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Ransik's Threads [merged]

Guest Ransik

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I make pro-wrestling history... and no one will ever acknowledge it, which really sucks. I won the ETWA Canadian Championship on March 11, 2006 and on February 12th I will be one day past RVD's reign as ECW TV Champion making me the longest reigning Champion in the last 15-20 years. But since we're not "big enough" to be considered worth the record books, no one will ever say anything about it. I on the other hand will use it to my fullest advantage and make a huge heel turn. Cause honestly, who wants to cheer the babyface who wants everyone to be proud of him when they can boo the hell out of the heel who rubs it in everyone's faces? I'm even going for a new look. I dyed my hair bleach blonde.... well... its kind of yellow now but in 3 weeks I can finish it. And now that I think of it... what's going on with BCW? Last I read Abyss was the longest reigning Champion going today but I heard they shut down in July, is this true? Cause if it is... my post means nothing. :D
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My rival (also my best friend) burned a ton more matches on a DVD for me... and I was thinking about making this over-drawn and cheesy video celebrating my acheivement just to piss people off. I came up with the perfect opening line; "Not since January 13th, 1984... the date of his birth... have we seen such a historic event take place..."
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So, you're going for the over-the-top, arrogant heel? You can make a crazy long 15-20 minute video, and if the crowd hasn't gotten pissed off at you by the time it is over: Yell "One more time!" and start it over... :D Once they're angry, have your rival come out and cut you down... You can then spew about how the crowd has turned on YOU! You bring them months and months of entertainment, and they can't be happy for you for an hour or two?! :rolleyes:
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Are you a tweener now? Because the jump from a superface like you seem to be to be to suddenly making an overdrawn celebration ceremony might confuse the audience. They may not know how to react. I always thought that with smaller companies with a small but loyal fanbase, (Esspecially the anti-WWE ones.) that the best way to turn and to have the fans really hate you is to think you are over them. That you are willing to sell out. If I were in your shoes, I'd commically mention in that ceremony that you might just send that stuff to Vince McMahon because you've become bored with the lack of competition. And each week, I'd do dumb things to show "Vince" that I'm worthy of leaving this crappy wrestling fed to become a sports entertainer. I'd make lame catchprases, brag about gaining weight so I can say that I have the "WWE look" I'd even try to push merchandise. Eventually, I'd break down and beg Vince to sign me in the middle of the ring, spitting on the belt and all that stuff. What do you think?
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Or hey, if you put together a big celebration guy, start it off all face-like, bring out the people you'd like to thank for helping you out, teaching you, la la la, etc. And then, you know, proceed to trash talk them. Or, even better, lay them out. Then finish by telling the crowd that you never needed anyone to get where you are, etc. Just my two cents.
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I've always wanted to, and I tried once back at the .400 software forums, but I just never have the time nowadays. I may however just retell the story of my wrestling Alter Ego, BPK. It's very similar to Scarface in a "rags to riches to rags" sort of way. Maybe in time.
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Graphics help I've got TONS of ETWA footage... 4 DVDs worth and I want to make a music video. Problem is, I don't have the slightest idea how to make graphics for a video. Maybe I'm just having a serious blonde moment (I turned my hair platinum blonde to go with my new gimmick) but I can't figure it out. I just want to make things saying which wrestlers are which and such but I'm at a loss on how to do it. I have Windows Movie Maker... dunno if there's another program that's usually on CP that could work as well. Could anyone help please?
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So you mean you want those little nameplate things that go on the bottom of the screen? Overlayed onto the clips to say who is who? Basically this is how I always do it. Make the graphics using whatever picture program you like. Photoshop is my favorite, when I have it. Make an image the same size as the resolution of the footage (640 x 576? IS that right? It's been a while for me) and keep everything you want transparent, transparent. Then go into your Video Editor, make another Video track, pop the image onto it, stretch it out. Fade in. Fade Out. Never used Windows Movie Maker (I'm a Final Cut guy) but the principal should be the same. Make a static image first, then import it into the program.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;370913]What's Final Cut, I've never heard of it, is it free?[/QUOTE] Oh God no. It's a very expensive professional program. It's what I was trained on, and I've never really used anything else, so I can only guess what the free programs are like.
