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Ugh, why is TNA trying to pursue NASCAR?


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There is nothing wrong with trying to cross-promote something to gain a bigger audience, just the way you do it can be a problem. For me TNA always does stuff like this wrong they make a huge deal out of it rather than try to make it seem really legitimate. I hate to mention the WWE but most of those angles start off when the Celebrity is usually just in the crowd and nothig big is made out of it, TNA for some reason feel they have to make a huge splash across their front page and the Celebrity usually ends up doing a Minor Role or MidCarding, Pacman for example HUUUUUGGEE Deal, ended up involved in something which didn't make sense and then involved in a MidCard Tag Run with Ron Killings.
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;377818]Well, I'm from New York too. And NO ONE talks about NASCAR. It just doesnt happen. Its all about the Yankees, Mets, Jets, Giants, And how much the Knicks suck. Upsate maybe, but that is a completely different place/affluence/galaxy. TNA I understand is based in middle America and I supposed they would like to reach out to those kinds of fans. But arent they also the breeding ground for Internet smarks last time I checked? Originally they were the "Alternative" from the WWE. A refreshing change that the smarks and the know-it-alls can get behind and self promote anytime any two casual fans decide to talk about the WWE. Would they approve of this over the actual WRESTLING that made them brag in the first place? Would this be something someone like Ransik would try and shove down our throats while he's taking a break froom bashing every bowel movement Vince McMahon makes? No.[/QUOTE] You know I was ok with all the "gay" and "abortion" and "war for oil" stuff. But do we have to bring the Knicks into this?
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Wait a minute... war on oil... oh my God... you all inadvertantly solved the reason we went to Iraq! Bush is a NASCAR fan! Anyway... I fast-forward through everything involving NASCAR no matter what promotion is doing it. I hate it when people try to convince me it's a sport... it's no more a sport than pro-wrestling is and most of the time it comes off as more fixed than wrestling does. Might be a sore subject for NASCAR fans... but I thought it was a lil too convenient that Earnhardt Jr. started winning left and right after his father died... and the most popular guys are always on the top while the most hated squeak out victories once in a while to piss fans off so they pay to come see them crash and drop out. Yeah, to me NASCAR is just booked like wrestling, it all fits together too well for me to see it as 100% real. Besides like in wrestling, the guy who can give you the most revenue is the one that stays on top all the time, it's all I see with NASCAR.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;378428]Wait a minute... war on oil... oh my God... you all inadvertantly solved the reason we went to Iraq! Bush is a NASCAR fan! Anyway... I fast-forward through everything involving NASCAR no matter what promotion is doing it. I hate it when people try to convince me it's a sport... it's no more a sport than pro-wrestling is and most of the time it comes off as more fixed than wrestling does. Might be a sore subject for NASCAR fans... but I thought it was a lil too convenient that Earnhardt Jr. started winning left and right after his father died... and the most popular guys are always on the top while the most hated squeak out victories once in a while to piss fans off so they pay to come see them crash and drop out. Yeah, to me NASCAR is just booked like wrestling, it all fits together too well for me to see it as 100% real. Besides like in wrestling, the guy who can give you the most revenue is the one that stays on top all the time, it's all I see with NASCAR.[/QUOTE] Not going to argue your perception one way or the other. Not up enough on the matter nor do I see the point mattering right at the moment. But assuming your logic is true, is that commonality all the more reason for a southern based promotion like TNA who's attempting to be national to be in line with NASCAR? Sounds like it makes the marriage of the two fan bases all the more logical. Both fan bases should be able to relate to the booked natures of the other enterprise and be able to use that common thread as a jumping off point to grow their interest.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;378463]I dont have a problem with them pursuing nascar but why bring them on your show, when you can pay a driver to drive the "TNA car"[/QUOTE] The same reason Vince McMahon brings celebrities on his shows and has them interact with WWE wrestlers: because they hope it'll bring more people to the show, thus making them more money in ticket sales.
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Being for as far south as possible (MN) I for some reason love motorsports. Be it monster trucks, NASCAR, or my personal fetish-demolition derbies! Yes, Medusa drives monster trucks for those who were noting on it earlier. There was a ton of WCW trucks. There was Nitro, Sting, and my favorite driver's (Tom Meents) ride-Goldberg... About a 'TNA NASCAR', it has happened. I believe it was 2002, one of the Sadler brothers had his #43 Busch series car sponsored by TNA with a nice So Cal Val pic on the hood. Google image search it if you don't believe me. To be honest I am suprised WWE doesn't have a car. Then again I guess they don't do NASCAR in upstate Conneticut...then again in my opinion Stanford, CT can't do wrestling.
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[QUOTE=MightyDavidson;378855]The same reason Vince McMahon brings celebrities on his shows and has them interact with WWE wrestlers: because they hope it'll bring more people to the show, thus making them more money in ticket sales.[/QUOTE] yes, but when it is out of season like that... they cant really do promotion for NASCAR guys on TNA. And having the TNA car on NASCAR would get all the promotion in the world.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;378997]yes, but when it is out of season like that... they cant really do promotion for NASCAR guys on TNA. And having the TNA car on NASCAR would get all the promotion in the world.[/QUOTE] And having the more popular NASCAR drivers on a TNA show might cause fans of NASCAR to attend the TNA show said driver is on. This gives TNA more ticket sales, thus making them more money.
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