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How would you improve the look of 08?

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I would like a option to add banners to my TV shows and PPV's in the Game. TV & PPV company's having logo's. Belts that all look like Payne or Reapers. More background pictures. Maybe a option to see what venue's look like. Get to set up your ring area look. Apron ring shape etc. Better looking internet page. More pictures of Cornellverse wrestlers.
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[QUOTE=Jonfun;364993]I would like a option to add banners to my TV shows and PPV's in the Game. TV & PPV company's having logo's. Belts that all look like Payne or Reapers. More background pictures. Maybe a option to see what venue's look like. Get to set up your ring area look. Apron ring shape etc. Better looking internet page. More pictures of Cornellverse wrestlers.[/QUOTE] I agree with having logos for shows and companies. The thing for arenas may be a little much (especially for CV venues). I don't really care about the apron or whatever else would be involved in the ring area. Everything else you can get on the forums already. [QUOTE=BurningHamster;365011]Charisma Carpenter loading screens.[/QUOTE] Now [B]THAT[/B] would be a great thing to bring back...
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[QUOTE=Jonfun;364993] TV & PPV company's having logo's. More pictures of Cornellverse wrestlers.[/QUOTE] I too would like "network" and "provider" logos. As far as more C-Verse worker pictures, there are several of us trying to work on that in the render thread to give several options for pictures/gimmicks (if I'm not mistaken, there are now about 10 different pics for unemployed jobber Ben Williams:rolleyes: ). Alot of great work going on in the render thread by Marcel, Self, Showtime4lajf, and others.
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[QUOTE=Jonfun;364993]I would like a option to add banners to my TV shows and PPV's in the Game. TV & PPV company's having logo's. Belts that all look like Payne or Reapers. More background pictures. Maybe a option to see what venue's look like. Get to set up your ring area look. Apron ring shape etc. Better looking internet page. More pictures of Cornellverse wrestlers.[/QUOTE] It would be too much, then historical mods will be left out because most of the old PPV and TV show logos arent that good maybe can get anyways can get anyways not vital to the gameplay What is the point, you arent going to see the ring. Just when you start your game, say to yourself " I am using a square ring with red, white and blue ropes and a yellow apron" and thats that Id like the internet page to actually look like a website page I dont play the C-Verse, so I dont know about that
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[QUOTE=DanielW4444;365221]Id like the internet page to actually look like a website page[/QUOTE] There are millions of web pages out there. I wouldn't be surprised if at least a few of them looked like the current page, though I do have to admit that the WMMMA interface looked a lot more than a real page... not sure if that's a good thing though, because I don't really feel the WMMA interface is all that great.
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[QUOTE=Akki;365257]There are millions of web pages out there. I wouldn't be surprised if at least a few of them looked like the current page, though I do have to admit that the WMMMA interface looked a lot more than a real page... not sure if that's a good thing though, because I don't really feel the WMMA interface is all that great.[/QUOTE] Its not really that important, to me, I just wish it was a little different. but its not that big of a deal
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Actually all the talk of making the website page look "more like a website" has given me an idea. Maybe have a couple of different "looks" to that page. One that looks like an old newsletter for historical mods ... ya know? Back when nobody had the internet? And one that looks like your typical wrestling news website of today. Overall I am not too fussy about the look of the game but I think a little touch like that, as unneccessary as it is would look cool.
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[QUOTE=EricAdams;365571]I'd love to see an advancement bar telling you when you'll level to the next popularity range like in WMMA.[/QUOTE] I had absolutely NO ideas on this subject, so I'll just second that one.:D Seeing the bar in WMMA was much more convenient that having to check in the editor to see how I was doing after each PPV. I would just hope it doesn' rise as quicky/easily as it does in WMMA (great game. Too easy) Although it should probably be pointed out that that isn't an entirely cosmetic change.
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I'd like some sort of info page on wrestlers and promotion. I know we already have that sorta but I'd like it more detailed. Maybe this should be in suggestions but I'd like page telling me what level my promotion is and what I have to get to to get to the next level. Same thing with workers, so and so is at midcarder, he has to get to X overness to before its recommended he's pushed to upper mid card. Something like that, maybe if its just in the road agents menu. Hell I don't know what ya get what I'm saying.
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[QUOTE=Stennick;367381]Same thing with workers, so and so is at midcarder, he has to get to X overness to before its recommended he's pushed to upper mid card.[/QUOTE] This would be impossible to show in an easily understood graph. Card position isn't determined through one factor, like "Hit A popularity and become a main eventer for any promotion anywhere;" it's determined through a combination of popularity, style, and worker relationships.
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Popularity is the key factor, but not the only one. Even so... there could be an approximate list similar to the one you got in WreSpi2. That simply listed people by their overness across the country so you could see how you ranked against everyone in each promotion you were competing in. It was pretty nifty. It'd probably have to be done by grade for TEW but it could be fairly useful.
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