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GM(s) for Diary TEW08

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[B]WWE Head 2 Head Diary[/B] Hey there, I have an idea for a new form of Dynasty Diary, more interactive, more fun and more in depth. I know TEW 2008 is not out yet and this is jumping the gun but there is nothing wrong with getting things warmed up:D(TEW cant come soon enough) Some will love the idea and some will hate it right from the start. Basically I will take hold of Raw and Heat and 1 other person will take hold of Smackdown and ECW. Just before every PPV there will be the Best GM award, the winner gets the Main Event Spot on the PPV and a 60% share of the PPV. The votes will be cast by all the readers of the Diary and announced just before the PPV is booked The Diary will also feature its own website hosting rosters, championships, upcoming PPV events and much more. The Dynasty forum will be used as a kayfabe TV Station and the Website will be used for all factual info and interviews to help forward current storylines and feuds. The site will also feature things that happen in the world of the WWE, such as suspensions, Firings and Injuries the things you wouldn’t see mentioned on TV Programs The company wont be split into brands like some mods, but will be run as 1 company with 3 brands, Raw, Smackdown and ECW. This is so annual drafts can take place, Joint PPV’s can take place and so trading can also take place Basically all readers can consider themselves as a member of the Board of Directors as they will all have a say in the outcome of decisions put to them. Current WWE storylines must be used in the start of this diary and given endings before creating new rivalries I am looking for someone with the time, commitments, booking skills and competitive edge to now just make it a good Diary but to also make it a good challenge and good battle. [B][U]What you will need to contribute:[/U][/B] ---At least 2 shows a week along with diary entries. ---A fair was of playing and no cheating ---Preferably with MSN ---The creative ability to run good shows and storylines that are not completely wacky ---The Time to spend on the allocated website. It wont need huge work its just as a backbone for the Diary. But it will need you to be innovative and come up with good uses for it to keep the readers interested If a lot of people are interested we can always have 2 more and not just 1 more person join. Smackdown and ECW can then be 2 and not come as 1 package. If you want to become the GM of Smackdown and/or ECW just say why you would think you would make a good GM. The diary will aim to start at the start of July to give us time working out the NEW TEW 2008, and give us time for a decent real world mod to also be released (hopefully T-Zone) Here are the links for the sites to be used: [URL="http://www.freewebs.com/head2head-wwe"]Head Office[/URL] [URL="http://www.freewebs.com/head2head-wwe-RAW"]RAW[/URL] [URL="http://www.freewebs.com/head2head-wwe-SMACkDOWN"]SmackDown![/URL] [URL="http://www.freewebs.com/head2head-wwe-ecw"]ECW[/URL]
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Hey, just thought I'd throw my name out there. I'm definately interested, and as for a reason why I'd make a good GM...well, I dunno how good it is, but [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23521"]my diary[/URL] has been going for just over a year and is in the top 15 with the most views. Like I said, I don't know how good it actually is (and I'm generally pessemistic lol), but just thought I'd use that to help myself and get a cheap plug in there :p
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I would love to give this a shot I think! I could definitely see myself doing great things with RAW. As for what makes me the best choice, well, I have no supporting evidence or anything, but I consider myself a good booker based on my previous games. I've been playing since EW9000. Also, I know a lot about women's wrestling so I could definitely do great things with that division. So yeah, I think I'd be a good choice.
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I'd be interested in this. Not sure how good my own diary is, but I devote alot of time to it, try to make it as realistic as possible, and enjoy creativity and competition. Out of the three brands, I would love to run ECW, turn it into something a little more credible.
