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first time promoter, need tips

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hey guys, im trying the game out, (with the japenese hardcore company, dont have it right in front of me, its a small company) im just having trouble getting started, with this being such a deep game. i looked through the forums, and found some good tips, but i was wondering if there is a newbie FAQ or anything to get started with. thanks in advance!
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i would recomend myself not to do a japaness company to be honest. You have the "young lions" to deal with. If you certain workers go over other workes then it hurts them both. I would recomend maybe swf as it has a good roster and it is more angle based. If you want to run a japaness promotion read up pn young lions and how do deal with them.
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Also make sure you are aware of what your product is. It is located under the business section. When I first started I was irritating my fans just doing random stuff and wondering why I was getting low show ratings. If you are a entertainment based company, run a lot of interviews and angles. If you are traditional or the like make sure you are match heavy.
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I didn't want to make a new thread so I hope you don't mind if I borrow yours... I'm a of a bit newbie promotor in the field of developing young wrestlers. So I was wondering how does one develop young workers? Am I doing something totally wrong when I'm booking young workers in undercard matches to wrestle more experienced workers how have good basics? Is that the right way to approach it? What pointers could you give me?
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[QUOTE=Greek;371389]I didn't want to make a new thread so I hope you don't mind if I borrow yours... I'm a of a bit newbie promotor in the field of developing young wrestlers. So I was wondering how does one develop young workers? Am I doing something totally wrong when I'm booking young workers in undercard matches to wrestle more experienced workers how have good basics? Is that the right way to approach it? What pointers could you give me?[/QUOTE] Just put them with workers who are talented in the areas you want to improve. Put them with someone who has an A in Mat Wrestling, that skill will improve pretty quickly. Of course, some workers just seem to refuse to learn, and you really can't do much about it. But if it says in the Post-Match notes that a skill is improving, it's a good thing.
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[QUOTE=Greek;371389]I didn't want to make a new thread so I hope you don't mind if I borrow yours... I'm a of a bit newbie promotor in the field of developing young wrestlers. So I was wondering how does one develop young workers? Am I doing something totally wrong when I'm booking young workers in undercard matches to wrestle more experienced workers how have good basics? Is that the right way to approach it? What pointers could you give me?[/QUOTE] Workers will develop when put in a match with higher skill than they have. How much they will increase depends on a few things I'm not sure of and if they will increase also depends on their destiny stat. Which means some times try as you might sometimes a work just won't go past a certain point in a skill. Development can some times take years so don't worry if your young worker doesn't seem to be rising as fast as you would like. Here are some useful stats that a worker should have to help another worker. Basics: This is the stat that means your worker has the knowledge to actually go in the ring. Psychology: The stat that determines how well your worker can put together a match. If one of the two workers does not have a C or over Psychology then the match may drag in the middle or fail altogether. Selling: This is the stat a worker uses to make another workers moves look good. This can help conceal a poor worker if the training worker has a good selling. Your training worker should also be good at atleast one other thing (braling, Hardcore, Aerial, Chain, Mat, ect...) so he can bring a worker up in this area. I find Stamina is the hardest thing to raise. I used to beleive that putting workers in matches that are in the first minute when they get the "was visibly tiring note" was the way to do this but in over a year into TCW I've only gotten three of my forty or so workers to raise even the slightest bit in stamina and never a whole grade. After 30 years old a lot of workers start not gaining skill as fast and after 40 they start losing a step or two. So since it takes years to get a green worker to a good place you probably want to start when they are younger than 25. These are just my observations and I've been playing a long time but a lot of people have done more indepth research such as Rem and Derek and maybe if they aren't busy they can come on with some helpful hints. Rem is probably one of the best at developing talent and I'm pretty sure he has a worker wrestle 3 or 4 dark matches in one night because skill raises are determined after each match.
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when i 1st got the game (a few months ago) i was just like u not knowing what 2 do, ive been reading diarys 2 get 2 know the wrestlers & have found the uk best (only 3 feds) ive been using RoF (the diary i was reading was an RoF one, Marcels) and have been fine since try that :)
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[QUOTE=Greek;371389]I didn't want to make a new thread so I hope you don't mind if I borrow yours... I'm a of a bit newbie promotor in the field of developing young wrestlers. So I was wondering how does one develop young workers? Am I doing something totally wrong when I'm booking young workers in undercard matches to wrestle more experienced workers how have good basics? Is that the right way to approach it? What pointers could you give me?[/QUOTE] First off, realize that young workers will improve in some way from every match they work. Every one, without exception. Whether you see a road agent note or not, it happens. (There are some people who actively watch for these things) Try tag teams with liberal use of the protect note. You can even work it into an existing storyline. Say, two veteran workers are feuding and along the way, they wind up in tag team matches with young upstarts as their partners. The protect note keeps the youngsters on the apron for most of the match (so they can't stink up the joint) while still allowing them to "learn from the masters", so to speak.
