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[HYPE] War Of The Immortals - A Mod by Tommy

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This is very awesome and I will defiantly be playing a lot of this mod (maybe sleepless weeks just sitting there playing, ruining my social life). I will probably be playing serious games with All-Star Wrestling, Pennsylvania Combat Wrestling, Polynesian Power Wrestling, Second City Wrestling, Texas Wrestling Alliance, and West Coast Pro Wrestling.
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[QUOTE=Flapjack;490960]This is very awesome and I will defiantly be playing a lot of this mod (maybe sleepless weeks just sitting there playing, ruining my social life). I will probably be playing serious games with All-Star Wrestling, Pennsylvania Combat Wrestling, Polynesian Power Wrestling, Second City Wrestling, Texas Wrestling Alliance, and West Coast Pro Wrestling.[/QUOTE] Not to mention ruining numerous misadventures in search of candy. Aye, Flapjack?
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. Also ppl have asked about Japan. Mexico etc... Well I would be interested in helping put together a British fed or a Japanese fed...also I had a thought what about a Midget Fed in the EU or AUS? Just something for a bit of fun :)[/QUOTE Midgets:D Tommy stated that there would not be any promotions in Mexico or japan in this release,maybe later
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[QUOTE=fingerprints;490862]Hey I really really really cant wait for this mod its gonna be amazing, sorry to jump on the bandwagon of random questions but I have a few :D - Im interested in stuff like the TV/PPV setup, any info? [/quote] The biggest promotions (ASW and SSW) have late night shows on Spike and... TNT I think, can't remember atm. The bigger promotions (FWF, MAPW, GLW etc) have shows on small local networks I created ('Small - Mid Atlantic TV'). 4 feds have pay-per-view, just the ones whose AI got it immediately in testing. [quote]- I guess people like Ludvig Borga are gonna be the "jobbers" to ppl like Flair. Am I correct in thinking this? [/quote] In terms of popularity? Kinda. Borga would max out at 30-40 popularity I'd say, prob less. Someone like Flair would be in the late 80's early 90's, whereas a guy like Buff Bagwell or Matt Hardy would be in the 60's. Again, there's no strict rule and I'm sure a lot of the overness will be tweaked once its released. With 1016 workers it's hard to create a level of consistency, but we can work on that. [quote]- Any info on the picture pack that accompanies this? I mean stuff like Logo's for TV etc.....[/quote] Almost every worker has a Crychon BG cut or a 'WOTI Pic', every promotion has a sexy logo and a banner, and every TV Show has a logo too. I'll also work on more TV logos for the promotions that don't have shows on the air yet too. [quote]Also ppl have asked about Japan. Mexico etc... Well I would be interested in helping put together a British fed or a Japanese fed...also I had a thought what about a Midget Fed in the EU or AUS? Just something for a bit of fun :)[/QUOTE] It's not really about the work involved in creating the fed, it's the fact I want to get the U.S/Canada done and released before I start anything else. There's probably enough Mexican and Japanese workers to make a fed for each now, but I'd want 2 or 3 feds in every area and it would delay the release until 2009 after proper testing and balancing. Thanks for the offer though, I'm sure there'll be demand for more show logos and stuff once it's released.
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[QUOTE=mike b;490997] Midgets:D Tommy stated that there would not be any promotions in Mexico or japan in this release,maybe later[/QUOTE] I read and understand that this release is gonna be taking advantage of the regional battles system in the game. I always meant as something to add on after the mod has been released. :) Im glad the midget idea went down well. Just thought that would be a fun addition
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10 reasons why you must play this mod 1:don't recall any other mod like this ever. 2:just think of all the story lines feuds and matches you can have. 3:Hulk Hogan can job to Andre The Giant 4:The Brooklyn Brawler 5:Tommy is related to Bill Gates 6:All promotions are created equal in the eye of the creator 7:If you don't play this mod Horns Swaggle will be knocking on your door 8:The Nitro girls are looking for work 9:Buttercup(the boxer) is not in this mod 10:Tommy made it nuff said Like all mods consult your locale mod maker before playing It is not advised to consume alcohol while playing this mod. This mod may cause sleeplessness severe finger cramps and or fits of anger.If you experience any of these please consult your locale mod maker immediately.
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[QUOTE=ilovebarbu;491029]I guess you guys are anxious to see how a Dink vs Hornswoggle feud would turn out lol Anyway, like everyone else, I'm pumped for the mod, keep up the good work Tommy[/QUOTE] Actually, I'd want to see Hornswoggle have to deal with Lord Littlebrook. Maybe Sky Lo Lo could battle Dink.
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[QUOTE=Flapjack;491057]Would we be allowed to make a Diary with this mod? If so I will play through TSW for a year to see if I can make it work then restart and write a diary with it. Looks like a really fun promotion.[/QUOTE] Yeah absolutely, you don't need permission from anyone to make a diary.
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[QUOTE][QUOTE][QUOTE=Flapjack;491454]I can't wait anymore!!! :D This mod is going to make TEW 2008 WAY too good when comparing it to its [/QUOTE]price. :)[/QUOTE] Tommy is thinking of charging 5dollars a download and donating all the proceeds to me:D
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[SIZE="3"][B]Promotional Spotlight #25 - Extreme Sports Entertainment[/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/4739/esejh2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE] The creation of pro wrestling's most hated 'writer', Vince Russo, ESE caters to casual fans and casual fans only. With its emphasis on storyline twists, angles and T&A, ESE infuriates 'traditional' fans, but is beloved by 12 year old boys the world over.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="3"][B]The Immortals [/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/8540/vampiroft3.jpg[/IMG][img]http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/6232/vincerussors3.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [B]Vampiro[/B] - The unpredictable face-painted star is ESE's #1 player, and the focus of its convoluted main-event storylines. [B]Vince Russo[/B] - Vinnie Ru may wield the power backstage, but that hasn't stopped him becoming an on-screen presence as the evil, tool-ish authority figure. [B]Chyna[/B] - The figurehead of ESE's Women's Division, Chyna also plays with the boys, holding the Tag Team titles with Maven. [B]Public Enemy[/B] - Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge bring the arm swaying and table-breaking to ESE, and often feature at the top of the card. [B]New Jack[/B] - While he's not good for locker-room harmony, New Jack's controversial nature is a perfect fit for ESE (if only he'd turn up to shows). [b]Sean O'Haire[/b] - O'Haire is also a star in Florida, but works in ESE as a favour to the man who gave him his first break. Also, there's probably blackmail involved. [/quote] [SIZE="3"][B]The Rest[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE] The Harris Brothers, Jacqueline, Malice, The Headbangers, Lance Hoyt, Evan Karagias, Crash Holly, Daffney, Alexis Laree, Roadkill, Shawn Stasiak, George Frankenstein, Maven, Trinity, Sonny Siaki, Johnny Stamboli, Gene Snitsky and [B]Heidenreich!![/B] [/quote]
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I got to be honest, SSW looks like a blast, ever since I read that spotlight I just haven't been able to really get into TEW, Warrior vs. Batista headlining a Starrcade-like show? Man, I can't wait for this to get released. :D Thanks a ton for all the work on the mod, gonna be a long time before I play any other's after this gets released.
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