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WCW 2008-Eric Bischoff at it again

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It was a cold day in hell, and Eric Bichoff was bored, flipping through the channels and noting the ever hastening decline of the WWE. Oh and TNA, should be called Total Non-sense Anemic wrestling, ever since Vince russo got his hands on the book. A few well placed calls, Hulk Hogan, Brian Knobbs, and Jerry sags. And Eric was half way to having this put together, before he had even stopped to think about what it was he was doing. He was going to need to talk Vinny Mac, but this was going to have to be a delicate conversation, face to face would be best. [B]Bischoff:[/B]I'm hear to meet with Vince Mcmahon.I am Eric Bischoff. [B]Secratary:[/B]Mr Mcmahon,Eric Bischoff is hear to see you. [B]Mcmahon:[/B]Send him in. (He goes into Mcmahon's office) [B]Bischoff:[/B]Mr Mcmahon I would love to take WCW off your hands. [B]Mcmahon:[/B]Eric, I don't care what rumors you've heard. I don't need or want your money. In fact, it will be a cold day in hell before i return WCW back to you! (a raised IRS seal is all that adorns the 8 1/2 X 11 manila envelope, Eric lays on Vince's desk) [B]Bischoff:[/B]Well, thanks Vince, but the IRS saved you the trouble, and sold it to me for a littler over 2 mil. (Vince glares at Eric, Bichoff just smiles back, all teeth. And exits the office with a spring in his step.) Just a few more details to clean up, Eric hires a booking team of Hulk Hogan,Jimmy Hart,Jerry Sags and Brian Knobbs. With a brand secured it's time to start investing in some talent.
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[B]Bischoff:[/B]Alright fellas we are here to discuss who will be part of the new WCW.We will start with"The Mouth of the South"Jimmy Hart. [B]Hart:[/B]Well, ya see, Eric I personally had my eye on Johnny Fairplay and Bob Sapp.Fairplay kinda reminds me of myself at that age and Sapp is a big bruising monster that could use a guy like Fairplay in his corner. [B]Eric:[/B]Jerry,Brian what is your vision, for our Tag team division? [B]Brian:[/B]Eric we've had our eye on a former WWE team Cryme Tyme, but I'm planning to give them a push under a new gimmick because they remind me of Harlem Heat. (Eric nods) [B]Jerry:[/B]Also Eric we think another former WWE tag team, the Heartthrobs, if they're pushed right can do very well. (Eric nods again) [B]Eric:[/B]Good thoughts, Good thoughts. That will have to stand for now. (They all shake Eric's hand and leave).
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;389057]The... the IRS... they snatched a part of a corporation's property without that corporation's principal operators knowing it had happened? And sold it? While Vince still has enough money to spend 20 mil on a boxer? ...Stu Hart finding jobs for his grandkids from beyond the grave makes more sense.[/QUOTE] I edit, i don't create. but come on cut the dude some slack! or better yet don't post until you have something positive to say. Yes, adeezy seems to like the Irs. hey lots of people with money run afoul of the IRS, and to be honest, they can seize property. no one said vince didn't know WCW as an asset had been seized, he said he wouldn't give it to Bichoff. but hey this isn't reality. In fact i rewrote the damn opening line to that very point. "It was a cold day in Hell" so I start with the premise we're bending reality. and yet here you are riding how it's not real. yes thank you for pointing out the obvious.
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Eric is in his office with Hulk Hogan [B]Eric:[/B]Hulk, I know you looked over the initial roster for the heavy weight division, but it's missing that special touch. what do you think? [B]Hogan:[/B]Eric,we need to keep the roots of WCW, intact, brother. so I suggest we grab "Big Sexy"and 6-pac. But to balance it out, I believe we have to grab Andrew Martin, John Morrison and Kevin Thorn. Those three give me that feeling that something we could be onto something huge. (The telphone rings,Eric picks up the phone) [B]Bischoff:[/B]Hello,Uh yeah ok I understand thanks. [B]Hogan:[/B]Who was it Eric. [B]Bischoff:[/B]It was Bret Hart he told his nephews, niece and TJ Wilson to quit the WWE. [B]Bischoff:[/B]They said they couldn't work for an ******* like Vince, for one second longer. [B]Hogan:[/B]Eric, dude, so let's sign them up. [B]Bischoff:[/B]Ok Hulk let me call him back, and see what we can work out.
