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4C: World Without...

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[B](Note to anyone reading my DOTT dynasty – I haven’t given up on it, and will post more stuff tomorrow – just wanted to try one where I actually played a game, which I haven’t done for ages.)[/B] The 4C locker room was buzzing with anticipation, at the end of what was surely the most incredible week in pro-wrestling history. The long-awaited trial result was just in, and their fed was now the second biggest in Canada! [I]“How had this happened?”[/I] You could almost hear the thought uppermost in their mind. Despite the wall to wall coverage of the Eisen/Stone/Cornell trial, few could have predicted such a complete makeover of the North American wrestling scene. With Tommy Cornell, Richard Eisen, and Dan, Jeremy and Victoria Stone found guilty of fraud, assault, and a host of other charges as the grand conspiracy to dominate wrestling unravelled, and a ton of other top stars retiring in disgust at either their actions or the judgment, the world – or at least the States and Canada – had been turned completely upside down. NOTBPW, the SWF and TCW had all closed their doors immediately, reasoning the terrible publicity from the trial had damaged them too badly to recover. [B](OOC: Apologies for the blatantly ridiculous backstory, I wanted a way to get rid of the three big North American feds and a bunch of workers, and it was this or some sort of explosion.) [/B] With everyone on the fed’s books except Troy Winner and Joey Poison already in the room, the throng fell silent as the door opened, waiting to see either their owner or head booker and get an idea of why they’d been called here. It was the 3-time champion who appeared, a thunderous scowl across his face. [I]“What’s up, Joey?”[/I] Katie Cameron questioned him immediately. [I]“I just got the sack,”[/I] he answered flatly, to a chorus of disbelieving responses. He nodded. [I]“Oh, I’m still wrestling here. But Troy just sold the place, and apparently my booking skills are no longer required.”[/I] [I]“He sold!” [/I]There was a shout of disbelief as the news impacted itself on the assembly. [I]“Who to?”[/I] Poison shrugged. [I]“No damn idea, but we’re about to find out. Troy says it’s the new owner who called the meeting and they’ll be in in a few minutes.”[/I] Speculation started quickly, but stopped nearly as suddenly when the door opened, revealing Canada’s favourite midget son. Winner nodded to the crew. [I]“I guess Joey told you the news, boys? And girls, of course, Katie. Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce our new owner… Kate Avatar!”[/I] A stunning brunette walked through the door, smiling at the assembled workers. Her smile faded slightly as she saw it wasn’t being returned by many, if any of them. [I]“Hi, guys. Great to meet you all.”[/I] Aaron ‘Hardcore Killah’ Mustafa cleared his throat.[I] “Troy… who the hell is that?” “I’m…”[/I] Kate started to respond in Winner’s place, but Troy drew himself up to his full four feet, and answered Killah. [I]“THAT is the lady who yesterday made me an offer I couldn’t refuse for this fed, and therefore our boss. So I suggest you shut up, you moron, and show her some respect.” “Respect?”[/I] Mustafa sneered. [I]“I ain’t showing no goddamn respect to a ho like that who ain’t ever been to a show before.”[/I] Kate stepped forward, her eyes narrowing. [I]“Firstly, Mr Mustafa, I’ve been to a ton of shows and could probably tell most of the people here what they did wrong in every match of the past few years – although in your case, I’d need a lot more time than I’m willing to waste on you. Secondly, I get that you have this whole ‘gangsta’ gimmick that you like in the ring, but when you’re in a meeting with me, you drop the gimmicks and talk like you’ve got an idea what you’re doing.” “Thirdly,”[/I] she took a deep breath, [I]“You have a problem with working for me, I suggest you stop doing so now. Door’s there, shut it on the way out.” [/I]She gestured to the entrance. Mustafa’s eyes grew wide with disbelief. [I]“You’re firing me? You don’t like the goddamn way I speak, so you’re firing me, bitch?”[/I] She shook her head. “[I]No. You’re on a pay-per-appearance contract, I’m telling you I have no use for you and that you won’t be making any more appearances. If I was firing you, I’d have to pay you off or something. As it is, your career here is over.”[/I] Mustafa started to lunge for his new boss – or ex-boss – but Jacob Jett quickly interjected himself. [I] “She’s the boss, man,”[/I] Jett said firmly as he grabbed the bigger guy by his shoulders. Mustafa turned around and stared at the rest of the room, most of whom avoided trying to catch his eye. [I] “And you’re just going to let this happen?”[/I] he asked, incredulously. [I]“Before anyone answers that,”[/I] Kate interjected, [I]“Let me point something out to you. The biggest fed in Canada and the two biggest feds in America just closed down. Yeah, there are a lot of guys who’ve quit, but that still leaves a lot more free agents going, who’ll be looking for jobs. I’m in talks with twenty or so already – if anyone wants to leave, I can replace them with a snap of my fingers.”[/I] While she spoke, Winner had been talking to a couple of security guards outside, who now came in and dragged Mustafa away as the rest of the roster considered Kate’s words. The new boss smiled. [I]“That said, no way I want to get rid of anyone who doesn’t want to go. Yes, there will be some new faces coming in, but the fans here have followed this fed and seen some of you for years, and I don’t want them to think I’m ripping everything up and starting again. Secondly, a lot of the people I’m in talks with at the moment are women. I’d like to see us running a women’s division, and some of them will double up as managers to a few of you. Thirdly, I’m changing the style of the fed slightly. We’re moving away from the hardcore wrestling and going to be more orientated towards old-school values.”