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It can be cold, it can be warm. It can make you laugh, it can make you cry. It can be foamy or flat. It always seems like a good idea at the time, but not so much the next morning. A word of advice for those too young to legally drink alcohol, stay away from it. You'll save yourself lots of money in the long run and your health will be all the better for it. Mere words can not even begin to describe what a hangover feels like, and while life throws out many great things to experience, a hangover is not one of them.
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clearly thats the booze talking! A hangover is just your bodies way of paying penance for the fun you have had the night before! Its a good old fashion risk V reward scenario. Kids, dare to dream, dare to DRINK!!!! Its the right thing to do* *its not the right thing to do!
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Guest The Aussie
Additional: It sucks for the Americas between 18 & 21 who can't drink legally. Don't they wish that their laws were a variation of Englands
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I'm such a lightweight I rarely ever get hangovers. I get so drunk so fast, and with my super-human metabolism by the time I wake up I'm fine. This talent does require that I sleep though, and many a time have I been unable to get to my bed, forced to wander the streets, wondering aloud in medieval tones the many mysteries of life. Americans don't understand drinking. They don't deserve to be legal at 18.
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[QUOTE=panix04;360044]A hangover is just your bodies way of paying penance for the fun you have had the night before![/quote] My wallet is also paying penance for the fun I had. I wont say how much I spent yesterday but I could've probably put a stop to third world poverty.... [QUOTE=panix04;360044]Its a good old fashion risk V reward scenario. Kids, dare to dream, dare to DRINK!!!! Its the right thing to do* *its not the right thing to do![/QUOTE] The rewards are rarely worth it the next day. Beer is an evil EVIL thing. [QUOTE=The Aussie;360046]Additional: It sucks for the Americas between 18 & 21 who can't drink legally. Don't they wish that their laws were a variation of Englands[/QUOTE] What I find strange is that in America you're allowed to drive a car at 16 but have to wait until you're 21 to legally drink. I think they also have to be 18 years old to buy cigarettes and legally have sex too. Very strange. (if i'm wrong, correct me, I do realise it can vary from state to state though)
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[QUOTE=Self;360048]I'm such a lightweight I rarely ever get hangovers. I get so drunk so fast, and with my super-human metabolism by the time I wake up I'm fine. This talent does require that I sleep though, and many a time have I been unable to get to my bed, forced to wander the streets, wondering aloud in medieval tones the many mysteries of life. Americans don't understand drinking. They don't deserve to be legal at 18.[/QUOTE] lol. I bet the majority of us have drank more by the time we are 18 then you have at your present age!
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[QUOTE=Self;360048]I'm such a lightweight I rarely ever get hangovers. I get so drunk so fast, and with my super-human metabolism by the time I wake up I'm fine. This talent does require that I sleep though, and many a time have I been unable to get to my bed, forced to wander the streets, wondering aloud in medieval tones the many mysteries of life. Americans don't understand drinking. They don't deserve to be legal at 18.[/QUOTE] To be fair anyone who ever dinks (me included) doesn’t seem to understand drinking. We are poising are self’s damn it and yet we keep doing it. Also for some reason I seem to be the only person in my family who doesn’t care for beer. Give me some tequila or E & J and if I am feeling fancy some Crown Royal. Also just shots or from the bottle and only tequila needs a chaser and only for the first 3 or 4. Though maybe it is a result of my young age.
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;360052]What I find strange is that in America you're allowed to drive a car at 16 but have to wait until you're 21 to legally drink. I think they also have to be 18 years old to buy cigarettes and legally have sex too. Very strange. (if i'm wrong, correct me, I do realise it can vary from state to state though)[/QUOTE] Yeah the only thing that changes state to state is the whole sex thing. The age of consent in some is 18 in others 16 (At least in MN it is) maybe lower others. Some have it at 16 if the person is less then 3 years older then you.
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;360051]lol. I bet the majority of us have drank more by the time we are 18 then you have at your present age![/QUOTE] I probably drank more in my week and a half up in Tonga than he has up to his present age.
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[QUOTE=panix04;360050]9 out 0f 10 times I avoid the "hang-over" by drinking copius amounts of water whilst still drunk! I wake up with no headache, no stomach ache, but a slightly moistened bed-spread![/QUOTE] And you had to figure that any discussion that panix would take the time to get into would have to progress to the admittance of some bodily fluid being secreted.