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[QUOTE=mistaken;389088]but hey this isn't reality. In fact i rewrote the damn opening line to that very point. "It was a cold day in Hell" so I start with the premise we're bending reality. and yet here you are riding how it's not real. yes thank you for pointing out the obvious.[/QUOTE] See, it's not that it's not real, as none of the diaries are. It's just totally implausible. If Eric had already bought WCW, why visit Vince face-to-face? If Vince already knew that WCW wasn't his, how could he refuse to sell it to Eric? And I'm pretty sure Bret and Vince sorta patched up their relationship somewhat, and it would probably be very stupid of him to tell his relatives not to work for a rich, established company like WWE to go work for an upstart WCW. I just think that these kinds of things turn people off, where it's like "WTF, this is never going to happen". I think that a successful diary, just like a successful wrestling show, or even a successful book or movie, has to suspend your disbelief. These kinds of plot holes are big turn-offs to a lot of people. Mistaken, I think you're doing a really good thing by helping ADeezy. And please don't take my next comment too hard, because I couldn't think of it as a better way to say it. But, as the saying goes (somewhat), no matter what you do to it, crap is still crap.
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I thought I would just throw in my two cents of advice. You've had countless dynasties, and the stories are about exactly the same, just different variations on them. That being said, to be successful I think you need to focus more on the shows and less on these posts with just dialog in them. From your past dynasties your shows are much better than these back and forth conversations, so maybe put up a backstory, then jump right into the action, quit beating around the bush.
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[QUOTE=Akki;389108]See, it's not that it's not real, as none of the diaries are. It's just totally implausible. If Eric had already bought WCW, why visit Vince face-to-face? If Vince already knew that WCW wasn't his, how could he refuse to sell it to Eric? And I'm pretty sure Bret and Vince sorta patched up their relationship somewhat, and it would probably be very stupid of him to tell his relatives not to work for a rich, established company like WWE to go work for an upstart WCW. I just think that these kinds of things turn people off, where it's like "WTF, this is never going to happen". I think that a successful diary, just like a successful wrestling show, or even a successful book or movie, has to suspend your disbelief. These kinds of plot holes are big turn-offs to a lot of people. Mistaken, I think you're doing a really good thing by helping ADeezy. And please don't take my next comment too hard, because I couldn't think of it as a better way to say it. But, as the saying goes (somewhat), no matter what you do to it, crap is still crap.[/QUOTE] Hey i'm not defending what it is. I may have cleaned up what was sent to me, but i have not in any way changed the content of what was sent to me. I'm just saying if you enter an adeezy diary. for the love of God, at this point you know what you are going to get. an alternate reality in which the totally implausible is the norm. but hey at least it's one new diary a month instead of one a week. and that is what it's going to take for adeezy to improve. And speaking of improving. what i get now, is a lot more legible and coherent than what he was putting out 4 weeks ago. so one step at a time. finally, I'm not the end all and be all of diary writers. In fact I've posted what 6 shows at this point? so when you wash crap with dirty dish watter i geuss what you get is crappy mud? :D
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[QUOTE=mistaken;389088]I edit, i don't create. but come on cut the dude some slack! or better yet don't post until you have something positive to say. Yes, adeezy seems to like the Irs. hey lots of people with money run afoul of the IRS, and to be honest, they can seize property. no one said vince didn't know WCW as an asset had been seized, he said he wouldn't give it to Bichoff. [/QUOTE] And Vince's response to losing WCW isn't going to be to watch the sales like a hawk? Even if he fails, his response to Bischoff isn't going to involve wondering whether he's already bought it? Eric Bischoff is gonna feel the need to call Jimmy Hart the Mouth of the South [i]in front of three of Hart's long-term friends?[/i] How's WCW planning to sign someone like Morrison, a current tag champ? There's 'reality is different' and there's 'this just doesn't make sense'. Any of it could be made to, but you'd have to work at it. We'd have to know the IRS has seized some of Vince's assets. We'd have to believe Bischoff would want to resuscitate a brand associated in the public mind with losing the Monday Night Wars rather than, I dunno, trust to the reputation of Hulk Hogan while he's bringing him on board and craft something new. We'd have to understand why Bischoff, a man who once defined ethics as 'anything goes if I never think I'll have to work with them', decided to talk to Vince face to face. We'd have to see this stuff coming, in short. Mistaken, you asked for me to say something positive. Here it is: Deezy, you considered writing these things as comedies? I swear to God if this was presented as a J Silveresque quasi-farce, it'd be better received. But I don't open with something positive when nothing positive springs immediately to mind. That's not how my editors helped me get work in shape to be published. It's not a technique I'm really confident of. Polish til the positive shows and we'll talk.
