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WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW"

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/starrcade.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"]Chapter 1[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"]WCW/nWo Starrcade The Apocalyptic War Live and Exclusive to Pay-Per-View, Sunday, December 27 1998 from the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, Georgia[/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE] [QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/10101875AJack-Nicholson-The-Shining.jpg[/IMG] [U]Editor Prologue[/U][/CENTER] I thank you all for continuing to read this jungle, this chaotic cacophony of mayhem throughout my vision of 1998. This, well, this is hopefully the crowning moment. Nearly everything that I have booked thus far has been with a view to this one single night. This one single night where I pour my heart and soul into telling you a story that I have wanted to tell for a long, long time. Many of you have seen me on these forums or even in Private-Messaging and probably thought I was somewhat of a WCW-looney, but the fact of the matter is, despite all the debates we've had over the past few years I always believed in the cornerstones of what made World Championship Wrestling great. I remember having not watched professional wrestling since Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior were feuding, primarily because we had two TV channels in the country I lived in and there was no wrestling on it, and then we started getting WCW International. It was nothing spectacular, but it was a little prelude. And sure enough, within three or four months, every Friday we got (yes, delayed by two or three months), WCW Monday Nitro. And we also got free the WCW Pay-Per-Views. If peeps wanted to hang out with me on a Friday night they had to accept that I was going to watch the pro wrestling, which, was a bit taboo, but once they saw Rey Mysterio Jr, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho, and this guy they called Sting descending from the rafters to destroy a corrupt gang... man, it was on. At the bus-stop, at recess, even in the class rooms, we all talked it up. There were sides chosen, we used to do predictions, I was the king-of-cool one day when I rocked up with a Sting-shirt. Yeah, this was the shiz before the shiz meant something else. I have loved every second of this diary, so much so that I'm toying with doing the unthinkable and doing a Forest Gump. You know, you run from one side of America to the other, so... you just keep running. I have loved adding extra flavour and depth to Masahiro Chono, I have loved in my mind the end of Bill Goldberg's streak meaning something and hopefully adding extra emotional depth to his character, I have loved doing the Ric Flair promos, I have loved writing the diary and taking dot point notes like "Chris Jericho self promo" to his list of countries that he, as the World Heavyweight Champion, is the ruler of, I have loved bringing in a select few new stars like Mike Awesome [pity he got picked up for a movie!!] and making something of them without doing the obvious and flash pushing them to the moon and back, I have loved adding variety to the tag team division a division in today's modern wrestling that sadly gets forgotten but is so.. so precious, I have loved using the Television Championship as a means to give truly talented workers the chance to get 'known' and to use the better talented wrestlers to build the skills of other less talented or younger workers by mere association, I have absolutely adored the fact that I could bring one of my superdream feuds (remember how you used to get wrestling mags in the 90s before the web was absolutely massive and there'd be inter-promotional dream match discussions like Austin and Goldberg) which was Bret Hart and Sting to life... In truth, I have some booking regrets, and I will explore these after Starrcade is concluded in my review of the year and how TEW shaped a lot of things along with my own self concepts, but mostly, it has just been so much fun. Death of WCW was so much fun because the possibilities were endless because the roster was... well, kinda forgettable but had so many unique characterisations, but this... this roster, man, how can you go wrong with it? What I REALLY love now, is... after booking this in TEW some 5-6 months ago, that ... with the roster we had, that we could go so many different ways that I ultimately went. Even after the main event (no giveaways as to how I take this!), as I write this I dream that I went another way, because I believe there's ways to explore the not so obvious ways of professional wrestling and WCW without making it utter tripe like... well, what really happened. The truth is, WCW had so many great ideas, so many great configurations, it just needs a little logic, a little bit of story book plotting, and a little execution to make a roster with great potential into a roster that bleeds dream matches and dream feuds. I remember reading somewhere on story writing that little things should link to bigger things, almost subconsciously, sometimes unseen, sometimes unknown, propelling bigger concepts, and it has been fun running with a few of these which run head long into this event. As we book into 1999 should I write it up, some of the 'little things' raise their ugly heads further, that has been fun for me to do. So, tonight's Pay-Per-View is going to be brought to you in four stages. Because I want this to be, at least in my mind and hopefully, maybe, if you're so kind to let me, yours as well, a truly special epic night. And to breka it up to me I think gives us all a bigger chance of reading it, rather than browsing it, and truthfully I hope this is read because to me this is massively important. Everything has been built to this, from building layers of character foundations, to highlighting new emotions to create stories from, to laying prestige back on the Championships, and... I just hope, I really do hope, that you've enjoyed this party as much as I've enjoyed bringing it to you. There are also a couple of folks behind the scenes on PM who I've asked for help from, often when I've been about to write something that in hindsight even shocked me, but we put it altogether none the less and out comes this - so, thanks to you blokes. So sit back, crack open some potato chips, for this is me bringing to you my love of World Championship Wrestling. For I hope... I truly hope that my true love of this era of professional wrestling has been enjoyed by you guys who have taken the time to take this baby seriously. Cheers for everything[/QUOTE] Light blue pyros pump into the Georgia Dome atmosphere, as a packed crowd roar as the ring lights come on, and we are live here and exclusive on Pay-Per-View in Atlanta, Georgia. "Welcome everybody to the greatest night in World Championship Wrestling history," [B]Tony Schiavone[/B] erupts, as we pan down to the commentary team of Skee-O-Varn-ey, [B]Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan[/B] and [B]'Iron' Mike Tenay[/B]. Hopefully for once, Tony Schiavone is not grossly over-estimating the product. "Fans, two and a half years ago professional wrestling changed forever," Schiavone continues. "For one night, when wrestling was a more traditional product, Scott Hall nonchalantly walked through the crowd, without a contract, and climbed into the ring in the middle of a match that was ultimately thrown out. It was to be the beginning of the end for everything we knew about professional wrestling. And until earlier this year, when the Four Horsemen, led by 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair were revigorated, the memories of Wahoo McDaniel, Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine, 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes, Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat... well, through the dark times it was thought that everything they had fought for to lay the foundations of what makes World Championship Wrestling great had been lost. But tonight, here on December 27, 1998, here in Atlanta Georgia, World Championship Wrestling has it's final chance to stand-alone. To stand without the corrupt corporate manipulation of Eric Bischoff and the New World Order. For tonight, one man... One man, fights for the survival of wrestling as we know it. Hello everybody, I'm Tony Schiavone, and with me tonight, on this very special occasion is Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan and 'Iron' Mike Tenay, and firstly, Mike Tenay, as the noted historian of professional wrestling as you are, tonight is a very emotional night for you." "Thank you Tony, yes, it sure is a very moving night for me," Tenay comments. "Every conceivable configuration of hope lays in the hands of one man, Chris Benoit, as he attempts to not only take the prestigious World Heavyweight Championship from 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho in an ultimate iron man match, but, but, on this very special night Tony, we find out whether this product is lost forever under the guise of the New World Order, or whether the nWo as we know it must disband. Tonight Tony Schiavone, as you rightly point out, some great names are either embelished or extinguished. Because the nWo has no time for tradition, no time for history, no time for legacy or prestige, it's the dawning of a new empire for them. A new corporate heirarchial structure that they promise will change professional wrestling forever. But who wants professional wrestling changed forever? Who wants to forget Lou Thesz? Who wants to forget Ric Flair? Who wants to forget ... the Mulkey Brothers, fans, tonight, everyone from Johnny Valentine to Rey Mysterio Jr is represented by none other than Chris Benoit. And what about the changes? Remember, these men from the New World Order were responsible for injuring the likes of innocent people like 'Mean' Gene Okerlund, for lawn darting Rey Mysterio Jr into the side of a production truck, for taking over the commentary position whenever they pleased, to separating blood brothers like Scott and Rick Steiner to separating allegiances built on trust like Scotty Riggs and Marcus Alexander Bagwell. Tony." "Thank you Mike, let's look at the card, for this promises to be a spectacular card from top to bottom," Schiavone notes, as a graphic of '[B]The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] and [B]Disco Inferno[/B] pops up on the screen. "Every so often Schiavone," Bobby Heenan comments, "A person of the so called fairer sex gets in the way of good, old fashioned professional wrestling. That hamenegger Kimberly Page has a lot to answer for tonight Schiavone, because I guarantee to you, with the amount of hatred that spills over because of the romantic side of things here, there'll be a lot of heart break if not broken bones. This should be intense." Next, a graphic of [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger[/B], [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] and [B]the Fallen Angel[/B], who will compete in a three way dance for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship arises. The resident expert on Cruiserweight Wrestling, Mike Tenay, adds the following. "You have two of the legends of the Japanese oriental art of cruiserweight wrestling, who have traded... sometimes with help from the Fallen Angel, the Championship backwards and forth. The extra spice in this due to the presence of the manipulative Fallen Angel under the leadership of 'The Mouth of the South' Jimmy Hart makes this an impossible match to predict." Following this, a graphic showing [B]Raven[/B], the WCW Television Champion, and [B]'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero[/B] displays on screen. "It's a battle of the greatest Champions of the Television Championship," Tony Schiavone says. "Eddie Guerrero has already had an epic reign with the coveted Television Championship in 1998, and Raven is trying to go even better than Guerrero. And for a conceited, maniacal and devious character like Eddie Guerrero, it has proven to be too much, causing him to snap, and drive this match which will go down as one of the highlights of tonight." Up next, a graphic highlighting [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] and [B]'Easy E' Eric Bischoff[/B] fills the screen. "Later on tonight, that hamenegger Bischoff gets what's coming to him," Bobby Heenan says. "But let's not forget, for all of Ric Flair's good intentions, that Bischoff already has a win over the sixteen time World Heavyweight Champion. You know Tony, aren't you the supposed boss of the commentary team?" "I guess you could say so..." "And isn't this the night we all hope Ric Flair takes out the trash that is his boss?" "I... I guess so." "Well, I hope when Flair's done with Bischoff, he has room in his trunk to cart you out of here too!" Now, a graphic showcasing[B] 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B] and [B]Scott Hall[/B] appears. "These two have been practically like brothers," Tenay says. "These two Outsiders are the men that began all of the chaos that is the New World Order. And tonight, the green eyed monster of envy raises its ugly head again, as these two despised characters turn to despise each other. Let's not forget, Kevin Nash has some kind of note that we believe has all his claims against Scott Hall, we're not too sure how this all came to be, but tonight, inside the steel cage there will be no surrender, no way out." "That and so much more guys," Schiavone says. "We will preview later on the World Tag Team Championship three way dance, the best of three submission match, and the icon versus icon match, Hulk Hogan and Bill Goldberg. But first, let's take a very special look at the World Heavyweight Championship match, where all the marbles are on the line, in the ultimate apocalyptic war..." [CENTER]=============================================[/CENTER] A video plays highlighting the sheer enormity of this evening's match between [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] and [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B]: - It is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, the most coveted Championship in all of professional sports, with a legacy as long as the Rockies mountain range - If Chris Jericho should win, all assets, licenses, trademarks and shows will be turned over to the New World Order. Some talent will have the opportunity to sign mandatory New World Order Corporation contracts, while the nWo will have the option to defer any other WCW talent they see fit. - If Chris Benoit should win, the nWo and all it's guises must disband... forever. - It will be an ultimate iron man match - fought over 60 minutes. The most pinfalls and submissions obtained will decide the match. This is the ultimate test of endurance, strength, mental fortitude and guts - We take a look at Chris Benoit's outstanding reign as the United States Champion which he won off [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] early in 1998 - We analyse that both Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit are Canadian stars out of the very prestigious Hart Dungeon - We review Chris Jericho's heinous heel turn on the cruiserweight division and his subsequent acsension to facing Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, which he dutifully won - We review moments of their first Pay-Per-View clash at [URL=""]SuperBrawl in Houston, Texas[/URL], a match ultimately won by Chris Benoit, this match coming on the heels of a time limit draw on a WCW broadcast - We review events leading up to this epic match, including Chris Benoit facing the undefeated Bill Goldberg at World War III for a shot at the Championship, an epic match which Benoit won over his stable-mate - We look at Chris Jericho's amazing run as Champion, including victories over [B]Sting[/B], [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B], [B]The Giant[/B],[B] 'The Total Package' Lex Luger[/B] amongst others - We hear amplified roars of terror as opponents succumb to the Crippler Crossface and the Liontamer respectively - Tonight will be a night like no other, professional wrestling's ultimate apocalyptic war - will it be the beginning of the reign of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalpyse, or will it dawn a New World Order - The greatest wrestlers on the face of the planet, [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"][RIGHT][FONT="Arial Black"]Bar None![/FONT][/RIGHT][/COLOR][/SIZE] - In a match that has the greatest consequences ever in professional wrestling... [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"][RIGHT][FONT="Arial Black"]Bar None![/FONT][/RIGHT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]This is it! There is ... NO TOMORROW![/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/DDP6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Disco_Inferno4.jpg[/IMG] 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page v Disco Inferno[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] To start off proceedings tonight, this started out as a brutal cat scrap. Initially, Diamond Dallas Page verbally taunted Disco Inferno, but you could see the fury in Page's eyes, and the look of contempt in the eyes of Disco Inferno. In truth, Disco Inferno has risen up the charts at a phenomenal rate, his rate of improvement in skills and his enduring overness despite being a perennial comic jobber demanded a significant push. And tonight, it is his greatest opportunity yet, to open up the greatest night in WCW with one of the premier performers in WCW. Yet despite the staggering growth of Disco Inferno, the career of Diamond Dallas Page is reaching even greater zeniths. Earlier this year, in a shock to us all, he turned his back from being the People's Champion of WCW to being unveiled as the dastardly manipulative mastermind behind the nWo, behind it's inception, behind it's idea, behind it's premise. It's a notion he claims has been around for nearly a decade, since his early days association with a very green Kevin Nash and a slightly more experienced Scott Hall. And tonight, because of his very notion, and his enduring communication to spur the dream along, we have this ultimate nirvana climax, an explosion of two diverging cultures as we try to make sense of it all and find a resolution the best way known to man - by slugging it out, one on one. So the heel pop that Page got tonight was very strong. Not only did he raise the legion of the New World Order, but in doing so he turned on every single supporter he had. The Union of the Diamond Cutters was no more, the legacy of distrust open for all to see. And this was Disco Inferno's chance, not only to stake a claim for the heart of the alluring, beautiful Kimberly Page, the once faithful wife of DDP, but also every single one of the fans that Page stuck it to. So the initial skirmish of almost cat-like proportions was well founded, purely due to the depth of emotion involved. Slowly but surely, the match settled down as the ultimate ring general, Dallas Page, took control of the match as a heinous heel, using various exploitations to slow down the explosive Disco Inferno, and get the crowd extra agitated. Eye rakes, rakes of the back, chokes, Dallas was employing them all to try and keep the soaring eagle Disco Inferno grounded. Literally this was as well, for Dallas Page wanted to silence the rise of Disco's career. The fighting got frenetic when Disco escaped the clutches of Page to escape to the floor area. Page followed Disco down, but Disco, having already established position was able to fight back and achieve some dominating and crippling offence on the outside. The clatter of the steel steps as Page went shoulder first into them was amazing. Disco then rolled Dallas back into the ring, and really started to go to work on the neck of Page, trying to uncoil the nerves, and really limit Page, but moreso, set Page up for the crippling effects of the Chartbuster. Disco knew that to win all roads must lead to the Chartbuster, it may be his only hope against such a seasoned campaigner as DDP, so vigorously he kept working on the nerves, using various submission techniques to press hard on the trapezoids, the shoulder blades, into the lat muscles, and up and down the central spine nervous system. This was warfare at it's most basic, one man trying to drive every single advantage he could out of his opponent by rendering his neck, which aided the balance and power of the human body, to utter uselessness. Finally, Page got back to a wide vertical base, and the two men brawled in the centre of the ring before Page reversed an irish whip and sent Disco Inferno into the corner. But as Page charged in, Disco moved out of the way and used his elbow to unsettle Page into the corner. Disco then rose above the former United States Champion and started hailing punches on Page as the crowd counted... [CENTER]1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10[/CENTER] Disco stepped to the side as Page hobbled forward, and then fell face first to the mat, receiving an enormous pop from the crowd. Disco even had time to taunt the former United States Champion, swivelling his hips while standing over the top of him like a good old 1970's disco dancer. But Page had other ideas, and sensing the first indiscretion in Disco's concentration, he grabbed the left look and hooked him to the mat, rolling the unsuspecting Inferno up into a schoolboy roll up for the first real opportunity of the night... [CENTER]1 2 ... thr.. NO![/CENTER] Disco kicked out and rushed to the corner to catch his breath. But Page followed right in with a hard right clothesline, so hard that Inferno's body nearly toppled over the top, as Page then started raking savagely the eyeballs of Inferno, and taunting him. The mere reason why the two of them were here savagely drove Page to this horrific performance, before finally Page punched Inferno in the sternum. With Inferno doubled over, and in pain, Page lifted him to the top. This was a rare move from the steady veteran, who climbed up with Inferno. Page was setting Inferno up for something... but what? Inferno tried sluggishly to fight back, but... my word, SUPERPLEX from Page! My god! Both men landed extremely hard in one of the most brutal spots