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Point 1 - There was room for a bio in WMMA AND the game auto-generated a desvriptions to boot. Point 2 - There was room in the name field in WMMA as well. And it was cool anyway. And the "Wrestlers can have many nicknames" argument doesn't wash, as so can MMA fighters. It's a visual plus to be able to have "The Macho Man" Randy Savage displayed the way WMMA does it. ANd TEW could use all the eye candy it could handle, since from the screenshots tEW is starting to look pretty shabby compared to the slickness that is WMMA. Is this a must have feature? No, not in the least, it's a visual perk, nothing more, nothing less. It won't stop anyone from buying the game, but it would make the game look slightly prettier, with very little in the way of coding.
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[QUOTE]Point 1 - There was room for a bio in WMMA AND the game auto-generated a desvriptions to boot.[/QUOTE] It was separate in WMMA for a specific reason, because it was to be used as an individual field for the "slideshow" screens. There is no equivalent to that screen in TEW08. The only place to show a nickname would be on the roster or worker profile screens - both of which already show the entire biography of the worker and so don't need it - or the match screen. It's not worth adding a 75 character string field to every worker - thus increasing the file size even further - just for something that would appear on one screen.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;424301]It was separate in WMMA for a specific reason, because it was to be used as an individual field for the "slideshow" screens. There is no equivalent to that screen in TEW08. The only place to show a nickname would be on the roster or worker profile screens - both of which already show the entire biography of the worker and so don't need it - or the match screen. It's not worth adding a 75 character string field to every worker - thus increasing the file size even further - just for something that would appear on one screen.[/QUOTE] Since you mention the slideshow screens... those were a nice touch for WMMA, and would be awesome in TEW as well. As would the option to have full body pics and just generally more of the visual pizzaz of WMMA. I can't put enough emphasis on just how good WMMA looks, and how slick it is to play. ANY element that can be taken from WMMA to enhance TEW would make the game more appealing to everyone. I mean I have played WMMA more than TEW, TEW05 and TEW07 combined... and I don't even watch, follow or enjoy MMA. Also, if inflating the worker files is an issue, you could shave off 60 or so characters off the description, and use it for the nickname. Will a 940 Character description be functionally less useful then a 1000 character one? Again, just throwing ideas out there. :)
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[QUOTE=Dolfanar;424402]Since you mention the slideshow screens... those were a nice touch for WMMA, and would be awesome in TEW as well. As would the option to have full body pics and just generally more of the visual pizzaz of WMMA. I can't put enough emphasis on just how good WMMA looks, and how slick it is to play. ANY element that can be taken from WMMA to enhance TEW would make the game more appealing to [B]everyone[/B]. I mean I have played WMMA more than TEW, TEW05 and TEW07 combined... and I don't even watch, follow or enjoy MMA. Also, if inflating the worker files is an issue, you could shave off 60 or so characters off the description, and use it for the nickname. Will a 940 Character description be functionally less useful then a 1000 character one? Again, just throwing ideas out there. :)[/QUOTE] Everyone? Even me? You can read everyone's minds now?
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[QUOTE=Gigas;424434]So you want it to run as smoothly as WMMA, but you want to add more useless crap to slow it down. Makes sense.[/QUOTE] Yes. I want it to run as smoothly as WMMA and therefore am suggesting elements of WMMA. Are you actually suggesting that adding elements of WMMA will inherantly make it run less smooth then WMMA? Well it is your ledge, and you are welcome to stay as far out on it as you wish :p None of these elements will make the sim run any slower, as they are all display elements, that make the game look BETTER. And yes, looking better IS a factor in game design, particularly if you want to attract new people in. Hell I work in business software development, and even THERE youa re always looking to make the interface more appealing! he reality is Adam could sell a version ofthe game where the only update was a 1 year advance of the Cornellverse and some of the more rabid of his fans would be there with there $$$. Others have more discriminating tastes. Personally the other updates he has made this year are probably enough to get me on board, but there are people who would give TEW a shot if it looked better. That was the ONLY reason I gave WMMA a shot. For a sim it LOOKED fantastic, and the demo was simp[le and fun to get into and play. You don't think people would get off on Slideshows of their WrestleMania card? It's probably too late for '08, but at some point it's a must have add-in, imo.
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[QUOTE=W3LSHY;424476]Everyone? Even me? You can read everyone's minds now?[/QUOTE] Yes I can. You can sit there and talk about how the "look is unimportant" and you know what, unless you are totally blind, or a robot, it is pure 1000% BS. Improve the look, improve the interface, improve enjoyment in the game. The key to making a game better is not to improve the look [b]at the expense[/b] of gameplay, but if you can improve the appearance while improving gameplay you are doing something right. In fact when it comes to appealing to human beings, often if you improve the look EVEN at the expense of gameplay, you are probably going to appeal to more people then just improving gameplay (as proven by nearly every large successful VG company). The average player is not going to miss 60 characters of description he never had before. He is going to be happy with the 440 extra characters he has PLUS he will be impressed by the fact that he can give the wrestler he likes a neat nickname which shows up in a differant font and everything on the screen. The average player isn't going to care about the fact that potential is now editable (I will, in fact I've been asking/suggesting it for every version since EWR), but he is going to freak out and being able to see a slideshow of his big event at the end of the month (Something I never would have thought about... until I saw how well it worked in WMMA). Deny it all you wish, but 30 years of video game industry history can't all be wrong. Adam has spen alot of though this year on simplifying and streamlining the interface, which is a GREAT first step, and we need more of that. The game needs to be more intuitive, and less mechanical. But at some point we all have to admit, that look matters... just ask Vincent K. :) It's eerie, but the resitance i am seeing here is the EXACT same kind of thing you got in years past when people started to complain about how many clicks it took to do things in previous versions, but as things started to get moving, more and more people got on the simplification/streamlining band-wagon. I predict that once TEW comes out and people start comparing the two, you are going to hear more and more comments like mine. In a way this all Adam's own fault... if not for WMMA, the bar on what this kind of game can look like wouldn't have been raised so far. He is a victim of his own success. Adam screwed Adam :)
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