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Why are people still reading if they're gonna get annoyed at him? If you wanna read what he has to to offer, then do so and leave the appropriate feedback. But if you don't like it just don't read it. There's quite a lot on here that do nothing for me so I just don't read them. A-Deezy, can I just ask (as I've already posted) are you genuinely trying to just get attention? It's very rare someone with your style of post a backstory, talk, one show, start over becomes popular. My advice is to just stick with one and you may see you get more readers.
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[SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]WCW[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] 1.Andrew Martin 2.Kevin Nash 3.6-Pac 4.Teddy Hart 5.DH Smith 6.Naddie Neidhart 7.TJ Wilson 8.Johnny Fairplay 9.Bob Sapp 10.Shad Gaspard 11.Jayson Paul 12.Antonio Thomas 13.Romeo Roseli 14.Scotty Too Hotty 15.Grandmaster Sexay 16.Rikishi 17.Kevin Thorn 18.John Morrison-WWE Tag Champion(I have an Eric bischoff Original Idea) 19.Afa Jr 20.Ted Dibiase Jr 21.Mike Dibiase 22.Wagner Brown 23.Kristal 24.Rob Van Dam 25.Bobby Lashley 26.Cybrus 27.Hybrid 28.Marina Santos 29.Tyson Dux 30.Jack Evans 31.Joey Superstar' 32.Stacy Kebiler 33.Justin Credible 34.Sting 35.Buff Bagwell 36.Vito 37.Vamprio 38.Judas Mesias 39.James Mitchell 40.KC James 41.Cassidy James
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Alright I'm going to chime in here. First of all I don't think there's anything wrong with people leaving negative feedback on a diary, especially if it helps the writer inprove. Saying things like "the backstory isn't believeable" or "I'm not going to read this because it's your 2,000th diary this month are good things to say IMHO because it let's the writer know ok these are things I have to change to help better my writing ability and capture a better audiance. Now having said all that here's what I think...the backstory not so great, but who cares I can get past that. To be honest half the time I just skim that anyway because 9/10 times it's always the same. I won the lotto, or I got a phone call whatever, who cares. But looking past all that I think this could be a godd diary if he sticks with it. The starting roster is solid and he brought in some big backstage names who could really add consaversy (sp?) to the whole thing if he plans to take that route. I mean we all know Hogan and Nash are never going to do the job for ANYONE so to see how he spins that will be fun to watch. So in short...I'll be reading =)
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[QUOTE=mad5226;389257]Alright I'm going to chime in here. First of all I don't think there's anything wrong with people leaving negative feedback on a diary, especially if it helps the writer inprove. Saying things like "the backstory isn't believeable" or "I'm not going to read this because it's your 2,000th diary this month are good things to say IMHO because it let's the writer know ok these are things I have to change to help better my writing ability and capture a better audiance. Now having said all that here's what I think...the backstory not so great, but who cares I can get past that. To be honest half the time I just skim that anyway because 9/10 times it's always the same. I won the lotto, or I got a phone call whatever, who cares. But looking past all that I think this could be a godd diary if he sticks with it. The starting roster is solid and he brought in some big backstage names who could really add consaversy (sp?) to the whole thing if he plans to take that route. I mean we all know Hogan and Nash are never going to do the job for ANYONE so to see how he spins that will be fun to watch. So in short...I'll be reading =)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=SHaynes23;389109]I thought I would just throw in my two cents of advice. You've had countless dynasties, and the stories are about exactly the same, just different variations on them. That being said, to be successful I think you need to focus more on the shows and less on these posts with just dialog in them. From your past dynasties your shows are much better than these back and forth conversations, so maybe put up a backstory, then jump right into the action, quit beating around the bush.[/QUOTE] Thanks again Sam the first preview will be up and Mad I thanks for the compliments I took some time to think who Bischoff would have on his booking team.
