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[QUOTE=Moe Hunter;385330]Speaking of naming features from WMMA... I wonder if we'll get the Nickname field? Guys like "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, "Instant Classic" Christian Cage, "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels... not that I need to list people or anything. But while there's enough space in the regular name field, it gets a bit cluttered if you put them all in, and of course throws out the alphabetical order. So it would be great to have the nickname field to seperate it out.[/QUOTE] I'd like to see something along these lines myself. Official nicknames for the wrestlers - I don't know if it would really add anything to the game, beyond the cosmetic, but it would help out a bit, and it would add even more personality to the world. More personality is always a good thing.
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;385337]I love the events being able to have numbers and years now. This little addition will make some PPVs feel bigger and more historical![/QUOTE] That's exactly how I look at it. I'm thinking it's going to be fun to try and create a history with my own promotion. With the ability to move forward faster through time, it might proove to be very fun... Start with a big event, that you have only once a year for a few years, then slowly adding more events per year, till finally you get a TV show. These "events" will have a history to them, and give a true sense of history to your promotion.
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I would imagine just numbers, as it seems to add just one onto whatever the starting base number is.... So obv if you had the base as 1, it would go 1,2,3,4, etc Then for years, you have your base as 2008, it would just add one on the end 2009,2010,2011 etc. So it probably doesnt differenciate between numbered events and year events. Thats how I see it to work anyways
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Apart from the National battle feature (which is pretty damn big) am i alone in thinking there aren't that many improvements / alterations to the game play to encourage them to buy the game? Yeah the improvements are nice but do they justify spending the money on the game? That being said I'll probably download the demo, discover a burning desire to buy the game and still splash out anyway but I'm not convinced yet.
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[QUOTE=Moe Hunter;385330]Speaking of naming features from WMMA... I wonder if we'll get the Nickname field? Guys like "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, "Instant Classic" Christian Cage, "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels... not that I need to list people or anything. But while there's enough space in the regular name field, it gets a bit cluttered if you put them all in, and of course throws out the alphabetical order. So it would be great to have the nickname field to seperate it out. Personally, I was supposed to work on pushing a guy called "Tank from the Bank" Reed Bronson, but since his name in the game is just Reed Bronson, he gets totally overlooked by me. It's just a weird mental thing.[/QUOTE] isn't that what the "alter egos" thing is for?
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;385807]isn't that what the "alter egos" thing is for?[/QUOTE] No. That's for making Skull DeBones into Vengeance automatically if TCW picks him up, or Monty Brown into Marcus Cor Von should he end up in WWE. It's a different system altogether.
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[QUOTE=sheepy;385791]Apart from the National battle feature (which is pretty damn big) am i alone in thinking there aren't that many improvements / alterations to the game play to encourage them to buy the game? Yeah the improvements are nice but do they justify spending the money on the game?[/QUOTE] It's negative thinking like that that really irritates me. Why start questioning the value [I]this early[/I]? :mad: As of today's post, you've only seen 25% of content. Not only is there still three times as much content still to be revealed in the journal, plus all the stuff that won't be revealed until release, but common sense alone should tell you that the biggest features aren't going to be revealed until closer to release date. To start with questioning whether the improvements are worth the money this far in advance, when you know that so much is still to be revealed, is beyond cynical.
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I like the calender idea. Saves me a lot of pain when I advance book Black Plague and hey! He's not available (For some reason it ALWAYS seems to happen). And also, yeah, we've only seen a quarter of the improvements and honestly, with a good c-verse update (which I'm sure it will be) and 75+% still unannounced features, I'm sure it will be well worth the 35 dollars. Besides, Adam is always known for throwing surprises everywhere.
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Seeing as how every edition of the game has been a quantum leap from the previous, (in my humble opinion) I think it's absurd to put down TEW 08 as a whole so early. If I went through the announced feature list and put a monetary value to each of what I would pay to have just that feature added in a patch to TEW '07, [B]#1: Personality Plus: $1.25 #2: Bad Blood: $0.20 #3: National Battle: $0.60 #4: Injury Realism: $0.05 #5: Multi Advance: $2.00 #6: Worker \ New Worker Combination: $1.00 #7: The Hall Of Immortals: $1.50 #8: Champion Replacement: $0.10 #9: Potential: $1.50 #10: Chemistry Store: $0.10 #11: New Game World: $0.10 #12: Location Prestige: $0.50 #13: Medical Exam: $0.05 #14: Ring Rust: $0.05 #15: Less Predictable: $0.10 #16: Development Territories: $1.00 #17: Graphic Repetition Reduction: $1.00 #18: AI Angles \ Angle Storage: $0.60 #19: New Graphic Specs: $0.25 #20: Openings and Closures: $1.00 #21: Extended Biographies: $0.10 #22: Habits: $1.00 #23: Different Event \ TV Products: $0.50 #24: Event Name Improvement: $0.50 #25: Availability Calendar: $0.25[/B] I’d find that about $15.20 of the cost has been covered for me just in the feature list announced so far!
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[QUOTE=dvdWarrior;385930]Personally, I'd be willing to bump Personality Plus up to $1.75, New Game World up to $0.20, and Extended Biographies up to $0.35. And then there's The CornellVerse, in all it's freshly updated glory. :)[/QUOTE] Now that I think about it, I probably would pay $1.75 for Personality Plus. It was the first one I did, and I was trying to keep my numbers modest, but good call! :D
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;385949]Surely National Battle's worth more than that... Also, the Calendar thingy sounds awesome.[/QUOTE] That's just to me, I can't remember the last time I was in a game where 3 promotions were national. Great feature, possibly limited implementation. I'll love every minute of a National Battle if I get in one though.
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The calender feature is just what I was hoping for in the next game. This will be great for those of us who like to run the smaller feds where our workers are also in one or two other feds. Now if we could just get our workers to not complain about their lack of use when we use them in trades ;)
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None of my workers have priorities elsewhere, so I've never needed the "Clash Calendar", but I completely see the call for it for when you're running a promotion with guys on PPAs and work for other places that they prefer. I would certainly like to be able to fall back on the calendar from that position.
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