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Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011

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[B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Jacob Jett [B]DWB[/B] vs. Golden/Tana KC Glenn/Partner vs. [B]Joey/Partner[/B] [B]Sexual Aggression[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes Acid/Plague vs. [B]New Wave[/B] McFly winning is a no-brainer, DWB and New Wave likewise in this round, Sexual Aggression beat the Blondes again, and Joey over KC - well he's just better (although this could change when their partners are revealed)
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[B]Sean McFly[/B] vs. Jacob Jett [I]No brainer[/I] [B]DWB[/B] vs. Golden/Tana [I]I can't see the former champions going out in the first round[/I] [B]KC Glenn/Partner[/B] vs. Joey/Partner [I]This is the most difficult one to call out of all the matches, I'm leaning more towards K.C Glenn getting the win here, as usually the heel gets the upperhand in the birthing stages of a feud.[/I] [B]Sexual Aggression[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes [I]The Can-Am's have been Sexual Agro's bitches so far, and I can't see that changing[/I] Acid/Plague vs. [B]New Wave[/B] [I]Sammy Bach's been the only one to get a focused push of the CotGD crew and New Wave have seemingly on the cusp of getting a tag team title shot for what seems like aeons now.[/I]
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[B]Sean McFly [/B]vs. Jacob Jett It's perplexing enough that McFly has been tangled up with the CotGD -- this guy should be competing for the title, not messing around with some gimmicky tag team. Anyway, if Sean didn't lose to Bach, he's not losing to Jett. And I get the sense he's not losing at all -- it's bad enough he's feuding with these jokers. DWB vs. [B]Golden/Tana[/B] The DWB are in kind of a between-story lull at the moment... Golden and Tana's story is just beginning. They need to get some wins now to set them up for the push that's been designed for them -- and the DWB don't have the momentum right after losing the belt, so a second loss won't hurt them. [B]KC Glenn/Partner[/B] vs. Joey/Partner If Glenn's just going to lose now, why even tell this story? Bolton's guess actually sounds pretty solid -- but I'm going to say Glenn's partner is Valiant. Of course, I'm pretty sure Valiant's a face, but he's a pretty morally conflicted face at this point, and it's not hard to see the parallels between his story and Glenn's. Bit of a long shot, but there it is. As for Joey... well, I'm tempted to say Jack Bruce, but I'm pretty sure I was wrong about the first half of this, and I don't want to be wrong twice. So basically, I'll say you need a high-profile face who you don't mind booking to lose... if that's not Puerto Rican Power, who is? [B]Sexual Aggression[/B] vs. Can-Am Blondes I'm pretty sure I already predicted this match last time -- and correctly too. Acid/Plague vs. [B]New Wave[/B] Barrowman and Finch are an elite tag team in this business. Acid and Plague are a couple creepy guys who hang around with Sammy Bach.
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We've already got four people deciding the winners of the tag-tourney semi-finals by predicting the next show; anyone else want to get onboard and help steer the direction of the diary before Supreme TV goes up? And, so as not to double post, thanks to those of you who voted for SOTR in this month's Diary of the Month. We still fell a bit short, even though I voted for myself :rolleyes: , but did so to a worthy dynasty in Infinitywpi's "Tradition Dictates....". Congrats to all of those nominated. There is some really good stuff on the boards right now. Read them all! :D
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[b]Sean McFly[/b] vs. Jacob Jett You don't job to midcarders when you're in the middle of a megapush. It'll be a great match though. [b]DWB[/b] vs. Golden/Tana I mark for the Dirty White Boys at almost every opportunity, but especially this incarnation. Golden and Tana are kind of a thrown together team and their current storyline doesn't require a victory here. KC Glenn/Partner vs. [b]Joey/Partner[/b] But Joey and Partner lose when KC Glenn interferes in their second round match. [b]Sexual Aggression[/b] vs. Can-Am Blondes We need to see more of Angry Gilmore. Acid/Plague vs. [b]New Wave[/b] I'd like to see the New Wave win this one via interference by Phil Vibert. It would be very cool if Sean McFly is the old school, no-cheating babyface and Vibert is the guy who does heelish things behind his back for McFly's own good.
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Show 23 "The Hunt" [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]-Show Twenty Three-[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]“The Hunt”[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [B][I][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/I][/B] Fame, fortune; the high life. These are just a few of the things that the SWF World Heavyweight Championship represents. At “Master of Puppets”, three men will get the opportunity to wrest it from the grasp of its current keeper. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Ryan Powell vs. John Greed[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Ryan Powell wins via pinfall @ 5:08[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: We’re hoping that our foray into the free internet pre-show business will be a smart way to gauge whether or not we might possibly take on a “B” show at some point in the future. That said, we wanted there to be enough quality that it starts to generate its own buzz, and went with one of our more unorthodox and creative wrestlers to kick the whole thing off in Ryan Powell. And, as we expected, he didn’t disappoint. Using his vast array of high flying maneuvers as well as getting in one of his handspring spots, the young hip-hopper dazzles the crowd, but smartly doesn’t burn them out before taking to the air and dropping a huge senton bomb onto Greed and covering him for the spoon-fed three count. As Powell breaks out a quick street dance move to the delight of some young fans at ringside, Greed holds his ribs and rolls out of the ring to the floor, having done his job quite well. Grade: C+[/I] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] An almost too-long stretch limo pulls up at the talent entrance behind the arena, honking its horn at some of the photographers and autograph seekers that are in the way. When it rolls to a stop, the driver hops out and, after quickly cussing out the group of people, runs to the back of the vehicle and opens the door. KC Glenn is out first, looking like he just stepped out of GQ, the camera’s flashes really making him smile. Behind him, we are introduced for the first time to Brett Starr, looking equally as dapper in an open collar, who waves at a few people before high-fiving Glenn and starting for the door. A question from the crowd. Voice: “KC, who is your friend?” KC: “This here’s my new tag team partner, Brett Starr. He’s from Holly-wuuuud, man.” Starr takes off his sunglasses and curls his lip, smile gone. BS: “That’s right; I am from Hollywood, the greatest place on earth. I’ve been bred to be a champion since the day I was born. You might know my father, Mickey Starr, but you’ll remember me. I’m Brett Starr and don’t you forget it.” Sunglasses back on. Smile reappears. Not entirely unnoticed, but with the crowd now following Glenn and Starr, a third person emerges from the limo. The camera refocuses its lens on the large figure, in a smart business suit and sunglasses, with a steel briefcase handcuffed to his left wrist. Grade: B [B][I][CENTER](Start of Live Telecast/ Supreme TV Show Open)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER] Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The show opens inside an empty subway car, hurtling down the tunnel, fluorescent lights flashing intermittently. The camera pans to the very back of the car, near the doors, where the Cult of the Grey Dragon sit; a shiver inducing sight. Acid and Plague are on opposing sides, looking like nearly identically spooky bookends, while Emma and Jacob Jett sit up on the back of a seat, behind the sprawled out Sammy Bach. As he carves a piece of pear into a cross with his bootknife, he pushes his hair out of his cold eyes and looks up at the camera. SB: “Pain for the sake of pain. Sacrifice for the sake of sacrifice. The Grey Dragon teaches many things, and a love of the unholy, the deviant, is at the center. Sean McFly was a blood sacrifice, a lamb among a flock of many; he could have been anybody; he could’ve been you.” The cameraman takes a fearful half step back and elicits a laugh from Sammy and Emma. SB: “Tonight, Sean McFly, your wish for revenge will be granted as we send one of our own to the ring to meet you face-to-face, but I cannot be held responsible for what he might do when he is agitated. Jacob Jett is hungry. Please feed him, would you?” They all laugh this time, all of them except Jacob Jett, who licks his lips and flashes his ivory white fangs, his eyes soulless. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Dirty White Boyz vs. Golden/Tana the Mighty[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: DWB win via pinfall @ 3:39[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A fair match based on the response, but not exactly what I’d call wrestling here, as these two teams punched and kicked each other until the DWB mixed in a double clothesline, knocking Golden from the ring, and dropped Tana with their patented running double boot for the finish. That’s it. Seriously. As the former tag team champs walk back up the ramp, turning to face the crowd with their arms in the air after their dominating victory, Golden slides into the ring and attempts to ‘help’ the semi-conscious Tana by offering him some mouth-to-mouth. Tana springs to his feet and begins to spit and wiping his lips as Jenny gets between them, grabbing both by the hand and individually whispering something into their ears. Both men smile as she raises their hands to the crowd, who give them a pretty solid smattering of applause, especially considering that they just lost. Grade: B-[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Still without a partner, with his match only a few minutes away, Joey Minnesota is backstage, scrambling through the locker room area. There are towels draped over the backs of chairs and duffel bags left, guts out, in the big wooden stalls, but there is nobody in there at all; the place resembles a ghost town. Thinking he hears somebody near the showers he sticks his head in, but comes up empty. The voices instead lead him around a corner and into the trainer’s room, where Bulldozer Brandon Smith is sitting up on the exam table, getting checked out by an SWF physician. Joey smiles and starts to stick out his hand, but Bulldozer slides off the table and smacks it away. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] BBS: “Really? You were just going to ask me if I’d be your partner tonight, weren’t you?” Joey tries to smile again, but is finding it to be a bit difficult, looking up at BBS, who is nearly stepping on his toes. BBS: “Do you know why that seems funny to me?” Joey shakes his head, still looking straight up Bulldozer’s nose. BBS: “Because, if you knew anything about me, you’d know that I….work…..alone.” Joey nods and takes a step back. JM: “Nuff said. I’ll just be….” As Joey takes a step toward the door, Bulldozer does the same, cutting him off and towering above him, menacingly. BBS: “And, if you knew anything about me, you’d know that I don’t condone your kind.” Joey furrows his brow. JM: “My kind?” Inching closer to take up the tiny amount of space that was left between them, Bulldozer glowers. BBS: “Your kind.” Joey is taken aback and throws up his hands before turning to walk out. But Bulldozer is not done making his point and decides to violently run him into the door frame, before beating him into the hallway, kicking and stomping him until he is completely out of the trainer’s room, leaving him pretty messed up, without a partner, and in no condition to wrestle. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]KC Glenn/Brett Starr vs. Joey Minnesota/Partner[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: KC Glenn/Brett Starr win via countout @ 0:20[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: As the last segment finishes playing on the jumbotron, KC Glenn and Brett Starr stand laughing in the ring, having just been introduced. Glenn, in particular, is enjoying it the most, tearing up and holding his sides while we shuffle through a quick replay. Referee Eugene Williams hops out of the ring and puts on a headset, obviously having a conversation with someone in the back, before climbing back through the ropes, shrugging and calling for the bell. Glenn and Starr laugh harder and high-five each other as Williams begins counting out Minnesota and his ‘partner’, the ref speeding through his chore as quickly as possible before calling for the bell again and awarding the match to the team in the ring. KC Glenn manages to pull himself together long enough to grab a microphone from ringside, snapping his fingers for the cameraman to come closer. KC: “We ain’t even got to wrestle in the first round? Ain’t nobody gonna stop us, son. Nobody! Them belts are as good as ours!” Starr steps into frame. BS: “I’m already a Starr….how much better can it get?” They share a conceited laugh before the large man that accompanied them to the ring climbs through the ropes, being careful to not disturb the briefcase handcuffed to his wrist. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] RK: “...let’s just take care of our business before we start talking about it. There’ll be plenty of time for that kind of stuff afterward. Now let’s go watch the rest of the show in the limo.” Grade: (match) B- (post) B- [/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Dez and Danny B Bling corner Eric Eisen backstage and convince him that Supreme TV needs dancing girls for segments to “add sizzle to the show, dig?” Without his extended posse around, Eisen is intimidated enough by the mammoth Dez, who flexes his pecs back and forth underneath his too-tight wifebeater, to agree to it “for a limited time”. Dez whistles and his gaggle of strippers begin to head toward the ring. Grade: B (commercial) [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Acid /Plague vs. New Wave[/CENTER][/B] [B][I] Result: New Wave win via pinfall @ 8:23[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: Some awesome chemistry between these two squads gives us a bit of a surprise and nearly steals the show in the process. Barrowman and Finch have had the opportunity to show the fans their brawling skills while facing the Dirty White Boyz, but facing off against the two high flying masked members of the Cult of the Grey Dragon lets their other, more athletic side come out. And the action is fast paced from bell to bell with both teams getting in a host of their regular stuff in addition to a few things we’ve never seen from either team in their time here. The spot of the match came right before the finish as things begin to get out of control, spinning veteran referee Jay Fair around and around, attempting to keep the action in order. With Finch getting to his feet on the floor, Acid uses Barrowman, on his hands and knees recovering near the ropes, as a springboard, flipping backward over the top rope and landing hard on the New Waver, now back down on the protective mats. Both men obviously have a hard time getting up after the impact, leaving the action in the ring between Barrowman and Plague. The two men let it all hang out and draw a hush from the crowd with their display, Plague eventually taking the advantage with an eye poke and looking as though he is leading up to his finisher, the “New Jersey Turnpike”. Acid begins to stir outside the ring, but as he stands up, he is surprisingly struck from behind by the outstretched arm of Phil Vibert, who is leaning over the guardrail, swinging a blackjack. The masked man staggers a step before taking a second shot from the revenge minded Vibert, before “Mr. Wrestling’s” agent disappears among the crowd again, leaving Acid nearly out on his feet; the whole thing completely missed by the referee. Finch, now on his feet as well and a witness to Vibert’s attack tries to grab hold of Acid, but the high flyer swings aimlessly, missing Finch by a few feet, but giving the fan favorite a new idea. With Barrowman getting slammed and Plague climbing to the top turnbuckle and landing the “NJT” behind them, Finch sneaks in on Acid and gives his mask a hard yank, pulling it off center and then shoving him under the bottom rope. Plague, looking poised to cover Barrowman, comes over toward Acid and gets sprayed in the face with the green mist before recoiling in pain, clawing at his eyes. Finch slides under the bottom rope, throws Acid back to the floor, and nails the blinded Plague with a “Guided Missile” before rolling him up and stealing the victory. As The New Wave celebrate in the ring, the cameras switch, catching up with Phil Vibert as he hustles down a back hallway, grin a mile wide. Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Valiant is shown backstage, angrily walking through the locker room area, bootsteps echoing, peering into each open locker room and shouting out for Jack Bruce to show himself. Many staffers avert their eyes completely as he passes, warned by the look on his face and the tone of his bellows that he is only a fraction of a step from totally snapping into a rage. As he turns the corner, Raven Nightfall walks up. R: “The security guy working the door told me that he saw Jack get here over two hours ago. That means he’s already here……somewhere.” Barely turning his attention away from his search, eyes darting from side-to-side, Valiant grunts. V: “I’m going to get him before he gets us. That’s the only way.” He stops and looks her right in the eyes. V: “The only way.” With that, Valiant nods reassuringly to her and goes back to power-walking up the hall, yelling for Bruce, while Raven stands, the shot closing in on her; distraught look on her face. Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Meanwhile, back in the ring, the DBB, the Dancing Bi-atches Brigade, debuts, dancing seductively, but still rather boringly as far as a traditional wrestling show is concerned. This, however, is sports entertainment, so it could’ve a lot been worse. Besides, dudes like hot chicks and dudes watch wrestling, so we’re keeping our target market happy. Grade: C+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER] Sexual Aggression vs. Can-Am Blondes[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: Sexual Aggression wins via DQ @ 8:11[/B][/I] [I]Peter’s Notes: Both teams in this first round match are so hot to kick each other’s asses that eventually the whole thing turns into chaos. We had prepared Baby Jamie beforehand, telling him that these two teams might get out of hand, given their recent history with each other, and told him to “be smart” and let them fight. But, given the way things went, he really had no choice. Gilmore and Sexy sprint out to the ring and are exchanging punches with Love and Carvill before their music is even half over, letting fly with reckless abandon. These teams are at a point where they have gotten very familiar with each other and the effect is obvious, with a ton of moves chained together. The finish comes as Queen Emily has The Guru on the run outside the ring, with the two teams having taken their battle to the floor. Joe Sexy is paired off with Owen Love and has trapped him underneath the Spanish announce table, kicking at him, while Gilmore and Carvill both get to their feet near the base of the ramp. Somehow, a chair from the front row finds its way into the hands of Angry Gilmore, but before he can swing it, Damian Carvill grabs hold and the two struggle over it. Queen Emily chases The Guru clear into the backstage area and out of view with Angry and Carvill rocking side-to-side attempting to wrest the chair from the other’s grasp. Then, somehow, Carvill wins out and swings away, dropping a bomb of a chairshot onto Gilmore, busting him open instantly, but drawing a wave of Baby Jamie’s arms, who calls for the bell, disqualifying the Can-Am’s immediately. It ends the match in the eyes of the promotion, but not in the eyes of the two teams involved, who continue to brawl into the crowd, Gilmore bleeding like a sieve, until Supreme TV goes to commercial. Grade: B+[/I] (commercial) [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Still having not seen Jack Bruce, Valiant comes out onto the stage with Tommy Townsend, joined once again by Raven Nightfall. He quickly jerks the microphone out of Tommy’s hand and takes control of the segment himself, with his own agenda. V: “Where are you Jack? I demand that you show yourself and take what you’ve got coming. Trying to turn this all onto me, like any of this is my fault, is….is…..well….it’s bullsh*t! And I won’t stand for it!” The crowd is a bit shocked at Valiant’s choice of words as are Raven and Tommy, who stand on either side of him, mouths agape. V: “Show yourself!” Everyone waits, on the edge of their seats, expecting Bruce’s music to flood the arena at any second. But as the seconds add up, it becomes apparent that Bruce is not coming out to answer Valiant’s invitation. Valiant is almost unable to keep it together, seething. He struggles to even get a word out. V: “COWARD!” Suddenly, his microphone is cut and the arena darkens like a movie theater, the jumbotron sputtering to life. Still rocking his new black on black attire, Jack Bruce appears on the screen, sitting comfortably in a director’s chair as a woman flits about, dabbing the last touches of screen make-up onto his face. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] JB: “Hello Valiant.” The loud part of the crowd boos, but it’s a mixed bag. JB: “As you can see, I was called to the set of my latest music video shoot almost immediately upon arriving at the arena tonight, and am unable to come out and fill the people in on everything they don’t know about you. But next week….next week is a different story altogether. They’ll get everything….next week.” He slides his sunglasses over his eyes. JB: “My new album will be out in stores, my song on the radio, and my truth…..set totally free. Until then.” Jack arches his eyebrows over the lenses and launches into an air-guitar solo, but this one is more of a mock-job than anything else, making the fans that cheered for the very same thing only weeks ago, feel burned. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Sean McFly vs. Jacob Jett[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]Result: Sean McFly wins via countout @ 12:46[/B] Peter’s Notes: The crowd, littered with “McFly is McFly” posters, leaps to their feet when we return from Supreme TV’s final commercial break, flipping their lids for Sean McFly. “Mr. Wrestling” hops out onto the stage and heads down the ramp, towel customarily draped over his head, covering his eyes. Behind him, his agent, Phil Vibert, powers to the ring, no phone (or blackjack) in sight; he is all business. After last week, when McFly was destroyed by the COTGD while Vibert stood helpless, handcuffed to the bottom rope, both men are anxious for this week’s contest and are less ‘fan-friendly’ on their way to the ring. When the lights turn purple and the nasty alt rock guitar riff signals the COTGD’s entrance, the crowd’s tone switches and they really rear back and let the dark faction have it, very upset about the attack on McFly last week but presumably quite pleased with Vibert’s actions earlier on this evening. Jacob Jett appears onstage, flanked by Sammy Bach and Emma, and looks very much the same as he did last week; pale as a ghost with black-red eyes, sharp points visible over his bottom lip; frightening. And, once in the ring, Jett showed the same ferocity as last week in attacking McFly, as if his life…or afterlife perhaps, depends on it. The two men keep the pace so fast, it is almost too hard to keep up with all