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Great to see such posotive feed back, im glad people like the idea and im even more glad people want to take part. the hardest part i thought would be getting people to join, but now its who to pic. RKO_HBK, a cheap pop and not even the sound of a screaching car(foleys entrance) lol. great diary tho ive come across it a few times, thought the ultimate wrestling bit and the unification wasnt my choice but the rest of it is really good DreamGoddessLindsey i wasnt asking for prrof of how good you are so dont worry about that, as for wanting Raw, it was the brand i had my eyes on for the same reason of the diva's. Beth, Melina and Mickie are a huge asset to raw these days Destiny i like your idea where you said you would like to turn it into a more credible brand. that i would like to see Crayon i'll remind ya to read it. i'll send you front row seats lol:D Well im really happy its gone down well, Diarys are always fun, but with so much more to it, it should be great fun as for making a decision... how about helping out by posting the following Fave Raw Star Hated Raw Star Fave Smackdown Star Hated Smackdown Star Fave ECW Star Hated ECW Star Fave Diva Fave Legend Fave Current Tag Team Hates Tag Team Fave Announcer/Com Fave WWE PPV Ever Fave TNA Star Hated TNA Star Might help and have some fun disscussions while doing so:D
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For me Fave Raw Star = [COLOR=Red]Randy Orton[/COLOR] Hated Raw Star = [COLOR=Red]Umaga[/COLOR] Fave Smackdown Star = [COLOR=Red]Undertaker[/COLOR] Hated Smackdown Star = [COLOR=Red]Khali[/COLOR] Fave ECW Star = [COLOR=Red]John Morrison[/COLOR] Hated ECW Star = [COLOR=Red]Mike Knox[/COLOR] Fave Diva = [COLOR=Red]Beth Pheonix[/COLOR] Fave Legend = [COLOR=Red]Roddy Piper[/COLOR] Fave Current Tag Team = [COLOR=Red]London and Kendrick[/COLOR] Hates Tag Team = [COLOR=Red]Dudley Boys[/COLOR] Fave Announcer/Com = [COLOR=Red]Jerry Lawler[/COLOR] Fave WWE PPV Ever = [COLOR=Red]WrestleMania 14[/COLOR] Fave TNA Star = [COLOR=Red]Chris Sabin[/COLOR] Hated TNA Star = [COLOR=Red]Kurt Angle[/COLOR]
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hey i hope it isn't to late to join this, but if it is I understand. I would love to be a GM because I have been booking shows on TEW and EWR for years. I have had a few goes at diaries but nothing to shout about, but something that will go for me is I recently finished my workload for the coming months and will bring experience in writing Plays for my Drama Compaany and Music for my band so I think(hope) that I am a convincing writing and like I said above I have finished my touring so will have a lot of free time for at least the next 8 months and likely even more If i'm to late then fair enough... Finally I would love to take charge of ECW or Smackdown because being English and a Birmingham City Fan (Woo) I love the underdog and would love to lead either of those brands to victory over the much bigger Raw. Answer Time Fave Raw Star = Shawn Michaels, He has been there, done it, got the t-shirt but he still has the skills and charisma both in and out of the ring to be a main eventer Hated Raw Star = John Cena, Over rated and over pushed Fave Smackdown Star = Rey Mysterio, has done amazing things for someone of his size, and a great example to all smaller wrestlers out there Hated Smackdown Star = Mark Henry, this guy was a mid-carder at best in his prime, now he is a main eventer :S Fave ECW Star = CM Punk, Pure talent, a bit of work on the mic and he is the future of ECW and WWE Hated ECW Star = Matt Striker, nothing against him presonally but just because the way he is being used, it seems like forever he was last in the ring Fave Diva = Mickie James, Talented both in and out of the ring and the one diva who i believe can beat Beth Pheonix Fave Legend = Roddy Piper, gotta agree with you here, Legends are going to be of little use in the ring but on the mic they are priceless and this guy is the best Fave Current Tag Team = The Undertaker/Kane, i know there not really a tag team but they are the brothers of descrution and are unstoppable when together Hates Tag Team = Carlito/Santino Marella, who thought combining an angry italian with a moody Mr Cool would work??? Fave Announcer/Com = Good Old J.R, he is the best no doubt, The King is a very close second Fave WWE PPV Ever = Wrestlemania X-Seven(17), For me it had everything, two huge matches with the Rock VS Stone Cold and Triple H VS The Undertaker, it had Vince VS Shane McMahon to start off the fued between WWE and WCW/ECW. It had the best TLC Match ever with three of the best tag teams ever in The Hardy's, The Dudley's and Edge and Christian. It had Jericho V Regal, Kane v Raven and Big Show. It had an awesome match involving Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit, it had Chyna dominate Ivory and it even had a Gimmick Battle Royal (as you can tell, i liked this PPV) Fave TNA Star = Booker T, loved him in WWE, don't think he is being used like he could be in TNA yet but is still great Hated TNA Star = Rhino, never liked him in WWE, was ok in ECW and don't like him in TNA hope I am in contention for this, if i'm not I understand mate, good luck to everyone and who ever gets to be Gm's.
