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TEW 2008 ReapeR's Title Belt RendeRs

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Testing this out. Your thoughts?


ECW Cruiserweight - Tilted



I like that style more so than the other. The focus being on the main plate, while the side plates are nice fluff the center plate is usually what the belt is all about. Good work as always.

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That looks sweet. Are you going to redux all the old ones so everything matches?


No... Maybe... Haven't really thought about.


Might go that route if I take on the "fictional" data base that's being created.


Who knows. Was just curious what everyone thought.



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No... Maybe... Haven't really thought about.


Might go that route if I take on the "fictional" data base that's being created.


Who knows. Was just curious what everyone thought.




It's a bit of a tough one. I'm pro and con it. On one hand the close up is great because it affords us that extra detail that seems to get left out after the belts are shrunk (going off the large sized belts you've posted here before), but on the other hand it does lose a bit of it's "belt'ishness" with less strap.


That's only from a purely analytical point of view though. If you did go that way I certainly wouldn't be crying into a bowl of milk over it.

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I was wondering if i could get a few belts for my promotion TAW-Total Action Wrestling

TAW Championship

TAW National Championship

TAW X-Divison

TAW Tag Team


I know i most likely have alot of people ahead of me so just take your time as i just started a game with this promotion only have the TAW belt in use right now


I know I know.. No Requests... No Requests...


But uh.... If at any point anyone wants to render a...


TNA World Championship

TNA Tag Team Championsip

TNA X-Division Championship

TNA Knockouts Championship

a TNA Iron Man Championship

a TNA United States Championship


a TNA Underworld Championship



.... that'd be totally cool


Yeah dudes, wtf is your problem. Can't you effin read what it says in the first post, the last page and so on? Nobody is going to make that load of belts, I suggest you make your own and look how long it takes. Because honestly, it takes pretty long.


And on-topic, I personally hate those tilted belts.. They look so aggressive when they are so close :p

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Testing this out. Your thoughts?


ECW Cruiserweight - Tilted



Personally I prefer the smaller, straighter versions mainly because I like seeing a little more strap and the side plating (plus I think I have some form of image based OCD when things are tilted too much :p). That being said, it still looks pretty cool and you would pick up more on the belts that have more detailed faceplates.


This is being converted into a "title request" thread, not just a "ReapeR title reuqest" thread. So all these people are just throwing their belts out for anyone to pick up like the Alt pics thread.


Or selected requests can be ignored and become buried like the old Render Request thread. :cool:

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Yeah dudes, wtf is your problem. Can't you effin read what it says in the first post, the last page and so on?


Well, to be fair, the first post is kinda vague. Can't really tell if requests are being taken or not. Maybe he should bold it and use a bright color or something.




And I like the old style. The tilted version doesn't have the kind of detail I like (basically what sebsplex noted).

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Well, to be fair, the first post is kinda vague. Can't really tell if requests are being taken or not. Maybe he should bold it and use a bright color or something.




And I like the old style. The tilted version doesn't have the kind of detail I like (basically what sebsplex noted).


Something flashing red/green all the time, that would be nice. Epilepsy patients beware!

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Adding to your burden.


Sheer Overkill Pro Wrestling (SOPW)

Main Event - World Heavyweight

Mid-Card - Jr. Heavyweight

Low - Woman's' World Champion


SOPW Logo by J Silver



Logo does not have to be used anywhere on it, just the appearance of SOPW somewhere would be enough. Only real want for them is that the Jr. title be noticeably smaller looking then the World title.


Here you go...


SOPW World Heavyweight Championship


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Adding to your burden.


Sheer Overkill Pro Wrestling (SOPW)

Main Event - World Heavyweight

Mid-Card - Jr. Heavyweight

Low - Woman's' World Champion




Second one...


SOPW Jr. Heavyweight Championship


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Here you go...

SOPW World Heavyweight Championship



Second one...

SOPW Jr. Heavyweight Championship



Those are amazing. Thanks a ton sir. I've been trying to get back into a game for a while. These elicit a lot of drive to do so.

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So, nobody actually *wanted* these, but I always thought it wierd how Canadian GOLDEN Combat had a silver tag team title. So I wanted a gold one. In a rash break from form I've decided to be a bit constructive and try to do stuff myself for once. Whaddya know, it sort of worked...




This lead to the other titles looking a bit flat in comparison. So I shined 'em up a bit too:





Not a bad start... Main credit still goes to the original artists though (ReapeR probably), since all I did as a relatively simple edit.

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Sounds like D-Lyrium has just entered the wonderful world of belt rendering.


So D-, I'd like 7 TNA belts, 5 WWE belts, and a handful of ECW belts. By next friday ;)


Seriously though, pretty solid color change. The only fault I could find is that it doesn't seem like they use the same "gold" color. The tag team and canadian belts seem a bit...duller then the shiny World Champion belt.

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So, nobody actually *wanted* these, but I always thought it wierd how Canadian GOLDEN Combat had a silver tag team title. So I wanted a gold one. In a rash break from form I've decided to be a bit constructive and try to do stuff myself for once. Whaddya know, it sort of worked...




This lead to the other titles looking a bit flat in comparison. So I shined 'em up a bit too:





Not a bad start... Main credit still goes to the original artists though (ReapeR probably), since all I did as a relatively simple edit.


nice work. really like the middle one

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D-Lyrium, those belts were awesome. It looks like he may join the ranks of ReapeR and Payne as far as making awesome belts. Did you read my request for ReapeR? He might be done with requests for a while, but could you create what I had requested earlier?


- ECW Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion


- ECW Mid-Atlantic TV Champion


- ECW Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions


with the old ECW logo like on the regular ECW belts. If you can crete them...Thanks in advance. If you're backed up in creating belts, I can wait. I've waited this long for my ECW Mid-Atlantic logo that Kamchatka is creating for me, I can wait for these belts.

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D-Lyrium, those belts were awesome. It looks like he may join the ranks of ReapeR and Payne as far as making awesome belts. Did you read my request for ReapeR? He might be done with requests for a while, but could you create what I had requested earlier?


- ECW Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion


- ECW Mid-Atlantic TV Champion


- ECW Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions


with the old ECW logo like on the regular ECW belts. If you can crete them...Thanks in advance. If you're backed up in creating belts, I can wait. I've waited this long for my ECW Mid-Atlantic logo that Kamchatka is creating for me, I can wait for these belts.


If you actually read his post, I think D just changed the color on pre-existing renders.

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