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Blue"]WCW Nitro[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]WCW is back,what will Eric Bischoff have in store for WCW.[/FONT] [CENTER]Quick Picks Vito vs.Kevin Thorn Too Cool vs.The James Boys Rikishi vs.Judas Mesias/James Mitchell Jack Evans vs.Bob Sapp/Johnny Fairplay Kevin Nash vs.Bobby Lashley 6-Pac vs.Rob Van Dam Sting vs.Andrew Martin[/CENTER]
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Quick Picks Vito vs.[B]Kevin Thorn[/B] Too Cool vs.[B]The James Boys[/B] Rikishi vs.[B]Judas Mesias/James Mitchell[/B] [B]Jack Evans[/B] vs.Bob Sapp/Johnny Fairplay [B]Kevin Nash[/B] vs.Bobby Lashley [B]6-Pac[/B] vs.Rob Van Dam [B]Sting[/B] vs.Andrew Martin
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[CENTER]Vito vs.[B]Kevin Thorn[/B] Too Cool vs.[B]The James Boys[/B] Rikishi vs.[B]Judas Mesias/James Mitchell[/B] Jack Evans vs.[B]Bob Sapp/Johnny Fairplay[/B] [B]Kevin Nash[/B] vs.Bobby Lashley 6-Pac vs.[B]Rob Van Dam[/B] Sting vs.[B]Andrew Martin[/B][/CENTER] i love sting, sting = old
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the cold day in hell comment..i laughed the IRS comment..i cried with laughter but the rest i was interested to read ok the backstory isn't killer..but that doesnt mean the write up wont be hopefully first show will be pretty good with that card Vito vs.[B]Kevin Thorn[/B] [B]Too Cool[/B] vs.The James Boys [B]Rikishi [/B]vs.Judas Mesias/James Mitchell Jack Evans vs.[B]Bob Sapp/Johnny Fairplay[/B] Kevin Nash vs.[B]Bobby Lashley[/B] 6-Pac vs.[B]Rob Van Dam[/B] [B]Sting[/B] vs.Andrew Martin
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Vito vs.[B]Kevin Thorn[/B] Too Cool vs.[B]The James Boys[/B] Rikishi vs.[B]Judas Mesias/James Mitchell[/B] Jack Evans vs.[B]Bob Sapp/Johnny Fairplay[/B] Kevin Nash vs.[B]Bobby Lashley[/B] 6-Pac vs.[B]Rob Van Dam[/B] [B]Sting[/B] vs.Andrew Martin
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Blue"]WCW Nitro[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] Eric Bischoff music hits as he comes down with John Morrison. [B]Bischoff:[/B]Tonight you are witnessing the rebirth of WCW. (Huge Pop) [B]Bischoff:[/B]TNA and WWE have failed to deliver to you, the fans, the great wrestling experience you deserve. John is here tonight to deliver the killing blow to WWE. [B]John:[/B]Vince you want this piece of hunk metal. (Morrison holds up the WWE tag Title and throws it into the crowd.) [B]John:[/B]Vince, welcome to the war. There can be only one and that is WCW. (Commercial Break) (Kevin Thorn comes out to huge heat from the crowd) (Vito receives a little pop from the crowd) [CENTER]Kevin Thorn vs.Vito[/CENTER] Kevin Thorn goes right after Vito hitting some huge uppercuts.Thorn then hits a huge superplex from the top rope for 2.Vito puts a little offense in only to get hit with original sin for 3. [B]Winner:Kevin Thorn Rating:B[/B] We're in the back with Letcia Cline and The James Boys [B]Letcia:[/B]Tonight KC and Cassidy you guys take on Too Cool what are your thoughts. [B]KC:[/B]Tonight we are going to prove why we belong in WCW. [B]Cassidy:[/B]See Too Cool with the power of my cousin KC and the speed of me,Cassidy James there is no way you boys can defeat us. [B](They Leave)[/B] (Commercial Break) (The James receive huge heat from the crowd) (Too Cool receives huge pop from the crowd) [CENTER][B]The James Boys vs.Too Cool[/B][/CENTER] Grandmaster Sexy starts against KC James.James hits a huge clothesline then he hits a huge powerslam.Grandmaster comes back