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Hey, I would also like to throw my hat in for the job of ECW GM. I think that I could do some pretty good things with the wrestlers on that brand. I've been thinking about doing a split diary just like this one and I've always wanted to give a split diary a shot. You can check out my current diary to check out my style. Fave Raw Star: Chris Jericho. Hated Raw Star: Snitsky. Fave Smackdown Star: Undertaker. Hated Smackdown Star: Mark Henry. Fave ECW Star: Elijah Burke. Hated ECW Star: Boogeyman. Fave Diva: Now that Trish is gone I'd have to say Mickie James. Fave Legend: It's a toss up between Ric Flair and Roddy Piper. Fave Current Tag Team: London and Kendrick. Hates Tag Team: Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly. Fave Announcer/Com: Mick Foley. Fave WWE PPV Ever: WM 17 Fave TNA Star: Sting Hated TNA Star: Kip James
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i am looking forward to reading this but i am no great writer but i really wanted to do this: Fave Raw Star: Santino Hated Raw Star: John Cena Fave Smackdown Star: Undertaker Hated Smackdown Star: Vickie Guerrero Fave ECW Star: CM Punk Hated ECW Star: Bam Neely Fave Diva: Beth Pheonix Fave Legend: Steve Austin Fave Current Tag Team: London & Kendrick Hates Tag Team: Holly and Rhodes Fave Announcer/Com: Jim Ross Fave WWE PPV Ever: Wrestlemania 17 (Austin vs. The Rock II) Fave TNA Star: Samoa Joe Hated TNA Star: Sonjay Dutt
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[B][U]A_Wrestling_GOD[/U][/B] its not to late at all. Any one is welcome; who ever don’t make the actual diary could go off and create their own in the same set up. So its all fun and games WOO. ”””If I’m to late then fair enough... Finally I would love to take charge of ECW or Smackdown because being English and a Birmingham City Fan (Woo) I love the underdog and would love to lead either of those brands to victory over the much bigger Raw.””” English underdogs? That’s the welsh buddy. Sadly even worse underdogs lol, but I do like your idea of wanting the challenge [FONT=Wingdings]J[/FONT]. I would prefer Raw for the same reasons that may sound odd, but smackdown has the bigger better guys like taker, batista, kane, show, and edge. Although any brand is worth a shot. Raw for the women’s division, Smackdown for the cruiserweights and ECW… well that needs no explaining ECDUB. [B][U]Somenewguy[/U][/B] ECW seems to be the popular choice. I can see it being a tough one but I guess its what people want to bring to ECW that will be the decider [FONT=Wingdings]J[/FONT] [B][U]Woodsmeister[/U][/B] you’re not a good writer? I guess its not just about the writing but the creativeness. You can’t work on becoming creative but you can work on the writing. Have you tried writing just 1 diary entry? What looks bad to you might look perfectly fine to everyone else [FONT=Wingdings]J[/FONT] [B][U]A_Wrestling_GOD Answers:[/U][/B] Kane and Taker were an awesome tag team but I can’t say I ever see them as 1. I just see them as 2 giants with a mean streak for ass kicking lol Carlito and Santino and a tag team, I cant agree with you more. There such amazing apart but as a tag team… would you have ever tagged Rico with Taker? Lol WrestleMania 17 seems to be the popular here then. I personally loved it but the Austin vs Michaels match at WM14, the Dumpster match and the Kane vs Taker match also stole the show for me. Although it doesn’t have the names that WM17 has I think it was awesome [FONT=Wingdings]J[/FONT] [B][U]Somenewguy Answers:[/U][/B] Snitsky is also a hatred of mine. He is just pushed to much for a guy with nothing other than size and yellow teeth Elijah Burke wasn’t expecting that but I cant disagree. He is one of the most under used talents in the whole of the WWE. I’m a huge fan of his Here is where you get my sour face lol. You hate Kip James? He is an amazing wrestler and entertainer. I’m surprised him and Road Dogg(refuse to call him BG) haven’t won the TNA tag titles. To me that proves bad booking on TNA [B][U]Woodsmeister Answers:[/U][/B] Santino? Haha wouldn’t call him my favourite but I do think that guy is awesome. Him and “Rodney the Piper” and making me laugh so much when watching Raw these days Undertaker well he needs no comment. Whoever dislikes The Undertaker shouldn’t call themselves a fan, This man is just amazing Beth and L+K horary for the fans. Both of them need the pushes they deserve Now to the kick in the teeth lol. Samoa Joe. This will make everyone hate me but this man is just so annoying. I can’t watch his promos and his match’s make me wonder what anyone see’s in him. Out of all the talent they push and hype up there is loads better on the roster. AJ, Sabin, Cage, Tomko,(yes Angle). As for hating Sonjay, he isn’t my favourite but he is one hell of an entertainer in the ring
