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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;421798]no one is getting special privaledges. We all get the game at the same time. If you can't get it on the release day. Too bad. That's life. We all have things that happen.[/QUOTE] I would hardly call pre-ordering a game (which effectively what paying for it early is) as a 'special privelidge'. I thought that you could pre-order it (IE, pay for it earlier) before the actual release date.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;421815]Wayne has a reputation on here for not being able to comprehend things well.[/QUOTE] like we haven't seen it mentioned where in a "tongue-in-cheek" sort of way.. "pay early, get early". And really. How many of you aren't thinking that. Be honest. "Maybe if I pre-order, I can get it early". ha
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I do see where someone would want to pre-order because they may spend it before the release date. But, If you pre-order a game through GameSpot or EA Sports or what have you - they don't charge you until the game is available. The only reason to pre-order ANYTHING is if you feel that you won't be able to get it in stores when it comes out because so many people will buy it. Games that you buy and download via the internet never need to be pre-ordered because they will never run out of copies. Although, I have pre-ordered NCAA Football and Madden online for the past couple of years (no extra charges) and it gets here the same day it's out in stores. The only reason I do this is because it saves me a trip to the store, especially with these damn gas prices! :mad:
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