possible. The referee looked at both men, dazed, and the thought of calling off this match entered his mind. But, he could see one or two twitches in Dallas Page, and started his ten count. He reached, before Page pulled Disco up, and sent the groggy midcarder hurtling across the ring, Inferno came back off the ropes and ducked a clothesline, Page dropped down as he looked for a sunset flip, but Disco leap frogged him, back Disco came and with Page still down he stopped and kicked Page square between the eyes! With Page startled, Disco took the opportunity... CHARTBUST.. NO! Page reacted quickly and pushed Disco chest first into the corner, Disco rebounded, schoolboy roll up from Page... [CENTER]1 2 thre.. NO! SO! SO SO CLOSE![/CENTER] Page could not believe it and angrily remonstrated with referee Charles Robinson. But as he did so, Disco schoolboyed him... [CENTER]1 2... Kick out[/CENTER] Slowly both men rose and they began going toe to toe in the center of the ring. As they did so, the cameras turned to the ramp to notice the extremely sexy former Playboy model and former leader of the Nitro Girls, Kimberly Page, in a tight hugging black dress, gleaming in the spotlight, walking down the aisle. Both men continued to punch hard, savagely fighting in the centre of the ring, before Page took charge and sent Disco into the ropes, as he got there, Kimberly grabbed his boot, and distracted Disco who turned around... DIAMOND CUTTER! BANG! You never see it coming...! [CENTER]1 2... WAIT A SECOND! His boot is on the rope![/CENTER] Page can't believe it again. He's beside himself. Disco rolls to the outside and starts to cough as he clutches his aching neck. Kimberly moves over to him, and Page begs her to kick him. But she can't do it, and instead, she rolls him back into the ring. Page goes for the Diamond Cutter again, but Disco ducks.. turns around... CHARTBU.. NO! Page wriggles free. Page irish whips Disco into the corner and follows in with a crippling right clothesline. He then rakes his eyes once more, before pulling Inferno to the top rope. Page follows up, the two men brawl at the top, and Page almost loses balance. Inferno pushes again, but Page barely hangs on, and then... HOW THE HELL DID HE DO THAT? SUPER DIAMOND CUTTER! WOW! WOW! WOW! Page's eyes are glazed, before finally, FINALLY, he is able to roll over on top of Disco... [CENTER]1 2 3![/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Diamond Dallas Page[/CENTER][/SIZE] [/QUOTE] Post match, the modified version of Smells Like Teen Spirit hits the airwaves, as the commentators prophesise if this match is a sorry omen of what is to come. We recap the final few spots, where Page brushed off the Chartbuster, before amazingly being able to hit a Super Diamond Cutter. As [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] is hunched over in the ring, he is able to take the microphone from David Penzer. "Yo," he says as we can audibly hear the gasps of air exiting his lungs at a furious pace. [B]Kimberly Page [/B]walks into the ring, to a chorus of boos, to stand beside her husband. She is still a little bit anxious, but it is clear he has won the day. [B]Disco Inferno[/B] lays on the mat, and finally as he comes around, he realises everything that has gone before him, and after shaking his head, he rolls to the outside, where various fans clamber at ringside to try and soften the blow. "You love me, you hate me, but one thing's for sure..." Page continues in between exhausted gasps, "You'll never forget me. And you'll never... forget my invention. For tonight, everything is on the line. EVERYTHING! And when all is said and done, the whole landscape of professional wrestling WILL change after tonight. Night in, night out, for you people I cracked my ribs. I wrestled with cracked ribs where I could barely breathe. The pain was excruciating. But did I ever quit? No! Did I ever give up? NO! And yet World Championship Wrestling one day decided to fed-ex me a pink slip. Hey... HEY! Thanks for nothing Page, thanks for nothing. Back then, I had mixed thoughts about how far to take my nWo idea, how far to take the new empire. But then I realised, there has to be a new way. There has to be a better way. You speak of tradition Ric Flair, you speak of hope Chris Benoit, but what tradition and what hope is there when you can simply fed-ex the hardest worker in the locker-room. Huh? Huh? There's two sides to this story, and after tonight, only one will be told. And it will change for the better after tonight, thanks to Chris Jericho. Skee-o-varn-ey, Tenay, even you Bobby, you all better HOPE.. that we keep your [BEEP]'s. Yeah, deep down at parties you know in the back of your mind yet wouldn't dream of professing it that you need people like me to cause change and cause industry wide growth. My existence, while grotesque to some, has caused a new empire of excitement, a NEW CORPORATE LEGACY! Yeah, this thing tonight, it will cost people their jobs one way or the other. The whole thing changes, from the set, to the shows, to how we do things around here. Mandatory nWo Championship shots, hell, the guys who are part of the nWo tonight will be the forefathers and will be forever cherished and given great opportunities. That's not a dream, it's reality. So, tonight, get used to reality... Bada-bing, bada-bang...Bada-BOOM! Tonight, is the beginning of the end of EVERYTHING... EVERYTHING you once thought you knew! And one day... ONE DAY! When things aren't so JACKED UP! All you nWo haters... all you DDP haters... you'll whisper... Thank you. Sometimes Skee-O-Var-Ney, sometimes Flair, sometimes Benoit... sometimes sacrifices have to be made. For a new tomorrow. BANG!" Page thumps the microphone to the mat, as Kimberly leans in under his arm pit to help the limping veteran from the ring. [CENTER]===========================================[/CENTER] We cut to the back, and see the [B]Smashing Pumpkins[/B], led by the enigmatic [B]Billy Corgan[/B] walking through the halls. This, of course grabs a massive pop as the commentators announce that later tonight, the Pumpkins will be in action! [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/JushinLiger.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Ultimo_Dragon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Christopher_Daniels28.jpg[/IMG] WCW Cruiserweight Championship Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger (c) v Ultimo Dragon v The Fallen Angel[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] A much quicker bout than the opener. One of the intruging features early on though was the work of the Fallen Angel, almost cryptically he seemed to stay out of harms way, staying outside receiving words of advice from [B]Jimmy Hart[/B], sitting in the corner, almost using hit and run tactics to further the pain that Ultimo Dragon and Jushin Lyger, these two long time old school foes were willing to torment each other to. Early on, there was very little in the way of lucha libre wrestling, as Mike Tenay in commentary remarked on the combined careers of Jushin Lyger and Ultimo Dragon which had cast an enormous legacy over the entire wrestling world. Ultimo Dragon seemed to be getting the better of the conflict, as the match was fought in the corners initially, before finally the match came to life and Dragon was able to hit one of his patented Asai Moonsault's on Lyger. The Fallen Angel then took the opportunity to cover Ultimo Dragon, who himself was suffering from the fall... [CENTER]1 Kick out[/CENTER] A cheap way it would have been to win, and the crowd sensed it. With Lyger struggling, there was nowhere for the Fallen Angel to hide, and now, as Ultimo Dragon sent him across the ring he was forced to display the skills that have him widely regarded as the best young cruiserweight in the world today, and he did so with an amazing leap frog and then back into a springboard Tornado DDT which forced the Dragon's head down hard. The Fallen Angel made the cover.. [CENTER]1 2.. NO! [/CENTER] Jushin Lyger grabbed the Fallen Angel and hauled him off, and with the Fallen Angel staggered and angry, the two men fought like scalded cats in the center of the ring. The Fallen Angel irish whipped Lyger with such velocity that the Champion, while trying to grab the top rope, fell to the outside, giving the Fallen Angel a chance to hit an epic suicide plancha. As the two men disengage in the steel guardrail, Ultimo Dragon staggers to his feet. He looks to the outside, and smiles, and nods. Suddenly, like a crazed Samurai he too is at it, diving over the top of the top rope, BANG! Like ten pins they all go down. Eventually, Dragon and Lyger get up, and the two start brawling in the aisle, before Lyger grabs hold of the large mask on Dragon's head and hauls him back to the apron and rolls him into the ring. Lyger steps on the apron, and then leaps to the top rope, springboard drop kick! Lyger nods as the crowd pops, before heading over towards the turnbuckle. He slowly climbs the turnbuckle... Swanton Bomb from Lyger! Wait a second here's the Fallen Angel who races into the ring and delivers a hard right armed clothesline to take down Jushin Lyger. With both men down, the Fallen Angel looks above and gives the signal of the cross. He heads over to the turnbuckle... climbs.... WOW! MY GOD! How about that for a moonsault on Dragon! Cover... [CENTER]1 2 thre.. NO![/CENTER] Lyger hauls off the Fallen Angel, and seems to be really enjoying mowing into Fallen Angel, seemingly remembering that it was the deceitful Fallen Angel whom for whatever reason took away the Cruiserweight Championship earlier in the year. Lyger whips the Fallen Angel into the corner, but the Fallen Angel holds on to the top turnbuckle and kind of leap frogs Lyger who runs in and hits the turnbuckle hard. The Fallen Angel slaps the chest of Lyger hard, before jumping up, and like a soccer bicycle kick connecting with the back of Lyger's head! My word! This Fallen Angel is going to be something precocious, something very special, if he isn't already. Ultimo Dragon springs to his feet, but Fallen Angel ducks a clothesline, and hits an atomic drop on Ultimo Dragon, before taking him down with an inverted DDT. With both men down, the Fallen Angel moves both men to the center of the ring. Wait a second, what's this? He's piling them on top of each other, Dragon on the bottom and Lyger on the top. He couldn't be thinking ..of...a .... double... moonsault? Well, I think that's what he is thinking of you know. Slowly he climbs the ropes, and he begins to look skyward again, but this time he appears foresaken, because the Cruiserweight Champion sprints to the corner and delivers a hard chop to the ribs of the Fallen Angel. The two men end up on the top rope, as Lyger appears to be setting up for a superplex. But as they do so, Ultimo Dragon races over, and he gets underneath Lyger... Hang on... the Fallen Angel is on the shoulders of Lyger.. MY GOD! BOTH MEN JUST GOT DROPPED FROM THE TOP COURTESY OF ULTIMO DRAGON! Both men writhe in agony, as the Dragon picks up Lyger, and he uses his snapping stiff kicks to the ribs, and looks for... and connects with the Dragon Sleeper! Lyger is going to struggle! He's in the middle of the ring! This is frenetic stuff. But the Fallen Angel, with one last desperate lunge rolls over and clips the back of the knee of Ultimo Dragon, forcing him to release the hold. The three men get back to their feet, and exchange blows. The Fallen Angel jumps up, and with his knees tucked in under the chin of Ultimo Dragon drops back on his back.. my god! What an innovative jaw breaker. And now a stellar drop kick from the Fallen Angel sends Ultimo Dragon out. Lyger and the Fallen Angel now exchange blows, but the savage martial arts of Lyger takes control. He sends the Fallen Angel into the corner, but the Fallen Angel reverses it once more and Lyger finds himself in the corner, on the end of some crisp slaps from the Fallen Angel. Suddenly the Fallen Angel raises Lyger to the top rope, and jumps up with him. Fallen Angel looks to be setting up for a superplex, but Lyger keeps punching wildly, and eventually the Fallen Angel loses balance. Lyger steadies, as the Fallen Angel lays in the middle of the ring... SHOOTING STAR PRESS! Here's the cover! [CENTER]1 2 Ultimo Dragon scrambles for the save BUT IT'S TOO LATE! 3![/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, and STILL WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Jushin Lyger[/CENTER][/SIZE] [/QUOTE] [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] looks on in despair and exhaustion, as [B][B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger [/B][/B]rolls out of the ring, grabs the WCW Cruiserweight Championship, and holds it up, as a few fans at ringside surround his shoulders, and embrace him. What a match! What a match! [RIGHT][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]To be continued...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/RIGHT]
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Damn! The wait for each match is gonna kill me! No I agree with the way your doing it mate, great idea to keep the suspense up. So far I don't think anyone can fault the start of Starrcade. I particularly enjoyed the Cruiserweight match. If the opening two matches are written that well then I can't begin to imagine how good this Ironman match is going to be. Oh and please do the Forest Gump. :D
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/starrcade.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="5"]Chapter 2[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] "What an outstanding match that was," [B]Tony Schiavone[/B] implores us from the commentary booth. "How about the Shooting Star Press, delivered with absolute precision from Jushin Lyger,"[B] 'Iron' Mike Tenay[/B] adds. "He is a class performer, but guys, I don't think we've heard the end of Ultimo Dragon or the Fallen Angel, and I'm sure Jushin Lyger knows it." We quickly review the Shooting Star Press, as [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger [/B]leaps and lands like an exploding atomic bomb on the [B]Fallen Angel[/B], who folds his knees up, crunching his abs and widening his torso to limit the damage caused by the punishing blow. [CENTER]===================================[/CENTER] "Chico, you don't realise ... how important this is," [B]Scott Hall[/B] says, as we fade into the back hallowed halls of this arena. Next to him, pacing backwards and forth is the extremely anxious [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B], the WCW World Heavyweight Champion who in a couple of hours must put not only the Championship on the line, but the future of the New World Order as we know it. "This is our livelihood bro, this is everything we've fought for. One night in 1996 chico, Steve Doll, and the Mauler... bro, they thought were fighting a one on one match on Monday Nitro. A few thousand were watching," Hall says, as he almost dreamingly looks slightly upward, "And there it was, I stormed into the ring, cut the match off, and took control of World Championship Wrestling. But chico, the nWo is for life, it's meant to be forever. They wanted a war chico, they wanted some, I told them to come get some. They talked about prestige and honour, I told them, don't sing it, bring it. And at the Bash at the Beach in '96, bro, we changed professional wrestling forever, man. And tonight, everything is on your shoulders... everything." Jericho stops pacing, and then looks cryptically at Hall, before he snaps at the legendary Outsider. "Everything is on my shoulders?" Jericho derides Hall. "Huh? You want to leech off of me? Tonight is about glory, it's about accomplishment, it's about living the dream that Diamond Dallas Page said we could live. You know, I could care less what you did in 1846, whether it was the steam engine or the telephone you invented, the fact of the matter is tonight I've got this gaping big galoot from Edmonton gnawing away with his missing teeth at my World Heavyweight Championship. As far as everything being about me, Hall," Jericho says as he stubs his finger into the chest of Hall threateningly, "how come you had to go jack things up? Huh? How come tonight, on this, the night of Champions, the night of glory, the night that changes the landscape of professional wrestling forever, how come... """""CHICO"""", you have to enter a steel cage to fight one of our own? This is a brotherhood, this is THE gang, and you're fighting one of us? And you talk to ME about keeping US together?" "Whoa whoa whoa, chico," Hall backtracks. "Don't chico me, Junior. Just thank your lucky [beep] that tonight, in front of thousands of screaming Jerichoholics, on my Pay-Per-View, Starrcade, because... after all, I am the showcase of the stars, the synonym of sexiness, the walrus... yeah, cu-cu-cachoo, I am... The... Greatest... Athlete... Alive... Today... YEAH BABY! I am an immortal God of Wrestling and Love. And I will forever be known Scott Hall as YOUR... World...Heavyweight...Champion. And Chris Benoit, the dimebag of douche bags, the toothless tundra of 1960's Edmonton techno, the little yellow man from the lego set, Chris Benoit will find out just why I am the Greatest World Heavyweight Champion this side of your jerry-curl, Scott Hall..." Jericho grins, as Hall looks confused. BANG! A swinging clothesline comes in from none other than [B]'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B], who knocks Scott Hall clean to the ground. Suddenly, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho gets into action and stands between Hall and Nash, trying to keep Nash from continuing on his rabid attack. "No! No! No!" Jericho says as he stamps his feet in a hissy fit. "This is my empire... This is about me... me.... ME! ME ME ME ME ME ME ME! Stop this! Stop it now!" "I'll stop it," Nash says, as dribble and sweat smear his lips like a rabid coyote. "But once I get him in the cage..." Nash says with an evil grin, "There'll be revenge for what he's done..." We fade away, as Jericho looks on concerned. [CENTER]=====================================[/CENTER] Meanwhile, out the back of the arena, a white stretch limousine arrives. We wait, as an arena attendant leans forward and opens the back door. Appearing, in his favoured yellow and red ... it's [B]Hulk Hogan[/B]! "Hogan is here!" [B]Tony Schiavone[/B] announces. Wow, thanks for the heads up, Tony. "There was some thought amongst say nay-sayers that he would back out," [B]'Iron' Mike Tenay[/B] says, "They were mindful of what happened earlier this year at WCW Slamboree, when the then Hollywood Hogan left the match before we could find a winner, but as a man of his word, Hulk Hogan is indeed here." "Welcome Mr Hogan," the arena attendant says. "It's good to be here dude, it's like I've always said brother, the more things change, the more things remain the same. And brother, those screaming Hulkamaniacs are in for a show. Tonight Bill Goldberg, WHATCHA GONNA DO... WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN HULKAMANIA RUNS WILD ON YOU!" Hogan wags his finger and smiles as he storms into the arena. [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Raven23.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Eddie_Guerrero12.jpg[/IMG] WCW Television Championship Raven (c) v 'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Set your VHS boys and girls. For not only have these two been the most definitive WCW Television Champions of 1998, but they have absolutely subliminal in the ring whether with or without gold. So combining them together tonight would promise a special match. One where each other would have to go above and beyond to find a victory. And as it transpired, that is exactly how things went down. Above and beyond. To start off with, these two worked off some clinical work in the corner off the collar and elbow tie up. Raven overpowering Guerrero, who as a coy heel as the referee to back Raven off, before grabbing Raven by the hair and pushing him into the corner, and starting to wail away with crisp slaps before irish whipping Raven back across to the alternate corner and following with a devilish drop kick that was delivered with such authority that Raven went over the top turnbuckle, hard onto the apron and to the outside. Guerrero then climbed the turnbuckles, and with Raven beginning to stand flew for a high cross body block to the outside! Both men clattered against the guardrails, before Guerrero rose and began to punch the top of the skull of Raven. A few fans began to deride Guerrero who mouthed off at them, causing a loss of concentration for a split second which gave a myopic opening to Raven who took it with open arms, replying with a punch to the sternum, getting himself up, kicking Guerrero in the sternum, and dropping him with a neckbreaker. With Guerrero down, Raven removed a piece of the ringside rubber mat, and went to hit a snap suplex, but Guerrero blocked him, and then shoved Raven head first into the steel ring post. Guerrero then drove Raven's right arm around the ring post, before taunting the Television Champion. The match moved back into the ring, as Guerrero continued the domination with some lusty blows. He irish whipped Raven across the ring, dropping him on his return with a delightful drop kick. Raven stumbled and then got tangled in the steel cables, so Guerrero used it to his advantage, delivering seering chops to the chest of the defenseless Raven. Eventually Raven untangled himself and with a wrath of fury, with the crowd behind him, began to mount an encouraging comeback to try and stave off Guerrero's claims to his Championship. He was rocking back and forth on his feet, but kept dodging blows from Guerrero and kept charging in. Eventually the match went back to Raven's favoured spot, outside the ring, where he engaged in some lethal hardcore carnage, much to the dismay of Guerrero. The match went back and forth in some slow paced mat wrestling, and chain wrestling, and was evenly fought for the next six or seven minutes. There were a number of near falls, and some delightful counters to submission holds. The claimants to the Championship gave no quarter and asked for none, and were extremely brutal on one another. The tension began to build, particularly for Guerrero who knew he had to come out with a decisive victory to reclaim the Championship, and this led to him escalating the match once more with some aerial risks, that for a while really paid off. With the aerial onslaught, mixed with an absolute awe inspiring moonsault from Guerrero, Raven appeared to be battling. Continually he found ways to beat pinfalls, much to the exasperation of Guerrero, but as the commentators summised, unless Raven could find something a little bit special then the Championship was heading back to the second generation superstar. And Raven found something a little bit special to at least stop the staggering momentum of Guerrero, when Guerrero headed to the top ropes, and signalled for the nearly always fatal Frog Splash. Guerrero came crashing down, but as he did, the possum playing Raven raised his knees, causing extreme pain and a desperate opening of the mouth to gasp in as much air as possible for the challenger. With both men on the mat, the referee began mounting a 10 count... [CENTER]1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9[/CENTER] Eventually Guerrero got up and pulled Raven up, and the two men went toe to toe again. Raven then sent Guerrero into the ropes who came back and leap frogged Raven, and then turned on a dime to hit ... The Evenflow DDT! On the originator of the move! Raven laid in the center of the ring, eyes glazed, almost smiling at the irony. Guerrero made the cover.. [CENTER]1 2 THR..