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Fave Raw Star: Randy Orton Hated Raw Star: John Cena Fave Smackdown Star: Edge Hated Smackdown Star: The Great Khali Fave ECW Star: CM Punk Hated ECW Star: Big Daddy V Fave Diva: Mickie James Fave Legend: Roddy Piper Fave Current Tag Team: London and Kendrick Hates Tag Team: Cade and Murdoch Fave Announcer/Com: Joey Styles Fave WWE PPV Ever: Wrestlemania X Fave TNA Star: AJ Styles Hated TNA Star: Scott Steiner
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hey man, good to know I am still in with a shot, just thought I would reply to you comments :P first of all i'm a quarter welsh aswell so am the complete underdog :D second of all me choice for saying Smackdown is an underdog is because I believe that Raw is much stronger all over the card, as in midcarders, upper midcarders etc finally i've had an idea that if your unsure who to pick to do this, and since we have two weeks or so before the game is out. Then maybe we could all right a show or a bit of a show and submit it...was just a thought and special message to Lindsey :D for saying John Cena is the most hated Raw Star, i really can't stand him, cheers girl
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Fave Raw Star: Chris Jericho Hated Raw Star: Santino Marella Fave Smackdown Star: Jamie Noble Hated Smackdown Star: The Great Khali Fave ECW Star: John Morrison Hated ECW Star: Kelly Kelly Fave Diva: Mickie James Fave Legend: Ricky Steamboat Fave Current Tag Team: London & Kendrick Hates Tag Team: Holly & Rhodes Fave Announcer/Com: Tazz Fave WWE PPV Ever: Royal Rumble '92 (When Flair won World Title) Fave TNA Star: Chris Sabin Hated TNA Star: Eric Young (Only because of the gimmick)
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:D:D:D Quarter Welsh COMPLEATE under dog lol. [U][B]Thanks A_Wrestling_GOD[/B][/U] good idea about asking people to write a show so see who is best for the job. Seems like alot to ask just get a chance i think. but if anyone has allready writen a show then a link to that would be ok. Maybe just a plotline for a story between two of the hardest to write for, just to see how well the challenge is taken on. so chose 2 of the 4 and create a short plotline for a story. -Snitsky -Khali -Kofi Kingston -Shannon Moore Looks like a nice difficult set to work with:D [U][B]DreamGoddessLindsey[/B][/U] Totally agree with you on the Cena front. he was a much better superstar when he was the rapping Cena on SmackDown. The Cena of Raw is just to predictable. Does he or Can he lose a 1 on 1 match without some king of foul play? (the argument goes on) lol Edge is a great star for SmackDown. im gland he is there and not on Raw. the booking of raw would never give him the main even spots or the match's he deserves. All Hail The Rated "R" Superstar Scott Steiner hmmm i cant agree or dissagree. he isnt the best but he isnt the worst. he over shaddows alot of the better tallent which is bad, but he is making names for Petey Williams which is forgivable lol [U][B]Tweek It[/B][/U] YOU HATE SANTINO :eek: that man is pure entertainment. its the new Roddy Piper/Chris Jericho/The Rock. That man deserves a medal for his great pre make ****ups, He's carrying Carlito at the moment Chris Sabin, well thank god you mentioned him as your fave, it saved me from an all out rant lol. MCMG for tag gold WOOP What a strange or should i say different pic, Jamie Noble as fave Smackdown star. I cant say i have an opinion on Noble, he is a great wrestler
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I might have a tough time writing such a storyline, if anything because I've never heard of Kofi Kingston. As for the other three, well, I think I'd run with an underdog storyline where Shannon Moore gets bullied by Snitsky and starts training to get revenge. Everyone thinks that since he's so small, he has no chance, but he wants to prove them all wrong. After getting attacked backstage and after several victories over smaller people, Moore challenges Snitsky, and defeats him. He then gets a tad arrogant and says that he could beat anyone regardless of size. Enter Khali, who comes in and beats Moore down. Moore trains some more and defeats several other medium sized guys, and is barely able to escape from beatdowns from Khali. Khali eventually catches him and puts him through a table, "injuring" him. A month later, when Khali has a title shot, Moore returns and attacks him. The two go on to face each other, and Khali has to cheat to win. Moore wants and gets a rematch, and the second time they fight to a double countout. Next up is the rubber match, in which Moore defeats Khali clean. Decent given who we're working with there, maybe?
