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Happy Black Thursday!


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[CENTER][IMG]http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/valentines_day.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://images.vd.meish.org/cards/vegetation.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.thepisstakers.com/weekly/quirky3oct06_files/page57_blog_entry95_1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://images.vd.meish.org/cards/sucks.png[/IMG][/CENTER] :D :p :D
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[QUOTE=nZane;372583]For the record, I'm wearing all black today. Black slacks, black dress shirt, black socks, black shoes, and yes, black underwear. It's been fun seeing the looks on my co-workers faces! :D[/QUOTE] ME TOO!!!! Except I'm at college, so everyone's asking me if I've turned emo or something... not cool
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I'm working nights to night so I won't see my girlfriend so here's what I did. I set up a table at home with a candle, two settings, flowers in a vase and a bottle of wine. On her side is a box of chocolate and a card that says happy valentines day and sings "I've got you babe." it also says dinner will arrive at 6:30-6:45. On my side of the table is a photo quality picture of me printed form her printer. I'm gonna order her food (Japanese) at 6:00 it'll get to her then I'll order my own food (also Japanese) and I'll call her when it gets there I'll call her and we'll have a nice candle light dinner by phone.
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I've been with my girlfriend for nearly five years now, so naturally I put no effort into Valentines Day beyond getting a card that I spent about 2 minutes selecting following the rigorous process of making sure that... a) It didn't say Happy Birthday on it. b) It didn't say 'to my boyfriend' anywhere. I can be romantic when needs be, but I don't appreciate having to do it on a day that means nothing to either of us, especially when everything from flowers to meals out seem to cost double what they will tomorrow. Yes, I'm a cynic. ;)
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[QUOTE=Clarity;372720]Its nice to see some people can do some very sweet things (see post above) Me...I didn't do anything.. Valentines lost its appeal a few years back[/QUOTE] Personally I think valentine's day is a hallmark holiday but it means something to her so I'm willing to put aside my own feelings on the subject to make her happy.
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My Valentine's Day pretty much sucked. Spent it going through my flat sorting out belongings...split with my girlfriend after 8 and a half years this week. Fortunately its a very amicable split. But yeah...kind of the antithesis of Valentine's Day for me today! :( But even in years gone by, Valentine's was never a really big deal. To me, anniversaries in a relationship should be the particular Valentine's Day for that relationship. Valentine's should be reserved for the flirty, ooh-who's-this-question-mark-card-from kind of stuff.
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;372742]My Valentine's Day pretty much sucked. Spent it going through my flat sorting out belongings...split with my girlfriend after 8 and a half years this week. Fortunately its a very amicable split. But yeah...kind of the antithesis of Valentine's Day for me today! :( But even in years gone by, Valentine's was never a really big deal. To me, anniversaries in a relationship should be the particular Valentine's Day for that relationship. Valentine's should be reserved for the flirty, ooh-who's-this-question-mark-card-from kind of stuff.[/QUOTE] Glad yours was an amicable split Marcel...My girlfried of nearly 3 years and I split up this past weekend and it wasn't so friendly....Valentine's not exactly a banner day for me -- fortunately I had to work most of the day so I could keep my mind of it.
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