[/I] A babble of chatter burst out, and Kate lifted her hand. [I]“Don’t worry, I’m not talking about major changes. Jacob, Darryl, Ed, Graham, I still want to see you guys flying around – when I say old-school values, I just mean more of the traditional storylines and angles instead of limiting you in the ring.” [/I] Darryl Devine put his hand up self-consciously. [I]“Can I ask a question?” [/I] Kate smiled. [I]“You just did.” [/I]Devine looked confused, then smiled, on the basis his new boss seemed to be someone who wouldn’t appreciate him not getting a joke. [I]“But yes, feel free to ask another one.”[/I] Devine nodded. [I]“When you say storylines and angles – we’ve always let the wrestling do the talking for us.”[/I] Kate nodded in return. [I]“I know, and I’m not talking about massive changes there either. We’ll still want you to wrestle for most of the shows, but we’ll throw in a couple of angles now and then, an occasional interview – it was part of the contract I signed with the TV company.”[/I] The muted chatter from earlier was a distant thing of the past, as everyone simultaneously gasped then asked Kate for more details. [I] “I have a friend at Canadian I-Broadcasting, and they’re looking for some new programming. Wrestling’s been in the news for weeks now because of the trial, and they figure it has to get people interested. They’re giving us a graveyard slot for six months – only a trial, but hey, can’t be bad.” “Starting when?”[/I] Air Attack Weasel asked the question they all wanted the answer to. [I]“In three days time – so, make sure you’re ready!”[/I] Kate replied, then nodded to the rest of them as she left.
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Speaking as another 4C player, there's a lot of interesting stuff here. Firstly, don't have managers at all. The crowd hates out-of-the-ring segments (or they did on my game), so they will bomb. Secondly, whilst I don't much go for your scenario (I'm more of a don't-change-anything, play-with-what's-there guy), I can see why you're doing this. 4C is a little limited at the start, and the change of focus would probably help them However, I do just gave to ask: why the traditional stuff? If you wanted to play a small, traditional fed, why not just go for NYCW or MAW?
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[B]Thanks for the feedback, 1PWfan. In answer to your points: 1. I see what you mean about out of ring segments bombing, but I *think* (and I may well be wrong) that managers can sometimes improve match ratings for the people they manage. I also don't mind having the occasional segment bomb if it helps advance a storyline, or similar. 2. Thanks for the comment - I'm sure they'll be people who see the backstory, and think (rightly) that it's ridiculous and immediately give up, so I'm glad you carried on reading and took the time to post. 3. I like 4C as a fed, and the traditional was the only part of the product I wanted to change - the main features of heavy and daredevil suit the style of the type of guys (and gals) I'm trying to get in, but as a DOTT fan I wanted it to be a little more traditional than it was before. [/B] [CENTER][U]From [url]www.4c.com[/url][/U][/CENTER] Welcome to the new look [B]Canadian Charisma Championship Combat[/B] website, and get ready to see a new look 4C as the first show of the[B] Kate Avatar[/B] era takes place on Thursday night! The new owner will be providing colour commentary to go with [B]Terry Smith's[/B] announcing, and she has provided us with the following preview - with ALL the titles on the line during the show! Match 1: [B]Slim V[/B] and [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] team up to take a shot at the tag titles of [B]Phenomenal Excess![/B] Match 2: Rising star [B]Darryl Devine[/B], one of the hottest properties in Canada, takes on fans' favourite [B]Too Hot[/B]! Match 3: [B]Warren Technique [/B]is a great technician, but how will he get on in a hardcore match? Time to find out, as he gets a shot at [B]Brett Fraser's[/B] title! Match 4:[B] Air Attack Weasel [/B]is on a 37-match losing streak going back 3 years. He's aiming to end it against the popular [B]Nomad[/B]! Match 5: And finally, the two biggest stars in 4C collide, as [B]Jacob Jett [/B]challenges for [B]Joey Poison's[/B] 4C Championship Title! QuickPicks Tag Titles: Slim V/Ali vs Phenomenal Excess Darrly Devine vs Too Hot Hardcore Title: Warren Technique vs Brett Fraser Air Attack Weasel vs Nomad Championship Title: Jacob Jett vs Joey Poison
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;361502]Speaking as another 4C player, there's a lot of interesting stuff here. Firstly, don't have managers at all. The crowd hates out-of-the-ring segments (or they did on my game), so they will bomb. Secondly, whilst I don't much go for your scenario (I'm more of a don't-change-anything, play-with-what's-there guy), I can see why you're doing this. 4C is a little limited at the start, and the change of focus would probably help them However, I do just gave to ask: why the traditional stuff? If you wanted to play a small, traditional fed, why not just go for NYCW or MAW?[/QUOTE] I don't use managers either and I usually fire Brett Fraser and Duberry Excess pretty quickly because the crowd despises them. Some times I play don't change a thing but on other occasions I've run 4C as the true Canadian Wrestling promotion, firing everyone not from Canada and hiring all Canadian workers. The biggest edition if you can afford him is Steve Flash. I don't quite get the traditional stuff either but I'll see where it's headed. I always saw 4C as the hard hitting driven underground promotino.
