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another baby for steph!


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You know I find it kind of pathetic they're gonna keep popping kids out and neither one of them raises them in a home environment. They either cart the first one on a bus worth more than half my street, or a nanny no doubt takes care of the kid all the time. Having a family is one thing but in the wrestling business, in their situations... one of them should at least not be involved in it anymore because of WWE's scheduling and Stephanie's workload. Sad.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;372562]I often feel sorry for the kids of billionaires too. :([/QUOTE] Money isn't everything and one of the biggest problems in the world today is that so many people are trying to fill their otherwise empty lives with money but in the end they are still empty and left with nothing but loneliness and despair.
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[QUOTE=The Warrior;372593]Money isn't everything and one of the biggest problems in the world today is that so many people are trying to fill their otherwise empty lives with money but in the end they are still empty and left with nothing but loneliness and despair [I][B][U]and money[/U][/B][/I].[/QUOTE] Fixed that for you. I live pretty well on minimum wage, but I know for sure I'd be happier if I had more money. I'd probably have more to do as well, which would give me a sense of self-satisfaction I don't really get being poor. Plus I'd probably get luckier with the ladies, meaning my Valentine's Day wouldn't suck as much. On topic though, big gratz to Stephanie and Trips. I don't understand the appeal of kids myself, but people seem to like them, so rock on.
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Thanks for the sermon. :rolleyes: Only on wrestling boards could an announcement of a pregnancy step neatly into a discussion of how the (currently unborn) child will be lonely and desperate because of the poor parenting skills being shown (well, I say "shown" - "speculated on without even the tiniest hint of fact" would probably be more accurate).
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[QUOTE=Self;372596]On topic though, big gratz to Stephanie and Trips. I don't understand the appeal of kids myself, but people seem to like them, so rock on.[/QUOTE] The birth of my daughter is and always will be the proudiest moment in my life. Once you hold the baby in your arms for the first time you know your life isnt going to be the same again. The feeling of having someone else totally dependent on you is unexplanable and you know at that moment you will protect them forever. On a seperate note kids I have to say never have kids with someone if you arent totally sure you want to spend the rest of your life with them, I've seen too many people break up after having a baby and its the child who suffers most. And its not worth it to stay with someone for the kids as it will just make the situation much much worse.
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It really is up to the parents though, how their child will develop. The biggest factor (from my uniformed perspective) is how much time the parents take to give the love and nurturing neeed for the child to develop into a decent person. Just because they're both busy doesn't mean they won't be able to take time out to take care of their child. If Steph and HHH are dedicated parents who take time out of their schedules to be with their children, maybe they'll grow up half-way decent. Plus I imagine in the WWE there's going to be more then a couple "aunts" and "uncles" to help raise them and teach them a bit of humility. OR they'll grow up to be maladjusted spoiled brats like the majority of america and so, in a weird way, they'll be "normal" now that "normal = spoiled" so, congrats are in order. Here's a question, how involved will the kids be in the wrestling business? I imagine the McMahon line will continue but do you think with a little HHH genetics they'll have a kid who could be a real presence in the ring?
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;372598]Thanks for the sermon. :rolleyes: Only on wrestling boards could an announcement of a pregnancy step neatly into a discussion of how the (currently unborn) child will be lonely and desperate because of the poor parenting skills being shown (well, I say "shown" - "speculated on without even the tiniest hint of fact" would probably be more accurate).[/QUOTE] I 100% agree with you. You would have to be the biggest smark on the face of the planet to turn something wonderful like pregnancy into a negative thing just because the person in question is a McMahon. Honestly, you people have no clue how they are as parents OR as humans yet you can somehow tell that this kid will be cold and lonely? Ugh.... And I don't mean all of you.
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I just think it's ridiculous to try and make their family the way they want it to be, and both of them are on the road 300 days a year, seems stupid is all.
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Babies arent planned. They were in the 1950's, they aren't now. Vince raised both Shane and Stephanie just fine while being on the road 24/7. Besides, I dare you to look at tjis picture and tell me Aurora Rose isn't in a loving family. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/bigpapkev/wwe3-27stephbaby.jpg[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=Ransik;372559]You know I find it kind of pathetic they're gonna keep popping kids out and neither one of them raises them in a home environment. They either cart the first one on a bus worth more than half my street, or a nanny no doubt takes care of the kid all the time. Having a family is one thing but in the wrestling business, in their situations... one of them should at least not be involved in it anymore because of WWE's scheduling and Stephanie's workload. Sad.[/QUOTE] You hate the WWE. We get it. Seriously, I don't get where the anger is coming from. They are as entitled to children as anyone else and you have absolutely no idea what they are like as parents. Regardless of what you think of Vince, or Steph, or Levesque, or the WWE, or wrestling, the fact that what [I]appears[/I] to be a happy family is having another child can only be a good thing as far as I'm concerned. I'm with Adam on this- only on a wrestling forum can a thread about a married couple having another child disintegrate into a prediction into loneliness and desperation.
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