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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;430249]You can't expect every feature to be earth-shattering, especially when the first half of the journal was jam-packed with enormous features.[/QUOTE] Adam Ryland in "I didn't book a Perfect Show" shocker :p The general expectation seems to be that tomorrow will see one last big feature announced (and an early release pleasepleasepleaseplease). How you define big, of course, is up to you. I'm praying for the Umbrella System to be announced - but I'm still hyped even if we find out that Tommy Cornell is dead and TCW is now USPW's second brand ;)
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[quote=djthefunkchris;430242]This has been asked for, for so long by so many different people (especially new players)... I don't know where your getting your information from really. It's not the fact that it's not a "Wanted" or "Desired" feature... We all know it's probably in the top 10 for the last two or three years, if not the top 3.. It's the fact that Adam has stated solid reasons for not doing it, and they revolve around the ability to do it, not the lack of desire. This is why the older player's (one's who have played the game longer) are not asking for it. We know it would be there if it were possible. However, new player's ussually do not realise this without a bit of "searching" first. A feature that could potentially bring more MODS into play, and keep Diary's going would surely be a Pluss for everyone as well.... Might as well say that we don't need an editor at all, as only the very few that make mods use it. That which benefits modder's and Diary's will benefit the game itself. IT adds more "Choice's".[/quote] It's popular amongst a minority faction of players in the mod/diary communities, who happen to be vocal and congregated on the forums of the game. To the vast majority of players, this wouldn't be a particularly useful feature. I'm not saying it's useless and pointless to everyone, and it'd probably be a nie addition. It's not, however, a big enough, important enough or impactful enough (if that makes any sort of sense...) feature to qualify as #100, which following the generally accepted model of marketing such things, would be the feature certain to generate maximum buzz. I mean, to the majority of players, the AI tweaks, the changes to worker personalities, the streamlined booking, the speeding up of the game, the improved resource management etc. are all better selling points for the game than the ability to export a saved game to a database.
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For what it's worth, I'm very excited about the most recent feature. I hated being able to defeat the AI because they were trying to expand in other areas and putting on poor shows because of it. Of course, my biggest problems with the last game were with the AI and a lack of challenge. Others wanted other things that I don't care about. Which is fine.
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[QUOTE=Jennie Bomb;430222]That's the thing. It's something that's only useful for a minority of users, albeit a vocal minority on the forums. I credit Adam, given his general success in this area, with not wasting his final journal entry (ie, the one that should be making the biggest impact to make people want to download the trial and thus the full game later) on a feature that won't sell the game to the majority of his paying customers and will only be useful for people who are pretty much certain to buy the game no matter what. It just wouldn't make business sense to announce this feature last.[/QUOTE] Well, it would be a good insurance against save losing game crashes as well. Instead of periodically losing a ton of work on a save you've been going hot and heavy with, just save the state of your game as a new mod that you or anyone else can begin from. That is a feature that would be welcome by everyone I think, not just diary writers and mod makers.
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[QUOTE=Jennie Bomb;430298]It's popular amongst a minority faction of players in the mod/diary communities, who happen to be vocal and congregated on the forums of the game. To the vast majority of players, this wouldn't be a particularly useful feature. I'm not saying it's useless and pointless to everyone, and it'd probably be a nie addition. It's not, however, a big enough, important enough or impactful enough (if that makes any sort of sense...) feature to qualify as #100, which following the generally accepted model of marketing such things, would be the feature certain to generate maximum buzz. I mean, to the majority of players, the AI tweaks, the changes to worker personalities, the streamlined booking, the speeding up of the game, the improved resource management etc. are all better selling points for the game than the ability to export a saved game to a database.[/QUOTE] The fact I don't think it's going to be something in the near future, kind of makes me wonder why I am even trying to explain the potential to you. Just to make a point... Not even Michael Wayne is putting this down... and he puts all things down (:D ). Your the only one that seems to think this way, although I'm sure there are the "Unspoken" majority that haven't said anything. It's a shame, because WE the Minority would love to here from them. I might be able to aggree with you a little bit on the new point you brought up though. I'm at least able to understand where your coming from.
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[QUOTE=benjacko;430440]I don't see that feature happening, I'm pretty sure Adam's said in the past about how difficult or bordering on impossible it'd be to implement with the code that the game's currently built in.[/QUOTE] That '07 was currently built in... I can't help thinking someone might have let out a big leak or something... Maybe for "autobooking" "B" shows or something. The only reason I even think this way is because of the way the new AI seems to have been upgraded... with AI promotions taking advantage of Development, TV Contracts, running Angles, possibly seeing storylines going on in different AI promotions.... leads me to believe there might be a possibility that this would be something that "Might" be at least "Do-able" (is that a word?). I really aggree with other's though, why have an autobooker for a game your supposed to be "booking" shows for? Maybe for the "old school" feel of EWR? I don't know. I don't see myself utilizing it in any way... exept MAYBE (probably not) "B" shows.
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I remember auto booking. I only used it when I wanted to get to the end of the month, or my ppv, and was tired of booking regular tv shows. Funny thing is, auto booker kinda sucked. I mean, when I wasn't trying to put on a decent show, I still got a much better grade than when I auto booked with anyone.
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Okay, lets not get into the auto-booker thing again. There's a number of recent threads with valid reasons for and against it depending what mindset you're of and what you'd expect of such a feature. So before it this thread totally devolves.... :) And yeah, I would be dissapointed if converting save games was the BIG feature. But only because I've no use for it. I can see the potential for it in creating scenarios for mods and letting those slow progressing multi-play games continue, however.
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[QUOTE=fatallylost;430530]I remember auto booking. I only used it when I wanted to get to the end of the month, or my ppv, and was tired of booking regular tv shows. Funny thing is, auto booker kinda sucked. I mean, when I wasn't trying to put on a decent show, I still got a much better grade than when I auto booked with anyone.[/QUOTE] Which I would imagine would happen in TEW as well. I remember getting the same results, for some reason thinking maybe it would do better then me. So I set it up and added who I wanted on the show..> Then got the undesirable results time and time again. It wasn't "Aweful" though, especially when dealing with your own promotion, that wasn't very popular anyways (so you could put off lesser shows that were still a success). Remember the webpage, and the TOP Five lists, and the outragious personalities. I miss those from EWR most I think. It got repititious, but the "WOW, Have you seen "insert good looking diva here"! I'd do her!" Never got boring. Additional Brand splits, of which I'm always going to support for TEW..> mainly because I can think of ways to use a good roster sized brand split to have the promotion act as a governing body (NWA Style), and the brands to represent the promotions in it. It wouldn't be easy, but unless we ever do get a feature that enables a "governing" body over promotions, it's the only way I can think of doing it.
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;430558]I was hoping everyone would be discussing this. I don't know what I am dieing to have in the new game. Something that would be cool would be a cornellverse picture generator of some sort. I know it won't be in it but that would be pretty cool.[/QUOTE] Sophie FTW
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I'm liking the new contract negotiations, sound far more in depth and like it could be a total pain in the butt to get the workers you want for the price you want. :D Be interesting to see how it can effect the game world when you have some greedy jerk holding out for more money, especially in regards to the previous feature where workers will want to be paid in line with what others at your promotion are making.
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