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Tag Titles: Slim V/Ali vs Phenomenal Excess Duberry sucks but Ali should be a singles competitor while Hardcore Killah trains up Slim V with his in ring psychology. [B]Darrly Devine[/B] vs Too Hot Too Hot is no where in the league of Devine. Hardcore Title: Warren Technique vs [B]Brett Fraser[/B] I'm not sure Technique even has enough Hardcore skill to qualify for this title. [B]Air Attack Weasel[/B] vs Nomad Weasel is highly underrated, but really just look at his stats. He may not make it as a singles but he can be a greta tag partner to some youngin' maybe even Nomad after beatin him. Championship Title: Jacob Jett vs [B]Joey Poison[/B] I'm a Joey Poison freak plus you'll lose Jett and Devine pretty quickly.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;361901]I don't use managers either and I usually fire Brett Fraser and Duberry Excess pretty quickly because the crowd despises them. Some times I play don't change a thing but on other occasions I've run 4C as the true Canadian Wrestling promotion, firing everyone not from Canada and hiring all Canadian workers. The biggest edition if you can afford him is Steve Flash. I don't quite get the traditional stuff either but I'll see where it's headed. I always saw 4C as the hard hitting driven underground promotino.[/QUOTE] I never had that problem with Brett Fraser. The ones my crowd hated were Duberry and Warren Technique.
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Kate Avatar was hyperventilating. About to go out and do colour commentary on the first card of her new era in 4C, and the fed’s first ever TV show, she’d spent most of the past four hours going through the matches with the workers involved, due to the lack of psychology shown by most of her roster. Now it was time to pray they’d listened carefully enough… she jumped as someone tapped her on the shoulder, and spun around to see a sheepish looking Jacob Jett back away. [I]“Whoa, boss!”[/I] He smiled. [I]“I got you a cup of coffee while we wait, but maybe you don’t need the extra caffeine at the moment.”[/I] She smiled back at Jett, who’d been one of the most helpful of all of the wrestlers in the fed, smoothing things over to some extent between her and Joey Poison, who was still bristling at losing the book, and persuading many of the other men that this at least had the possibility of being a good move for 4C. [I]“Thanks, Jake.” [/I] [I] “5 minutes til you’re on,”[/I] he reminded her, as if she needed it. Thoughts ran through her head of all the booking she’d done, the meetings she’d had with talent, the negotiations with guys to come in for the next show – she was about to find out if it had been worth it. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out into the arena, where a raucous 437 fans awaited. [B]SHOW REPORT (OOC: All thoughts welcome on how it’s set out – I hate PBP’ing full matches but wanted to do it for the endings of the more important matches, does it read ok?)[/B] [U]Tag Championship - Phenomenal Excess vs Slim V/Sayeed Ali[/U] Despite Phenomenal Excess' experience as a tag team, it was the less familiar pairing of Slim V and Ali who looked good here. They've worked together in the past in six-man tag matches, and with the loss of Aaron 'Hardcore Killah' Mustafa, could well be becoming a full-time team. After Phenomenal E started off well, hitting some nice dropkicks and other quick moves on Ali and Slim, the heels took control of this one, wiping the floor with Duberry Express and then double teaming E soon after he was tagged in and effectively isolating him for 7 or 8 minutes. [CENTER][B]ENDING[/B][/CENTER] TS: Duberry Excess is desperate for the tag, but the challengers are keeping Phenomenal E away from his partner with some methodical, well-worked brawling here. Slim V goes for the Irish whip, and tags in Sayeed – but E makes the tag of his own as he bounces off the ropes! KA: Excess comes in... and the ref missed it! Duberry blasts Sayeed Ali with a springboard missile dropkick, but the referee is forcing him back to his corner! Duberry Excess is rightly furious here, and Ali is getting up, and picks up E... GBH Driver, there it is! TS: And we have new tag champions, although Phenomenal Excess are rightly infuriated there! [B]E rating.