, could I take MMA back to its brutal roots where it was no-holds barred except for like nut shots and eye gouges? Like in the early days of the UFC? Just wondering. Thanks
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[QUOTE=The Stallion;356621]Thats the one thing I noticed too. There were not a lot of promotions nor a wide selection of fighters to choose from (thought GAMMA has a rather large roster to begin with). However from what Ive seen there are no shortage of user created mods out there. I could always download a real world mod is I so wanted. The one question I have for people who have played it in depth. if I wanted, could I take MMA back to its brutal roots where it was no-holds barred except for like nut shots and eye gouges? Like in the early days of the UFC? Just wondering. Thanks[/QUOTE] I'm not sure what UFC was like back in the day, but you can change the rules to allow people to kick people when they are on their knees, or stomp on them when they are down if that's what you mean? Personally, I really like the game even though I'm not really much of a fan of MMA - I've only watched it a couple of times - but I think once the databae is fleshed out a bit (with maybe some future promotions and more future workes) then it'll add a lot more to the game and make it more worthwhile playing into the future. One thing I'd like to see is when fighters get regenerated I'd like their picture to come from a file of default pictures instead of the existing fighter's picture who he replaced.
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i think the game is worth the money but like most games you might get bored pretty quick i dont think this has the replay value of TEW and i also think there are things missing in the game that could of at least been in . when some one releases a decent accurate mod ill give it another go
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[QUOTE=parkerUK;356899]i think the game is worth the money but like most games you might get bored pretty quick i dont think this has the replay value of TEW and i also think there are things missing in the game that could of at least been in . when some one releases a decent accurate mod ill give it another go[/QUOTE] like tournaments and working agreements with other companies plus the lack of a larger database... but the database is the least of my concerns i personally like the game but it lacks many things that i was expecting to be in it
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