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What should my product be.

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I want to start a new game with a created character set to high so I can make a new promotion. I'm going to do rock hard (yes I'm a masochist). I want to run a promotion with 100% matches and focus on good technical and aerial skills. What should I set my product. I've tried setting modern, realism, and pure to high. Is that the best way? Also am I hitting my head against the wall trying to run this type of promotion is there any other that is easier to do for rock hard?
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I'd say you're on the right track for the most part. If I would have to guess (having never run this specific type of promotion) I'd say that you'd want Modern set to key feature, with probably a heavy in Realism. I think if you really want more of an emphasis on technical wrestling, you may want to have Pure set to heavy as well. Depending on how much variation you'd want in the aerial aspect you may want to look into putting Lucha Libre at medium, and perhaps Daredevil at low, however you can switch those two at your preference. So here's a quick summary: Key Feature: Modern Heavy: Realism, Pure Medium: Lucha Libre Low: Daredevil In terms of how easy this will be to run on Rock Hard, that may depend on your region and how much talent is available to you. However, promotions built around in-ring talent tend to be the easiest to play, so you shouldn't have as difficult a time with the game as you would with a Sports Entertainment promotion.
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I wouldn't set realism to high it'll take away your ability to use Tainted and Cheap finishes. Key: Modern Heavy: Pure Medium: Traditional (This will help your matches be based more on skill then overness) Low: Realism, Daredevil No I would adjust this a little depending on where you are going with this. If you intend on putting in some of the Luchadores I would only then add Lucha LIbre as Low or Medium. If you want to have no characters just workers I would leave out Mainstream, Comedy and Cult and turn the Hell/Face devide to none. if you want their to be character but more grity and realistic I would put cult up to at least heavy and put the face heel divide to medium. I would look in the main database at CZCW and then maybe cross it a little with MAW. One of my favorite products is: Key: Cult Heavy: Modern, Pure, Traditional Medium: Realism, Daredevil Low: Lucha Libre, Hardcore, Hyper Realism usually 90% matches so I can run some interviews with my main eventers when they are ready but I can still run a 100% match show when I have to. My matches are mainly graded on in ring talent with a focus on aerial and technical wrestlers but I can use Lucha, Hardcore, Spot Monkey and MMA guys if need be. I set the face/heel divide to medium so I can run face vs face and Heel vs Heel matches without a problem.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;362927] One of my favorite products is: Key: Cult Heavy: Modern, Pure, Traditional Medium: Realism, Daredevil Low: Lucha Libre, Hardcore, Hyper Realism usually 90% matches so I can run some interviews with my main eventers when they are ready but I can still run a 100% match show when I have to. My matches are mainly graded on in ring talent with a focus on aerial and technical wrestlers but I can use Lucha, Hardcore, Spot Monkey and MMA guys if need be. I set the face/heel divide to medium so I can run face vs face and Heel vs Heel matches without a problem.[/QUOTE] Question. With that product, how successful are you at getting TV deals with Big, Very Big, Huge, or Enormous Mainstream networks? I was thinking of injecting some Cult in my usual product but that issue (along with vocal crowds) gave me pause. Plus, I like to minimize the effect of overness on my match ratings but thematically, Cult fits us better.
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I'm having trouble with how much I should spend on wrestlers. What is the best place to start this type of promotion on rock hard american or japan? Also I keep hearing conflicting statements on if I should set it to internet footage or sell dvd's. Also should I have it set to just in time or conservative for production?
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[QUOTE=Briareos;363178]I'm having trouble with how much I should spend on wrestlers. What is the best place to start this type of promotion on rock hard american or japan? Also I keep hearing conflicting statements on if I should set it to internet footage or sell dvd's. Also should I have it set to just in time or conservative for production?[/QUOTE] Production = JUST IN TIME (definitely!) As a very small promotion - I would go with internet distribution. Why? Well you arent gonna be selling more than a few $ of DVDs anyway - so who cares about that income? Whereas the internet gives you the 0.2% overness increase everywhere (assuming good shows!) - far better in the long run. As for where - well it really shouldnt make too much difference - just go where you feel happy. Make sure that all your fighters arent on more than $150 per show and dont use too many per show (max 6 maybe?)
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What is it in the product that stops run-ins and DQs/count outs from being effective? From reading on here, I thought I would be fine if I set pure to low and realism to very low but instead any match that doesn't end squeaky clean absolutely tanks. If it makes any difference traditional is set to low, mainstream is none and cult is medium. Ideally I'd like workers to be able to get by on talent but the fans to accept the odd screwy finish when booking calls for it. Sorry if this is a thread-hijacking, I just thought it would be tidier than opening up a new thread whilst on a similar theme. Cheers.
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Hi, sorry to bump this but it fell to the 2nd page and I could really do with some help. Please. I've been trying over the last few days (real time) to get my fans to accept at least one DQ/count out/run in/foreign object and everytime it's failed. Plus I've been buggering around with my product so much that my game is beyond salvage now. I'm gonna start again and really want to have the right product in place to be able to have a good run at this. Many thanks to any that can help!!
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From what I've learned, you'll need a little bit of Mainstream, in order to have a bit of screwiness allowed. Not much, mind you, but Low, or something. Make sure you don't have Realism set at much either. I believe it's Medium that starts the fans a booin' when there's a non-clean finish. Beyond that, I don't really know, as I usually play Traditional feds.
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With traditional feds do they accept "not clean" finishes? My traditional is set as medium and mainstream as low and the crowd are crapping on my cards. Has anyone got an acceptable reaction to an unclean finish or is it just one of those things you have to put up with once in a while?
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[COLOR="black"][COLOR="Blue"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I play as TCW and use their default settings and I am able to have tainted finishes.I have tried a few test runs by changing the realism setting to Heavy and this still allowed me to use tainted finishes.However when I changed mainstream to anything below medium I got the message "The fans were really turned off by the finish to the match. ". It looks as though mainstream settings affect whether or not you can have tainted finishes.Hope this helps.[/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR]
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