[/B] [I][Notes: Duberry to be protected, Sayeed to dominate, script.] [Feedback: Vocal crowd didn’t like Duberry much. Excellent chemistry between V and Ali. Colour boosted. E stood out as good. E, V, Excess improving in performance skills.] [/I] [U]Darryl Devine vs Too Hot [/U] The pairing put together a decent enough bout for 5 minutes or so, dominated by Devine as Too Hot bumped for him wherever possible. Finally, Devine hit an enziguri then followed it up with the Devine Dream Drop for the win. [B]E+[/B] [I][Notes: Daryl dominates, script.] [Feedback: Colour boost, brought crowd’s mood down, Too Hot improving performance.][/I] [U]Hardcore Championship - Brett Fraser vs Warren Technique [/U] This was something of a letdown, as Technique proved the doubts right of some fans who thought he was out of place in a hardcore match. Unfortunately, many of those fans were in the arena, and they jeered the technician incessantly, chanting at him to “Quit 4C!” and “Go home now!” Fraser put him out of his misery at 7:29 with a double arm DDT through a table. [B]E[/B] [I][Notes: Open match, script.] [Feedback: Vocal crowd not keen on Technique, colour boost, brought mood down, Fraser improving Performance.][/I] [U]Nomad vs Air Attack Weasel[/U] He may be on a 37 match losing streak in 4C, but that’s a twisted compliment as to how well Weasel sells for others. Today was no exception, the popular face showcasing some of his top moves for most of the eight minutes of the match, although the pace seemed strangely off compared to Nomad’s best matches. [B][CENTER]ENDING[/CENTER][/B] TS: Nomad with an enziguri, Weasel is looking battered and bruised, but staggers to his feet – and Nomad blasts him with a tornado DDT! Nomad up top, and the crowd cheers as he gets a 360 splash! KA: Look at the height he got on that one! And now, here it comes… Drift Shift! TS: One, two, three, he got him! KA: And now Nomad hops the rail, celebrating with the crowd, who congratulate him on a great win. [B]E+[/B] [I] [Notes: Nomad to dominate, script, work crowd.] [Feedback: Didn’t click at all. Colour boosted. Brought crowd’s mood down. Nomad improving performance. Weasel improving Rumble.][/I] Prior to the main event, Jacob Jett comes out, accompanied by Katie Cameron. Cameron cuts a promo to pop the fans, saying that The Amazing Jacob will get the belt, but the fans were restless, quickly chanting “We want wrestling!” [U]4C Championship - Jacob Jett vs Joey Poison[/U] This was a wild spotfest, with the pair trading flashy aerial moves back and forth for quarter of an hour or so with neither of them managing to gain the upper hand, until the explosive ending. [CENTER][B] ENDING[/B] [/CENTER] TS: Jacob Jett going up top, with Poison down on the ground, but look who’s out here! KA: It’s Sayeed Ali! Ali picks up a chair, and Jett sees him, turning to face the intruder – holy ****!! CROWD: HOLY ****! HOLY ****! TS: Jett just flung himself to the outside, and Sayeed Ali blasted him with the chair as Jett flew down! Ali rolling Jett into the ring, somehow the referee missed that one, and Poison drags himself over… KA: Nomad saves! Nomad was in the front row, still, and jumped over the barrier to nail Ali, then drape Jett’s foot over the rope as Joey Poison covered! TS: The referee is remonstrating with Nomad, and Nomad and Ali are going at it on the outside now! Poison drags Jett to his feet, and the pair are swinging at each other – but look! KA: Dammit! Slim V’s joined the party, now, and picks up Ali’s discarded chair! Ali jumps onto the apron, Nomad trying to drag him back down as the referee is trying to get them both out of the way, and Slim V dives in and cracks that chair across Jett’s back! Poison capitalises with a big piledriver, covers… and he gets him! What a crock! [B]D[/B] [I][Notes: Tainted finish, all out, overbooked, ends with outside interference, Ali/V attack Jett, Nomad attacks Poison, script.] [Feedback: Lack of psychology hurt the match. Announcing quality not up to the match, but colour lifted it. Jett improving Rumble/performance, unchained storyline between the two continues.][/I] [B] Overall show rating: D-, increased popularity. [/B]
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I liked the show. I don't know anything about the Cornellverse really (not played it since TEW 2004, just can't get into it as much as real-world mods), so I don't know how much of a departure it was from 4C's product, but I enjoyed it anyway. Good starting show, I'm pretty hooked.
