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Goldberg's streak

Guest Ransik

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I remember this came up in debate some time ago... I was searching through profiles out of boredom and looked up Goldberg and came across this; [url]http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/information/goldbergstreak1.html[/url] He was said to be at what... 173-0 on 12/21/98... his debut was 16 months prior. According to that list, when it comes to televised matches Goldberg was 101-0 when he lost to Nash. So I ask you... is it THAT hard to believe WCW didn't have Goldberg wrestle 72 House Shows in 16 months to make the record "legit"? Even doing one House Show a week bring the record to par easily.
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Its beliveable. But I am skeptical. I read "The Death of WCW" Which brushes up on Goldbergs streak. They say he would wrestle one house show the week before and his number would go up by three. Eevn in weeks he didnt wrestle his number would still go up. Having fans hold up signs at the arena with the wrong record on it. Yes, I understand that book is very smarky, but they get their facts right. And this is the company who had Golberg chanst pump through the speakers. Even when the crowd wasn't moving its lips.
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Hasn't it been confirmed by several different WCW announcers and staff that they were just making it up as they went along for most of the run, and they had no idea what the real figure was? :confused: It doesn't seem like the sort of thing they'd lie about, as it doesn't benefit anybody.
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That Goldberg stuff was awesome. Great TV. His feud with Jericho was classic. I honestly don't care if they made the numbers up or not, it was a gimmick, and it was just really, really good at the time... as long as you suspended your disbelief and got invested in it.
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I have to admit, I enjoyed it at the time too... but when at least one of his wins came when someone attacked his opponent, my scepticism got the better of me. I think it was a tag match too.... might even have been against Bret Hart now that I'm trying to remember it. :)
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Jericho commented on this in his book (which I think is awesome; one of my favorites along with the Foley books, but I digress). I don't remember the exact words, but he basically stated that the booking team seemed to count 5 wins for a single match, or something like that. He also mentioned how much he had to fight to make his short-lived feud happen. Regardless, of whether it was "legit" or not, I agree with Self & derek_b in that it was very well presented, exciting, and I enjoyed it at the time.
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[QUOTE=tristram;373229]Didn't he lose his first match, I think to Hector Guerrero? While Goldberg's was probably farcical, Sid's was ridiculous. He'd lose, and next time up be 5-0 more. They were pulling numbers from a hat by that stage.[/QUOTE] Yer I hated Sids push. It was pretty lazy of the writers to just re-use Goldbergs storyline with Sid. atleast Goldberg was a better wrestler But i must admit Sid had a good look he always looked like he'd rip the head off a Kitten if it looked at him lol
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I know why people get it confused... no biggie. I just remember a debate about it and stumbled across that site. There were a couple times where Goldberg wrestled Handicapped Matches and had to pin both guys... they counted it twice. Yes, lame... but they counted it. Goldberg also did some matches on Worldwide and Saturday night... which is probably why it seems the number jumped a few between Nitros. And Lindsay remembers that site just like I do... they had 'em all in there match for match. He'd wrestle The Giant 3 times in a week to build up to a match on TV... boom there you go. I know people are skeptical, but if he can pull 100 matches on TV in that time, I don't see how questioning House Shows is so weird. *shrugs*
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[QUOTE=Ransik;373418]I know why people get it confused... no biggie. I just remember a debate about it and stumbled across that site. There were a couple times where Goldberg wrestled Handicapped Matches and had to pin both guys... they counted it twice. Yes, lame... but they counted it. Goldberg also did some matches on Worldwide and Saturday night... which is probably why it seems the number jumped a few between Nitros. And Lindsay remembers that site just like I do... they had 'em all in there match for match. He'd wrestle The Giant 3 times in a week to build up to a match on TV... boom there you go. I know people are skeptical, but if he can pull 100 matches on TV in that time, I don't see how questioning House Shows is so weird. *shrugs*[/QUOTE] Says the guy who flips his lid when someone named McMahon gets pregnant?
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When McMahon is getting all frumpy, pregnant and emotional, craving weird food and stuff Hornswaggle would be the perfect son/husband ... taking care of Vince night and day right up until the day Vince gives birth .... .... to a hand, a very large Indian hand. That would lead to the paternity test that would set up the Khali, Hornswaggle main event for Wrestlemania.
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;373451]I can say without hesitation that was the strangest threadjacking I have ever witnessed in the history of the internet.[/QUOTE] Personally I think this threadjacking was a fitting tribute to the memory of Goldberg. RIP. And yes Afroman, Kennel from Hell would be the only way to end a feud like that. But the kennel should be filled only with really small midget dogs for Hornswaggle like Chihuahua's or something and really giant dogs for Khali, like those horse-sized Great Danes or whatever kind of dog Beethoven was.
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Well I was gunna say we get one of those dogs, cook them, then feed them to Hornswaggle before the match just to gain sympathy for the face/son/father but your plan seems perfect. Oh and R.I.P Goldberg I wasn't actually aware that Goldberg had died, but thats probably because the WWE hasn't made an angle out of it yet.
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I just assumed Goldberg was dead because he wasn't on TV anymore and people were talking about him. Goldberg is Hulk Hogan's brother in real life. Hornswaggle eating a dog is an excellent idea, and will really give the fans more reason to get behind the giant who killed someone in his fight against a midget, not that they need any reason because everyone loves enourmous bodybuilders responsible for accidental homicides. I could go on about my plan to have Hornswaggle cheat by having Finlay disguise himself as a dog, only for it to later be revealed that Finlay actually IS a dog, but I think we've given the WWE enough big ideas for one day.
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