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I love this new stable stuff, i used to do a sort of "stable wars" in the old school game. I have at least two MAJOR stables in my games at all times, and now i can have my superstar leader his side kick (who they fight over leadership eventually) and thier cronies be portrayed they way i want... I can't wait for this game!
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It certinaly does make TEW07 look like a beta demo or something, obviously we haven't played the new one yet so can't see how different its going to be. With all the new additions though, its looking like the biggest TEW ever. I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to modding this one or not, certinaly be a challenge :D Glad TV Contracts have had a slight overhaul, was well overdue. Hopefully, this means we can more then 3 contracts per promotion now, and really branch out across the globe in an attempt to RULE THE WORLD, or at least the East Coast.
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Read all of the journal the other day and this is really looking like it's gonna be fantastic. The personal nature of these forums is a huge plus, meaning they can really take in general feedback along with specific suggestions in order to improve the game as a whole - you just can't get that with bigger franchises. I mean, a lot of the things that are being changed aren't the sort of thing I'd have moaned hugely about last year but nonetheless they'll make the game as a whole a lot smoother; then there's the bigger additions such as personalities and so on that really will improve the scope of things. Add to that the prospect of a variety of new mods and I'm looking forward to this a lot.
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[QUOTE=crayon;405514]Nice new addition from WMMA tonight. Keeps things a bit simpler with TV shows[/QUOTE] AGREE! TV Expansion is a good one. I'm hoping we get more WMMA TV stuff, particularly Weekly, Monthly and Special TV shows. Weekly, Monthly and Annual PPV events would be nice too...
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I could have sworn we could already do this. In 07 when you approach a network you have the option of selling them an existing show. Now I can't remember a specific case of them accepting an existing show off the top of my head but I vaguely recall that I've done it before in new markets.
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[QUOTE=Rams;405752]I could have sworn we could already do this. In 07 when you approach a network you have the option of selling them an existing show. Now I can't remember a specific case of them accepting an existing show off the top of my head but I vaguely recall that I've done it before in new markets.[/QUOTE] I believe it's the way it's handled that has been overhauled. Rather than apply for a show with a network THEN putting an old one on (or being rejected for having too many already) you now simply try to expand the current show. The WMMA version of dealing with TV was a big step up in many ways and this should be a great add for anyone looking to grow a company like DAVE in the Cornellverse. Or any of the small promotions really.. specially those in the Cverse97. :D [quote]More importantly, will the AI use this feature to get other networks to carry existing shows?[/QUOTe] They did in WMMA, so I imagine they will in TEW too.
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Wow. This was quite a week for new features! I'm loving the stable changes, in particular. The stables have honestly seemed like an empty feature for a while now, just a list of wrestlers that I wasn't able to use effectively in booking at all. Sounds like that's all going to change now. I'll second (or third, or whatever) the hope for stable angles, too. While I'm sure the modders will get to it, I'm really hoping that Adam adds some to the base game. His work is usually the best (along with DOTT, which is a work of art unto itself).
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I like this as well, especially for promotions like NYCW and GCG, who have a lot of this sort of character in place. My only worry is that you'll get that thing of characters moving up the card when you don't want them to,and you end up having to bury them to keep them where you want them.
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