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Thanks RKO. [U][Feedback from [url]www.prowrestlinglightbulb.com/forum][/url][/U] [B]Show rating: 3.0 Best match: Jett vs Poison Worst match: Fraser vs Technique[/B] What the hell? We lose NOTBPW and THIS is what we end up getting in return?! Poison and Jett get a point each and the cutie who doesn’t completely suck at color gets the third, nothing worth watching earlier on. [B]Show rating: 1.0 Best match: Jett vs Poison Worst match: Nomad vs Air Attack Frickin Weasel[/B] Okay, I was channel-surfing trying to find something to watch, suffering from major wrestling withdrawal symptoms since the closure of my two favourite feds, SWF and TCW, and came across this abortion of a show. I forced myself to watch the entire hour, thinking it’s good to support a Canadian fed, but how the hell can you take it seriously when it’s got a guy called Air Attack Weasel wrestling? This fed blows chunks, and the sooner it gets its deal cancelled where it can’t wreck our memories of real wrestling, the better! [B]Show rating: 9.5 Best match: JETT VS POISON!!!!!!! Worst match: NONE, THEY WERE ALL L337!!!![/B] DIS SHOW ROCKED HARDCORE AND THE LOOOO5ER5 WHINING ABOUT CRAPPY SWF AND NOTBPW NEED TO STFU!!! JETT IS DE BEST AND WOULD KICK SEAN MCFLY’S A55 IF MCFLY WASN’T IN PRISON!!!!!!!!!! Kate Avatar rolled her eyes as she read the comments on her PC screen, then answered her mobile phone. [I]“Hello?”[/I] [I] “What the hell was that crap?”[/I] A voice shrieked down the phone, nearly deafening her. [I] “Alvin?”[/I] She replied, unsure of whether it was him. [I] “Yes, goddamn Alvin! The idiot you persuaded to tell his boss to pick up your heap of junk wrestling promotion to fill our schedule out!” [/I]He took a deep breath. [I]“When I say boss, I probably mean ex-boss, because if he’s seen these ratings, he’s probably already Fed-exed me to tell me I’m fired!” [/I] Kate tried to calm him down. [I]“Alvin, stop exaggerating. The ratings can’t have been that bad, can they?” “Depends what you mean by that bad,” [/I]he snapped back. [I]“Zero point zero low enough? I ended up going on some of those goddamn wrestling websites just to prove to my boss that SOMEONE watched the show!! And even they didn’t sound like they’d be tuning in next week.”[/I] Kate responded practically. [I]“It’ll take time to build up a following on TV. We’ve got six months, we’ll start seeing improvements soon.” “Six months? SIX MONTHS?”[/I] her friend spluttered in disbelief. [I]“Honey, you may have a six month contract, but the chances of you getting past six WEEKS with that sort of stuff on screen are beyond zero. Hell, the network will probably kick you off air by the end of the month and take you to court for fraud, claiming that was a wrestling show! I thought we were getting big stars? People like the Stones, the McFlys, the DeColts!”[/I] She took a deep breath before answering. [I]“Strangely, the DeColts seem happy in CGC, since they own the damn place. The Stones are all, sadly, locked up or on a long-term hiatus from wrestling after that trial. And Sean McFly is in a cell next door to Poppa Stone. On the plus side,”[/I] She continued. [I]“We have Tamara McFly coming in.”[/I] She crossed her fingers behind her back as she spoke. She had got Tamara McFly coming in – for negotiations, at least. [I] “Tamara McFly?” [/I]Alvin’s voice was like that of a drowning man seeing a ship appearing on the horizon. [I]“Sean McFly’s sister, the gorgeous one?”[/I] Kate assented. [I]“We could be saved!” [/I]Alvin cried out jubilantly. [I]“How about you against her next week in a bikini contest?” [/I] [I]“A bikini contest?”[/I] Kate answered indignantly. [I]“I am not putting Tamara McFly – or anyone else for that matter – in a bikini contest! We’ve got a chance of becoming the new home for fans looking for women’s wrestling in Canada, now NOTBPW has gone, and you want me to stick one of the most talented female wrestlers in the country in a bikini contest?” “You have no chance of becoming anything other than another promotion without a TV deal if you don’t get those ratings up damn quickly!”[/I] He fired back. Kate rolled her eyes, wishing he could see her frustration. [I]“You want ratings, fine. I’ll pull all the stops out. But no goddamn bikini contests!”[/I] She hung up angrily.
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[CENTER][U]From [url]www.4c.com[/url] [/U][/CENTER] Thanks to all of you who tuned in last week, we hope to see you watching again – and tell your friends, as it’s a stacked line-up! Match 1: [B]Phenomenal Excess[/B] lost the tag titles last week in a miscarriage of justice, and [B]Duberry Excess[/B] is so incensed that he’s taking the week off. [B]Phenomenal E[/B] will be in action, though, teaming up with [B]Too Hot [/B]to take on [B]Darryl Devine and Air Attack Weasel. [/B] Match 2: The women’s division gets underway! Next week will see the start of a four-woman tournament to crown the new champion – three wrestlers have already been given places in that tournament, although their identities are being kept under wraps for the moment. Another ten will go at it for the final place in a 10-woman battle royal. Contestants: [B]Emma Bitch, Eve Grunge, Grace Harper, Kristabel Plum, Princess Starwalker, Raven Nightfall, Seiko Nanami, Steph Blake, Stephanie Wade, Suzanne Brazzle.