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Strange events so far '08

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[QUOTE=cyberkitten01;475282]Perhaps it's in his personality to be Mercenary, or the equivilant of Freelancer in '07 in that he's worked for you and now he wants to work elsewhere, and then he might come back again[/QUOTE] He's more a loyal guy. Besides, mercenary shouldn't do that anyway. It's more a change of air - leaving. Plus, he even said in the news, that he's 100% sure, that he won't ever work for me again, while I don't see any reason for that ... grudge(?). [QUOTE=Hyde Hill;475295]Or you have made some mistakes booking him and or in backstage incidents he was involved in (not necessaraley started.) Or ou fired one of his friends and or family.[/QUOTE] Nope. His moral never dropped. He was also never victim nor initiator of a backstage incident. He had the biggest amount of matches. Lost not one single match in 1 1/2 years and defended my Mid Card title on 168 occasions. And I even hired his brother Luis Jr. (and Luis' girlfriend) and pushed him to the Main Event. The only irregular thing for him is, that I never pushed Gino above Mid Card even though he had enough popularity for a Main Eventer. (Don't wanted to ruin his ego.) But he never got angry, so I don't think it's neither.
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[QUOTE=Malioc;475328]He's more a loyal guy. Besides, mercenary shouldn't do that anyway. It's more a change of air - leaving. Plus, he even said in the news, that he's 100% sure, that he won't ever work for me again, while I don't see any reason for that ... grudge(?). Nope. His moral never dropped. He was also never victim nor initiator of a backstage incident. He had the biggest amount of matches. Lost not one single match in 1 1/2 years and defended my Mid Card title on 168 occasions. And I even hired his brother Luis Jr. (and Luis' girlfriend) and pushed him to the Main Event. The only irregular thing for him is, that I never pushed Gino above Mid Card even though he had enough popularity for a Main Eventer. (Don't wanted to ruin his ego.) But he never got angry, so I don't think it's neither.[/QUOTE] Curious, what's the size of your company and what's Monetero's popularity throughout Mexico? Because it SOUNDS like that whenever you first attempted to resign him, he considered you too big. And sadly in situations like that, the mindset will become "I'm leaving", even if you job him down to where he wouldn't be too big anymore.
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Mhm... Good possibility. Short time ago I raised to Cult. When I tried to renew his contract for the first time, I still was Regional and he was around C/C- popularity. Indeed he considered himself "too big". By now even his old popularity (after his decline I started to job him out) shouldn't be a problem anymore. But you're right, that could really be the problem. Well, I hope I'll get him to sign again in a couple of months (presumed he doesn't get signed up to a written contract by another fed) despite his quotes about not wanting to work for me ever again...
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I was playing as a regional fed, and I had finally managed to sign, after numerous attempts, both Bumfholes and the Young Guns. I had just had the Young Guns win my tag titles and they were about to turn heel to feud with the Bumfholes, when I get an e-mail saying Steve Gumble, in prison for 15 years for murder 2.
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[QUOTE=scorpion;475332]I was playing as a regional fed, and I had finally managed to sign, after numerous attempts, both Bumfholes and the Young Guns. I had just had the Young Guns win my tag titles and they were about to turn heel to feud with the Bumfholes, when I get an e-mail saying Steve Gumble, in prison for 15 years for murder 2.[/QUOTE] Now that's a heel turn.
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[QUOTE=scorpion;475332]I was playing as a regional fed, and I had finally managed to sign, after numerous attempts, both Bumfholes and the Young Guns. I had just had the Young Guns win my tag titles and they were about to turn heel to feud with the Bumfholes, when I get an e-mail saying Steve Gumble, in prison for 15 years for murder 2.[/QUOTE] Did you expect a [I]Young Gun[/I] to make conversations, cuddle or play Golf in his leisure time? =)
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[QUOTE=Malioc;475170]Gino Montero declined my extension offers. He was always very happy and it's not even about my company size (cult). But still I constantly get the message, that he wants to leave my federation and [I]never return[/I]. What did I do? What can I change? That's a tragedy...[/QUOTE] Have you ever editted his contract? For example, he signs for a fourth promotion and hands in his notice with you, so you edit the contract up from 7 days to... more than seven days?
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[QUOTE=eayragt;475423]Have you ever editted his contract? For example, he signs for a fourth promotion and hands in his notice with you, so you edit the contract up from 7 days to... more than seven days?[/QUOTE] Some people prefer to play the game without cheating. You know, for the challenge. :-p Though if you really wanted to keep him, you could do that indefinetly.
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I don't know if this is weird or just frustrating. The Mexico Hardcore fed opened up recently and the game generated a random announcer for them. The next month the random faceless announcer won the "best announcer in the industry" internet poll. Pulling him up, he's got E popularity in Mexico, but more importantly he has B+ in microphone, charisma, and announcing, and an 'A' in acting. Poor MHW though, he's costing them $1100 an appearance...
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In my Mexico game the programm created an A* (acting B+) [I]and[/I] a B+ (acting A) announcer on the 2nd day of the diary. Both in Mexico. The A* got the "best announcer" poll after a few weeks and once again half a year later. -- And now ask me, who my current announcers are... =)
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Guest The Aussie
Something funny that happened in one of my games: Bryan Vessey starts an argument with Shuji Inukai who now harbors strong dislike of him. One week later and Bryan Holmes is now hated by Mito Miwa after an argument between the two. You're think that two veterans would have the good sense to get into an argument with people that are completly loyal to the promotion.
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On my ROF game, I gave my user character strong friendship with British Samurai, with the backstory that they worked together running the Turnbuckle Dojo. I run a show, and then promptly get the owner goal 'Norman Saxon (that's me) must have B momentum when the time finishes' Maybe not strange per se, but that's the first time I've ever seen a user character in an owner goal.
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=1PWfan;475659]On my ROF game, I gave my user character strong friendship with British Samurai, with the backstory that they worked together running the Turnbuckle Dojo. I run a show, and then promptly get the owner goal 'Norman Saxon (that's me) must have B momentum when the time finishes' Maybe not strange per se, but that's the first time I've ever seen a user character in an owner goal.[/QUOTE] So your goal is to book yourself really, really well?
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;475427]Some people prefer to play the game without cheating. You know, for the challenge. :-p Though if you really wanted to keep him, you could do that indefinetly.[/QUOTE] Ah, you misunderstand. It wasn't a suggestion as a solution, it was a suggestion as a cause (notice previously handed in, contract extended through editor, when it became due again he refused to negotiate as he had already handed in his notice).
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January '98: Lex Luger is jailed for two years for perverting the course of justice, and is promptly fired by WCW (me). For some reason I can really easily picture Lex Luger in a prison uniform. Also, ECW decided to hold their Holiday Hell PPV at the Universal Studios in Orlando.
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