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Jeff Hardy screws up


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I really don't think he willo be fired. The one reason is monney. Hardy is a HUGE draw. He is one of the top *if not the top* seller in the company. The "girls screaming" is exactuly why the wwe pushes him. As for the "high risk" stuff, i think they are confident enough in his abilitys to allow him to do it. There are guys that they allow to do what ever. They ain't going to tell folley to not go off a cell or through a table because they know he can do it. The same with jeff, i am sure he has but i can't remember a time where has actully gotten hurt. Although matt a guy who is much more talent and ground based *in my opinion* has gotten hurt alot.
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Honestly, I think Ransik is right about him getting fired. He's going to screw up, unfortunately. Seems like it's in his nature. I don't think WWE is messing around with that wellness policy anymore. My question is... You think they will ever hire someone they fired (Not kafabe, I mean from the wellness policy), back into the promotion at some time?
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;389159]My question is... You think they will ever hire someone they fired (Not kafabe, I mean from the wellness policy), back into the promotion at some time?[/QUOTE] Could be some decent heat. WWE are a very image conscious company, but contraversy can bring in audiences. See Billy & Chuck. If people hate Jeff for 'pissing his career away', for doing drugs and not giving a **** about the business, for being a lazy, sloppy spot-monkey, then there could be money there... A feud with Matt could be epic (I've always dug brother vs brother fights) Drugs are still pretty cool in today's society, so I doubt it could get Jeff over as a bad guy in that way, but... hmm.
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I can see whats gunna happen in Jeff Hardys future..... He will be back in 60 days, losing alot of steam in his push to the moon. And withing one year he will fail another wellness test and be released for good. Where he will then go to TNA and get the praise of the same people who bash the WWE for not taking its Wellness policy seriously and cheer when he wins the title in his second match despite the fact that he will lose it in his third. And in the middle of that reign, Hardy will ultimately go insane. Seems to follow a pattern somewhere....
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HA HA HA sucked in Jeff! What ever happend to staying clean and becoming focus on wrestling Jeff? this is pretty much close to the same thing that happend in 02-03 with him (but he was sacked lol) he was on the verge of a major push (:( ) and he ****'s it away This is one of the reasons why he should NEVER be anywhere near a Mainevent! Thats right im not a Jeff Hardy mark! lol
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[QUOTE=Basmat01;389173]Thats right im not a Jeff Hardy mark! lol[/QUOTE] Apparently not, but you are laughing at someone else's misfortune, which makes you a... Did you by any chance post the same about John Cena when got injured? I know they aren't the same thing (although tearing a muscle off the bone is a very steroid-y type injury) but come on dude, show a little compassion/decency. Random thought. How would everyone feel if [I]their [/I]boss demanded that you couldn't do drugs outside of work? I'm not a pro-drug guy on a personal level, but I think people are free to do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't endanger anyone else. If Jeff was doing something that was affecting others in a negative way, then he deserves the suspension. If not, then I'm less inclined to agree with WWE's decision. I understand the pressure on Vince & co to provide a 'clean environment', but I'm not going to agree with it every time. Take into account I am a "Jeff Hardy mark" and a lot of my opinions on this subject will be biased. I've never been prouder watching wrestling than seeing Jeff over the last few months. I've supported him since I first saw him and Matt job to Kaientai, and I'm unshakably attached to the guy. I hope he finds his path to living his life how he wants to live it. If that includes drug-use, so be it. I support him.
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Guest Ransik
What really pisses me off is this will kill all momentum and push Hardy has.... but every time Orton gets suspended for violation he gets pushed even farther when he comes back.
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My own opinion of this is, that it's his own fault. Now, I am not and never will be a Jeff Hardy fan. But still, it's his own fault for getting suspended, he knows the rules, the company put a lot of faith in him with this push and what not and seen him as the future, knowing that he has been unreliable in the past. But, look what happened, he screwed it up. Now I don't know if it's a personal demon, if so then he needs to get it sorted but to be fair, his spot is blown and as repeatedly said, It's his own fault that he allowed this to occur. He'll be gone by the end of '08 I think. But hey, 60 days of no Jeff on my TV makes me happy.
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[QUOTE=Cadj;389184]My own opinion of this is, that it's his own fault.[/QUOTE] Can't argue with this. Unless there's some weird new fact out there, he made a conscious choice, and now has to live with it. I have high hopes he'll be fine in the long run.
