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Strange events so far '08

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[IMG]http://aznblusuazn.googlepages.com/GDN.jpg[/IMG] In an attempt to bury a 'A' star that was leaving, every show I would give him a female gimmick, i.e. cheerleader, seductress, bitch, etc. Well, on his last job, I gave him the 'girl-next-door' gimmick and it had an initial rating of 'A' and he 'looked good out there'. LMAO. I think that's pretty funny considering the worker is over 40 and a male. :)
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=LNK-;461319]Jake Roberts retired and died due to drugs on the same day.[/QUOTE] Well, he recently came out and said that he wanted to die in the ring. Take that for what you will
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[QUOTE=The Aussie;461394]Well, he recently came out and said that he wanted to die in the ring. Take that for what you will[/QUOTE] Wel as he is living in Florida and at the moment seems to havew his habit under control and re established relations with his son I hope TNA hires him as an RA. Seeing as hes the master of In Ring psychology and such and knows all the pitfalls that come with wrestling he would be a good teacher and hes still respected enough for occasional apearances.
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Mathew & Greg Gauge debuted in my game and I quickly snatched them up as I was looking for an up and coming heel tag team to soar through the ranks in my SWF game. However, the first show that I placed them on in tag action (my "B" show) I got a note saying that they don't work well together and that their timing is all over the place. I guess... there goes my tag team idea with the two brothers. haha. I always thought if they were related or had a good relationship that they would have a great chance of having good chemistry.
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;461872]Mathew & Greg Gauge debuted in my game and I quickly snatched them up as I was looking for an up and coming heel tag team to soar through the ranks in my SWF game. However, the first show that I placed them on in tag action (my "B" show) I got a note saying that they don't work well together and that their timing is all over the place. I guess... there goes my tag team idea with the two brothers. haha. I always thought if they were related or had a good relationship that they would have a great chance of having good chemistry.[/QUOTE] Chance doesn't equal certainty, chief.
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JTG seemingly can do no wrong. He started off as a midcard comedy act but somehow despite getting beaten week after week in tag matches, being left off shows, etc. He's somehow managed to become a main eventer. I guess at some point I might actually give him the ball and see if he can run with it. He's not actually someone I would consider pushing normally but it's hard to ignore a guy that no matter how much you job him never seems to drop down the card or lose overness. Actually, he seems to do the opposite of everyone else on the roster. The more I job him the more over he becomes. I guess I found a mega star in the making. @TracyBrooksFan he's actually using the same data as I am. It's the same data I've used since 2004 which has been updated thru the years. Before anyone asks, it'll never been released to the public because of several reasons. Mainly, because I have no idea who to credit any more for making the data. It's a combination of old Ravex, TEWZone, DOTT and many other wrestlers, injuries and mods imported here and there, along with my own stuff thrown in along the way. I never intended to release a mod so I never bothered to keep track of everything. Besides as far as mods go there's plenty better mods out there and it's not something that I would even consider sharing except for a few friends like Ashkihyena who I've known for years. I simply don't have the patience or the time to maintain an actual released mod. @whoever asked what's wrong with the maker of this mod. Well, I guess alot.:D
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Guest The Aussie
Here's something completly screwed up in USPW in my MAW game. Happy Elwood is up to E+ (or higher) popularity across America and has been making Danny Rushmore and Eric the Bull his personal b*tches for a few monthes.
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[QUOTE=Malioc;459649]WCW was dying before he came in. As far as stoylines go, they lost their "flow", when they didn't use their most over wrestler Sting as centre of the show and didn't push their best talents to the Upper Card. Instead WCW pushed a rookie (Goldberg) to the moon and sent their [I]talents[/I] packing. (Benoit, Jericho, Guerrero) [/QUOTE] dude, Sting was not their most over guy in the company, Goldberg was. you may not want to beleive it but i have been watching my Nitro 98 set and they were not chanting "STING" they wanted "GOLDBERG" throughout the whole night. While I agree the (Benoit, Jericho, Guerrero) should have been pushed, it was a shame and a surprise Goldberg only held the title once.
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[QUOTE=ThomasRiordan;454008]Triple H. is a class act. I fired him for steroid us, striped him of his title, jobbed him to Ric Flair, had Umaga put him thru a wall, and then he gets involved in a backstage fight with Chad Patton who just happened to be the ref in his final WWE match. I don't think he's too happy with me being the new WWE owner.:D[/QUOTE] The funny thing is that Triple H would just laugh at the internet marks who get a hard on by jobbing him out and firing him on a video game. When people do this stuff it just makes them pathetic and show how they would not know how to book in real life
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[QUOTE]dude, Sting was not their most over guy in the company, Goldberg was. you may not want to beleive it but i have been watching my Nitro 98 set and they were not chanting "STING" they wanted "GOLDBERG" throughout the whole night. [/QUOTE] ehm ever heard of canned heat????? [QUOTE]When people do this stuff it just makes them pathetic and show how they would not know how to book in real life[/QUOTE] Ehm the thread is called strange events so far, any smart booker would never fire paul levesque hell ya cant hes married to the head of creative who is the owners daughter. its just fun acting out a fantasy cauz evryone knows he runs the show up north.
