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Owen Hart Ghost Sightings


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-- KansasCity.com has an article on the Owen Hart ghost sightings story that started circulating after a student newspaper in Rhode Island suggested that there have been sightings of the ghost of Hart in the Kemper Arena's rafters. Kemper Arena assistant general manager Mike Young said he has received e-mail about the ghost story from people, but not from any of his employees. "I haven't had any employees here talk to me about it," Young said. "I can't speak for all of them, but I haven't noticed anything unusual going on in the rafters. But who knows?" Supernatural "experts" suggest that ghosts need a power supply, which may explain the reports of flickering lights at Kemper. "We get about 300 power spikes a year inside Kemper," Young said. "And KCPL has them all documented. We're on the same power grid as downtown Kansas City, so anytime there's a spike there or an accident or bad weather, we get power surges or spikes, too."
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[QUOTE=JamIcon1983;374248]-- KansasCity.com has an article on the Owen Hart ghost sightings story that started circulating after a student newspaper in Rhode Island suggested that there have been sightings of the ghost of Hart in the Kemper Arena's rafters. Kemper Arena assistant general manager Mike Young said he has received e-mail about the ghost story from people, but not from any of his employees. "I haven't had any employees here talk to me about it," Young said. "I can't speak for all of them, but I haven't noticed anything unusual going on in the rafters. But who knows?" Supernatural "experts" suggest that ghosts need a power supply, which may explain the reports of flickering lights at Kemper. "We get about 300 power spikes a year inside Kemper," Young said. "And KCPL has them all documented. We're on the same power grid as downtown Kansas City, so anytime there's a spike there or an accident or bad weather, we get power surges or spikes, too."[/QUOTE] *Cough*Bull*hit*Cough* lol
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You know, I'm pretty much cool with even the most offensive humour, but Owen was my hero growing up, so I find most of this... unsettling. Part of me hopes that there is something beyond this life, and that somewhere he's conscious and looking down on us, but given my unbringing and beliefs, I'm highly skeptical. So yeah, this is an odd subject for me. I can/have made Benoit jokes since a few days after the incident, but Owen really meant something to me.
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[QUOTE=Basmat01;374265]*Cough*Bull*hit*Cough* lol[/QUOTE] Why? Because you don't believe in ghosts in general? The wrestler "haunting" his last arena sound too Scooby Doo? Owen didn't seem troubled enough to want to haunt a place? Enlightrn us a little please. Don't know if I believe it or not. But based on what I've seen and heard of hauntings, it does sound plausible. Kemper is where he died and did so in dramatic fashion. Now not having read the exact sequence of events in years, I can't remember whether death came with impact or whether he was unconscious first and death came shortly thereafter. But assuming the latter circumstance, I can see how he might not know he's dead as psychics often say of ghosts. His body would have shut down after he was no longer capable of knowing it. Also, if I remember the memorial vignettes right, Owen was noted for having a perfectionist streak. So if he's still up in the rafters and realizes the stunt went wrong but not that he's dead, he could still be trying to figure out how to get it right. Would certainly fit his character as I remember having heard it.
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[QUOTE=BurningHamster;374338]This is more offensive and nowhere near as amusing as the Nagata/Jeff Jarrett stroke pun .... and that one got savaged in the other thread.[/QUOTE] I actually found both quite funny, if I'm honest. I'm sure the word "hell" had no connotation; it's just the name of a match. A forum's a place to share humour/stories/anecdotes. If you don't find them funny, fairplay, everyone has different thresholds, but I can't help but feel that just not responding would cause far less agro to all concerned. Not a personal criticism, Hamster, just my opinion on the discussion in both threads. [/Nevermore's cheesy speech] ;) Quote The Raven Nevermore
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I'd just like to add that I wasn't really angry at the jokes. One was pretty 'meh' on the humour scale and the other... well, the only image it conjured was a very depressing one, so... no hard feelings there. My main problem is the topic itself, not with the guy who brought it up, but the fact that this story even exists. Owen's death hit me hard, he was literally my favourite wrestler/person in the world, I'm automatically protective of him, so whenever he's brought up... it just bothers Which is kinda hypocritical, considering this one thing I did mere hours after Heath Ledgar's death. EDIT: Man, I'm coming off a bit lame here. I'm not offended or anything, but when it comes to Dead Celebrity Humour, you've got to pick your targets carefully. Owen, to me, didn't do anything wrong. He was a nice guy. Everyone liked him. Why make fun of him?
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;374460]Why? Because you don't believe in ghosts in general? The wrestler "haunting" his last arena sound too Scooby Doo? Owen didn't seem troubled enough to want to haunt a place? Enlightrn us a little please. Don't know if I believe it or not. But based on what I've seen and heard of hauntings, it does sound plausible. Kemper is where he died and did so in dramatic fashion. Now not having read the exact sequence of events in years, I can't remember whether death came with impact or whether he was unconscious first and death came shortly thereafter. But assuming the latter circumstance, I can see how he might not know he's dead as psychics often say of ghosts. His body would have shut down after he was no longer capable of knowing it. Also, if I remember the memorial vignettes right, Owen was noted for having a perfectionist streak. So if he's still up in the rafters and realizes the stunt went wrong but not that he's dead, he could still be trying to figure out how to get it right. Would certainly fit his character as I remember having heard it.[/QUOTE] He was alive after impact, he infact tried to get back up immediately but fell over and fell unconscience. He died in the ring but was pronounced dead at the hospital. The strange thing about Owens death to me was the fact that I was so lucky not to watch it. I was a very sensitive kid growing up and no doubt the Owen incident would have scarred me for life. I begged and begged my mom to buy me this PPV, but the cheap bastard she was/is/always will be wouldnt budge. Instead I watched some WCW produced Jesse Ventura story on CBS that foreshadowed how little sense the WCW was about to make in the next two years. During one of its commercial breaks for the news they had mentioned a wrestler was dead and when I found out it was Owen I couldnt belive it. I was in denial momentarily. I wasnt his biggest fan at the time but why him? Even now, I see his name pass on the list of dead wrestlers in the last decade and I shake my head in disbelief. He shouldnt be on that list. It was because of someone elses idiocy that his kids don't have a father. That the house they were a week from moving into wouldnt ever truly feel like home.
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Yeah thats pretty sick. I actually had to muster a lot of courage to just watch the slideshow. It s something I didnt really wanna see but knew it'd bother me if I didnt. I dont know why anyone would actually want to WATCH Owen die and I doubt Youtube would even allow such a thing. The only thing available is what the viewer saw. You heard a loud sickening thud while a vid package was up and the spanish announce team calls frantically for help mid video. In the english version, you only hear the video package but JR reacts extremely grave. Lawler vanishes as JR tries to explain what had happened wasnt an angle. Lawler returns as if he had just seen a ghost and barely lets out the words. "It's not good."
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In fact, I still get chocked up watching RAW IS OWEN. Esspecially the last part where both JR and Lawler thank the fans for watching and hope they can be half the man Owen ever was. Neither of them got through it without crying. Austin then came out and approprately sent him off. [url]http://youtube.com/watch?v=Y0cPf5QJKB0[/url]
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;374491]I actually found both quite funny, if I'm honest. I'm sure the word "hell" had no connotation; it's just the name of a match. [/QUOTE] It's not just the name of the match, the joke obviously relies on the connection between death and hell, which is what I found both tasteless and unfunny. Plus surely there was a "first fall" or "two out of three falls" joke in there somewhere. And god, seriously why do people want to see another human being die? I understand curiosity but it's not a nice thing to see someone die, I really don't recommend it.
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