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OK I am getting the TEW 2008 shakes!!

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[QUOTE=Johnny Fenoli;431034]sounds like its time to seperate for awhile....[/QUOTE] I would but she's shown serious signs of being a potential Bunny Boiler. . .plus she's hot and puts up with the fact that I enjoy wrestling simulators. However, as much as she puts up with it. . .turning down time with her to play the game may very well end in serious bodily harm. Did I mention she's good looking?
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[QUOTE=thedraem41;431048]Relationships aren't built on looks you know :D[/QUOTE] Yeah but they help the crazy seem less. . .well, crazy. Oh and very funny FunkChris. :p You clever little thing. How do you manage time for Rosey Palms and Thumbelina and still play TEW? A little multitasking? I kid, I kid.
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[QUOTE=Dischord;431054]Yeah but they help the crazy seem less. . .well, crazy. Oh and very funny FunkChris. :p You clever little thing. How do you manage time for Rosey Palms and Thumbelina and still play TEW? A little multitasking? I kid, I kid.[/QUOTE] Now that would get me in trouble with my wife, lol. My multitask is Posting and playing TEW. You think you get in trouble for being on the computer....
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;431060]Now that would get me in trouble with my wife, lol. My multitask is Posting and playing TEW. You think you get in trouble for being on the computer....[/QUOTE] Haha. Glad to see you can take a joke. Yeah. She hasn't explicitly said she doesn't want me on the computer when she is around. . .but, well, she gives me that look. And deep inside, as I tremble, I realize the smart move is to make sure my focus is on her. Or, well, as I stated, I'm glad I don't have a bunny. I dread the day she even catches me glancing at another woman. The other woman could be on fire and screaming like the hounds of hell and I'm sure I'd get slapped upside the head. I think I'm in love.
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[QUOTE=Dischord;431061]Haha. Glad to see you can take a joke. Yeah. She hasn't explicitly said she doesn't want me on the computer when she is around. . .but, well, she gives me that look. And deep inside, as I tremble, I realize the smart move is to make sure my focus is on her. Or, well, as I stated, I'm glad I don't have a bunny. I dread the day she even catches me glancing at another woman. The other woman could be on fire and screaming like the hounds of hell and I'm sure I'd get slapped upside the head. I think I'm in love.[/QUOTE] So I take it we shouldnt expect a Shimmer diary from Dischord. My wife calls my TEW my mistress and complains the whole time I play... That's why I'm glad they invented noise canceling headphones! :D
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Suckers. . . really thinking the demo would be out at this time of the morning. . . I hope no one thinks I'm here waiting for it. Psh. That'd be crazy. Hahaha. . .crazy, right? Right?! Where is the game? :( Whew. Okay. I'm calm now. I swear.
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[quote=Michael Wayne;431067]25 members, 35 guests in this forum atm[/quote] In this thread you mean? Theres 127 users here in the forum right now as I'm typing.. (46 members and 81 guests) "Most users ever online was 477, 06-28-2007 at 01:58 AM." :cool: Could we break that? Sure we can! EDIT: Oh yeah, I just woke up, kind of knew that TEW trial would not be out.. maybe later in the evening.. So, so excited. Like everyone else here. I can't wait to find out what has happened in Cornellverse. I think I'll just read all the bios etc. and browse trough all the rosters before playing the game.. :)
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[QUOTE=FINisher;431070]In this thread you mean? Theres 127 users here in the forum right now as I'mt typing.. (46 members and 81 guests) "Most users ever online was 477, 06-28-2007 at 01:58 AM." :cool: Could we break that? Sure we can![/QUOTE] damn. It practically doubled the users within a few minutes. No, I was talking about the 08 forum though.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;431073]he already stated he's not the one uploading it though.[/QUOTE] and I think the guy doing the uploading is from the USA. and he is out at the strip clubs right now...so look for it to be out when he gets up from his night out drinking...Thats how I see it :p
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[QUOTE=Lars34;431076]and I think the guy doing the uploading is from the USA. and he is out at the strip clubs right now...so look for it to be out when he gets up from his night out drinking...Thats how I see it :p[/QUOTE] they're actually watching the boards right now and are laughing at us
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I thought the demo was out yesterday and realised that may had [U]31[/U] days in it :mad: However today im going to be at work for the next 11 hours or so, which means that by the time i get home, the demo should be out and i wouldn't really of had to wait at all
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