hitting a huge dropkick but James only seems to get more furious hitting a huge powerbomb for 2.James then tags in his cousin Cassidy who taunts Grandmaster he then slaps him,Grandmaster then hits a snap suplex.Grandmaster then tags in Scotty too Hotty and Scotty hits a cross body block.With the ref's back turned Cassidy delivers a low blow he then tags in KC.KC then hits his Sky High Powerbomb for 3 [B]Winner:The James Boys Rating:B[/B] We're in the back with Judas Mesias and James Mitchell. [B]Letcia:[/B]Judas Mesias tonight you take on Rikishi. [B]Mitchell:[/B]Tonight my son Judas Mesias will destroy you Rikishi and end your career (Commercial Break) (Judas Mesias comes out to huge heat from the crowd) (Rikishi receives a huge pop from the crowd) [CENTER][B]Judas Meisas/James Mitchell vs.Rikishi[/B][/CENTER] Rikishi and Mesias go right at it trading throat thrusts and pinches.Meisas gains control when Mitchell trips Rikishi.Mesias hits a huge DDT then he hits a piledriver for 2.Rikishi rallies by hitting a huge samoan drop.Then Rikishi hits a huge powerslam.he then knocks Mesias into the corner and hits a stink face.As he goes for the Banzai drop Mitchell hits him in the head with his cane.Mesias goes to the top and hits the Mesias splash for 3 [B]Winner:Judas Mesias Rating:A[/B] We're in the back with Bob Sapp,Johnny Fairplay and Letcia Cline. [B]Cline:[/B]Bob Sapp tonight is your first match in WCW against Jack Evans,what are your thoughts. [B]Fairplay:[/B]Sapp told me Evans you better watch out, because the Beast from the East will break you in two. [B](Sapp screams into the camera as the both leave.)[/B] (Commercial Break) (Bob Sapp comes out as Fairplay mocks the crowd) (Jack Evans comes out to a huge pop from the crowd) [CENTER][B]Bob Sapp vs.Jack Evans[/B][/CENTER] Jack Evans goes right after Sapp by hitting a dropkick.He then goes running into the ropes and gets hit with a powerslam.Sapp then picks him up hitting a huge clothesline.Evans tries to attack the big man with punches only to fall victim to the Beast Bomb for 3 [B]Winner:Bob Sapp/Johnny Fairplay Rating:C[/B] We're in the back with Kevin Nash and Letcia Cline [B]Cline:[/B]Kevin tonight you take on Bobby Lashley,what are your thoughts. [B]Nash:[/B]Lashley tonight you're coming into enemy territory facing Big Sexy. [B]Nash:[/B]That is not a good thing you better bring everything out tonight. [B](Nash leaves)[/B] (Commercial Break) (Kevin Nash receives a huge pop from the crowd) (Bobby Lashley receives a decent pop from the crowd) [CENTER][B]Kevin Nash vs.Bobby Lashley[/B][/CENTER] Both get in to a tie up only for Nash to hit Lashley with a big boot.Nash then hits a huge powerslam.Nash goes to the top rope only to get hit with a huge powerslam for 2.Lashley then hits a powerbomb,Lashley goes for the spear only to have it dodged and get hit with a big boot.Nash then hits a huge legdrop, followed by a Jacknife powerbomb for 3. [B]Winner:Kevin Nash Rating:B[/B] We're in the back with RVD and Letcia Cline [B]Cline:[/B]RVD, right here tonight you take on 6 Pac how are you preparing? [B]RVD:[/B]Tonight Mr Monday Night is going to prove why he earned that nickname and Pac can't you stop the whole Damn Show. (Commercial Break) (RVD receives a huge pop from the crowd) (6 Pac receives huge heat from the crowd) [CENTER][B]RVD vs.6 Pac[/B][/CENTER] 6 Pac goes right after RVD hitting him with a spinning heel kick,Pac then hits a huge hurracarana.RVD fights back with kicks of his own then hits a monkey flip.RVD follows up with rolling thunder,6 