of the action. “Mr. Wrestling” starts off by keeping Jett at bay with a barrage of strikes, but eventually, Jett is able to weather the storm and begins getting in some offense of his own, losing his focus every so often and baring his teeth, going for McFly’s neck. Things progress amazingly with both men having a good feel for steering the match, and they make their way toward the finish with e the crowd moving closer to the edge of their seats every second. Jett’s attack has lost its focus, his eyes constantly on McFly’s neck now at the encouragement of Sammy Bach, so “Mr. Wrestling” leads him into the corner and leaps over the top rope himself, coming back in with a springboard frankenrana that throws the wild eyed Jett to the floor. Suddenly, Big Smack Scott ambles down to the ring with a chair and gets up on the apron, jawing with Sean McFly. Bach is curious and reins in Jett, seeming to control him totally, his teeth vanishing behind his lips. As McFly and Scott yell back and forth, with Vibert urging McFly to just kick Scott’s ass, the bell rings with referee Jay Fair counting out Jett, who is still on the floor. As it rings, Gregory Keith slides into the ring behind “Mr. Wrestling”, BSS now obviously a decoy, and lambastes him with the SWF World title belt. Phil Vibert starts to slide under the bottom rope to help McFly, but reconsiders when BSS makes a move toward him, and can only watch as Keith stands over him, belt held high. Eric Eisen struts down the ramp looking like the proverbial cat that ate the canary, a clipboard in his hand. When he gets to the ring, he shakes Keith’s hand and joins the World Champion in standing over McFly. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] EE: “As it turns out, Mr. Vibert, your client’s open contract for a title shot has found a signature…….my own.” Vibert shakes his head, not sure what Eisen is saying as McFly’s open contract challenge was answered by Sammy Bach last week on Supreme TV. EE: “Let me explain. Last week’s Shooting Star title match was made by me, and had nothing to do with the open contract that you left at the corporate offices. It remained without a signature until just now, after your client has been decimated two weeks in a row, putting him at an extreme disadvantage ten days from now…..when he is contractually obligated to step into the ring at ‘Master of Puppets’ against World Champion Gregory Keith as part of the fatal four way main event.” Keith grabs the microphone from Eisen. GK: “We’ll see how tough ‘Mr. Wrestling’ is when he has to get into my ring at ‘Master of Puppets’. I don’t care who he is, who he’s beat, or where he’s been, the Supreme Wrestling Federation is my world.” McFly’s agent yells something at Eisen and Keith and they laugh. EE: “Don’t flatter yourself, Vibert. And don’t ever, ever cross the Corporation again.” Grade: B+[/I] Fame, fortune; the high life. These are just a few of the things that the SWF World Heavyweight Championship represents. At “Master of Puppets”, three men will get the opportunity to wrest it from the grasp of its current keeper. Grade: B+ Show Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B]
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Show 24 Preview [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]-Show Twenty Four Preview-[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [I] In the first World Tag Team Title semi-final match, the former champions, Grease Hogg and Lead Belly, will square off against the team of KC Glenn and Brett Starr, who have dubbed themselves “Futureshock”. The DWB are sure to be seeking a measure of revenge against KC Glenn, as it was he and his former partner Joey Minnesota that stopped their month’s long title reign three weeks ago. Will Glenn’s new partner afford him similar success against the rough and tumble biker tandem that rode roughshod over the SWF for so long? Or will their inexperience as a team in the face of the DWB’s fluidity be too much to overcome? Then, in the other semi-final match Sexual Aggression will take on longtime title chasers, the New Wave. Could this tournament be the opportunity that Barrowman and Finch have waited for, unable to wrest the tag straps from the DWB in numerous opportunities, now only two wins away from capturing the gold? Sexual Aggression are relatively new to the promotion and have been embroiled in a feud with the Can-Am Blondes since their arrival. They, too, are only two wins away from winning the straps; but what better way to rub their nemesis’ nose into it than by becoming the World Tag Team Champions? For the second week in a row, the head of the Cult of the Grey Dragon, Sammy Bach, sends his minion to the ring to do his bidding. This week on Supreme TV, the number one contender for the Shooting Star Title, Remmy Skye, gets the newest and most dangerous member of the COTGD all to himself, squaring off against Jacob Jett. Jett has certainly stepped up his game since becoming…..well, whatever it is that he is, and will no doubt be out for blood. Can Remmy Skye overcome his demons, very literally, facing off against Jett only days before getting into the ring with Sammy Bach? Danny B Bling is drooling over Dez Davidz’ potential and has reportedly scheduled him a featured match on the free internet pre-show against the recently recalled youngster from RIPW, John Greed. After his absolute obliteration of Bling’s former ally Greg Black two weeks ago on Supreme TV, what can we expect to see from the street thug turned pro wrestler this week? And, after two weeks of whetting the crowd’s appetite, Jack Bruce’s promise to reveal ‘his truth’ about Valiant and Raven will be revealed. What will the aftershocks be? Who will be affected most? Plus an update on the condition of Sean McFly, who is now scheduled to be part of the fatal four way title bout taking place at “Master of Puppets”. Will “Mr. Wrestling” be at full strength when his chance at the SWF World Title presents itself, or will Gregory Keith only have to worry about two men gunning for his belt instead of three? [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"][CENTER]All of this and more this week on Supreme TV.[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] -Quick Picks- DWB vs. Futureshock Sexual Aggression vs. New Wave Dez Davidz vs. John Greed Jacob Jett vs. Remmy Skye (ooc: Remember, anyone offering predictions will be polled to decide the outcomes of the semi-final round of the tag-team tournament. This is a chance to directly influence the story. Would Vince do this? I know, Taboo Tuesday and all that jazz. But this doesn't have the Coach on it. That HAS to count for something, right? :D )[/I]
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DWB vs. [B]Futureshock[/B] Sexual Aggression vs. [B]New Wave[/B] Can't see the point of having both DWB and NW winning - therefore one has to lose - and I like Scout and Guide better! [B]Dez Davidz[/B] vs. John Greed Squash Jacob Jett vs. [B]Remmy Skye[/B] Keep the next challenger strong with a win - probably through DQ though.
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Guest Bolton
DWB vs. [B]Futureshock[/B] [I]Futureshock seem to have a lot of momentum going, and I think shenanigans will see the young ones get through.[/I] Sexual Aggression vs. [B]New Wave[/B] [I]New Wave = SWF Tag Team champions.[/I] [B]Dez Davidz[/B] vs. John Greed [I]Dez seems to be getting a good push, and Greed...not getting one.[/I] [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Remmy Skye [I]Remmy may be a reliable wrestler in this SWF, but Jett is a great high-flyer, and I think he needs a victory to get himself and the Cult more momentum.[/I]
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[B]DWB [/B]vs. Futureshock Too early for Futureshock [B]Sexual Aggression[/B] vs. New Wave Cant do New Wave vs DWB again yet, interference by can ams get SA the dq win. [B]Dez Davidz [/B]vs. John Greed Greed is talented but not over enough yet, new guy needs momentum. Jacob Jett vs. [B]Remmy Skye[/B] Ehm Jett vs Bach aint happening so Sky time, prolly buldozer interference dq to keep jet strong.