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[QUOTE=TracyBrooksFan;461406]what data is that?[/QUOTE] Its the same data that ThomasRiordan there is using, though he probably edited his a little bit more now. I just thought it was amusing since Stevie winning any kinda title would never happen IRL. [quote] Besides as far as mods go there's plenty better mods out there and it's not something that I would even consider sharing except for a few friends like Ashkihyena who I've known for years. I simply don't have the patience or the time to maintain an actual released mod.[/quote] Woo-Hoo, thanks man!
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;463212]Ehm the thread is called strange events so far, any smart booker would never fire paul levesque hell ya cant hes married to the head of creative who is the owners daughter. its just fun acting out a fantasy cauz evryone knows he runs the show up north.[/QUOTE] Actually, an owner looking to clean up the roster would can anyone caught using drugs that simply were never gonna straighten up, which is exactly what I did. Not just firing Triple H. to get a "hard on" because I don't hate Triple H to begin with. At the start of that particular game 15 people were caught with drugs including people that I would normally push to the moon and all were fired for it. If I hated said people, logic would have been to job them out before firing them instead of firing them on the second day of the game so they couldn't jump to another promotion and help the competition as much. Was it an intelligent choice? Doesn't matter. Does it make the game more interesting? Yes. I've gotten further in this game than any other without burning out and have had to resort to a different form of booking than I normally would since 8 top stars are now gone from my roster. Some of which hate me, others who have signed elsewhere but have gotten clean. It's forced me to make new stars over the past 7 months instead of starting a new game because WWE always burns me out quickly due to the amount of booking I have to do in a month. I'm more interested in where this game can go than just the same WWE booking over and over again. I think I'm doing just fine with Triple H. or anyone else that was fired. Come to think of it no one else seems to need those fired people either considering of the original 22 people I fired or released since all of those firings weren't drug related. The other's where because I had no need for some people and they were just gonna sit out their contracts other wise or people who had botched surgeries and were never gonna return before their contract expired, if ever. But of those 22, Randy Orton (freelanced), John Hennigan and Chavo Guerrero Jr. are the only ones anyone (TNA) thought were worth hiring. Which is a strange event in itself since I was certain TNA would snatch up Triple H. in a heartbeat but he's been unemployed for almost 7 months now. Am I bit harsh? Probably. I don't like drug users and at the moment the entire WWE roster is 100% drug free. So I guess the message I've been sending by making enemies of people that if they were clean I'd gladly have back on my roster must be working. But when you're the owner of a company sometimes you just got to do some things you don't necessarily like to accomplish what you want. I'd love to bring Triple H. back since he'd help boost the main event scene but it's never going to happen now because he hates me. Same with my step-brother I hired him to WWE. He got busted for soft drug use a week later, and he was fired. My step-brother hates me now and isn't coming back. He had a shot at the big time and he blew it. He could have been a world champion within a year and blew it. Now he's a jobber for TNA, I hope he gets clean but given his response to me I doubt it. So it's not hatred of Triple H. or anyone else but a non-tolerance of drug use. Any drug use. But it's nice when people make random assumptions based on one little post without knowing the entire story.
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I'll admit it though, I like jobbing Trips out, Trips and Cena because I dislike both of them immensely, and honestly, I could care less what someone on an Internet board thinks about me for doing it. Granted, I won't fire them, but title runs again in my deal, not going to happen.
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Ok sorry Riordan if you think I was making assumptions or thought you got a hard on for firing triple H I actually thought the opposite and was trying to defend your actions towards the post by SudoFan. I can agree to a zero drug tolerence policy but that is still a fantasy as things are at the moment and as you are playing as owner it gives you more leeway in WWE. Anyways no bad intentions actually good ones think it was a poor choice of words.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;463423]Ok sorry Riordan if you think I was making assumptions or thought you got a hard on for firing triple H I actually thought the opposite and was trying to defend your actions towards the post by SudoFan. I can agree to a zero drug tolerence policy but that is still a fantasy as things are at the moment and as you are playing as owner it gives you more leeway in WWE. Anyways no bad intentions actually good ones think it was a poor choice of words.[/QUOTE] I'm not sure, but I don't think he was talking about you when he made the assumptions comment, but to SudoFan since he was the one making them.
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