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Strange events so far '08

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Damn the engine! I observe a few stellar A-matches between my man Spanish Superfly and the legend Luis Montero. I decide to host a match between them, possibly my biggest matches ever. And what do I get... A very bad chemistry note. Omg. Damn it all! It's like the chemistry notes have no effect on the AI at all. (though I must confess i've had A-matches with bad chemistry, even with women workers so I guess it's possible. But still. :p) It's just unfair. And the AI hosts 4 of completely the same matches: same participants, same results, same title. And doesn't get penalized at all while the player gets the full load after hosting 4 in like half a year.
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[QUOTE=jake;534003]Best Random generated tag team name I've seen yet, Roundhouse Puppy Kickers (Electrico and Spanish Superfly). Is that a fairly common one? Thats the first appearance in any of my games.[/QUOTE] I've never seen that name before. Best randomly generated event names I've seen, WEXXV Chocolate Chips in Every Bite and BSC Kings of Spandex
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[QUOTE=jake;534003]Best Random generated tag team name I've seen yet, Roundhouse Puppy Kickers (Electrico and Spanish Superfly). Is that a fairly common one? Thats the first appearance in any of my games.[/QUOTE] I've seen that one come up too, on my game the team is the pairing of BJ Whitmer, and Kevin Steen.
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[quote=The Masked Orange;535281]On my game, I have simmed workers right from the beginning of the game. And one of the randomly generated characters shared a name with a certain member of the TEW team. An Announcer who is B+ announcing, manaer and colour, and an A personality. The name? Alexander Ryland. The Smarmy So & So[/quote] I had that happen once too but I can't remember what the first name was though
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Been playing around in the CVerse 1997 mod... And Daniel Cano just got sidelined for a week with "Raging Apathy" due to a freak accident involving a hyena. The next day, Grace Harper suffers a Spinal Disalignment due to a freak accident involving a lobster. When animals attack, am I right?
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  • 4 weeks later...
Using the [URL=""]Filling The Colliseum '91 mod[/URL] with a few of my own changes, the following strange events have happen... Bushwhacker Luke won the '91 King of the Ring. Sabu and Louie Spicolli have both suffered HIV and AIDS respectively while working for FMW. Steve Bradley (Dudley Dudley) suffered a rotted didley in a freak cooking accident. I don't even want to know what he was trying to do there.:eek: WWF World Heavyweight champion.... "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan! Ho!
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[QUOTE=ThomasRiordan;549155] Sabu and Louie Spicolli have both suffered HIV and AIDS respectively while working for FMW. Steve Bradley (Dudley Dudley) suffered a rotted didley in a freak cooking accident. I don't even want to know what he was trying to do there.:eek: [/QUOTE] Hey, I guess having a barbed wire match with the wrong person can be dangerous. Also Steve Bradley wasn't Dudley Dudley, pretty sure that was Jeff Bradley.
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[QUOTE=BurningHamster;549157]Hey, I guess having a barbed wire match with the wrong person can be dangerous. Also Steve Bradley wasn't Dudley Dudley, pretty sure that was Jeff Bradley.[/QUOTE] I probably put the wrong name then. That's what I get for not having the game open at the time. The picture is of Dudley Dudley though.
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Thought I posted this one but I guess not... WCW is having a bad '91, '92 and '93. First Tom Zenk wins the United States title and gets caught with steroids trashing their prestige all the way down to F. He's also working for ECW at the time but ECW doesn't really take a noticeable hit. Kevin Nash was jailed for 2 years for perjury. I guess he swore under oath that Oz was over. Then after a year long run as World Heavyweight champion until he lost to Lex Luger who left the company a year later because they weren't big enough for him to go to FMW. Sting was sentence to 6 months in prison for assault. 93' must have been the start of a new special When Animals Attack Wrestlers... Bob Backlund suffered a sprained ankle in a freak accident involving a sloth. I guess he was walking around the zoo and tripped over it or something. Yoshiaki Yatsu suffered a sex change in a freak accident involving a frog. I don't even want to know about this one. But considering how many injuries are coming out of Japan in this game and the frog attacks. I don't think I ever want to go there. Ricky Steamboat is constantly frustrated and I can't really blame him. He's worked for WWF for nearly 3 years and has had only 1 match. Jobbing to Stevie Richards in the 92' King of the Ring. I guess Pat Patterson doesn't like him or something since I've looked at all his contracts and settings there seems to be no reason he wouldn't be an active wrestler. But he keeps resigning so I guess he isn't that unhappy.
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[QUOTE=ThomasRiordan;550068] Kevin Nash was jailed for 2 years for perjury. I guess he swore under oath that Oz was over. [/QUOTE] :D Nice... * Not exactly strange, but I though this was a neat thing I don't remember seeing in previous games: My user character now speaks fluent Spanish, something he's learned in the course of my game. How that's come about I don't know, as I don't seem to have hired any workers (maybe one, but he now speaks fluent English) who only speak Spanish. I guess there's self-help courses in the Cornellverse, huh?
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;551214]Ok I know this happens often enough but Jim Force is now CZCW champion in march of 2008. Same day Sadaharu Jimbo and Junnosuke Fukazawa anounce their retirement (maybe in protes? lol)[/QUOTE] I was seriously messing around with a game recently, and realized that the champions were pretty messed up by the later part of 2008. The TCW World Heavyweight champion was Shawn Gonzalez, with C+ overness and a PPA contract. The USPW World champion was Giant Redwood. Perhaps worst of all was the CZCW champion was Big Smack Scott.
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[QUOTE=mrallan;551197]WWF 1992 Vince Mcmahon is feeling vindictive; Hulk Hogan must not gain anymore popularity in America I guess that I willjob him before releasing him so he can go to WCW one problem though Hogan has creative control[/QUOTE] If you have or can get a development fed send Hogan down there. He'll help build younger talent even if he buries them all and the goal will be gone. Hogan may not be too happy but it's better than paying him to sit on your roster and do nothing when you can't job him out.
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