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Also gonna put this out there (and yes I am still a hardy mark), but its pretty common knowledge that Jeff's been working through a couple of injuries at the moment. The suggestion is that Jeff should have had surgery a couple of months ago but has been working through the pain barrier. I realise I'm grasping but as I haven't seen anything about the nature of the policy violation, I think people are just asuming its the same problem as it was first time around. As for Hardy getting his momentum back when he returns, every time his entrance music hits the fans go wild. My guess is he'll return as a mystery partner in a tag match, team with Cena and the fans will blow the roof off and he'll be back to the top. Have to say I'm really impressed the WWE didn't just brush this under the carpet considering how valuable an asset he is.
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[QUOTE=Self;389179]Random thought. How would everyone feel if [I]their [/I]boss demanded that you couldn't do drugs outside of work? I'm not a pro-drug guy on a personal level, but I think people are free to do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't endanger anyone else. If Jeff was doing something that was affecting others in a negative way, then he deserves the suspension. If not, then I'm less inclined to agree with WWE's decision. I understand the pressure on Vince & co to provide a 'clean environment', but I'm not going to agree with it every time.[/QUOTE] If I was a professional athlete, I would gladly accept a "no drugs" clause. We all saw the effects it had on him before - extremely sloppy performance, no-showing events, etc. They caught it early this time. I believe maybe losing the IC Title and missing Wrestlemania (and a possible MitB win) should teach him a lesson or two. On the note of what bosses do/should say, I came across this one the other day. I have a desk job after hours, which means I work at someone else's desk - one which is completely tailored for a 52 year old woman. I'm 22 and 6'4", roughly 200lbs. So in order to work comfortably at all, I have to drop the chair and slouch - so the desk is at writing/typing height, and the monitor is comfortable to look at. My boss noticed this and said "Oh, I'm glad we don't work at the same time of day, I couldn't stand it for long - slouching is so bad for you". It wasn't vindictive, just a pet peeve of hers. But still, it's not as if I can turn around and ask for a proper ergonomically adjusted workstation - I've only been here a month and it's a 6 month fixed term contract. The other thing is - they don't tell anyone not to smoke, despite the damage that does to a person. It's a double standard for sure.
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It's happened at the worst possible time for him. It's just stupid on his part. He was the odds-on favourite to win the MITB match, and now WWE.COM has confirmed that he's out of it. Still, I'd be willing to bet he'll still be over when he gets back, cos the fans will miss him. They'll miss that freshness in the upper midcard/main event scene, and I think he'll get a decent reaction on return. That said, his momentum could be squashed by management on return, and he may be booked terribly as punishment. As moronic as he's been to get himself suspended this close to 'Mania, I hope to God they book him well on his return, because he's improved enough to deserve another chance (a hell of a lot more than Randy Orton).
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There are differences between Orton and Jeff. 1) Orton is more of a typical WWE star, whom Vince probably supports more. Cutting him slack because of this reason is sort of dickish though, far more than... 2) Orton is a heel. Being a jerk plays into his persona far more than being drugged out does for Jeff. Also... 3) Taking dumps in people's handbags doesn't affect performance. I'm not really an Orton fan in terms of his character (although those Randy Orton Injury Update things were brilliant) but I have to give him credit. In a Interview I heard he seemed so comfortable with how much of a prick he is I couldn't help but like him.