[/CENTER] NO! Raven lifted his left shoulder in the nick of time. Absolute desperation, nothing more. Pure subconscious, as Raven couldn't have had a clue where he was. Guerrero reacted badly and began confronting the referee, allowing Raven to slowly get up. With the referee distracted, Raven went to the corner and undid the padding on the top turnbuckle. Eventually Raven stumbled over to Guerrero and the two men fought again in the middle of the ring. Raven eventually took Guerrero down with an innovative gutwrench suplex. With Guerrero on the mat, Raven positioned himself to catapult Guerrero perfectly head first into the exposed turnbuckle! Guerrero hit hard, and you could see was really struggling as he came back to Raven, who rolled him up, and with his right foot unseen on the ropes... [CENTER]1 2 3![/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, and STILL WCW Television Champion, Raven[/CENTER][/SIZE] [/QUOTE] After the match, [B]'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [/B]storms to his feet and complains to referee [B]Mickey Jay[/B], who protests his innocence, not understanding what has just happened. Mickey Jay believes the ending is a fair one, as Raven grabs the WCW Television Championship, and shows it to the face of Eddie Guerrero. Guerrero stares at [B]Raven[/B] in disbelief. Our cameras move in closer between the two... "Anything for the win, Eddie," Raven is heard saying. "You nearly snapped my neck earlier this month when I was in a hopeless position... I respected you..." "It wasn't meant to be like this amigo," Guerrero says. "Anything for the win, Eddie," Raven repeats, "You taught me that." Raven rolls out of the ring, leaving Eddie Guerrero in the tea-pot pose, and you see the vengeance seething in his mind, as Raven walks up the ramp. [CENTER]==============================[/CENTER] Backstage, [B]'Mean' Gene Okerlund[/B] is in the Four Horsemen locker room with the WCW United States Champion, [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B]. Benoit is with his mentor, the veteran [B]'Enforcer' Arn Anderson[/B], who pushes back his glasses slightly as he stands on the opposite side to Okerlund who is in he middle of the Horsemen scrum. "Tony Schiavone, fans, I have the extreme pleasure of being back here with the man that many of us, including myself, hope to be the WCW World Heavyweight Championship come the end of tonight's broadcast," Okerlund begins. "This man's legacy in 1998 is one of outstanding performances, letting his actions do the talking for him. Chris Benoit, you have held that WCW United States Championship with aplomb, and surely you go into this do or die apocalyptic war of attrition with Chris Jericho with the world of confidence." "It's abooooot time," Benoit begins. "I've faced many great fights in my career Gene, you could say I won my woman through professional wrestling even. Throughout my time I've had to sleep in the back of cars, in alley ways, I've had to endure the worst physical torment known to man. But all it does is prepare me for tonight. For tonight, both Chris Jericho and I will have the fight of our lives. Throughout the annals of time Gene, I doubt Chris Jericho and I will ever be able to suffer the excruciating pain we are going to put ourselves through, because, we have to. This is the meeting point of our fate, our ultimate destiny, who will forever be known as a legend, and who will be forever known as each other's perennial bridesmaid. Tonight, both men will step into the ring Gene, and we will give our blood, our sweat, our tears, our lives, because it's that damn important." "Gene Okerlund," Arn Anderson begins, "When I set about setting the foundations for a new, perhaps final run of the immortal Four Horsemen, I thought of all the great Horsemen. From Ric Flair, to Ole Anderson, to Tully Blanchard, to Sting, to Brian Pillman, to Barry Windham, if history has taught us anything, to be a great Horsemen you have to be tough. You have to be able to withstand the most ferocious pain, you have to be able to defy all the odds. Sure, you have to be able to party as well because frankly, being a Four Horsemen is about being the elite. And when I set about laying the foundations, one name sprung to mind. And it was this man right here, Chris Benoit. Now Chris, you and I have been up and down the road on many occasions, but I'd like to take you back not to your Japanese days, not to your Canadian days, not even to the land of the Extreme, but ... I'd like to take you back to a feud against an age old foe, 'The Taskmaster' Kevin Sullivan. Everyone roundly expected you to lose, everyone expected that you would be retired. But to you the ultimate prize lay in front of you, the ever beautiful Woman. And like a Rabid Wolverine, you tenaciously fought through all the bitter blows and you came out the better man, and the victor. And as I stand here with you in this dressing room Chris, as much of a great prize Woman is.. brother, the World Heavyweight Championship is what drives us. And you know something Chris? As great as Ole Anderson was, he never was a WCW World Heavyweight Champion. As great as Tully Blanchard was, he never was a WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Many say I'm the Enforcer of the Horsemen, but you know what, I never won the World Heavyweight Championship either. The chance bestowed to you tonight is earned, it's earned because frankly you're the best damn wrestler on the face of this planet. You proved it, because brother, you're the only man with the tenacity and technical ability to overcome Bill Goldberg. The only one! From the moment I laid eyes on you, I know you were a precocious talent. A rare talent. Perhaps the best I'd ever seen. Now I know that to be true. And man, I've worked with Ole, I've worked with Tully, I've worked with Ric Flair. You may be even better than the Nature Boy when all is said and done, and you're going to look back on tonight, because tonight is just the beginning. Just the tip of the iceberg. Because tonight, you become a great World Heavyweight Champion. As far as I'm concerned, this is the passing of the torch, you are the alpha Horsemen, you are THE Enforcer round here." Benoit nods in acknowledgment to the glowing words of his mentor, who stands opposite him, teary eyed out of respect for how far Chris Benoit has come. "Alright Arn, Chris Benoit, tonight you of course will be trying to win not only the freedom of World Championship Wrestling from the cancer that is the New World Order, but you will be trying to win, as Arn Anderson says, the WCW World Heavyweight Championship..." "Gene Okerlund, tonight it's all about glory, it's all about accomplishing the mission I set out for myself. You see, ever since I could crawl I cherished the notion of winning that piece of gold. That Championship. That legacy. The legacy that has Ric Flair, Vader, Sting, Luger, Savage... You can go back further through the NWA lineage and see the names of Kerry Von Erich, Dusty Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat, Harley Race, Lou Thesz and Dory and Terry Funk. When my name gets added to that plate of gold on the front of the Championship belt, it will be an extreme honour, it is an extreme priviledge. And I can't wait to represent that Championship with the pride and honour it deserves Gene. It's the most coveted and cherished thing in my life, and I just want Chris Jericho to know, that when he steps through the curtain and walks the aisle tonight, he will find me more rabid than ever before. Because there is nothing more important... NOTHING!" Benoit looks extremely intense as Arn Anderson pats him on the back, but cannot break his concentration. "Tony, Bobby, Mike, there we have it, hopefully our next World Heavyweight Champion..." "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" We hear the immortal cry of[B] 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B], who struts in in a blue sequined robe. The legendary Horsemen walks over to Benoit and shakes his hand. "Son, tonight you show why Diamonds are Forever, and so is tradition and honour," he pulls Benoit closer and they embrace, before Flair lets go and walks over to Okerlund. "MEAN BY GOD GENE! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I heard that Mean Gene and the Four Horsemen would be in Atlanta, GEORGIAAA!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Is it true, Mean BY GOD Gene?" Okerlund nods, as Ric Flair fires up. "You know brother, I've walked the aisle more times than I can remember. I've faced them all from the biggest baddest Giants to the springboard athletes like Ricky Steamboat. But brother, even through my sixteen... WOOOOO Count 'em, SIXTEEN times as World Heavyweight Champion, brother, nothing fires me up more than a shot at revenge at that low down piece of scum Eric Bischoff. Eric Bischoff! You, I hate your guts Bischoff, you're a coward, you're a cheat, you're nothing! You're nothing! You're nothing! You're nothing, brother. You say you fired me, but I'm still here. You told me to kill the Four Horsemen, but as I live and breathe they're still here. And you probably want me to lie down like a yella belly, but brother, it ain't happening, because I don't care what you do after the match, whether you fire me, whether the Board of Directors views what I do as being too intense, too violent, but brother, when I'm in that ring tonight, I'm going to slug your god damn teeth out of your cheesy mouth... ... Yeah! You heard me right, brother, tonight.... TANITE! As you walk the aisle, you better say your prayers, you better phone your mistress and tell her not to get the pill box ready tonight brother, because tonight.. WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! TANITE! When I'm finished with you brother, you won't know what's heads or tails. Because tonight brother, tonight you to school. You find out why no man... NO MAN! Has ever got the better of Ric Flair, the Nature Boy. Slick Ric. Space Mountain brother. Brother, I know why you tried to do what you did, because no man could silence me in the ring, no man could stop me winning World Heavyweight Championships... Sixteen of 'em, so you tried to go to the extreme, you tried to be political. You tried to be manipulative. You tried to destroy me financially. But you've got to face facts Bischoff, WOOOOOOOOO BROTHER, you FAILED! And tonight," Flair says with a smile, "Oh man, tonight is about revenge. It's about every night you walked into the locker room and you looked at a Dean Malenko or an Alex Wright or a Rey Mysterio Jr and you told 'em you're not good enough. It's about how you sent fed-ex's to men who deserved a chance, how you sent it to them when they were down and out brother. You did it like a coward. And then one day, you lying son of a [BEEP], when I had approved leave from the Board, you tried to get me back to an event, and when I failed to arrive brother, as I was watching my Son in one of his most important pursuits, when I failed to arrive brother, when you saw that I wasn't one of your little mute poodles who would do the talking for you... WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You tried to fire me! And when you did that brother, you lit the fuse on the biggest stick of dynamite possible. And it started to flicker at World War III brother, because you thought you had Hulk Hogan under your little finger, brother. But what you failed to remember is it was me who made the introductions on the set in Orlando, brother. IT WAS ME! It's always been me! Who has it been for over twenty years who gave his life, his soul, his blood his sweat and his tears to the Four Horsemen, to World Championship Wrestling, to the NWA, to Jim Crockett Promotions... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! To all the fans out there, night in night out, IT WAS ME! And you tried to fire... ME? For the ONE night I wanted off? Even though I'd fought with broken ribs, I'd fought every day of my life for twenty years with a ravaged back from an airplane wreck? Even though when the doctors said I should never... NEVER wrestle again, I came back six months later because I love this business and I love this company and I love... WOOOOOO these people? And you wanted to fire me for one night off? And you honestly expected nothing would happen? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Well tonight... TANITE! You're going to find out why they call me the dirtiest player in the game. Because I'm Slick Ric! I'm the Nature Boy! I'm the greatest wrestler of all time! And you're nothing but a low down cheat, you're a coward, you're a son of a [BEEP], and I hate your guts like no other, pal. Tonight, you go to school... Tonight, you find out why Diamonds are Forever... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! And so is the career of Ric Flair! Tonight it's just me and you Bischoff, tonight, I pledge the Four Horsemen will NOT get involved, because brother, I don't care what you throw at me, I want this piece of revenge to be taken... personally! MEAN BY GOD GENE! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I'm a jet flying, limousine riding, kiss stealing, wheeling, dealing, son of a gun, and tonight brother, when I have vanquished Bischoff, when Chris Benoit is the new World Heavyweight Champion, brother we're going to party like it's 1999, like good old times, like the Four Horsemen always did. And remember brother, Space Mountain may be the oldest ride int he park but it will always have the longest line. And brother, when we're done tonight, you're going to party with us! IT'S TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL!" Flair screams, as he struts, and leaves the dressing room. [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/EricBischoff01.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Ric_Flair24.jpg[/IMG] 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Flair looks rabid. Bischoff looks cowardly, he looks scared. And so, as Flair races to engage, Bischoff rolls out of the ring, and tells the referee he will have none of this until Flair returns to his corner. Flair puts his hands up innocently and retreats back... BANG! Only to find [B]Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell [/B]race down from the back and slam Ric Flair with a steel chair over his crippled back. Nick Patrick goes to throw this one, but Bischoff tells him audibly on camera that if he does so he is fired on the spot. Bagwell continues to stomp the steel chair into the severely injured back of Flair, as the commentators remind us of his pledge that no Horsemen get involved tonight. Could this be another outrageous political maneuver from the conceited Eric Bischoff to silence the Nature Boy? Now Bagwell takes Flair out of the ring and irish whips him into the steel guardrail! Flair's back takes the full impact, as Bagwell then climbs over the guardrail and pulls on the neck of Flair, further pulling the tendons and joints in the neck and back. When will this end? Bischoff for his part slides out of the ring, and with Flair being held and muzzled by Bagwell, lays one of his trusty standing side kicks to the jaw of Ric Flair. It's worth noting that Bischoff is a legitimate black belt in taekwondo. "How do you like that, Flair?" Bischoff taunts the fallen Horsemen before laying in with another boot to the head. "Huh? You want to start respecting the boss yet?" "NEVER!" Flair yelled, as he gasped for breath. Bagwell then rolled Flair back into the ring, as Bischoff followed, and continued to stomp on the back of Flair. The referee asked Flair if he wanted to quit, but Flair refused. For the next two or three minutes, Bischoff used various martial arts moves to further work over the back and neck of Ric Flair. The Nature Boy was clearly struggling as the fans booed in unison. They could not believe what was going on. "Hogan was supposed to be mine you son of a [BEEP]," Bischoff screams as he slaps the face of Flair one more time. This is nothing more than a tumultuous physical, personal war. Just pure brutality, and Flair has no prize thanks to the attention of Buff Bagwell. Bischoff knows the best way to continue this onslaught is to stop any chance of Ric Flair getting momentum, so he rolls him into the corner, and climbs on top of Flair, looking for a standing ten count... [CENTER]1 2 3 4 5..[/CENTER] Wait a second, Flair reverses Bischoff and puts Bischoff into the corner... SEERING WRITHING REVERSE KNIFE EDGE CHOP! [I]WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!![/I] In races Bagwell, Flair picks him up and Atomic Drops Bagwell, and then throws him to the outside! Flair clutches at his back, before mustering the strength to... STRUT! Bischoff begs off in the corner before Bischoff knife edge chops him again, you can hear it all around the arena! And again! And again! Bischoff's chest is going red raw. Man, he's a sport for getting in the ring here tonight and copping this. Wait, here comes[B] 'K-Dawg' Konnan[/B], but he's met with a hard right hand on the apron from Flair. Here comes [B]Vincent[/B], and he's hauled into the ring, and dropped with an atomic drop and sent to the outside. [B]Curt Hennig[/B] comes along though, and he does balance things out, as he is able to drive Flair to the mat. He then sets him up for the ... HENNIG-PLEX! WOW! Hennig rolls away and throws Bischoff on top of Flair... [CENTER]1 2 THRE...[/CENTER] NO! Flair gets his shoulder up. Hennig now picks up Flair and sends him into the corner, and begins repeatedly driving his shoulder into the sternum of Flair. Hennig is calling for something, and here it comes from Konnan. What is it? Wait..! WAIT! It's a set of brass knucks! Right hand straight to the head... Flair stumbles forward, and with his comic way flops onto his nose. Bischoff covers Flair again... [CENTER]1 2 THRE..[/CENTER] NO! NO! Flair again got the shoulder up. Bischoff is beside himself, and immediately tries a sleeper hold, and you know what, he's got it pretty well locked in. Flair is really battling here, blood glazing his forehead from the savage brass knucks shot. The fans start clapping at ringside, and eventually the applause gets louder and louder, and Flair begins to elbow his way to a wide vertical base, and mustering every ounce of strength from his crippled back drops Bischoff with a hard back suplex. Both men lay dazed in the middle of the ring, as Nick Patrick begins to count. [CENTER]1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [/CENTER] But Flair gets up slowly, and goes to pull Bischoff up. Konnan races into the ring, but he drops him with a clothesline. Here comes Hennig, he cops one too. Bagwell with a chair, swings, misses, Flair grabs the chair, drops it to the ground and hits a DDT on Bagwell into the chair! Wow, I haven't really seen that from Flair. Here comes Vincent, but he sunset flips him onto the fallen body of Eric Bischoff! The nWo doing Bischoff no real favours here. Flair struts... [I]WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!![/I] Bischoff gets up, and Flair drops to his knees... LOW BLOW! Bischoff falls over in agony, as Flair straddles him and punches him hard, left, right, left, right, left, right, left right... Nick Patrick pulls him off and threatens him with disqualification, as Bischoff shows signs of bleeding. Here comes Vincent again, but as Hennig enters from the opposite side of the ring, Ric Flair throws him head first into Hennig. Bischoff slowly gets up, but he's dropped with a clothesline from Flair. Flair struts, as the crowd are getting hot, and demanding a Flair win. Flair duly obliges, as he stomps on the crown jewels of Bischoff, before twisting and turning him into the Figure Four! [CENTER]GOD NO![/CENTER] Bischoff screams! Bischoff surveys the scene and tries to muster some help, but they're all down like ten pins. Bischoff screams for mercy... but in response all we get is... [I]WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!![/I] Flair tightens the hold, and he's in the center of the ring. There is no escape, and Bischoff knows it... and in a world of pain taps, as Nick Patrick calls for the bell! How on Earth did Ric Flair do that? Against all odds, he has basically beaten down Bischoff's support squad to win a momentous 'bout! [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Ric Flair[/CENTER][/SIZE] [/QUOTE] [RIGHT][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]To be continued...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/RIGHT]
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I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are unrivaled when it comes to promo's. Flair and Anderson combined for something special there, it truly was a piece of brilliance. You really did save the best for the big ocassion. That was probably the way Bischoff/Flair had to go and it was great because with all the interference you weren't 100% sure that Flair would be able to do it. I mean if it was just a straight one on one between the two then Bischoff would get his ass kicked. Can't wait for more mate, especially this main event.