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[QUOTE]Somenewguy ECW seems to be the popular choice. I can see it being a tough one but I guess its what people want to bring to ECW that will be the decider[/QUOTE] What I would want to do is ween the ECW brand off of this whole talent exchange thing they have going with Smackdown! and have CM Punk appear less often on Raw. I would do this by building more storylines around the talent ECW has as well as bringing new tag teams in to make a viable tag division to bring the ECW tag title back. [QUOTE]Here is where you get my sour face lol. You hate Kip James? He is an amazing wrestler and entertainer. I’m surprised him and Road Dogg(refuse to call him BG) haven’t won the TNA tag titles. To me that proves bad booking on TNA[/QUOTE] Kip has never done anything for me. He was ok as part of the Smoking Gunns and was mildly entertaining as part of the New Age Outlaws (Roadie was clearly the more entertaining of the two in my opinion), but as a singles wrestler, the guy is completely forgettable. I honestly can't think of a single match of his that I would consider great or even something that I would want to watch again. I'm not saying that Kip James is a bad wrestler, I'm just saying that I find him boring and undeserving of a singles push. He should just stick to being a tag wrestler. [QUOTE]Maybe just a plotline for a story between two of the hardest to write for, just to see how well the challenge is taken on. so chose 2 of the 4 and create a short plotline for a story. -Snitsky -Khali -Kofi Kingston -Shannon Moore Looks like a nice difficult set to work with[/QUOTE] Not difficult at all. Sniksky/Khali vs Kofi and Shannon The faces upset the heels in a tag match by winning via count-out. The heels try for a post-match beatdown, but Moore and Kingston run away. Kofi and Shannon go on a winning streak and are granted a shot at the World tag titles. During this time, Khali and Snitsky destroy lower card faces left and right while vowing revenge on our heroes. Kofi and Shannon get thir title shot and look like they're going to win the belts when Snitsky and Khali run in and destroy Moore and Kofi. Over the next two weeks, Moore and Kingston lose to the monsters in singles matches leading up to a tag rematch between the two teams. This time the monsters win by DQ after Moore and Kingston use weapons on them, laying them out. The two teams then agree to an Extreme Rules tag match to settle the score. I think the above storyline could also work for a singles program with either Kofi or Shannon vs either Khali or Snitsky. Khali vs Snitsky A video package is show depicting Khali as a hero in his home country. Snitsky is shown watching this backstage. The following week see's Snitsky destroy a much smaller opponent and introduces us to a video package of his own. The video is of Snitsky attacking Khali during an autograph session and knocking him down, local security intervenes before Khali can even try to fight back. Snitsky then challenges Khali to fight him. The following week sees Snitsky beat another tiny jobber and restate his challenge when Khali retirns with his interpreter. Khali accepts the challenge and the match is made for the following week. That match ends up going to a draw, but Khali gets a measure of revenge by laying Snitsky out afterwards. The week after that sees Snitsy kidnap Khali's interpreter, beat him, and tells him to tell Khali that he wants a rematch. Khali accepts the rematch and it's set to be an Extreme Rules match. They have the match, but it goes to a no contest when both men fight up the ramp and throw each other off. Khali retirns and starts issuing challenges to Snitsky. After a couple weeks Snitsky returns and accepts a Punjabi Prison match with Khali for the PPV. In the weeks leading up to the match, both men are made to look unstoppable. Khali ultimately wins the match and the feud. Kofi Kingston vs Shannon Moore Kofi gets two consecutive wins over Shannon, leading Shannon to become obsessed with Kingston. Shannon starts stalking Kofi and makes himself Kofi's "official" commentator and announcer. After a while, Kofi gets sick of this and calls Shannon out, who reveals that he wants to tag with Kofi. Kingston rejects this idea until Shannon saves