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[QUOTE=Self;370824]So you mean you want those little nameplate things that go on the bottom of the screen? Overlayed onto the clips to say who is who? Basically this is how I always do it. Make the graphics using whatever picture program you like. Photoshop is my favorite, when I have it. Make an image the same size as the resolution of the footage (640 x 576? IS that right? It's been a while for me) and keep everything you want transparent, transparent. Then go into your Video Editor, make another Video track, pop the image onto it, stretch it out. Fade in. Fade Out. Never used Windows Movie Maker (I'm a Final Cut guy) but the principal should be the same. Make a static image first, then import it into the program.[/QUOTE] You missed the part where Windows Movie Maker sucks and isn't fit for any type of graphics... If you want to just put simple subtitles in, which will look pretty low class, look through the program for "titles", and you'll probably find what you're looking for. If you need an in-depth tutorial, I can give you one... Microsoft programs tend to be buggy, slow, hard to figure out, and ineffective... :( There are no other really good free programs though, and I have made passable videos with WMM.
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Bleh, well that sucks, guess I'll have to go without graphics. I was gonna do a music video going through the history between myself and VA for kicks... but I'm missing 3 matches, not that any of you would even notice right? I think I'll start with that video... cause I've got literally about 5 hours of footage to cram into a 3-4 minute music video. lol
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Ladies and gentlemen... may I present to you the longest reigining professional wrestling Champion of the last 20 years.... me! I'd like to thank all the little people who made this possible... ummm... Capital T for being a punching bag in that Hardcore bout... of course to Big Business for losing the Title to me... Aaron Fire for knocking me out and not winning the Title on a technicality... Victor Adams for falling prey to the Black Hole Slam... Josh Knight for tapping like a drunk man to the Sharpshooter... to Eclipse my former teammate for being the brave soldier he was and laying down... ah yes the list goes on and on. And that my friends... is my next promo. :cool:
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Thanks guys! Lindsey I'd love a valet... you'd have to be heel though cause no one cheers for me under any circumstances. I swear to you I could fight Satan 1 on 1 and a crowd of 100% religious folks would back the dark lord to no end just because it's me. Haha.
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The Victor Adams/AJ Starr Anthology I still can't get the hang of graphics... But anyways, I decided to see how well I remembered making videos before working on the main video for the ETWA. I had 4 matches spanning 5 1/2 years between myself and Victor Adams, thought I'd make a video out of it. As the story goes, I brought VA into the ETWA as my protege, but he decided he didn't need me, and in his debut we went at it in a Hardcore bout... which is the first match you see in the video and that took place on July 4th, 2002. In April 2004 in our hometown we were put into a 1 on 1 bout which is the second match you see in the video. You'll notice when I do the Tombstone that up in the rafters all the wrestlers are out watching the match... yet we're always told we do a crappy job... pfft... what ever. We had several matches that summer which unfortunately neither of us can find... in the fall of 2004 neither of us had any real success and made a pact to go after the Tag Team Titles. We won several bouts and got a Tag Title shot but when I was legit hurt, having my ribs cracked... we used it as a storyline. In January 2005 VA won the Cruiserweight Title and when I went out to congratulate him, he struck me in the head with the belt and Pedigreed me on a steel chair, saying he only used me to get success. In February 2005 I fought him for the Cruiserweight Title which is the 3rd match in the video... and also the lightest I've ever been in adulthood... 170 pounds. We had a couple encounters later that year but neither one of us remember jack and we don't have any tapes of that time either to see. After I won the Canadian Championship in early 2006, we were kept apart. I won the Title under a mask and he went his own way. In the fall of 2006 I unmasked, saying that I went under the mask because I was overlooked so many times for Title shots that I had to do a goofy character to get noticed. When in reality... the ass blew out of the suit when I was speared mercilessly by Irish Assassin in a Battle Royale and couldn't be repaired. In early summer of 2007 VA demanded a Title shot against me, but he was denied and was made to earn the right by defeating me non-Title at Red White & Bruised. We both decided that since everyone was still rocked from the Benoit tragedy that took place a month earlier, we were gonna get people pissy with us and he beat me clean with the Crossface. Bad timing on both our parts made the Title match skip a couple shows and we locked up on 10/26/07 for the belt... which is the final match in the video. You'll notice at 2:53 I get a kneedrop... I was knocked out for a good 15 seconds. I didn't even remember the rest of the match, which is why I won't upload it in it's entirety. If you ever watched the Angle/Triple H match where Angle gets Pedigreed through a table and bounces his head off concrete... that's about how I was. I was going through the motions cause I had no clue where I was, and you can tell on the video cause the rest of the match was brutally bad. Every time I would go for a move... I'd stop and think about it cause it looked like I forgot what I was doing. And of course... BEST BLACK HOLE SLAM TO DATE. So enjoy, lemme know what you think! [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRweqmsney4[/url]
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