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Huge game out, forgot to tell people.....lol

Capelli King

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[QUOTE=Rathen4;458622]Capelli got permabanned :o I wonder why[/QUOTE] :eek: ok, now you've teased us with the intro, what's the whole story. please elaborate, I still not sure what he did to deserve a ban. Other than the economy going to crap, inflation running wild, and every one panicking, I'm still not sure what all went down. I am a mindless sheep in the game. I just go to work and train military. So who will the controlling party be now? will UGP be worth staying with, with Capelli out of the game?
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I can't see the UGP being worth staying with as they've also been taken over by a splinter group from somethingawful. Or they're about to. I dunno, those guys do what they like. The person that got Capelli banned PMed me telling me that Capelli had numerous multi accounts around the world and was keeping up his cashflow like that. It doesn't surprise me, really. Amuses me the blind faith people put in him and he's gone and done what we've said he did all along. I'm stepping down from the GRR leadership (and therefore of Greece) cos I start my teaching job soon and need to spend august preparing, so my activity will also be decreasing (but I'm not banned :P)
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Hey guys, I have a favor to ask any of you with a plethora of money. I moved to the US (Nashville) a while back (not part of the Capelli deal, I just wanted to get out of Greece. Anywho, I got a job in Nashiville for about a week and then the company no longer had the money to pay me so I quit. It's been a week or so now and I've not gotten a new job. I think I need about 2,500 to exchange for some gold in order to purchase a company. If anyone is interested in helping to fund this endeavor let me know. Also, if anyone moves to the states then you'll always have a job with me.
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I got banned from this game for no reason. I was away for 9 days on a business trip and came back to hear that i got banned for multiple accounts, which i never did. Only i have access to my computer, so there is no way anyone could use my computer to open a new account. Rumors are going around that my good old pal Rathen and his GRR pals had something to do with this, which is not surprising at all.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;462700]I got banned from this game for no reason. I was away for 9 days on a business trip and came back to hear that i got banned for multiple accounts, which i never did. Only i have access to my computer, so there is no way anyone could use my computer to open a new account. Rumors are going around that my good old pal Rathen and his GRR pals had something to do with this, which is not surprising at all.[/QUOTE] Honestly... shhh. You're about to win a Mike and Mike award.
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