him from a two-on-one attack. The two prove to be a good team and seem on track to a title shot when Shannon turns on Kofi during a match. Shannon explains his actions stating that he's not obsessed with Kingston, he's obsessed with [I]beating[/I] him and issues the challenge. Kofi returns and runs Shannon down verbally before accepting the match. They have the match, which Kingston wins. Shannon then starts beating down Kofi's opponents saying that only he should have the honor of pinning Kingston. This ultimately costs Kofi a title match, which leads to Kofi challenging Shannon to another match which Shannon wins. There are rumors of Kofi allowing himself to be pinned by Shannon just to get rid of him, but Shannon seems pleased with the victory... for now. Wow, this is a long post, but it's hard to stop once I get rolling.
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Hey guys incase you don't recognise me...it's the quarter welsh Wrestling_GOD here. I have had to create a new account because I got a new computer today and when I came on to my beloved GDS Forums I found that I can't remeber my password and my account was on my old inactive email address. Oh well if you want some clarification that this is actually a wrestling god under a new name I will do all I can to confirm that for you Ok on to my answer.... I would start this fued with a Tag Match. Kofi Kingston and Shannon Moore VS Snitsky and Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin picks up the win for his team but then Khali's music hits (Benjamin who is celebrating escapes through the crowd, however the other three men are left on the ground, knackered after there match) Khali destroys all three of them for no apparent reason. Then onto Smackdown where Khali has just picked up the win over Jamie Noble. His celebrations are cut short when Kingston and Moore attack him but he has no trouble holding them off until BANG!!! A big boot from Snitsky has Khali down!! This sets up a seres of matches...Khali vs Moore which Khali wins, Khali vs Kingston which Khali wins, Khali vs Snitsky which thanks to a double chair shot from Moore and Kingston, Snitsky is able to pick up the win. Finally this takes us to a PPV Match when Khali takes on the now Babyface Snitsky inside a Steel Cage. and just to add fuel to the fire if Snitsky loses him Kingston and Moore are all fired. In the match itself Khali dominates and when he is halfway out the door Kingston and Moore save there career's by smashing the cage door in his face, a big boot from Snitsky later and this odd trio have slayed the dragon known as The Great Khali. This fued would also include a large number of comedy backsage segments where Snitsky is stunned that these other men want to be his friend and he reacts in a comedy style as someone who struggles to understand the concept of friendship. thenatureboy1 signing out WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
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The GM's are now decided so sorry if you havnt been selected, but both GM's will be kept quiet untill the begining of the diary. :D Thanks for taking part and hope you all tune into the Diary:D
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Hey, I've sent you a PM and stuff, just thought I'd post this. Also, I'm fine with any brand really, Smackdown's my favourite though, just always has been. Fave Raw Star: Chris Jericho Hated Raw Star: Tough....hmm...Jim Duggan, just think he's kinda past it. Fave Smackdown Star: Edge or MVP Hated Smackdown Star: Vladimir Koslov, just cos he hasn't really proven himself enougn for me to be a fan yet. Fave ECW Star: CM Punk Hated ECW Star: Mike Knox Fave Diva: Michelle McCool Fave Legend: Mick Foley Fave Current Tag Team: London and Kendrick or Cade and Murdoch Hates Tag Team: I like most, but maybe Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly Fave Announcer/Com: Joey Styles Fave WWE PPV Ever: I loved the first ONS, with the tag team match with Foley and Edge vs. Funk and Dreamer Fave TNA Star: AJ Stlyes Hated TNA Star: Kip James- loved him in WWE, not really a fan now though EDIT: Damn, didn't read all the posts on the 2nd page until I posted, didn't realise they'd been chosen.
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