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[B]DWB [/B]vs. Futureshock I really don't like Futureshock. Hopefully this is a short match, as despite the DWB's overness, I can't imagine anyone actually enjoying this match. Sexual Aggression vs. [B]New Wave[/B] I don't understand the "you can't have them face each other" logic- this feud has been going for awhile. I see these two meeting in the finals, and afterwards getting one last big, gimmicky match to end the feud. I also don't want to see the belts back on the DWB, and Sexual Aggression should be focusing on their singles careers once the blondes are taken care of. That means the New Wave should win here. [B]Dez Davidz [/B]vs. John Greed Well, at least Greed's been on the show regularly. Jacob Jett vs. [B]Remmy Skye[/B] The Remmy push continues. Also, where's the main event? It's great that you're taking the time to push stars like Golden and the Cult, but it seems like half your top guys are never around anymore.
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I couldn't post the main event in the predictions because it's an "impromptu" match type of thing. As far as the top guys not being around, Keith's on shows, albeit not wrestling a whole lot as I feel the champion's work should be focused on the PPV's other than a random "feud extending" tag team match; Devine is out, but coming back. Wrecker is involved in a story that has his in-ring "work" taking a back seat. And McFly has wrestled on every show since he signed, hasn't he? That's essentially everyone at the top of the card other than Jack Bruce and Valaint, who have been on TV regularly. Am I missing someone? As an aside, what is it that you don't like about Futureshock? The concept, the wrestlers, the story? I love the feedback and I'm very interested in what everyone thinks about the product. In more than one case, I have done a massive re-write to a storyline based on a PM dialogue with a reader. How can I put this? Help me help you. :D
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[I]Better get in my predictions[/I] DWB vs. [B]Futureshock[/B] [I]Futureshock look like they are going to get the c0cky young heels push, and I'll think they'll get some sort of 'fluke' win here. I also see this planting the seeds for an eventual DWB face turn, as I think once DWB's feud has concluded with the New Wave, they are the sort of bad-asses who could legitmately make a face turn.[/I] Sexual Aggression vs. [B]New Wave[/B] [I]Difficult one to call, but I think New Wave have earned the right to reach the finals more, plus the fact that to be honest I too would rather see Gilmore in singles action.[/I] [B]Dez Davidz[/B] vs. John Greed [I]Davidz looks like he's in line for a solid push, Greed is glorified enhancement talent[/I] [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs. Remmy Skye [I]The new look Jett has to get a win sometime, and Skye isn't so far up the card, that the fans wouldn't buy into it.[/I]
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DWB vs. [B]Futureshock[/B] I like Futureshock! (Then again, I'm biased; I had a 2007 SWF game that I started in 2017, and one of the main storylines was KC Glenn as a heel claiming that SWF management was holding him down. Then again, the situation there was that the kid was still in RIPW when I took over...) Anyway, I agree we can't have the DWB vs. the New Wave, and the DWB don't really have a lot going on right now. (I guess they could team up with Bullwrecker for a storyline if necessary -- though Wrecker .) Sexual Aggression vs. [B]New Wave[/B] The New Wave are a real tag team. SA have always seemed to me like an ad hoc thing -- two singles workers who happen to work together occasionally. It would be pretty weird if they were champs. [B]Dez Davidz[/b] vs. John Greed If Davidz beats Groucho, he beats Greed. Actually, he probably beats Greed anyway... Jacob Jett vs. [B]Remmy Skye[/B] Jett hasn't been established as a legitimate threat; Skye's push probably continues.
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[SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]-Tournament Update-[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] PM's are being sent out to the following seven "Championship Committee" members to determine the outcome of the semi-finals of the World Tag Team title tournament. Astil Rob 4590 Hyde Hill Tigerkinney Oregano Jensen Lazorbeak Bolton Thanks for being involved everyone. I can't wait to see where you take the tourney.
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Wow. NoNeck I was an early fan of this diary just got lost a bit ago but caught up last night and today. Gotta say loving the diary and have to say I cheer your stamina. Personally I love diaries but find I can never keep up with the sheer amount of writing needed for a great diary such as this. You seem to be keeping an amazing pace on things while telling some great stories. Great job on bring Hulkamania into the 21th century with Valiant and his modern twist pairing with Raven. I also find myself holla'in fo' dollaz' already dawg. I normally don't mark for Des Davids but nice job breathing life into him. I'm also interested in seeing how you characterize Brett Star and John Greed in the future. Also I'm a big fan of your nickname for Bull Wrecker, "The Corporate Assassin", it's great nickname that gets his purpose across while sounding cool. Finally I have to say I mark for the wrestlers not ignoring the camera in your angles but accepting it's there unlike other SE promotions in the real world. Good job my man.