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I'm not allowed to drink anymore, docs orders but I dont miss it at all. I used to go out 5 nights in the week and go to work the next day with a raging hangover. And to say that it was just for a few drinks would be an understatement. I was never really a beer or lager drinker and preferred Souther comfort and i'd easily drink between 15 & 25 on a night out as it went down so smooth. The thing is I usually play with my band probably 2 to 3 times a week and if we werent playing we would always go see mates play or go to a gig so it was a vicious circle. I've seen some amazing bands that I cant remember most of the show :(
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;360054]I was talking to Self. Not you. I imagine that you were taking your favorite brand in your bottle my good sir. ;)[/QUOTE] Maybe not quite that young. I did start going out and drinking in pubs at age 15 though. :p [QUOTE=masterded;360056]Yeah the only thing that changes state to state is the whole sex thing. The age of consent in some is 18 in others 16 (At least in MN it is) maybe lower others. Some have it at 16 if the person is less then 3 years older then you.[/QUOTE] I thought maybe I was wrong on the cigarette buying age, do you really have to be 18?
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;360062]I thought maybe I was wrong on the cigarette buying age, do you really have to be 18?[/QUOTE] Yeah. Heck if you go to a major gas station chain in some areas they even make you scan your ID card. (They made my Grandpa pull his out I was in shock he is 75 though he only looks 60)
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;360061]I'm not allowed to drink anymore, docs orders but I dont miss it at all. I used to go out 5 nights in the week and go to work the next day with a raging hangover. And to say that it was just for a few drinks would be an understatement. I was never really a beer or lager drinker and preferred Souther comfort and i'd easily drink between 15 & 25 on a night out as it went down so smooth. The thing is I usually play with my band probably 2 to 3 times a week and if we werent playing we would always go see mates play or go to a gig so it was a vicious circle. I've seen some amazing bands that I cant remember most of the show :([/QUOTE] I'm shocked. You're Scottish and you drink Southern Comfort?!!??!?! With so many great varieties of malt whisky made up there and you drink that sickly sweet generically bland Southern Comfort?!??! You're off my Christmas card list....
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I used to have a pint or two every lunchtime when I was in College/Sixth Form, so our drinking totals may be closer than you think. Man, I used to get back for an afternoon of hooking up cameras and light, and I'd be [I]just[/I] drunk enough not to get suspended, while still being hilarious. It was a careful balance.
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[QUOTE=masterded;360056]Yeah the only thing that changes state to state is the whole sex thing. The age of consent in some is 18 in others 16 (At least in MN it is) maybe lower others. Some have it at 16 if the person is less then 3 years older then you.[/QUOTE] That reminds me of something. There was a story in my local paper last week about a paedophile who used to go to this certain club in Edinburgh because he knew the bouncers didnt I.D people at the club. I cant remember the ages exactly but I think he slept with something like 10 girls aged between 12 and 14. When he got put up in court he got off on a technicality because he claimed he thought they were over age because they were in the club and it was the clubs responsiblity to ensure that he didnt pick up under age girls. I'd have locked him up and threw away the key. THink he was in his late forties if I remember.
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[QUOTE=Self;360068]I used to have a pint or two every lunchtime when I was in College/Sixth Form, so our drinking totals may be closer than you think. Man, I used to get back for an afternoon of hooking up cameras and light, and I'd be [I]just[/I] drunk enough not to get suspended, while still being hilarious. It was a careful balance.[/QUOTE] Somehow I doubt it. It used to take a pint for me to even get a buzz. Most of the time 2. Vodka. As for beer. At least a case to start feeling it. I too was blessed with great metabolish.
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;360067]I'm shocked. You're Scottish and you drink Southern Comfort?!!??!?! With so many great varieties of malt whisky made up there and you drink that sickly sweet generically bland Southern Comfort?!??! You're off my Christmas card list....[/QUOTE] My favourite tipple is a good single malt but unfortunately when I was drinking 20 drinks a night it wasnt in my budget :rolleyes:
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;360069]That reminds me of something. There was a story in my local paper last week about a paedophile who used to go to this certain club in Edinburgh because he knew the bouncers didnt I.D people at the club. I cant remember the ages exactly but I think he slept with something like 10 girls aged between 12 and 14. When he got put up in court he got off on a technicality because he claimed he thought they were over age because they were in the club and it was the clubs responsiblity to ensure that he didnt pick up under age girls. I'd have locked him up and threw away the key. THink he was in his late forties if I remember.[/QUOTE] Damn.
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;360069]That reminds me of something. There was a story in my local paper last week about a paedophile who used to go to this certain club in Edinburgh because he knew the bouncers didnt I.D people at the club. I cant remember the ages exactly but I think he slept with something like 10 girls aged between 12 and 14. When he got put up in court he got off on a technicality because he claimed he thought they were over age because they were in the club and it was the clubs responsiblity to ensure that he didnt pick up under age girls. I'd have locked him up and threw away the key. THink he was in his late forties if I remember.[/QUOTE] One of my biggest issues with are legal system the lack of punishment for child sex crimes. There is this 2 time convicted child molester I wish I didn't know (but you don't pick your aunts husbands). Who molested his daughter and her best friend and served a grand total of less then 4 years. Though now the laws are getting much tougher. Oh yeah he also once he got out of jail lived with another child molester across the street from a park.
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