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[QUOTE=sheepy;389212] As for Hardy getting his momentum back when he returns, every time his entrance music hits the fans go wild. [/QUOTE] What is funny is his pops went down big time after he got that new music- people don;t recognize it, so I'm not so sure they will go nuts next time. Besides he is going to have to re-capture the intercontinental title (if it still exists :mad: ) before he is pushed back to the main event. Let's face it- Jeff was slated to win MITB and get the big title. He knowingly put his career in jeopardy and is paying for it. Whether or not drug use should be a personal choice, it is a company owner's choice on whether or not it is permissible. Jeff broke the rules fully aware of the potential consequences. Hopefully all works out in the end as I want a new main eventer as much as the next guy, maybe Matt will come back at MITB and when and get the big push he is deserving of.:rolleyes:
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[QUOTE=Self;389179]Apparently not, but you are laughing at someone else's misfortune, which makes you a... Did you by any chance post the same about John Cena when got injured? I know they aren't the same thing (although tearing a muscle off the bone is a very steroid-y type injury) but come on dude, show a little compassion/decency. Random thought. How would everyone feel if [I]their [/I]boss demanded that you couldn't do drugs outside of work? I'm not a pro-drug guy on a personal level, but I think people are free to do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't endanger anyone else. If Jeff was doing something that was affecting others in a negative way, then he deserves the suspension. If not, then I'm less inclined to agree with WWE's decision. I understand the pressure on Vince & co to provide a 'clean environment', but I'm not going to agree with it every time. Take into account I am a "Jeff Hardy mark" and a lot of my opinions on this subject will be biased. I've never been prouder watching wrestling than seeing Jeff over the last few months. I've supported him since I first saw him and Matt job to Kaientai, and I'm unshakably attached to the guy. I hope he finds his path to living his life how he wants to live it. If that includes drug-use, so be it. I support him.[/QUOTE] The Dude is being paid alot of money to wrestle and all WWE want is for there wrestlers to stay clean! you may say what he does outside of work is his business but it always catches up in his professional life too. seriously would you get in the ring with him if he wasnt 100% focus on the match? its not just for him but for the safety of the other worker/s.
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[QUOTE=Basmat01;389661]The Dude is being paid alot of money to wrestle and all WWE want is for there wrestlers to stay clean! you may say what he does outside of work is his business but it always catches up in his professional life too. seriously would you get in the ring with him if he wasnt 100% focus on the match? its not just for him but for the safety of the other worker/s.[/QUOTE] I can agree. I'm all for companies being allowed to set limits on what their employees do outside of work, but let's be honest, it's a bit of a dick move. I'd hate it if my Boss told me I couldn't do drugs in my spare time, wouldn't you? It affected Jeff's work last time, so I understand Vince's decision. I'm sure they had a long talk about it, and that all the facts are clear to those involved. Ultimately, I agree with WWE's decision, but I'll always support Jeff Hardy. Always. If he wants to live his life in a way that the company doesn't approve of, then maybe it's best for him to go elsewhere, and there's no shame in that.
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Guest Ransik
Any job anywhere has a right to terminate habitual drug users if all methods of rehab fail. Jeff has failed on this for years. I would NEVER get in the ring with someone if I thought they were under the influence. I'm not going to spend my life with a permanent injury because someone wanted to get high in some fashion.
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[QUOTE=Self;389470]There are differences between Orton and Jeff. 1) Orton is more of a typical WWE star, whom Vince probably supports more. Cutting him slack because of this reason is sort of dickish though, far more than... 2) Orton is a heel. Being a jerk plays into his persona far more than being drugged out does for Jeff. Also... 3) Taking dumps in people's handbags doesn't affect performance. I'm not really an Orton fan in terms of his character (although those Randy Orton Injury Update things were brilliant) but I have to give him credit. In a Interview I heard he seemed so comfortable with how much of a prick he is I couldn't help but like him.[/QUOTE] I guess yeah. I'm an Orton fan now more than I have been in the past, but I just think giving him the suspension where you still perform without being paid (no source but I'm sure I remember this from a year or so ago). If they can do that for Orton at the time (who wasn't massively over/important IIRC), then surely they could've slapped Jeff with the 60 days without pay "suspension". Having said that, he's messed up big-time, and hopefully being pulled from possibly the biggest match of his career will straighten him out.
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I admit I'm shocked by Jeff's suspension as it appeared he was doing great. Something I was thinking about during all of this abuse stuff started up is that it was talked about during the 80's but nothing was ever done. If this had happened back then I'm sure he would've probably been suspended for a month and then brought back to job out for a while and earn his stripes again whether or not he was getting a huge push. I hope though he comes back and is able to work within the Main Event again, though. I like Jeff.
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Guest Ransik
There is no difference between Orton and Jeff except that Jeff moves tons more merchandise and is more valuable to the company than Randy is. Gerweck reports that Jeff has a drinking problem and is in rehab. So tell me why he gets 60 days when Orton has been busted enough times to be fired and has the WWE Title and the Main Event at WM? That kind of blatant favoritism is WHY the WWE is always being investigated.
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