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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;430099]that duplicate post was edited though keep all this nonsense out of here. This is for journal discussion. Stop before Adam comes in here and starts reading the riot act.[/QUOTE] Funny, you don't look like a mod to me... On topic: Just two more to go. I'm extremely excited for this Saturday!
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Great new feature. Will make the game processes far more realistic. I generally love how TEW 2008 will strengthen your competition. Finally more economical challenge! I love it! =) [QUOTE=thedraem41;430106]as stated just a few more pre-release features left. [/QUOTE] Only one. Man, I'm more nervous than a virgin at her first time on a mountain bike.
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[QUOTE=DreamGoddessLindsey;429974]The final one has [I]got[/I] to be the ability to export your save as a database. That would rule so much! I imagine mod makers here would try to get a national holiday for Adam if he did that.[/QUOTE] God I hope so! Although that wouldn't really help me so much lol, because the save I want as a database is in TEW07 (obviously)...but still, that would be amazing.
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I don't know. That feature *really* doesn't seem to have enough appeal to the majority to be the final journal entry if he's holding back the biggest 'till the last day so that in the hours leading up to the release of the demo, people will be salivating for the new game. Sure, it'd be a cool feature, but it's not of all that much use to the majority of players. I'm personally hoping for something that hasn't been suggested a lot, yet it totally awesome and will affect every game you play. I've no idea what it could be, but I expect good things from Adam, and he's notusually one to let his fanbase down. So... no pressure, hey? :p
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I disagree, I have seen alot of users on here suggesting it over and over and over. And i agree with them, it would totally rule! It would definitly be one of the biggest features of this year. Although Adam has stated its pretty much impossible or something :(
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[QUOTE=Jennie Bomb;430192]I guess my main problem is that I don't see much of a point in being able to export a saved game to a database. I mean... why not just keep playing the game?[/QUOTE] Imagine if '07 had that option? Now... You have the '08 game, and you want to continue the game you were playing (as you say, "why not just keep playing the game?"). Just save your database, convert, do some modding to take advantage of the new feature's, and "Presto", your able to continue your game, with history and all still intact. This would especially be good for people that have long running diary's, to be able to continue with the new game "Upgrade" and still be able to take up where they left off (with title histories and all still in place). It would come in handy for fictional database's as well.. for someone that wanted to have as much history as possible. Create the baseline for the world, including promotional openings, as well as New worker's, with relations and all... And evolve that world a few years.... Heck, you could evolve it a few decades and really add some depth. Save it, fix some things you find wrong with it, and do it again, or just release it for other's to play. Many possibilities outside of these if you think outside the box a bit. I can imagine a ton of new Mod's using that "feature" almost entirely alone. With the in game creation of new worker's, you could pretty much set up feds, and just let it sim for years till you have a really great world filled with stars, jobber's and the promotions you made. IT would be a "Totally" different world each time you decided to do this. A really fun thing for fictional database's, but has quite a few possibilities for real world one's as well.... "T-Zone 2050" anyone?
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[QUOTE=Jennie Bomb;430192]I guess my main problem is that I don't see much of a point in being able to export a saved game to a database. I mean... why not just keep playing the game?[/QUOTE] Although a minority, it will help all us diary writers a hell of a lot for TEW 09 or whatever. Yeah, it's a long time in the future, but it'll help a lot to be able to just export the game into a database, convert it and then update with new stats, rather than converting the original database and then going through updating the whole thing to match your game world. Also, it might be cool just to get a decent game going with a fantastic game world, loads of changes, and to upload it as a database for the forums. We'd have so many completely original mods to play. That said, I can see why some people wouldn't see a need in it, or see it as a major feature.
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I'm still playing WWE: Rebirth on TEW05, I'd love to be able to convert my save... Unfortunately, I'm going to have to modify a real world mod to match it... And that's a lot of work. Good thing I'm known for my long breaks :D
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That's the thing. It's something that's only useful for a minority of users, albeit a vocal minority on the forums. I credit Adam, given his general success in this area, with not wasting his final journal entry (ie, the one that should be making the biggest impact to make people want to download the trial and thus the full game later) on a feature that won't sell the game to the majority of his paying customers and will only be useful for people who are pretty much certain to buy the game no matter what. It just wouldn't make business sense to announce this feature last.
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[QUOTE=Jennie Bomb;430222]That's the thing. It's something that's only useful for a minority of users, albeit a vocal minority on the forums. I credit Adam, given his general success in this area, with not wasting his final journal entry (ie, the one that should be making the biggest impact to make people want to download the trial and thus the full game later) on a feature that won't sell the game to the majority of his paying customers and will only be useful for people who are pretty much certain to buy the game no matter what. It just wouldn't make business sense to announce this feature last.[/QUOTE] This has been asked for, for so long by so many different people (especially new players)... I don't know where your getting your information from really. It's not the fact that it's not a "Wanted" or "Desired" feature... We all know it's probably in the top 10 for the last two or three years, if not the top 3.. It's the fact that Adam has stated solid reasons for not doing it, and they revolve around the ability to do it, not the lack of desire. This is why the older player's (one's who have played the game longer) are not asking for it. We know it would be there if it were possible. However, new player's ussually do not realise this without a bit of "searching" first. A feature that could potentially bring more MODS into play, and keep Diary's going would surely be a Pluss for everyone as well.... Might as well say that we don't need an editor at all, as only the very few that make mods use it. That which benefits modder's and Diary's will benefit the game itself. IT adds more "Choice's".
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[quote=KevBone;430241]It is looking like my hopes of being able to advance book title matches and gimmick matches are going up in a blaze. There's only one feature left. I hope it's changes to advanced booking............[/quote] Some features Adam doesn't release and leaves it as a surprise - maybe that's one of them.
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[QUOTE=LoganRodzen;430240]I wouldn't be surprised if the last entry is another (in my opinion, the past few have been) mediocre feature. :o[/QUOTE] You can't expect every feature to be earth-shattering, especially when the first half of the journal was jam-packed with enormous features.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;430249]You can't expect every feature to be earth-shattering, especially when the first half of the journal was jam-packed with enormous features.[/QUOTE] I think some people are looking at "AI" feature's as a let down/not so great feature, as say the one's that directly give the player a new choice. To me quite a few of the last feature's are going to be interesting as well as bring some "extra" competition, where before their wasn't as much. As I said before, some of them seem to go hand in hand with other's, one feature making another one that much better. The way the AI is going to utilize these new feature's, I can only guess, but seems like we all need to "up our game" to keep up!
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[QUOTE=W3LSHY;430254]Hmmm...Adam didn't even touch on the savegame/mod discussion in his last post. This makes me suspicious :D[/QUOTE] I noticed that too... However, the posts he's most responded to in here, were one's that seemed to concern players that might seem a bit dissapointed. It's always reassuring to anyone let down or dissapointed in any way, to have feedback from the developer himself. Even if it's not what you want to hear, and just what you need to here.
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[quote=Adam Ryland;430249]You can't expect every feature to be earth-shattering, especially when the first half of the journal was jam-packed with enormous features.[/quote] I'm in no way disappointed with the features that have been released. I've stated in numerous posts that I'm overly excited about this game. I understand that every feature isn't going to give off that incredible excitement. I'm happy to know that the AI is far more advanced than past versions of the game. What I meant by "mediocre" features was simply that the past few haven't been earth-shattering, like you mentioned.
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