Pac then fights back hitting RVD with kicks into the corner knocking him down.6 Pac attempts a Bronco Buster only to get kicked between the legs.RVD goes to the top and hits a Five Star Frog Splash for 3. [B]Winner:RVD Rating:A*[/B] We're in the Back with Andrew Martin and Letcia Cline [B]Cline:[/B]Tonight Andrew you face Sting what are your thoughts? [B]Martin:[/B]Sting you will realize why TNA gave me the nickname the Punisher, when tonight Sting, I put you to the Test and prove your party is over. (Commercial Break) (Sting comes out to an insane pop from the crowd) (Andrew Martin comes out to immense heat from the crowd) [CENTER][B]Sting vs.Andrew Martin[/B][/CENTER] Sting goes right after Andrew Martin hitting a thunderous ddt,Sting then hits a huge suplex for 2.Andrew Martin fights back with a huge powerslam for 2.Andrew Martin then hits a big boot but Sting fights back when he whips Martin into the turnbuckle and follow up with a Stinger Splash for 2.Sting then spots Kevin Nash and 6 Pac on the ramp, but ignores them and hits the Scorpion Death Drop for 2.As he locks in the Scorpion Deathlock,Nash and Pac attack him from behind.Pac hits the X factor while Nash hits a huge jacknife powerbomb. [B]Winner:Sting by DQ Rating:B[/B]
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[QUOTE=dse81;389626]Vito vs.[B]Kevin Thorn[/B] Too Cool vs.[B]The James Boys[/B] Rikishi vs.[B]Judas Mesias/James Mitchell[/B] Jack Evans vs.[B]Bob Sapp/Johnny Fairplay[/B] Kevin Nash vs.[B]Bobby Lashley[/B] 6-Pac vs.[B]Rob Van Dam[/B] [B]Sting[/B] vs.Andrew Martin[/QUOTE] 6 of 7 not bad The Lashley/Nash match is the only one that scrwed you up. [QUOTE=A_Wrestling_GOD;389447]the cold day in hell comment..i laughed the IRS comment..i cried with laughter but the rest i was interested to read ok the backstory isn't killer..but that doesnt mean the write up wont be hopefully first show will be pretty good with that card Vito vs.[B]Kevin Thorn[/B] [B]Too Cool[/B] vs.The James Boys [B]Rikishi [/B]vs.Judas Mesias/James Mitchell Jack Evans vs.[B]Bob Sapp/Johnny Fairplay[/B] Kevin Nash vs.[B]Bobby Lashley[/B] 6-Pac vs.[B]Rob Van Dam[/B] [B]Sting[/B] vs.Andrew Martin[/QUOTE] 4 of 7 decent Too Cool,Rikishi and Lashley matches screwed you up. [QUOTE=mistaken;389410][CENTER]Vito vs.[B]Kevin Thorn[/B] Too Cool vs.[B]The James Boys[/B] Rikishi vs.[B]Judas Mesias/James Mitchell[/B] Jack Evans vs.[B]Bob Sapp/Johnny Fairplay[/B] [B]Kevin Nash[/B] vs.Bobby Lashley 6-Pac vs.[B]Rob Van Dam[/B] Sting vs.[B]Andrew Martin[/B][/CENTER] i love sting, sting = old[/QUOTE] 6 of 7 good Job then Main Event was your only mistake. [QUOTE=mad5226;389382]Quick Picks Vito vs.[B]Kevin Thorn[/B] Too Cool vs.[B]The James Boys[/B] Rikishi vs.[B]Judas Mesias/James Mitchell[/B] [B]Jack Evans[/B] vs.Bob Sapp/Johnny Fairplay [B]Kevin Nash[/B] vs.Bobby Lashley [B]6-Pac[/B] vs.Rob Van Dam [B]Sting[/B] vs.Andrew Martin[/QUOTE] 5 of 7 good predictions only bad picks were Pac and Evans.
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[CENTER][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="6"]WCW Thunder[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] What will be the fallout from Nash and 6 Pac attack on Sting.Also Eric Bischoff has a major announcement. [CENTER]Quick Picks Bob Sapp vs.Vito The New Harlem Heat vs.The James Boys Buff Bagwell vs.Kevin Thorn Grandmaster Sexay vs.Wagner Brown/Kristal Vampiro vs.Justin Credible The Million Dollar Sons vs.The Hearthtobs Kevin Nash vs.Sting[/CENTER]
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