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Anyone else find Jerry Lawler annoying? I had to mute Raw while Lawler spent the whole tag match yelling, "Maria, Maria" WWE would be easier to watch if they fired the washed up Lawler. I'd pay to see Big Daddy /Mark Henry/Big Show take turns stepping on his throat. I'm starting to feel ECW probally has the best announcers in the WWE.
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Wow... harsh. He does what he's told to do, and I think he does a good job at what he does. I could be wrong, but they might be building to a match between him and Santino. I wouldn't care for that, but meh. I agree that the announce team on ECW is good, but I still think RAW's is better. Maybe you're just too used to JR and King. I think that Joey Styles and Tazz still haven't learned to properly work off of one another.
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[QUOTE=Akki;379695] I think that Joey Styles and Tazz still haven't learned to properly work off of one another.[/QUOTE] I hate to disagree with comments people make but i don't think it is that they don't click. in ecw the REAL ecw tazz and styles played off each other very well. When tazz was alowed to be tazz and styles was allowed to be styles they are great. Right now they are both company men. Back in the day they never would have point over kingston as much as they do now. They would never use the term super star or put over terible matches the way they do now. They are two of the best announcing teams around.....when they are allowed to do there job.
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Alright, let me rephrase what I said. They haven't learned how to work off of one another in the WWE style. They seem to stumble over each other, with Styles calling meaningless pinfalls in the middle of Tazz's sentences, and Tazz missing and talking over half of what Joey says. This isn't ECW, it's WWE. So I think they need to find a way to make it work, because they haven't been doing a good job of it. In ECW, they wouldn't have had to work as much as just call the matches. But in WWE, they have to sell the product, and sometimes it seems that they're trying WAY too hard.
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[QUOTE=BurningHamster;379723]Lawler has been tedious for years. I can hardly believe he is the same man who was such a master poop-stirring talk machine back in the '80s and even early '90s.[/QUOTE] The difference between now and then is that in the 80s / 90s, Lawler was an out and out heel, (eg fighting against Bret Hart) whereas now, he is at best a tweener, and most of the time a face. Must be kinda tricky to be putting over the heel in one match, and then 5 minutes later, you are actually fighting against a heel (Santino) as the face.:rolleyes:
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Yes, I am biased but take it for what it's worth :p. Personally, I think Akki's right about Joey and Taz not being particularly marvellous as an announce team when they work together. However, I do think Joey is the best play-by-play man they have (by a long way) and, these days, Taz is their best colour guy just because he has a style and air of interest about him (he used to be terrible but these days I think he's great). Maybe their just not used to working with each other in that capacity yet. Who knows? Regardless, I don't think Joey will be around much longer because of his obvious lack of interest in the product. For instance, last week on ECW when they gave the update on the ridiculous Hornswoggle angle Taz did a (half) decent job of selling it. Joey, on the other hand did it fairly lacklustre, and at the end of the shot raised his eyes (so clearly) as if to say "I wish I didn't need this paycheck!" Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Styles and Tazz to me were best during ONS and during the first days of the new ECW. When they were allowed to be themselves. They seemed like they just got together to talk for an hour and they were really enjoying themselves. They didnt even think twice about bashing something thats too "Sports Entertainment." Like when the Sandman beat down on a cheap immiation of the Macho Man Styles cleverly commented "Keep that trash on Monday Nights." Now.... it looks like work. They've become clones of the other two brands and it makes me sad to see that. Now John Cena or Vince McMahon can waltz into an ECW show and Styles will act like its no big deal. When normally, he'd get his panties all up in a bunch. But hey, they're making a good living so I guess we can't complain.
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;379756]But hey, they're making a good living so I guess we can't complain.[/QUOTE] Oh, absolutely. At first, when I saw Joey working for the 'E, I thought it was a bit of a cheap shot but, in fairness, I soon realised that was a naive conclusion. From what I understand he has a wife and kid to support, so, good luck to him! It's not like my day jobs hae been the most inspiring commitments :rolleyes:. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;379758]Absolutely. He may have enjoyed himself at ECW much more, but each week he had no clue if his kids were gunna eat or not.[/QUOTE] Not quite. He was pretty well off in his ECW days because it was a side job he took when he wasn't working in advertising. In fact, arguments over whether he could keep the advertising job if he worked for WWE kept him from joining the company about five or six years ago. Also, his only kid was two years old at the time of One Night Stand, so he didn't have kids to worry about feeding in the ECW days. Thanks, Wikipedia! :)
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;379758] Atleast here all he needs to do is sit their, call that match, say "OH MY GOD!" and get paid for doing that. Pretty decent gig.[/QUOTE] Classic outside looking in statement. If that were really true, why would Styles have given the eye raise Nevermore mentioned? Sounds like it's a pretty miserable gig that just happens to pay well in Joey's eyes. Those are the jobs that kill you. Those are the jobs that lead you to throw all dietary concerns to the wind, eat trash 24/7 and end up having a heart attack or two. Nothing decent I can find in that.
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