[/B] Match 3: [B]Brett Fraser[/B] defended his Hardcore title successfully last week, beating [B]Warren Technique[/B] in a fairly quick bout. He’s ready to fight again, and says he’s sick of hearing of all the former ‘big feds’ – so he’s issued an open challenge to any wrestler to have held a belt in TCW, SWF or NOTBPW – and we have it on very good authority that a recent champion HAS accepted! Stand by for a shock here, you won’t BELIEVE this one! Oh yeah – did we mention it’s [B][U]TEXAS DEATH [/U][/B]STYLE?! Match 4: How do you top Texas Death? With a steel cage – and four men in it! Last week, [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] and [B]Slim V[/B] won the tag titles, then combined to cost [B]Jacob Jett [/B]his shot at [B]Joey Poison’s[/B] championship, despite [B]Nomad [/B]trying to help [B]Jett[/B]. This week, [B]Nomad and Jett[/B] will combine to take on [B]Ali and V, the New Thugz[/B], in a non-title bout! QuickPicks: Phenomenal E and Too Hot vs Devine and Weasel 10 woman battle royal: Emma Bitch, Eve Grunge, Grace Harper, Kristabel Plum, Princess Starwalker, Raven Nightfall, Seiko Nanami, Steph Blake, Stephanie Wade, Suzanne Brazzle. Texas Death HC title match, Fraser.vs Mystery Former ‘Big Three’ Champion Cage Classic, Ali/V vs Jett/Nomad
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I'll eventually get round to posting the second show, keep thinking of other stuff I want to try, though. Feel free to post who you think the 'mystery wrestler' will be - it's definitely someone mentioned in the below article. [U][CENTER]From [url]www.prowrestlinglightbulb.com[/url][/CENTER][/U] [B]4C[/B] are advertising a ‘recent champion’ from one of the big three feds to have closed down to appear tonight, and take a shot at [B]Brett Fraser’s [/B]hardcore belt. For once, we don’t have info on who it is – but that’s never stopped ace report Wail Kedder from trying to guess! [B]Sean McFly[/B] – Well, apparently, his sister’s in. Given that, Sean would probably be a very good choice, and he’d certainly give the ratings a much needed boost – unfortunately, while talent trading isn’t too unusual in Canada, it’s probably hard to do it with a prison. Unless they’re planning on breaking him out, no chance of seeing the 4 time NOTBPW Canadian champ there tonight. Same goes for brother-in-law Dan Stone Jr. [B]Edd Stone[/B] – The Unlimited Action champion up until a few months ago, Stone wouldn’t be a bad choice if they wanted to take the division into a more high spot orientated direction. However, reports seem fairly definite that the younger Stones have lost heart for the family business after seeing their dad, sister and older brother all sent to jail, and even if they hadn’t, Edd would probably be asking far too much to be a realistic signing. [B]Harrison Hash[/B] – The guy who defeated Edd for the Action title isn’t great at any style of wrestling, but holds his own in all of them. He’s also fairly popular in Canada, and probably comes a lot cheaper than Edd does. A definite possibility. [B]The Natural[/B] - They didn’t specify it was a singles champ. This guy has the arrogant heel style down to a T, is dating Cat Quine, which might be useful as they try to build the women’s division up, and can wrestle a good hardcore match. Another real chance. [B]Owen Love [/B]– Unlike his tag partner, Owen doesn’t do hardcore. Would be very surprised to see him willing to mess his pretty face up against Fraser, who’s not the safest of guys. [B]Dallas/Dean McWade[/B] – along with the Natural and Hash, the other two most likely contenders. Their styles are somewhat limited for 4C, but they have big name recognition. That name recognition comes at a price, but as a short-term ratings boost, it could be worth it for 4C. [B] Ricky Dale Johnson/Runaway Train/Steve Frehley/Troy Tornado[/B] – All currently on hiatus, according to reliable sources, none likely to work cheap enough. [B]Brett/Bart Biggz/Randy/Zimmy Bumfhole [/B]– None of them known as hardcore wrestlers, but all likely to work fairly cheap. Bringing in either of the two SWF babyface tag teams would be likely to lead to a fairly entertaining feud with the New Thugz. Possibilities, but hardly likely to make a big impact. [B]Rich Money [/B]– Talk about living the gimmick. We’ve heard how much the former NA champion wants to step in the ring at the moment, and it could well be a long time before anyone can afford this guy! [B]Squeeky McClean[/B] – Could he return to the country where he started, back as John McClean in CGC? Doubtful… using his SWF gimmick would likely go down like a lead balloon in 4C, and he sucks at hardcore. [B] Rocky Golden[/B] – He’s not looking for as much as Rich Money is, by all accounts, but Avatar would still need to break the bank to get him in. Word has it that she’s been given an ultimatum to improve ratings QUICKLY, but would she risk spending big on a guy who was a major flop until he got to TCW? [B]Chance Fortune/ Freddy Huggins[/B] – Either would be a massive signing for 4C, but hardcore – we don’t think so! So, looking at the names, expect a McWade, The Natural, or Harrison Hash to take on Fraser in just a few hours – next question, will they get debut gold, or will Kate stick with the 4C regular Brett Fraser? This could answer a few questions as to just how far she’s willing to go to get the TV ratings she needs – will we even recognise 4C in a few weeks?