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You know, DDP might of been my favorite wrestler during this time period, and you made me pick him to lose in a grudge match against Disco Inferno. You are that good sir. Wasn't able to post because I've been reading them in the morning before work and they go great with my coffee. Can't wait for Nash vs. Hall next.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/starrcade.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="5"]Chapter 3[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [I]Sit back, open up a car of beer. Because you were then man, you were there when Starrcade 1998 turned the world of professional wrestling on it's head...[/I] [QUOTE][CENTER][U][B][SIZE="4"]The Stress of The Event[/SIZE][/B][/U] [I]To love torment is to be a booker...[/I][/CENTER] "Ok.. Ok, zoom in on Flair and Bischoff, I want to see the pain," a scratchy voice said. As we looked at the man making it we saw it was the tired face of Mark Daniels, the World Championship Wrestling booker. When he had signed the contract at the end of 1997 to take this company forward, he never knew of the physical and mental torment it would bring to him. He never knew of the constant arguments at home on the rare occasions he should find himself in his wife's company. He never knew of the harrowing nightmares that would plague him in small town hotels. All he had in his hand was a simple strategic plan, that he planned to execute, one way or the other. Whether that meant the cost of his marriage, deep down he knew it had to be. "Cue the video segment," Daniels said with difficulty. "Sir... Sir!" A high female voice shrieked. Wendy Martin, the Production Assistant Manager stood behind Daniels with a clipboard, and through her thick glasses looked contemptuously at Daniels. "What?" Daniels responded tersely. "Do you know where you are?" She asked. "This is production. We've got the notes, let us take control. This... this truck, our office, is becoming a mess. And if you don't hurry back into the arena, I'm hearing your office, the locker room, is going to become a mess too." Suddenly a light bulb flashed in Daniels' head as his eyes widened and his pupils dilated. "The locker roo... OH NO!" Daniels dropped the headset and ran out of the main production room. There was a couple of sighs of relief, as he sped down the makeshift timber stairs to the pavement of the loading dock. "If you weeeeel," a familiar voice cried. "Not now, Dusty," Daniels responded as he looked to move back in quickly to the arena. "Plleaasssszzzz Mr Daniels," Rhodes reiterated, causing the Chief of Creative to stop dead in his tracks. 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes had always been an idol of Mark Daniels. In fact, his feud with the Four Horsemen in the mid 80s was one of the main reasons that Daniels' made tracks to the American Wrestling Association looking to live, sleep and breathe professional wrestling. Rhodes was an inspiration, he was an enigma. He had given so much to the industry, much like Daniel's felt he had now, so much so that he had an estranged son n the competitor's show dressed up in effeminate face paint. But the pains of Mark Daniels' life was confined to the last year of torment, Dusty Rhodes had given practically his entire adult life to this industry. He had given it all up, all for tonight. Just like Mark Daniels had and that was why Dusty Rhodes assertive request rendered a necessary reaction. "I'm a just lookin down here," Rhodes said, as he panned down the schedule. "Now, why in da blue hell you wanna be doing that? I thought we could make some changes.." Daniels looked at the part Dusty Rhodes highlighted with his pen, and quickly reacted. "Because it's what needs to be done. Whether I like it, whether Bischoff likes it, whether Flair likes it, this is a new generation.." Daniels patted Rhodes condescendingly on the shoulder without meaning it, and quickly sped back into the arena. For he knew at any second, his locker room was going to erupt into chaos. For at the moment they were in the dark, but when they found out, the reaction to such a company defining moment could be off the charts.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Arial Narrow"] [RIGHT][SIZE="5"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]WCW Starrcade - The Apocalyptic War Continues...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/RIGHT][/FONT] [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] seems to be tightening the hold further on the vanquished[B] 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff[/B], who screams at the height of his lungs. "WOOOO!!" Flair screams, "This is ..what... wrestling... is... all about!" "GOD NO!" Bischoff screams out in mercy. "WOOOO YES!!! Now you pay!!" [B]Referee Nick Patrick[/B] urged Ric Flair to release Bischoff, and threatened to over turn the result of the match. But Flair's eyes were glazed and chaotically focussed on his corporate arch nemesis. Suddenly [B]Doug Dillenger and the Fun Police[/B] arrived, and finally, they were able to free the terrified Bischoff from the rabid Flair, who pointed and taunted to Bischoff, who looked scared out of his wits. [CENTER]=========================================[/CENTER] A video comes on the screen backed by Faith by Limp Bizkit, and it highlights the very tense feud that has developed and exploded into the upcoming cage match between [B]'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B] and [B]Scott Hall[/B]: - We see [B]Scott Hall [/B]arrive in WCW, walking through the crowd to interrupt [B]The Mauler[/B] and [B]Steve Doll [/B]on a WCW Monday Nitro show in 1996 - We see [B]'Easy E' Eric Bischoff [/B]be scared out of his tree by the arrival of Hall's secret Outsider, [B]'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B] - We review some of their exploits, such as injuring innocent people like Bischoff, [B]'Mean' Gene Okerlund[/B], we review them taking over the commentary position on many occasions, we review how Hall and Nash always seemed to have each other's back - We look at their Tag Team exploits, including winning 4 WCW Tag Team Championships - The music turns soar, and the video turns a blood red sepia, as we look at some of the varying incidents that have caused this communication breakdown, including a note passed by [B]Curt Hennig[/B] to Nash, which seemed to tick Big Sexy right off - We review their brawling, Scott Hall's attempts not to fight, and finally, the explosive end to Thunder that all but sealed their doom to face one another at Starrcade [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/KevinNash4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ScottHall9.jpg[/IMG] Steel Cage Match 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash v Scott Hall[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] As the two men set foot inside the cage, Scott Hall still had a someone lamentable look of doubt, of disbelief that here he was standing opposite his long time best friend. In his eye you could see the quenching drive to find out what this was all about, and indeed, at the start, with his arms held out by his waist in a queried pose, he walked forward towards Kevin Nash. When he got face to face with Nash, Nash turned his head to the floor and to the side, until finally he snapped, rocking Hall with a hard right hand to the head. This was to be no joyful reunion, this match was on. Hall dropped to the ground, and clutched at his face in shock, before scrambling back to a neutral corner to regather his thoughts. He looked over the ring to Nash, who with teeth gritted came charging in with a shoulder full of trouble which cannoned Hall back into the turnbuckle. Nash framed him up, and continued to land his sizeable thigh into the jaw of Hall, before he dropped and Nash was able to leverage his big boot under the jaw of Hall. Hall had to fight hard to get the jaw out, and he gasped for air. Nash continued the assault, ruthlessly maiming Hall with will. Eventually Hall was able to scramble away from the ensuring assault, and as Nash came charging in was able to clip his knees and drop the big redwood to the mat. Hall then joined in the fun by starting to tear at the eyes of Kevin Nash, and screaming out, asking what this was all about? Rights and lefts hailed from Hall who's reaction sparked Nash to flip Hall over and pound away himself. This was far from a clinical match at all. This was a straight out brawl. A wild brawl. This was like being in the grips of mother natures hardest hitting cyclones, its most dangerous and battering monsoons. This was craziness at its most extreme. Hall used Nash's head next as a battering ram for the friendly corner turnbuckle, relentlessly pounding his head face first into the corner until finally Nash fell. Hall then dropped a knee across the nose of Nash, who checked to see if his features were still redeemable. Hall then brought Nash to his feet, and sent him hurtling across the ring and then back but both men hit a double clothesline, sending each other onto their backs in the middle of the ring. Their heaving chests gagged for air, as they laid, crumpled, exasperated in the center of the ring knowing this fight would drag on. After both men got up, the next set of moves involved using the steel ring cage, the unforgiving hell for leather steel cage as nothing more than a glorified cheese grater on each other's faces. Blood poured out like Shiraz from both men as the pain was mutually granted by both parties. What followed was a series of corner spots whereby irish whips were exchanged with daring power moves to one other in the corner. It seemed neither men was too interested in making a plea get to the cage, and try and scale its lofty heights. Sure, on various occasions there was probably an opportunity to take the risk, but this fight was worth far more than the result. These two men were here to try and end each other - Nash willingly so, Hall perhaps desperate to maintain his own free will and knowing to do so, despite not really understanding what this was about, he too would have to reciprocate. After Nash began going rabid further, and showing absolutely no mercy for the soul or body of Scott Hall, Hall began making a desperate plea to scale the cage rings to get out of there as quickly as possible. But Nash was far from humane tonight, and he continued the cruelty. Yes, Hall had a couple of three or four minute periods where he was able to get some ascendancy, but tonight, the big man was more fired up than ever, and there would be no stopping him. After some hot shot power work off the ropes, Nash was able to set Hall up for the finale. He hit him with the big boot, sending Hall's neck cracking back, before putting his head between his legs, and raising him for the Jackknife Powerbomb. With Hall visibly twitching in the center of the ring, and clearly the job done, Nash looked to leave. But he came back, for absolutely cruel intentions to level Hall with another Jackknife before slowly, with a look of satisfaction, leaving the ring, forever watching Hall lie motionless there in the ring. [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Kevin Nash[/CENTER][/SIZE] [/QUOTE] As the cage lifts, and the chaos of the prevailing torment is unravelled, and the ring attendents come to the ring to sweep down some of the blood and gore that we've just experienced, we cut backstage where [B]'Mean' Gene Okerlund[/B] is waiting outside of a dressing room door, which opens, revealing the number one contender to the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B]. "Bret 'The Hitman' Hart," Okerlund begins, "I was hoping to get a few comments from you before your block buster match, which is up later tonight against Sting, in a best of three submission match that many have dubbed the Sharpshooter versus the Scorpion Death Lock. Legend and legend, Bret Hart, this match promises to be a dream match come true." "Gene, when I came to the WCW, I came here for the sentiments I believed in. The attitudes I was taught fighting for my life in the Dungeon. Traits such as honesty, guts, courage, determination, and doing the right thing for the business. And when I signed to come here, my first through was to run th New World Order out of town. But the more and more I got to see of things, I got to see a deeper cancer within the WCW. And it shocked me, it hurt me, it cut me deep, because that cancer was the man who I looked forward to working with the most - Sting. You know Gene, in all truth, there was one another that I wanted to be with, as I had had such a legacy with, and that was Curt Hennig. But the difference between Curt Hennig and Sting is that Curt Hennig was very up front and honest about who he was, whereas Sting hides behind a veil of face paint and lies..." "Now hold on just a second there Bret, it appears to me you two are very similar people, and I've got to ask you if there's a hint of envy that has caused you to disbelieve Sting the way you have." "You know Gene, on the surface we are very similar wrestlers. Great in the ring, mat technicians, sure, I'm slightly better being the Excellence of Execution and the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be, but on the whole things look very similar. Hell, Sting even uses a move similar to the Sharpshooter, but not quite as good. And most of these fans would think we're fighting for the same cause. But when Bret 'The Hitman' Hart steps forth, and he takes off those sunglasses and he gives it to a kid at ringside, he does so with honesty. Because when I look up at the ring, and I look at the fans, and the fans see in my eyes that I am here to drive the carnage of the New World Order out of professional wrestling, they know my eyes speak the truth. They can see that. But each and every one of them is never 100% sure on Sting. They see his actions, and they want to believe desperately that Sting is in it to free WCW of the New World Order. What they don't know is that all Sting is interested in is winning the World Heavyweight Championship and money. I can tell you categorically Gene Okerlund, that if the nWo offered Sting a contract with a guaranteed World Heavyweight Championship reign some way some how, Sting would be signing his name quicker than I could say I told you so. So it's left to me, it's always been left to me. Tonight, I have to take out the trash, and I have to show Sting why I have always been his superior in mind, logic, and performance. Tonight, I do this for the fans. And tonight, Sting finds out for sure why I am the Excellence of Execution, and how fitting it will be to have the Sharpshooter defeat the Scorpion Death Lock." Hart smiles at Okerlund and nods, almost translucently lost in the moment before we hear David Penzer make the announcements for our next match, the WCW World Tag Team Championship match. [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Jerry_Lynn6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BillyKidman-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Rey_Mysterio28.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Chavo_Guerrero12.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Scott_Steiner18.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Tazz16.jpg[/IMG] WCW World Tag Team Championships Thrillapalooza (Jerry Lynn and Billy Kidman) (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr v The Human Suplex Machines ('Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and 'FTW' Taz)[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] There were two very different elements at play here. The fast paced energy of the high flying spot monkeys of Thrillapalooza and the former Champions Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr, and the no nonsense domineering Taz and Big Poppa Pump. The tempo of the match was largely this - the high fliers would engage in quick, swift movements that would shock and awe the crowd, until Big Poppa Pump and Taz used their intense physical power to overcome their opponents and slow the match right down with a series of power moves. The main obstacle in the match for all three teams ultimately was the privy of the third team. Any significant pinning opportunities, or submission moves seemed to be getting squashed in due course. Indeed, the frustration was especially evident on Rey Mysterio Jr, who defying all odds completed three Springboard Hurricanranas on Jerry Lynn and Billy Kidman respectively only to be denied by the presence of Taz and Big Poppa Pump. But the Human Suplex Machines were also struggling with the impact of the third team, themselves reigning in a series of hard hitting suplexes which would maim most men for more than the mandatory three seconds, but they knew that a complete and utter beat down would be required in order to silence their opponents and get the opportunity to have an unaffected shot at the pinfall. So the match appeared to be inducing a stalemate, that was, until Rey and Chavo stopped working together with Thrillapalooza to combat The Human Suplex Machines. To that point, Rey and Chavo seemed to have an unofficial alliance rolling with Thrillapalooza, taking each other down yes, but using quick assertive tags to try and work out the kinks of The Human Suplex Machines. But as the Championships glittered next to the ring, both teams knew it was all or nothing. And this brought a lot of joy for the Human Suplex Machines, particularly the domineering Taz, who, as of yet is unbeaten excepting the World War III Battle Royal. He has been on a mission in WCW, shocking the world by joining the New World Order, and then furthering the shock by alligning with his arch nemesis Scott Steiner, tearing him away from his brother. There was a quick two or three minute surge when it looked as though Thrillapalooza would get their way. Some artistic aerial flying against both their opposing teams brought an enormous pop from the crowd. Springboard drop kicks, springboard cross bodies, innovative DDTs, double team decisive drop kicks and the like, these two were on fire. And it led to a great opportunity for Billy Kidman to nail the Shooting Star Press on Scott Steiner... [CENTER]1 2 THR[/CENTER] No! Taz made the save, but as he did, Jerry Lynn picked him up from behind, looking for the Cradle Pile Driver, but Taz turned Jerry Lynn over and had him ready for a piledriver, but again Jerry Lynn's momentum turned over Taz, Cradle Piledriver! [CENTER]1 2 THR..[/CENTER] NO! Rey Mysterio Jr came racing from the outside to pull Jerry Lynn off. His tag team partner for what its worth was busy scaling the top turnbuckle for an attempt at the Tornado DDT on Jerry and he hit it! Cover! [CENTER]1 2 TH..[/CENTER] NO! This quick spot by Thrillapalooza and the Former Champions was overcome as Taz and Scott Steiner battled back using their sheer power and their extraordinary suplexing ability. The momentum has completely turned in an instant displaying the sheer power of these two. As it stood, 'The Dog Faced Gremlin' Rick Steiner himself stood at the top of the ramp, just as the Human Suplex Machines were gaining some real ascendency. Scott Steiner was lost in a trance, which allowed Chavo Guerrero Jr to school boy him... [CENTER]1 2 THR..[/CENTER] NO! Steiner got his shoulder up. Taz immediately went to apply the Tazmission on the unsuspecting Chavo, but he was hit by a low drop kick from Billy Kidman. With Taz down and Chavo gasping for air, Billy quickly went to the top... SHOOTING STAR PRESS on Taz! [CENTER]1 2 THR..[/CENTER] No, Scott Steiner recovered, and pushed Kidman off. Rey jumped on the apron, and hit the top rope, looking for a Springboard Hurricanrana, but Scott Steiner caught him and planted him with a T-Bone Suplex. With the carnage in the center of the ring it looked as if Scott Steiner had ample opportunities to pick a competitor to give the Steiner Recliner, but Rick Steiner moved his way down the aisle, causing further pain and anguish for the trance like Scott Steiner. This allowed Billy Kidman to school boy Scott once more... [CENTER]1 2 THR...[/CENTER] Scott kicked out, and then picked Billy Kidman up like a rag doll and threw him to the outside. "He's coming," Rick Steiner uttered. Scott looked at his brother with a confused look... "Oh you'll know him when you see him," Rick said with a dog bark. Again Scott got school boyed by Rey... [CENTER]1 2 TH[/CENTER] No! Shoulder up! Steiner then flung the micro sized lucha libre star off his powerful chest. Chavo sprung to his feet and charged Steiner who picked up and dropped him with a hard Belly to Belly Suplex. Jerry Lynn ran in from the outside, and he was able to beat a clothesline from Steiner and unbelievably hit a cradle pinfall type move... [CENTER]1 2 THRE..[/CENTER] Oh my, so close. Taz though picked him up, and body press slam style threw him into the arms of his team mate outside the ring. Taz decided enough was enough and hit a maiming suplex on Rey Mysterio, before locking in the Tazmission. Chavo looked over desperately trying to make the save, but he was cut off by Scott Steiner, and finally, Rey Mysterio had to tap. [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Result:[/B] Your winners, and NEW WCW Tag Team Champions, The Human Suplex Machines[/CENTER][/SIZE] [/QUOTE] We replay some of the highlights from the match, some of the excellent high flying of Thrillapalooza, but all to no avail as [B]'FTW' Taz[/B] slapped on the Tazmission for [B]Rey Mysterio Jr [/B]to surrender the Championships that did not even belong to him, and the ensuing look of dismay and despair on the faces of [B]Billy Kidman[/B] and [B]Jerry Lynn[/B]. [CENTER]============================[/CENTER] Backstage, WCW United States Champion [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B] is pacing backwards and forth in the Four Horsemen dressing room. He looks completely preoccupied, and as he turns, he accidentally bumps into [B]Bill Goldberg[/B]. The fans pop at the sight of Goldberg, who looks at Benoit, who for a second comes out of his daze. "Sorry," Benoit utters quietly. Goldberg smiles, "You don't need to be sorry. You just need to ensure that Chris Jericho is next." Benoit looks puzzled, as Goldberg continues. "The fact of the matter is Chris, in DC at World War III, as much as it pains me to say it to you, you were the better man. The better man won. And I'm quite sure... that will happen again tonight." Goldberg raises four fingers on his right hand to Benoit's face, "It's all for this, the Four Horsemen. For honour, tradition, legacy and respect. And I ... I believe in you!" Goldberg walks off, leaving Benoit to nod slowly pondering the acknowledgment gratefully. [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Bret_Hart31.