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I don't know if this has been adressed, but is there a way that the AI can sign a tag team?? For example in the 07 version, playing the DOTT database, I noticed that WWF(or another comprable company) would sign Animal (or Dennis Condrey, Micheal Hayes) but wouldn't sign thier known partner (Hawk, Bobby Eaton, Terry Gordy) even though both were available. So is there away to set the AI that they are smart enough to sign Animal AND Hawk, instead of just signing Animal and teaming him with Tony Atlas??
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[QUOTE=combatmedic;428268]I don't know if this has been adressed, but is there a way that the AI can sign a tag team?? For example in the 07 version, playing the DOTT database, I noticed that WWF(or another comprable company) would sign Animal (or Dennis Condrey, Micheal Hayes) but wouldn't sign thier known partner (Hawk, Bobby Eaton, Terry Gordy) even though both were available. So is there away to set the AI that they are smart enough to sign Animal AND Hawk, instead of just signing Animal and teaming him with Tony Atlas??[/QUOTE] No, because there's several big problems - not least the fact that people can have multiple partners, don't necessarily use the same identity in each promotion, and aren't necessarily coming in as a tag team wrestler in the first place.
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Maybe a consideration for future games could be tag team popularity? This could be used to simulate teams like The Road Warriors, New Age Outlaws and The Dudleyz who are far more popular as tag team wrestlers than they are single wrestlers. Promotions would then be more likely to hire a tag team together if their popularity as a team was higher than their popularity individually. I'm not sure if it would work but it's a solution at least!
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;428271]No, because there's several big problems - not least the fact that people can have multiple partners, don't necessarily use the same identity in each promotion, and aren't necessarily coming in as a tag team wrestler in the first place.[/QUOTE] I see your point, but maybe for big name tag teams (LOD, The Dudleyz, Rock N Roll Express) there can be a stat created where they are known as tag team specialist. Just because back in the 80's-90's, the big tag teams went from promotion to promotion together. I couldn't see, at the height of thier popularity, WWF signing Robert Gibson and not Ricky Morton. It's not that big of a deal, just was wondering. Thanks for your response Adam.
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But many big promotions have a tendency of signing one member out of well established tag teams on the indy circuit. Proofs: [IMG]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/3883682/6156302[/IMG] [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c267/fuelfan0102/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=FuelFan0102;428306]But many big promotions have a tendency of signing one member out of well established tag teams on the indy circuit. Proofs: [IMG]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/3883682/6156302[/IMG] [IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c267/fuelfan0102/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] I am talking about legendary tag teams, not Colin Dlenaey. I am talking about the Road Warriors and Rock N Roll Expresses.
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The computer AI will seek out already established tag team partners, but other factors come into play. Relationships (as was mentioned), attitude, skill of the partner in question, overness of the partner in question, lots of stuff. If a tag team is at A or A* experience.. the AI usually more often than not picks up the partner. DOTT a lot of those teams you mentioned were not only in the C to B+ experience range, but also had some relationship and attitude road blocks in the way.
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[QUOTE=combatmedic;428387]I am talking about legendary tag teams, not Colin Dlenaey. I am talking about the Road Warriors and Rock N Roll Expresses.[/QUOTE] Considering Road Warrior Hawk debuted in June 6, 1983 and DOTT starts in April 1983, I'd say that Jimmy and Colin and Mighty Fine are more popular than the Road Warriors in DOTT.
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When playing a historical mod such as "THE GREAT" DOTT MOD.. You have the upperhand in knowing what the AI does not... and that is history. So, people such as the Road Warrior's, and such are their moreso for the "Player" benefit, and not so much for the AI. I think the new worker's went all the way up to late 90's, almost 2000 range, which is really stretching the AI to pick up on "THE GREATS" before they were considered "Great". It's what makes playing that MOD especially fun for me... I'll go "Vince didn't sign them? That FOOL!!" and pick them up for myself, knowing that if I treat them halfway decent, they won't leave out of loyalty, and I can make them into the stars they once were (if the Destiny stat helps me out there). Realistically, WWF grabs just about everyone they did in real life, right off the bat in that mod in every single "test" and "game" I played with it. It makes it very tough for someone that wants to play from scratch, and try to grab them while they are young (young Undertaker for example). That being said, I'm sure a bit of tweaking can get better results with all the toolset's available in the '08 Model. Having the New Worker and Normal Worker's in the same area with the feature available (relationships). Lots of new tools to test out, and play around with. I would expect this version to undergo quite a bit more tests then the last one. What was it last time that was the "HUGE" thing... I believe it was the "Gimmicks" section more then anything that was the biggest pain (far as being a time sink in a way). I remember a couple people loathing it, anyways.
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I normally find the AI sign the most popular wrestlers away over any others. So if say, both Dudleys weren't signed to any promotion, TNA signs them both anyway as they're both the most popular free agents around and they both have the same popularity. Having said that, I fired a B+ popularity Dave Finley, only for TNA to sign up a C rated Hardcore Holly and didnt touch Finley, I ended up signing him back up again a few months later. TNA had a B+ popularity rating at the time.
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[QUOTE=Carl1000000;428914]Having said that, I fired a B+ popularity Dave Finley, only for TNA to sign up a C rated Hardcore Holly and didnt touch Finley, I ended up signing him back up again a few months later. TNA had a B+ popularity rating at the time.[/QUOTE] Not a good example. Y'see, the AI is far more concentrated on roles. It's "on paper" to the max. Yes, Finlay was more popular than Holly but for the role the AI controlled TNA had in mind/a need for, Finlay might've been overqualified (not to mention overpriced) and Holly might've been perfect for it. The AI isn't going to go out and sign a main event talent to fill a midcard hole. That's bad business. Wherever possible, the AI signs the worker that comes closest to the role's requirements without being more expensive than might be expected.
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I've had larger feds sign whole tag teams from me. In a Ring of Honor game I got Age of the Fall (Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black) up to A* in tag experience and was ready to feud them with The Briscoes (who held the tag titles for over a year) when TNA signed Jacobs and Black. After they signed, TNA pushed them to the moon and they went from Openers to Upper Midcarders in like two months (and tag champs soon after that)
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