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Breaking News [I] [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]-Breaking News-[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Boston, MA - SWF.com is reporting that the SWF Championship Committee have announced that Jack Bruce and Valiant will join title holder Gregory Keith and "Mr. Wrestling" Sean McFly in the World Championship Fatal Four Way match this coming Sunday night at "Master of Puppets" on pay-per-view. Valiant had his first opportunity at the World title twarted last month on PPV when his now former friend, Bruce, cost him the match as its guest referee. Their now personal feud is currently one of the hottest in all of wrestling.[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] [I] (ooc: Thanks to everyone for responding so fast to the PM's; I think I'm going to do this type of thing more often. Also, thanks Celt for the kind words. That's the kind of post that goes to this diary writer's head. :) )[/I]
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Just wanted to let the readers of SOTR that the next show's (24 and 25) are en-route and business will continue for the SWF and Peter Michaels as usual, as early as tomorrow. I had a good friend pass away recently and have been spending a lot of time away from home, so things have been slow going. Thanks again to the Championship Committee for responding so quickly with your semi-final picks and for being so interestingly split on both. I think the outcomes are pretty shocking myself; I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. :)
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Show 24 "Violent Intent" [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]-Show Twenty Four-[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [FONT="Verdana"][B][SIZE="4"][CENTER]“Violent Intent”[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B][/FONT] [B][I][CENTER](Internet Pre-Show)[/CENTER][/I][/B] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] Sexual Aggression arrives at the arena just as the internet feed goes live. As they both walk around the back of the sporty rental car toward the talent entrance, Joe Sexy stumbles and one of his bags lands with a thud. Gilmore gives him a hand up before retrieving the bag as well. It is much heavier than it looks and Gilmore gives it back to his partner with a smirk. AG: “Jesus man, what do have in there?” Sexy grins. JS: “It’s brand new…….check it out.” With that, Sexy pulls a diamond laden championship belt out of the bag, it’s centerpiece a jewel encrusted dollar sign. He throws it over his shoulder and sticks his jaw out, posing with it. JS: “So? What do you think?” Gilmore shakes his head. AG: “Are those all….?” JS: “…real? Yes sir, they are. Had it made in South Africa and shipped over. Some damn fine craftsmen over there y’know. I was going to wait for the pay-per-view, but I’m so excited, I think I’m going to wear it out to the ring tonight.” Gilmore shrugs and turns toward the entrance again. AG: “Whatever floats your boat, partner.” But then he turns back. AG: “Big match tonight. No excuses, right? Emily is expecting us to win the belts…the real belts… and to be honest, so am I.” Sexy is all smiles. JS: “I bet this one will bring us luck…..and I think I’m going to break out the white on white trunks and tuxedo tonight, too. Make it a really special occasion and….” Gilmore just shakes his head and walks ahead into the building, leaving Sexy talking to himself. The camera changes focus and spots The Guru peering around a shadowy corner, unnoticed. As he leans out of frame, he can be heard talking to someone. Guru: “That’s them. Tonight’s the night, my friend.” Grade: B [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Dez Davidz vs. John Greed[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Dez Davidz wins via pinfall @ 3:04[/I][/B] [I] Peter’s Notes: I had to see where we’re really at with Davids, who’s showing against Greg Black sparked an internal debate about how he should be pushed. Here in a showcase match against John Greed, Davidz does well…but not ‘on TV’ well. Again his offense is pretty straightforward albeit brutal as he is a powerful man; maybe one of the three strongest in the promotion. After a wicked clothesline, Greed rises onto spaghetti legs but gets snatched up by Davidz, who tosses him high overhead with a monster belly-to-belly that draws a three count. Danny B Bling and his gaggle of working girls shuffle up onto the apron and get into the ring to celebrate with the victorious Dez, who stands on the bottom rope, leaning out, running his mouth at the crowd. Bling again tries to give his card to Ana Garcia at ringside, offering his ‘management services’, but gets rebuffed. But, with everyone’s attention diverted, Greg Black sneaks down around the ring with a chair and takes a whack at Bling before getting run off by Dez. Grade: (match) D+ (post) C+[/I] [I][CENTER][B](Start of Live Telecast)[/B][/CENTER][/I] [CENTER] Photobucket [/CENTER] The pyro hasn’t even stopped popping when Jack Bruce’s music fills the arena and the boos begin to cascade down upon him. When he appears on the stage a moment later, Jack takes a second to take it in, launching into a very condescending air guitar solo before flipping off the crowd with both hands. Laughing now, he pulls out a microphone and begins. JB: “Goooooooooooood evening ladies and germs and welcome to ‘Jack’s HUGE Revelation’, a segment that will no doubt be the highest rated in the history of Supreme TV.” The crowd continues to boo Bruce without remorse. But you can tell by the look on his face that he is enjoying every second of it. JB: “You losers need to pipe down so I can tell the world Valiant and Raven’s dirty little secret…..” Boos. JB: “That is….if you even want to know….” They get louder and JB suddenly goes crazy, putting his hands over his ears and yelling back at the audience from the edge of the stage. JB: “DO YOU WANT TO KNOW OR NOT?” The crowd is chaotic and so very loud that Jack doesn’t even notice Valiant, dressed in his usual workout wear, baggy pants and a tiny tank top, climbing over a barricade and making his way onto the side of the stage. JB: “FINE THEN, YOU DON”T DESERVE….” [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Jack trails off when his eyes meet Valiant’s; he barely has a second to react before the big man is on him, punching away. People stand on their chairs to get a better look at the action, with Bruce and Valiant rolling around throwing hands, really getting fierce. As Bruce begins to bleed from a small cut on his cheek, Eric Eisen appears on the big screen of the jumbotron and the backstage area seemingly empties out its collection of staff and security onto the stage. EE: “Get them apart!” Order is more or less restored, with both Jack Bruce and Valiant being restrained by various staff members. EE: “Now, get them backstage and usher them out of the building separately.” The crowd begins to get restless; they were excited to finally hear whatever it is that Jack has on Valiant. But now….. EE: “If any of you want to find out what this whole thing is about, you’re going to have to order the pay-per-view this Sunday night. I’ve already heard some rumors backstage and I can assure you it’s a big deal. There’s no need to waste it on you people here tonight.” The screen flashes and becomes dark as the boos begin again, this time aimed at Eric Eisen instead of Jack Bruce. Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Puerto Rican Power[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Bulldozer Brandon Smith wins via submission @ 3:55[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: He’s baaaaa-aaaack; did you miss him? Puerto Rican Power gets the chore of stepping into the squared circle with the SWF’s resident badass, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, who has been out of action since “The World is Watching” where he topped Remmy Skye in a phenomenal TLC match. Bulldozer doesn’t disappoint, dominating PRP, hitting him with a pair of super stiff forearm blows before turning the regional superstar around and forcing him to the mat with his dreaded armbar, drawing the tapout almost instantly. Shoving aside referee Eugene Williams as he tries to raise his arm, Bulldozer sneers and sprays a mouthful of water on the front row fans, drawing some solid heat. As the show goes to commercial, Joey Minnesota is seen backstage intently watching the match on a color monitor. Grade: (match) B (post) B-[/I] [I][CENTER](commercial)[/CENTER][/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] The Dirty White Boyz back their enormous pickup truck up to the arena’s loading dock as Big Smack Scott waves his hands, directing them. Eric Eisen is waiting when Lead Belly and Grease Hogg jump down from the truck, four burly SWF security members standing behind him with moving carts. EE: “Gentlemen. Your payment…..as discussed.” The security guards scramble up the ramp and begin loading case after case of beer into the back of the DWB’s ride. EE: “One hundred cases; all domestic. I hope it’s to your liking.” Lead Belly just stands smiling, following each case’s progress with his eyes while Grease Hogg looks to be on the verge of tears. Happy tears. LB: “Yeah-yeah…..we lik-ee, boss. Don’t we big man?” Grease Hogg nods, now crying fully. EE: “Once again, the Corporation appreciates your efforts in keeping the facts from your investigation quiet so that we may pursue things in our own time. You did well. Thank you.” Eisen nods at Big Smack and the two turn and begin to walk away, the staff members just about finished loading the beer. LB: “So….what now?” The interim CEO stops and turns back to face the DWB. EE: “Your service to the Corporation is now complete. Good luck to you both.” As he goes to walk away for a second time, Lead Belly goes back to celebrating their vast beer inheritance. But Grease Hogg becomes serious, wiping the tears off of his cheeks and squinting in the direction of his former employer. LB: “What?” Grease Hogg shakes his head. LB: “Don’t worry, fatpants, he still loves us.” Lead Belly cracks open a frosty beverage. LB: “I bet he’ll give us even more beer when we win the belts. Maybe even some of that imported swill that you like…….you think?” A lazy shrug. LB: “No?” Hogg shakes his head again. LB: “No…..I don’t either.” Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] Bull Wrecker conducts a one on one interview with Tommy Townsend on his way to the arena in his car, attempting to get ahead of a vicious thunderstorm in time to get through the parking lot at the arena without getting soaked. When they get there it looks like they are going to beat it, with a light drizzle just beginning to fall. But as Wrecker grabs his stuff and locks the car with his keys, the car’s alarm begins to go off. In fact this happens again…and again….and again, five times total, with Wrecker standing there swearing at his car as its alarm continues to go off no matter how many times he shuts it off. Suddenly, the sky turns black and opens up; a torrent of rain pouring down, soaking Wrecker, who is now livid. Finally, the car’s alarm stops blaring and Wrecker turns to make his way to the building, now drenched and abandoned by Townsend. With the car visible behind him in the shot, over his massive left shoulder, a bolt of lightening reaches down from the sky like an outstretched claw and strikes Bull Wrecker’s car. It is almost instantly alight with fire after a modest explosion, the rain keeping the burning to a minimum. Wrecker stands, soaked to the bone, shouting expletive after expletive as his ride cooks. With the car’s temperature barely exceeding Wrecker’s own, a popping sound fills the area and small, reflective spheres…..hundreds of them…..begin pouring out of the smoldering mass, bouncing out onto the pavement and rolling all over the place. Wrecker goes even crazier upon seeing the spheres and turns, storming toward the building, leaving his bags sitting in an ever growing puddle a few feet from his burnt out car. Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Dirty White Boyz vs. Futureshock[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]-Tag Tourney Semi-Final Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Futureshock wins via pinfall @ 10:07[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A good showing from these two teams who figure to see a lot of each other in the coming weeks, especially after what transpires here. Grease Hogg and Lead Belly come out roaring, keeping the young team of KC Glenn and Brett Starr on their heels with their power based offense really doing the trick. In a great display of power, the DWB’s toss both members of Futureshock over the top rope and to the floor with military press style slams, sending them rolling to the feet of Mr. Hayes, who stands expressionless. Soon afterward however, Glenn elbows Lead Belly in the kidney while standing on the apron and he and his partner slowly begin working over the former World Tag Team champions. By keeping LB down on the mat in a variety of submission holds, Futureshock are able to control the flow of action and keep the rested gargantuan Grease Hogg out of the match. Lead Belly screams in Brett Starr’s one-legged crab, having his torso twisted unnaturally as Glenn laughs tag rope in hand. Starr and Glenn move in an out of the ring seamlessly, now looking to be in full control and on the verge of an upset victory. But, as Glenn turns his attention back to his downed opponent after a tag to Starr, he finds that Lead Belly has crept all the way to his corner and made a tag of his own. GH hits the ring on fire, clotheslining both members of Futureshock twice each, knocking them out of the ring with the second one, before climbing to the top rope (a rarity for the big man) and taking to the air, nailing both men with a huge flying body press and leaving all three men laying on the black protective mats on the floor. All of a sudden, Bull Wrecker storms to the ring, still soaked to the bone, his t-shirt shining under the television lights. He is so enraged from the incident in the parking lot earlier that he seems to have tunnel vision rolling under the bottom rope with a microphone, oblivious to the fact that there is a match going on. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] Wrecker: “That’s it, Devine! I’ve had enough of your goddamn mind games; I know it’s you that’s behind it! At “Master of Puppets”, I’m going to teach you something about fear. Be ready to bleed; it’s gonna be me and you…..in a streetfight!” Lead Belly, with Grease Hogg still down on the floor, approaches Wrecker with his arms up, confused, wondering why the corporate assassin is interrupting their match. Mr. Hayes sees the inevitable coming and grabs Baby Jamie by the sleeve, pulling him, and his attention, away from the action. Wrecker looks Lead Belly up and down before taking a stride in his direction. With a massive burst, Wrecker explodes through Lead Belly, bending him in half with a spear before blowing a noseful of snot on the mat beside him and climbing back through the ropes, heading toward the locker room area, dropping the microphone at the base of the ramp. KC Glenn struggles back into the ring, having just enough energy to throw an arm over the unconscious Lead Belly. Baby Jamie pulls himself free from Mr. Hayes’ grasp and quickly slides under the bottom rope, slapping the mat three times in succession. Grease Hogg, just regaining his feet as the bell rings, blinks as if to clear the cobwebs, trying to put together what just happened. Grade: (match) B (post) B+[/I] [I][CENTER] (commercial)[/CENTER][/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]New Wave vs. Sexual Aggression[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]-Tag Tourney Semi-Final Match-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: New Wave win via countout @ 11: 01[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: A top notch affair between two great tag teams, so much so in fact that the fans that had divided their allegiance at the beginning came together by the contest’s end to cheer both squads……until the boos came, that is. Both teams got in an equal amount of offense and kept the neck-in-neck feeling going throughout. Barrowman and Finch finally begin to take a bit of an advantage, cutting the ring in half and keeping Joe Sexy, still dressed to resemble Ed Tibiase in his awesomely accurate whites, on his back on their side of the ring. Sexy eventually recovers enough to make a tag and things get crazy, with Jay Fair almost unable to keep control of the action. Sexual Aggression strikes, dropping both New Wavers with tandem superkicks and moving Barrowman into one corner, hoisting him up and sitting him on the turnbuckles, looking as though they are going to double superplex (a super-duperplex?) him back into the ring. But, as they get into position, Scout Finch sprints across the ring and knocks into the mass of humanity, stopping their progress and lifting both Sexy and Gilmore (one at a time), flipping them over the top rope to the floor. Then, in one of the highlights of the tournament thus far, Finch and Barrowman look at each other for only a second before launching themselves into the air and crashing down on their opponents on the floor, Barrowman with a slingshot press and Finch with a crowd hushing moonsault. As Barrowman (the legal man) slowly gets to his feet and rolls back into the ring, being the only one to get back in, narrowly avoiding the business end of Fair’s count, Damian Carvill and Owen Love come sprinting down the ramp in their street clothes, jumping onto Gilmore and Sexy. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] As the four bitter enemies go at it on the floor with bell ringing, the crowd stands up, turning to look at the man running down the ramp. Purple track pants, clingy pink T, blonde, blue eyed; muscled like a sculpture and wielding an exercise bar. Owen Love sees him coming and turns Gilmore right into his path, setting Angry up for a huge shot with the bar. Sexy is next, getting nailed right between the eyes and laying sprawled out on the floor beside his partner. The Guru comes out on the stage, smiling his serene smile and holding a microphone. Guru: “You may have had your sights set on gold, but we’ve had our sights set on you….on revenge.” Both New Wavers recuperate in the ring now, with Finch unable to stand, staying on one knee with his head in his hands after landing hard. As the ring announcer bellows that Sexual Aggression has been counted out and the match has been awarded to the New Wave, Gilmore and Sexy begin to stir on the floor, The Can-Am’s and their new associate celebrating their attack on the stage with The Guru. Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] World Champion Gregory Keith makes his way out to the ring accompanied, as always, by the interim CEO of the SWF, Eric Eisen. Dressed in his usual attire, tie-less, in a dark suit, Keith has the World Title belt draped over his right shoulder. Flicking on the microphone, he shares a quick laugh with Eisen before beginning. GK: “You know something….this Sunday at “Master of Puppets”, I might as well have the day off.” The crowd boos him a bit; arrogant asshat. GK: “That’s right, a day off. Because, even though there will be three challengers for my belt…..none of them have a chance.” Eisen laughs again, patting the champ on the shoulder. GK: “The way I see it, Valiant and Jack Bruce are going to cancel each other out, settling their little girlfight in the periphery, while I make short work of the battered and bruised Canadian import, Sean McFly.” The fans get louder, taking offense to Keith saying he’s going to dominate “Mr. Wrestling”. GK: “Oh, you don’t think so?” They start a “Hell no” chant that makes Keith upset. He unbuttons his jacket and has to be calmed by Eisen. GK: “Well, what do you inbred idiots know anyway? You’ve got greatness standing right in front of you but you lack the sense to embrace it, even though it’s the best thing for you. I am the new generation’s superstar, not the past’s like McFly.” The amp it up another level, almost reaching their peak levels of hate. GK: “And who knows…..maybe “Mr. Wrestling” won’t even bother to show up to the pay-per-view. Maybe he’s resting comfortably in some Canadian hospital right now, watching his old matches on VHS.” As Eisen and Keith laugh about Keith’s barb, Phil Vibert and Sean McFly appear on ‘tron with “Mr. Wrestling” looking unscathed, even after two straight weeks of bloody attacks. [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] PV: “It looks like you’re not the only one that can just appear on the jumbotron, doesn’t it?” The crowd cheers; they are behind McFly completely after only a few weeks. Keith and Eisen look shocked to see McFly in such good shape. PV: “And just who did you think you were dealing with? This is ‘Mr. Wrestling’ that we’re talking about; the best that this business has ever seen. Did you really think that a couple of attacks were going to keep him from his chance at the World title?” Keith and Eisen stand, mouths agape as McFly begins bouncing from side to side shadow boxing behind Vibert, a grin peeking out from under his customary towel. PV: “This Sunday night, “Mr. Wrestling” is going to climb to the top of the company and take your belt as his reward. Remember tha….” Keith is quite angry and lashes out. GK: “You’re going to find it’s a lot harder to get to the top of this company, McFly. Here you’re not married to the owner’s kid.” McFly’s expression doesn’t change, but Vibert cracks a smile. PV: “Is that any way to speak to the next heavyweight champion of the world?” And, with a flash, they are gone, leaving Keith and Eisen fuming in the ring. Grade: A* [CENTER]Photobucket Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Jacob Jett vs. Remmy Skye[/CENTER][/B] [B][I]Result: Jacob Jett wins via pinfall @ 13:21[/I][/B] [I]Peter’s Notes: The Shooting Star division gets the chance to main event a show and they don’t disappoint, leaving the crowd absolutely drained after their stellar back and forth airshow. Skye has really become a favorite of the fans and draws a great reception from the crowd when he enters the ring. Jett, on the other hand, enters to near silence as his arrival is downright terrifying now, being joined by the rest of the COTGD and having an almost animalistic look in his eyes. The match progresses as you’d expect with the two high flyers going back and forth with their offense, with Jett taking plenty of opportunities to put over his character’s blood thirst, constantly going for Remmy’s neck with his fangs bared. At one point, he whips Skye into the turnbuckle so hard, it shakes the ring a bit and leaves Remmy gasping for breath. But instead of following it up with a maneuver, Jett looks to Sammy Bach and Emma on the floor, waiting for their signal, their allowance for him to feed. But Bach just laughs and orders him back two work, taking apart his PPV opponent only days before his title defense. The finish comes when it looks as though Remmy has finally been able to put together enough offense in a row to slow Jett enough for the “Skye Diver”, but as he climbs the to the top turnbuckle, Emma displays her ample cleavage, fully distracting the referee. Sammy Bach takes the opportunity and hoists himself up onto the ring apron, on the side next to Remmy, drawing his attention before pulling out a lighter and blowing a black-orange fireball in his face. Skye screams in pain and grabs his face, tumbling down to the mat at the feet of Jacob Jett, who licks his lips, looking longingly at his opponent. But, as he curls his lip back and opens his mouth, intending fully to finally feed on Skye, Bach yells at him twice pointing toward the referee, who’s attention has returned from the valley of darkness. Jett, totally under Bach’s control, climbs to the top turnbuckle himself and takes to the air, dropping with a resounding thud onto Remmy with a 450* splash. A hush has come over the crowd as referee Eugene Williams counts Skye out, drawing the rest of the COTGD into the ring who pose over the form of Remmy who has apparently passed out from the pain. Grade: B+[/I] [CENTER]Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket[/CENTER] The cameras rush backstage and catch Futureshock’s KC Glenn and Brett Starr beating down Barrowman and Finch, who were apparently going to cut a promo with Tommy Townsend before they were blindsided. Glenn and Starr have thrown the New Wave through the set’s staging as the shot begins and have both men down, attempting to fend off the stomps and punches. But, as it appears that Barrowman and Finch are beginning to battle back and may turn this into a fair fight, Mr. Hayes jumps into the shot swinging his steel briefcase. In a flash both New Wavers are down, Finch busted open and bleeding, the blood pooling on the concrete underneath him. SWF security finally makes its way to the scene, but Futureshock is long gone, leaving their opponents at “Master of Puppets” in the hands of two suddenly overwhelmed local paramedics. Grade: B Show Grade: B+ [CENTER]Photobucket [B]Copyright Supreme Sports 2011[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Wrestling[/CENTER][/B] (OOC: Thanks for hanging around everyone; SOTR is back. And a very special thanks to those of you who sent me PM's and left messages on the thread concerning the passing of my friend. I really appreciate the sense of community around here at GDS :) )
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