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Thought I'd posted this a few days ago - oops. Show to follow tomorrow. In the all new ladies’ locker room in 4C, Kate Avatar held court a few hours before the second show of her new era. [I]“Firstly, can I say it’s wonderful to have you all here.”[/I] she started. [I]“I know that a lot of you have probably never seen one of our shows before, and a few months ago you probably wouldn’t have expected to be here, but the wrestling world is changing, and I’m hoping each of you will help take 4C to the top of it.” [/I] She looked around nervously and smiled. She’d felt a lot more comfortable with the guys on the first day – in some ways, Mustafa stepping out of line had been a godsend, as he’d been disposable enough to get rid of him as a message to everyone else. Having negotiated with pretty much every woman in wrestling, she’d only managed to get deals with 13 ladies, meaning that she was going to have to be very careful about pissing any of them off – especially those with friends or relatives who may get offended as well. [I]“I’m sure many of you know each other from the other women’s federations you’ve worked in, but I’d love it if you all just gave everyone else a brief introduction, and mentioned the ideas we’ve had so far for your use in this fed. Shall we go in alphabetical order?”[/I] She nodded to Emma Bitch, who stood up. [I]“Hey.”[/I] The 20-year old looked even more nervous than her boss. [I]“They call me Emma Bitch, and hopefully those of you who watched NOTBPW will know me from that. I’m still shocked about what went down there, to be honest – especially Victoria being involved. But I’m trying to get over that, and help take 4C to the next level. No gimmick change or anything for me, same ****y nasty heel I’ve been for 2 years.”[/I] She laughed self-consciously, and a few of the older women smiled reassuringly at her. The next person stood up. [I]“Hey, ladies. I’m Eve Grunge, best-selling singer/songwriter. Well, maybe not BEST-selling, but not too far off. And I wrestle, too. Probably not up to some of you more experienced chicks, but I’m willing to learn. And just like Emma, I want to take us to the very top.”[/I] [I] Grace Harper rose to her feet. “I’m Grace Harper, and I can see by the looks on some faces that you thought I was Helen Wheels. Well, that used to be my name back when I was commentating and managing, but I changed it when I started to focus exclusively on wrestling. Those of you who’ve seen me in the past, be prepared for a new look me, cause Kate and I think that rude and crude is the way to go – so here comes ‘The Degenerate’ Grace Harper!”[/I] There was a pause as the women tried to work out who the next was alphabetically, until eventually Steph Blake elbowed Kristabel Plum in the ribs. [I] “Ow!” [/I]Kristi said indignantly. [I]“Oh, it’s me? Hey!”[/I] she smiled sleepily. [I]“I’m, like, totally thrilled to be here. Steph, you talk them through the gimmick.”[/I] Steph Blake rolled her eyes at the American.[I] “Evening, all. I’m Steph Blake. I think I’m the only Brit here. The AAA ladies will remember me teaming with Kristi a few times in the past, and we’re going to go full-time with that for a few months – with new super hero gimmicks. Should be a barrel of laughs. Still open to suggestions on names, if anyone has any. Got some young bloke managing us, as well. Makes a change for the feller to be the eye candy, dunnit?” [/I] Kate interjected here. [I]“Valiant, who I’m sure most of you will have heard of. He’s being repackaged as the Paladin, with another comic book gimmick. We’re hoping the 4C fans will like the idea.” [/I] Next up was Michelle Brendon. [I]“Hey, all. Just want to say to all the AAA ladies, it’s great to have more opportunities to work with such a talented bunch of people. By the way, I’ll be working under a mask here – as Princess Starwalker, an obsessive fan of Star Wars. We don’t THINK it’ll get us sued.” She laughed self-consciously. “Kate’s asked me to work as a face here so we thought it’d be a good opportunity to try out the new gimmick.”[/I] As she sat down, a Gothic-looking girl got to her feet.[I] “I’m Raven Nightfall, and I’m warning you now, the END… IS… NEAR!” [/I]She shrugged as most people looked at each other, somewhat bewildered. [I]“Dammit, I need to find a decent catchphrase. As some of my friends from AAA know, I recently got engaged…” Smiling, she held up the hand with the ring on to show to the other ladies, who dutifully oohed and aahed. “… and my boyfriend Jarod, ‘Black Eagle’, is here as well, so I’m giving managing him a shot. Which means I get to be the Big Bad Heel – or one of them, at least. Time for me to kick your scrawny sci-fi loving ass, ‘Shell.” [/I]She smiled at her friend. Saeko Nanami rose stiffly, and bowed slightly. Kate kicked herself – she’d been planning on trying to hire a translator for the Japanese veteran, but hadn’t had a chance. [I]“I’m sure many of you will recognise Saeko from Japan,” [/I]she introduced her. [I]“She’s agreed to come over to Canada for a while to wrestle and to help with training some of you – not that any of you need it, of course…”[/I] she flattered them, [I]“but it’s always good to learn from a real top star, isn’t it?” [/I] There were smiles from many of the assembled ladies, especially Eve Grunge, although Emma Bitch muttered something under her breath. Kate looked warily at the youngster, but didn’t say anything. [I] “I’m Steph Wade, the Superstar,” [/I]the next lady introduced herself. [I]“I may not be as experienced as some of you, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t