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Logo/Picture Request Thread

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[QUOTE=Kamchatka;624862]Thanks for the support EV, Im obviously not a major artist but I'm definitely learning on the job. Really keen to make a lot of logos that fit with the original set's more simple style. Guess I might as well work my way through the backlog at the same time.[/QUOTE] Thank you thank you thank you. I feel that too many artists go for over the top stuff, yours fit in perfectly with the C-Verse. Adam, take note ;)
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[QUOTE=Kamchatka;624862]Thanks for the support EV, Im obviously not a major artist but I'm definitely learning on the job. [/QUOTE] Personally, I think your logos are top notch, I love that most of them fit in with the original CornellVerse logos, shiny background and whatnot. :)
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[QUOTE=Badrockxxx;616204]Hey can anyone get me in contact with the users crayon or cw saton? I would like to find out how they make those cool reflection promotion logos.[/QUOTE] Who knows if you're still checking this thread (i know I never got a PM, like someone suggested), but I can tell you now that CW Saton uses a photoshop plugin for his reflections. I'm a little cheaper than that though, so what I do is duplicate the logo (only works if the logo is separate form the background obviously), flip it vertically and move it underneath the original one. That just looks like what I described though, and the real key to actually making it look like a reflection is dropping the opacity of it slightly, and adding a layer-mask. Then use a gradient fill (Black to Transparent) from the bottom and up a little bit, to give it the effect that the reflection lessens the closer it gets it the screen (I don't know how realistic this is, but it seems to work vsiually). Depending on the logo you may even want to skew the size of it down the bottom to give an impression of perspective. If you're not sure about any of the terminology I'm talkin' bout, then you'll probably be better off finding the plugin CD Saton uses or readin' up on some helpfiles. Course if you don't have photoshop then I got no answers for ya ;)
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[QUOTE=Kamchatka;624755][IMG]http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/BDW.jpg[/IMG] Suspiciously ended up like CZCW without me even realising it.[/QUOTE] What are you doing to get the "Cverse-like" background shading? I've tried a few simple things and haven't gotten it quite right.
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[QUOTE=wrestlingfan#1;624238]Good work on the stuff i've seen so far. I was hoping someone would be willing to fill a few requests for my diary. PSW Unleashed! (tv show) Hardcore TV (network logo) PSW Baptism By Fire (ppv logo) thanks in advance and keep up the good work.[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll180/hakk99/HardcoreTV.jpg[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=hakk99;625168]What are you doing to get the "Cverse-like" background shading? I've tried a few simple things and haven't gotten it quite right.[/QUOTE] Im sure there's a smarter way to do it in one click but damned if I know it so I just use the gradient tool (or blend tool) with gimp (Set the background to the base colour, then use the "FG to transparent" gardient with the fg colour set to a darker version of your base colour, lower opacity to 60% or so and then just keep on using the tool from both corners going inwards.) In other news.. I realised what was bugging me about the logos I made, they needed to fill the picture much more, so I've changed the sizes of the detail on the logos to reach closer to the edges. Updated both original posts.
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[QUOTE=Dark Cadence;624872]I need a logo for my fed, New England Championship Wrestling, initials are NECW. In all honesty, I don't even know what color or anything should be--just simple and modern. Thanks in advance[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/NECW2.jpg[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=BLKimbo;594570]Can i get an logo for my custom fed IWR (International Wrestling ReVolution). Ill leave the details up to the creator i just want it look cool[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/IWR.jpg[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=Stennick;625624]Damn Kam your on some sort of roll with these logos. Makes me want to request one but I got no ****ing clue what to request so I'll sit back and watch the action.[/QUOTE] I know how that is. I actually have quite a few that I'm needing, but I feel like I've already asked for too many. Darn TEW.... Too many projects, too many ideas...
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Well thanks for all for the support. I'm going to call it a night this time but yeah If anyone wants any done feel free to request. To be honest I'm having a bit of a hard time searching through the thread for one's that have been requested but not done. Its a bit of a mess. Also I figure this basic style isnt to everyones liking, especially if people were looking for more realistic stuff.
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MWA, Midwest Wrestling Alliance, something classy, high profile like. Don't really care beyond that. In my small territory game their the biggest and best promotion. Basement Production Wrestling, something small, seedy, grimey, etc. Xtreme Outlandish Wrestling, off the wall, crazy, chaotic, rebellious, etc. Collinsville Federation of Wrestling, something straight laced, traditional, etc. Border Championship Wrestling, just something modern, something different than the others. you said you were having hard time finding ones that needed to be done so I decided to be selfish :) At anyrate obviously take your time or what have you. You do amazing work and I'm in no hurry.
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Im still looking for someone willing to give my promotion in the latest draft (1997 data) some love :) [B][U]National Wrestling Federation[/U][/B] My top stars are Christian Faith, Dan Stone Jr, Steve Flash and of course Tommy Cornell. Im going for a "NWA" feel. [U]Current Logo ::[/U] [IMG]http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/109/nwf1.jpg[/IMG] [U]What im looking for ::[/U] 1x New Logo, similar style (or something you think would be awesome). 2x TV Show Logo's. "NWF: Showcase" and "NWF: Revolution" And the following if at all possible (yes this is a tall order, but i figure ill cross my fingers and hope that atleast one of my requests is found by someone with some time :) ) 1x NWF World Heavyweight Title (Big Gold Belt style) 1x NWF Continental Championship Title (Pure Wrestling) 1x NWF World Tag Team Title (Normal) 1x NWF National Break-Out Title (Youngsters) Anyway ill be happy with just the TV show images, but anything anyone can do will be so apprechiated , thanks alot for reading guys.
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Could I potentially get a TV Show logo for my X-WA Diary. The show itself is called... X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg". Here is the logo I'm currently using for the X-WA, If it helps at all... [IMG]http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/XWAblack4.jpg[/IMG] Thank you in advance!!
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[IMG]http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/NWF.jpg[/IMG] Onto you next Stennick, already had the IPWA and NWF on the list. I have to say I'm really enjoying doing these logos, with the added bonus of learning how to use Gimp at the same time.
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Well, as long as you enjoy doing these.... I could use a few for the database I'm working on: World Wrestling Association logo (for an attitude-laden sports entertainment promotion) Outlaw Combat Promotions (for a hardcore promotion with a Texas twist) Mid Atlantic Pro Wrestling (for a southern promotion like Jim Crocket Promotions in the 80s) American Pro Wrestling Federation (a promotion like the AWA in the 80s) All American Championship Wrestling ( a promotion like the WWF of the 80s) Rocky Mountain Wrestling (a traditional promotion in Denver) and lastly a new Pro Wrestling MAX one - (my MAX is a tad different from the CV MAX, something similar to my avatar, black and white with MAX large and centralized - it's a Modern-style promotion) I could also use a Chicago Live Action Wrestling one for a CV game I've been thinking about since 2007, before my last computer died on me - modern promotion filled to the brim with lightweight high fliers. Think that's about all I need at the moment. I realize that that's WAY too much to ask for, so if you wanna say "Not just no, but HELL NO!!!!" I'll understand, just figured I'd take a shot. :o
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[QUOTE=Stennick;625727]MWA, Midwest Wrestling Alliance, something classy, high profile like. Don't really care beyond that. In my small territory game their the biggest and best promotion. [/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/MWA.jpg[/IMG] Just to be clear if you request several then Ill likely do one then move onto another persons request before returning back and doing another one from the list. That seems fairer in my mind somehow.
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