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Anyone have any location maps for those (like me) who are not exactly geographical inclined. I know Bobinc has a few but I wasn't sure if there were any others floating about for the other areas. If not, could someone explain each area and what it consists of? [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Japanmap.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TEWRegions.jpg[/IMG]
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UK: Scotland - Should be obvious, it's a country ¬_¬ Ireland - Same as above North - Get a map and join the 'dots' between Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Grimsby. Everything on or north of that line is North UK. Midlands - Everything south of the imaginary line that connects Liverpool/Manchester/Sheffield/Grimsby and north of the similar line that connects Gloucester/Luton/Ipswich. Gloucester itself is probably South, but the other two are Midlands. South - Everything that's left. Wales - See Scotland. Austral(as)ia: [img]http://www.maps-pacific.com/graphics/australia.gif[/img] That pretty much covers it. Northern Territory and South Australia are 'Central', the three in the East are Eastern. Europe: Scandinavia - Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Iceland. Mediterranean - Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey (some people will dispute the last two, but they're wrong, frankly :p). Central - Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, etc. Eastern - Russia, and everything south of and bordering it (except Finland and Estonia, obviously). Also Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, etc. There's a map somewhere on the forums of the European regions that's pretty accurate. Canada: [img]http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/north-america/canada/_derived/index.htm_txt_canada-map.gif[/img] The Maritimes - Looks sort of like the lower jaw of a cat, if you imagine the Eastern part of Canada as a cat's head. I always thought it looked like the Thundercats logo ¬_¬. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Also controversially could include Newfoundland and Labrador (the 'upper jaw') too, although nobody lives there ¬_¬ British Columbia - The province in the bottom-left. It's got Vancouver in it. The Prairies - Alberta, Sasketechwhewhanan, Manisnowba. If you ignore BC, they're the next three in the bottom left. There are three territories above them which could be included here if needed, but they're largely inhabited by snow, eskimos and bigfoot. ¬_¬ Quebec - Remember the cat's head from earlier? Quebec is the rest of the head. Ontario - The cat's neck, if you will. Borders Quebec to the south-west.
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Thank god. Was always a pain doing mod work because of the lack of information with the areas in the game world. This page will help a bunch. Although I still have bugger all idea what states are in what US territories. But I guess I'm the minority :)
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;430859]UK: Europe: Scandinavia - Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Iceland. [/QUOTE] IRL (where that now maybe..) Scandinavia only consists of Sweden (Greatest country in the world! But I might be a little biased), Norway and Denmark. The correct naming of it should be Nordic Countries (Or just Nordic), which consists of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland. I've never in my life seen Estonia named in either Scandinavia or Nordic Countries. But uhm... Great job otherwise, I've got this thread bookmarked and will use it. America is a very hard country to understand geographically.
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Obviously, being from there, I'm not going to argue much. Only to say that 'Scandinavia' these days, at least in the UK, is used to reference the culture rather than the geographical location. Hence the inclusion of Finland, the Faroes and Iceland. Estonia qualifies in my opinion because historically they're Finns, not Balts like the rest of the Baltic countries, and their language is much closer to Finnish than it is to the other Baltic languages. But I guess it depends on your interpretation.
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Yeah but if done culturally, wouldn't Finland be seperate from Scandinavia since linguisticly and culturally they are not so similar to the other Scandinavian countries? Estonia is Eastern Europe. And is such a wrestling backwater it's barely worth even discussing since I doubt anyone is going to be rushing to run a bunch of games based around the massive Estonian wrestling scene. Also, I hate the geography of Canada. I can never remember it and I totally can't see the cats head. :(
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[QUOTE=BurningHamster;431219]Yeah but if done culturally, wouldn't Finland be seperate from Scandinavia since linguisticly and culturally they are not so similar to the other Scandinavian countries? Estonia is Eastern Europe. And is such a wrestling backwater it's barely worth even discussing since I doubt anyone is going to be rushing to run a bunch of games based around the massive Estonian wrestling scene. Also, I hate the geography of Canada. I can never remember it and I totally can't see the cats head. :([/QUOTE] Finland is a part of Scandinavia. Yes the language is different and there are only some differences in culture. The culture is waaaaay way much more similar to other Scandinavians than the Eastern Europian culture. What might the communist fearing TeemuFoundation think of this? :D Estonia is Eastern Europian as they have so strong influences from Russia, eventhough it has it's differencies. I don't mean this to be anyway offensive or rude, but I'm just curious because of your last comment. Where are you from?
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No offence to the eastern europeans or Russia, but Finland is definedly much much more like Sweden and Norway than Russia or Estonia. And Finland and Estonia are not that close as people might think.. Finland and Sweden have more common with each other. Read the wikipedia article about Skandinavia, [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skandinavia[/url] it says the same thing that someone here said. Altough Sweden sucks and Finland is the best country to live in in the world :P EDIT: "Yeah but if done culturally, wouldn't Finland be seperate from Scandinavia since linguisticly and culturally they are not so similar to the other Scandinavian countries?" what the hell are you talking about? If you'd know something about Sweden, Norway and Finland, you'll know that they are very, very similar countries. [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finland[/url] ^^
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