got what it takes,”[/I] she boasted brashly. [I]"As well as wrestling, I’ll be managing the New Thugz, the tag champions, so you can expect to see a LOT of me on the shows. Oh, and I have a very hot storyline coming up!” [/I] Kate groaned inwardly. Wade had irritated her somewhat when she was interviewed, but decent charisma and wrestling skills had cancelled that out, and her willingness to work insanely cheap had swung things in her favour. Unfortunately, she seemed to have annoyed several of the older women with just a few sentences, as Kate saw people like Grace Harper and Eve Grunge looking at each other wondering why they weren’t being given people to manage. Suzanne Brazzle smiled at Steph. [I]“Nothing wrong with some self-confidence, Steph. I think I know almost everyone here – probably a sign I’ve been around for too long! I’m Suzanne Brazzle, The Miracle Blonde, and I’m excited to be working here. I’ll be managing too, although I haven’t reached the dizzy heights of the tag belts – Kate’s asked me to team up with Phenomenal E and Too Hot, and I think what we’re doing together will be a lot of fun.” [/I] Kate smiled. [I]“I think that’s everyone, then. Oh, one more thing – it appears to have already hit the internet that Tamara McFly has been signed. Yes, it’s true, and she’ll be in next week’s tournament.” [/I] Judging by the faces of the NOTBPW contingent in particular, Tamara was a popular choice. [I]“Also,”[/I] Kate continued, [I]“there are two more ladies in negotiations, but I’d rather not say who until I have their names on the dotted lines. But I’m sure you’ll all get on well together, and we can show this crowd the best in women’s wrestling – starting in a few hours! Good luck, ladies – I’ll leave you to get prepared.”[/I]
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Show 2: [U]Barry Kingman vs The Paladin.[/U] In the pre-show, Barry Kingman takes on The Paladin (Valiant’s new gimmick.) Back and forth encounter, which Kingman wins in 10 minutes with a piledriver. [B]E+[/B] [I][Call in-ring, open match] [Colour boost, brought mood down. Kingman performance improving, Paladin tech improving.][/I] [U]The Gentlemen vs Air Attack Weasel and Darryl Devine[/U] Onto the main show… and an immediate ‘What the heck’ moment, as Too Hot and Phenomenal E comes out wearing suits! They’re introduced as The Gentlemen, with their real names of Jason Evans and Edward Larkins III, and are accompanied by their new manager Suzanne Brazzle, who looks somewhat out of place in a classy dress. She cheers them on from ringside, and there’s a brief moment when it looks like the veteran Air Attack Weasel is going to hit her, he’s so frustrated with not being able to tag in, but Devine remonstrates with him, leading to an argument between the heel team. Eventually, AAW gets the tag, only to be on the receiving end of Evans’ Heat Seeking Missile – although the commentators avoided referring to it by that name. [B]D-[/B] [I][Call in ring] [Brazzle good work at ringside, colour boost, brought mood down, Gentlemen both improving in performance skills.] [/I] Steph Wade comes out first for the battle royal and brings a mic with her, much to the crowd’s dismay. She cuts a bizarre promo about being the biggest Phenomenal E mark ever and screams that he’s sold out and she’ll hire people to beat some sense back into him. It goes over as well as can be expected here, that is not at all. [B]E-[/B] [U]10 woman battle royal:[/U] Emma Bitch, Eve Grunge, Grace Harper, Krazy Kristi (Kristabel Plum), Princess Starwalker (Michelle Breedon), Raven Nightfall, Seiko Nanami, Steph Blake, Suzanne Brazzle, The Masked Princess (Stephanie Blake) Wade is eliminated extremely quickly by Seiko, who then also takes out The Masked Princess. The other seven entrants gang up on her to get rid of her, then six of them immediately turn on Raven Nightfall to get her out. The last six pair up for a while, as Emma takes on Brazzle, Kristi and Eve go at it, and Grace fights Starwalker. Suzanne manages to take out Emma to a fairly big pop, then Kristi and Eve eliminate each other, and Princess S finishes things off by taking out Grace and Brazzle. [B]E[/B] [I][No special notes] [Colour boost, crowd mood down, Emma/Wade/Seiko/Brazzle improving performance, Plum improving technical, Wade improving Rumble.][/I] [U]Texas Death HC title match, Zimmy Bumfhole vs Brett Fraser.[/U] Bumfhole is not exactly well received by the fans, who seem to have been hoping for one of the McWades. He gives his all against Fraser, but the hardcore champ absorbs a decent amount of punishment and gets a comeback, culminating in him delivering a flying chair shot from the ring apron to the outside, then dropping Zimmy throat first across the guard rail. The pin is academic. [B]D-[/B] [I] [Call in-ring, go all-out.] [Colour boost, crowd mood down.] [/I] [U]Cage match, Sayeed Ali/Slim V vs Jacob Jett/Nomad[/U] This is a wild brawl, with the faces getting a couple of nice cage assisted high spots, notably a double moonsault from opposite sides of the cage onto Slim V. Ali is always on hand to make the save when his partner is struggling, though, and the bout ends with V trapping Jett in a Boston Crab as Ali blasts Nomad with his GBH Driver for the win. [B]D[/B] [I][Script.] [Excellent Thugz chemistry, Nomad improving Rumble/tech, colour boost.][/I] Post-show, Kate Avatar breathed a sigh of relief. Despite the fans being underwhelmed by the amount of time Air Attack Weasel spent on screen, they were generally leaving the arena fairly happy with their night out.
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