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I seem to have quite a bunch of question and I don't think they are worth a thread so I'll just ask here... I'm currently running MAW and I would like to know how to change my product so that the fans wouldn't crap on Tainted and cheap finnishes. Here is the product: Tradional: Key Mainstream: Low Realism: Medium Hardcore: Low Pure: Medium Daredevil: Medium All else: None Basically I want a product where Technicans, Flyers and Brawlers all can sucseed, but so that the main focus should be on the Brawlers and technicans... Also I would like that looks and entertainment would also play some sort of a role in a wrestlers sucsess. If there is something in my product that doesn't make sense or that it could fit my description better or if it somehow could easily be improve then by all means point it out ::D
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[QUOTE=Greek;371773]I seem to have quite a bunch of question and I don't think they are worth a thread so I'll just ask here... I'm currently running MAW and I would like to know how to change my product so that the fans wouldn't crap on Tainted and cheap finnishes. Here is the product: Tradional: Key Mainstream: Low Realism: Medium Hardcore: Low Pure: Medium Daredevil: Medium All else: None Basically I want a product where Technicans, Flyers and Brawlers all can sucseed, but so that the main focus should be on the Brawlers and technicans... Also I would like that looks and entertainment would also play some sort of a role in a wrestlers sucsess. If there is something in my product that doesn't make sense or that it could fit my description better or if it somehow could easily be improve then by all means point it out ::D[/QUOTE] First of Daredevil is fliers Daredevil is spot monkeys MAW is a slower product so I would turn daredevil down and for use of fliers I would put up modern. For allowing tainted victories and adding more looks and entertainment to the success of your wrestler I would turn Mainstream up to at least medium. Something Like this maybe. Tradional: Key (This is going to keep your product slow and more old school) Mainstream: Medium (Making overness more taken account for in matches but also allowing for tainted and maybe even cheap finishes) Modern: Medium (Allow for fleirs but looks for more talent then daring aka Cruisers and Super Juniors not Spot Monkeys) Realism: Medium (Treats your product as more real generally if this is higher than mainstream you can't use tainted finishes) Hardcore: Low (Some rule break and may allow Psychopath style to be used) Pure: Medium (Allows for technicians and I believe may add to non-use of tainted finishes) All else: None
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Here I go again: I've been running MAW for 6 months now and I've been getting solid D shows (last four D+) but I was wondering how much effect does my show lenght have on my popularity increase? Is it better to run 1,5h shows and get a D or to run a 1h show with a D+? Or what if I run a 0,5h show which gets a C-? Hopefully one of you has done some research on this :D
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Yep, show length irrelevant. I generally keep my shows fairly short, because it's much easier to score better ratings with the shows that way and move up in popularity quicker. The only main problem with short shows is a) is it realistic to run a show that short (if it's a normal live event, I fill the dark time, so that 50 minutes of wrestling is okay for the money they're paying), and b) can you keep everyone on the roster happy? (which again can be achieved with 6 or 8-man tags or a battle royal in the dark time. Just be careful though if you run a half-hour show, because you'll need at least 3 matches (although one of them could be a dark match) or the crowd will not be as happy.
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3 segments - I tested this extensively as MAW way before I monkeyed around with the product settings. I used to do Match - Hype Angle - Match on my weekly 30min shows, and everything was fine. I mean, the shows sucked because I wouldn't use anyone earning more than $200PPA, but hey - I was playing to crowds where I had F popularity :D
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[QUOTE=James Casey;372753]3 segments - I tested this extensively as MAW way before I monkeyed around with the product settings. I used to do Match - Hype Angle - Match on my weekly 30min shows, and everything was fine. I mean, the shows sucked because I wouldn't use anyone earning more than $200PPA, but hey - I was playing to crowds where I had F popularity :D[/QUOTE] Yes, sorry...James is dead right. I'm just so used to running ROF now that every segment is a match to me! :D
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[QUOTE=Greek;371773]I seem to have quite a bunch of question and I don't think they are worth a thread so I'll just ask here... I'm currently running MAW and I would like to know how to change my product so that the fans wouldn't crap on Tainted and cheap finnishes. Here is the product: Tradional: Key Mainstream: Low Realism: Medium Hardcore: Low Pure: Medium Daredevil: Medium All else: None Basically I want a product where Technicans, Flyers and Brawlers all can sucseed, but so that the main focus should be on the Brawlers and technicans... Also I would like that looks and entertainment would also play some sort of a role in a wrestlers sucsess. If there is something in my product that doesn't make sense or that it could fit my description better or if it somehow could easily be improve then by all means point it out ::D[/QUOTE] turn your pure down
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;372761]Yes, sorry...James is dead right. I'm just so used to running ROF now that every segment is a match to me! :D[/QUOTE] I've actually done this already. My current product is: Traditional: Key Mainstream: Medium Modern: Medium Realism: Medium Hardcore: Low Pure: Low
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