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Sting51.jpg[/IMG] Best of Three Submission Match Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v Sting[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] After the initial tie up, Bret Hart whipped Sting across the ring dropping him with a drop toe hold and immediately going for an ankle lock, but Sting with his free leg kicked Hart off and over the top rope. Sting rose to his feet and beat on his chest... [I]WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!![/I] Hart slowly got up clutching his back and rolling back onto the apron, before asking referee Mickey Jay to move Sting back. As he did so he climbed into the ring and attacked Sting from behind, and throwing him across into the corner. Hart climbed on top of Sting and began mounting punches... [CENTER]1 2 3 4[/CENTER] Wait a second, Sting grabs Bret Hart and now he's in the corner defenceless... [CENTER]1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10[/CENTER] Bret Hart moves forward to fall on his face, but Sting catches him... Scorpion Death Drop! [I]WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!![/I] He picks Hart up and sends him back into the corner. Stinger Splash! He goes for another, but Bret Hart moves at the last possible second and Sting goes shoulder and head first into the actual steel corner post. Bret Hart school boys Sting, and then drops his left leg over the knee of Sting, causing enormous pain. From there, Bret Hart goes for a modified figure four leg lock, which Sting screams in mercy to. But Sting is courageous and is able to make his way to the ropes and get a rope break. Eventually Hart releases and Sting rolls to the outside. Sting grabs at his knee before slowly making his way back onto the apron. Hart though catches him and hip tosses him hard back into the ring. Hart climbs the second rope and looks for his diving elbow smash, but Sting rolls out of the way, and very quickly grabs Hart by the legs, and tries to hook him up for the Scorpion Death Lock, but Hart rolls him through and grabs him by the ankles, and then taps at his sides, and lifts him into the vicious looking Mexican Surfboard! He's got him locked in properly, but with guts and conviction Sting is able to get one arm free but he is powerless to do anything but lay on his back in the middle of the ring. Bret Hart picks Sting up and drops him with a vertical suplex. Again Hart heads to the second rope and he drops down hard on the mid drift of Sting. Sting tries to kick Hart off, but Hart catches his leg, and twists and turns him... Sharpshooter! He's got it locked on well! Sting is in the middle of the ring, and with absolutely nowhere to go must tap. [CENTER][SIZE="4"]Fall One: Bret Hart[/SIZE][/CENTER] Both men retreat to neutral corners, before Sting slowly raises his crippled body to a wide vertical base. The two men circle again before locking up, and Hart immediately kicks at the knee of Sting, who is clearly battling. Sting hobbles and is easy prey for Hart to take down with a swinging neckbreaker. It almost appears certain that there's no way known to man that Sting can get out of this one, and the arrogant look on Bret Hart's face says as much. Bret Hart picks Sting up and whips him across the ring, further damaging the knee ligaments before raising his knee and hip tossing Sting over his knee high into the air and onto his back. Sting crawls on hands and knees to the corner, and clutches at his knees. But all this allows for is for Bret Hart to roll to the outside, and wrench Sting's knee around the corner post. And with that achieved, he then hooks his legs... Figure Four around the ring post! Sting screams in agony! Referee Mickey Jay is commanding Bret Hart to release, but Hart won't, not at least until the last final second. And finally when he does, all he does is further damage all the joints by wrapping it once more around the unforgiving steel ring post. Sting is beside himself in agony, this one is done for folks. Bret Hart comes back into the ring, picks him up and drops him with a knee breaker type move. Sting tries to keep some weight on his leg, but it completely gives way and Sting drops face first to the mat. Bret Hart realises its time, and he decides to go for the Sharpshooter, but as he does, somehow, some way, Sting kicks Hart head first into the corner turnbuckle. Hart's head hits hard and he too lays next to Sting in the middle of the ring. Slowly, ever so slowly, Sting lifts his body up, and he slaps his knee and screams, trying in a vein attempt to get the blood pumping through it again. Referee Mickey Jay tells him he is going to stop the fight, but Sting verbally threatens him... [I]NEVER![/I] Slowly but surely Bret Hart gets up, and he takes control, whipping Sting across the ring once more but WOW! Sting somehow finds a drop kick, and Hart drops to the mat, as Sting clutches at his knee on the mat. As he screams though he finds some modium of balance and gets up. He raises Hart, and my, this is interesting tactics indeed from Sting, he whips Hart into the corner. He's going to ask his crippled knee to try one last time for the Stinger Splash.... STINGER SPLASH! He got it! He hobbles back to the middle, and with a grimmace, storms in again... STINGER SPLASH! Hart wobbles, and Sting drops him with a Scorpion Death Drop! Hart's head was spiked perfectly. Some way, some how, Sting has Hart in the center of the ring, and is hooking up the Scorpion Death Lock! He's got it! He's got it! Hart is shaking his head, but eventually he has no option but to tap! [SIZE="4"][CENTER]Fall Two: Sting[/CENTER][/SIZE] After both men retreated to their neutral corners, they looked up at each other astounded for how much guts each wrestler was showing. Hart hobbled over and after a right and left punch up, was able to send Sting hard into the corner, and he rebounded to the mat. Hart followed up by dropping his knee across the nose of Sting, and further more roughed up Sting with some brutal work on the mat. Sting though responded, and turned over Hart and started whaling in with punches of his own. Brutal. [I]WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!![/I] Sting screamed. Sting then catapulted Hart head first into the corner turnbuckle. Hang on, wait a second, that was the loose turnbuckle pad from earlier in the evening, and it had come undone. Hart was in the middle of the ring on his back basically knocked out. Sting began to put on the Scorpion Death Lock, but then quickly noticed what had happened, and as a sign of chivalry far beyond today's wrestlers he stepped back. Hart eventually came around and slowly got back to his feet. The crowd were cheering for Sting, and Hart looked dumb founded. Referee Mickey Jay whispered into Hart's ear, and Hart's eye brow raised. Hart offered to shake the hand of Sting, but Sting gave a quick nod and began circling the ring. They tied up again, with Sting taking control via a side head lock. He was able to drive Hart down from this position into the mat, leaning over with the head lock still in place. Sting, with a very quick piece of work was able to apply a vicious nerve hold to the shoulder of Bret Hart, who screamed in horror, selling the move brilliantly. Sting though knew this was be of little consequence, so quickly got back to his feet and stomped the gut of Hart, and then a little bit lower. Sting grabbed Hart by the legs and wrenched the knees, and started to set up for the Scorpion Death Lock! He seemed to be hooking it quite well, but Hart was able to kick Sting into the turnbuckle with his last bastion of hope, a free leg. Sting rebounded chest first into a schoolboy roll up from Hart, who quickly released, and very quickly got to a vertical base, and stomped Sting in the mid drift, before quickly turning Sting over, in the middle of the ring into the Sharpshooter! Sting screamed as Bret Hart leaned back, piling all the tension into the lower back of Sting. Referee Mickey Jay checked with Sting who screamed no. He would not give up. But he was powerless, in the center of the ring. Sting tried to propel himself onto his forearms to press to the ropes, but Hart just pulled back harder. The face paint was peeling off Sting as he screamed and shook his head violently. He was asked again, but again said no, but then Hart pulled back once more and it was too much, Sting began tapping violently! [SIZE="4"][CENTER]Fall Three: Bret Hart[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Bret Hart[/CENTER][/SIZE] [/QUOTE] [B]Sting[/B] and [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B] lay on their backs in the middle of the ring, gasping, holding their legs. They looked over at each other in an odd look of respect and acknowledgment. Neither men asked for any quarter, and none was given. We review several of the key moves throughout the match, as EMT's race down to assist the men to their feet. [CENTER]=====================================[/CENTER] Graphics pop up highlighting the remainder of WCW Starrcade. - Up next we will have the icon versus icon battle of the decade as [B]Hulk Hogan[/B] faces off against his biggest rival, his most challenging foe ever, [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] - Later, the [B]Smashing Pumpkins [/B]WILL perform - And of course later tonight, the WCW World Heavyweight Championship goes on the line in an Ultimate Iron Man Match. 60 minutes of torture, for the future direction of this company between the two best in ring performers of the day, The Champion [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] and The WCW United States Champion [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B] Face off-Hogan/Goldberg [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Hulk_Hogan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Bill_Goldberg4.jpg[/IMG] Hulk Hogan v Bill Goldberg[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] After the long, exhaustive entrances of both Bill Goldberg and Hulk Hogan, the two icons of professional wrestling stood in the center of the ring, nose to nose, looking intensely at one another. It was almost a look of reverence, acknowledging each other's place in professional wrestling history. It was a stand off not too dismiliar to Hulk Hogan looking up at Andre the Giant, who readily passed the torch that amazing night at Wrestlemania III, confirming Hogan's place at the top of the professional wrestling ladder. Both men seemed to be listening to the crowd who were chanting vocerifously their support for either Hogan or Goldberg. This mere acknowledgement from one another seemed to spur the crowd on further, before the two men shook hands, and returned to neutral corners. Hold up! HOLD UP! HOLD THE HELL UP! Excuse me? What? Wrestlemania? I should wash my mouth out with soap. This is WCW Starrcade man, and proud of it too! Flair for the Gold for the win! The build into the initial collar and elbow tie up took forever as the two men circled the ring, ensuring no weakness in their defence was taken up for a free attack by their opponents, realising the sheer power of their opponents could take advantage of any error with a quick and furious wrath. Finally, the collar and elbow tie up, and Hogan is thrust to the ground with one swift shove by the immensely powerful Bill Goldberg. Goldberg erupts the arena by raising his arms and screaming in normal Goldberg fashion, as Hogan looks up, firstly in disbelief, and then nods in respect before returning to his corner to pull himself up. The two men circle again, and again they tie up in the middle of the ring, but this time it's the experienced Hogan who steps Goldberg at the last second to get into a go behind position, and from there he drives Goldberg to the mat with a very old school, but very effective and crippling hammer lock. Goldberg's face grimmaces, and he whinces in pain, before he finds a way to turn around onto his back, release the grip and spring back to his feet. He then charges at Hogan who quickly raises his knee to protect himself. The impact is hard, and both men fall to the mat, Hogan grasping his knee, Goldberg dazed having gone head first into the knee of the immortal one. The referee begins to make a count... [CENTER]1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8[/CENTER] Finally Hogan gets up and he wails a hard right shot at the back of Goldberg, before sitting Goldberg up and pulling his arms back with his knee wrenched into the middle of Goldberg's back. Hogan is intently working on the back of Goldberg, trying to take away his stability to hit that devastating Jackhammer. It's experience, it's definitely a veteran old school move from Hogan, exactly as you would expect, slowing the tempo down and trying to drive a significant move from the repertoire of his vaunted opponent. Hogan continues to pull back and drive the knee in which causes a scream from Goldberg, but Goldberg is nowadays a far more completely wrestler, and somehow he is able to roll himself forward onto his shoulders almost lifting Hogan up above him like a grounded sunset flip. Goldberg then moves forward and drives in an ankle lock, working on the leg muscles of Hogan. Hogan's balding head skin stretches as he cringes in agony, as he tries to reach the sanctity of the edge of the ring to get a rope break. But Goldberg gets to a vertical base, and is from there able to control Hogan to an extent. But the ever green Hogan has a trick up his sleeve as too finds a way to roll to his back and with his free leg kick Goldberg back into the corner. Hogan gets up, but as Goldberg hits the corner he comes charging out looking for the Spear, but this time Hogan, again, like a veteran drops to his stomach, so Goldberg changes tact and hits a stunning sliding baseball slide. Hogan grabs at his sides and his ribs from the impact, selling the move extremely well. This allows a period of domination from Bill Goldberg. He uses a lot of rolling submission moves, and a couple of explosive body slams off the ropes. Hulk Hogan is really struggling, but he is certainly not alone in being badgered by Goldberg. Suddenly, and with little warning, Goldberg drives in a variation of the Dragon Sleeper on Hulk Hogan! Wow, look how far back he's cranked back the neck of Hogan. The move is being tightened, Hogan is going nowhere. Referee Billy Silverman checks the arm... [CENTER]It drops once... He checks again It drops again... And for the third... Down it go... NO! Hogan's right arm tightens[/CENTER] He tries to elbow his way out but he can't. Suddenly though he uses all the power he has in his quads and abdominal muscles to drive Goldberg back to the corner, and the impact causes Goldberg to lose power. Hogan drops to the mat gasping for his breath, and rolls to the outside to get a bit more time out. Goldberg follows Hogan out, but Hogan rolls back into the ring quickly, and grabs position. As Goldberg comes on the apron, Hogan head butts him, and brings him in the hard way with a towering vertical suplex. Both men are down on the mat, causing a mandatory ten count... [CENTER]1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [/CENTER] Barely both men scramble to their feet. The two men look to the crowd which is pumped, and at each other in sheer awe. They begin to circle the ring once more before they tie up, and due to a good grapple from Hogan he is able to get Goldberg into a side head lock. He walks him around the ring, jarring the neck muscles. He then runs Goldberg head first into the turnbuckle, causing the young superstar to cannon back into the ring on his back. Hogan picks Goldberg up and hits him with a hard European Uppercut, and Goldberg staggers. Hogan hits another, and Goldberg staggers again. He goes for another, but from nowhere is able to hit a devastating side slam to take Hogan to the mat. Goldberg shakes the cobwebs off and picks Hogan up, dropping him with a press slam. Goldberg moves over to the corner, and gets into spear position. Hogan rises, but again he is able to raise his knee to avert danger and Goldberg goes down again. Hogan slowly gets back up, lifting Goldberg to his feet and sending him into the ropes. Hogan raises the big boot, but Goldberg ducks, returns off the ropes... SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR! Goldberg screams to the crowd, before lifting Hogan up. Oh my, it's time... Yep... JACKHAMMER! Down goes Hogan! Here's the cover... [CENTER]1 2 3![/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, Bill Goldberg[/CENTER][/SIZE] [/QUOTE] [RIGHT][SIZE="5"][COLOR="SeaGreen"][B][I][FONT="Garamond"]...To be continued[/FONT][/I][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/RIGHT] [QUOTE]Sorry if this 'chapter' isn't as good as the previous ones. Truth be told I have found out that one of my best friends is an absolute moron and it annoys me no end. Question, what's the dumbest thing possible you could ever do? Answer, well, they just did it. Guess though it's true the saying, you can lead a horse to water but can't make them drink it.[/QUOTE]
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Your sustaining the quality with every update mate. I loved the write up for Bret and Sting. Great match to end it between the two. If you do decide to continue it, and I know i'm not the only one who wants this to stay alive, it will be interesting with what you do with Taz and Steiner. I think they make a really good team.
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In between slowly putting together the final segments of Starrcade, I thought I'd grab a burrito and respond to y'all kind folks. [QUOTE=MattitudeV2;832883]Disco Inferno v [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger (c) v Ultimo Dragon v [B]The Fallen Angel[/B] WCW Television Championship: [B]Raven (c)[/B] v 'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff v [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] Steel Cage Match: [B]'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B] v Scott Hall WCW Tag Team Championships: [B]Thrillapalooza[/B] (Jerry Lynn and Billy Kidman) (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr v The Human Suplex Machines ('Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and 'FTW' Taz) Best of Three Submission Match: Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v [B]Sting[/B] Hulk Hogan v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Ultimate Iron Man [B]Match: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] (c) v WCW United States Champion 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=totti;832898]Disco Inferno v [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] [I]However good of a job you've job with Disco and it really has been a great job, DDP is the bigger star and could easily push into the World Title scene next year. Kimberley will no doubt prove to be a distraction for Disco aswell.[/I] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger (c) v Ultimo Dragon v [B]The Fallen Angel[/B] [I]This seems a great time to usher in a new Champion as Ultimo and Lyger have been deservedly on top for a while now. Should be a fun match.[/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]Raven (c)[/B] v 'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [I]I've gone for title changes in every other match so I think I have to stick with Raven to retain. I'd like him to have a lengthier reign like Eddie did before.[/I] 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff v [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] [I]It's got to be hasn't it? This will be probably be the culmination of a superb feud that has shocked us all year long. I hope Flair destroys him.[/I] Steel Cage Match: [B]'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B] v Scott Hall [I]After all the technical materpieces that are going to happen here we get to see some blood. A good brawl to give the crowd something different. Not really sure on a winner so i'll go for the one who had the most power back then in WCW.[/I] WCW Tag Team Championships: Thrillapalooza (Jerry Lynn and Billy Kidman) (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]The Human Suplex Machines ('Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and 'FTW' Taz)[/B] [I]I really like this team you've put together and I can't see Rey and Chavo getting the belts back. I'd expect them to move onto singles careers in 99.[/I] Best of Three Submission Match: Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v [B]Sting[/B] [I]Now this one will be good. I'm just wondering how much time you'll give it though due to 60 minutes already being taken up by the Iron Man match. I'll go with the face of WCW for the win.[/I] Hulk Hogan v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] [I]I don't really expect anything special here in terms of wrestling, probably a shortish match, but I do expect that the crowd will be ELECTRIC which will be what this match would be remembered for. I can't look past Goldberg here.[/I] WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Ultimate Iron Man Match: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v [B]WCW United States Champion 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B] All reigns have to come to an end at some point even brilliant reigns like Jericho's. I know there was question marks when you gave the belt to Jericho so early on, but I don't think anyone can doubt that decision now. This will be Benoit's crowning moment as he beats a very, very credible Champion.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=ColtCabana;833553]Disco Inferno v [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger (c)[/B] v Ultimo Dragon v The Fallen Angel [I]Can't see him losing it so soon, a win against the odds.[/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]Raven (c)[/B] v 'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [I]It won't be clean but I'm sure there is still some shelf life left in this feud[/I] 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff v [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] [I]woooooo![/I] Steel Cage Match: 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash v [B]Scott Hall[/B] [I]Steel cage run ins were all the rage in this era of wCw and I can see it hapening here[/I] WCW Tag Team Championships: [B]Thrillapalooza[/B] (Jerry Lynn and Billy Kidman) (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr v The Human Suplex Machines ('Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and 'FTW' Taz) [I]DQ, Steiner and Taz refuse to relinquish the recliner and Tazmission so the ref has no choice[/I] Best of Three Submission Match: Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v [B]Sting[/B] [I]Sting wins and Bret can't stand it as this feud continues[/I] Hulk Hogan v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] [I]I see a torch passing[/I] WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Ultimate Iron Man Match: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v [B]WCW United States Champion 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B] [I]In double overtime, wCw comes out on top as they should[/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Nobby_McDonald;833577]Disco Inferno v [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger [/B](c) v Ultimo Dragon v The Fallen Angel WCW Television Championship: Raven (c) v [B]'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero[/B] 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff v [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] Steel Cage Match: 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash v [B]Scott Hall[/B] WCW Tag Team Championships: Thrillapalooza (Jerry Lynn and Billy Kidman) (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]The Human Suplex Machines ('Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and 'FTW' Taz)[/B] Best of Three Submission Match: Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v [B]Sting[/B] Hulk Hogan v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Ultimate Iron Man Match: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v WCW United States Champion [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE=keefmoon;833614]Great show to finish the build to Starrcade mate. You're obviously building each match well, but you deserve extra kudos for making Disco seem like such a star and for the amazing job you've done with Hogan since he came back. Disco Inferno v [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] [I]I just don't think Disco is quite ready make that extra step that DDP can make[/I] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger (c)[/B] v Ultimo Dragon v The Fallen Angel [I]Should be a great match[/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]Raven (c)[/B] v 'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [I]He's been booked so well so far, and I don't think Eddie needs the title again after how well he did with the belt before[/I] 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff v [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] [I]It would be criminial if you let Easy E go over, even by DQ or run in or whatever[/I] Steel Cage Match: [B]'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B] v Scott Hall [I]It's too early in their feud to tell who will win, so I#ll guess Nash. I second what Totti says about after all the great wrestling we'll see it's good to see a bit of blood too[/I] WCW Tag Team Championships: Thrillapalooza (Jerry Lynn and Billy Kidman) (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]The Human Suplex Machines ('Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and 'FTW' Taz)[/B] [I]I'm really impressed with them so far and they deserve the recognition so they don't get left behind[/I] Best of Three Submission Match: [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B] v Sting [I]Either man could win this, both deserve it and I don't think either will lose out if they don't win, which is amazing booking[/I] Hulk Hogan v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] [I]It has to be, doesn't it? He can't lose two months in a row, so I hope to see Hogan give Goldberg The Rock treatment[/I] WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Ultimate Iron Man Match: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v [B]WCW United States Champion 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B] [I]You've built up Jericho really well and he's been a great champion, but Starrcade is the time for the Horsemen to get on top and take nWo apart once and for all[/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE=The Celt;833630]I don't normal predict in this diary, just hell it's the big one so... [center]Disco Inferno v [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] [I]I'm sorry, but no matter how high Disco is elevated, he's not goign over DDP at the biggest show of the year[/I] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger (c) v Ultimo Dragon v [B]The Fallen Angel[/B] [I]Time to cement the new guy's posistion as the new king of the cruiserweights[/I] WCW Television Championship: Raven (c) v [B]'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero[/B] [I]I think Guerrero having the belt does more for him than it does Raven, so now it's time for it to change hands again[/i] [B]'Easy E' Eric Bischoff[/B] v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair [I]I think this will be the shocker of the night. Honestly I think Benoit and Goldberg are locks to win their matches, so we need something to really jolt the fans and this will be it. [/I] Steel Cage Match: [B]'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash[/B] v Scott Hall [I]Is this the seeds of the Wolfpack forming? Hopefully. I quite enjoy Big Kev's face work. Big Sexy has great comedic flair, which one could argue is up there with guys like the Rock and Jericho.[/I] WCW Tag Team Championships: Thrillapalooza (Jerry Lynn and Billy Kidman) (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]The Human Suplex Machines ('Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and 'FTW' Taz)[/B] [I]Well, despite my reservations about Scott staying in the tag ranks, his combo with Taz is simply murderous and they should sweep the floor with Thrillapalooza and Mysterio & Guerrero[/I] Best of Three Submission Match: [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B] v Sting [I]I think this could be the big heel win of the night, that's why.[/I] Hulk Hogan v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] [I]It's THAT passing of the torch moment[/I] WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Ultimate Iron Man Match: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v [B]WCW United States Champion 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B] [I]Come now, it's UNTHINKABLE that Jericho holds the belt for this long AND takes over the entire WCW for the nWo. It's simply a case that Benoit must win[/I][/center][/QUOTE] [QUOTE=angeldelayette;834140][CENTER]Disco Inferno v [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] [I]Disco will never see it coming...BANG![/I] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger (c)[/B] v Ultimo Dragon v The Fallen Angel [I]Lyger will always be one of my favorite Japanese wrestlers.[/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]Raven (c)[/B] v 'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [I]Quote the Raven...Nevermore.[/I] 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff v [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] [I]Despite Shenanighans by the nWo, Flair mops the mat with Bischoff. Whoooooo![/I] Steel Cage Match: 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash v [B]Scott Hall[/B] [I]Scott Hall wins with the Fingerpoke of Doom![/I] WCW Tag Team Championships: Thrillapalooza (Jerry Lynn and Billy Kidman) (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]The Human Suplex Machines ('Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and 'FTW' Taz)[/B] [I]It's a Thrillapa -- oh, wait, Scott Steiner and Taz? Beat them if you can, Survive if they let you.[/I] Best of Three Submission Match: Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v [B]Sting[/B] [I]Even though I'm reading Bret Hart's book right now, I was never a big fan of his. Sting, on the other hand? He is WCW's Franchise for a reason. It's Showtime![/I] Hulk Hogan v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] [I]A toughly fought contest with a lot of nostalgia pops but in the end Da Man with a Jackhammer and Hogan goes Splat.[/I] WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Ultimate Iron Man Match: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v [B]WCW United States Champion 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B] [I]It is a very very closely contested match. It comes down to one fall and Jericho taps out to the Crippler Crossface right before the bell. Benoit wins and the Horsemen come out to celebrate![/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE=randomfreeze;834253]It's here! [B]Disco Inferno[/B] v 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page [I]Disco Fever begins his ascent to the main event![/I] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger[/B] (c) v Ultimo Dragon v The Fallen Angel [I]Ehh...don't feel strongly enough about any of the other guys to pick them to win the belt. Liger is good.[/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]Raven[/B] (c) v 'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [I]Raven with the TV belt works for me.[/I] 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff v [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] [I]Don't see a cheap finish coming since this is Starrcade, but maybe I'm wrong.[/I] Steel Cage Match: 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash v [B]Scott Hall[/B] [I]In 1998, out of all the matches on this card, I think I'd be most excited for this one.[/I] WCW Tag Team Championships: Thrillapalooza (Jerry Lynn and Billy Kidman) (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]The Human Suplex Machines ('Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and 'FTW' Taz)[/B] [I]Love that three of your created teams have made it here. Shows you have really been able to reinvent some of these characters into something we never saw before.[/I] Best of Three Submission Match: Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v [B]Sting[/B] [I]Yikes, I guess I'll go with the face of WCW.[/I] Hulk Hogan v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] [I]Hogan at Starrcade seems like a lock to win, but I could see him actually wanting to give this to Goldberg so I'll go with him.[/I] WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Ultimate Iron Man Match: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v [B]WCW United States Champion 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B] [I]You know, all this time I just felt like whoever Jericho faced at Starrcade was going to beat him for the belt. And even though Benoit ended Goldberg's streak and has been on a tear himself it's really hard to pick against Jericho. You've done a great job getting to this match, and I'll be happy even if my prediction is wrong. Can't wait for this to come together.[/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE=cmdrsam;835144]Disco Inferno v [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] Disco must die. Its 1998 allready. Come on man. WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger (c)[/B] v Ultimo Dragon v The Fallen Angel I really would like to see the Fallen one take it but can see Lyger holding on. WCW Television Championship: Raven (c) v [B]'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero[/B] [B]'Easy E' Eric Bischoff[/B] v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair If I'm reading between the lines correctly it has to be this pick. But you are great for throwing me off very often. So stop that. Steel Cage Match: 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash v Scott Hall Can the cage hold so much EGO? Think I'll pass. WCW Tag Team Championships: Thrillapalooza (Jerry Lynn and Billy Kidman) (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]The Human Suplex Machines[/B] ('Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and 'FTW' Taz) Best of Three Submission Match: Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v Sting O come on. Stop this. Fine Sting win but I'm not bolding it. Hulk Hogan v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] Next. WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Ultimate Iron Man Match: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v [B]WCW United States Champion 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B] At first didn't believe Jericho would have been champ for this long. But it's been a hell of a ride. But it's over Benoit wins.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Bigpapa42;835178][B]Disco Inferno[/B] v 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger[/B] (c) v Ultimo Dragon v The Fallen Angel WCW Television Championship: [B]Raven [/B](c) v 'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff v [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] Steel Cage Match: 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash v [B]Scott Hall[/B] WCW Tag Team Championships: Thrillapalooza (Jerry Lynn and Billy Kidman) (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]The Human Suplex Machines [/B]('Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and 'FTW' Taz) Best of Three Submission Match: [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B] v Sting Hulk Hogan v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Ultimate Iron Man Match: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v WCW United States Champion '[B]Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE=SimplyPerfect;836628][B]Disco Inferno[/B] v 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger[/B] (c) v Ultimo Dragon v The Fallen Angel WCW Television Championship: [B]Raven[/B] (c) v 'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero 'Easy E' Eric Bischoff v [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] Steel Cage Match: 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash v [B]Scott Hall[/B] WCW Tag Team Championships: Thrillapalooza (Jerry Lynn and Billy Kidman) (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr and Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]The Human Suplex Machines[/B] ('Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner and 'FTW' Taz) Best of Three Submission Match: Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v [B]Sting[/B] Hulk Hogan v [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Ultimate Iron Man Match: 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (c) v WCW United States Champion [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B][/QUOTE] Thanks lads for the tips, it's been a relief to see that we're mostly picking the right winners throughout the card... a relief in that as I've built towards the show it's been the 'pay-off' show not the feud-maker show as such, so I kind of hoped that the tips would be logical. That said, is there a MAJOR surprise in the main event? :cool: Only me and Taylor Swift know that, and the only reason Taylor knows is because I was with her last night (ok... not really, but... well, she's hot). [QUOTE=totti;839785]Damn! The wait for each match is gonna kill me! No I agree with the way your doing it mate, great idea to keep the suspense up. So far I don't think anyone can fault the start of Starrcade. I particularly enjoyed the Cruiserweight match. If the opening two matches are written that well then I can't begin to imagine how good this Ironman match is going to be. Oh and please do the Forest Gump. :D[/QUOTE] Hi mate, thanks for the words. The Forest Gump.. lol... you know, to this day that is still one of my favourite ever movies. [QUOTE=Nobby_McDonald;839985]It's the wrestling version of Jackanory. :D Keep it up fella.[/QUOTE] Thanks Nobby, my wife said that to me a couple of nights ago too but I suspect you weren't talking of the same thing ;) [QUOTE=totti;842019]I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are unrivaled when it comes to promo's. Flair and Anderson combined for something special there, it truly was a piece of brilliance. You really did save the best for the big ocassion. That was probably the way Bischoff/Flair had to go and it was great because with all the interference you weren't 100% sure that Flair would be able to do it. I mean if it was just a straight one on one between the two then Bischoff would get his ass kicked. Can't wait for more mate, especially this main event.[/QUOTE] Thanks mate. I do have a secret to the promos. It's really quite simple. When I come to writing a critical promo of a major character I often go back through youtube and dailymotion and relive some of the characters actual promos to try and work out the structure of their trade mark promos, or their highlight reel so to speak. [QUOTE=Bigpapa42;842346]Great work on this so far, Tristam. Loving it. Can't wait to see the rest of the show.[/QUOTE] Thanks BigPapa. If you're BigPapa, was Cass Elliott Big Mama? Interesting fact I learned last night... did you know Cass Elliott from the Mamas and the Papas spent time listening to the preachings of one Charlie Manson? Psychedelic weird... [QUOTE=randomfreeze;843154]You know, DDP might of been my favorite wrestler during this time period, and you made me pick him to lose in a grudge match against Disco Inferno. You are that good sir. Wasn't able to post because I've been reading them in the morning before work and they go great with my coffee. Can't wait for Nash vs. Hall next.[/QUOTE] DDP is also one of my ALL TIME favourites. Man, middle of 1998, aside from Goldberg, who the hell else is as over as a face in WCW as DDP? I still can't believe I turned him nWo you know, because it kind of goes against my memories of how much I loved his character as the People's Champ of WCW. The underdog with the cracked ribs, getting beat up everywhere until... BANG! And when that happened the arena roof would just about fly off with the pop. Understated wrestler, but what a master of the basics and in ring psychology. [QUOTE=cmdrsam;843325]Your just sick dude. Your not even right. Just when I don't think you can top yourself, here you go. Waiting for the rest of the show.[/QUOTE] Interestingly, yes I am sick at the mo. Got a horrible cold. Thanks to you Rob Thomas... but that's a whole 'nother story. How's Chi-town? The Windy City? When are we catching up for one of those celebrity named steak sandwiches I keep seeing on the travel channel, bro? [QUOTE=darthsiddus2;846788]Sorry to hear that man. I read through the entire show so far. BAH GAWD this has turned into one slobbernocker of a show man! as Michael Cole would say, VINTAGE TRISTRAM![/QUOTE] Thanks mate, I'm glad the show is being received well. This show is the apple of my eye in this diary, some parts of the diary have been... well, probably a little bit controversial, but all roads really lead to the next segment in particular. [QUOTE=totti;847030]Your sustaining the quality with every update mate. I loved the write up for Bret and Sting. Great match to end it between the two. If you do decide to continue it, and I know i'm not the only one who wants this to stay alive, it will be interesting with what you do with Taz and Steiner. I think they make a really good team.[/QUOTE] I always sustain the quality mate. The wife never complains. I'm still yet to decide on what I'm doing with it. In some ways I'm tempted to go with a Cornellverse diary... I mean, in WWE, TNA and WCW you can't get away with your character signing "Buffalo Girls won't you come out tonight, come out tonight, come out tonight" but I may have a chance of it with some of the C'Verse stuff.. Heh. Some of the crazy stuff I could do... tempting. Anyway, as one of my all time favourite performers sang, "The Show Must Go On", and Freddie baby, I'm listening, I'm still believing, and while inside my heart may be breaking that this may be the final segment, its true my make up may be fading but ... my smile still stays on.
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[QUOTE=tristram;849295] [Quote] Originally Posted by Nobby_McDonald It's the wrestling version of Jackanory. Keep it up fella. [/Quote] Thanks Nobby, my wife said that to me a couple of nights ago too but I suspect you weren't talking of the same thing ;) [/QUOTE] I hope not. If you were thinking the same thing that my girlfriend was thinking, then I'd be rather worried. :D
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Guest cmdrsam
[QUOTE]When are we catching up for one of those celebrity named steak sandwiches I keep seeing on the travel channel, bro?[/QUOTE] As soon as you get better and you tell me when your coming in bro. Hope you get to feeling better.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/starrcade.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][FONT="Garamond"]Chapter 4: The Final Conclusion[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B]Bill Goldberg [/B]went to the corner post and raised his arms, as the crowd cheered for him. "That man right here is a future World Heavyweight Champion," [B]Tony Schiavone[/B] comments. "Without a doubt, Hulk Hogan wrestled a smart match but in the end we have a new icon in professional wrestling Tony," [B]'Iron' Mike Tenay[/B] adds. After Goldberg poses for a minute or so, [B]Hulk Hogan [/B]staggers to his feet, shaking his head and grabbing at the small of his back. He is staggering, groggy on his feet. Goldberg looks to finally leave the ring, but Hogan points to Goldberg, which causes a roar amongst the crowd. Before Goldberg has strode off the apron he turns around, and sees Hogan pointing again at Goldberg. Goldberg looks innocent, and Hogan nods his head for some reason. Goldberg strides back through the ropes and stands toe to toe with Hogan. They look each other in the eye for a slow stand off, before finally Hogan extends his right hand and shakes the hand of Bill Goldberg. Hogan then raises aloft the arm of Goldberg, and Goldberg finally looks to leave again. But Hogan pulls him back, and Hogan starts waving his hand to his ear to gauge the crowd reaction. He's not happy with the first segment of the crowd, but now he asks Goldberg to do the ear wave to the opposite segment of fans, and he gets a massive round of applause. Hogan claps and nods his head in delight, as the two men continue to play the crowd for all it's worth. Finally, as Hogan looks to leave the ring, Goldberg holds the ropes wide open as a sign of respect for his vanquished, legendary opponent. [CENTER]====================================[/CENTER] As both men walk up the aisle, we can see a special set next to the stage is ready, and stepping out through a separate curtain it is the [B]Smashing Pumpkins[/B]! "Atlanta, Georgia, are you ready to rumble tonight?" The enigmatic front man Billy Corgan screams, which of course the crowd react positively to. "Because tonight, we'll make things right we'll feel it all tonight, and with that in mind, we're going to play one of our hits from Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness... 1...2...3...4!" As the band plays the immortal [I]Tonight, Tonight[/I] an overlay of the various events of 1998 between the Four Horsemen and the New World Order play over on the Turner-Tron. - We see various WCW humiliations, such as [B]'Mean' Gene Okerlund[/B] being injured by [B]the Outsiders[/B] - [B]'Easy E' Eric Bischoff [/B]trying to torment [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit [/B]into leaving the Four Horsemen - [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] turning his back on the Cruiserweights who looked up to him by turning on them to join the New World Order - The evil turn of [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B] to glorify himself as the inventor of the New World Order concept all those years ago - We slowly now see them unravel, through the combined efforts of the likes of [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B], [B]Sting[/B], [B]'Macho Man' Randy Savage[/B] and [B]Raven[/B], who of course defied the legalities of a contract to begin his One Man Army premonition of defying everything that is supposed by doing what is righteous - Which of course leads to tonight tonight, tonight... tonight, tonight......... tonight - 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho versus 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit. Everything that they've fought for over the past two and a half years, anything and everything all comes to a conclusion... tonight. [CENTER][/CENTER] [I][CENTER]Time Is never time at all You can never ever leave Without leaving a piece of youth And our lives are forever changed We will never be the same The more you change, the less you feel Believe Believe in me Believe That life can change That you're not stuck in vain We're not the same, we're different Tonight Tonight So bright Tonight And you know you're never sure But you're sure you could be right If you held yourself up to the light And the embers never fade In your city by the lake The place where you were born Believe Believe in me Believe In the resolute urgency of now And if you believe there's not a chance tonight Tonight So bright Tonight We'll crucify the insincere tonight We'll make things right We'll feel it all tonight We'll find a way to offer up the night Tonight Tonight The indescribable moments of your life Tonight Tonight The impossible is possible Tonight Tonight Believe in me as I believe in you Tonight Tonight Tonight Tonight Tonight [/CENTER][/I] [CENTER]==========================================[/CENTER] [B]Michael Buffer[/B] stands in the middle of the ring in a black suit and black bow tie, as the crowd grows deathly silent in apprehension for what is about to come. "Tonight we are going to witness the most anticipated match in the history of professional wrestling. A true apocalyptic war the likes of which has never been seen before. For the HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD! Are you ready? Wrestling fans, Are...You....rreeeeaaAAADDDDYYYY? For the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching around the world, from the red hills of Georgia's finest city, Atlanta, Georgia, Ladies and Gentlemen.... LETS GET READY TO RUMBBBBLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" The t[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbIVAUw1J3U"]heme of the [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B][/URL], begins, and after a lengthy delay, the challenger steps forth to the top of the ramp, surveying the scene as the crowd are going bananas. "Introducing the challenger," Buffer continues, "From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. From the realms of the Four Horsemen, he weighs in at two hundred and thirty four pounds and stands five feet eleven inches, he is the master of the Crippler Crossface and is the current and undisputed WCW United States Champion. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Rabid Wolverine, Chris BENNNNOOIIIITTTTT!" Benoit walks forth down the ramp, which explodes behind him with a chorus of thumping pyros. He methodically walks to the ring, loosening his shoulders and seemingly concentrating on the job at hand. Once in the ring, he goes to the opposite turnbuckle and holds aloft the Four Fingers of the Four Horsemen. The [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGvMYDXpcwc"]synthed version of Evenflow[/URL] begins, and the WCW World Heavyweight Champion himself, [B]'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] steps forth to the top of the ramp as Michael Buffer makes his introduction. "Introducing the reigning champion," Buffer continues, "From Calgary, Alberta Canada. From the New World Order itself, he weighs in at two hundred and twenty six and a third pounds and stands six feet even, he is the master of the Liontamer. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Heavyweight Champion of the Wooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrlllllddddddddd, Lionheart! Chris... JERICHO!" Jericho thrusts his fists in excitement, and arrogantly points down at the name plate on the Championship belt itself. With a smile and a swagger, Jericho, flanked by Ralphus, continues his way down to ringside, taunting various fans before sliding into the ring. At this point, we notice that the referee for tonight's match is [B]Nick Patrick[/B], who the commentators happily tell us has at one point or another been known to have been affiliated with the New World Order itself. As Jericho's music dies down, Patrick asks both men to come to the centre of the ring. Patrick checks the knee pads and boots of both men, before issuing final instructions. Patrick then takes the WCW World Heavyweight Championship off Jericho, and holds it to the face of Chris Benoit, who nods in acceptance. The referee then asks each man to retreat to neutral corners, and only once they do so... is the ultimate war on! [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Chris_Jericho44.jpg[/img][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/vshf9.jpg[/img][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Chris_Benoit22.jpg[/img] WCW World Heavyweight Championship The Apocalyptic War Sixty Minute Iron Man Match 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho (champion) versus the challenger, WCW United States Champion 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit [/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] The two men circled the ring for about half a minute before tying up in the middle of the ring. Jericho was able to poke Benoit in the eye and grab a side head lock and take the challenger down to the mat still in the headlock. Once on the mat, Jericho rolled through a succession of very technical mat holds, and despite the technical ingenuity of the challenger, Benoit was able to roll Jericho through into a compromising position. The submission moves were unable to get a fall of any kind, but what it did do was grind Benoit into the mat, work over both the neck and shoulder muscles, and also drive a lot of Benoit's oxygen and adrenalin to minimal levels. The crowd began to rally behind Benoit, and he responded by driving himself back to a wide vertical base, and then elbowing away from Jericho. Jericho then whipped Benoit into the ropes who responded with a big face pop by delivering a crisp drop kick to Jericho with such perfection that Jericho lost all poise and stumbled hard over the top rope and to the floor. This gave the crowd great satisfaction and showed that the basic spots are still the ones that get the crowd hot. Realising this would be a long and arduous bout, Benoit would not follow Jericho out with a high risk move. Instead he waited for Jericho to get back up on the apron, and like a veteran, took position on the inside of the rope to vertical suplex Jericho in the hard way. Benoit picked Jericho up methodically and sent him careering across the ring to the corner. Benoit went to follow in hard, but Jericho moved in the knick of time and as Benoit rebounded hard off the turnbuckle Jericho dropped him with a drop toe hold and immediately went to work on the leg muscles of Benoit, realising that the Lion Tamer was the Champion's secret to success tonight. Benoit writhed in agony, as Jericho applied different nerve holds, and then used different degrees of the Ankle Lock to continually manipulate the ankle ligaments of the challenger. It was very professional and canny wrestling. Jericho knew that with little leg stability the challenger, who had to make all the play as a draw would not be a satisfactory outcome, had to make all the play. Jericho then lifted Benoit up to hip high on dropped him on the point of his knee, causing Benoit to grab at his knee and grimmace in agony. This presented some very frightened opinions from the commentators, you could sense the ensuing agony in the body of Chris Benoit replicated in their mind as meaning their careers within WCW due to a change of corporate structure could be over with every blow that Benoit is forced to take. Benoit finally got back to a wide vertical base, but not at his own will. No, Jericho brought him up and decided, whilst in a side head lock, to drag Benoit around the ring to further work on the leg muscles which needed time to rejuvenate. Jericho went to the corner, walked up the turnbuckles whilst still binding Benoit with a side head lock and then rolling back into the middle of the ring forcing all the weight over the knee of Benoit. You could see the tension building in the crowd, which again desperately called out to the assailed Benoit who tried to get up, but was only clubbed back down by Jericho. As seemingly punishment for Benoit trying to get up, Jericho dropped a knee across the nose of Benoit, causing the Four Horsemen to roll onto his face, grabbing at his nose and screaming in agony. A smile began to widen on Chris Jericho, who flicked the nWo sign to the crowd. But Benoit had a surprise, and with Jericho galavanting around, Benoit inside cradled Jericho.. [CENTER]1 2 [/CENTER] Kick out from an infuriated Jericho, who immediately dropped another knee to the face of Benoit. Jericho then performed a standing moonsault, and hooked the leg of Benoit. [CENTER]1 2 [/CENTER] Kick out. Again Jericho resorted to putting Benoit into a side head lock, but the technical expert Benoit found some reprieve in the technique of Jericho and was able to roll over and reverse it into a type of camel clutch! The referee checked on Jericho, who shook his head and shouted NEVER! Jericho then got his feet up and rolled over and in the ensuing tumble tried for a Crippler Crossface! How the heck did he get that on! Benoit is in the middle of the ring! There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide (thanks Diana Ross), this is disastorous. Jericho tightens the grip, and Benoit's hands are under his body so he can't even try and claw the fingers of Jericho off. He tries earnestly to not submit, but in the end he has no choice. Beaten by his own move, what a disaster! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]First Fall:[/B] Chris Jericho[/SIZE][/CENTER] Both men retreated to their corners, as Nick Patrick waited for Chris Benoit to steady himself on his feet before ringing the bell for the next part of the match. The two men circled the ring, with Benoit clearly and noticeably impeded by his various lower body injuries, let alone an injury on his pride. Benoit went to lock up with Jericho, but Jericho slyly slid out of the ring. Benoit looked confused as to what was going on, but Chris Jericho merely started arguing with Nick Patrick, who for some reason began to remonstrate with Benoit. Jericho then got back up on the apron, jumped to the top rope and hit a devilish diving hurrican... WAIT! Benoit caught him... POWER BOMB! What innovation, what brilliant, brilliant awareness from Benoit. Jericho clutched at the bottom of his back and started begging off to Benoit who moved towards him. Benoit merely smiled, and kicked Jericho for good measure, and for the enjoyment of the fans, into the ... well.... crown jewels of the Champion. Jericho looked like he was going to throw up as he rolled in the centre of the ring. Benoit though picked the Champion up and sent him into the ropes, and dropped him with a high sunset flip. The fans were loving the unmerciless torment of Chris Jericho. Jericho slid to the outside to the fans at the guardrail, but he could get no mercy there as Chris Benoit astounded the fans with a diving corkscrew plancha crushing Jericho hard against the unforgiving steel guardrail. Both men looked destroyed on the outside, but finally Chris Benoit got up, and pulled Benoit back to his feet. But the Champion raked at the eyes of the challenger and sent him shoulder first into the steel ring steps, which clattered to the side. Jericho then grabbed the leg leg of Benoit and hooked it around the jagged edge of the steel step, causing Benoit's eyes to nearly pop out. Jericho pulled Benoit back up, and slugged it out with him, but Benoit blocked a right hand from Jericho and knocked the Champion to the ground with a hard right fist. Benoit dropped to his knees for a second, which was no surprise given the pain he was in. But he got up and sent the Champion hurtling back first into the steel guardrail. With Jericho in the corner of the ringside area, Benoit picked Jericho up and dropped him... jatz crackers first onto the guardrail. Jericho's eyes were bulging, as the breath went out of him. Benoit rolled back into the ring for a second to break the count. As it was, Nick Patrick was being extremely liberal with the count and for the life of him you could tell there was no way he was going to rule a count out of any description. So Benoit took Jericho and threw him again into the guardrail. Benoit climbed back up on the apron, and then started mounting the turnbuckle. Slowly he climbed it, and then thrust the four fingers up... MY GOD! MY GOD! Diving Frog Splash to the outside, with Jericho pressed hard against the guard rail. Benoit kicked his feet in agony as his own head hit the guardrail hard, but my god, what a spot. Is there anything these two won't do tonight to get the win? This is sheer brutality. We zoomed in on both men, who were showing signs of blood. This is absolute carnage. Finally, Benoit got up and slid back into the ring, waiting for Jericho. Jericho slowly, very slowly, came back to the apron, and had the presence of mind to head butt Benoit as Benoit waited to bring him back in hard. Jericho somehow sprung to the top rope, springboard somersault cross body from Jericho into Benoit! Jericho covers... [CENTER]1 2 THR..[/CENTER] NO! Shoulder up from Benoit. Jericho couldn't believe it, and he began to get agitated with referee Nick Patrick. Benoit got up behind Jericho, and with the Champion not realising him, grappled him for the German Suplex! Delivered! He went again... got him! And again... You bet! Benoit now with the bridging cover... [CENTER]1 2 [/CENTER] Somehow Jericho rolled through... [CENTER]1 2 Feet on the ropes! Oh god no! 3![/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Second Fall:[/B] Chris Jericho[/CENTER][/SIZE] What a conniving way to get a fall here. The wind is being sucked out of the fans at ringside, who despite being very rowdy against Jericho, are in a state of disbelief. They cannot believe the way in which Jericho just got a second successive fall. As the situation appeared dire, and time appeared to be slowly subsiding, Tony Schiavone eerily read an official press release from the New World Order corporation which stated some of the changes slated for nWo Nitro tomorrow night. Firstly, the commentary positions would be completely reviewed tomorrow morning. Secondly, a list of superstars to be tendered nWo contracts would be released tomorrow morning, those unnamed superstars will not be allowed in nWo facilities or on nWo programs. Thirdly, there would be sweeping changes to the WCW Executive Committee designed to """""streamline"""" whom and when Chris Jericho would be obligated to defend the WCW World Heavyweight Championship against. Fourthly, the WCW Cruiserweight Championship, WCW Television Championship and WCW United States Championships would be all held up by the commission of the New World Order for special nWo ruled tournaments. Fifthly, certain anti nWo towns over the years such as Richmond, Winston-Salem, Charlotte and the like may be embargoed for future nWo shows. We zoomed back around the arena and saw the faces of many of WCW's finest talents, from Booker T, to Eddie Guerrero, to Rey Mysterio Jr, to Chris Kanyon, to Lizmark Jr. Each of them sitting there knew that their careers were in a state of disarray right now, none of them really knew if they had futures under the nWo corporate structure or at the very least what those futures entailed. Benoit rose to his feet, and started clapping his hands, asking the fans to get behind him, and from the discomfort of the surreality of knowing they were going to lose, the fans rallied in behind Benoit. Benoit immediately surprised the cheating Champion with a clothesline! The unsuspecting Champion was hit with such power that he stumbled back into the corner. Benoit stood to the side and then performed a stunning spinning heel kick to the head! Jericho wobbled and fell face first to the mat, much to the crowd's enjoyment. Could there be some kind of comeback? We zoom in on a young fan at ringside, who has a tear trickling down his face, but now has his hands in his mouth, almost stopped in the moment. Benoit lifted Jericho and sent him across the ring, but Jericho hit Nick Patrick, and the referee fell to the mat like jelly was in his legs rather than bones. Jericho took the opportunity to slide to the outside, and he looked under the ring, and found a steel chair. He smiled as he held it up for the fans. Chris Benoit was seemingly preoccupied with checking on the referee like the chivalrous Four Horsemen he is, but despite the warning of the crowd he copped the steel straight across the back. He grabbed at his back and flopped to the ground. Jericho set the chair up as if it was to be sat on as he picked Benoit up, Jericho looked to drop a Diamond Cutter, but Benoit balked, kicked Jericho in the guts... DIAMOND CUTTER FROM BENOIT ONTO THE CHAIR! MY GOD! Benoit covered... [CENTER] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... [/CENTER] Nick Patrick was out though. Finally he came to, and he slowly lumbered across on his chest... [CENTER]1 ... 2 ... THR...[/CENTER] NO! Jericho got his shoulder up. Benoit picked Jericho up again, and began to pound him into the corner with a flurry of right fists. Benoit rolled Jericho out of the corner again with a hard irish whip, but again he collected Nick Patrick, who again fell like putty. Jericho rebounded into Benoit... inverted DDT. Benoit placed the steel chair onto the head of Jericho, and climbed the turnbuckle. He signalled with his four fingers to the crowd and then flew like an eagle.... DIVING HEADBUTT! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! Benoit wriggled on the mat clutching at his head, as his head collected the steel chair hard as well. But Jericho was squashed. He was hit bad. Benoit rolled over, and put on the Crippler Crossface. Jericho screamed! He screamed bad! You could hear it in the back of the arena! This was horrific to watch. He was tapping. And tapping hard. But there was no referee again. Finally, finally, Nick Patrick awoke from his slumber and rolled over, and it didn't take long before he ruled that Chris Jericho indeed was submitting. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Third Fall:[/B] Chris Benoit[/SIZE][/CENTER] Did this signify a chance? The commentators hoped, we zoomed around the arena and saw Ultimo Dragon and Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger, in opposite parts of the arena yes, opposite in so many different ways currently with their views on wrestling ethics, but here they were captivated, and hoping, holding onto feint hope. For time was ticking away, it was desperately ticking away, and Jericho had to survive eleven more minutes. Not insurmountable, and certainly being up by one a huge advantage at this stage. Remember, Chris Benoit must win to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, a draw in all ways favours Chris Jericho. Both men retreated to their neutral corners, and Benoit again ran in at Jericho, but Jericho held his arms up in innocence and Nick Patrick separated the two men allowing Jericho to sieze the moment and haul Benoit into the corner. Jericho went to punch Benoit, but Benoit ducked, and threw Jericho back into the corner and OUCH! Seering reverse knife edge chop from Benoit. And again! And again! My God, is this the chance we've all been hoping for? Could this be the moment? Jericho's rib cage was red raw, and he was feeling it. Benoit hauled him out of the corner and sent hard across the ring, so hard that when Jericho hit the corner he rebounded over the top and straight to the outside. Jericho looked around dazed, and very concerned. He took the time to pace back and forth. He went over to the ring attendent and grabbed the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. He looked set to leave, but Benoit followed him out. Benoit came charging at Jericho, but Jericho held the Championship up and smashed Benoit straight across the face. A wicked smile encompassed Jericho's face. Nick Patrick threatened to throw in a disqualification, but Jericho argued that Benoit had been the one charging into it, and somehow, somehow Nick Patrick merely gave Chris Jericho a very stern telling off. With Benoit's face covered in blood, Jericho whipped him into the steel corner post, and then grabbed his arm to wrench it repeatedly around the post. Benoit was really in trouble here. And you could sense the crowd knew it too. Jericho rolled Benoit back into the ring, and Jericho leapt off the top rope for a slingshot leg drop. Jericho's wicked smile returned, and without hesitation he returned to a rest spot of sorts, going into a side head lock on the mat. The time started ticking away, and Jericho used good technical know how to keep Benoit grounded. The crowd became incensed, but Jericho kept grinding Benoit's face into the mat. The crowd began getting behind Benoit again, and again he drove his way up, and dropped Jericho with a hard hitting back suplex! Jericho clutched at his neck, as Benoit dropped to the mat. Both men lay motionless on the mat as Nick Patrick administered a mandatory ten count. [CENTER]1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8[/CENTER] Eventually the two fatigued men rose, and they began to trade sloppy punches. Jericho seemed to be dominating, and he sent Benoit into the ropes and dropped him with a drop toe hold on return. With this chance, Jericho, in the center of the ring was able to hook Benoit up for the Lion Tamer! Oh my God! This must be it. Can you imagine it? We're going to nWo Nitro tomorrow night? Will Chris Benoit have a job? What about the likes of Rey Mysterio Jr? Raven? Eddie Guerrero? Bill Goldberg himself? Bret Hart? All the men who have been previously victimised by the New World Order had their mouths in their hearts, as time was ticking away, it was irrelevant to whether a submission was ordered or not, Benoit was behind by one and here he was in the most perilous position. You could see his face cringe, the misery etched across his face. His body temperature kept driving upwards, the blood pressure raising trying to find a way out of this physical agony. Jericho wrenched back further, smiling wickedly as his throat muscles strained as every part of his body tried to tighten the hold. This was horrible. Everything Sting and Ric Flair had built, it was all to come to nothing. What about all the greats of the past like Steamboat and Wahoo McDaniel. Is this the end of their legacy? Everything they fought for alongside the likes of Harley Race, its all over really. This situation is hopeless. Jericho kept tightening the hold in the center of the ring. Everytime Benoit tried to crawl on his arms to the ropes, Jericho tightened it and moved him back to the middle of the ring. He kept shaking his head as painful beads of sweat smothered the mat, refusing to give up. Jericho even had time to laugh sadistically, the pressure was mounting. Time was ticking away. There is no tomorrow. The crowd started getting behind Chris Benoit, clapping and chanting his name. Benoit! Benoit! Benoit! Benoit! And he tried one last thing, desperately he flung his left arm out, and somehow... SOMEHOW! He managed to grab Jericho's boot, and Jericho lost balance, Benoit pushed harder and somehow he mounted enough power to send Jericho chest first into the turnbuckle. Jericho rebounded, and Benoit rolled him up... [CENTER]1 2 3![/CENTER] HOLY MOLY! HOW ON EAR.. WHAT TH... I'm sorry, but that's just... I don.. I don't know how to describe that. From the ashes of hell, he pulls off an absolute veteran move from nowhere. [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Fourth Fall:[/B] Chris Benoit[/CENTER][/SIZE] The commentators sensed a rise in hope, but discussed that with two minutes available, and Benoit's back racked, it was still a fairly hopeless position. Benoit limped and hobbled to the corner, and likewise Jericho did the same, stamping up and down in disbelief at what just transpired. As Patrick ordered the match to continue, and Benoit charged in, Jericho slid to the outside. He began slowly walking back up the aisle, but Benoit raced out of the ring, finding some strength in his legs. He grabbed Jericho by the hair and hauled him back into the ring. Benoit got up on the apron, but Jericho head butted him to the torso, and then body slammed him back in. One minute twenty five. This is hopeless. Jericho went to drop a leg drop over the throat of Benoit, but Benoit moved. He crawled desperately to the ring ropes, and tried to pull himself up, but Jericho mounted a kick to his back, but as he did so, Benoit grabbed his boot and thrust him to the mat. Benoit slowly got up. Jericho looked to slide out again, but Benoit caught him by the hair, and dropped him with an inverted DDT. Jericho arose shocked, Benoit looked to hit a neckbreaker, but hang on... he held on... what... what th... How? What? It was like how Diamond Dallas Page says he has over fifty ways of hitting the Diamond Cutter, in a second flat, Benoit had Jericho in the middle of the ring in the Crippler Crossface! But there was only thirty eight seconds remaining. Jericho face showed all the agonies of the apocalyptic war. Could he find just thirty four more seconds? The time kept ticking... Twenty seven. He just needs to hang on. Twenty two. Benoit wrenched further back... Is ... Is Jericho out? Patrick checks... the arm drops once. Nineteen seconds... He checks again... it drops again... Oh god, this is psychotic. Finger nails time... Nine seconds... Patrick picks the arm up again... it... it... IT DROPS! IT DROPS! CHRIS JERICHO IS OUT! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! HOLY HELL! [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Fifth Fall:[/B] Chris Benoit[/CENTER][/SIZE] Chris Benoit slumps to the mat, his body is literally convulsing as it gives way. He literally could not give anymore. [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Result:[/B] Your winner, and NEW WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, CHRIS BENOIT![/CENTER][/SIZE] [/QUOTE] The ring bell sounded, as [URL="[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbIVAUw1J3U"]"]Chris Benoit's theme song hit again[/URL]... "Ladies and gentlemen," [B]Michael Buffer[/B] announces, "Here is your winner... AND NEW Heavyweight... Champion... of the Woorrrrrrrrrrllldddd.... CHRRRRIIISSSS BENOIT!" That's right, [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit [/B]is your new Champion! The new Champion looks up, as the Championship is handed to him. He begins to cry, uncontrollably. All of a sudden the ring begins to flood. Here they all come! [B]Ultimo Dragon. Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger. The Fallen Angel. Disco Inferno. 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage. Sting. Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. Hulk Hogan. Bill Goldberg. 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair. 'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson. JJ Dillon. 'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero. Raven. Chavo Guerrero Jr. Rey Mysterio Jr. Billy Kidman. Jerry Lynn. 'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus. 'Wipeout' Evan Karagias. 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux. 'The Chairman of WCW' La Parka. Lizmark Jr. 'The Dog Faced Gremlin' Rick Steiner. Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart. Booker T. 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith. 'Lord' Steven Regal. 'The Belfast Bruiser' Fit Finlay. [/B] The list went on and on. Referees as well, [B]Randy Anderson, Billy Silverman[/B]. Hell, [B]Tony Schiavone[/B] dropped the head set and rushed into the ring. The war is over! The war is over! As Chris Benoit is hoisted onto the shoulders of Sting and Bill Goldberg, we reflect, the nWo is no more.... "I ... I can't believe it,"[B] 'Iron' Mike Tenay[/B] sobs uncontrollably from the commentary position. "Chris Benoit has survived the ultimate war, and in the immortal words of our great broadcast colleague 'Mean Gene' Okerlund that fateful night at the Bash at the Beach in 1996...nWo... Eric Bischoff.. Chris Jericho... you can all go to hell!" [I][FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][SIZE="4"]Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the hard may be; for without victory there is no survival![/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/I] [RIGHT]Winston Churchill[/RIGHT] ============================================= [CENTER]Well, I suspect this may very well be the end of Prequel to Death of WCW. This has been a very enjoyable, if not arduous, show to bring together. I'm really at this stage not so sure what lies ahead for me - I could potentially book through to Four Shades of Hell which was the next Pay-Per-View where in my eyes some very good wrestling was lined up... or I could look at the Cornellverse. There is also the option that this may be the end of the road for me. I have had a lot of fun doing this, although it takes up a considerable amount of time, and I have a lot of life goals I want to achieve in the short term - finish my university degree, gain some promotions, I'd like to challenge myself and put together a piece of literature as well. In all honesty, I'm being very honest in saying I don't know where I'm headed next, and as the great man Stinger would say is, the only thing for sure about my diary writing is... nothing's for sure. I know the concept of the way I have written Prequel to Death of WCW has been a lot more difficult to deconstruct compared to Death of WCW, but I have been using this as a tool to practice my third person writing skills. In retrospect that may not have the smartest choice and I'm sure alienated many WCW fans from this story. The one reason I did like it aside from purely selfish reasons is I was able to add a little more subtlety to certain stories from the raw emotions the characters displayed and the more detailed analogies to how they acted. In a day or so, I'm going to begin to write up a conclusion to PTDOWCW 1998. It will be a look at what impact TEW's little hidden gems through up at me, and how this affected the end product. It will be a look at a few of the feuds and why they were the way they were. And it will be a look at my theory on the nWo. It will look at the guys who rose up the card through popularity increases and skills increases, and also those wrestlers who in retrospect I could have done an entirely better job with. Even perhaps, an alternate ending. As it stands, over the past 2-3 weeks the idea of WCW becoming nWo-ised entered my mind... and it gave me some ideas as to how that could have been done without destroying the fan base. keefy will attest to this that I've always been ardently anti-nWo, but the more I got into this and wrote DDP for example as the ultimate Benedict Arnold, the more I reminisced about how much I enjoyed the Four Horsemen in DOWCW being the heels going AGAINST Ric Flair. The unexpected, the subtle twist, and in that sense it almost made me think of surviving the nWo, perhaps even through one of the Horsemen doing the ultimate turn. I'll present these and other alternative storyline twists in my conclusion notes. So, one final comment - thanks Lex Luger in 1997 because man, before they jobbed you back to Hogan, you were unbelievable and I was right behind you. That night at Uncensored when you Torture Racked the nWo before being screwed over, that was mad. That night on Monday Nitro when you made Hogan squeal in the Torture Rack, I was right behind you dude. Thank you Steiners under the leadership of Ted Di Biase. Thank you to all the luchadores from El Dandy to La Parka. Thank you Chris Jericho for making me laugh my head off on almost nightly basis, whether it be you getting lost coming to the ring and ending up in the carpark, the whole Greenberg feud, lobbying congress, verbally taunting Jo-Jo Dillon and Gene Mean, the 1004 holds or the general ripping apart of the Malenko legacy. I loved how you walked around with Prince Nackie-mackie's skirt taking it as a tribute to your victory over him as well as Juvi's mask. Thank you for the six man lucha madness matches. Thank you for the Giant turning on the nWo and chokeslamming dudes left and right and centre. Thank you to Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen for getting emotional on what it was to be 'dubbya cee dubbya'. Thank you to Page for continuing to innovate including that memorable Super-Diamond Cutter on the Giant. Thank you to Kanyon, Saturn and Raven who brought out some of the best wrestling ever, dude. But most of all, thank you to this man... [CENTER][/CENTER] Because THIS man is the reason I decided to do PTDOWCW and DOWCW. Because THIS man is the reason I got back into pro wrestling. Sting dropping from the rafters and destroying the nWo... HELL YEAH that was cool. The likes of Sting made it real, made it enjoyable, made it tribal, and man... I was WCW 4 life. Just like Sting. Thank you all for reading, I hope that you've enjoyed it as much as I've enjoyed bringing it to you.[/CENTER]
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My God, what a rush as I typed up the finale to the card... man, I felt so buzzed putting that up. What a high. As Ric Flair says... WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! [QUOTE=Nobby_McDonald;849312]I hope not. If you were thinking the same thing that my girlfriend was thinking, then I'd be rather worried. :D[/QUOTE] I'm guessing you and I are both kinda hoping we were thinking completely different things...! Thanks for the support mate, and I hope you enjoyed this little baby of mine. [QUOTE=cmdrsam;849391]As soon as you get better and you tell me when your coming in bro. Hope you get to feeling better.[/QUOTE] Man, one day I'm seriously getting up there, dude. You can hold me to that one. [QUOTE=ColtCabana;850480]Excellent so far, can't wait for the big finish.[/QUOTE] Thanks mate, I feel great having got that one out. [QUOTE=angeldelayette;850536]tristram, I am trying to resist reading the show so much until everything is posted. Then I will be going back through and reading the entire thing from start to finish. But I know that I won't be disappointed.[/QUOTE] Hi mate, ask and you shall receive. This bad boy is up... As a long time loyal follower as you are, I hope you enjoy.
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Fantastic show, Tristam. Simply fantastic. I think the greatest compliment I ever received for my diary was someone stating that they would have happily paid money to actually be able to watch the show I had written. And that is the case here - I would pay to watch what you created, without hesitation. Hell, I would happily pay just to be able to watch that Jericho-Benoit main event. Whatever you decide to do, this has been a fantastic ride and a great piece of work. The only piece of advice I can give is to take your time in deciding what the next right step is. But whatever you decide, thank you for this. For this show and this diary.
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Guest cmdrsam
I agree with Bigpapa on this one. Thank you very much for the time and effort to write these fantastic shows. What a thrill it was to follow this and hinge on its every posting. And yes I would have paid money to see this show. Heck I probably did I just noticed my credit card was charged 49.99. :p
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Mate what can I say? That was truly epic. The whole show. Epic. That main event was the best match ive ever read on the forums. If only there was time to get that show nominated for the diary awards because it would have to win. We need to remember it for next year because it wouldn't be right for it not to win show of the year. Whatever you decide to do you'll always have a reader in me. I'd love to see more WCW from you because you know it inside out. Maybe a different scenario based on WCW? Perhaps even earlier in the timeline? I suppose you'll take some time to think your next move.
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[I][CENTER]I just sat down and read the entire Starrcade from start to finish and I was completely enthralled. Tristram, you are an excellent writer and if you do decide to write that piece of literature, I will be the first to buy a copy but I want it autographed! :p A couple of notes that stuck out within my mind: -Loved DDP quoting the Jack Nicholson role from A Few Good Men in his speech. It foreshadows the end of the reign of the nWo just as it was the end of Jack Nicholson's character within the military. -Even though I just knew that Bill Goldberg was going to win, I honestly expected Hulk Hogan to kick out of that Jackhammer and go into his Hulk-Up routine and for Goldberg to kick out of the Legdrop en route to a second Jackhammer. But the way that you wrote it was definitely great as well and really pushed Goldberg and the Jackhammer to another level. -Hated to see Bret Hart win from simply a fan standpoint because I associate him much more with the WWF than with WCW and this seemed like a WCW dream night in many ways but it was a great battle with the Stinger and if you continue I'd love to see Sting catch his revenge even though mutual respect was shown. -Loved seeing Ric Flair get that final revenge on Eric Bischoff, though. I am sure I'm not the only one who released a few 'Whooooo's to the Nature Boy hooking on the Figure Four Leglock. -The Raven/Eddie Guerrero story seems like it definitely has some time to be continued here. -Finally, that main event. Completely epic writing in the main event. It had me sitting on the edge of my seat and nearly joining in with the crowd screaming out Benoit's name in unison to get him on the comeback trail throughout the match. And I nearly popped out of my seat when Jericho's arm came down the final time and Benoit's music began to play as the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion. No matter what happened in real life, he does have a legacy as one of the finest technical wrestlers in the business. I did however let out an audible 'YES' and a pumping of the arms. I know you have a lot of options to work through right now. Whether it's going Cornellverse, another WCW diary, continuing this story or stepping away entirely. If the last one ends up happening, you already leave a long-lasting legacy on this board that any writer would be very proud of. As far as what I would like to see happen? I am a little torn, to be honest. I believe that there is more to be told with this story continuing forward after the demise of the nWo but at the same time I would love to see what you could do with the TEW 2010 game. I do think you deserve to be able to move to the new game and use all of the new features. But, honestly, after all that you have given us, you deserve to be able to make that decision on your own. No matter what choice you make, you know I will be here to support you as a friend and colleague. In closing, there are only two more words that I can think of to say to sum up how I feel and how many of your readers feel: [B][SIZE=5]THANK YOU![/SIZE][/B][/I][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=ColtCabana;852038]Excellent show, I think this ends the diary nicely but also leaves it open to continuing. In the end it's up to you to decide what you want to do with this but I wouldn't mind either conclusion. Well done.[/QUOTE] Thanks mate, I'm glad it has the effect of wrapping it up nicely, as I kinda booked the previous 12 months just to get this show prepared. Thanks for the loyal support. [QUOTE=Bigpapa42;853611]Fantastic show, Tristam. Simply fantastic. I think the greatest compliment I ever received for my diary was someone stating that they would have happily paid money to actually be able to watch the show I had written. And that is the case here - I would pay to watch what you created, without hesitation. Hell, I would happily pay just to be able to watch that Jericho-Benoit main event. Whatever you decide to do, this has been a fantastic ride and a great piece of work. The only piece of advice I can give is to take your time in deciding what the next right step is. But whatever you decide, thank you for this. For this show and this diary.[/QUOTE] Thanks mate, that is a heck of a compliment. I suppose though Jericho and Benoit, at least in my eyes, are such spectacular workers that it would be an issue if it didn't come out half decent. I'm still not sure what to do, yet. The next few weeks will be interesting as I re-immerse myself in my university degree, and I'll see what sort of time constraints that leaves me with. If there's a new project, it certainly couldn't be done in 3rd person prose and would have to be a lot more simplistic in the way it's presented as each show here in PTDOWCW took a long long time to write. I do have a couple of ideas, and of course over the past 12 months we've talked a lot about various ideas one of which nearly took off of course and I will more than likely discuss them with you. [QUOTE=cmdrsam;853909]I agree with Bigpapa on this one. Thank you very much for the time and effort to write these fantastic shows. What a thrill it was to follow this and hinge on its every posting. And yes I would have paid money to see this show. Heck I probably did I just noticed my credit card was charged 49.99. :p[/QUOTE] We're talking US Dollars, right? Scrap that, make it British Pounds :D:D Thanks mate, thanks for the ... well, diligence to read the War & Peace legacy!! If it's any consolation, I looked a lot at your 1975 diary and I took a lot of basics to apply it into the last month or so, just the subtleties of booking.. I really, really enjoyed the hell out of your efforts man. [QUOTE=Nobby_McDonald;855467]That was an awesome write up Tristam.[/QUOTE] Thanks mate, appreciate the support! [QUOTE=totti;855488]Mate what can I say? That was truly epic. The whole show. Epic. That main event was the best match ive ever read on the forums. If only there was time to get that show nominated for the diary awards because it would have to win. We need to remember it for next year because it wouldn't be right for it not to win show of the year. Whatever you decide to do you'll always have a reader in me. I'd love to see more WCW from you because you know it inside out. Maybe a different scenario based on WCW? Perhaps even earlier in the timeline? I suppose you'll take some time to think your next move.[/QUOTE] Wow, thanks mate. Epic is a very strong word, so I really appreciate that. Believe it or not, I've been 'jobbing' my lack of skills for a while on here and even have a WCW 1993 diary. Guess what happened? I got fired :D Yep, I failed big time. Was funny though, felt a few storylines were coming together nicely, and then... John Simpson has been fired. FIRED? Man, I'm glad TEW didn't fire you before you revealed Bret Hart himself, because that... THAT has been epic! [QUOTE=angeldelayette;855722][I][CENTER]I just sat down and read the entire Starrcade from start to finish and I was completely enthralled. Tristram, you are an excellent writer and if you do decide to write that piece of literature, I will be the first to buy a copy but I want it autographed! :p A couple of notes that stuck out within my mind: -Loved DDP quoting the Jack Nicholson role from A Few Good Men in his speech. It foreshadows the end of the reign of the nWo just as it was the end of Jack Nicholson's character within the military.[/i][/center][/quote] Thanks mate, glad you liked the Jack Nicholson references because frankly, Jack Nicholson is a freak and a marvelous actor. The man is brutal in the Shining! [quote]-Even though I just knew that Bill Goldberg was going to win, I honestly expected Hulk Hogan to kick out of that Jackhammer and go into his Hulk-Up routine and for Goldberg to kick out of the Legdrop en route to a second Jackhammer. But the way that you wrote it was definitely great as well and really pushed Goldberg and the Jackhammer to another level.[/quote] Hmmm... you're quite right, I could have gone that way. In the end I was sort of looking at the balance of the card, and thought that, as the show piece, it was very much overbooked in many senses and I looked at Hogan-Goldberg and thought it was more of a ... I don't know if this is the right term, work the crowd type match, where they play off each other's charisma. The Jackhammer, yep, it has to be a very special moment to kick out of it, and while this is a fantastic moment, I would love it to be a truly great up and coming worker to do it so they get the rub off it. ;) [quote]-Hated to see Bret Hart win from simply a fan standpoint because I associate him much more with the WWF than with WCW and this seemed like a WCW dream night in many ways but it was a great battle with the Stinger and if you continue I'd love to see Sting catch his revenge even though mutual respect was shown.[/quote] Heh... If it's any consolation, I cannot stand the current guise of Bret Hart in the WWE. It just looks.... old. I don't know, maybe I'm missing the point. You're right though, and one thing in my diary conclusion notes discussion is basically a review of 'in hindsight' performers I feel could have been better utilised. In one way, I was disappointed to drop Sting as World Heavyweight Champion as early as I did, but I was looking towards Starrcade and I wanted the man to go over him at that stage to have a long reign so that when Benoit went over it was a significant defeat, and it kind of dropped Sting from the elite a bit which disappointed me. I was happy to put him into the Bret Hart feud, because... I just remember, always remember, those magazines in the 90s that used to talk about dream feuds, you know, Goldberg-Austin, that sort of thing, and Sting-Bret Hart always captured my mind as a dream match and one that could really stabilise the upper midcard. I wanted as many different ... value feuds that made the viewer, if it was TV, not want to pick up the remote and flick, like you would if it was Van Hammer v Sick Boy up next. So I wanted to have a strong cornerstone feud in each portion of the card... I guess, one of the reasons I struggled with Stinger as World Heavyweight Champion sorta also comes from Starrcade '97. Going into the event there is nothing hotter in wrestling than Sting. The guy is over like no one's business. The way that match went where he took a 3 count that was supposedly fast (but wasn't) and was further heightened by the fact he didn't kick out just after the 3 count but laid there for an eternity, it took a lot of rub off Sting in my eyes, and I couldn't book him the way I always wanted to... [quote]-Loved seeing Ric Flair get that final revenge on Eric Bischoff, though. I am sure I'm not the only one who released a few 'Whooooo's to the Nature Boy hooking on the Figure Four Leglock.[/quote] Oh yeah man, I've had a few bosses I would love to have been in Bischoff's position! HA! [quote]-The Raven/Eddie Guerrero story seems like it definitely has some time to be continued here.[/quote] Yeah, that was almost ad lib, in that the feud does semi-carry on, as in it's always in the background even while they do other things, so I wanted a premise to base that around. [quote]-Finally, that main event. Completely epic writing in the main event. It had me sitting on the edge of my seat and nearly joining in with the crowd screaming out Benoit's name in unison to get him on the comeback trail throughout the match. And I nearly popped out of my seat when Jericho's arm came down the final time and Benoit's music began to play as the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion. No matter what happened in real life, he does have a legacy as one of the finest technical wrestlers in the business. I did however let out an audible 'YES' and a pumping of the arms.[/quote] Thanks mate. I'm glad this match has been so well received, it's what I've been driving to. [quote]I know you have a lot of options to work through right now. Whether it's going Cornellverse, another WCW diary, continuing this story or stepping away entirely. If the last one ends up happening, you already leave a long-lasting legacy on this board that any writer would be very proud of. As far as what I would like to see happen? I am a little torn, to be honest. I believe that there is more to be told with this story continuing forward after the demise of the nWo but at the same time I would love to see what you could do with the TEW 2010 game. I do think you deserve to be able to move to the new game and use all of the new features. But, honestly, after all that you have given us, you deserve to be able to make that decision on your own. No matter what choice you make, you know I will be here to support you as a friend and colleague.[/quote] Thank you mate, I really appreciate that. You are like keefymoon to me, in that you've basically been an avid supporter of my work since day dot and without that support it's all basically worth nothing. I know you too have been through some tough times, and I hope all that is passing by and things are getting better. I must say, I have been thoroughly impressed by USPW, that my friend is your niche down to the ground. I see a lot of diary-writers who repeatedly start diaries and I get annoyed with it because it means the quality diaries slip down the pages and there's false hope but I knew with you that you were just waiting to strike your own version of epic quality, and I love what you've done there. I think if I wasn't to carry on this one, and there was a new diary that I was to do, it wouldn't be WCW. I have limited myself to a bit of a niche, and if I go with something new it's time to broaden my horizons and perhaps look to take that first dip in the CVerse waters. I've been tempted with a bit of TNA given all that's gone on there, but I just don't have the love for TNA that I have for WCW... And one other thing, God... it'd be lovely to get on these boards without having to put up a lovingly prepared show thread, it'd be wicked to spend 1-2 hours on here instead reading through some of the great works that are going up left right and centre. I love reading, and there is some wicked literature going on. [quote]In closing, there are only two more words that I can think of to say to sum up how I feel and how many of your readers feel: [B][SIZE=5]THANK YOU![/SIZE][/b][/QUOTE] Thanks broheim, thanks to all the readers, without you guys, this is impossible. As for what comes in the next couple of days, its the annual re-hash. Perhaps tonight I will simply start with going over the TEW generated awards. Some of them are a bit of a laff!
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